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This tab shows accessibility issues, indicating problems for older users, people with disabilities and those with accessibility needs.

WCAG2Section 508Key
ACriticalCriticalCritical Priority A - accessibility users will find it impossible to use some pages
AAVery Important   Very Important Priority AA - accessibility users will find it difficult to use some pages
PriorityURL / Description Line
View Pages  CriticalAll ONMOUSEOUT handlers should have an equivalent ONBLUR handler.Section 508 1194.22 (l) WCAG2 A F54
Some users are unable to use a mouse, so use the keyboard instead. Add an equivalent keyboard event handler to help these users. 160
View Pages  CriticalAll ONMOUSEOVER handlers should have an equivalent ONFOCUS handler.Section 508 1194.22 (l) WCAG2 A F54
Some users are unable to use a mouse, so use the keyboard instead. Add an equivalent keyboard event handler to help these users. 160
View Pages  CriticalAREA tags must have an ALT attribute.Section 508 1194.22 (a) WCAG2 A F65
Non-sighted users can't see pictures, so each AREA should have an ALT attribute describing the function of the link, which is read aloud by screen readers. 272 273
View Pages  CriticalDocument title must not be blank.WCAG2 A F25
For HTML pages change the TITLE tag. For Office documents and PDF documents produced from Office, fill in the Title in Document Properties before saving as PDF. 5
View Pages  CriticalEach A tag must contain text or an IMG with an ALT tag.WCAG2 A F89
Add text to the link, or ALT text if the link contains an image. If there is no link text or the ALT tag is blank, screen readers have nothing to read, so read out the URL instead. 476 476 476
View Pages  CriticalIFRAME tags must have alternative content.Section 508 1194.22 (a)
To cater for screen readers that don't support frames, place some text in the IFRAME tag. For example: <iframe src='file.htm'>Alternative content</iframe> 46
View Pages  CriticalIMG tags must have an ALT attribute.Section 508 1194.22 (a) WCAG2 A F65
Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud. Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''. 202 254
View Pages  CriticalLABEL elements should be associated with other controls using FOR attributes.WCAG2 A 4.1.2
Add a FOR attribute set to the ID of the associated control. Some screen readers ignore labels without FOR attributes. 186 123 124 125 126 127 ... 131 138 145 152 159 ... 131 138 145 152 159 ...
This issue was found on another 2 pages. The evaluation version is limited to showing issues on 4 pages.   
View Pages  CriticalLABEL elements should be not be blank.WCAG2 A 4.1.2
Add text to the LABEL describing the associated control. 186
View Pages  CriticalNo TITLE attributes found for the frames on these pages.Section 508 1194.22 (i) WCAG2 A 2.4.1
Add a TITLE attribute to each FRAME and IFRAME element (e.g. TITLE="Main Content"). Screen readers read out the TITLE letting the user decide which frame to visit. The JAWS Frames List command reads out the URL of any FRAMEs or IFRAMEs without titles. 46
View Pages  CriticalProvide a way to skip repetitive navigation links.Section 508 1194.22 (o)
Without a skip link, screen readers read out the navigation links on every page before reading the page content. Headings can be a substitute in limited circumstances, but they're not used by all screen reader users, and many other assistive technology users have no way to navigate via headings. Add a "Skip to Content" link at the start of the document hidden offscreen by CSS, and made visible on focus, so it's available to keyboard and screen reader users: <a class="accessible" href="#main">[Skip to Content]</a> 219 261 317 601 199 251 259 358 410 418 395 448 455
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View Pages  CriticalSome pages have the same title, so the title cannot be used to distinguish pages.WCAG2 A F25
Change the TITLE tags so they are unique for each page.
'Order takeaway online - local food delivery menus | hungryhouse' is also used on,.
View Pages  CriticalThe tab order does not follow logical sequences on the page.WCAG2 A F44
When the values of the TABINDEX attribute are assigned in a different order than the relationships and sequences in the content, the tab order no longer follows the relationships and sequences in the content. 83 92 100 107
View Pages  CriticalThis form automatically submits when focus changes making it nearly impossible for disabled users to navigate via the keyboard.WCAG2 A F36
Use a submit button instead, or rely on the default behavior of submitting when the user hits enter in a text field. 527 530 530
View Pages  CriticalThis form control has no associated LABEL element.WCAG2 A F68 Section 508 1194.22 (n)
Add a LABEL tag with the FOR attribute set to the ID of this control. This allows screen readers to tell the user what each control does. Do not wrap LABEL tags around input controls (implicit labels) since this is very unreliable in older screen readers. 99 107 114 121 251 ... 97 108 157 97 108 527 97 108 530
This issue was found on another 2 pages. The evaluation version is limited to showing issues on 4 pages.   
View Pages  CriticalThis form has fields without LABEL elements or TITLE attributes.Section 508 1194.22 (n)
Screen readers use LABEL elements or TITLE attributes to describe form fields to non-sighted users. Without these, forms are very hard to use with a screen reader. Forms designed to be completed online shall allow people using assistive technology to access the information, field elements, and functionality required for completion and submission of the form, including all directions and cues. 99 107 114 121 251 ... 108 157 108 527 108 530
This issue was found on another 2 pages. The evaluation version is limited to showing issues on 4 pages.   
View Pages  CriticalThis page has duplicate IDs which cause problems in screen readers.WCAG2 A F77
Two or more tags on this page share the same ID. Change the ID so it is unique for each tag. 79 80 87 4898
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View Pages  CriticalThis page has markup errors, causing screen readers to miss content.WCAG2 A F70
Fix the errors listed on the Standards tab of this report. Markup errors like missing end tags mean screen readers may skip important content. 66 48 340 340 342 187 204 208 499 501 ... 53 491 505 5394 5396 ...
This issue was found on another 3 pages. The evaluation version is limited to showing issues on 4 pages.   
View Pages  CriticalUse the LANG attribute to identify the language of the page.WCAG2 A 3.1.1
In HTML add a LANG attribute to the HTML tag, and in PDF set the language using Document Properties in Acrobat. This allows screen readers to pronounce words correctly. 2 3 3 3
This issue was found on another 5 pages. The evaluation version is limited to showing issues on 4 pages.   
View Pages  Very ImportantHeadings should not be empty.WCAG2 AA G130
Add text to the heading, or ALT text if the heading contains an image. Screen readers read out page headings, allowing users to quickly skip to a section, but some older screen readers do not ignore empty headings. 464 464 464
Expand All20 issues on 9 pages
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