Site Report
This tab shows general usability issues, indicating navigation problems for all users.
This tab is available in SortSite Professional, SortSite Developer and OnDemand, but not in SortSite Standard edition. Guidelines - Some pages violate these guidelines.
W3C Best Practices - Some pages violate these guidelines.
Readability - No issues found.
Priority | Description and URL | Guideline and Line Number | Count |
Priority 21 issues on 3 pages | |
 | Omitting img width or height attributes makes the page layout jump about as images load. | 14:3 W3C | 3 pages |
This makes the page very hard to read or click while it's loading.
Fix by adding width and height attributes to the img tag matching the image dimensions.
In responsive layouts, specifying width and height prevents layout jumping because the browser can
pre-calculate the final image size when CSS like this is used:
img { max-width: 100%; height: auto }
| | |
| | | |
| <img src='...g' alt='' class='img-responsive'>
| Line 960 | |
| <img src='...g' alt='' class='img-responsive'>
| Line 962 | |
| <img src='...g' alt='' class='img-responsive'>
| Line 964 | |
| <img src='...g' alt='' class='img-responsive'>
| Line 966 | |
| <img src='...g' alt='' class='img-responsive'>
| Line 968 | |
| | | |
| | | |
| <img src='...g' alt=''>
| Line 932 | |
| <img class='img-responsive' src='...g' alt='STEM-іграшки: Топ-10 знахідок для юних геніїв науки та техніки' title='STEM-іграшки: Топ-10 знахідок для юних геніїв науки та техніки'>
| Line 9894 | |
| <img class='img-responsive' src='...g' alt='Іграшки та алергія: як уберегти малюка від небезпечних реакцій' title='Іграшки та алергія: як уберегти малюка від небезпечних реакцій'>
| Line 9931 | |
| <img class='img-responsive' src='...g' alt='Як організувати зберігання іграшок вдома: найкращі ідеї для порядку та затишку' title='Як організувати зберігання іграшок вдома: найкращі ідеї для порядку та затишку'>
| Line 9966 | |
| <img class='img-responsive' src='...g' alt='Іграшки Монтессорі: ключ до розвитку вашої дитини' title='Іграшки Монтессорі: ключ до розвитку вашої дитини'>
| Line 10001 | |
| | | |
| | | |
| <img src='...g' alt=''>
| Line 934 | |
| <img src='...g' alt=''>
| Line 7433 | |
| <img src='...g' alt=''>
| Line 7439 | |
| <img src='...g' alt=''>
| Line 7445 | |
| | | |
Priority 33 issues on 3 pages | |
 | Radio buttons are easier to use than drop-downs when there are 6 choices or fewer. | 13:9 | 1 pages |
One usability study showed radio buttons give reliably better performance than drop-down lists for mutually exclusive selections.
If screen space allows use radio buttons instead of lists/dropdowns with fewer than 7 items. | | |
| | | |
| <select id='input-sort' class='form-control' onchange='location = ...'>...</select>
| Line 2411 | |
| <select id='input-limit' class='form-control' onchange='location = ...'>...</select>
| Line 2451 | |
| | | |
 | Use at least a 12-point font on all web pages. | 11:8 | 3 pages |
For users over age 65, it may be better to use at least fourteen-point fonts.
Never use less than nine-point font on a Web site.
The following are all smaller than 12 point:
- <p style="font-size: 11pt;" >
- <p style="font-size: 15px;" >
- <p style="font-size: small;" >
- <font size="2" >
- <font size="-1" >
| | |
| | | |
| font-size: 10.50pt <p>Для найменших ... відчуття.</p>
| Line 4394 | |
| font-size: 10.50pt <p>Для старших дітей ... веселих пригод!</p>
| Line 4395 | |
| font-size: 10.50pt <p>Дівчаткам ... своїми руками.</p>
| Line 4396 | |
| font-size: 10.50pt <p>Ми також ... дитину до школи.</p>
| Line 4397 | |
| font-size: 10.50pt <p>Ласкаво просимо ... виробників.</p>
| Line 4393 | |
| | | |
| | | |
| font-size: 11.25pt <a href='...v'>STEM-іграшки: ... та техніки</a>
| Line 9902 | |
| font-size: 11.25pt <a href='...a'>Іграшки та ... реакцій</a>
| Line 9939 | |
| font-size: 11.25pt <a href='...a'>Як ... та затишку</a>
| Line 9974 | |
| font-size: 11.25pt <a href='...a'>Іграшки ... вашої дитини</a>
| Line 10009 | |
| font-size: 11.25pt <a href='...v'>Як вибрати ... різного віку</a>
| Line 10044 | |
| | | |
| | | |
| font-size: 11.25pt <span itemprop='name'>Іграшка ... Toy Little Dream Plane</span>
| Line 2607 | |
| font-size: 11.25pt <span itemprop='name'>Іграшка ... Toy Little Dream Plane</span>
| Line 2836 | |
| font-size: 11.25pt <span itemprop='name'>Іграшка ... Rock Learning Unicorn</span>
| Line 3077 | |
| font-size: 11.25pt <span itemprop='name'>Ігрова ... Tune and Learn Boombox</span>
| Line 3318 | |
| font-size: 11.25pt <span itemprop='name'>Ігровий ... Together Friend Ship</span>
| Line 3547 | |
| | | |
 | Use link text between 3 and 100 characters so it's long enough to be understood, but avoids line wrapping. | 10:11 | 2 pages |
A single word text link may not give enough information about the link's destination. A link that is a full sentence is difficult to read quickly, particularly if it wraps to another line. | | |
| | | |
| <a href='...e'>Ігровий набір ... Rhinomite Chargin Challenge</a>
| Line 1237 | |
| | | |
| | | |
| <a href='...p'><span itemprop='name'>... Ship</span></a>
| Line 3546 | |
| <a href='...n'><span itemprop='name'>... Backp</span></a>
| Line 4042 | |
| | | |
| Expand all 4 issues | | |