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Site Report

This tab shows pages that do not comply with W3C/WHATWG standards.

  • FailureW3C HTML/XHTML Validation - Some pages fail validation.
  • FailureW3C CSS Validation - Some pages fail validation.
  • SuccessW3C Deprecated Features - No issues found.
PriorityDescription and URLGuideline and Line NumberCount

Priority 1

5 issues on 4 pages

CriticalAn img element must have an alt attribute, except under certain conditions. For details, consult guidance on providing text alternatives for images. HTML5 1 pages
<img src='...g' width='40'>
Line 974
<img src='...g' width='40'>
Line 974


CriticalDuplicate id - the same ID is used on more than one element. HTML5 3 pages
id=cartLine 963
id=cartLine 2121
id=cart-totalLine 967
id=cart-totalLine 2125


id=cartLine 963
id=cartLine 2121
id=cart-totalLine 967
id=cart-totalLine 2125


id=cartLine 965
id=cartLine 2123
id=cart-totalLine 969
id=cart-totalLine 2127


CriticalElement div not allowed as child element in this context. HTML5 3 pages
<ul class='list-inline'><div>...</div></ul>
Line 780


<ul class='list-inline'><div>...</div></ul>
Line 780


<ul class='list-inline'><div>...</div></ul>
Line 782


CriticalInvalid CSS color value. CSS Validation 1 pages

CSS colors can be specified as:

  • Hex colors must be #rgb or #rrggbb using only the hex digits 0-9 and A-F
  • RGB() colors must be three integers (0-255) or three percentages
  • RGBA() colors must be three integers (0-255) or three percentages, followed by an alpha value between 0.0 and 1.0
  • HSL() colors must be a number (or angle) followed by two percentages
  • HSLA() colors must be a number (or angle) followed by two percentages and an alpha value between 0.0 and 1.0
  • Named colors must use one of the 150 named CSS colors (black, white, red, transparent...)
background-color: #000 Line 1425


CriticalText not allowed. HTML5 3 pages
Line 820


Line 820


Line 822


Priority 2

2 issues on 1 pages

Very ImportantDeprecated @media feature. CSS Validation 1 pages
The media feature should be replaced by a modern alternative. For example, replace device-height with height and min-device-width with min-width.
max-device-widthLine 992


Very ImportantUnknown @media feature name. CSS Validation 1 pages
The media feature may be misspelled or not yet standardized.
transform-3dLine 1401



These messages are for information only and do not indicate errors or conformance problems

InformationCSS hack or vendor extension used. CSS Validation 3 pages
margin-top: 1px\9Line 683
margin-top: 4px\9Line 705
filter: alpha(opacity=65)Line 777
border-top: solid\9Line 845
filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(enabled=false)Line 855


filter: alpha(opacity=0)Line 106


filter: alpha(opacity=30)Line 12
filter: alpha(opacity=65)Line 132
filter: alpha(opacity=100)Line 140
filter: alpha(opacity=65)Line 166
filter: alpha(opacity=100)Line 178


InformationProperty or at-rule is vendor specific. CSS Validation 7 pages
Properties and at-rules prefixed by a dash or underscore, the zoom property and the expression() function are vendor specific and only work on one browser engine.
-webkit-text-size-adjustLine 5
-ms-text-size-adjustLine 5
-webkit-box-sizingLine 25
-moz-box-sizingLine 25
-webkit-appearanceLine 31


-webkit-font-smoothingLine 5
-moz-osx-font-smoothingLine 5
-webkit-animationLine 25
-webkit-animationLine 26
@-webkit-keyframesLine 27


-webkit-box-shadowLine 39


-webkit-filterLine 81
-webkit-filterLine 102
-webkit-filterLine 120
-webkit-filterLine 141
-webkit-backface-visibilityLine 156


This issue was found on another 3 pages. The trial version is limited to showing issues on 4 pages.
Expand all 9 issues