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238 <h1 class="display-3 pt-5 pb-2 pb-lg-3 mt-sm-2 mt-lg-5">

239 Power up. <br> Get accessible.

240 </h1>

241 <p class="fs-4 mb-4 mb-lg-5">

242 Compliance concerns?<br>

243 We’re here to help.<br>

244 <br> Spark your accessibility journey with our one-click web testing and site mapping tools.​

245 </p>

246 <h2>See how it works</h2>

247 <form class="input-group input-group-lg" action="">

248 <input name="url" id="home-scan-url" class="form-control" required="" placeholder="Enter website address" aria-label="Enter website address"> <button class="btn btn-primary">Scan website</button>

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253 <img class="pm-showcase-img" src="" height="340" width="510" loading="lazy" alt="Powermapper desktop app screenshot">

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256 <img class="pm-showcase-img" src="" height="340" width="510" loading="lazy" alt="SortSite desktop app screenshot">

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267 <div class="col-md-8 text-center text-md-start">

268 <p class="fs-lg mb-md-0">We blend expertise with passion to help you unlock your accessibility potential. Reach your compliance goals using our flexible, one-click solutions. </p>

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281 <h2 class="h4 d-inline-flex align-items-center">

282 Identify Web Issues <i class="bx bx-right-arrow-circle text-primary fs-3 ms-2"></i>

283 </h2>

284 <p class="text-body mb-0">Scan your entire site for problems that can make it inaccessible and drive customers away. Check for issues like broken links, spelling errors, browser compatibility, SEO issues, and web standards. </p>

285 </div></a>

286 </div>

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291 <img src="" class="d-block m-1" width="40" height="40" loading="lazy" alt="">

292 </div>

293 <h2 class="h4 d-inline-flex align-items-center">

294 Visual Site Mapping <i class="bx bx-right-arrow-circle text-primary fs-3 ms-2"></i>

295 </h2>

296 <p class="text-body mb-0">Get a comprehensive overview of your site in a variety of dynamic and useful map styles. Achieve new UX heights by quickly identifying areas that lack consistency, and resolving them. </p>

297 </div></a>

298 </div>

299 <div class="col py-4 my-2 my-sm-3">

300 <a href="/products/sortsite/checks/accessibility-checks/" class="card card-hover h-100 border-0 shadow-sm text-decoration-none pt-5 px-sm-3 px-md-0 px-lg-3 pb-sm-3 pb-md-0 pb-lg-3 ms-xl-2">

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303 <img src="" class="d-block m-1" width="40" height="40" loading="lazy" alt="">

304 </div>

305 <h2 class="h4 d-inline-flex align-items-center">

306 Evaluate Accessibility <i class="bx bx-right-arrow-circle text-primary fs-3 ms-2"></i>

307 </h2>

308 <p class="text-body mb-0">Shape a more accessible future with our one-click web testing tools. Reach compliance by finding issues checked against W3, WCAG 2.0 + 2.1, and US Section 508 accessibility standards. </p>

309 </div></a>

310 </div>

311 <div class="col py-4 my-2 my-sm-3">

312 <a href="/tests/" class="card card-hover h-100 border-0 shadow-sm text-decoration-none pt-5 px-sm-3 px-md-0 px-lg-3 pb-sm-3 pb-md-0 pb-lg-3 ms-xl-2">

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315 <img src="" class="d-block m-1" width="40" height="40" loading="lazy" alt="">

316 </div>

317 <h2 class="h4 d-inline-flex align-items-center">

318 Leading Accuracy <i class="bx bx-right-arrow-circle text-primary fs-3 ms-2"></i>

319 </h2>

320 <p class="text-body mb-0">Our tools are informed by over a decade’s worth of evidence-based testing as part of our commitment to accessibility excellence. This has led to our tools blazing the industry with their low false positive rates. </p>

321 </div></a>

322 </div>

323 <div class="col py-4 my-2 my-sm-3">

324 <a href="/products/" class="card card-hover h-100 border-0 shadow-sm text-decoration-none pt-5 px-sm-3 px-md-0 px-lg-3 pb-sm-3 pb-md-0 pb-lg-3 ms-xl-2">

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327 <img src="" class="d-block m-1" width="40" height="40" loading="lazy" alt="">

328 </div>

329 <h2 class="h4 d-inline-flex align-items-center">

330 Flexible Solutions <i class="bx bx-right-arrow-circle text-primary fs-3 ms-2"></i>

331 </h2>

332 <p class="text-body mb-0">Scan sites behind firewalls such as password-protected sites, intranets, and Sharepoint sites. Integrate these scans with various CI and build tools. </p>

333 </div></a>

334 </div>

335 <div class="col py-4 my-2 my-sm-3">

336 <a href="/products/sortsite/" class="card card-hover h-100 border-0 shadow-sm text-decoration-none pt-5 px-sm-3 px-md-0 px-lg-3 pb-sm-3 pb-md-0 pb-lg-3 ms-xl-2">

337 <div class="card-body pt-3">

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339 <img src="" class="d-block m-1" width="40" height="40" loading="lazy" alt="">

340 </div>

341 <h2 class="h4 d-inline-flex align-items-center">

342 Multiple File Types <i class="bx bx-right-arrow-circle text-primary fs-3 ms-2"></i>

343 </h2>

344 <p class="text-body mb-0">Check a wide variety of file formats including HTML, JavaScript, CSS, SVG, Adobe PDF, GIF, PNG, JPEG, Audio, Video, and Microsoft Office. </p>

345 </div></a>

346 </div>

347 </div>

348 </div>

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352 <div class="card shadow-sm mb-4 mb-lg-1 me-sm-4 flex-fill w-100 w-lg-25">

353 <div class="card-body">

354 <blockquote>

355 <p>SortSite is an automated tool that scans your website for device compatibility and accessibility. Bonus: It also checks for search engine optimization (SEO), broken links, and secure connections.</p>

356 </blockquote>

357 </div>

358 <div class="card-footer">

359 <div class="d-flex align-items-center was-border-end-sm pe-sm-4 me-sm-2">

360 <img src="" srcset=" 2x" width="48" height="48" loading="lazy" class="rounded-circle" alt="Shopify staff writer">

361 <div class="ps-2 was-ps-md-0">

362 <p class="fs-sm fw-semibold lh-base mb-0">Shopify Blog</p> <span class="fs-sm text-muted"><a href="">Shopify</a></span>

363 </div>

364 </div>

365 </div>

366 </div>

367 <div class="card shadow-sm mb-4 mb-lg-1 me-sm-4 flex-fill w-100 w-lg-25">

368 <div class="card-body">

369 <blockquote>

370 <p>SortSite is a tool that stood out to us and gave us good results. To date we have scanned multiple applications at DOH and the results have been informative and helpful in assessing the accessibility and assisting us with what to fix.</p>

371 </blockquote>

372 </div>

373 <div class="card-footer">

374 <div class="d-flex align-items-center was-border-end-sm pe-sm-4 me-sm-2">

375 <img src="" srcset=" 2x" width="48" height="48" loading="lazy" class="rounded-circle" alt="Accessibility coordinator presentation">

376 <div class="ps-2 was-ps-md-0">

377 <p class="fs-sm fw-semibold lh-base mb-0">IT Accessibility Coordinator</p> <span class="fs-sm text-muted">WA Department of Health</span>

378 </div>

379 </div>

380 </div>

381 </div>

382 <div class="card shadow-sm mb-4 mb-lg-1 flex-fill w-100 w-lg-25">

383 <div class="card-body">

384 <blockquote>

385 <p>There are lots of good tools out there to generate sitemaps, but this tool creates 2D &amp; 3D visual sitemaps for you – which is really powerful when trying to understand how crawlers navigate your site, or explain to a client the architectural issues a site may be facing. </p>

386 </blockquote>

387 </div>

388 <div class="card-footer">

389 <div class="d-flex align-items-center was-border-end-sm pe-sm-4 me-sm-2">

390 <img src="" srcset=" 2x" width="48" height="48" loading="lazy" class="rounded-circle" alt="Pete Campbell talk at Brighton SEO">

391 <div class="ps-2 was-ps-md-0">

392 <p class="fs-sm fw-semibold lh-base mb-0">Pete Campbell</p> <span class="fs-sm text-muted"></span>

393 </div>

394 </div>

395 </div>

396 </div>

397 </div>

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400 <div class="row align-items-center">

401 <div class="col-md-7 d-none d-md-block">

402 <img src="" class="d-block my-lg-2 mx-auto me-md-0 rounded-3 border shadow-lg" width="746" height="426" loading="lazy" alt="Screenshot of SortSite report dashboard">

403 </div>

404 <div class="col-md-5 col-xl-4 offset-xl-1 d-flex d-sm-block flex-column">

405 <h2 class="pb-3 pt-2 pt-md-0">Tailored Reports</h2>

406 <ul class="list-unstyled pb-2">

407 <li class="d-flex align-items-center pb-1 mb-2">

408 <i class="bx bx-check-circle text-primary fs-xl me-2"></i> Highly customizable

409 </li>

410 <li class="d-flex align-items-center pb-1 mb-2">

411 <i class="bx bx-check-circle text-primary fs-xl me-2"></i> Easily find and fix problems

412 </li>

413 <li class="d-flex align-items-center pb-1 mb-2">

414 <i class="bx bx-check-circle text-primary fs-xl me-2"></i> Browse issues by various concerns

415 </li>

416 <li class="d-flex align-items-center pb-1 mb-2">

417 <i class="bx bx-check-circle text-primary fs-xl me-2"></i> Share scan reports with your team

418 </li>

419 <li class="d-flex align-items-center pb-1 mb-2">

420 <i class="bx bx-check-circle text-primary fs-xl me-2"></i> Export results to HTML, Word, and Excel

421 </li>

422 </ul> <a href="/products/sortsite/" class="btn btn-primary"> More reports <i class="bx bx-right-arrow-alt fs-xl ms-2"></i></a>

423 </div>

424 </div>

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428 <div class="col-lg-4 col-md-5 offset-lg-1 text-center text-md-start">

429 <h3 class="h2 mb-lg-4 mb-3">Accessibility Testing</h3>

430 <ul class="list-unstyled mb-4 pb-lg-3 text-start">

431 <li class="d-flex justify-content-md-start justify-content-center mt-2">

432 <i class="bx bx-check-circle me-2 fs-5 text-primary"></i> Quickly find problems that prevent users with disabilities from using your website

433 </li>

434 <li class="d-flex justify-content-md-start justify-content-center mt-2">

435 <i class="bx bx-check-circle me-2 fs-5 text-primary"></i> Check your entire site against W3 WCAG accessibility standards, plus compliance with Section 508 of the Rehabilitation act

436 </li>

437 <li class="d-flex justify-content-md-start justify-content-center mt-2">

438 <i class="bx bx-check-circle me-2 fs-5 text-primary"></i> Determine reliability of features designed for assistive technology in HTML, CSS and ARIA with different screen reader / browser combinations

439 </li>

440 </ul> <a href="/products/sortsite/checks/accessibility-checks/" class="btn btn-primary">Accessibility</a>

441 </div>

442 <div class="col-lg-6 col-md-7 mt-4 pt-md-0 pt-2 d-none d-md-block">

443 <img src="" class="d-block my-lg-2 mx-auto me-md-0 rounded-3 border shadow" width="595" height="340" loading="lazy" alt="Screenshot of SortSite accessibility report">

444 </div>

445 </div>

446 </div>

447 <div class="container pt-3 pt-md-4 pt-lg-5 pb-2 mt-lg-2 mt-xl-4">

448 <h2 class="mb-5 text-center">Powered by Simplicity</h2>

449 <div class="steps steps-horizontal-md steps-center">

450 <div class="step">

451 <div class="step-number">

452 <div class="step-number-inner">1</div>

453 </div>

454 <div class="step-body">

455 <h3>Start Scan</h3>

456 <p>Just enter your web address and click Start Scan. Our tool will crawl your entire site to find evidence-identified issues. </p>

457 </div>

458 </div>

459 <div class="step">

460 <div class="step-number">

461 <div class="step-number-inner">2</div>

462 </div>

463 <div class="step-body">

464 <h3>See Report</h3>

465 <p>Once complete, we'll send you a full report that clearly shows you which problems you have, what pages they're on, and where code is affected. </p>

466 </div>

467 </div>

468 <div class="step">

469 <div class="step-number">

470 <div class="step-number-inner">3</div>

471 </div>

472 <div class="step-body">

473 <h3>Get Accessible</h3>

474 <p>Your accessibility journey starts now. Using our findings, you can work towards creating a site that's accessible to users with disabilities. </p>

475 </div>

476 </div>

477 </div>

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