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This tab shows accessibility issues, indicating problems for older users, people with disabilities or accessibility needs. Automated testing cannot detect all accessibility issues, so should be used alongside human testing.

LevelWCAG 2.2Section 508 - 2017Key
ALevel A, 7 issuesLevel A, 7 issuesCritical Pages with level A issues are unusable for some people
AALevel AA, 3 issuesLevel AA, 2 issuesVery Important Pages with level AA issues are very difficult to use
AAALevel AAA, 3 issuesLess Important Pages with level AAA issues can be difficult to use
PriorityDescription and URLGuideline and Line#Count

Level A

7 issues on 5 pages

CriticalHTML form control has no accessible name. WCAG 2.2 A F68 Section 508 (2017) A F68 1 pages

A label (or name) linked to the control allows screen readers to voice the label correctly when reading the control. To add a label do one of the following:

  • Use a label element with the for attribute set to the ID of the form control
  • Wrap a label element around the form control
  • Add a title attribute
  • Add an aria-label attribute
  • Add an aria-labelledby attribute
https://iptvx.cam/Line 225
Criticalimg elements must have an accessible name. WCAG 2.2 A F65 Section 508 (2017) A F65 1 pages
Add an alt attribute describing the image, which screen readers voice instead of the image. Spacer images and purely decorative images should use alt="" without any global ARIA attributes. Do not use alt text containing only spaces since that's voiced as an unlabeled image.

Impact on users:

  • NVDA 2023.3 Chrome 120 Windows 10 Reading: Image ignored.
  • NVDA 2023.3 FF 115 Windows 10 Reading: Image ignored.
  • NVDA 2023.3 Edge 120 Windows 10 Reading: Image ignored.
  • JAWS 2023.2311.34 Chrome 120 Windows 10 Reading: Image ignored.
  • JAWS 2023.2311.34 FF 115 Windows 10 Reading: Image ignored.
  • JAWS 2023.2311.34 Edge 120 Windows 10 Reading: Image ignored.
  • VoiceOver macOS 13.6 Safari 16.6 macOS 13.6.0 Reading: Image filename read out.
  • VoiceOver iOS 16.6 Safari iOS 16.6 iOS 16.6.1 Touch: Image filename read out, along with OCR text from image.
https://iptvx.cam/languages/Line 182 196 210 224 238 ...
CriticalIndicating links using only a text color change does not work for color-blind users. WCAG 2.2 A F73 Section 508 (2017) A F73 1 pages
Remove the text-decoration:none property from your link styles, or add other style attributes in addition to color changes to make links visible to people without color vision. If the non-color cue only happens when the mouse hovers over the link or when the link receives focus, it is still a failure. 1.4.1
https://iptvx.cam/loginLine 183 209
CriticalLinks must have an accessible name. WCAG 2.2 A F89 Section 508 (2017) A F89 1 pages

A link name allows screen readers to voice what the links does. If there is no link content, or the link content is hidden by CSS, screen readers have nothing to read, so read out the URL instead. To add a name do one of the following:

  • Add text between the a element start and end tags
  • Add an aria-label attribute
  • Add an aria-labelledby attribute
  • Add an img alt attribute labeling the link if it contains an img element
2.4.4 2.4.9 4.1.2
https://iptvx.cam/Line 726
CriticalThis button element is empty and has no accessible name. WCAG 2.2 A 4.1.2 Section 508 (2017) A 4.1.2 5 pages

A programmatically determined name allows screen readers to tell users what the control does. To add a name do one of the following:

  • Add text between the button start and end tags
  • Add a title attribute
  • Add an aria-label attribute
  • Add an aria-labelledby attribute
  • Add an img alt attribute if the button contains an img element
https://iptvx.cam/Line 82
https://iptvx.cam/languages/Line 66
https://iptvx.cam/sites/Line 66
https://iptvx.cam/tags/Line 66
This issue was found on another 1 pages. The trial version is limited to showing issues on 4 pages.
CriticalThis form automatically submits when focus changes making it nearly impossible for disabled users to navigate via the keyboard. WCAG 2.2 A F36 Section 508 (2017) A F36 1 pages
Use a submit button instead, or rely on the default behavior of submitting when the user hits enter in a text field. 3.2.2
https://iptvx.cam/Line 225
CriticalUse semantic markup like strong instead of using the CSS font-weight property. WCAG 2.2 A F2 Section 508 (2017) A F2 5 pages
Use the strong element instead of the span element for bold text. 1.3.1
https://iptvx.cam/Line 97 129 152 156 185 ...
https://iptvx.cam/languages/Line 85 119 134 167 929 ...
https://iptvx.cam/sites/Line 85 119 134 167 263 ...
https://iptvx.cam/tags/Line 85 119 134 167 187 ...
This issue was found on another 1 pages. The trial version is limited to showing issues on 4 pages.

Level AA

3 issues on 2 pages

Very ImportantEnsure that text and background colors have enough contrast. WCAG 2.2 AA 1.4.3 Section 508 (2017) AA 1.4.3 1 pages

Some users find it hard to read light gray text on a white background, dark gray text on a black background and white text on a red background.

  • The contrast ratio should be 3.0 or more for 18 point text, or larger
  • The contrast ratio should be 3.0 or more for 14 point bold text, or larger
  • The contrast ratio should be 4.5 or more for all other text
The text color to background color contrast ratio after composition is: 1.21 with color: rgb(255,255,255)background: rgb(217,237,247)font-size: 12ptfont-weight: 400 3.80 with color: rgb(254,38,42)background: rgb(255,255,255)font-size: 12ptfont-weight: 400
Line 183 209
Very ImportantFor input type=password elements, set the autocomplete attribute to new-password or current-password in order to identify input purpose. WCAG 2.2 1.3.5 1 pages
Specifying what kind of data is expected in a particular input field makes filling out forms easier, especially for people with cognitive disabilities. While type=password specifies the type of input, it doesn't specify its purpose. Autocomplete values such as new-password and current-password are a well-supported way of identifying input purpose.
https://iptvx.cam/loginLine 206
Very ImportantThe CSS outline or border style on this element makes it difficult or impossible to see the link focus outline. WCAG 2.2 AA F78 Section 508 (2017) AA F78 1 pages
Do not remove the default outline style, and change any border styles to avoid obscuring the focus outline around focusable elements. See :focus-visible for more information.

Using a border or outline style that obscures the focus ring causes problems for keyboard-only users in:

  • Chrome (obscures the focus indicator on links, buttons, dropdowns and range controls)
  • Firefox (obscures the focus indicator on links)
outline-style:none or outline-width:0
Line 225

Level AAA

3 issues on 5 pages

ImportantAvoid specifying a new window as the target of a link with target=_blank. WCAG 2.2 AAA F22 5 pages
Displaying new windows without warning can be very confusing to non-sighted and mobile users. Some screen readers and mobile devices give very little indication a new tab or window has opened. If you cannot avoid displaying a new window, insert an "opens in a new window" warning into the link text or add the warning to the link using a title attribute or aria-describedby attribute. 3.2.5
https://iptvx.cam/Line 726 762 765
https://iptvx.cam/languages/Line 959 960
https://iptvx.cam/sites/Line 293 294
https://iptvx.cam/tags/Line 217 218
This issue was found on another 1 pages. The trial version is limited to showing issues on 4 pages.
ImportantDon't use CSS animations or transitions in interactions without giving the user a way to turn them off. WCAG 2.2 2.3.3 1 pages
Use the @media (prefers-reduced-motion) media query to respect user preferences.
:hover transition: height 50.0px 94.0px 0.3s :hover transition: height 50.0px 94.0px 0.3s :hover transition: height 50.0px 94.0px 0.3s :hover transition: height 50.0px 94.0px 0.3s :hover transition: height 50.0px 94.0px 0.3s
Line 319 340 438 508 592 ...
ImportantEnsure that text and background colors have a 7:1 contrast ratio. WCAG 2.2 AAA 1.4.6 1 pages

Some users find it hard to read light gray text on a white background, dark gray text on a black background and white text on a red background.

  • The contrast ratio should be 4.5 or more for 18 point text, or larger
  • The contrast ratio should be 4.5 or more for 14 point bold text, or larger
  • The contrast ratio should be 7.0 or more for all other text
The text color to background color contrast ratio after composition is: 4.53 with color: rgb(49,112,143)background: rgb(217,237,247)font-size: 12ptfont-weight: 300 4.66 with color: rgb(255,255,255)background: rgb(154,100,128)font-size: 12ptfont-weight: 400
Line 180 212


These messages are for information only and do not indicate errors or conformance problems

InformationSome CSS files have been blocked by robots.txt or a robots meta tag or the Blocked Links box. Scanner 6 pages
Rules that depend on CSS, such as color contrast checks, are unreliable when CSS is blocked.
https://iptvx.cam/core/colorScheme_v2.php?tpf=000000&tsf=000000&ttf=000000&tpb=000000&tsb=000000&ttb=000000&tpt=FF033&tst=FC333&ttt=000000Line 1
This issue was found on another 5 pages. The trial version is limited to showing issues on 4 pages.
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