Critical | This button element is empty and has no accessible name. | WCAG 2.2 A 4.1.2 Section 508 (2017) A 4.1.2
| |
| <button type='button' class='search-button btn ...'>...</button>
| 369 | |
Critical | Clickable controls should have an ARIA role. | WCAG 2.2 A F54 Section 508 (2017) A F54
| |
| <a id='revsubscribe_submit' class='btn btn-primary'>...</a>
| 4536 | |
Critical | Clickable controls should be keyboard accessible. | WCAG 2.2 A F15 Section 508 (2017) A F15
| |
| <a id='revsubscribe_submit' class='btn btn-primary'>...</a>
| 4536 | |
Critical | img elements must have an accessible name. | WCAG 2.2 A F65 Section 508 (2017) A F65
| |
| <img src='...g' width='40'>
| 974 | |
| <img src='...g' width='40'>
| 974 | |
Critical | Links must have an accessible name. | WCAG 2.2 A F89 Section 508 (2017) A F89
| |
| <a href='.../' title='' class='dropdown-toggle' data-toggle='dropdown'>...</a>
| 344 | |
Critical | This element uses JavaScript to behave like a link. Links like this cannot be tabbed to from the keyboard and are not read out when screen readers list the links on a page. | WCAG 2.2 A F42 Section 508 (2017) A F42
| |
| <a onclick='get_revpopup_view('2555');'>...</a>
| 1044 | |
| <a class='' data-toggle='tooltip' onclick='wishlist.add('2555');' title='' data-original-title='В закладки'>...</a>
| 1067 | |
| <a onclick='get_revpopup_view('2554');'>...</a>
| 1110 | |
| <a class='' data-toggle='tooltip' onclick='wishlist.add('2554');' title='' data-original-title='В закладки'>...</a>
| 1133 | |
| <a onclick='get_revpopup_view('2553');'>...</a>
| 1171 | |
Critical | This link is broken. The src or href is an empty string. | Broken Link
| |
| Link: URL is empty. | | |
| <link itemprop='logo' href=''>
| 110 | |
| <img src='' alt=''>
| 573 | |
Critical | Element div not allowed as child element in this context. | HTML5
| |
| <ul class='list-inline'><div>...</div></ul>
| 780 | |
Critical | Text not allowed. | HTML5
| |
| <script>...</script>
| 820 | |
Critical | Duplicate id - the same ID is used on more than one element. | HTML5
| |
| id=cart | 963 | |
| id=cart | 2121 | |
| id=cart-total | 967 | |
| id=cart-total | 2125 | |
Critical | An img element must have an
alt attribute, except under certain
conditions. For details, consult guidance on
providing text alternatives for images. | HTML5
| |
| <img src='...g' width='40'>
| 974 | |
| <img src='...g' width='40'>
| 974 | |
Very Important | Ensure that text and background colors have enough contrast. | WCAG 2.2 AA 1.4.3 Section 508 (2017) AA 1.4.3
| |
| The text color to background color contrast ratio after composition is: | | |
| 4.35 with
color: rgb(255,255,255) background: rgb(237,30,49)
font-size: 12.75pt font-weight: 400 <div class='box-heading ...' onclick='return false;'><i class='fa fa-bars'></i>Каталог...</div>
| 504 | |
| 4.35 with
color: rgb(255,255,255) background: rgb(237,30,49)
font-size: 12.75pt font-weight: 400 <span class='hidden-xs'>товарів</span>
| 504 | |
Very Important | The CSS outline or border style on this element makes it difficult or impossible to see the link focus outline. | WCAG 2.2 AA F78 Section 508 (2017) AA F78
| |
| outline-style:none or outline-width:0 <a href='.../'>...</a>
| 593 | |
| :focus and :not(:focus) have same outline:
<button class='cart ...' onclick='...'><span id='cart-total'>...</span></button>
| 388 | |
| outline-style:none or outline-width:0 <button class='btn btn-link ...' data-toggle='dropdown' id='lang-sw'>...</button>
| 299 | |
| outline-style:none or outline-width:0 <a href='.../'>...</a>
| 511 | |
| outline-style:none or outline-width:0 <a href='.../'>...</a>
| 516 | |
Very Important | Omitting img width or height attributes makes the page layout jump about as images load. | 14:3 W3C
| |
| <img src='...g' alt='' class='img-responsive'>
| 960 | |
| <img src='...g' alt='' class='img-responsive'>
| 962 | |
| <img src='...g' alt='' class='img-responsive'>
| 964 | |
| <img src='...g' alt='' class='img-responsive'>
| 966 | |
| <img src='...g' alt='' class='img-responsive'>
| 968 | |
Important | Using rel=nofollow on internal links dilutes PageRank flow through your site. | Google
| |
| <a href='/otzivy' rel='nofollow'>Відгуки</a>
| 251 | |
| <a href='/contact' rel='nofollow'>Контакти</a>
| 252 | |
| <a href='/blog' rel='nofollow'>Статті</a>
| 250 | |
| <a href='/dostavka-i-oplata' rel='nofollow'>...</a>
| 485 | |
| <a href='/usloviya-vozvrata-i-obmena' rel='nofollow'>...</a>
| 486 | |
Important | Use link text between 3 and 100 characters so it's long enough to be understood, but avoids line wrapping. | 10:11
| |
| <a href='...e'>Ігровий набір ... Rhinomite Chargin Challenge</a>
| 1237 | |
Important | Use at least a 12-point font on all web pages. | 11:8
| |
| font-size: 10.50pt <p>Для найменших ... відчуття.</p>
| 4394 | |
| font-size: 10.50pt <p>Для старших дітей ... веселих пригод!</p>
| 4395 | |
| font-size: 10.50pt <p>Дівчаткам ... своїми руками.</p>
| 4396 | |
| font-size: 10.50pt <p>Ми також ... дитину до школи.</p>
| 4397 | |
| font-size: 10.50pt <p>Ласкаво просимо ... виробників.</p>
| 4393 | |
Critical | Clickable controls should have an ARIA role. | WCAG 2.2 A F54 Section 508 (2017) A F54
| |
| <a id='revsubscribe_submit' class='btn btn-primary'>...</a>
| 10521 | |
Critical | Clickable controls should be keyboard accessible. | WCAG 2.2 A F15 Section 508 (2017) A F15
| |
| <a id='revsubscribe_submit' class='btn btn-primary'>...</a>
| 10521 | |
Critical | This element uses JavaScript to behave like a link. Links like this cannot be tabbed to from the keyboard and are not read out when screen readers list the links on a page. | WCAG 2.2 A F42 Section 508 (2017) A F42
| |
| <a onclick='get_revpopup_phone();'>...</a>
| 951 | |
| <a onclick='get_revpopup_view('2555');'>...</a>
| 2434 | |
| <a class='' data-toggle='tooltip' onclick='wishlist.add('2555');' title='В закладки'>...</a>
| 2492 | |
| <a onclick='get_revpopup_view('2554');'>...</a>
| 2601 | |
| <a class='' data-toggle='tooltip' onclick='wishlist.add('2554');' title='В закладки'>...</a>
| 2659 | |
Critical | This link is broken. The src or href is an empty string. | Broken Link
| |
| Link: URL is empty. | | |
| <img src='' alt=''>
| 1412 | |
| <link itemprop='logo' href=''>
| 172 | |
Critical | Element div not allowed as child element in this context. | HTML5
| |
| <ul class='list-inline'><div>...</div></ul>
| 780 | |
Critical | Text not allowed. | HTML5
| |
| <script>...</script>
| 820 | |
Critical | Duplicate id - the same ID is used on more than one element. | HTML5
| |
| id=cart | 963 | |
| id=cart | 2121 | |
| id=cart-total | 967 | |
| id=cart-total | 2125 | |
Very Important | Omitting img width or height attributes makes the page layout jump about as images load. | 14:3 W3C
| |
| <img src='...g' alt=''>
| 932 | |
| <img class='img-responsive' src='...g' alt='STEM-іграшки: Топ-10 знахідок для юних геніїв науки та техніки' title='STEM-іграшки: Топ-10 знахідок для юних геніїв науки та техніки'>
| 9894 | |
| <img class='img-responsive' src='...g' alt='Іграшки та алергія: як уберегти малюка від небезпечних реакцій' title='Іграшки та алергія: як уберегти малюка від небезпечних реакцій'>
| 9931 | |
| <img class='img-responsive' src='...g' alt='Як організувати зберігання іграшок вдома: найкращі ідеї для порядку та затишку' title='Як організувати зберігання іграшок вдома: найкращі ідеї для порядку та затишку'>
| 9966 | |
| <img class='img-responsive' src='...g' alt='Іграшки Монтессорі: ключ до розвитку вашої дитини' title='Іграшки Монтессорі: ключ до розвитку вашої дитини'>
| 10001 | |
Important | Using rel=nofollow on internal links dilutes PageRank flow through your site. | Google
| |
| <a href='/blog' rel='nofollow'>Статті</a>
| 672 | |
| <a href='/otzivy' rel='nofollow'>Відгуки</a>
| 677 | |
| <a href='/contact' rel='nofollow'>Контакти</a>
| 682 | |
| <a href='/o-nas' rel='nofollow'><span class='hidden-md hidden'>...</span>...</a>
| 1103 | |
| <a href='/dostavka-i-oplata' rel='nofollow'>...</a>
| 1111 | |
Important | Use at least a 12-point font on all web pages. | 11:8
| |
| font-size: 11.25pt <a href='...v'>STEM-іграшки: ... та техніки</a>
| 9902 | |
| font-size: 11.25pt <a href='...a'>Іграшки та ... реакцій</a>
| 9939 | |
| font-size: 11.25pt <a href='...a'>Як ... та затишку</a>
| 9974 | |
| font-size: 11.25pt <a href='...a'>Іграшки ... вашої дитини</a>
| 10009 | |
| font-size: 11.25pt <a href='...v'>Як вибрати ... різного віку</a>
| 10044 | |
Critical | Clickable controls should have an ARIA role. | WCAG 2.2 A F54 Section 508 (2017) A F54
| |
| <a id='revsubscribe_submit' class='btn btn-primary'>...</a>
| 7345 | |
Critical | Clickable controls should be keyboard accessible. | WCAG 2.2 A F15 Section 508 (2017) A F15
| |
| <a id='revsubscribe_submit' class='btn btn-primary'>...</a>
| 7345 | |
Critical | HTML form control has no accessible name. | WCAG 2.2 A F68 Section 508 (2017) A F68
| |
| <select id='input-sort' class='form-control' onchange='location = ...'>...</select>
| 2411 | |
| <select id='input-limit' class='form-control' onchange='location = ...'>...</select>
| 2451 | |
| <input type='text' name='quantity' class='plus-minus' value='1' onchange='validate_pole(this);' onkeyup='...'>
| 2688 | |
| <input type='text' name='quantity' class='plus-minus' value='1' onchange='validate_pole(this);' onkeyup='...'>
| 2917 | |
| <input type='text' name='quantity' class='plus-minus' value='1' onchange='validate_pole(this);' onkeyup='...'>
| 3158 | |
Critical | This element uses JavaScript to behave like a link. Links like this cannot be tabbed to from the keyboard and are not read out when screen readers list the links on a page. | WCAG 2.2 A F42 Section 508 (2017) A F42
| |
| <a onclick='get_revpopup_phone();'>...</a>
| 953 | |
| <a onclick='get_revpopup_view('1687');'>...</a>
| 2583 | |
| <a class='' data-toggle='tooltip' onclick='wishlist.add('1687');' title='В закладки'>...</a>
| 2697 | |
| <a onclick='get_revpopup_view('1722');'>...</a>
| 2812 | |
| <a class='' data-toggle='tooltip' onclick='wishlist.add('1722');' title='В закладки'>...</a>
| 2926 | |
Critical | This link is broken. The src or href is an empty string. | Broken Link
| |
| Link: URL is empty. | | |
| <img src='' alt=''>
| 1414 | |
| <link itemprop='logo' href=''>
| 174 | |
Critical | Element div not allowed as child element in this context. | HTML5
| |
| <ul class='list-inline'><div>...</div></ul>
| 782 | |
Critical | Text not allowed. | HTML5
| |
| <script>...</script>
| 822 | |
Critical | Duplicate id - the same ID is used on more than one element. | HTML5
| |
| id=cart | 965 | |
| id=cart | 2123 | |
| id=cart-total | 969 | |
| id=cart-total | 2127 | |
Very Important | Omitting img width or height attributes makes the page layout jump about as images load. | 14:3 W3C
| |
| <img src='...g' alt=''>
| 934 | |
| <img src='...g' alt=''>
| 7433 | |
| <img src='...g' alt=''>
| 7439 | |
| <img src='...g' alt=''>
| 7445 | |
Important | Using rel=nofollow on internal links dilutes PageRank flow through your site. | Google
| |
| <a href='/blog' rel='nofollow'>Статті</a>
| 674 | |
| <a href='/otzivy' rel='nofollow'>Відгуки</a>
| 679 | |
| <a href='/contact' rel='nofollow'>Контакти</a>
| 684 | |
| <a href='/o-nas' rel='nofollow'><span class='hidden-md hidden'>...</span>...</a>
| 1105 | |
| <a href='/dostavka-i-oplata' rel='nofollow'>...</a>
| 1113 | |
Important | Use link text between 3 and 100 characters so it's long enough to be understood, but avoids line wrapping. | 10:11
| |
| <a href='...p'><span itemprop='name'>... Ship</span></a>
| 3546 | |
| <a href='...n'><span itemprop='name'>... Backp</span></a>
| 4042 | |
Important | Use at least a 12-point font on all web pages. | 11:8
| |
| font-size: 11.25pt <span itemprop='name'>Іграшка ... Toy Little Dream Plane</span>
| 2607 | |
| font-size: 11.25pt <span itemprop='name'>Іграшка ... Toy Little Dream Plane</span>
| 2836 | |
| font-size: 11.25pt <span itemprop='name'>Іграшка ... Rock Learning Unicorn</span>
| 3077 | |
| font-size: 11.25pt <span itemprop='name'>Ігрова ... Tune and Learn Boombox</span>
| 3318 | |
| font-size: 11.25pt <span itemprop='name'>Ігровий ... Together Friend Ship</span>
| 3547 | |
Important | Radio buttons are easier to use than drop-downs when there are 6 choices or fewer. | 13:9
| |
| <select id='input-sort' class='form-control' onchange='location = ...'>...</select>
| 2411 | |
| <select id='input-limit' class='form-control' onchange='location = ...'>...</select>
| 2451 | |