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Site Report

This tab shows pages that do not comply with W3C standards.

  • FailureW3C HTML/XHTML Validation - Some pages fail validation.
  • SuccessW3C CSS Validation - All pages valid.
  • SuccessW3C Deprecated Features - No issues found.
PriorityDescription and URLGuideline and Line#Count

Priority 1

9 issues on 5 pages

CriticalA link element with an as attribute must have a rel attribute that contains the value preload or the value modulepreload. HTML5 5 pages
https://msk1.devkiru.com/Line 13 14
https://msk1.devkiru.com/bdsmLine 23 25
https://msk1.devkiru.com/jelitnyeLine 23 25
https://msk1.devkiru.com/massazhistkiLine 23 25
This issue was found on another 1 pages. The trial version is limited to showing issues on 4 pages.
CriticalBad value for attribute for. HTML5 5 pages
An ID must not contain whitespace. for=min_Bust max_Bust for=min_Price max_Price
Line 517 532
An ID must not contain whitespace. for=min_Bust max_Bust for=min_Price max_Price
Line 516 531
An ID must not contain whitespace. for=min_Bust max_Bust for=min_Price max_Price
Line 516 531
An ID must not contain whitespace. for=min_Bust max_Bust for=min_Price max_Price
Line 516 531
This issue was found on another 1 pages. The trial version is limited to showing issues on 4 pages.
CriticalBad value for attribute height. HTML5 5 pages
Expected a digit but saw % instead. height=100% height=17px
Line 70 3415
Expected a digit but saw % instead. height=100% height=17px
Line 69 3466
Expected a digit but saw % instead. height=100% height=17px
Line 69 3461
Expected a digit but saw % instead. height=100% height=17px
Line 69 3444
This issue was found on another 1 pages. The trial version is limited to showing issues on 4 pages.
CriticalBad value for attribute width. HTML5 5 pages
Expected a digit but saw % instead. width=100% width=22px
Line 70 3415
Expected a digit but saw % instead. width=100% width=22px
Line 69 3466
Expected a digit but saw % instead. width=100% width=22px
Line 69 3461
Expected a digit but saw % instead. width=100% width=22px
Line 69 3444
This issue was found on another 1 pages. The trial version is limited to showing issues on 4 pages.
CriticalElement img is missing one or more required attributes. HTML5 4 pages
Missing src src src src src
Line 906 987 1068 1149 1230 ...
Missing src src src src src
Line 911 992 1073 1154 1235 ...
Missing src src src src src
Line 911 992 1073 1154 1235 ...
Missing src src src src src
Line 925 1006 1087 1168 1249 ...
Missing relitempropresourceproperty relitempropresourceproperty
Line 24 26
Missing relitempropresourceproperty relitempropresourceproperty
Line 23 25
Missing relitempropresourceproperty relitempropresourceproperty
Line 23 25
Missing relitempropresourceproperty relitempropresourceproperty
Line 23 25
This issue was found on another 1 pages. The trial version is limited to showing issues on 4 pages.
CriticalReference to non-existent ID. HTML5 5 pages
id=min_Bust max_Bust id=min_Price max_Price
Line 517 532
id=min_Bust max_Bust id=min_Price max_Price
Line 516 531
id=min_Bust max_Bust id=min_Price max_Price
Line 516 531
id=min_Bust max_Bust id=min_Price max_Price
Line 516 531
This issue was found on another 1 pages. The trial version is limited to showing issues on 4 pages.
CriticalSelf-closing syntax (/>) used on a non-void HTML element. Ignoring the slash and treating as a start tag. HTML5 5 pages
https://msk1.devkiru.com/Line 506
https://msk1.devkiru.com/bdsmLine 505
https://msk1.devkiru.com/jelitnyeLine 505
https://msk1.devkiru.com/massazhistkiLine 505
This issue was found on another 1 pages. The trial version is limited to showing issues on 4 pages.
CriticalThe value of the for attribute of the label element must be the ID of a non-hidden form control. HTML5 5 pages
https://msk1.devkiru.com/Line 120 125
https://msk1.devkiru.com/bdsmLine 516 531
https://msk1.devkiru.com/jelitnyeLine 516 531
https://msk1.devkiru.com/massazhistkiLine 516 531
This issue was found on another 1 pages. The trial version is limited to showing issues on 4 pages.


These messages are for information only and do not indicate errors or conformance problems

InformationCSS hack or vendor extension used. CSS Validation 1 pages
*zoom filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=0)
Line 357 359
InformationProperty or at-rule is vendor specific. CSS Validation 3 pages
Properties and at-rules prefixed by a dash or underscore, the zoom property and the expression() function are vendor specific and only work on one browser engine.
-moz-animation -webkit-animation -ms-animation -webkit-transition -o-transition
Line 469 469 469 471 471
-webkit-transform -moz-transform -ms-transform -o-transform -webkit-transform
Line 51 51 51 51 53 ...
-moz-animation -webkit-animation -ms-animation -webkit-transition -o-transition
Line 427 427 427 429 429
Expand all 11 issues