Site Report
This tab shows pages that do not comply with W3C/WHATWG standards.
W3C HTML/XHTML Validation - All pages valid.
W3C CSS Validation - All pages valid.
W3C Deprecated Features - No issues found.
Priority | Description and URL | Guideline and Line Number | Count |
These messages are for information only and do not indicate errors or conformance problems | |
 | Property or at-rule is vendor specific. | CSS Validation | 1 pages |
Properties and at-rules prefixed by a dash or underscore, the zoom property and the expression() function are vendor specific and only work on one browser engine. | | |
| | | |
| -webkit-transform | Line 81 | |
| -moz-transform | Line 81 | |
| -ms-transform | Line 81 | |
| -o-transform | Line 81 | |
| -webkit-transform | Line 81 | |
| | | |
| Expand all 1 issues | | |