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Site Report

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IssuesDescription and URLGuidelineLine
CriticalIdentify row and column headers in data tables using th elements, and mark layout tables with role=presentation.
WCAG 2.2 A F91
Section 508 (2017) A F91
1449 1520 1667 1809 1954 ...
CriticalUse HTML headings instead of applying CSS heading styles to non-headings.
WCAG 2.2 A F2
Section 508 (2017) A F2
1569 1584 1716 1858 1873 ...
CriticalUse semantic markup like strong instead of using the CSS font-weight property.
WCAG 2.2 A F2
Section 508 (2017) A F2
745 803 861 919 1035 ...
CriticalIndicating links using only a text color change does not work for color-blind users.
WCAG 2.2 A F73
Section 508 (2017) A F73
CriticalInvalid value for CSS property.
background: -webkit-linear-gradient( background: -moz-linear-gradient(
CSS Validation
406 407
CriticalAttribute ontouchstart not allowed on element.
Very ImportantEnsure that text and background colors have enough contrast.
The text color to background color contrast ratio after composition is: 1.90 with color: rgb(178,190,195)background: rgb(255,255,255)font-size: 9ptfont-weight: 400 1.90 with color: rgb(178,190,195)background: rgb(255,255,255)font-size: 9ptfont-weight: 400 1.90 with color: rgb(178,190,195)background: rgb(255,255,255)font-size: 9ptfont-weight: 400 3.48 with color: rgb(127,140,141)background: rgb(255,255,255)font-size: 9ptfont-weight: 400 1.90 with color: rgb(178,190,195)background: rgb(255,255,255)font-size: 9ptfont-weight: 400
WCAG 2.2 AA 1.4.3
Section 508 (2017) AA 1.4.3
777 835 893 978 1009 ...
Very ImportantThe CSS outline or border style on this element makes it difficult or impossible to see the link focus outline.
outline-style:none or outline-width:0 outline-style:none or outline-width:0 outline-style:none or outline-width:0 outline-style:none or outline-width:0 outline-style:none or outline-width:0
WCAG 2.2 AA F78
Section 508 (2017) AA F78
1360 1366 1372 1375 1381 ...
ImportantDon't use CSS animations or transitions in interactions without giving the user a way to turn them off.
:hover transition: border-block-end-width 0.0px 1.0px 0.3s :hover transition: border-block-end-width 0.0px 1.0px 0.3s :hover transition: border-block-end-width 0.0px 1.0px 0.3s :hover transition: border-block-end-width 0.0px 1.0px 0.3s :hover transition: border-block-end-width 0.0px 1.0px 0.3s
WCAG 2.2 2.3.3
1360 1366 1372 1375 1381 ...
ImportantEnsure that text and background colors have a 7:1 contrast ratio.
The text color to background color contrast ratio after composition is: 4.85 with color: rgb(255,255,255)background: rgb(214,48,49)font-size: 12ptfont-weight: 400 4.85 with color: rgb(255,255,255)background: rgb(214,48,49)font-size: 12ptfont-weight: 400 4.85 with color: rgb(255,255,255)background: rgb(214,48,49)font-size: 12ptfont-weight: 400 4.85 with color: rgb(255,255,255)background: rgb(214,48,49)font-size: 12ptfont-weight: 400 4.85 with color: rgb(255,255,255)background: rgb(214,48,49)font-size: 12ptfont-weight: 400
WCAG 2.2 AAA 1.4.6
772 830 888 1062 1305 ...
ImportantAvoid specifying a new window as the target of a link with target=_blank.
WCAG 2.2 AAA F22
772 830 888 1062 1305 ...
ImportantClickable targets must be at least 44 by 44 CSS pixels.
40 x 15
WCAG 2.2 2.5.5
ImportantCSS flow relative margin-block- and margin-inline- properties are not supported by all browsers.
128 129 133 134 142 ...
ImportantCSS flow relative padding-block- and padding-inline- properties are not supported by all browsers.
128 129 133 134 142 ...
ImportantNo meta description tag found. Use a description tag that accurately describes the contents of a web page.
ImportantA keyword related to gambling, porn, meds, or payday loans was found in the URL. Make sure these links are marked with rel=nofollow to avoid affecting your Google ranking.
Link: https://thegambler.com.ua/casino-category/mobile-online-casinos/
657 660 3205 3208 3211 ...
Very ImportantThe CSS backdrop-filter: property is not supported by some browsers.
ImportantCSS flow relative margin-block- and margin-inline- properties are not supported by all browsers.
600 601 602 605 606 ...
ImportantCSS flow relative padding-block- and padding-inline- properties are not supported by all browsers.
600 601 602 605 606 ...
ImportantThe :visited CSS selector only supports limited style changes.
Firefox ≥ 4
Chrome ≥ 6
Android ≥ 6
Edge ≥ 12
Opera ≥ 15
Safari ≥ 5
iPhone/iPad ≥ 4.2
ImportantUse at least a 12-point font on all web pages.
Usability.gov 11:8
ImportantUse at least a 12-point font on all web pages.
Usability.gov 11:8
631 1117 1182 2830 3047 ...
ImportantUse at least a 12-point font on all web pages.
Usability.gov 11:8
2509 2512
CriticalInvalid value for CSS property.
background: -webkit-linear-gradient( background: -moz-linear-gradient(
CSS Validation
4674 4675
ImportantThe :visited CSS selector only supports limited style changes.
Firefox ≥ 4
Chrome ≥ 6
Android ≥ 6
Edge ≥ 12
Opera ≥ 15
Safari ≥ 5
iPhone/iPad ≥ 4.2
ImportantUse at least a 12-point font on all web pages.
Usability.gov 11:8
426 3320 3642 3655 3691 ...
CriticalIdentify row and column headers in data tables using th elements, and mark layout tables with role=presentation.
WCAG 2.2 A F91
Section 508 (2017) A F91
CriticalUse semantic markup like strong instead of using the CSS font-weight property.
WCAG 2.2 A F2
Section 508 (2017) A F2
845 971 1097 1225 1479 ...
CriticalIndicating links using only a text color change does not work for color-blind users.
WCAG 2.2 A F73
Section 508 (2017) A F73
CriticalAttribute ontouchstart not allowed on element.
Very ImportantEnsure that text and background colors have enough contrast.
The text color to background color contrast ratio after composition is: 3.12 with color: rgb(127,140,141)background: rgb(241,243,244)font-size: 9ptfont-weight: 400 3.48 with color: rgb(127,140,141)background: rgb(255,255,255)font-size: 9ptfont-weight: 400 3.48 with color: rgb(127,140,141)background: rgb(255,255,255)font-size: 9ptfont-weight: 400 3.48 with color: rgb(127,140,141)background: rgb(255,255,255)font-size: 9ptfont-weight: 400 3.48 with color: rgb(127,140,141)background: rgb(255,255,255)font-size: 9ptfont-weight: 400
WCAG 2.2 AA 1.4.3
Section 508 (2017) AA 1.4.3
721 1307 1561 1742 1954 ...
Very ImportantThe CSS outline or border style on this element makes it difficult or impossible to see the link focus outline.
outline-style:none or outline-width:0 outline-style:none or outline-width:0 outline-style:none or outline-width:0 outline-style:none or outline-width:0 outline-style:none or outline-width:0
WCAG 2.2 AA F78
Section 508 (2017) AA F78
586 621 723 761 946 ...
ImportantEnsure that text and background colors have a 7:1 contrast ratio.
The text color to background color contrast ratio after composition is: 4.85 with color: rgb(214,48,49)background: rgb(255,255,255)font-size: 9ptfont-weight: 400 4.94 with color: rgb(255,255,255)background: rgb(30,115,190)font-size: 12ptfont-weight: 400 4.94 with color: rgb(255,255,255)background: rgb(30,115,190)font-size: 12ptfont-weight: 400 4.94 with color: rgb(255,255,255)background: rgb(30,115,190)font-size: 12ptfont-weight: 400 4.94 with color: rgb(255,255,255)background: rgb(30,115,190)font-size: 12ptfont-weight: 400
WCAG 2.2 AAA 1.4.6
761 911 1037 1165 1547 ...
ImportantAvoid specifying a new window as the target of a link with target=_blank.
WCAG 2.2 AAA F22
905 1031 1159 1541 2064 ...
ImportantClickable targets must be at least 44 by 44 CSS pixels.
37 x 17 40 x 15
WCAG 2.2 2.5.5
575 723
ImportantNo meta description tag found. Use a description tag that accurately describes the contents of a web page.
ImportantA keyword related to gambling, porn, meds, or payday loans was found in the URL. Make sure these links are marked with rel=nofollow to avoid affecting your Google ranking.
Link: https://thegambler.com.ua/casino-category/mobile-online-casinos/
607 612 761 2744 2749 ...
ImportantUse italic text sparingly - for one or two words or a short phrase.
Usability.gov 11:10
38 issues on 6 pages