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3 <head>

4 <title>Welcome to CityLights! [Inaccessible Home Page]</title>

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145 <script src="../js/onload.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

146 </head>


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148 <div id="meta-header">

149 <p id="skipnav"><a href="#page">Skip to inaccessible demo page</a></p>

150 <p id="logos"><a href="" title="W3C Home"><img alt="W3C logo" src="../img/w3c.png" height="48" width="72"></a><a href="" title="WAI Home">

<img alt="Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) logo" src="../img/wai.png" height="48"></a></p>

151 <h1><span class="subhead">Inaccessible Home Page</span><span class="hidden"> -</span> Before and After Demonstration</h1>


<p class="subline">Improving a Web site using Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0</p>

153 <div id="mnav" class="inaccessible">

154 <ul>

155 <li class="first"><a href="../Overview.html">Overview</a></li>

156 <li class="current first"><span class="hidden">Current location: </span>Home

157 <div class="subnav"><ul>

158 <li class="inaccessible"><strong>Inaccessible:</strong><a class="page current"><span class="hidden">Inaccessible </span>Home Page</a><a href="./reports/home.html" class="report"><span class="hidden">Inaccessible Home Page </span> Report</a></li>

159 <li class="accessible"><strong>Accessible:</strong><a href="../after/home.html" class="page"><span class="hidden">Accessible </span>Home Page</a><a href="../after/reports/home.html" class="report"><span class="hidden">Accessible Home Page </span> Report</a></li>

160 </ul><a href="./annotated/home.html" class="annotoggle">Show <br>Annotations</a></div>

161 </li>

162 <li><a href="news.html">News</a></li>

163 <li><a href="tickets.html">Tickets</a></li>

164 <li><a href="survey.html">Survey</a></li>

165 <li><a href="template.html">Template</a></li>

166 </ul>

167 </div>

168 </div>

169 <div id="page">

170 <p class="skip" id="startcontent">Demo starts here</p>


<table width="100%" border="0px" cellspacing="0px" cellpadding="0px" bgcolor="#D7D7CD"><tbody>

<tr valign="MIDDLE">

<td width="100%" align="CENTER">


<table width="800px" border="0px" cellspacing="0px" cellpadding="0px" bgcolor="WHITE">

173 <tbody><tr height="10px">


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<td width="780px" background="./img/border_top.gif">

<img src="./img/border_top.gif" height="10px"></td>


<td width="10px" background="./img/border_right_top.gif">

<img src="./img/border_right_top.gif" width="10px" height="10px"></td>

177 </tr>

178 <tr>


<td width="10px" background="./img/border_left.gif">

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<td width="780px" align="CENTER">


<table width="780px" height="144px" border="0px" cellspacing="0px" cellpadding="0px" bgcolor="WHITE">

182 <tbody><tr height="86px">


<td width="443px" background="./img/top_logo_next.gif" valign="MIDDLE"><div><a href="home.html"><img src="./img/top_logo.gif" width="443px" height="86px" alt="Red dot with a white letter 'C' that symbolizes a moon crescent as well as the sun. This logo is followed by a black banner that says 'CITYLIGHTS' which is the name of this online portal. Finally, the slogan of the portal, 'your access to the city', follows in a turquoise green handwriting style and with a slight slant across the top banner."></a></div></td>


<td width="24px" valign="MIDDLE">

<img src="./img/top_logo_next_end.gif" width="24px" height="86px"></td>


<td width="128px" valign="MIDDLE">

<img src="./img/top_weather.gif" width="128px" height="86px"></td>


<td width="22px" valign="MIDDLE">

<img src="./img/top_logo_next_start.gif" width="22px" height="86px"></td>


<td width="163px" background="./img/top_logo_next.gif" align="CENTER" valign="MIDDLE">


<select onchange="location.href = this.value;">

189 <option selected="">QUICKMENU ----&gt;

190 </option><option value="../offsite.html">Broadcasting

191 </option><option value="../offsite.html">Education

192 </option><option value="../offsite.html">Electricity

193 </option><option value="../offsite.html">Fire service

194 </option><option value="../offsite.html">Gas service

195 </option><option value="../offsite.html">Health care

196 </option><option value="../offsite.html">Police service

197 </option><option value="../offsite.html">Public Libraries

198 </option><option value="../offsite.html">Social services

199 </option><option value="../offsite.html">Social housing

200 </option><option value="../offsite.html">Telecommunications

201 </option><option value="../offsite.html">Town planning

202 </option><option value="../offsite.html">Transportation

203 </option><option value="../offsite.html">Waste management

204 </option><option value="../offsite.html">Water services

205 </option></select>

206 </td>

207 </tr>

208 <tr height="7px">


<td width="780px" background="./img/mark.gif" colspan="5">

<img src="./img/mark.gif" width="158px" height="7px"></td>

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212 <td colspan="5">


<table width="780px" border="0px" cellspacing="0px" cellpadding="0px">

214 <tbody><tr height="25px">


<td bgcolor="#EDEDED" width="380px">

<font color="BLACK" face="Verdana" size="2">&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>Traffic:</b> Construction work on Main Road</font></td>


<td bgcolor="#EDEDED" align="RIGHT" id="WEATHER">

<font color="BLACK" face="Verdana" size="2"><b>Today:</b>


<script language="JavaScript">

218 var now = new Date();

219 var days = new Array('Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday');

220 var months = new Array('January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December');

221 var date = ((now.getDate()<10) ? "0" : "")+ now.getDate();

222 function fourdigits(number) {

223 return (number < 1000) ? number + 1900 : number;

224 }

225 today = days[now.getDay()] + " " + date + " " + months[now.getMonth()] + " " + (fourdigits(now.getYear())) + ", Sunny, 23&deg;C&nbsp;&nbsp;</FONT>";

226 document.all.WEATHER.setAttribute("BGCOLOR", "#EDEDED", 0);

227 document.write(today);

228 </script>Saturday 07 December 2024, Sunny, 23°C&nbsp;&nbsp;</font></td>

229 </tr>

230 </tbody></table>

231 </td>

232 </tr>

233 <tr height="1px">


<td width="780px" background="./img/marker2_w.gif" colspan="5">

<img src=".img/marker2_w.gif" width="78px" height="1px"></td>

235 </tr>

236 <tr height="25px">

237 <td colspan="5">&nbsp;</td>

238 </tr>

239 </tbody></table>


<table width="780px" border="0px" cellspacing="0px" cellpadding="0px" bgcolor="WHITE">

241 <tbody><tr width="780px">


<td width="155px" bgcolor="#E4E4E4" valign="TOP">


<table width="155px" border="0px" cellspacing="0px" cellpadding="0px">

244 <tbody><tr height="1px">


<td width="155px" background="./img/marker2_w.gif">

<img src="./img/marker2_w.gif" width="78px" height="1px"></td>


<td width="1px" background="./img/marker2_t.gif" rowspan="9" valign="TOP">

<img src="./img/marker2_t.gif" width="1" height="30px"></td>

247 </tr>

248 <tr height="34px">


<td width="154px" bgcolor="#EDEDED" id="home" onmouseover="switchImage('nav_home', './img/nav_home2.gif'); ChangeColor('home','#FFF')" onmouseout="switchImage('nav_home', './img/nav_home.gif'); ChangeColor('home','#EDEDED')">

<a href="javascript:location.href='home.html';" onfocus="blur();">

<img name="nav_home" src="./img/nav_home.gif" width="88" height="27" hspace="15" border="0px"></a></td>

250 </tr>

251 <tr height="1px">


<td width="154px" background="./img/marker2_w.gif">

<img src="./img/marker2_w.gif" width="78px" height="1px"></td>

253 </tr>

254 <tr height="34px">


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<img src="./img/nav_news.gif" name="nav_news" width="90" height="21" hspace="12" border="0px"></a></td>

256 </tr>

257 <tr height="1px">


<td width="154px" background="./img/marker2_w.gif">

<img src="./img/marker2_w.gif" width="78px" height="1px"></td>

259 </tr>

260 <tr height="34px">


<td width="154px" bgcolor="#EDEDED" id="tickets" onmouseover="switchImage('nav_facts', './img/nav_facts2.gif'); ChangeColor('tickets','#FFF')" onmouseout="switchImage('nav_facts', './img/nav_facts.gif'); ChangeColor('tickets','#EDEDED')">

<a href="javascript:location.href='tickets.html';" onfocus="blur();">

<img name="nav_facts" src="./img/nav_facts.gif" width="105" height="23" hspace="9" border="0px"></a></td>

262 </tr>

263 <tr height="1px">


<td width="154px" background="./img/marker2_w.gif">

<img src="./img/marker2_w.gif" width="78px" height="1px"></td>

265 </tr>

266 <tr height="34px">


<td width="154px" bgcolor="#EDEDED" id="survey" onmouseover="switchImage('nav_survey', './img/nav_survey2.gif'); ChangeColor('survey','#FFF')" onmouseout="switchImage('nav_survey', './img/nav_survey.gif'); ChangeColor('survey','#EDEDED')">

<a href="javascript:location.href='survey.html';" onfocus="blur();">

<img src="./img/nav_survey.gif" name="nav_survey" width="107" height="32" hspace="8" border="0px"></a></td>

268 </tr>

269 <tr height="1px">


<td width="154px" background="./img/marker2_w.gif">

<img src="./img/marker2_w.gif" width="78px" height="1px"></td>

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<td width="20px">

<img src="./img/blank_5x5.gif" width="20px" height="5px"></td>


<td width="434px" height="600px" valign="TOP" id="main">

276 <p class="headline">Welcome to CityLights</p>


<p>Citylights is the new portal for visitors and residents. Find out what's on, book tickets, and get the latest news.</p>

278 <div id="content">

279 <div class="midwidth"><div></div></div>

280 <div class="newsbar">

281 <div class="newsheadline">

<img src="./img/headline_middle.gif" width="23" height="24" align="absmiddle">

<a href="news.html" onfocus="blur();">Heat wave linked to temperatures</a></div>

282 <div class="newsheadline">

<img src="./img/headline_middle.gif" width="23" height="24" align="absmiddle">

<a href="news.html" onfocus="blur();">Man Gets Nine Months in Violin Case</a></div>

283 <div class="newsheadline">

<img src="./img/headline_middle.gif" width="23" height="24" align="absmiddle">

<a href="news.html" onfocus="blur();">Lack of brains hinders research</a></div>

284 <div class="clear"><div class="null"></div></div>

285 </div>

286 <div class="newsbar">

287 <div class="image" style="background: url(./img/panda-sm.jpg) center center no-repeat #cccccc" title="image"><div class="null"></div></div>

288 <div class="image" style="background: url(./img/oldenburgstudentviolin34.jpg) center center no-repeat #cccccc" title="image"><div class="null"></div></div>

289 <div class="image" style="background: url(./img/BrainInJar.jpg) center center no-repeat #cccccc;" title="image"><div class="null"></div></div>

290 <div class="clear"><div class="null"></div></div>

291 </div>

292 <div class="newsbar">

293 <div class="story">

<span>After three years of effort city scientists now agree that the primary cause of the 2003 heatwave was hot air from our

<a href="news.html" onfocus="blur();">

<img src="./img/morearrow.gif" width="48" height="10" alt="" border="0" onmouseover="this.src='./img/morearrow_a.gif'" onmouseout="this.src='./img/morearrow.gif'" style="vertical-align: bottom"></a></span></div>

294 <div class="story">

<span>Mayor: These kinds of crimes need more creative, effective punishments. For example, we could require compulsory

<a href="news.html" onfocus="blur();">

<img src="./img/morearrow.gif" width="48" height="10" alt="" border="0" onmouseover="this.src='./img/morearrow_a.gif'" onmouseout="this.src='./img/morearrow.gif'" style="vertical-align: bottom"></a></span></div>

295 <div class="story">

<span>Brain donations: huge drop off in brain donations due to the great 'success' of 'Slow Traffic, Safe Streets' policy

<a href="news.html" onfocus="blur();">

<img src="./img/morearrow.gif" width="48" height="10" alt="" border="0" onmouseover="this.src='./img/morearrow_a.gif'" onmouseout="this.src='./img/morearrow.gif'" style="vertical-align: bottom"></a></span></div>

296 </div>

297 <hr style="visibility:hidden; clear:both;">

298 <p class="subheadline">Elsewhere on the Web</p>


<p>Please see the following websites for important information. Citylights take no responsibility for their content. For artichoke advice, call the number below.<br><br><span>

<img src="./img/list_bullets.gif" alt="bullet" border="0" align="absmiddle"> Killer bees.

<a onfocus="blur();" href="../offsite.html" target="_blank">Click here</a>.<br>

<img src="./img/list_bullets.gif" alt="bullet" border="0" align="absmiddle"> Onions.

<a onfocus="blur();" href="../offsite.html" target="_blank">Click here</a>.</span><br><br><b>Artichoke advice telephone hotline: </b>

<img src="./img/telefon_white_bg.gif" alt="1234 56789" border="0" align="absmiddle"></p>

300 </div>

301 </td>


<td width="20px">

<img src="./img/blank_5x5.gif" width="20px" height="5px"></td>


<td width="151px" valign="TOP">


<table width="151px" border="0px" cellspacing="0px" cellpadding="0px">

305 <tbody><tr height="1px">


<td width="1px" background="./img/marker2_t.gif" rowspan="11" valign="TOP">

<img src="./img/marker2_t.gif" width="1px" height="30px"></td>


<td width="151px" background="./img/marker2_w.gif">

<img src="./img/marker2_w.gif" width="78px" height="1px"></td>

308 </tr>

309 <tr height="25px">


<td width="150px" bgcolor="#A9B8BF">

<font color="#41545D" face="Verdana" size="2">&nbsp;

<b>Free Penguins</b></font></td>

311 </tr>

312 <tr height="106px">


<td width="150px"><div>

<img src="./img/teaser_right1.jpg" width="150px" height="106px"></div></td>

314 </tr>

315 <tr>


<td width="150px">


<table width="150px" border="0px" cellspacing="0px" cellpadding="3px">

318 <tbody><tr>

319 <td><div>"Free penguins" slogan at zoo benefit concert causes confusion among city rockers. Adjective or verb?<br>

<a href="tickets.html" onfocus="blur();" style="text-decoration:none;">Read More...</a></div></td>

320 </tr>

321 </tbody></table>

322 </td>

323 </tr>

324 <tr height="17px">

325 <td>&nbsp;</td>

326 </tr>

327 <tr height="1px">


<td width="150px" background="./img/marker2_w.gif">

<img src="./img/marker2_w.gif" width="78px" height="1px"></td>

329 </tr>

330 <tr height="25px">


<td width="150px" bgcolor="#A9B8BF">

<font color="#41545D" face="Verdana" size="2">&nbsp;

<b>More City Parks</b></font></td>

332 </tr>

333 <tr height="154px">


<td width="150px">

<img src="./img/teaser_right2.jpg" width="150px" height="154px"></td>

335 </tr>

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<td width="150px">


<table width="150px" border="0px" cellspacing="0px" cellpadding="3px">

339 <tbody><tr>

340 <td>More parks and more green throughout the city at the price of already rare car parking spaces, how will this affect you?<br>

<a href="survey.html" onfocus="blur();" style="text-decoration:none;">Read More...</a></td>

341 </tr>

342 </tbody></table>

343 </td>

344 </tr>

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350 <tbody><tr height="17px">


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<acronym title="World Wide Web Consortium">W3C</acronym></a><sup>®</sup> (<a href="">

<acronym title="Massachusetts Institute of Technology">MIT</acronym></a>, <a href="">

<acronym title="European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics">ERCIM</acronym></a>,

<a href="">Keio</a>)</font></td>

352 </tr>

353 </tbody></table>

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366 <hr>

367 <p><strong>Status:</strong> 20 February 2012 (see <a href="../changelog.html">changelog</a>) <br>Editors: <a href="">Shadi Abou-Zahra</a> and the

<a href="">Education and Outreach Working Group (EOWG)</a>. <br>Developed with support from <a href="">

<acronym title="Web Accessibility Initiative: Training, Implementation, Education, Support">WAI-TIES</acronym></a> and <a href="">

<acronym title="Web Accessibility Initiative: Ageing Education and Harmonisation">WAI-AGE</acronym></a> projects, co-funded by the European Commission

<acronym title="Information Society Technologies">IST</acronym> Programme. [see <a href="../acks.html">Acknowledgements</a>]</p>

368 <p>[

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<a href="" shape="rect">Contacting WAI</a>] <br><strong>Feedback welcome to

<a href="" shape="rect"></a></strong> (a publicly archived list) or

<a href="" shape="rect"></a> (a WAI staff-only list).</p>

369 <div class="copyright"><p><a rel="Copyright" href="">Copyright</a> © 2012 <a href="">

<acronym title="World Wide Web Consortium">W3C</acronym></a><sup>®</sup> (<a href="">

<acronym title="Massachusetts Institute of Technology">MIT</acronym></a>, <a href="">

<acronym title="European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics">ERCIM</acronym></a>, <a href="">Keio</a>), All Rights Reserved. W3C <a href="">liability</a>, <a href="">trademark</a>, <a rel="Copyright" href="">document use</a> and <a rel="Copyright" href="">software licensing</a> rules apply. Your interactions with this site are in accordance with our <a href="">public</a> and <a href="">Member</a> privacy statements.</p></div>

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