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Site Report

This tab shows pages that do not comply with W3C standards.

FailureW3C HTML/XHTML Validation - Some pages fail validation.
SuccessW3C CSS Validation - All pages valid.
SuccessW3C Deprecated Features - No issues found.
PriorityDescription and URLGuideline and Line#Count

Priority 1

4 issues on 1 pages

CriticalBad value for attribute height. HTML5 1 pages
Expected a digit but saw % instead. height='40%'
Line 24
CriticalBad value for attribute width. HTML5 1 pages
Expected a digit but saw % instead. width='60%' width='30%' width='30%'
Line 24 38 39
CriticalStray end tag a. HTML5 1 pages
https://loginlink.bet/Line 93
CriticalStray end tag span. HTML5 1 pages
https://loginlink.bet/Line 32


These messages are for information only and do not indicate errors or conformance problems

InformationCSS hack or vendor extension used. CSS Validation 1 pages
filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient( startColorstr='#005a41', endColorstr='#007b5a', GradientType=0 )
Line 62
InformationProperty or at-rule is vendor specific. CSS Validation 1 pages
Properties and at-rules prefixed by a dash or underscore, the zoom property and the expression() function are vendor specific and only work on one browser engine.
-webkit-box-sizing -webkit-box-align -ms-flex-align -webkit-box-pack -ms-flex-pack
Line 29 109 110 115 116 ...
Expand all 6 issues