[Skip navigation links]

Site Report

This tab shows pages that do not comply with W3C/WHATWG standards.

  • FailureW3C HTML/XHTML Validation - Some pages fail validation.
  • FailureW3C CSS Validation - Some pages fail validation.
  • SuccessW3C Deprecated Features - No issues found.
PriorityDescription and URLGuideline and Line NumberCount

Priority 1

62 issues on 6 pages

CriticalA slash was not immediately followed by >. HTML5 1 pages


Line 165 165 165 165

CriticalAn img element must have an alt attribute, except under certain conditions. For details, consult guidance on providing text alternatives for images. HTML5 6 pages
<img src='../img/blank_5x5.gif' width='20px' height='5px'>
Line 275
<img src='../img/blank_5x5.gif' width='20px' height='5px'>
Line 303
<img src='../img/teaser_right2.jpg' width='150px' height='154px'>
Line 335
<img src='../img/top_logo_next_end.gif' width='24px' height='86px'>
Line 185
<img src='../img/top_logo_next_start.gif' width='22px' height='86px'>
Line 187


<img src='./img/blank_5x5.gif' width='20px' height='5px'>
Line 274
<img src='./img/blank_5x5.gif' width='20px' height='5px'>
Line 302
<img src='./img/teaser_right2.jpg' width='150px' height='154px'>
Line 334
<img src='./img/teaser_right1.jpg' width='150px' height='106px'>
Line 313
<img src='./img/headline_middle.gif' width='23' height='24' align='absmiddle'>
Line 281


<img src='./img/blank_5x5.gif' width='20px' height='5px'>
Line 175
<img height='24' src='./img/headline_middle.gif' width='23' align='absmiddle'>
Line 241
<img src='./img/top_logo_next_end.gif' width='24px' height='86px'>
Line 85
<img src='./img/top_logo_next_start.gif' width='22px' height='86px'>
Line 87
<img src='./img/top_weather.gif' width='128px' height='86px'>
Line 86


<img src='./img/blank_5x5.gif' width='20px' height='5px'>
Line 170
<img src='./img/top_logo_next_end.gif' width='24px' height='86px'>
Line 80
<img src='./img/top_logo_next_start.gif' width='22px' height='86px'>
Line 82
<img src='./img/top_weather.gif' width='128px' height='86px'>
Line 81
<img src='...f' border='0'>
Line 172


This issue was found on another 2 pages. The trial version is limited to showing issues on 4 pages.
CriticalAttribute __-- not allowed on element. HTML5 1 pages
<div __--=''></div>
Line 165


CriticalAttribute alt not allowed on element. HTML5 1 pages
<input type='submit' id='submit' value='submit' alt='submit'>
Line 535


CriticalAttribute background not allowed on element. HTML5 6 pages
<td width='10px' background='../img/border_left_top.gif'></td>
Line 175
<td width='780px' background='../img/border_top.gif'></td>
Line 176
<td width='10px' background='../img/border_right_top.gif'></td>
Line 177
<td width='10px' background='../img/border_left.gif'></td>
Line 180
<td width='443px' background='../img/top_logo_next.gif'></td>
Line 184


<td width='10px' background='./img/border_left_top.gif'></td>
Line 173
<td width='780px' background='./img/border_top.gif'></td>
Line 174
<td width='10px' background='./img/border_right_top.gif'></td>
Line 175
<td width='10px' background='./img/border_left.gif'></td>
Line 178
<td width='443px' background='./img/top_logo_next.gif'></td>
Line 182


<td width='10px' background='./img/border_left_top.gif'></td>
Line 75
<td width='780px' background='./img/border_top.gif'></td>
Line 76
<td width='10px' background='./img/border_right_top.gif'></td>
Line 77
<td width='10px' background='./img/border_left.gif'></td>
Line 80
<td width='443px' background='./img/top_logo_next.gif'></td>
Line 84


<td width='10px' background='./img/border_left_top.gif'></td>
Line 70
<td width='780px' background='./img/border_top.gif'></td>
Line 71
<td width='10px' background='./img/border_right_top.gif'></td>
Line 72
<td width='10px' background='./img/border_left.gif'></td>
Line 75
<td width='443px' background='./img/top_logo_next.gif'></td>
Line 79


This issue was found on another 2 pages. The trial version is limited to showing issues on 4 pages.
CriticalAttribute bordercolor not allowed on element. HTML5 1 pages
<table width='250px' border='1' bordercolor='#C0C0C0'></table>
Line 177


CriticalAttribute height not allowed on element. HTML5 6 pages
<tr height='10px'></tr>
Line 174
<table width='780px' height='144px'></table>
Line 182
<tr height='86px'></tr>
Line 183
<tr height='7px'></tr>
Line 209
<tr height='25px'></tr>
Line 212


<tr height='10px'></tr>
Line 172
<table width='780px' height='144px'></table>
Line 180
<tr height='86px'></tr>
Line 181
<tr height='7px'></tr>
Line 207
<tr height='25px'></tr>
Line 210


<tr height='10px'></tr>
Line 74
<table width='780px' height='144px'></table>
Line 82
<tr height='86px'></tr>
Line 83
<tr height='7px'></tr>
Line 109
<tr height='25px'></tr>
Line 112


<tr height='10px'></tr>
Line 69
<table width='780px' height='144px'></table>
Line 77
<tr height='86px'></tr>
Line 78
<tr height='7px'></tr>
Line 104
<tr height='25px'></tr>
Line 107


This issue was found on another 2 pages. The trial version is limited to showing issues on 4 pages.
CriticalAttribute valign not allowed on element. HTML5 1 pages
<img src='./img/telefon_lightgrey_bg.gif' alt='music line phone number' border='0' valign='absmiddle'>
Line 193
<img src='./img/telefon_lightgrey_bg.gif' alt='music line phone number' border='0' valign='absmiddle'>
Line 266


CriticalAttribute width not allowed on element. HTML5 6 pages
<tr width='780px'></tr>
Line 242


<tr width='780px'></tr>
Line 240


<tr width='780px'></tr>
Line 142


<tr width='780px'></tr>
Line 137


This issue was found on another 2 pages. The trial version is limited to showing issues on 4 pages.
CriticalBad value for attribute border. HTML5 6 pages
Only '0' is a permitted zero literal.
<img name='nav_home' src='../img/nav_home.gif' width='88' height='27' hspace='15' border='0px'>
Line 250
<img src='../img/nav_news.gif' name='nav_news' width='90' height='21' hspace='12' border='0px'>
Line 256
<img name='nav_facts' src='../img/nav_facts.gif' width='105' height='23' hspace='9' border='0px'>
Line 262
<img src='../img/nav_survey.gif' name='nav_survey' width='107' height='32' hspace='8' border='0px'>
Line 268


Only '0' is a permitted zero literal.
<img name='nav_home' src='./img/nav_home.gif' width='88' height='27' hspace='15' border='0px'>
Line 248
<img src='./img/nav_news.gif' name='nav_news' width='90' height='21' hspace='12' border='0px'>
Line 254
<img name='nav_facts' src='./img/nav_facts.gif' width='105' height='23' hspace='9' border='0px'>
Line 260
<img src='./img/nav_survey.gif' name='nav_survey' width='107' height='32' hspace='8' border='0px'>
Line 266


Only '0' is a permitted zero literal.
<img name='nav_home' src='./img/nav_home.gif' width='88' height='27' hspace='15' border='0px'>
Line 150
<img src='./img/nav_news.gif' name='nav_news' width='90' height='21' hspace='12' border='0px'>
Line 156
<img name='nav_facts' src='./img/nav_facts.gif' width='105' height='23' hspace='9' border='0px'>
Line 162
<img src='./img/nav_survey.gif' name='nav_survey' width='107' height='32' hspace='8' border='0px'>
Line 168


Only '0' is a permitted zero literal.
<img name='nav_home' src='./img/nav_home.gif' width='88' height='27' hspace='15' border='0px'>
Line 145
<img src='./img/nav_news.gif' name='nav_news' width='90' height='21' hspace='12' border='0px'>
Line 151
<img name='nav_facts' src='./img/nav_facts.gif' width='105' height='23' hspace='9' border='0px'>
Line 157
<img src='./img/nav_survey.gif' name='nav_survey' width='107' height='32' hspace='8' border='0px'>
Line 163


This issue was found on another 2 pages. The trial version is limited to showing issues on 4 pages.
CriticalBad value for attribute height. HTML5 6 pages
Expected a digit but saw x instead.
<img src='../img/border_left_top.gif' width='10px' height='10px'>
Line 175
<img src='../img/border_top.gif' height='10px'>
Line 176
<img src='../img/border_right_top.gif' width='10px' height='10px'>
Line 177
<img src='../img/top_logo.gif' width='443px' height='86px'>
Line 184
<img src='../img/top_logo_next_end.gif' width='24px' height='86px'>
Line 185


Expected a digit but saw x instead.
<img src='./img/border_left_top.gif' width='10px' height='10px'>
Line 173
<img src='./img/border_top.gif' height='10px'>
Line 174
<img src='./img/border_right_top.gif' width='10px' height='10px'>
Line 175
<img src='./img/top_logo.gif' width='443px' height='86px'>
Line 182
<img src='./img/top_logo_next_end.gif' width='24px' height='86px'>
Line 183


Expected a digit but saw x instead.
<img src='./img/border_left_top.gif' width='10px' height='10px'>
Line 75
<img src='./img/border_top.gif' height='10px'>
Line 76
<img src='./img/border_right_top.gif' width='10px' height='10px'>
Line 77
<img src='./img/top_logo.gif' width='443px' height='86px'>
Line 84
<img src='./img/top_logo_next_end.gif' width='24px' height='86px'>
Line 85


Expected a digit but saw x instead.
<img src='./img/border_left_top.gif' width='10px' height='10px'>
Line 70
<img src='./img/border_top.gif' height='10px'>
Line 71
<img src='./img/border_right_top.gif' width='10px' height='10px'>
Line 72
<img src='./img/top_logo.gif' width='443px' height='86px'>
Line 79
<img src='./img/top_logo_next_end.gif' width='24px' height='86px'>
Line 80


This issue was found on another 2 pages. The trial version is limited to showing issues on 4 pages.
CriticalBad value for attribute width. HTML5 6 pages
Expected a digit but saw x instead.
<img src='../img/border_left_top.gif' width='10px'>
Line 175
<img src='../img/border_right_top.gif' width='10px'>
Line 177
<img src='../img/border_left.gif' width='10px'>
Line 180
<img src='../img/top_logo.gif' width='443px'>
Line 184
<img src='../img/top_logo_next_end.gif' width='24px'>
Line 185


Expected a digit but saw x instead.
<img src='./img/border_left_top.gif' width='10px'>
Line 173
<img src='./img/border_right_top.gif' width='10px'>
Line 175
<img src='./img/border_left.gif' width='10px'>
Line 178
<img src='./img/top_logo.gif' width='443px'>
Line 182
<img src='./img/top_logo_next_end.gif' width='24px'>
Line 183


Expected a digit but saw x instead.
<img src='./img/border_left_top.gif' width='10px'>
Line 75
<img src='./img/border_right_top.gif' width='10px'>
Line 77
<img src='./img/border_left.gif' width='10px'>
Line 80
<img src='./img/top_logo.gif' width='443px'>
Line 84
<img src='./img/top_logo_next_end.gif' width='24px'>
Line 85


Expected a digit but saw x instead.
<img src='./img/border_left_top.gif' width='10px'>
Line 70
<img src='./img/border_right_top.gif' width='10px'>
Line 72
<img src='./img/border_left.gif' width='10px'>
Line 75
<img src='./img/top_logo.gif' width='443px'>
Line 79
<img src='./img/top_logo_next_end.gif' width='24px'>
Line 80


This issue was found on another 2 pages. The trial version is limited to showing issues on 4 pages.
CriticalDuplicate attribute ###. HTML5 1 pages


Line 165

CriticalElement nobr not allowed as child element in this context. HTML5 1 pages
<td valign='bottom'>...<nobr>...</nobr></td>
Line 513


CriticalElement p not allowed as child element in this context. HTML5 1 pages
<font size='5' color='#ffffff'><p>...</p></font>
Line 179
<font size='7' color='#ffffff'><p>...</p></font>
Line 180


CriticalEnd tag td seen, but there were open elements. HTML5 6 pages


Line 229


Line 227


Line 129


Line 124

This issue was found on another 2 pages. The trial version is limited to showing issues on 4 pages.
CriticalInvalid CSS color value. CSS Validation 1 pages

CSS colors can be specified as:

  • Hex colors must be #rgb or #rrggbb using only the hex digits 0-9 and A-F
  • RGB() colors must be three integers (0-255) or three percentages
  • RGBA() colors must be three integers (0-255) or three percentages, followed by an alpha value between 0.0 and 1.0
  • HSL() colors must be a number (or angle) followed by two percentages
  • HSLA() colors must be a number (or angle) followed by two percentages and an alpha value between 0.0 and 1.0
  • Named colors must use one of the 150 named CSS colors (black, white, red, transparent...)
background: #eeeeeLine 40


CriticalInvalid value for CSS property. CSS Validation 1 pages
padding: 12Line 14
padding: 6Line 14


CriticalNo p element in scope but a p end tag seen. HTML5 1 pages


Line 251

CriticalNo space between attributes. HTML5 1 pages


Line 541

CriticalSaw < when expecting an attribute name. Probable cause: Missing > immediately before. HTML5 1 pages


Line 165

CriticalStart tag font seen in table. HTML5 1 pages


Line 210

CriticalStart tag p seen in table. HTML5 1 pages


Line 210

CriticalStart tag seen without seeing a doctype first. Expected <!DOCTYPE html>. HTML5 6 pages


Line 1


Line 1


Line 1


Line 1

This issue was found on another 2 pages. The trial version is limited to showing issues on 4 pages.
CriticalStray end tag div. HTML5 2 pages


Line 254


Line 217

CriticalStray end tag font. HTML5 1 pages


Line 210

CriticalStray end tag p. HTML5 1 pages


Line 210

CriticalStray end tag tr. HTML5 6 pages


Line 363


Line 362


Line 271


Line 290

This issue was found on another 2 pages. The trial version is limited to showing issues on 4 pages.
Criticaltd start tag in table body. HTML5 2 pages


Line 202 223 246


Line 192

CriticalThe acronym element is obsolete. Use the abbr element instead. HTML5 6 pages
<acronym title='World Wide Web Consortium'>W3C</acronym>
Line 475
<acronym title='World Wide Web Consortium'>W3C</acronym>
Line 352
<acronym title='Massachusetts Institute of Technology'>MIT</acronym>
Line 475
<acronym title='Massachusetts Institute of Technology'>MIT</acronym>
Line 352
<acronym title='Web Accessibility Initiative: Training, Implementation, Education, Support'>WAI-TIES</acronym>
Line 473


<acronym title='World Wide Web Consortium'>W3C</acronym>
Line 369
<acronym title='World Wide Web Consortium'>W3C</acronym>
Line 351
<acronym title='Massachusetts Institute of Technology'>MIT</acronym>
Line 369
<acronym title='Massachusetts Institute of Technology'>MIT</acronym>
Line 351
<acronym title='Web Accessibility Initiative: Training, Implementation, Education, Support'>WAI-TIES</acronym>
Line 367


<acronym title='World Wide Web Consortium'>W3C</acronym>
Line 277
<acronym title='World Wide Web Consortium'>W3C</acronym>
Line 260
<acronym title='Massachusetts Institute of Technology'>MIT</acronym>
Line 277
<acronym title='Massachusetts Institute of Technology'>MIT</acronym>
Line 260
<acronym title='Web Accessibility Initiative: Training, Implementation, Education, Support'>WAI-TIES</acronym>
Line 275


<acronym title='World Wide Web Consortium'>W3C</acronym>
Line 296
<acronym title='World Wide Web Consortium'>W3C</acronym>
Line 279
<acronym title='Massachusetts Institute of Technology'>MIT</acronym>
Line 296
<acronym title='Massachusetts Institute of Technology'>MIT</acronym>
Line 279
<acronym title='Web Accessibility Initiative: Training, Implementation, Education, Support'>WAI-TIES</acronym>
Line 294


This issue was found on another 2 pages. The trial version is limited to showing issues on 4 pages.
CriticalThe align attribute on the img element is obsolete. Use CSS instead. HTML5 3 pages
<img src='../img/headline_middle.gif' width='23' height='24' align='absmiddle'>
Line 283
<img src='../img/headline_middle.gif' width='23' height='24' align='absmiddle'>
Line 284
<img src='../img/headline_middle.gif' width='23' height='24' align='absmiddle'>
Line 282
<img src='../img/list_bullets.gif' alt='bullet' border='0' align='absmiddle'>
Line 300
<img src='../img/list_bullets.gif' alt='bullet' border='0' align='absmiddle'>
Line 300


<img src='./img/headline_middle.gif' width='23' height='24' align='absmiddle'>
Line 281
<img src='./img/headline_middle.gif' width='23' height='24' align='absmiddle'>
Line 282
<img src='./img/headline_middle.gif' width='23' height='24' align='absmiddle'>
Line 283
<img src='./img/list_bullets.gif' alt='bullet' border='0' align='absmiddle'>
Line 299
<img src='./img/list_bullets.gif' alt='bullet' border='0' align='absmiddle'>
Line 299


<img height='24' src='./img/headline_middle.gif' width='23' align='absmiddle'>
Line 241
<img height='24' src='./img/headline_middle.gif' width='23' align='absmiddle'>
Line 196
<img height='24' src='./img/headline_middle.gif' width='23' align='absmiddle'>
Line 218
<img src='./img/smzappa2.jpg' width='65' height='80' alt='picture of Clara F.' style='...' align='left'>
Line 200


CriticalThe align attribute on the p element is obsolete. Use CSS instead. HTML5 3 pages
<p class='headline' align='center'><font size='3'>...r</font></p>
Line 229
<p class='headline' align='center'><font size='3'>Tough Wahoonie</font></p>
Line 187


<p style='...' align='right'><strong>love it</strong></p>
Line 545
<p style='...' align='right'><strong>hate it</strong></p>
Line 545


<p id='terms' align='justify'>...</p>
Line 270


CriticalThe align attribute on the td element is obsolete. Use CSS instead. HTML5 6 pages
<td width='780px' align='center'>...</td>
Line 181
<td width='163px' background='...' align='center' valign='middle'>...</td>
Line 188
<td align='right'><font color='black' face='verdana' size='1'>...</font></td>
Line 352
<td bgcolor='#ffffff' align='right' id='WEATHER'>...</td>
Line 217
<td width='100%' align='center'>...</td>
Line 172


<td width='780px' align='center'>...</td>
Line 180
<td width='163px' background='...' align='center' valign='middle'>...</td>
Line 187
<td align='right'><font color='black' face='verdana' size='1'>...</font></td>
Line 351
<td bgcolor='#ededed' align='right' id='WEATHER'>...</td>
Line 216
<td width='100%' align='center'>...</td>
Line 171


<td width='780px' align='center'>...</td>
Line 81
<td width='163px' background='...' align='center' valign='middle'>...</td>
Line 88
<td align='right'><font color='black' face='verdana' size='1'>...</font></td>
Line 260
<td bgcolor='#ffffff' align='right' id='WEATHER'>...</td>
Line 117
<td width='100%' align='center'>...</td>
Line 72


<td width='780px' align='center'>...</td>
Line 76
<td width='163px' background='...' align='center' valign='middle'>...</td>
Line 83
<td align='right'><font color='black' face='verdana' size='1'>...</font></td>
Line 279
<td bgcolor='#ffffff' align='right' id='WEATHER'>...</td>
Line 112
<td valign='top' align='center' width='300px'><div><b>...s</b>...</div></td>
Line 176


This issue was found on another 2 pages. The trial version is limited to showing issues on 4 pages.
CriticalThe align attribute on the th element is obsolete. Use CSS instead. HTML5 1 pages
<th align='left' colspan='3'><span>Which is ... park?</span></th>
Line 193
<th align='left' colspan='2'>Which city do you find is the greenest?...</th>
Line 282
<th align='left' colspan='2'><span>Do you ...?...</span></th>
Line 507


CriticalThe align attribute on the tr element is obsolete. Use CSS instead. HTML5 1 pages
<tr align='left'>...</tr>
Line 200


CriticalThe alink attribute on the body element is obsolete. Use CSS instead. HTML5 6 pages
<body text='#000000' bgcolor='#d7d7cd' leftmargin='0px' topmargin='0px' marginwidth='0px' marginheight='0px' link='#226c8e' vlink='#226c8e' alink='#226c8e'>...</body>
Line 148


<body text='#000000' bgcolor='#d7d7cd' leftmargin='0px' topmargin='0px' marginwidth='0px' marginheight='0px' link='#226c8e' vlink='#226c8e' alink='#226c8e'>...</body>
Line 147


<body text='#000000' bgcolor='#d7d7cd' leftmargin='0px' topmargin='0px' marginwidth='0px' marginheight='0px' link='#226c8e' vlink='#226c8e' alink='#226c8e'>...</body>
Line 48


<body text='#000000' bgcolor='#d7d7cd' leftmargin='0px' topmargin='0px' marginwidth='0px' marginheight='0px' link='#226c8e' vlink='#226c8e' alink='#226c8e'>...</body>
Line 43


This issue was found on another 2 pages. The trial version is limited to showing issues on 4 pages.
CriticalThe bgcolor attribute on the body element is obsolete. Use CSS instead. HTML5 6 pages
<body text='#000000' bgcolor='#d7d7cd' leftmargin='0px' topmargin='0px' marginwidth='0px' marginheight='0px' link='#226c8e' vlink='#226c8e' alink='#226c8e'>...</body>
Line 148


<body text='#000000' bgcolor='#d7d7cd' leftmargin='0px' topmargin='0px' marginwidth='0px' marginheight='0px' link='#226c8e' vlink='#226c8e' alink='#226c8e'>...</body>
Line 147


<body text='#000000' bgcolor='#d7d7cd' leftmargin='0px' topmargin='0px' marginwidth='0px' marginheight='0px' link='#226c8e' vlink='#226c8e' alink='#226c8e'>...</body>
Line 48


<body text='#000000' bgcolor='#d7d7cd' leftmargin='0px' topmargin='0px' marginwidth='0px' marginheight='0px' link='#226c8e' vlink='#226c8e' alink='#226c8e'>...</body>
Line 43


This issue was found on another 2 pages. The trial version is limited to showing issues on 4 pages.
CriticalThe bgcolor attribute on the table element is obsolete. Use CSS instead. HTML5 6 pages
<table width='100%' border='0px' cellspacing='0px' cellpadding='0px' bgcolor='#d7d7cd'>...</table>
Line 172
<table width='800px' border='0px' cellspacing='0px' cellpadding='0px' bgcolor='white'>...</table>
Line 173
<table width='780px' height='144px' border='0px' cellspacing='0px' cellpadding='0px' bgcolor='white'>...</table>
Line 182
<table width='780px' border='0px' cellspacing='0px' cellpadding='0px' bgcolor='white'>...</table>
Line 241
<table width='780px' height='17px' border='0px' cellspacing='0px' cellpadding='0px' bgcolor='#ededed'>...</table>
Line 350


<table width='100%' border='0px' cellspacing='0px' cellpadding='0px' bgcolor='#d7d7cd'>...</table>
Line 171
<table width='800px' border='0px' cellspacing='0px' cellpadding='0px' bgcolor='white'>...</table>
Line 172
<table width='780px' height='144px' border='0px' cellspacing='0px' cellpadding='0px' bgcolor='white'>...</table>
Line 181
<table width='780px' border='0px' cellspacing='0px' cellpadding='0px' bgcolor='white'>...</table>
Line 240
<table width='780px' height='17px' border='0px' cellspacing='0px' cellpadding='0px' bgcolor='#ededed'>...</table>
Line 349


<table width='100%' border='0px' cellspacing='0px' cellpadding='0px' bgcolor='#d7d7cd'>...</table>
Line 72
<table width='800px' border='0px' cellspacing='0px' cellpadding='0px' bgcolor='white'>...</table>
Line 73
<table width='780px' height='144px' border='0px' cellspacing='0px' cellpadding='0px' bgcolor='white'>...</table>
Line 82
<table width='780px' border='0px' cellspacing='0px' cellpadding='0px' bgcolor='white'>...</table>
Line 141
<table width='780px' height='17px' border='0px' cellspacing='0px' cellpadding='0px' bgcolor='#ededed'>...</table>
Line 258


<table width='100%' border='0px' cellspacing='0px' cellpadding='0px' bgcolor='#d7d7cd'>...</table>
Line 67
<table width='800px' border='0px' cellspacing='0px' cellpadding='0px' bgcolor='white'>...</table>
Line 68
<table width='780px' height='144px' border='0px' cellspacing='0px' cellpadding='0px' bgcolor='white'>...</table>
Line 77
<table width='780px' border='0px' cellspacing='0px' cellpadding='0px' bgcolor='white'>...</table>
Line 136
<table width='780px' height='17px' border='0px' cellspacing='0px' cellpadding='0px' bgcolor='#ededed'>...</table>
Line 277


This issue was found on another 2 pages. The trial version is limited to showing issues on 4 pages.
CriticalThe bgcolor attribute on the td element is obsolete. Use CSS instead. HTML5 6 pages
<td width='155px' bgcolor='#e4e4e4' valign='top'>...</td>
Line 243
<td bgcolor='#ededed' width='380px'>...</td>
Line 216
<td bgcolor='#ffffff' align='right' id='WEATHER'>...</td>
Line 217
<td width='154px' bgcolor='#ededed' id='home' onmouseover='...' onmouseout='...'>...</td>
Line 250
<td width='154px' bgcolor='#ededed' id='news' onmouseover='...' onmouseout='...'>...</td>
Line 256


<td width='155px' bgcolor='#e4e4e4' valign='top'>...</td>
Line 242
<td bgcolor='#ededed' width='380px'>...</td>
Line 215
<td bgcolor='#ededed' align='right' id='WEATHER'>...</td>
Line 216
<td width='154px' bgcolor='#ededed' id='home' onmouseover='...' onmouseout='...'>...</td>
Line 249
<td width='154px' bgcolor='#ededed' id='news' onmouseover='...' onmouseout='...'>...</td>
Line 255


<td width='155px' bgcolor='#e4e4e4' valign='top'>...</td>
Line 143
<td bgcolor='#ededed' width='380px'>...</td>
Line 116
<td bgcolor='#ffffff' align='right' id='WEATHER'>...</td>
Line 117
<td width='154px' bgcolor='#ededed' id='home' onmouseover='...' onmouseout='...'>...</td>
Line 150
<td width='154px' bgcolor='#ededed' id='news' onmouseover='...' onmouseout='...'>...</td>
Line 156


<td width='155px' bgcolor='#e4e4e4' valign='top'>...</td>
Line 138
<td bgcolor='#ededed' width='380px'>...</td>
Line 111
<td bgcolor='#ffffff' align='right' id='WEATHER'>...</td>
Line 112
<td width='154px' bgcolor='#ededed' id='home' onmouseover='...' onmouseout='...'>...</td>
Line 145
<td width='154px' bgcolor='#ededed' id='news' onmouseover='...' onmouseout='...'>...</td>
Line 151


This issue was found on another 2 pages. The trial version is limited to showing issues on 4 pages.
CriticalThe bgcolor attribute on the tr element is obsolete. Use CSS instead. HTML5 3 pages
<tr bgcolor='#ededed'><td width='300'><p class='headline'>...</p></td></tr>
Line 217
<tr bgcolor='#ededed'><td><p class='headline'>...</p></td>...</tr>
Line 195
<tr bgcolor='#ededed'><td>...</td></tr>
Line 240


<tr bgcolor='#dbdbdb'>...</tr>
Line 544
<tr bgcolor='#dbdbdb'><td>5</td><td>6</td><td></td><td>14</td><td>1</td>...</tr>
Line 563


<tr bgcolor='#ededed'><td colspan='2' align='center'>...</td></tr>
Line 189
<tr bgcolor='#a9b8bf'><td><b>...</b></td><td><b>...</b></td>...</tr>
Line 206
<tr bgcolor='#a9b8bf'><td colspan='5'><b>...</b></td></tr>
Line 244
<tr bgcolor='#ffffff'><td style='padding:20px 5px 5px'>...</td></tr>
Line 269
<tr bgcolor='#a9b8bf'><td><b>...</b></td><td><b>...</b></td></tr>
Line 178


CriticalThe big element is obsolete. Use CSS instead. HTML5 1 pages
<big style='font-weight:bold;'>special deals</big>
Line 175


CriticalThe border attribute on the table element is obsolete. Use CSS instead. HTML5 6 pages
<table width='100%' border='0px' cellspacing='0px' cellpadding='0px' bgcolor='#d7d7cd'>...</table>
Line 172
<table width='800px' border='0px' cellspacing='0px' cellpadding='0px' bgcolor='white'>...</table>
Line 173
<table width='780px' height='144px' border='0px' cellspacing='0px' cellpadding='0px' bgcolor='white'>...</table>
Line 182
<table width='780px' border='0px' cellspacing='0px' cellpadding='0px' bgcolor='white'>...</table>
Line 241
<table width='780px' height='17px' border='0px' cellspacing='0px' cellpadding='0px' bgcolor='#ededed'>...</table>
Line 350


<table width='100%' border='0px' cellspacing='0px' cellpadding='0px' bgcolor='#d7d7cd'>...</table>
Line 171
<table width='800px' border='0px' cellspacing='0px' cellpadding='0px' bgcolor='white'>...</table>
Line 172
<table width='780px' height='144px' border='0px' cellspacing='0px' cellpadding='0px' bgcolor='white'>...</table>
Line 181
<table width='780px' border='0px' cellspacing='0px' cellpadding='0px' bgcolor='white'>...</table>
Line 240
<table width='780px' height='17px' border='0px' cellspacing='0px' cellpadding='0px' bgcolor='#ededed'>...</table>
Line 349


<table width='100%' border='0px' cellspacing='0px' cellpadding='0px' bgcolor='#d7d7cd'>...</table>
Line 72
<table width='800px' border='0px' cellspacing='0px' cellpadding='0px' bgcolor='white'>...</table>
Line 73
<table width='780px' height='144px' border='0px' cellspacing='0px' cellpadding='0px' bgcolor='white'>...</table>
Line 82
<table width='780px' border='0px' cellspacing='0px' cellpadding='0px' bgcolor='white'>...</table>
Line 141
<table width='780px' height='17px' border='0px' cellspacing='0px' cellpadding='0px' bgcolor='#ededed'>...</table>
Line 258


<table width='100%' border='0px' cellspacing='0px' cellpadding='0px' bgcolor='#d7d7cd'>...</table>
Line 67
<table width='800px' border='0px' cellspacing='0px' cellpadding='0px' bgcolor='white'>...</table>
Line 68
<table width='780px' height='144px' border='0px' cellspacing='0px' cellpadding='0px' bgcolor='white'>...</table>
Line 77
<table width='780px' border='0px' cellspacing='0px' cellpadding='0px' bgcolor='white'>...</table>
Line 136
<table width='780px' height='17px' border='0px' cellspacing='0px' cellpadding='0px' bgcolor='#ededed'>...</table>
Line 277


This issue was found on another 2 pages. The trial version is limited to showing issues on 4 pages.
CriticalThe cellpadding attribute on the table element is obsolete. Use CSS instead. HTML5 6 pages
<table width='100%' border='0px' cellspacing='0px' cellpadding='0px' bgcolor='#d7d7cd'>...</table>
Line 172
<table width='800px' border='0px' cellspacing='0px' cellpadding='0px' bgcolor='white'>...</table>
Line 173
<table width='780px' height='144px' border='0px' cellspacing='0px' cellpadding='0px' bgcolor='white'>...</table>
Line 182
<table width='780px' border='0px' cellspacing='0px' cellpadding='0px' bgcolor='white'>...</table>
Line 241
<table width='780px' height='17px' border='0px' cellspacing='0px' cellpadding='0px' bgcolor='#ededed'>...</table>
Line 350


<table width='100%' border='0px' cellspacing='0px' cellpadding='0px' bgcolor='#d7d7cd'>...</table>
Line 171
<table width='800px' border='0px' cellspacing='0px' cellpadding='0px' bgcolor='white'>...</table>
Line 172
<table width='780px' height='144px' border='0px' cellspacing='0px' cellpadding='0px' bgcolor='white'>...</table>
Line 181
<table width='780px' border='0px' cellspacing='0px' cellpadding='0px' bgcolor='white'>...</table>
Line 240
<table width='780px' height='17px' border='0px' cellspacing='0px' cellpadding='0px' bgcolor='#ededed'>...</table>
Line 349


<table width='100%' border='0px' cellspacing='0px' cellpadding='0px' bgcolor='#d7d7cd'>...</table>
Line 72
<table width='800px' border='0px' cellspacing='0px' cellpadding='0px' bgcolor='white'>...</table>
Line 73
<table width='780px' height='144px' border='0px' cellspacing='0px' cellpadding='0px' bgcolor='white'>...</table>
Line 82
<table width='780px' border='0px' cellspacing='0px' cellpadding='0px' bgcolor='white'>...</table>
Line 141
<table width='780px' height='17px' border='0px' cellspacing='0px' cellpadding='0px' bgcolor='#ededed'>...</table>
Line 258


<table width='100%' border='0px' cellspacing='0px' cellpadding='0px' bgcolor='#d7d7cd'>...</table>
Line 67
<table width='800px' border='0px' cellspacing='0px' cellpadding='0px' bgcolor='white'>...</table>
Line 68
<table width='780px' height='144px' border='0px' cellspacing='0px' cellpadding='0px' bgcolor='white'>...</table>
Line 77
<table width='780px' border='0px' cellspacing='0px' cellpadding='0px' bgcolor='white'>...</table>
Line 136
<table width='780px' height='17px' border='0px' cellspacing='0px' cellpadding='0px' bgcolor='#ededed'>...</table>
Line 277


This issue was found on another 2 pages. The trial version is limited to showing issues on 4 pages.
CriticalThe cellspacing attribute on the table element is obsolete. Use CSS instead. HTML5 6 pages
<table width='100%' border='0px' cellspacing='0px' cellpadding='0px' bgcolor='#d7d7cd'>...</table>
Line 172
<table width='800px' border='0px' cellspacing='0px' cellpadding='0px' bgcolor='white'>...</table>
Line 173
<table width='780px' height='144px' border='0px' cellspacing='0px' cellpadding='0px' bgcolor='white'>...</table>
Line 182
<table width='780px' border='0px' cellspacing='0px' cellpadding='0px' bgcolor='white'>...</table>
Line 241
<table width='780px' height='17px' border='0px' cellspacing='0px' cellpadding='0px' bgcolor='#ededed'>...</table>
Line 350


<table width='100%' border='0px' cellspacing='0px' cellpadding='0px' bgcolor='#d7d7cd'>...</table>
Line 171
<table width='800px' border='0px' cellspacing='0px' cellpadding='0px' bgcolor='white'>...</table>
Line 172
<table width='780px' height='144px' border='0px' cellspacing='0px' cellpadding='0px' bgcolor='white'>...</table>
Line 181
<table width='780px' border='0px' cellspacing='0px' cellpadding='0px' bgcolor='white'>...</table>
Line 240
<table width='780px' height='17px' border='0px' cellspacing='0px' cellpadding='0px' bgcolor='#ededed'>...</table>
Line 349


<table width='100%' border='0px' cellspacing='0px' cellpadding='0px' bgcolor='#d7d7cd'>...</table>
Line 72
<table width='800px' border='0px' cellspacing='0px' cellpadding='0px' bgcolor='white'>...</table>
Line 73
<table width='780px' height='144px' border='0px' cellspacing='0px' cellpadding='0px' bgcolor='white'>...</table>
Line 82
<table width='780px' border='0px' cellspacing='0px' cellpadding='0px' bgcolor='white'>...</table>
Line 141
<table width='780px' height='17px' border='0px' cellspacing='0px' cellpadding='0px' bgcolor='#ededed'>...</table>
Line 258


<table width='100%' border='0px' cellspacing='0px' cellpadding='0px' bgcolor='#d7d7cd'>...</table>
Line 67
<table width='800px' border='0px' cellspacing='0px' cellpadding='0px' bgcolor='white'>...</table>
Line 68
<table width='780px' height='144px' border='0px' cellspacing='0px' cellpadding='0px' bgcolor='white'>...</table>
Line 77
<table width='780px' border='0px' cellspacing='0px' cellpadding='0px' bgcolor='white'>...</table>
Line 136
<table width='780px' height='17px' border='0px' cellspacing='0px' cellpadding='0px' bgcolor='#ededed'>...</table>
Line 277


This issue was found on another 2 pages. The trial version is limited to showing issues on 4 pages.
CriticalThe font element is obsolete. Use CSS instead. HTML5 6 pages
<font color='black' face='verdana' size='1'>...</font>
Line 352
<font color='#41545d' face='verdana' size='2'> <b>Free Penguins</b></font>
Line 311
<font color='#41545d' face='verdana' size='2'> <b>More ...s</b></font>
Line 332
<font color='black' face='verdana' size='2'>  <b>Traffic:</b>...d</font>
Line 216
<font color='black' face='verdana' size='2'><b>Today:</b>...</font>
Line 217


<font color='black' face='verdana' size='1'>...</font>
Line 351
<font color='black' face='verdana' size='2'>  <b>Traffic:</b>...d</font>
Line 215
<font color='#41545d' face='verdana' size='2'> <b>Free Penguins</b></font>
Line 310
<font color='#41545d' face='verdana' size='2'> <b>More ...s</b></font>
Line 331
<font color='black' face='verdana' size='2'><b>Today:</b>...</font>
Line 216


<font color='black' face='verdana' size='1'>...</font>
Line 260
<font size='5'>Lack of Brains Hinders Research</font>
Line 210
<font size='3'>Return To Sender</font>
Line 229
<font color='black' face='verdana' size='2'>  <b>Traffic:</b>...d</font>
Line 116
<font color='black' face='verdana' size='2'><b>Today:</b>...</font>
Line 117


<font color='41545d'>$20.90</font>
Line 215
<font color='41545d'>$20.90</font>
Line 216
<font color='41545d'>$20.90</font>
Line 217
<font color='41545d'>$20.90</font>
Line 218
<font color='41545d'>$20.90</font>
Line 222


This issue was found on another 2 pages. The trial version is limited to showing issues on 4 pages.
CriticalThe height attribute on the td element is obsolete. Use CSS instead. HTML5 6 pages
<td width='434px' height='600px' valign='top' id='main'>...</td>
Line 276
<td width='10px' height='10px' background='...'>...</td>
Line 358
<td width='780px' height='10px' background='...'>...</td>
Line 359
<td width='10px' height='10px' background='...'>...</td>
Line 360


<td width='434px' height='600px' valign='top' id='main'>...</td>
Line 275
<td width='10px' height='10px' background='...'>...</td>
Line 358
<td width='780px' height='10px' background='...'>...</td>
Line 359
<td width='10px' height='10px' background='...'>...</td>
Line 360


<td width='625px' height='600px' valign='top' id='main'>...</td>
Line 176
<td width='10px' height='10px' background='...'>...</td>
Line 266
<td width='780px' height='10px' background='...'>...</td>
Line 267
<td width='10px' height='10px' background='...'>...</td>
Line 268


<td width='625px' height='600px' valign='top' id='main'>...</td>
Line 171
<td width='10px' height='10px' background='...'>...</td>
Line 285
<td width='780px' height='10px' background='...'>...</td>
Line 286
<td width='10px' height='10px' background='...'>...</td>
Line 287


This issue was found on another 2 pages. The trial version is limited to showing issues on 4 pages.
CriticalThe hspace attribute on the img element is obsolete. Use CSS instead. HTML5 6 pages
<img name='nav_home' src='../img/nav_home.gif' width='88' height='27' hspace='15' border='0px'>
Line 250
<img src='../img/nav_news.gif' name='nav_news' width='90' height='21' hspace='12' border='0px'>
Line 256
<img name='nav_facts' src='../img/nav_facts.gif' width='105' height='23' hspace='9' border='0px'>
Line 262
<img src='../img/nav_survey.gif' name='nav_survey' width='107' height='32' hspace='8' border='0px'>
Line 268


<img name='nav_home' src='./img/nav_home.gif' width='88' height='27' hspace='15' border='0px'>
Line 249
<img src='./img/nav_news.gif' name='nav_news' width='90' height='21' hspace='12' border='0px'>
Line 255
<img name='nav_facts' src='./img/nav_facts.gif' width='105' height='23' hspace='9' border='0px'>
Line 261
<img src='./img/nav_survey.gif' name='nav_survey' width='107' height='32' hspace='8' border='0px'>
Line 267


<img name='nav_home' src='./img/nav_home.gif' width='88' height='27' hspace='15' border='0px'>
Line 150
<img src='./img/nav_news.gif' name='nav_news' width='90' height='21' hspace='12' border='0px'>
Line 156
<img name='nav_facts' src='./img/nav_facts.gif' width='105' height='23' hspace='9' border='0px'>
Line 162
<img src='./img/nav_survey.gif' name='nav_survey' width='107' height='32' hspace='8' border='0px'>
Line 168


<img name='nav_home' src='./img/nav_home.gif' width='88' height='27' hspace='15' border='0px'>
Line 145
<img src='./img/nav_news.gif' name='nav_news' width='90' height='21' hspace='12' border='0px'>
Line 151
<img name='nav_facts' src='./img/nav_facts.gif' width='105' height='23' hspace='9' border='0px'>
Line 157
<img src='./img/nav_survey.gif' name='nav_survey' width='107' height='32' hspace='8' border='0px'>
Line 163


This issue was found on another 2 pages. The trial version is limited to showing issues on 4 pages.
CriticalThe leftmargin attribute on the body element is obsolete. Use CSS instead. HTML5 6 pages
<body text='#000000' bgcolor='#d7d7cd' leftmargin='0px' topmargin='0px' marginwidth='0px' marginheight='0px' link='#226c8e' vlink='#226c8e' alink='#226c8e'>...</body>
Line 148


<body text='#000000' bgcolor='#d7d7cd' leftmargin='0px' topmargin='0px' marginwidth='0px' marginheight='0px' link='#226c8e' vlink='#226c8e' alink='#226c8e'>...</body>
Line 147


<body text='#000000' bgcolor='#d7d7cd' leftmargin='0px' topmargin='0px' marginwidth='0px' marginheight='0px' link='#226c8e' vlink='#226c8e' alink='#226c8e'>...</body>
Line 48


<body text='#000000' bgcolor='#d7d7cd' leftmargin='0px' topmargin='0px' marginwidth='0px' marginheight='0px' link='#226c8e' vlink='#226c8e' alink='#226c8e'>...</body>
Line 43


This issue was found on another 2 pages. The trial version is limited to showing issues on 4 pages.
CriticalThe link attribute on the body element is obsolete. Use CSS instead. HTML5 6 pages
<body text='#000000' bgcolor='#d7d7cd' leftmargin='0px' topmargin='0px' marginwidth='0px' marginheight='0px' link='#226c8e' vlink='#226c8e' alink='#226c8e'>...</body>
Line 148


<body text='#000000' bgcolor='#d7d7cd' leftmargin='0px' topmargin='0px' marginwidth='0px' marginheight='0px' link='#226c8e' vlink='#226c8e' alink='#226c8e'>...</body>
Line 147


<body text='#000000' bgcolor='#d7d7cd' leftmargin='0px' topmargin='0px' marginwidth='0px' marginheight='0px' link='#226c8e' vlink='#226c8e' alink='#226c8e'>...</body>
Line 48


<body text='#000000' bgcolor='#d7d7cd' leftmargin='0px' topmargin='0px' marginwidth='0px' marginheight='0px' link='#226c8e' vlink='#226c8e' alink='#226c8e'>...</body>
Line 43


This issue was found on another 2 pages. The trial version is limited to showing issues on 4 pages.
CriticalThe marginheight attribute on the body element is obsolete. Use CSS instead. HTML5 6 pages
<body text='#000000' bgcolor='#d7d7cd' leftmargin='0px' topmargin='0px' marginwidth='0px' marginheight='0px' link='#226c8e' vlink='#226c8e' alink='#226c8e'>...</body>
Line 148


<body text='#000000' bgcolor='#d7d7cd' leftmargin='0px' topmargin='0px' marginwidth='0px' marginheight='0px' link='#226c8e' vlink='#226c8e' alink='#226c8e'>...</body>
Line 147


<body text='#000000' bgcolor='#d7d7cd' leftmargin='0px' topmargin='0px' marginwidth='0px' marginheight='0px' link='#226c8e' vlink='#226c8e' alink='#226c8e'>...</body>
Line 48


<body text='#000000' bgcolor='#d7d7cd' leftmargin='0px' topmargin='0px' marginwidth='0px' marginheight='0px' link='#226c8e' vlink='#226c8e' alink='#226c8e'>...</body>
Line 43


This issue was found on another 2 pages. The trial version is limited to showing issues on 4 pages.
CriticalThe marginwidth attribute on the body element is obsolete. Use CSS instead. HTML5 6 pages
<body text='#000000' bgcolor='#d7d7cd' leftmargin='0px' topmargin='0px' marginwidth='0px' marginheight='0px' link='#226c8e' vlink='#226c8e' alink='#226c8e'>...</body>
Line 148


<body text='#000000' bgcolor='#d7d7cd' leftmargin='0px' topmargin='0px' marginwidth='0px' marginheight='0px' link='#226c8e' vlink='#226c8e' alink='#226c8e'>...</body>
Line 147


<body text='#000000' bgcolor='#d7d7cd' leftmargin='0px' topmargin='0px' marginwidth='0px' marginheight='0px' link='#226c8e' vlink='#226c8e' alink='#226c8e'>...</body>
Line 48


<body text='#000000' bgcolor='#d7d7cd' leftmargin='0px' topmargin='0px' marginwidth='0px' marginheight='0px' link='#226c8e' vlink='#226c8e' alink='#226c8e'>...</body>
Line 43


This issue was found on another 2 pages. The trial version is limited to showing issues on 4 pages.
CriticalThe name attribute on the img element is obsolete. Use the id attribute instead. HTML5 6 pages
<img name='nav_home' src='../img/nav_home.gif' width='88' height='27' hspace='15' border='0px'>
Line 250
<img src='../img/nav_news.gif' name='nav_news' width='90' height='21' hspace='12' border='0px'>
Line 256
<img name='nav_facts' src='../img/nav_facts.gif' width='105' height='23' hspace='9' border='0px'>
Line 262
<img src='../img/nav_survey.gif' name='nav_survey' width='107' height='32' hspace='8' border='0px'>
Line 268


<img name='nav_home' src='./img/nav_home.gif' width='88' height='27' hspace='15' border='0px'>
Line 249
<img src='./img/nav_news.gif' name='nav_news' width='90' height='21' hspace='12' border='0px'>
Line 255
<img name='nav_facts' src='./img/nav_facts.gif' width='105' height='23' hspace='9' border='0px'>
Line 261
<img src='./img/nav_survey.gif' name='nav_survey' width='107' height='32' hspace='8' border='0px'>
Line 267


<img name='nav_home' src='./img/nav_home.gif' width='88' height='27' hspace='15' border='0px'>
Line 150
<img src='./img/nav_news.gif' name='nav_news' width='90' height='21' hspace='12' border='0px'>
Line 156
<img name='nav_facts' src='./img/nav_facts.gif' width='105' height='23' hspace='9' border='0px'>
Line 162
<img src='./img/nav_survey.gif' name='nav_survey' width='107' height='32' hspace='8' border='0px'>
Line 168


<img name='nav_home' src='./img/nav_home.gif' width='88' height='27' hspace='15' border='0px'>
Line 145
<img src='./img/nav_news.gif' name='nav_news' width='90' height='21' hspace='12' border='0px'>
Line 151
<img name='nav_facts' src='./img/nav_facts.gif' width='105' height='23' hspace='9' border='0px'>
Line 157
<img src='./img/nav_survey.gif' name='nav_survey' width='107' height='32' hspace='8' border='0px'>
Line 163


This issue was found on another 2 pages. The trial version is limited to showing issues on 4 pages.
CriticalThe rules attribute on the table element is obsolete. Use CSS instead. HTML5 1 pages
<table width='250px' border='1' bordercolor='#C0C0C0' rules='rows'>...</table>
Line 177


CriticalThe shape attribute on the a element is obsolete. For image maps, use the area element instead of the a element. HTML5 6 pages
<a href='...l' shape='rect'>WAI Site Map</a>
Line 474
<a href='...l' shape='rect'>Help with WAI Website</a>
Line 474
<a href='...p' shape='rect'>Search</a>
Line 474
<a href='...s' shape='rect'>Contacting WAI</a>
Line 474
<a href='mailto:wai-eo-editors@w3.org' shape='rect'>wai-eo-editors@w3.org</a>
Line 474


<a href='...l' shape='rect'>WAI Site Map</a>
Line 368
<a href='...l' shape='rect'>Help with WAI Website</a>
Line 368
<a href='...p' shape='rect'>Search</a>
Line 368
<a href='...s' shape='rect'>Contacting WAI</a>
Line 368
<a href='mailto:wai-eo-editors@w3.org' shape='rect'>wai-eo-editors@w3.org</a>
Line 368


<a href='...l' shape='rect'>WAI Site Map</a>
Line 276
<a href='...l' shape='rect'>Help with WAI Website</a>
Line 276
<a href='...p' shape='rect'>Search</a>
Line 276
<a href='...s' shape='rect'>Contacting WAI</a>
Line 276
<a href='mailto:wai-eo-editors@w3.org' shape='rect'>wai-eo-editors@w3.org</a>
Line 276


<a href='...l' shape='rect'>WAI Site Map</a>
Line 295
<a href='...l' shape='rect'>Help with WAI Website</a>
Line 295
<a href='...p' shape='rect'>Search</a>
Line 295
<a href='...s' shape='rect'>Contacting WAI</a>
Line 295
<a href='mailto:wai-eo-editors@w3.org' shape='rect'>wai-eo-editors@w3.org</a>
Line 295


This issue was found on another 2 pages. The trial version is limited to showing issues on 4 pages.
CriticalThe text attribute on the body element is obsolete. Use CSS instead. HTML5 6 pages
<body text='#000000' bgcolor='#d7d7cd' leftmargin='0px' topmargin='0px' marginwidth='0px' marginheight='0px' link='#226c8e' vlink='#226c8e' alink='#226c8e'>...</body>
Line 148


<body text='#000000' bgcolor='#d7d7cd' leftmargin='0px' topmargin='0px' marginwidth='0px' marginheight='0px' link='#226c8e' vlink='#226c8e' alink='#226c8e'>...</body>
Line 147


<body text='#000000' bgcolor='#d7d7cd' leftmargin='0px' topmargin='0px' marginwidth='0px' marginheight='0px' link='#226c8e' vlink='#226c8e' alink='#226c8e'>...</body>
Line 48


<body text='#000000' bgcolor='#d7d7cd' leftmargin='0px' topmargin='0px' marginwidth='0px' marginheight='0px' link='#226c8e' vlink='#226c8e' alink='#226c8e'>...</body>
Line 43


This issue was found on another 2 pages. The trial version is limited to showing issues on 4 pages.
CriticalThe topmargin attribute on the body element is obsolete. Use CSS instead. HTML5 6 pages
<body text='#000000' bgcolor='#d7d7cd' leftmargin='0px' topmargin='0px' marginwidth='0px' marginheight='0px' link='#226c8e' vlink='#226c8e' alink='#226c8e'>...</body>
Line 148


<body text='#000000' bgcolor='#d7d7cd' leftmargin='0px' topmargin='0px' marginwidth='0px' marginheight='0px' link='#226c8e' vlink='#226c8e' alink='#226c8e'>...</body>
Line 147


<body text='#000000' bgcolor='#d7d7cd' leftmargin='0px' topmargin='0px' marginwidth='0px' marginheight='0px' link='#226c8e' vlink='#226c8e' alink='#226c8e'>...</body>
Line 48


<body text='#000000' bgcolor='#d7d7cd' leftmargin='0px' topmargin='0px' marginwidth='0px' marginheight='0px' link='#226c8e' vlink='#226c8e' alink='#226c8e'>...</body>
Line 43


This issue was found on another 2 pages. The trial version is limited to showing issues on 4 pages.
CriticalThe valign attribute on the td element is obsolete. Use CSS instead. HTML5 6 pages
<td width='443px' background='...' valign='middle'>...</td>
Line 184
<td width='24px' valign='middle'>...</td>
Line 185
<td width='128px' valign='middle'>...</td>
Line 186
<td width='22px' valign='middle'>...</td>
Line 187
<td width='163px' background='...' align='center' valign='middle'>...</td>
Line 188


<td width='443px' background='...' valign='middle'><div>...</div></td>
Line 183
<td width='24px' valign='middle'>...</td>
Line 184
<td width='128px' valign='middle'>...</td>
Line 185
<td width='22px' valign='middle'>...</td>
Line 186
<td width='163px' background='...' align='center' valign='middle'>...</td>
Line 187


<td width='443px' background='...' valign='middle'><div>...</div></td>
Line 84
<td width='24px' valign='middle'>...</td>
Line 85
<td width='128px' valign='middle'>...</td>
Line 86
<td width='22px' valign='middle'>...</td>
Line 87
<td width='163px' background='...' align='center' valign='middle'>...</td>
Line 88


<td width='443px' background='...' valign='middle'><div>...</div></td>
Line 79
<td width='24px' valign='middle'>...</td>
Line 80
<td width='128px' valign='middle'>...</td>
Line 81
<td width='22px' valign='middle'>...</td>
Line 82
<td width='163px' background='...' align='center' valign='middle'>...</td>
Line 83


This issue was found on another 2 pages. The trial version is limited to showing issues on 4 pages.
CriticalThe valign attribute on the tr element is obsolete. Use CSS instead. HTML5 6 pages
<tr valign='middle'><td width='100%' align='center'>...</td></tr>
Line 172


<tr valign='middle'><td width='100%' align='center'>...</td></tr>
Line 171


<tr valign='middle'><td width='100%' align='center'>...</td></tr>
Line 72


<tr valign='middle'><td width='100%' align='center'>...</td></tr>
Line 67


This issue was found on another 2 pages. The trial version is limited to showing issues on 4 pages.
CriticalThe vlink attribute on the body element is obsolete. Use CSS instead. HTML5 6 pages
<body text='#000000' bgcolor='#d7d7cd' leftmargin='0px' topmargin='0px' marginwidth='0px' marginheight='0px' link='#226c8e' vlink='#226c8e' alink='#226c8e'>...</body>
Line 148


<body text='#000000' bgcolor='#d7d7cd' leftmargin='0px' topmargin='0px' marginwidth='0px' marginheight='0px' link='#226c8e' vlink='#226c8e' alink='#226c8e'>...</body>
Line 147


<body text='#000000' bgcolor='#d7d7cd' leftmargin='0px' topmargin='0px' marginwidth='0px' marginheight='0px' link='#226c8e' vlink='#226c8e' alink='#226c8e'>...</body>
Line 48


<body text='#000000' bgcolor='#d7d7cd' leftmargin='0px' topmargin='0px' marginwidth='0px' marginheight='0px' link='#226c8e' vlink='#226c8e' alink='#226c8e'>...</body>
Line 43


This issue was found on another 2 pages. The trial version is limited to showing issues on 4 pages.
CriticalThe width attribute on the table element is obsolete. Use CSS instead. HTML5 6 pages
<table width='100%' border='0px' cellspacing='0px' cellpadding='0px' bgcolor='#d7d7cd'>...</table>
Line 172
<table width='800px' border='0px' cellspacing='0px' cellpadding='0px' bgcolor='white'>...</table>
Line 173
<table width='780px' height='144px' border='0px' cellspacing='0px' cellpadding='0px' bgcolor='white'>...</table>
Line 182
<table width='780px' border='0px' cellspacing='0px' cellpadding='0px' bgcolor='white'>...</table>
Line 241
<table width='780px' height='17px' border='0px' cellspacing='0px' cellpadding='0px' bgcolor='#ededed'>...</table>
Line 350


<table width='100%' border='0px' cellspacing='0px' cellpadding='0px' bgcolor='#d7d7cd'>...</table>
Line 171
<table width='800px' border='0px' cellspacing='0px' cellpadding='0px' bgcolor='white'>...</table>
Line 172
<table width='780px' height='144px' border='0px' cellspacing='0px' cellpadding='0px' bgcolor='white'>...</table>
Line 181
<table width='780px' border='0px' cellspacing='0px' cellpadding='0px' bgcolor='white'>...</table>
Line 240
<table width='780px' height='17px' border='0px' cellspacing='0px' cellpadding='0px' bgcolor='#ededed'>...</table>
Line 349


<table width='100%' border='0px' cellspacing='0px' cellpadding='0px' bgcolor='#d7d7cd'>...</table>
Line 72
<table width='800px' border='0px' cellspacing='0px' cellpadding='0px' bgcolor='white'>...</table>
Line 73
<table width='780px' height='144px' border='0px' cellspacing='0px' cellpadding='0px' bgcolor='white'>...</table>
Line 82
<table width='780px' border='0px' cellspacing='0px' cellpadding='0px' bgcolor='white'>...</table>
Line 141
<table width='780px' height='17px' border='0px' cellspacing='0px' cellpadding='0px' bgcolor='#ededed'>...</table>
Line 258


<table width='100%' border='0px' cellspacing='0px' cellpadding='0px' bgcolor='#d7d7cd'>...</table>
Line 67
<table width='800px' border='0px' cellspacing='0px' cellpadding='0px' bgcolor='white'>...</table>
Line 68
<table width='780px' height='144px' border='0px' cellspacing='0px' cellpadding='0px' bgcolor='white'>...</table>
Line 77
<table width='780px' border='0px' cellspacing='0px' cellpadding='0px' bgcolor='white'>...</table>
Line 136
<table width='780px' height='17px' border='0px' cellspacing='0px' cellpadding='0px' bgcolor='#ededed'>...</table>
Line 277


This issue was found on another 2 pages. The trial version is limited to showing issues on 4 pages.
CriticalThe width attribute on the td element is obsolete. Use CSS instead. HTML5 6 pages
<td width='10px' background='...'>...</td>
Line 175
<td width='780px' background='...'>...</td>
Line 176
<td width='10px' background='...'>...</td>
Line 177
<td width='10px' background='...'>...</td>
Line 180
<td width='780px' align='center'>...</td>
Line 181


<td width='10px' background='...'>...</td>
Line 174
<td width='780px' background='./img/border_top.gif'>...</td>
Line 175
<td width='10px' background='...'>...</td>
Line 176
<td width='10px' background='...'>...</td>
Line 179
<td width='780px' align='center'>...</td>
Line 180


<td width='10px' background='...'>...</td>
Line 75
<td width='780px' background='./img/border_top.gif'>...</td>
Line 76
<td width='10px' background='...'>...</td>
Line 77
<td width='10px' background='...'>...</td>
Line 80
<td width='780px' align='center'>...</td>
Line 81


<td width='10px' background='...'>...</td>
Line 70
<td width='780px' background='./img/border_top.gif'>...</td>
Line 71
<td width='10px' background='...'>...</td>
Line 72
<td width='10px' background='...'>...</td>
Line 75
<td width='780px' align='center'>...</td>
Line 76


This issue was found on another 2 pages. The trial version is limited to showing issues on 4 pages.
CriticalUnclosed element font. HTML5 6 pages


Line 229


Line 227


Line 129


Line 124

This issue was found on another 2 pages. The trial version is limited to showing issues on 4 pages.

Priority 2

3 issues on 6 pages

Very ImportantThe border attribute on the img element is obsolete. Consider specifying img { border: 0; } in CSS instead. HTML5 6 pages
<img src='../img/morearrow.gif' width='48' height='10' alt='' border='0' onmouseover='...' onmouseout='...' style='vertical-align: ...'>
Line 296
<img src='../img/morearrow.gif' width='48' height='10' alt='' border='0' onmouseover='...' onmouseout='...' style='vertical-align: ...'>
Line 294
<img name='nav_home' src='../img/nav_home.gif' width='88' height='27' hspace='15' border='0px'>
Line 250
<img src='../img/nav_news.gif' name='nav_news' width='90' height='21' hspace='12' border='0px'>
Line 256
<img name='nav_facts' src='../img/nav_facts.gif' width='105' height='23' hspace='9' border='0px'>
Line 262


<img src='./img/list_bullets.gif' alt='bullet' border='0' align='absmiddle'>
Line 299
<img src='./img/morearrow.gif' width='48' height='10' alt='' border='0' onmouseover='...' onmouseout='...' style='vertical-align: ...'>
Line 294
<img src='./img/morearrow.gif' width='48' height='10' alt='' border='0' onmouseover='...' onmouseout='...' style='vertical-align: ...'>
Line 295
<img src='./img/morearrow.gif' width='48' height='10' alt='' border='0' onmouseover='...' onmouseout='...' style='vertical-align: ...'>
Line 293
<img name='nav_home' src='./img/nav_home.gif' width='88' height='27' hspace='15' border='0px'>
Line 249


<img src='./img/chart1.jpg' alt='' width='270' height='150' border='0'>
Line 221
<img src='./img/blanca.jpg' alt='Mrs B. Wahoonie investigates shipping hot air to Australia' width='240' height='180' border='0'>
Line 244
<img name='nav_home' src='./img/nav_home.gif' width='88' height='27' hspace='15' border='0px'>
Line 150
<img src='./img/nav_news.gif' name='nav_news' width='90' height='21' hspace='12' border='0px'>
Line 156
<img name='nav_facts' src='./img/nav_facts.gif' width='105' height='23' hspace='9' border='0px'>
Line 162


<img src='...f' border='0'>
Line 172
<img src='...f' border='0'>
Line 201
<img src='./img/telefon_lightgrey_bg.gif' alt='music line phone number' border='0' valign='absmiddle'>
Line 266
<img src='./img/telefon_lightgrey_bg.gif' alt='music line phone number' border='0' valign='absmiddle'>
Line 193
<img name='nav_home' src='./img/nav_home.gif' width='88' height='27' hspace='15' border='0px'>
Line 145


This issue was found on another 2 pages. The trial version is limited to showing issues on 4 pages.
Very ImportantThe language attribute on the script element is obsolete. You can safely omit it. HTML5 6 pages
<script language='javascript'>...</script>
Line 218


<script language='javascript'>...</script>
Line 217


<script language='javascript'>...</script>
Line 118


<script language='javascript'>...</script>
Line 113


This issue was found on another 2 pages. The trial version is limited to showing issues on 4 pages.
Very ImportantUnknown pseudo-element or pseudo-class name. CSS Validation 1 pages
The :pseudo-class or ::pseudo-element name name may be misspelled or not yet standardized.
focusedLine 24


Expand all 65 issues