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81 <h1>Deep Dive into the World of Architecture</h1>

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89 <div class="title line-clamp">How Roofs Were Made in the Old Days</div>

90 <div class="line-clamp">Today, my article will tell you about roofs. Yes, don&rsquo;t be surprised. I recently had the good fortune to visit Lviv, at the Shevchenkivskyi Hai Museum, where I saw firsthand the houses and churches of various ethnographic regions of Ukraine</div>

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93 <li class="date">2024-04-29</li>

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102 <div class="title line-clamp">Custom Two-Story Home Designs</div>

103 <div class="line-clamp">The trend of constructing multi-tiered living spaces stems from the desire to efficiently use the plot and create a multifunctional structure. Two-story home schemes have gained particular popularity. This became relevant during the Soviet era when families were allocated only six acres for construction, and it was necessary to accommodate not only a house but also a garage, bathhouse, outbuildings, and leave space for a vegetable garden</div>

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106 <li class="date">2024-04-09</li>

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115 <div class="title line-clamp">Harmony of Light and Form: The Symbiosis of Architecture and Lighting Design</div>

116 <div class="line-clamp">In the nighttime urban landscape, architectural structures acquire an entirely new life, transforming into whimsical light compositions. Skillful illumination can not only give a building a fairy-tale appearance but also highlight its unique features, enhancing the artistic expressiveness of its forms</div>

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119 <li class="date">2024-04-01</li>

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128 <div class="title line-clamp">Top 9 Influential Architects Who Impacted Interior Design Development</div>

129 <div class="line-clamp">The history of interior design is closely intertwined with talented architects and decorators whose ideas and works have defined the evolution of the profession and the creation of cozy homes</div>

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132 <li class="date">2024-03-17</li>

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141 <div class="title line-clamp">Vladimir Ignatievich Zabolotny: Life and Legacy of a Ukrainian Architect</div>

142 <div class="line-clamp">Vladimir Ignatievich Zabolotny, whose name is inscribed in the golden pages of Ukrainian architectural history, remains one of the most luminous figures in the architectural art of the 20th century. His life's journey and creative legacy are not only the embodiment of his personal passion and skill but also a reflection of the era in which he created</div>

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145 <li class="date">2024-01-12</li>

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154 <div class="title line-clamp">Thai Style Architecture</div>

155 <div class="line-clamp">Thai style in architecture is unique and recognizable. It has been shaped over centuries under the influence of the history, culture, and beliefs of the Thai people. History of the Emergence of Thai Style The roots of Thai architecture go back to ancient times. The first settlements in present-day Thailand appeared in the Bronze Age, about 3,600 years ago. These were small farming and pastoral villages</div>

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158 <li class="date">2024-02-08</li>

159 <li class="views">5</li>

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167 <div class="title line-clamp">Megatrends in Architecture and Design</div>

168 <div class="line-clamp">Architecture and design have undergone significant changes in recent years due to global trends and challenges. Several key megatrends can be identified that are shaping the direction of these fields. Triple Zero Design One of the most important trends is the move towards triple zero design - designing buildings and objects with minimal environmental impact</div>

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171 <li class="date">2024-02-07</li>

172 <li class="views">5</li>

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180 <div class="title line-clamp">Filipino Architectural Style</div>

181 <div class="line-clamp">The Filipino architectural style is a unique direction that combines local traditions, Spain's colonial legacy, and modern trends. This distinctive architectural style emerged in the mid-20th century in the Philippines and quickly gained popularity due to the harmonious blend of different cultural influences</div>

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184 <li class="date">2024-02-08</li>

185 <li class="views">7</li>

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193 <div class="title line-clamp">Balinese Style Architecture</div>

194 <div class="line-clamp">The Balinese style originated on the Indonesian island of Bali. Since ancient times, the locals have been building dwellings from available natural materials - bamboo, wood, and straw. The island's architecture was shaped under the influence of Hindu culture and traditions. Main Features of Balinese Architecture The Balinese style is characterized by the use of natural materials such as bamboo, wood, straw, and stone</div>

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197 <li class="date">2024-02-08</li>

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206 <div class="title line-clamp">Khmer Style Architecture</div>

207 <div class="line-clamp">The Khmer style of architecture is a unique phenomenon in the history of Southeast Asian construction. It developed during the heyday of the Khmer Empire and is characterized by the monumentality of structures, an abundance of sculptures and ornaments, and a harmonious combination of Hindu and Buddhist motifs</div>

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210 <li class="date">2024-02-08</li>

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219 <div class="title line-clamp">Sikh Architecture</div>

220 <div class="line-clamp">Sikh architecture is a unique phenomenon in the history of Indian architecture that developed in Punjab during the existence of the Sikh state from the 16th to the 19th centuries. Origins and Influences Sikh architecture incorporates features of Hindu and Mughal architectural traditions, refracting them through the prism of Sikhism &ndash; a monotheistic religion that emerged in Punjab in the 15th century</div>

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223 <li class="date">2024-02-08</li>

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232 <div class="title line-clamp">Modernist Architecture</div>

233 <div class="line-clamp">Modernism is an architectural movement that emerged in the early 20th century and spread worldwide. It was a response to progress in science and technology, which influenced all aspects of life. Modernism rejected decorative excesses and aspired towards simple geometric forms</div>

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236 <li class="date">2024-02-07</li>

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