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Site Report

This tab shows accessibility issues, indicating problems for older users, people with disabilities or accessibility needs. Automated testing cannot detect all accessibility issues, so should be used alongside human testing.

LevelWCAG 2.1Section 508 - 2017Key
ALevel A, 1 issuesLevel A, 1 issuesCritical Pages with level A issues are unusable for some people
AALevel AA, 1 issuesLevel AA, 1 issuesVery Important Pages with level AA issues are very difficult to use
AAALess Important Pages with level AAA issues can be difficult to use
PriorityDescription and URLGuideline and Line NumberCount

Level A

1 issues on 1 pages

CriticalUse the lang attribute to identify the language of the page. WCAG 2.1 A 3.1.1 Section 508 (2017) A 3.1.1 1 pages
In HTML add a lang attribute containing a language code to the html tag, and in PDF set the language using Document Properties in Acrobat. This allows screen readers to pronounce words correctly.
<html><head><title>Example Domain</title><meta charset='utf-8'>...</head>...</html>
Line 2


Level AA

1 issues on 1 pages

Very ImportantIf you set any of the colors on the body or a elements you must set all of them. WCAG 2.1 AA F24 Section 508 (2017) AA F24 1 pages
In HTML the color attributes are text, bgcolor, link, alink and vlink. In CSS the attributes are color and background-color. Some users have browser defaults set to white text on a black background, so setting one color without setting the others can result in white text on a white background. 1.4.3 1.4.6 1.4.8
The colors used are:
color: rgb(0,0,0) from browser settings
background: rgb(253,253,255) from www.example.com
<h1>Example Domain</h1>
Line 40
color: rgb(0,0,0) from browser settings
background: rgb(253,253,255) from www.example.com
<p>This domain is for use in ... or asking for permission.</p>
Line 41



These messages are for information only and do not indicate errors or conformance problems

InformationWCAG Success Criteria 4.1.1 is always satisfied for HTML and XML pages. WCAG 2.1 4.1.1 1 pages
Since WCAG 2 4.1.1 was written, the HTML Standard has added requirements specifying exactly how browsers handle incomplete markup, incorrectly nested elements, duplicate attributes, and duplicate IDs. This means the "except where the specifications allow" condition in 4.1.1 is satisfied.


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