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This tab shows accessibility issues, indicating problems for older users, people with disabilities or accessibility needs. Automated testing cannot detect all accessibility issues, so should be used alongside human testing.

LevelWCAG 2.2Section 508 - 2017Key
ALevel A, 4 issuesLevel A, 4 issuesCritical Pages with level A issues are unusable for some people
AALevel AA, 2 issuesLevel AA, 2 issuesVery Important Pages with level AA issues are very difficult to use
AAALevel AAA, 4 issuesLess Important Pages with level AAA issues can be difficult to use
PriorityDescription and URLGuideline and Line#Count

Level A

4 issues on 2 pages

CriticalIdentify row and column headers in data tables using th elements, and mark layout tables with role=presentation. WCAG 2.2 A F91 Section 508 (2017) A F91 2 pages
Data tables allow screen reader users to understand column and row relationships. Layout tables read cells as a series of unrelated paragraphs with no tabular structure.

Without th or role, screen readers apply heuristics to decide whether a table is a layout table or data table. These heuristics vary greatly between screen readers, and are affected by browser being used, window size, and font size (so the outcome is very unpredictable without th or role).

If a data table has headers marked up using td, then change these to th. If a data table has no headers, add th elements describing each row and/or column. If the table is only used for layout add role=presentation to the table element.

Impact on users:

  • JAWS Reading: Treats tables without th and role as layout tables if the table contains cells above or below certain pixel sizes. This measurement is affected by browser window size, browser font size, and the browser used.
  • NVDA Reading: Applies a layout table heuristic to tables without th and role which varies depending on the browser used and on the window size in some circumstances.
  • VoiceOver Reading: Uses a sophisticated heuristic on tables without th and role, which is similar (but not identical) to the heuristic used by NVDA with Firefox.
https://thegambler.com.ua/Line 1449 1520 1667 1809 1954 ...
https://thegambler.com.ua/casino-category/mobile-online-casinos/Line 2253
CriticalIndicating links using only a text color change does not work for color-blind users. WCAG 2.2 A F73 Section 508 (2017) A F73 2 pages
Remove the text-decoration:none property from your link styles, or add other style attributes in addition to color changes to make links visible to people without color vision. If the non-color cue only happens when the mouse hovers over the link or when the link receives focus, it is still a failure. 1.4.1
https://thegambler.com.ua/Line 1349
https://thegambler.com.ua/casino-category/mobile-online-casinos/Line 723
CriticalUse HTML headings instead of applying CSS heading styles to non-headings. WCAG 2.2 A F2 Section 508 (2017) A F2 1 pages
Screen reader users rely on headings to navigate within pages. Either add role=heading with aria-level or use h1-h6 elements to identify the element as a heading to screen readers. 1.3.1
https://thegambler.com.ua/Line 1569 1584 1716 1858 1873 ...
CriticalUse semantic markup like strong instead of using the CSS font-weight property. WCAG 2.2 A F2 Section 508 (2017) A F2 2 pages
Use the strong element instead of the span element for bold text. 1.3.1
https://thegambler.com.ua/Line 745 803 861 919 1035 ...
https://thegambler.com.ua/casino-category/mobile-online-casinos/Line 845 971 1097 1225 1479 ...

Level AA

2 issues on 2 pages

Very ImportantEnsure that text and background colors have enough contrast. WCAG 2.2 AA 1.4.3 Section 508 (2017) AA 1.4.3 2 pages

Some users find it hard to read light gray text on a white background, dark gray text on a black background and white text on a red background.

  • The contrast ratio should be 3.0 or more for 18 point text, or larger
  • The contrast ratio should be 3.0 or more for 14 point bold text, or larger
  • The contrast ratio should be 4.5 or more for all other text
The text color to background color contrast ratio after composition is: 1.90 with color: rgb(178,190,195)background: rgb(255,255,255)font-size: 9ptfont-weight: 400 1.90 with color: rgb(178,190,195)background: rgb(255,255,255)font-size: 9ptfont-weight: 400 1.90 with color: rgb(178,190,195)background: rgb(255,255,255)font-size: 9ptfont-weight: 400 3.48 with color: rgb(127,140,141)background: rgb(255,255,255)font-size: 9ptfont-weight: 400 1.90 with color: rgb(178,190,195)background: rgb(255,255,255)font-size: 9ptfont-weight: 400
Line 777 835 893 978 1009 ...
The text color to background color contrast ratio after composition is: 3.12 with color: rgb(127,140,141)background: rgb(241,243,244)font-size: 9ptfont-weight: 400 3.48 with color: rgb(127,140,141)background: rgb(255,255,255)font-size: 9ptfont-weight: 400 3.48 with color: rgb(127,140,141)background: rgb(255,255,255)font-size: 9ptfont-weight: 400 3.48 with color: rgb(127,140,141)background: rgb(255,255,255)font-size: 9ptfont-weight: 400 3.48 with color: rgb(127,140,141)background: rgb(255,255,255)font-size: 9ptfont-weight: 400
Line 721 1307 1561 1742 1954 ...
Very ImportantThe CSS outline or border style on this element makes it difficult or impossible to see the link focus outline. WCAG 2.2 AA F78 Section 508 (2017) AA F78 2 pages
Do not remove the default outline style, and change any border styles to avoid obscuring the focus outline around focusable elements. See :focus-visible for more information.

Using a border or outline style that obscures the focus ring causes problems for keyboard-only users in:

  • Chrome (obscures the focus indicator on links, buttons, dropdowns and range controls)
  • Firefox (obscures the focus indicator on links)
outline-style:none or outline-width:0 outline-style:none or outline-width:0 outline-style:none or outline-width:0 outline-style:none or outline-width:0 outline-style:none or outline-width:0
Line 1360 1366 1372 1375 1381 ...
outline-style:none or outline-width:0 outline-style:none or outline-width:0 outline-style:none or outline-width:0 outline-style:none or outline-width:0 outline-style:none or outline-width:0
Line 586 621 723 761 946 ...

Level AAA

4 issues on 2 pages

ImportantAvoid specifying a new window as the target of a link with target=_blank. WCAG 2.2 AAA F22 2 pages
Displaying new windows without warning can be very confusing to non-sighted and mobile users. Some screen readers and mobile devices give very little indication a new tab or window has opened. If you cannot avoid displaying a new window, insert an "opens in a new window" warning into the link text or add the warning to the link using a title attribute or aria-describedby attribute. 3.2.5
https://thegambler.com.ua/Line 772 830 888 1062 1305 ...
https://thegambler.com.ua/casino-category/mobile-online-casinos/Line 905 1031 1159 1541 2064 ...
ImportantClickable targets must be at least 44 by 44 CSS pixels. WCAG 2.2 2.5.5 2 pages
40 x 15
Line 638
37 x 17 40 x 15
Line 575 723
ImportantDon't use CSS animations or transitions in interactions without giving the user a way to turn them off. WCAG 2.2 2.3.3 1 pages
Use the @media (prefers-reduced-motion) media query to respect user preferences.
:hover transition: border-block-end-width 0.0px 1.0px 0.3s :hover transition: border-block-end-width 0.0px 1.0px 0.3s :hover transition: border-block-end-width 0.0px 1.0px 0.3s :hover transition: border-block-end-width 0.0px 1.0px 0.3s :hover transition: border-block-end-width 0.0px 1.0px 0.3s
Line 1360 1366 1372 1375 1381 ...
ImportantEnsure that text and background colors have a 7:1 contrast ratio. WCAG 2.2 AAA 1.4.6 2 pages

Some users find it hard to read light gray text on a white background, dark gray text on a black background and white text on a red background.

  • The contrast ratio should be 4.5 or more for 18 point text, or larger
  • The contrast ratio should be 4.5 or more for 14 point bold text, or larger
  • The contrast ratio should be 7.0 or more for all other text
The text color to background color contrast ratio after composition is: 4.85 with color: rgb(255,255,255)background: rgb(214,48,49)font-size: 12ptfont-weight: 400 4.85 with color: rgb(255,255,255)background: rgb(214,48,49)font-size: 12ptfont-weight: 400 4.85 with color: rgb(255,255,255)background: rgb(214,48,49)font-size: 12ptfont-weight: 400 4.85 with color: rgb(255,255,255)background: rgb(214,48,49)font-size: 12ptfont-weight: 400 4.85 with color: rgb(255,255,255)background: rgb(214,48,49)font-size: 12ptfont-weight: 400
Line 772 830 888 1062 1305 ...
The text color to background color contrast ratio after composition is: 4.85 with color: rgb(214,48,49)background: rgb(255,255,255)font-size: 9ptfont-weight: 400 4.94 with color: rgb(255,255,255)background: rgb(30,115,190)font-size: 12ptfont-weight: 400 4.94 with color: rgb(255,255,255)background: rgb(30,115,190)font-size: 12ptfont-weight: 400 4.94 with color: rgb(255,255,255)background: rgb(30,115,190)font-size: 12ptfont-weight: 400 4.94 with color: rgb(255,255,255)background: rgb(30,115,190)font-size: 12ptfont-weight: 400
Line 761 911 1037 1165 1547 ...
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