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2 <HEAD>

3<TITLE>Welcome to CityLights! [Inaccessible Survey Page]</TITLE> <STYLE>

4 body {

5 color: #000;

6 }

7 #main p, td, form {

8 color: #000000;

9 font: normal 15px/17px "Times New Roman", Times, serif;

10 text-decoration: none;

11 }

12 #main .headline {

13 margin-top: 0px;

14 color: #41545d;

15 font: 24px verdana;

16 font-family: impact;

17 text-decoration: none;

18 }

19 .comment {

20 margin-top: 1em;

21 }

22 .hundred {

23 font-size: 100%;

24 }

25 .bordotabella {

26 background: #ededed;

27 border: 2px solid gray;

28 }

29 .bordotabellacapitolo {

30 background: #a9b8bf;

31 }

32 </STYLE>

33 <LINK HREF="../css/meta.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">

34 <SCRIPT type="text/javascript">

35 function ChangeColor(id, colour){

36 document.getElementById(id).style.backgroundColor=colour;

37 }

38 function switchImage(imgName, imgSrc){

39 if (document.images){

40 if (imgSrc != "none"){

41 document.images[imgName].src = imgSrc;

42 }

43 }

44 }

45 </SCRIPT>

46 <NOSCRIPT><B><FONT COLOR=RED>This page uses scripts!!!</FONT></B></NOSCRIPT>

47 <script src="../js/onload.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

48 </HEAD>


50 <div id="meta-header">

51 <p id="skipnav"><a href="#page">Skip to inaccessible demo page</a></p>

52 <p id="logos"><a href="" title="W3C Home"><img alt="W3C logo" src="../img/w3c.png" height="48" width="72"></a><a href="" title="WAI Home"><img alt="Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) logo" src="../img/wai.png" height="48"></a></p>

53 <h1><span class="subhead">Inaccessible Survey Page</span><span class="hidden"> -</span> Before and After Demonstration</h1>

54 <p class="subline">Improving a Web site using Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0</p>

55 <div id="mnav" class="inaccessible">

56 <ul>

57 <li class="first"><a href="../Overview.html">Overview</a></li>

58 <li class="first"><a href="home.html">Home</a></li>

59 <li><a href="news.html">News</a></li>

60 <li><a href="tickets.html">Tickets</a></li>

61 <li class="current"><span class="hidden">Current location: </span>Survey

62 <div class="subnav"><ul>

63 <li class="inaccessible"><strong>Inaccessible:</strong><a class="page current"><span class="hidden">Inaccessible </span>Survey Page</a><a href="./reports/survey.html" class="report"><span class="hidden">Inaccessible Survey Page </span> Report</a></li>

64 <li class="accessible"><strong>Accessible:</strong><a href="../after/survey.html" class="page"><span class="hidden">Accessible </span>Survey Page</a><a href="../after/reports/survey.html" class="report"><span class="hidden">Accessible Survey Page </span> Report</a></li>

65 </ul><a href="./annotated/survey.html" class="annotoggle">Show <br>Annotations</a></div>

66 </li>

67 <li><a href="template.html">Template</a></li>

68 </ul>

69 </div>

70 </div>

71 <div id="page">

72 <p class="skip" id="startcontent">Demo starts here</p>



75 <TR HEIGHT=10px>

76 <TD WIDTH=10px BACKGROUND=./img/border_left_top.gif><IMG SRC=./img/border_left_top.gif WIDTH=10px HEIGHT=10px></TD>

77 <TD WIDTH=780px BACKGROUND=./img/border_top.gif><IMG SRC=./img/border_top.gif HEIGHT=10px></TD>

78 <TD WIDTH=10px BACKGROUND=./img/border_right_top.gif><IMG SRC=./img/border_right_top.gif WIDTH=10px HEIGHT=10px></TD>

79 </TR>

80 <TR>

81 <TD WIDTH=10px BACKGROUND=./img/border_left.gif><IMG SRC=./img/border_left.gif WIDTH=10px></TD>



84 <TR HEIGHT=86px>

85 <TD WIDTH=443px BACKGROUND=./img/top_logo_next.gif VALIGN=MIDDLE><DIV><A HREF=home.html><IMG SRC=./img/top_logo.gif WIDTH=443px HEIGHT=86px ALT="Red dot with a white letter 'C' that symbolizes a moon crescent as well as the sun. This logo is followed by a black banner that says 'CITYLIGHTS' which is the name of this online portal. Finally, the slogan of the portal, 'your access to the city', follows in a turquoise green handwriting style and with a slight slant across the top banner."></A></DIV></TD>

86 <TD WIDTH=24px VALIGN=MIDDLE><IMG SRC=./img/top_logo_next_end.gif WIDTH=24px HEIGHT=86px></TD>

87 <TD WIDTH=128px VALIGN=MIDDLE><IMG SRC=./img/top_weather.gif WIDTH=128px HEIGHT=86px></TD>

88 <TD WIDTH=22px VALIGN=MIDDLE><IMG SRC=./img/top_logo_next_start.gif WIDTH=22px HEIGHT=86px></TD>

89 <TD WIDTH=163px BACKGROUND=./img/top_logo_next.gif ALIGN=CENTER VALIGN=MIDDLE>

90 <SELECT ONCHANGE="location.href = this.value;">


92 <OPTION VALUE="../offsite.html">Broadcasting

93 <OPTION VALUE="../offsite.html">Education

94 <OPTION VALUE="../offsite.html">Electricity

95 <OPTION VALUE="../offsite.html">Fire service

96 <OPTION VALUE="../offsite.html">Gas service

97 <OPTION VALUE="../offsite.html">Health care

98 <OPTION VALUE="../offsite.html">Police service

99 <OPTION VALUE="../offsite.html">Public Libraries

100 <OPTION VALUE="../offsite.html">Social services

101 <OPTION VALUE="../offsite.html">Social housing

102 <OPTION VALUE="../offsite.html">Telecommunications

103 <OPTION VALUE="../offsite.html">Town planning

104 <OPTION VALUE="../offsite.html">Transportation

105 <OPTION VALUE="../offsite.html">Waste management

106 <OPTION VALUE="../offsite.html">Water services

107 </SELECT>

108 </TD>

109 </TR>

110 <TR HEIGHT=7px>

111 <TD WIDTH=780px BACKGROUND=./img/mark.gif COLSPAN=5><IMG SRC=./img/mark.gif WIDTH=158px HEIGHT=7px></TD>

112 </TR>

113 <TR HEIGHT=25px>

114 <TD COLSPAN=5>


116 <TR HEIGHT=25px>

117 <TD BGCOLOR="#EDEDED" WIDTH=380px><FONT COLOR=BLACK FACE=Verdana SIZE=2>&nbsp;&nbsp;<B>Traffic:</B> Construction work on Main Road</FONT></TD>


119 <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript">

120 var now = new Date();

121 var days = new Array('Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday');

122 var months = new Array('January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December');

123 var date = ((now.getDate()<10) ? "0" : "")+ now.getDate();

124 function fourdigits(number) {

125 return (number < 1000) ? number + 1900 : number;

126 }

127 today = days[now.getDay()] + " " + date + " " + months[now.getMonth()] + " " + (fourdigits(now.getYear())) + ", Sunny, 23&deg;C&nbsp;&nbsp;</FONT>";

128 document.all.WEATHER.setAttribute("BGCOLOR", "#EDEDED", 0);

129 document.write(today);

130 </SCRIPT></TD>

131 </TR>

132 </TABLE>

133 </TD>

134 </TR>

135 <TR HEIGHT=1px>

136 <TD WIDTH=780px BACKGROUND=./img/marker2_w.gif COLSPAN=5><IMG SRC=.img/marker2_w.gif WIDTH=78px HEIGHT=1px></TD>

137 </TR>

138 <TR HEIGHT=25px>

139 <TD COLSPAN=5>&nbsp;</TD>

140 </TR>

141 </TABLE>


143 <TR WIDTH=780px>



146 <TR HEIGHT=1px>

147 <TD WIDTH=155px BACKGROUND=./img/marker2_w.gif><IMG SRC=./img/marker2_w.gif WIDTH=78px HEIGHT=1px></TD>

148 <TD WIDTH=1px BACKGROUND=./img/marker2_t.gif ROWSPAN=9 VALIGN=TOP><IMG SRC=./img/marker2_t.gif WIDTH=1 HEIGHT=30px></TD>

149 </TR>

150 <TR HEIGHT=34px>

151 <TD WIDTH=154px bgcolor="#EDEDED" id="home" onMouseOver="switchImage('nav_home', './img/nav_home2.gif'); ChangeColor('home','#FFF')" onMouseOut="switchImage('nav_home', './img/nav_home.gif'); ChangeColor('home','#EDEDED')"><A HREF="javascript:location.href='home.html';" onFocus="blur();"><img name="nav_home" src=./img/nav_home.gif width=88 height=27 hspace="15" border=0px></a></TD>

152 </TR>

153 <TR HEIGHT=1px>

154 <TD WIDTH=154px BACKGROUND=./img/marker2_w.gif><IMG SRC=./img/marker2_w.gif WIDTH=78px HEIGHT=1px></TD>

155 </TR>

156 <TR HEIGHT=34px>

157 <TD WIDTH=154px bgcolor="#EDEDED" id="news" onMouseOver="switchImage('nav_news', './img/nav_news2.gif'); ChangeColor('news','#FFF')" onMouseOut="switchImage('nav_news', './img/nav_news.gif'); ChangeColor('news','#EDEDED')"><A HREF="javascript:location.href='news.html';" ONFOCUS="blur();"><IMG SRC=./img/nav_news.gif name="nav_news" WIDTH=90 HEIGHT=21 hspace="12" BORDER=0px></A></TD>

158 </TR>

159 <TR HEIGHT=1px>

160 <TD WIDTH=154px BACKGROUND=./img/marker2_w.gif><IMG SRC=./img/marker2_w.gif WIDTH=78px HEIGHT=1px></TD>

161 </TR>

162 <TR HEIGHT=34px>

163 <TD WIDTH=154px bgcolor="#EDEDED" id="tickets" onMouseOver="switchImage('nav_facts', './img/nav_facts2.gif'); ChangeColor('tickets','#FFF')" onMouseOut="switchImage('nav_facts', './img/nav_facts.gif'); ChangeColor('tickets','#EDEDED')"><A HREF="javascript:location.href='tickets.html';" ONFOCUS="blur();"><IMG name="nav_facts" SRC=./img/nav_facts.gif WIDTH=105 HEIGHT=23 hspace="9" BORDER=0px></A></TD>

164 </TR>

165 <TR HEIGHT=1px>

166 <TD WIDTH=154px BACKGROUND=./img/marker2_w.gif><IMG SRC=./img/marker2_w.gif WIDTH=78px HEIGHT=1px></TD>

167 </TR>

168 <TR HEIGHT=34px>

169 <TD WIDTH=154px bgcolor="#EDEDED" id="survey" onMouseOver="switchImage('nav_survey', './img/nav_survey2.gif'); ChangeColor('survey','#FFF')" onMouseOut="switchImage('nav_survey', './img/nav_survey.gif'); ChangeColor('survey','#EDEDED')"><A HREF="javascript:location.href='survey.html';" ONFOCUS="blur();"><IMG SRC=./img/nav_survey.gif name="nav_survey" WIDTH=107 HEIGHT=32 hspace="8" BORDER=0px></A></TD>

170 </TR>

171 <TR HEIGHT=1px>

172 <TD WIDTH=154px BACKGROUND=./img/marker2_w.gif><IMG SRC=./img/marker2_w.gif WIDTH=78px HEIGHT=1px></TD>

173 </TR>

174 </TABLE>

175 </TD>

176 <TD WIDTH=20px><IMG SRC=./img/blank_5x5.gif WIDTH=20px HEIGHT=5px></TD>

177 <TD WIDTH=625px HEIGHT="600px" VALIGN=TOP id="main"><DIV>

178 <p class="headline">Citylights Survey</p>

179 <p class="headline"><font size="4">This Week's Survey: More city parks - a pain or a gain?</font></p>

180 <form action="survey.php" method="post">

181 <table class="bordotabella" width="90%" border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">

182 <tr>

183 <td>

184 <table width="122" border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">

185 <tr>

186 <td><IMG SRC="./img/gif.gif" alt="" height="25" width="11" border="0"></td>

187 <td>

188 <table width="500" border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">

189 <tr>

190 <td colspan="4"><IMG SRC="./img/gif.gif" alt="" height="10" width="10" border="0"></td>

191 </tr>

192 <tr>


<th align="left" colspan="3"><span>Which is your favorite city park?</span></th>

194 <td height="31%"><IMG SRC="./img/gif.gif" alt="" height="25" width="5" border="0"></td>

195 </tr>

196 <tr height="72">

197 <td valign="top" width="35" height="72">

198 <table width="34" border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">

199 <tr height="31%">

200 <td width="24"><input class="align" type="radio" name="res" value="1"></td>

201 <td height="31%"><IMG SRC="./img/gif.gif" alt="" height="25" width="5" border="0"></td>

202 </tr>

203 <tr>

204 <td width="24"><span><input class="align" type="radio" name="res" value="2"></span></td>

205 <td><IMG SRC="./img/gif.gif" alt="" height="25" width="5" border="0"></td>

206 </tr>

207 <tr>

208 <td width="24"><input class="align" type="radio" name="res" value="3"></td>

209 <td><IMG SRC="./img/gif.gif" alt="" height="25" width="5" border="0"></td>

210 </tr>

211 </table>

212 </td>

213 <td valign="top" height="72">

214 <table width="200" border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">

215 <tr height="35%">

216 <td width="135" height="35%">None</td>

217 <td width="191" height="35%"><IMG SRC="./img/gif.gif" alt="" height="25" width="10" border="0"></td>

218 </tr>

219 <tr>

220 <td width="135">Central Park</td>

221 <td width="191"><IMG SRC="./img/gif.gif" alt="" height="25" width="17" border="0"></td>

222 </tr>

223 <tr>

224 <td width="135">Grand Park</td>

225 <td width="191"><IMG SRC="./img/gif.gif" alt="" height="25" width="17" border="0"></td>

226 </tr>

227 </table>

228 </td>

229 <td valign="top" width="35" height="72">

230 <table width="34" border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">

231 <tr height="31%">

232 <td width="24"><input class="align" type="radio" name="res" value="4"></td>

233 <td height="31%"><IMG SRC="./img/gif.gif" alt="" height="25" width="5" border="0"></td>

234 </tr>

235 <tr>

236 <td width="24"><input class="align" type="radio" name="res" value="5"></td>

237 <td><IMG SRC="./img/gif.gif" alt="" height="25" width="5" border="0"></td>

238 </tr>

239 <tr>

240 <td width="24"><input class="align" type="radio" name="res" value="6"></td>

241 <td><IMG SRC="./img/gif.gif" alt="" height="25" width="5" border="0"></td>

242 </tr>

243 </table>

244 </td>

245 <td valign="top" height="72">

246 <table width="200" border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">

247 <tr height="35%">

248 <td width="135" height="35%">Jurassic Park</td>

249 <td width="191" height="35%"><IMG SRC="./img/gif.gif" alt="" height="25" width="10" border="0"></td>

250 </tr>

251 <tr>

252 <td width="135">South Park</td>

253 <td width="191"><IMG SRC="./img/gif.gif" alt="" height="25" width="17" border="0"></td>

254 </tr>

255 <tr>

256 <td width="135">Other</td>

257 <td width="191"><IMG SRC="./img/gif.gif" alt="" height="25" width="17" border="0"></td>

258 </tr>

259 </table>

260 </td>

261 </tr>

262 </table>

263 </td>

264 </tr>

265 </table>

266 </td>

267 </tr>

268 </table>

269 <p></p>

270 <table class="bordotabella" width="90%" border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">

271 <tr>

272 <td>

273 <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">

274 <tr>

275 <td><IMG SRC="./img/gif.gif" alt="" height="25" width="11" border="0"></td>

276 <td>

277 <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">

278 <tr>

279 <td colspan="2"><IMG SRC="./img/gif.gif" alt="" height="10" width="10" border="0"></td>

280 </tr>

281 <tr>


<th align="left" colspan="2">Which city do you find is the greenest?<IMG SRC="./img/gif.gif" alt="" height="25" width="5" border="0"></th>

283 </tr>

284 <tr>

285 <td valign="middle" colspan="2"><span>

286 <select name="cc">

287 <option value="0">select a city -----></option>

288 <option>Afghanistan, Kabul</option>

289 <option>Albania, Tirana</option>

290 <option>Algeria, Algiers</option>

291 <option>Andorra, Andorra la Vella</option>

292 <option>Angola, Luanda</option>

293 <option>Antigua and Barbuda, Saint John's</option>

294 <option>Argentina, Buenos Aires</option>

295 <option>Armenia, Yerevan</option>

296 <option>Australia, Canberra</option>

297 <option>Austria, Vienna</option>

298 <option>Azerbaijan, Baku (Baki)</option>

299 <option>Bahamas, The Nassau</option>

300 <option>Bahrain, Manama</option>

301 <option>Bangladesh, Dhaka</option>

302 <option>Barbados, Bridgetown</option>

303 <option>Belarus, Minsk</option>

304 <option>Belgium, Brussels</option>

305 <option>Belize, Belmopan</option>

306 <option>Benin, Porto-Novo</option>

307 <option>Bhutan, Thimphu</option>

308 <option>Bolivia, Sucre</option>

309 <option>Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sarajevo</option>

310 <option>Botswana, Gaborone</option>

311 <option>Brazil, Brasilia</option>

312 <option>Brunei, Bandar Seri Begawan</option>

313 <option>Bulgaria, Sofia</option>

314 <option>Burkina Faso, Ouagadougou</option>

315 <option>Burma, Rangoon</option>

316 <option>Burundi, Bujumbura</option>

317 <option>Cambodia, Phnom Penh</option>

318 <option>Cameroon, Yaounde</option>

319 <option>Canada, Ottawa</option>

320 <option>Cape Verde, Praia</option>

321 <option>Central African Republic, Bangui</option>

322 <option>Chad, N'Djamena</option>

323 <option>Chile, Santiago</option>

324 <option>China, Beijing</option>

325 <option>Colombia, Bogota</option>

326 <option>Comoros, Moroni</option>

327 <option>Congo, Democratic Republic of the, Kinshasa</option>

328 <option>Congo, Republic of the, Brazzaville</option>

329 <option>Cook Islands, Avarua</option>

330 <option>Costa Rica, San Jose</option>

331 <option>Cote d'Ivoire, Yamoussoukro</option>

332 <option>Croatia, Zagreb</option>

333 <option>Cuba, Havana</option>

334 <option>Cyprus, Nicosia</option>

335 <option>Czech Republic, Prague</option>

336 <option>Denmark, Copenhagen</option>

337 <option>Djibouti, Djibouti</option>

338 <option>Dominica, Roseau</option>

339 <option>Dominican Republic, Santo Domingo</option>

340 <option>East Timor, Dili</option>

341 <option>Ecuador, Quito</option>

342 <option>Egypt, Cairo</option>

343 <option>El Salvador, San Salvador</option>

344 <option>Equatorial Guinea, Malabo</option>

345 <option>Eritrea, Asmara</option>

346 <option>Estonia, Tallinn</option>

347 <option>Ethiopia, Addis Ababa</option>

348 <option>Fiji, Suva</option>

349 <option>Finland, Helsinki</option>

350 <option>France, Paris</option>

351 <option>French Guiana, Cayenne</option>

352 <option>Gabon, Libreville</option>

353 <option>Gambia, The, Banjul</option>

354 <option>Georgia, T'bilisi</option>

355 <option>Germany, Berlin</option>

356 <option>Ghana, Accra</option>

357 <option>Greece, Athens</option>

358 <option>Grenada, Saint George's</option>

359 <option>Guatemala, Guatemala</option>

360 <option>Guinea, Conakry</option>

361 <option>Guinea-Bissau, Bissau</option>

362 <option>Guyana, Georgetown</option>

363 <option>Haiti, Port-au-Prince</option>

364 <option>Holy See (Vatican City), Vatican City</option>

365 <option>Honduras, Tegucigalpa</option>

366 <option>Hong Kong, Hong Kong</option>

367 <option>Hungary, Budapest</option>

368 <option>Iceland, Reykjavik</option>

369 <option>India, New Delhi</option>

370 <option>Indonesia, Jakarta</option>

371 <option>Iran, Tehran</option>

372 <option>Iraq, Baghdad</option>

373 <option>Ireland, Dublin</option>

374 <option>Israel, Jerusalem</option>

375 <option>Italy, Rome</option>

376 <option>Jamaica, Kingston</option>

377 <option>Japan, Tokyo</option>

378 <option>Jordan, Amman</option>

379 <option>Kazakhstan, Astana</option>

380 <option>Kenya, Nairobi</option>

381 <option>Kiribati, Tarawa</option>

382 <option>Korea, North, P'yongyang</option>

383 <option>Korea, South, Seoul</option>

384 <option>Kuwait, Kuwait</option>

385 <option>Kyrgyzstan, Bishkek</option>

386 <option>Laos, Vientiane</option>

387 <option>Latvia, Riga</option>

388 <option>Lebanon, Beirut</option>

389 <option>Lesotho, Maseru</option>

390 <option>Liberia, Monrovia</option>

391 <option>Libya, Tripoli</option>

392 <option>Liechtenstein, Vaduz</option>

393 <option>Lithuania, Vilnius</option>

394 <option>Luxembourg, Luxembourg</option>

395 <option>Macau, Macau</option>

396 <option>Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of, Skopje</option>

397 <option>Madagascar, Antananarivo</option>

398 <option>Malawi, Lilongwe</option>

399 <option>Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur</option>

400 <option>Maldives, Male</option>

401 <option>Mali, Bamako</option>

402 <option>Malta, Valletta</option>

403 <option>Marshall Islands, Majuro</option>

404 <option>Mauritania, Nouakchott</option>

405 <option>Mauritius, Port Louis</option>

406 <option>Mexico, Mexico (Distrito Federal)</option>

407 <option>Micronesia, Federated States of, Palikir</option>

408 <option>Moldova, Chisinau</option>

409 <option>Monaco, Monaco</option>

410 <option>Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar</option>

411 <option>Morocco, Rabat</option>

412 <option>Mozambique, Maputo</option>

413 <option>Namibia, Windhoek</option>

414 <option>Nauru, Yaren District</option>

415 <option>Nepal, Kathmandu</option>

416 <option>Netherlands, Amsterdam</option>

417 <option>New Zealand, Wellington</option>

418 <option>Nicaragua, Managua</option>

419 <option>Niger, Niamey</option>

420 <option>Nigeria, Abuja</option>

421 <option>Niue, Alofi</option>

422 <option>Norway, Oslo</option>

423 <option>Oman, Muscat</option>

424 <option>Pakistan, Islamabad</option>

425 <option>Palau, Koror</option>

426 <option>Papua New Guinea, Port Moresby</option>

427 <option>Paraguay, Asuncion</option>

428 <option>Peru, Lima</option>

429 <option>Philippines, Manila</option>

430 <option>Poland, Warsaw</option>

431 <option>Romania, Bucharest</option>

432 <option>Russia, Moscow</option>

433 <option>Rwanda, Kigali</option>

434 <option>Saint Kitts and Nevis, Basseterre</option>

435 <option>Saint Lucia, Castries</option>

436 <option>Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Kingstown</option>

437 <option>Samoa, Apia</option>

438 <option>San Marino, San Marino</option>

439 <option>Sao Tome and Principe, Sao Tome</option>

440 <option>Saudi Arabia, Riyadh</option>

441 <option>Senegal, Dakar</option>

442 <option>Serbia and Montenegro, Belgrade</option>

443 <option>Seychelles, Victoria</option>

444 <option>Sierra Leone, Freetown</option>

445 <option>Singapore, Singapore</option>

446 <option>Slovakia, Bratislava</option>

447 <option>Slovenia, Ljubljana</option>

448 <option>Solomon Islands, Honiara</option>

449 <option>Somalia, Mogadishu</option>

450 <option>South Africa, Pretoria, Cape Town</option>

451 <option>Spain, Madrid</option>

452 <option>Sri Lanka, Colombo</option>

453 <option>Sudan, Khartoum</option>

454 <option>Suriname, Paramaribo</option>

455 <option>Swaziland, Mbabane, Lobamba</option>

456 <option>Sweden, Stockholm</option>

457 <option>Switzerland, Bern</option>

458 <option>Syria, Damascus</option>

459 <option>Taiwan, Taipei</option>

460 <option>Tajikistan, Dushanbe</option>

461 <option>Tanzania, Dar es Salaam</option>

462 <option>Thailand, Bangkok</option>

463 <option>Togo, Lome</option>

464 <option>Tonga, Nuku'alofa</option>

465 <option>Trinidad and Tobago, Port-of-Spain</option>

466 <option>Tunisia, Tunis</option>

467 <option>Turkey, Ankara</option>

468 <option>Turkmenistan, Ashgabat</option>

469 <option>Tuvalu, Fongafale</option>

470 <option>Uganda, Kampala</option>

471 <option>Ukraine, Kiev</option>

472 <option>United Arab Emirates, Abu Dhabi</option>

473 <option>United Kingdom, London</option>

474 <option>United States of America, Washington, D.C.</option>

475 <option>Uruguay, Montevideo</option>

476 <option>Uzbekistan, Tashkent</option>

477 <option>Vanuatu, Port-Vila</option>

478 <option>Venezuela, Caracas</option>

479 <option>Vietnam, Hanoi</option>

480 <option>Yemen, Sanaa</option>

481 <option>Zambia, Lusaka</option>

482 <option>Zimbabwe, Harare</option>

483 </select></span><IMG SRC="./img/gif.gif" alt="" height="25" width="5" border="0">

484 <p></p>

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504 <td colspan="2"><IMG SRC="./img/gif.gif" alt="" height="10" width="10" border="0"></td>

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513 <td valign="bottom"><IMG SRC="./img/gif.gif" alt="" height="25" width="5" border="0">

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538 <p>&nbsp;</p>

539 <hr />

540 </form> <div style="clear:both;width:100%;padding:0px;margin:0px;">

541 <div id="data


542 <p style="padding-bottom:0px; margin-bottom:0px; width:300px; height:40px; overflow: hidden;" class=headline><font size="3">Last Weeks's Survey Results</font></p><b>What is your favorite and least favorite organ?</b>

543 <table width="560px" border="1" style="float:left; border: 1px dashed silver;">


<tr bgcolor="#DBDBDB">

545 <td rowspan="4" bgcolor="#ffffff" style="border-right: 1px dashed silver;"><p style="background:#DBDBDB;padding-top:3px;padding-bottom:2px;"><br></p>

<p style="margin-bottom:0px;padding-top:3px; padding-bottom:5px" align="right"><strong>love it</strong></p>

<p style="margin-top:5px;background:#DBDBDB;padding-top:3px; padding-bottom:4px" align="right"><strong>hate it</strong></p></td>

546 <td title="question" width=70><b>Lung</b></td>

547 <td title="question" width=70><b>Pancreas</b></td>

548 <td title="question" width=70><b>Spleen</b></td>

549 <td title="question" width=70><b>Liver</b></td>

550 <td title="question" width=70><b>Skin</b></td>

551 <td title="question" width=70><b>Brain</b></td>

552 </tr>

553 <tr>

554 <td></td>

555 <td>4</td>

556 <td>10</td>

557 <td>4</td>

558 <td></td>

559 <td>1</td>

560 </tr>

561 <tr>

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<tr bgcolor="#DBDBDB">

564 <td>5</td>

565 <td>6</td>

566 <td></td>

567 <td>14</td>

568 <td>1</td>

569 <td></td>

570 </tr>

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595 <p><strong>Status:</strong> 20 February 2012 (see <a href="../changelog.html">changelog</a>) <br>Editors: <a href="">Shadi Abou-Zahra</a> and the <a href="">Education and Outreach Working Group (EOWG)</a>. <br>Developed with support from <a href=""><acronym title="Web Accessibility Initiative: Training, Implementation, Education, Support">WAI-TIES</acronym></a> and <a href=""><acronym title="Web Accessibility Initiative: Ageing Education and Harmonisation">WAI-AGE</acronym></a> projects, co-funded by the European Commission <acronym title="Information Society Technologies">IST</acronym> Programme. [see <a href="../acks.html">Acknowledgements</a>]</p>

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