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Site Report

This tab shows pages that do not comply with W3C standards.

FailureW3C HTML/XHTML Validation - Some pages fail validation.
FailureW3C CSS Validation - Some pages fail validation.
FailureW3C Deprecated Features - Issues found.
PriorityDescription and URLGuideline and Line#Count

Priority 1

54 issues on 4 pages

Critical0 is not a member of a group specified for any attribute. HTML Validation 1 pages
https://shabab-libya-top.yoo7.com/Line 3
Critical18px is not a member of a group specified for any attribute. HTML Validation 1 pages
https://shabab-libya-top.yoo7.com/Line 3 3 3 3 3 ...
Critical20px is not a member of a group specified for any attribute. HTML Validation 1 pages
https://shabab-libya-top.yoo7.com/Line 3 3
Critical24px is not a member of a group specified for any attribute. HTML Validation 1 pages
https://shabab-libya-top.yoo7.com/Line 3 3
Critical700 is not a member of a group specified for any attribute. HTML Validation 1 pages
https://shabab-libya-top.yoo7.com/Line 3 3 3
Critical763.594px is not a member of a group specified for any attribute. HTML Validation 1 pages
https://shabab-libya-top.yoo7.com/Line 3 3
Critical8px is not a member of a group specified for any attribute. HTML Validation 1 pages
https://shabab-libya-top.yoo7.com/Line 3 3
CriticalAn attribute specification must start with a name or name token. HTML Validation 1 pages
https://shabab-libya-top.yoo7.com/Line 3 3
CriticalCharacter & is the first character of a delimiter but occurred as data. HTML Validation 4 pages
This often occurs in text or JavaScript code when a bare angle bracket or ampersand is used instead of an entity reference.
https://shabab-libya-top.yoo7.com/Line 3 3 3 3 3 ...
https://shabab-libya-top.yoo7.com/loginLine 224 224
https://shabab-libya-top.yoo7.com/portalLine 387 387
https://shabab-libya-top.yoo7.com/registerLine 251 251
CriticalCharacter ) not allowed in attribute specification list. HTML Validation 1 pages
https://shabab-libya-top.yoo7.com/Line 3
CriticalCharacter ; not allowed in attribute specification list. HTML Validation 1 pages
https://shabab-libya-top.yoo7.com/Line 3 3 3 3 3 ...
CriticalCharacter < is the first character of a delimiter but occurred as data. HTML Validation 2 pages
This often occurs in text or JavaScript code when a bare angle bracket or ampersand is used instead of an entity reference.
https://shabab-libya-top.yoo7.com/Line 3 3
https://shabab-libya-top.yoo7.com/portalLine 1290 1290
CriticalCSS Validation Error. CSS Validation 4 pages
https://shabab-libya-top.yoo7.com/Line 3 3 3 3 3 ...
! ! ! ! !
Line 220 220 220 220 220
! ! ! ! !
Line 383 383 383 383 383
! ! ! ! !
Line 247 247 247 247 247
CriticalDocument type does not allow element dd here; assuming missing dl start-tag. HTML Validation 1 pages
https://shabab-libya-top.yoo7.com/Line 3
CriticalDocument type does not allow element div here; assuming missing dd start-tag. HTML Validation 1 pages
https://shabab-libya-top.yoo7.com/Line 3
CriticalDocument type does not allow element div here; missing one of object, applet, map, iframe, button, ins, del start-tag. HTML Validation 2 pages
https://shabab-libya-top.yoo7.com/Line 3 3
https://shabab-libya-top.yoo7.com/portalLine 452 892 1049 1117 1210 ...
CriticalDocument type does not allow element style here. HTML Validation 4 pages
https://shabab-libya-top.yoo7.com/Line 3 3 5640
https://shabab-libya-top.yoo7.com/loginLine 1202
https://shabab-libya-top.yoo7.com/portalLine 548 2534
https://shabab-libya-top.yoo7.com/registerLine 1254
CriticalDocument type does not allow element tbody here. HTML Validation 1 pages
https://shabab-libya-top.yoo7.com/Line 3 3 3 3 3 ...
CriticalDocument type does not allow element td here. HTML Validation 1 pages
https://shabab-libya-top.yoo7.com/portalLine 1475 2490
CriticalDocument type does not allow element tr here; assuming missing tbody start-tag. HTML Validation 1 pages
https://shabab-libya-top.yoo7.com/Line 3 3
CriticalElement figure undefined. HTML Validation 1 pages
This happens when the version of HTML used on this page doesn't support an element with this name. This can happen if the element is misspelled, is uppercase or mixed case in XHTML, or isn't supported by some HTML versions. For example, HTML 4 DOCTYPEs don't allow HTML 5 element and Strict DOCTYPEs don't allow stylistic elements and frames which were present in earlier versions of HTML.
https://shabab-libya-top.yoo7.com/Line 5459
CriticalElement marquee undefined. HTML Validation 4 pages
This happens when the version of HTML used on this page doesn't support an element with this name. This can happen if the element is misspelled, is uppercase or mixed case in XHTML, or isn't supported by some HTML versions. For example, HTML 4 DOCTYPEs don't allow HTML 5 element and Strict DOCTYPEs don't allow stylistic elements and frames which were present in earlier versions of HTML.
https://shabab-libya-top.yoo7.com/Line 3 2453
https://shabab-libya-top.yoo7.com/loginLine 1058
https://shabab-libya-top.yoo7.com/portalLine 531
https://shabab-libya-top.yoo7.com/registerLine 1087
CriticalElement video undefined. HTML Validation 1 pages
This happens when the version of HTML used on this page doesn't support an element with this name. This can happen if the element is misspelled, is uppercase or mixed case in XHTML, or isn't supported by some HTML versions. For example, HTML 4 DOCTYPEs don't allow HTML 5 element and Strict DOCTYPEs don't allow stylistic elements and frames which were present in earlier versions of HTML.
https://shabab-libya-top.yoo7.com/Line 5789 5790
CriticalEnd tag for br omitted, but OMITTAG NO was specified start tag was here. HTML Validation 4 pages
This often occurs in XHTML on tags like img, link, meta and br when the closing / has been omitted.
https://shabab-libya-top.yoo7.com/Line 3 3 3 3 3 ...
https://shabab-libya-top.yoo7.com/loginLine 1037 1298
https://shabab-libya-top.yoo7.com/portalLine 2630
https://shabab-libya-top.yoo7.com/registerLine 1066 1350
CriticalEnd tag for dd omitted, but OMITTAG NO was specified start tag was here. HTML Validation 1 pages
This often occurs in XHTML on tags like img, link, meta and br when the closing / has been omitted.
https://shabab-libya-top.yoo7.com/Line 3
CriticalEnd tag for div omitted, but OMITTAG NO was specified start tag was here. HTML Validation 1 pages
This often occurs in XHTML on tags like img, link, meta and br when the closing / has been omitted.
https://shabab-libya-top.yoo7.com/portalLine 925 1005
CriticalEnd tag for dl omitted, but OMITTAG NO was specified start tag was here. HTML Validation 1 pages
This often occurs in XHTML on tags like img, link, meta and br when the closing / has been omitted.
https://shabab-libya-top.yoo7.com/Line 3
CriticalEnd tag for element div which is not open. HTML Validation 1 pages
https://shabab-libya-top.yoo7.com/portalLine 2497 2498
CriticalEnd tag for element font which is not open. HTML Validation 1 pages
https://shabab-libya-top.yoo7.com/portalLine 926 932 933 988 989 ...
CriticalEnd tag for element span which is not open. HTML Validation 4 pages
https://shabab-libya-top.yoo7.com/Line 3 3 3 3 3 ...
https://shabab-libya-top.yoo7.com/loginLine 337 367 397 427 457 ...
https://shabab-libya-top.yoo7.com/portalLine 939 977 987 991 995 ...
https://shabab-libya-top.yoo7.com/registerLine 366 396 426 456 486 ...
CriticalEnd tag for element table which is not open. HTML Validation 1 pages
https://shabab-libya-top.yoo7.com/portalLine 2461 2496 2527
CriticalEnd tag for element tbody which is not open. HTML Validation 1 pages
https://shabab-libya-top.yoo7.com/portalLine 2495
CriticalEnd tag for element td which is not open. HTML Validation 1 pages
https://shabab-libya-top.yoo7.com/portalLine 1474 2489 2525
CriticalEnd tag for element tr which is not open. HTML Validation 1 pages
https://shabab-libya-top.yoo7.com/portalLine 2460 2494 2526
CriticalEnd tag for font omitted, but OMITTAG NO was specified start tag was here. HTML Validation 1 pages
This often occurs in XHTML on tags like img, link, meta and br when the closing / has been omitted.
https://shabab-libya-top.yoo7.com/portalLine 925
This often occurs in XHTML on tags like img, link, meta and br when the closing / has been omitted.
https://shabab-libya-top.yoo7.com/Line 3 3 3 3 3 ...
https://shabab-libya-top.yoo7.com/portalLine 122 124 126 128 130 ...
CriticalEnd tag for meta omitted, but OMITTAG NO was specified start tag was here. HTML Validation 2 pages
This often occurs in XHTML on tags like img, link, meta and br when the closing / has been omitted.
https://shabab-libya-top.yoo7.com/Line 3 3
https://shabab-libya-top.yoo7.com/portalLine 142 144
CriticalEnd tag for span omitted, but OMITTAG NO was specified start tag was here. HTML Validation 1 pages
This often occurs in XHTML on tags like img, link, meta and br when the closing / has been omitted.
https://shabab-libya-top.yoo7.com/portalLine 913 931 967
CriticalEnd tag for table omitted, but OMITTAG NO was specified start tag was here. HTML Validation 1 pages
This often occurs in XHTML on tags like img, link, meta and br when the closing / has been omitted.
https://shabab-libya-top.yoo7.com/portalLine 999
CriticalEnd tag for table which is not finished. HTML Validation 3 pages
Either elements are not nested properly, or the element is missing a required element. For example, the HEAD element must contain a TITLE element and the TR element must contain a TD element.
https://shabab-libya-top.yoo7.com/Line 3 2427
https://shabab-libya-top.yoo7.com/loginLine 1027
https://shabab-libya-top.yoo7.com/registerLine 1056
CriticalEnd tag for tbody omitted, but OMITTAG NO was specified start tag was here. HTML Validation 2 pages
This often occurs in XHTML on tags like img, link, meta and br when the closing / has been omitted.
https://shabab-libya-top.yoo7.com/Line 3 3
https://shabab-libya-top.yoo7.com/portalLine 999
CriticalEnd tag for tbody which is not finished. HTML Validation 1 pages
Either elements are not nested properly, or the element is missing a required element. For example, the HEAD element must contain a TITLE element and the TR element must contain a TD element.
https://shabab-libya-top.yoo7.com/Line 3 3 3 3 3 ...
CriticalEnd tag for td omitted, but OMITTAG NO was specified start tag was here. HTML Validation 1 pages
This often occurs in XHTML on tags like img, link, meta and br when the closing / has been omitted.
https://shabab-libya-top.yoo7.com/portalLine 999
CriticalEnd tag for tr omitted, but OMITTAG NO was specified start tag was here. HTML Validation 1 pages
This often occurs in XHTML on tags like img, link, meta and br when the closing / has been omitted.
https://shabab-libya-top.yoo7.com/portalLine 999
CriticalID _cm-css-reset already defined ID _cm-css-reset first defined here. HTML Validation 1 pages
https://shabab-libya-top.yoo7.com/Line 5792 5793
CriticalInvalid CSS selector. CSS Validation 1 pages

Line 247
CriticalInvalid value for CSS identifier. CSS Validation 1 pages
In CSS, identifiers (including element names, classes, and IDs in selectors) can contain only the characters [a-zA-Z0-9] and ISO 10646 characters U+00A0 and higher, plus the hyphen '-' and the underscore '_'. They cannot start with a digit, two hyphens, or a hyphen followed by a digit.
.1858fde .1858fde .1858fde
Line 247 247 247
CriticalInvalid value for CSS property. CSS Validation 1 pages
height: 35 height: 35 height: 35 height: 35 height: 35
Line 456 456 456 456 456 ...
CriticalReference not terminated by REFC delimiter. HTML Validation 4 pages
https://shabab-libya-top.yoo7.com/Line 3 3
https://shabab-libya-top.yoo7.com/loginLine 1208
https://shabab-libya-top.yoo7.com/portalLine 540 1277 2100 2540
https://shabab-libya-top.yoo7.com/registerLine 1260
CriticalReference to external entity in attribute value. HTML Validation 2 pages
https://shabab-libya-top.yoo7.com/Line 3
https://shabab-libya-top.yoo7.com/portalLine 540 1277 2100
CriticalRequired attribute alt not specified. HTML Validation 2 pages
https://shabab-libya-top.yoo7.com/Line 3 3 3 3 3 ...
https://shabab-libya-top.yoo7.com/portalLine 2093 2097 2101
CriticalRequired attribute type not specified. HTML Validation 4 pages
https://shabab-libya-top.yoo7.com/Line 3 3 3 85 87 ...
https://shabab-libya-top.yoo7.com/loginLine 223 1041 1202
https://shabab-libya-top.yoo7.com/portalLine 386 2534
https://shabab-libya-top.yoo7.com/registerLine 250 1070 1254
CriticalValue of attribute id invalid: 0 cannot start a name. HTML Validation 1 pages
https://shabab-libya-top.yoo7.com/Line 5794
CriticalValue of attribute method cannot be GET; must be one of get, post. HTML Validation 1 pages
https://shabab-libya-top.yoo7.com/registerLine 1103

Priority 2

42 issues on 4 pages

Very ImportantAn unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings. HTML Validation Ampersand Problem 4 pages
In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. Any URL that uses an ampersand should look like: `file.php?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2`
https://shabab-libya-top.yoo7.com/Line 3 3 3 3
https://shabab-libya-top.yoo7.com/loginLine 1208 1208
https://shabab-libya-top.yoo7.com/portalLine 540 540 1277 1277 2100 ...
https://shabab-libya-top.yoo7.com/registerLine 1260 1260
Very ImportantThere is no attribute allowtransparency. HTML Validation 2 pages
This happens when the version of HTML used on this page doesn't support an attribute with this name. This can happen if the attribute is misspelled, is uppercase or mixed case in XHTML, or isn't supported by some HTML versions. For example, HTML 4 DOCTYPEs don't allow HTML 5 attributes and Strict DOCTYPEs don't allow stylistic attributes which were present in earlier versions of HTML.
https://shabab-libya-top.yoo7.com/Line 3 2469
https://shabab-libya-top.yoo7.com/portalLine 540
Very ImportantThere is no attribute arabic. HTML Validation 1 pages
This happens when the version of HTML used on this page doesn't support an attribute with this name. This can happen if the attribute is misspelled, is uppercase or mixed case in XHTML, or isn't supported by some HTML versions. For example, HTML 4 DOCTYPEs don't allow HTML 5 attributes and Strict DOCTYPEs don't allow stylistic attributes which were present in earlier versions of HTML.
https://shabab-libya-top.yoo7.com/Line 2884 2886 4323
Very ImportantThere is no attribute async. HTML Validation 1 pages
This happens when the version of HTML used on this page doesn't support an attribute with this name. This can happen if the attribute is misspelled, is uppercase or mixed case in XHTML, or isn't supported by some HTML versions. For example, HTML 4 DOCTYPEs don't allow HTML 5 attributes and Strict DOCTYPEs don't allow stylistic attributes which were present in earlier versions of HTML.
https://shabab-libya-top.yoo7.com/Line 84
Very ImportantThere is no attribute border. HTML Validation 2 pages
This happens when the version of HTML used on this page doesn't support an attribute with this name. This can happen if the attribute is misspelled, is uppercase or mixed case in XHTML, or isn't supported by some HTML versions. For example, HTML 4 DOCTYPEs don't allow HTML 5 attributes and Strict DOCTYPEs don't allow stylistic attributes which were present in earlier versions of HTML.
https://shabab-libya-top.yoo7.com/Line 3 2469
https://shabab-libya-top.yoo7.com/portalLine 540
Very ImportantThere is no attribute courier. HTML Validation 1 pages
This happens when the version of HTML used on this page doesn't support an attribute with this name. This can happen if the attribute is misspelled, is uppercase or mixed case in XHTML, or isn't supported by some HTML versions. For example, HTML 4 DOCTYPEs don't allow HTML 5 attributes and Strict DOCTYPEs don't allow stylistic attributes which were present in earlier versions of HTML.
https://shabab-libya-top.yoo7.com/Line 2494
Very ImportantThere is no attribute crossorigin. HTML Validation 1 pages
This happens when the version of HTML used on this page doesn't support an attribute with this name. This can happen if the attribute is misspelled, is uppercase or mixed case in XHTML, or isn't supported by some HTML versions. For example, HTML 4 DOCTYPEs don't allow HTML 5 attributes and Strict DOCTYPEs don't allow stylistic attributes which were present in earlier versions of HTML.
https://shabab-libya-top.yoo7.com/Line 1075
Very ImportantThere is no attribute data-item-id. HTML Validation 1 pages
This happens when the version of HTML used on this page doesn't support an attribute with this name. This can happen if the attribute is misspelled, is uppercase or mixed case in XHTML, or isn't supported by some HTML versions. For example, HTML 4 DOCTYPEs don't allow HTML 5 attributes and Strict DOCTYPEs don't allow stylistic attributes which were present in earlier versions of HTML.
https://shabab-libya-top.yoo7.com/Line 5462
Very ImportantThere is no attribute data-item-syndicated. HTML Validation 1 pages
This happens when the version of HTML used on this page doesn't support an attribute with this name. This can happen if the attribute is misspelled, is uppercase or mixed case in XHTML, or isn't supported by some HTML versions. For example, HTML 4 DOCTYPEs don't allow HTML 5 attributes and Strict DOCTYPEs don't allow stylistic attributes which were present in earlier versions of HTML.
https://shabab-libya-top.yoo7.com/Line 5462
Very ImportantThere is no attribute data-item-thumb. HTML Validation 1 pages
This happens when the version of HTML used on this page doesn't support an attribute with this name. This can happen if the attribute is misspelled, is uppercase or mixed case in XHTML, or isn't supported by some HTML versions. For example, HTML 4 DOCTYPEs don't allow HTML 5 attributes and Strict DOCTYPEs don't allow stylistic attributes which were present in earlier versions of HTML.
https://shabab-libya-top.yoo7.com/Line 5462
Very ImportantThere is no attribute data-item-title. HTML Validation 1 pages
This happens when the version of HTML used on this page doesn't support an attribute with this name. This can happen if the attribute is misspelled, is uppercase or mixed case in XHTML, or isn't supported by some HTML versions. For example, HTML 4 DOCTYPEs don't allow HTML 5 attributes and Strict DOCTYPEs don't allow stylistic attributes which were present in earlier versions of HTML.
https://shabab-libya-top.yoo7.com/Line 5462
Very ImportantThere is no attribute data-lang. HTML Validation 1 pages
This happens when the version of HTML used on this page doesn't support an attribute with this name. This can happen if the attribute is misspelled, is uppercase or mixed case in XHTML, or isn't supported by some HTML versions. For example, HTML 4 DOCTYPEs don't allow HTML 5 attributes and Strict DOCTYPEs don't allow stylistic attributes which were present in earlier versions of HTML.
https://shabab-libya-top.yoo7.com/Line 3384
Very ImportantThere is no attribute data-loc. HTML Validation 1 pages
This happens when the version of HTML used on this page doesn't support an attribute with this name. This can happen if the attribute is misspelled, is uppercase or mixed case in XHTML, or isn't supported by some HTML versions. For example, HTML 4 DOCTYPEs don't allow HTML 5 attributes and Strict DOCTYPEs don't allow stylistic attributes which were present in earlier versions of HTML.
https://shabab-libya-top.yoo7.com/Line 3384
Very ImportantThere is no attribute data-login. HTML Validation 1 pages
This happens when the version of HTML used on this page doesn't support an attribute with this name. This can happen if the attribute is misspelled, is uppercase or mixed case in XHTML, or isn't supported by some HTML versions. For example, HTML 4 DOCTYPEs don't allow HTML 5 attributes and Strict DOCTYPEs don't allow stylistic attributes which were present in earlier versions of HTML.
https://shabab-libya-top.yoo7.com/Line 3384
Very ImportantThere is no attribute data-placement-name. HTML Validation 1 pages
This happens when the version of HTML used on this page doesn't support an attribute with this name. This can happen if the attribute is misspelled, is uppercase or mixed case in XHTML, or isn't supported by some HTML versions. For example, HTML 4 DOCTYPEs don't allow HTML 5 attributes and Strict DOCTYPEs don't allow stylistic attributes which were present in earlier versions of HTML.
https://shabab-libya-top.yoo7.com/Line 5426
Very ImportantThere is no attribute data-tracked. HTML Validation 1 pages
This happens when the version of HTML used on this page doesn't support an attribute with this name. This can happen if the attribute is misspelled, is uppercase or mixed case in XHTML, or isn't supported by some HTML versions. For example, HTML 4 DOCTYPEs don't allow HTML 5 attributes and Strict DOCTYPEs don't allow stylistic attributes which were present in earlier versions of HTML.
https://shabab-libya-top.yoo7.com/Line 5460
Very ImportantThere is no attribute data-validation. HTML Validation 1 pages
This happens when the version of HTML used on this page doesn't support an attribute with this name. This can happen if the attribute is misspelled, is uppercase or mixed case in XHTML, or isn't supported by some HTML versions. For example, HTML 4 DOCTYPEs don't allow HTML 5 attributes and Strict DOCTYPEs don't allow stylistic attributes which were present in earlier versions of HTML.
https://shabab-libya-top.yoo7.com/registerLine 1182
Very ImportantThere is no attribute data-version. HTML Validation 1 pages
This happens when the version of HTML used on this page doesn't support an attribute with this name. This can happen if the attribute is misspelled, is uppercase or mixed case in XHTML, or isn't supported by some HTML versions. For example, HTML 4 DOCTYPEs don't allow HTML 5 attributes and Strict DOCTYPEs don't allow stylistic attributes which were present in earlier versions of HTML.
https://shabab-libya-top.yoo7.com/Line 3384
Very ImportantThere is no attribute direction. HTML Validation 4 pages
This happens when the version of HTML used on this page doesn't support an attribute with this name. This can happen if the attribute is misspelled, is uppercase or mixed case in XHTML, or isn't supported by some HTML versions. For example, HTML 4 DOCTYPEs don't allow HTML 5 attributes and Strict DOCTYPEs don't allow stylistic attributes which were present in earlier versions of HTML.
https://shabab-libya-top.yoo7.com/Line 3 2453
https://shabab-libya-top.yoo7.com/loginLine 1058
https://shabab-libya-top.yoo7.com/portalLine 531
https://shabab-libya-top.yoo7.com/registerLine 1087
Very ImportantThere is no attribute droid. HTML Validation 1 pages
This happens when the version of HTML used on this page doesn't support an attribute with this name. This can happen if the attribute is misspelled, is uppercase or mixed case in XHTML, or isn't supported by some HTML versions. For example, HTML 4 DOCTYPEs don't allow HTML 5 attributes and Strict DOCTYPEs don't allow stylistic attributes which were present in earlier versions of HTML.
https://shabab-libya-top.yoo7.com/Line 2884 2886 4323
Very ImportantThere is no attribute f38. HTML Validation 1 pages
This happens when the version of HTML used on this page doesn't support an attribute with this name. This can happen if the attribute is misspelled, is uppercase or mixed case in XHTML, or isn't supported by some HTML versions. For example, HTML 4 DOCTYPEs don't allow HTML 5 attributes and Strict DOCTYPEs don't allow stylistic attributes which were present in earlier versions of HTML.
https://shabab-libya-top.yoo7.com/Line 2884 2886
Very ImportantThere is no attribute font-weight:. HTML Validation 1 pages
This happens when the version of HTML used on this page doesn't support an attribute with this name. This can happen if the attribute is misspelled, is uppercase or mixed case in XHTML, or isn't supported by some HTML versions. For example, HTML 4 DOCTYPEs don't allow HTML 5 attributes and Strict DOCTYPEs don't allow stylistic attributes which were present in earlier versions of HTML.
https://shabab-libya-top.yoo7.com/Line 3 3
Very ImportantThere is no attribute height. HTML Validation 2 pages
This happens when the version of HTML used on this page doesn't support an attribute with this name. This can happen if the attribute is misspelled, is uppercase or mixed case in XHTML, or isn't supported by some HTML versions. For example, HTML 4 DOCTYPEs don't allow HTML 5 attributes and Strict DOCTYPEs don't allow stylistic attributes which were present in earlier versions of HTML.
https://shabab-libya-top.yoo7.com/Line 3 3 1747 1749 5793
https://shabab-libya-top.yoo7.com/portalLine 435 436
Very ImportantThere is no attribute i.servimg.com. HTML Validation 1 pages
This happens when the version of HTML used on this page doesn't support an attribute with this name. This can happen if the attribute is misspelled, is uppercase or mixed case in XHTML, or isn't supported by some HTML versions. For example, HTML 4 DOCTYPEs don't allow HTML 5 attributes and Strict DOCTYPEs don't allow stylistic attributes which were present in earlier versions of HTML.
https://shabab-libya-top.yoo7.com/Line 2884 2886
Very ImportantThere is no attribute id. HTML Validation 1 pages
This happens when the version of HTML used on this page doesn't support an attribute with this name. This can happen if the attribute is misspelled, is uppercase or mixed case in XHTML, or isn't supported by some HTML versions. For example, HTML 4 DOCTYPEs don't allow HTML 5 attributes and Strict DOCTYPEs don't allow stylistic attributes which were present in earlier versions of HTML.
https://shabab-libya-top.yoo7.com/Line 5459
Very ImportantThere is no attribute leftmargin. HTML Validation 2 pages
This happens when the version of HTML used on this page doesn't support an attribute with this name. This can happen if the attribute is misspelled, is uppercase or mixed case in XHTML, or isn't supported by some HTML versions. For example, HTML 4 DOCTYPEs don't allow HTML 5 attributes and Strict DOCTYPEs don't allow stylistic attributes which were present in earlier versions of HTML.
https://shabab-libya-top.yoo7.com/Line 3 2469
https://shabab-libya-top.yoo7.com/portalLine 540
Very ImportantThere is no attribute loading. HTML Validation 4 pages
This happens when the version of HTML used on this page doesn't support an attribute with this name. This can happen if the attribute is misspelled, is uppercase or mixed case in XHTML, or isn't supported by some HTML versions. For example, HTML 4 DOCTYPEs don't allow HTML 5 attributes and Strict DOCTYPEs don't allow stylistic attributes which were present in earlier versions of HTML.
https://shabab-libya-top.yoo7.com/Line 3 1782
https://shabab-libya-top.yoo7.com/loginLine 280
https://shabab-libya-top.yoo7.com/portalLine 483
https://shabab-libya-top.yoo7.com/registerLine 309
Very ImportantThere is no attribute muted. HTML Validation 1 pages
This happens when the version of HTML used on this page doesn't support an attribute with this name. This can happen if the attribute is misspelled, is uppercase or mixed case in XHTML, or isn't supported by some HTML versions. For example, HTML 4 DOCTYPEs don't allow HTML 5 attributes and Strict DOCTYPEs don't allow stylistic attributes which were present in earlier versions of HTML.
https://shabab-libya-top.yoo7.com/Line 5790
Very ImportantThere is no attribute no-repeat. HTML Validation 1 pages
This happens when the version of HTML used on this page doesn't support an attribute with this name. This can happen if the attribute is misspelled, is uppercase or mixed case in XHTML, or isn't supported by some HTML versions. For example, HTML 4 DOCTYPEs don't allow HTML 5 attributes and Strict DOCTYPEs don't allow stylistic attributes which were present in earlier versions of HTML.
https://shabab-libya-top.yoo7.com/Line 2884 2886
Very ImportantThere is no attribute observeid. HTML Validation 1 pages
This happens when the version of HTML used on this page doesn't support an attribute with this name. This can happen if the attribute is misspelled, is uppercase or mixed case in XHTML, or isn't supported by some HTML versions. For example, HTML 4 DOCTYPEs don't allow HTML 5 attributes and Strict DOCTYPEs don't allow stylistic attributes which were present in earlier versions of HTML.
https://shabab-libya-top.yoo7.com/Line 5426
This happens when the version of HTML used on this page doesn't support an attribute with this name. This can happen if the attribute is misspelled, is uppercase or mixed case in XHTML, or isn't supported by some HTML versions. For example, HTML 4 DOCTYPEs don't allow HTML 5 attributes and Strict DOCTYPEs don't allow stylistic attributes which were present in earlier versions of HTML.
https://shabab-libya-top.yoo7.com/Line 3 2440
https://shabab-libya-top.yoo7.com/loginLine 1039
https://shabab-libya-top.yoo7.com/registerLine 1068
Very ImportantThere is no attribute playsinline. HTML Validation 1 pages
This happens when the version of HTML used on this page doesn't support an attribute with this name. This can happen if the attribute is misspelled, is uppercase or mixed case in XHTML, or isn't supported by some HTML versions. For example, HTML 4 DOCTYPEs don't allow HTML 5 attributes and Strict DOCTYPEs don't allow stylistic attributes which were present in earlier versions of HTML.
https://shabab-libya-top.yoo7.com/Line 5789
Very ImportantThere is no attribute property. HTML Validation 2 pages
This happens when the version of HTML used on this page doesn't support an attribute with this name. This can happen if the attribute is misspelled, is uppercase or mixed case in XHTML, or isn't supported by some HTML versions. For example, HTML 4 DOCTYPEs don't allow HTML 5 attributes and Strict DOCTYPEs don't allow stylistic attributes which were present in earlier versions of HTML.
https://shabab-libya-top.yoo7.com/Line 3 102
https://shabab-libya-top.yoo7.com/portalLine 145
Very ImportantThere is no attribute sizes. HTML Validation 2 pages
This happens when the version of HTML used on this page doesn't support an attribute with this name. This can happen if the attribute is misspelled, is uppercase or mixed case in XHTML, or isn't supported by some HTML versions. For example, HTML 4 DOCTYPEs don't allow HTML 5 attributes and Strict DOCTYPEs don't allow stylistic attributes which were present in earlier versions of HTML.
https://shabab-libya-top.yoo7.com/Line 3 71
https://shabab-libya-top.yoo7.com/portalLine 122
Very ImportantThere is no attribute solid. HTML Validation 1 pages
This happens when the version of HTML used on this page doesn't support an attribute with this name. This can happen if the attribute is misspelled, is uppercase or mixed case in XHTML, or isn't supported by some HTML versions. For example, HTML 4 DOCTYPEs don't allow HTML 5 attributes and Strict DOCTYPEs don't allow stylistic attributes which were present in earlier versions of HTML.
https://shabab-libya-top.yoo7.com/Line 2884 2886
Very ImportantThere is no attribute src. HTML Validation 1 pages
This happens when the version of HTML used on this page doesn't support an attribute with this name. This can happen if the attribute is misspelled, is uppercase or mixed case in XHTML, or isn't supported by some HTML versions. For example, HTML 4 DOCTYPEs don't allow HTML 5 attributes and Strict DOCTYPEs don't allow stylistic attributes which were present in earlier versions of HTML.
https://shabab-libya-top.yoo7.com/Line 5789
Very ImportantThere is no attribute style. HTML Validation 1 pages
This happens when the version of HTML used on this page doesn't support an attribute with this name. This can happen if the attribute is misspelled, is uppercase or mixed case in XHTML, or isn't supported by some HTML versions. For example, HTML 4 DOCTYPEs don't allow HTML 5 attributes and Strict DOCTYPEs don't allow stylistic attributes which were present in earlier versions of HTML.
https://shabab-libya-top.yoo7.com/Line 5459 5789
Very ImportantThere is no attribute topmargin. HTML Validation 2 pages
This happens when the version of HTML used on this page doesn't support an attribute with this name. This can happen if the attribute is misspelled, is uppercase or mixed case in XHTML, or isn't supported by some HTML versions. For example, HTML 4 DOCTYPEs don't allow HTML 5 attributes and Strict DOCTYPEs don't allow stylistic attributes which were present in earlier versions of HTML.
https://shabab-libya-top.yoo7.com/Line 3 2469
https://shabab-libya-top.yoo7.com/portalLine 540
Very ImportantThere is no attribute u. HTML Validation 1 pages
This happens when the version of HTML used on this page doesn't support an attribute with this name. This can happen if the attribute is misspelled, is uppercase or mixed case in XHTML, or isn't supported by some HTML versions. For example, HTML 4 DOCTYPEs don't allow HTML 5 attributes and Strict DOCTYPEs don't allow stylistic attributes which were present in earlier versions of HTML.
https://shabab-libya-top.yoo7.com/Line 2884 2886
Very ImportantThere is no attribute width. HTML Validation 1 pages
This happens when the version of HTML used on this page doesn't support an attribute with this name. This can happen if the attribute is misspelled, is uppercase or mixed case in XHTML, or isn't supported by some HTML versions. For example, HTML 4 DOCTYPEs don't allow HTML 5 attributes and Strict DOCTYPEs don't allow stylistic attributes which were present in earlier versions of HTML.
https://shabab-libya-top.yoo7.com/Line 5793
Very ImportantThere is no attribute width:. HTML Validation 1 pages
This happens when the version of HTML used on this page doesn't support an attribute with this name. This can happen if the attribute is misspelled, is uppercase or mixed case in XHTML, or isn't supported by some HTML versions. For example, HTML 4 DOCTYPEs don't allow HTML 5 attributes and Strict DOCTYPEs don't allow stylistic attributes which were present in earlier versions of HTML.
https://shabab-libya-top.yoo7.com/Line 3 3
Very ImportantUnknown pseudo-element or pseudo-class name. CSS Validation 1 pages
The :pseudo-class or ::pseudo-element name name may be misspelled or not yet standardized.
Line 1249

Priority 3

1 issues on 4 pages

ImportantThe a name attribute is deprecated in XHTML 1.0, and is illegal in XHTML 1.1 Strict. W3C Deprecated 4 pages
Use the id attribute instead.
https://shabab-libya-top.yoo7.com/Line 1773 5621 5622
https://shabab-libya-top.yoo7.com/loginLine 271 1180 1182
https://shabab-libya-top.yoo7.com/portalLine 474 744 811 870 1025 ...
https://shabab-libya-top.yoo7.com/registerLine 300 1232 1234


These messages are for information only and do not indicate errors

InformationCSS hack or vendor extension used. CSS Validation 2 pages
*height *height *height *height
Line 3 456 456 456 456 ...
filter: alpha(opacity=100)
Line 549
InformationProperty or at-rule is vendor specific. CSS Validation 2 pages
Properties and at-rules prefixed by a dash or underscore, the zoom property and the expression() function are vendor specific and only work on one browser engine.
_width _width _width
Line 3 3 456 456 456 ...
-khtml-opacity -khtml-opacity
Line 549 549
Expand all 99 issues