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81 <h1>Revolutionizing Spaces: The Art of Interior Design Trends and Styles</h1>

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89 <div class="title line-clamp">Office Design Mistakes: How to Avoid Them?</div>

90 <div class="line-clamp">A well-designed office plays a crucial role in a company's success. Every manager has had to oversee an office renovation at some point. Many make the same mistakes, which could have been avoided with proper preparation. Let's look at common pitfalls and how to prevent them. Lack of a Design Plan The first and main problem, from which other issues stem, is an unclear vision of the end result</div>

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93 <li class="date">2024-04-29</li>

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102 <div class="title line-clamp">Secrets of Saving When Buying New Kitchen Furniture</div>

103 <div class="line-clamp">This article aims to assist everyone who is planning a major kitchen renovation and wishes to purchase new furniture. It's easy to get lost in the modern variety, but there's no need to fear or be upset about the price differences. Here, we'll discuss how to save money when buying a kitchen set without regretting it later. The Rule of Construction Complexity The simpler the construction of kitchen furniture, the cheaper it is</div>

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106 <li class="date">2024-04-14</li>

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115 <div class="title line-clamp">Wardrobe Space: From Concept to Reality</div>

116 <div class="line-clamp">A wardrobe space is more than just a place to store clothes and accessories. A well-designed and professionally made wardrobe is a separate space, impressive in its functionality. Even if your closet usually has clothes strewn about, this won't happen in a new wardrobe</div>

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119 <li class="date">2024-04-06</li>

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128 <div class="title line-clamp">Plant Accents in Interior Design: Phytodesign</div>

129 <div class="line-clamp">Since ancient times, humanity has surrounded itself with plants. Our ancestors endowed them with supernatural properties and divine powers. With the emergence of dwellings and castles, plants became not only a source of food, but also a unique living element of the interior. Numerous shrubs, flowers, and decorative trees were planted in extensive spaces, and over time, winter gardens appeared &ndash; spaces where plants were cultivated indoors</div>

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132 <li class="date">2024-03-31</li>

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141 <div class="title line-clamp">Unique and mysterious chalet style</div>

142 <div class="line-clamp">The Chalet style, imbued with Alpine freshness and mystery, emerged not so long ago but has already carved its niche in the design world</div>

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145 <li class="date">2024-03-22</li>

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154 <div class="title line-clamp">Modern interior in Balinese style</div>

155 <div class="line-clamp">Balinese interior style embodies the traditions and culture of the Indonesian island of Bali. This style is distinguished by bright colors, an abundance of wood, stone, and other natural materials. For Balinese interiors, a combination of exoticism, coziness, and harmony with nature is typical</div>

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158 <li class="date">2024-02-08</li>

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167 <div class="title line-clamp">Creating Interior Canvas Artworks: Accessibility and Technology</div>

168 <div class="line-clamp">Nowadays, anyone can enhance their interior with an original painting without resorting to professional artists' services. Canvas printing is an economical and simple way to realize creative ideas, significantly cheaper than acquiring traditional artworks</div>

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171 <li class="date">2024-01-31</li>

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180 <div class="title line-clamp">Home Office: Creating the Ideal Workspace</div>

181 <div class="line-clamp">In recent years, working and studying from home have become increasingly popular. Having a personal home office is a great opportunity to combine professional duties with personal life. However, to make the home office function effectively, it needs to be properly organized</div>

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184 <li class="date">2024-02-01</li>

185 <li class="views">3</li>

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193 <div class="title line-clamp">Scandinavian Style Interior</div>

194 <div class="line-clamp">The Scandinavian style interior is characterized by simplicity, functionality, and coziness. This northern style, originating in the Scandinavian countries, quickly gained worldwide popularity for its practicality and elegance</div>

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197 <li class="date">2024-02-01</li>

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206 <div class="title line-clamp">The Crucial Role of Color in Kitchen Interior Design</div>

207 <div class="line-clamp">Recently, I talked about my decision to transform my kitchen space. Due to the numerous questions I received on this topic, I'm continuing the discussion. Kitchen Interior Design: The Choice of Color Today, I want to share my thoughts on colors. When choosing a countertop in the store, I encountered the significance of color choice</div>

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210 <li class="date">2024-01-31</li>

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219 <div class="title line-clamp">Original Ideas for Home Space Decoration</div>

220 <div class="line-clamp">Everyone aims to create a cozy corner in their dwelling, paying attention to each interior element of individual rooms and the home as a whole. The smallest details play a significant role and attract the attention of guests</div>

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223 <li class="date">2024-01-26</li>

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232 <div class="title line-clamp">Advantages of Multi-Level Stretch Ceilings</div>

233 <div class="line-clamp">Stretch ceilings have become widely used relatively recently. Previously, a variety of gypsum board constructions with added lighting were prevalent. Now, stretch ceilings have taken the lead, surpassing gypsum board in popularity</div>

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236 <li class="date">2024-01-26</li>

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248 <article class="article mt-1_0 mb-1_0"><p>Interior design is an ever-evolving art, reflecting changes in culture, technology, and individual preferences. Today's interiors are more than just spaces; they're expressions of personality and lifestyle. From the sleek lines of minimalism to the rich textures of eclectic styles, interior design offers a spectrum of possibilities that cater to every taste and need.</p>

249<p>Exploring key trends and styles:</p>


251<li><strong>Modern trends and historical styles:</strong> Contemporary design trends often pay homage to historical styles, blending old and new to create something uniquely timeless. Minimalist designs focus on simplicity and functionality, stripping away the unnecessary and leaving a clean, uncluttered space. In contrast, eclectic styles invite a mix of textures, colors, and periods, offering a personalized space that tells a story.</li>

252<li><strong>Sustainable design and smart homes:</strong> As environmental awareness grows, sustainable design and eco-materials have become crucial. Designers now prioritize materials that are not only aesthetically pleasing but also environmentally friendly. Alongside this, the rise of smart homes has introduced a new era of convenience, with automation and technology creating spaces that are both intelligent and intuitive.</li>

253<li><strong>Cultural influence and functional spaces:</strong> Interior design isn't just about beauty; it's also about functionality and adaptability. Scandinavian design, known for its simplicity and utility, has influenced spaces worldwide with its balance of aesthetics and practicality. Similarly, the psychology of color in interiors plays a vital role in creating environments that influence mood and behavior.</li>


255<p>The world of interior design is dynamic, reflecting the continuous evolution of human needs, cultural influences, and technological advancements. As we navigate through various styles, from the industrial ruggedness of lofts to the ornate details of maximalism, it's clear that the future of interior design is one of diversity and innovation. Embracing these changes, we can create spaces that are not just visually captivating but also deeply personal and sustainably built, ensuring that our interiors will continue to inspire and evolve for years to come.</p></article>

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