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Site Report

This tab shows a list of all pages with issues.

IssuesDescription and URLGuidelineLine
Criticalimg alt text must not use ASCII art (which includes smileys).
WCAG 2.2 A F72
Section 508 (2017) A F72
CriticalThis page uses nested tables, which do not make sense when read in a screen reader.
WCAG 2.2 A F49
Section 508 (2017) A F49
280 302 324 346 368 ...
CriticalIdentify row and column headers in data tables using th elements, and mark layout tables with role=presentation.
WCAG 2.2 A F91
Section 508 (2017) A F91
280 302 324 346 368 ...
CriticalUse HTML headings instead of applying CSS heading styles to non-headings.
WCAG 2.2 A F2
Section 508 (2017) A F2
CriticalUse semantic markup like strong instead of using the CSS font-weight property.
WCAG 2.2 A F2
Section 508 (2017) A F2
923 956
CriticalIndicating links using only a text color change does not work for color-blind users.
WCAG 2.2 A F73
Section 508 (2017) A F73
CriticalThe value of the for attribute of the label element must be the ID of a non-hidden form control.
120 125
CriticalElement img is missing one or more required attributes.
Missing src src src src src
906 987 1068 1149 1230 ...
CriticalElement link is missing one or more required attributes.
Missing relitempropresourceproperty relitempropresourceproperty
24 26
CriticalBad value for attribute for.
An ID must not contain whitespace. for=min_Bust max_Bust for=min_Price max_Price
517 532
CriticalBad value for attribute height.
Expected a digit but saw % instead. height=100% height=17px
70 3415
CriticalBad value for attribute width.
Expected a digit but saw % instead. width=100% width=22px
70 3415
CriticalReference to non-existent ID.
id=min_Bust max_Bust id=min_Price max_Price
517 532
CriticalSelf-closing syntax (/>) used on a non-void HTML element. Ignoring the slash and treating as a start tag.
CriticalA link element with an as attribute must have a rel attribute that contains the value preload or the value modulepreload.
13 14
Very ImportantEnsure that text and background colors have enough contrast.
The text color to background color contrast ratio after composition is: 2.45 with color: rgb(162,166,170)background: rgb(255,255,255)font-size: 12ptfont-weight: 400 4.12 with color: rgb(255,255,255)background: rgb(223,57,139)font-size: 12ptfont-weight: 700 2.45 with color: rgb(162,166,170)background: rgb(255,255,255)font-size: 12ptfont-weight: 400 4.12 with color: rgb(255,255,255)background: rgb(223,57,139)font-size: 12ptfont-weight: 700 4.12 with color: rgb(255,255,255)background: rgb(223,57,139)font-size: 12ptfont-weight: 700
WCAG 2.2 AA 1.4.3
Section 508 (2017) AA 1.4.3
91 100 136 934 940 ...
Very ImportantIf you set any of the colors on the body or a elements you must set all of them.
The colors used are: color: rgb(0,0,0) from browser settings and background: rgb(255,255,255) from browser settings color: rgb(0,0,0) from browser settings and background: rgb(255,255,255) from browser settings color: rgb(0,0,0) from browser settings and background: rgb(255,255,255) from browser settings color: rgb(0,0,0) from browser settings and background: rgb(255,255,255) from browser settings color: rgb(0,0,0) from browser settings and background: rgb(255,255,255) from browser settings
WCAG 2.2 AA F24
Section 508 (2017) AA F24
273 274 275 276 295 ...
Very ImportantThe CSS outline or border style on this element makes it difficult or impossible to see the link focus outline.
:focus and :not(:focus) have same outline: :focus and :not(:focus) have same outline: :focus and :not(:focus) have same outline: :focus and :not(:focus) have same outline:
WCAG 2.2 AA F78
Section 508 (2017) AA F78
79 112 117 122 127 ...
Very ImportantOmitting img width or height attributes makes the page layout jump about as images load.
Usability.gov 14:3
Very ImportantThe img width and height attributes don't match the actual image size. This means the image will be distorted or resize during loading.
Image https://msk1.devkiru.com/photos/lp138859_1.jpg actual dimensions: 160 x 218 pixels.
ImportantEnsure that text and background colors have a 7:1 contrast ratio.
The text color to background color contrast ratio after composition is: 5.57 with color: rgb(107,95,160)background: rgb(255,255,255)font-size: 10.50ptfont-weight: 400 5.57 with color: rgb(107,95,160)background: rgb(255,255,255)font-size: 10.50ptfont-weight: 400 5.57 with color: rgb(107,95,160)background: rgb(255,255,255)font-size: 10.50ptfont-weight: 400 5.57 with color: rgb(107,95,160)background: rgb(255,255,255)font-size: 10.50ptfont-weight: 400 5.57 with color: rgb(107,95,160)background: rgb(255,255,255)font-size: 10.50ptfont-weight: 400
WCAG 2.2 AAA 1.4.6
315 359 381 557 711 ...
ImportantAvoid specifying a new window as the target of a link with target=_blank.
WCAG 2.2 AAA F22
54 266 269 288 291 ...
ImportantUsing rel=nofollow on internal links dilutes PageRank flow through your site.
ImportantSearch engines may penalize invisible text where text color is nearly identical to the background color.
The colors used are: color: rgb(255,255,255);background-color: rgb(255,255,255); color: rgb(255,255,255);background-color: rgb(255,255,255); color: rgb(255,255,255);background-color: rgb(255,255,255); color: rgb(255,255,255);background-color: rgb(255,255,255); color: rgb(255,255,255);background-color: rgb(255,255,255);
57 58 59 60 61 ...
ImportantUse option groups when a drop down list has more than 10 items.
Usability.gov 13:12
ImportantForms that force users to shift back and forth between keyboard and mouse substantially slow their entry speed. This form contains text boxes requiring keyboard input, and other controls requiring mouse input.
Usability.gov 13:13
ImportantRadio buttons are easier to use than drop-downs when there are 6 choices or fewer.
Usability.gov 13:9
ImportantUse at least a 12-point font on all web pages.
Usability.gov 11:8
57 63 81 171 195 ...
ImportantUse at least a 12-point font on all web pages.
Usability.gov 11:8
261 307 333 341 405 ...
ImportantUse at least a 12-point font on all web pages.
Usability.gov 11:8
255 277 285 325 449 ...
CriticalThis page uses nested tables, which do not make sense when read in a screen reader.
WCAG 2.2 A F49
Section 508 (2017) A F49
958 1039 1120 1201 1282 ...
CriticalIdentify row and column headers in data tables using th elements, and mark layout tables with role=presentation.
WCAG 2.2 A F91
Section 508 (2017) A F91
958 1039 1120 1201 1282 ...
CriticalUse HTML headings instead of applying CSS heading styles to non-headings.
WCAG 2.2 A F2
Section 508 (2017) A F2
CriticalUse semantic markup like strong instead of using the CSS font-weight property.
WCAG 2.2 A F2
Section 508 (2017) A F2
3344 3454
CriticalIndicating links using only a text color change does not work for color-blind users.
WCAG 2.2 A F73
Section 508 (2017) A F73
CriticalThe value of the for attribute of the label element must be the ID of a non-hidden form control.
516 531
CriticalElement img is missing one or more required attributes.
Missing src src src src src
925 1006 1087 1168 1249 ...
CriticalElement link is missing one or more required attributes.
Missing relitempropresourceproperty relitempropresourceproperty
23 25
CriticalBad value for attribute for.
An ID must not contain whitespace. for=min_Bust max_Bust for=min_Price max_Price
516 531
CriticalBad value for attribute height.
Expected a digit but saw % instead. height=100% height=17px
69 3444
CriticalBad value for attribute width.
Expected a digit but saw % instead. width=100% width=22px
69 3444
CriticalReference to non-existent ID.
id=min_Bust max_Bust id=min_Price max_Price
516 531
CriticalSelf-closing syntax (/>) used on a non-void HTML element. Ignoring the slash and treating as a start tag.
CriticalA link element with an as attribute must have a rel attribute that contains the value preload or the value modulepreload.
23 25
Very ImportantEnsure that text and background colors have enough contrast.
The text color to background color contrast ratio after composition is: 1.49 with color: rgb(208,212,216)background: rgb(255,255,255)font-size: 12ptfont-weight: 400 2.45 with color: rgb(162,166,170)background: rgb(255,255,255)font-size: 12ptfont-weight: 400 4.12 with color: rgb(255,255,255)background: rgb(223,57,139)font-size: 12ptfont-weight: 700 4.12 with color: rgb(255,255,255)background: rgb(223,57,139)font-size: 12.75ptfont-weight: 700 2.45 with color: rgb(162,166,170)background: rgb(255,255,255)font-size: 12ptfont-weight: 400
WCAG 2.2 AA 1.4.3
Section 508 (2017) AA 1.4.3
559 3344 3398 3402 3416 ...
Very ImportantIf you set any of the colors on the body or a elements you must set all of them.
The colors used are: color: rgb(0,0,0) from browser settings and background: rgb(255,255,255) from browser settings color: rgb(0,0,0) from browser settings and background: rgb(255,255,255) from browser settings color: rgb(0,0,0) from browser settings and background: rgb(255,255,255) from browser settings color: rgb(0,0,0) from browser settings and background: rgb(255,255,255) from browser settings color: rgb(0,0,0) from browser settings and background: rgb(255,255,255) from browser settings
WCAG 2.2 AA F24
Section 508 (2017) AA F24
935 1016 1097 1178 1259 ...
Very ImportantThe CSS outline or border style on this element makes it difficult or impossible to see the link focus outline.
:focus and :not(:focus) have same outline: :focus and :not(:focus) have same outline:
WCAG 2.2 AA F78
Section 508 (2017) AA F78
154 171 222
Very ImportantOmitting img width or height attributes makes the page layout jump about as images load.
Usability.gov 14:3
ImportantEnsure that text and background colors have a 7:1 contrast ratio.
The text color to background color contrast ratio after composition is: 5.57 with color: rgb(107,95,160)background: rgb(255,255,255)font-size: 10.50ptfont-weight: 400 5.57 with color: rgb(107,95,160)background: rgb(255,255,255)font-size: 10.50ptfont-weight: 400 5.57 with color: rgb(107,95,160)background: rgb(255,255,255)font-size: 10.50ptfont-weight: 400 5.57 with color: rgb(107,95,160)background: rgb(255,255,255)font-size: 10.50ptfont-weight: 400 5.57 with color: rgb(107,95,160)background: rgb(255,255,255)font-size: 10.50ptfont-weight: 400
WCAG 2.2 AAA 1.4.6
882 1500 1581 1662 2958 ...
ImportantAvoid specifying a new window as the target of a link with target=_blank.
WCAG 2.2 AAA F22
91 913 924 994 1005 ...
ImportantUsing rel=nofollow on internal links dilutes PageRank flow through your site.
ImportantSearch engines may penalize invisible text where text color is nearly identical to the background color.
The colors used are: color: rgb(255,255,255);background-color: rgb(255,255,255); color: rgb(255,255,255);background-color: rgb(255,255,255); color: rgb(255,255,255);background-color: rgb(255,255,255); color: rgb(255,255,255);background-color: rgb(255,255,255); color: rgb(255,255,255);background-color: rgb(255,255,255);
98 101 104 107 110 ...
ImportantUse option groups when a drop down list has more than 10 items.
Usability.gov 13:12
ImportantForms that force users to shift back and forth between keyboard and mouse substantially slow their entry speed. This form contains text boxes requiring keyboard input, and other controls requiring mouse input.
Usability.gov 13:13
ImportantRadio buttons are easier to use than drop-downs when there are 6 choices or fewer.
Usability.gov 13:9
CriticalThis page uses nested tables, which do not make sense when read in a screen reader.
WCAG 2.2 A F49
Section 508 (2017) A F49
944 1025 1106 1187 1268 ...
CriticalIdentify row and column headers in data tables using th elements, and mark layout tables with role=presentation.
WCAG 2.2 A F91
Section 508 (2017) A F91
944 1025 1106 1187 1268 ...
CriticalUse HTML headings instead of applying CSS heading styles to non-headings.
WCAG 2.2 A F2
Section 508 (2017) A F2
CriticalUse semantic markup like strong instead of using the CSS font-weight property.
WCAG 2.2 A F2
Section 508 (2017) A F2
3326 3471
CriticalIndicating links using only a text color change does not work for color-blind users.
WCAG 2.2 A F73
Section 508 (2017) A F73
CriticalThe value of the for attribute of the label element must be the ID of a non-hidden form control.
516 531
CriticalElement img is missing one or more required attributes.
Missing src src src src src
911 992 1073 1154 1235 ...
CriticalElement link is missing one or more required attributes.
Missing relitempropresourceproperty relitempropresourceproperty
23 25
CriticalBad value for attribute for.
An ID must not contain whitespace. for=min_Bust max_Bust for=min_Price max_Price
516 531
CriticalBad value for attribute height.
Expected a digit but saw % instead. height=100% height=17px
69 3461
CriticalBad value for attribute width.
Expected a digit but saw % instead. width=100% width=22px
69 3461
CriticalReference to non-existent ID.
id=min_Bust max_Bust id=min_Price max_Price
516 531
CriticalSelf-closing syntax (/>) used on a non-void HTML element. Ignoring the slash and treating as a start tag.
CriticalA link element with an as attribute must have a rel attribute that contains the value preload or the value modulepreload.
23 25
Very ImportantEnsure that text and background colors have enough contrast.
The text color to background color contrast ratio after composition is: 1.49 with color: rgb(208,212,216)background: rgb(255,255,255)font-size: 12ptfont-weight: 400 2.45 with color: rgb(162,166,170)background: rgb(255,255,255)font-size: 12ptfont-weight: 400 4.12 with color: rgb(255,255,255)background: rgb(223,57,139)font-size: 12ptfont-weight: 700 4.12 with color: rgb(255,255,255)background: rgb(223,57,139)font-size: 12.75ptfont-weight: 700 2.45 with color: rgb(162,166,170)background: rgb(255,255,255)font-size: 12ptfont-weight: 400
WCAG 2.2 AA 1.4.3
Section 508 (2017) AA 1.4.3
559 3326 3415 3419 3433 ...
Very ImportantIf you set any of the colors on the body or a elements you must set all of them.
The colors used are: color: rgb(0,0,0) from browser settings and background: rgb(255,255,255) from browser settings color: rgb(0,0,0) from browser settings and background: rgb(255,255,255) from browser settings color: rgb(0,0,0) from browser settings and background: rgb(255,255,255) from browser settings color: rgb(0,0,0) from browser settings and background: rgb(255,255,255) from browser settings color: rgb(0,0,0) from browser settings and background: rgb(255,255,255) from browser settings
WCAG 2.2 AA F24
Section 508 (2017) AA F24
921 1002 1083 1164 1245 ...
Very ImportantThe CSS outline or border style on this element makes it difficult or impossible to see the link focus outline.
:focus and :not(:focus) have same outline: :focus and :not(:focus) have same outline:
WCAG 2.2 AA F78
Section 508 (2017) AA F78
154 171 222
Very ImportantOmitting img width or height attributes makes the page layout jump about as images load.
Usability.gov 14:3
ImportantEnsure that text and background colors have a 7:1 contrast ratio.
The text color to background color contrast ratio after composition is: 5.57 with color: rgb(107,95,160)background: rgb(255,255,255)font-size: 10.50ptfont-weight: 400 5.57 with color: rgb(107,95,160)background: rgb(255,255,255)font-size: 10.50ptfont-weight: 400 5.57 with color: rgb(107,95,160)background: rgb(255,255,255)font-size: 10.50ptfont-weight: 400 5.57 with color: rgb(107,95,160)background: rgb(255,255,255)font-size: 10.50ptfont-weight: 400 5.57 with color: rgb(107,95,160)background: rgb(255,255,255)font-size: 10.50ptfont-weight: 400
WCAG 2.2 AAA 1.4.6
882 1405 1486 1972 2861 ...
ImportantAvoid specifying a new window as the target of a link with target=_blank.
WCAG 2.2 AAA F22
91 899 910 980 991 ...
ImportantUsing rel=nofollow on internal links dilutes PageRank flow through your site.
ImportantSearch engines may penalize invisible text where text color is nearly identical to the background color.
The colors used are: color: rgb(255,255,255);background-color: rgb(255,255,255); color: rgb(255,255,255);background-color: rgb(255,255,255); color: rgb(255,255,255);background-color: rgb(255,255,255); color: rgb(255,255,255);background-color: rgb(255,255,255); color: rgb(255,255,255);background-color: rgb(255,255,255);
98 101 104 107 110 ...
ImportantUse option groups when a drop down list has more than 10 items.
Usability.gov 13:12
ImportantForms that force users to shift back and forth between keyboard and mouse substantially slow their entry speed. This form contains text boxes requiring keyboard input, and other controls requiring mouse input.
Usability.gov 13:13
ImportantRadio buttons are easier to use than drop-downs when there are 6 choices or fewer.
Usability.gov 13:9
CriticalThis page uses nested tables, which do not make sense when read in a screen reader.
WCAG 2.2 A F49
Section 508 (2017) A F49
944 1025 1106 1187 1268 ...
CriticalIdentify row and column headers in data tables using th elements, and mark layout tables with role=presentation.
WCAG 2.2 A F91
Section 508 (2017) A F91
944 1025 1106 1187 1268 ...
CriticalUse HTML headings instead of applying CSS heading styles to non-headings.
WCAG 2.2 A F2
Section 508 (2017) A F2
CriticalUse semantic markup like strong instead of using the CSS font-weight property.
WCAG 2.2 A F2
Section 508 (2017) A F2
3326 3476
CriticalIndicating links using only a text color change does not work for color-blind users.
WCAG 2.2 A F73
Section 508 (2017) A F73
CriticalThe value of the for attribute of the label element must be the ID of a non-hidden form control.
516 531
CriticalElement img is missing one or more required attributes.
Missing src src src src src
911 992 1073 1154 1235 ...
CriticalElement link is missing one or more required attributes.
Missing relitempropresourceproperty relitempropresourceproperty
23 25
CriticalBad value for attribute for.
An ID must not contain whitespace. for=min_Bust max_Bust for=min_Price max_Price
516 531
CriticalBad value for attribute height.
Expected a digit but saw % instead. height=100% height=17px
69 3466
CriticalBad value for attribute width.
Expected a digit but saw % instead. width=100% width=22px
69 3466
CriticalReference to non-existent ID.
id=min_Bust max_Bust id=min_Price max_Price
516 531
CriticalSelf-closing syntax (/>) used on a non-void HTML element. Ignoring the slash and treating as a start tag.
CriticalA link element with an as attribute must have a rel attribute that contains the value preload or the value modulepreload.
23 25
Very ImportantEnsure that text and background colors have enough contrast.
The text color to background color contrast ratio after composition is: 1.49 with color: rgb(208,212,216)background: rgb(255,255,255)font-size: 12ptfont-weight: 400 2.45 with color: rgb(162,166,170)background: rgb(255,255,255)font-size: 12ptfont-weight: 400 4.12 with color: rgb(255,255,255)background: rgb(223,57,139)font-size: 12ptfont-weight: 700 4.12 with color: rgb(255,255,255)background: rgb(223,57,139)font-size: 12.75ptfont-weight: 700 2.45 with color: rgb(162,166,170)background: rgb(255,255,255)font-size: 12ptfont-weight: 400
WCAG 2.2 AA 1.4.3
Section 508 (2017) AA 1.4.3
559 3326 3420 3424 3438 ...
Very ImportantIf you set any of the colors on the body or a elements you must set all of them.
The colors used are: color: rgb(0,0,0) from browser settings and background: rgb(255,255,255) from browser settings color: rgb(0,0,0) from browser settings and background: rgb(255,255,255) from browser settings color: rgb(0,0,0) from browser settings and background: rgb(255,255,255) from browser settings color: rgb(0,0,0) from browser settings and background: rgb(255,255,255) from browser settings color: rgb(0,0,0) from browser settings and background: rgb(255,255,255) from browser settings
WCAG 2.2 AA F24
Section 508 (2017) AA F24
921 1002 1083 1164 1245 ...
Very ImportantThe CSS outline or border style on this element makes it difficult or impossible to see the link focus outline.
:focus and :not(:focus) have same outline: :focus and :not(:focus) have same outline:
WCAG 2.2 AA F78
Section 508 (2017) AA F78
154 171 222
Very ImportantOmitting img width or height attributes makes the page layout jump about as images load.
Usability.gov 14:3
ImportantEnsure that text and background colors have a 7:1 contrast ratio.
The text color to background color contrast ratio after composition is: 5.57 with color: rgb(107,95,160)background: rgb(255,255,255)font-size: 10.50ptfont-weight: 400 5.57 with color: rgb(107,95,160)background: rgb(255,255,255)font-size: 10.50ptfont-weight: 400 5.57 with color: rgb(107,95,160)background: rgb(255,255,255)font-size: 10.50ptfont-weight: 400 5.57 with color: rgb(107,95,160)background: rgb(255,255,255)font-size: 10.50ptfont-weight: 400 5.57 with color: rgb(107,95,160)background: rgb(255,255,255)font-size: 10.50ptfont-weight: 400
WCAG 2.2 AAA 1.4.6
882 1648 1972 2053 2134 ...
ImportantAvoid specifying a new window as the target of a link with target=_blank.
WCAG 2.2 AAA F22
91 899 910 980 991 ...
ImportantUsing rel=nofollow on internal links dilutes PageRank flow through your site.
ImportantSearch engines may penalize invisible text where text color is nearly identical to the background color.
The colors used are: color: rgb(255,255,255);background-color: rgb(255,255,255); color: rgb(255,255,255);background-color: rgb(255,255,255); color: rgb(255,255,255);background-color: rgb(255,255,255); color: rgb(255,255,255);background-color: rgb(255,255,255); color: rgb(255,255,255);background-color: rgb(255,255,255);
98 101 104 107 110 ...
ImportantUse option groups when a drop down list has more than 10 items.
Usability.gov 13:12
ImportantForms that force users to shift back and forth between keyboard and mouse substantially slow their entry speed. This form contains text boxes requiring keyboard input, and other controls requiring mouse input.
Usability.gov 13:13
ImportantRadio buttons are easier to use than drop-downs when there are 6 choices or fewer.
Usability.gov 13:9
105 issues on 7 pages