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85 <div class="text-center"><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="Product Content" --><h1>Perfect stitching of your perfect photos</h1><!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

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96 <article class="text-justify col-sm-4"><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="EditRegionOne" --><h2>Borders or no borders</h2>Wikipedia defines Panoramic photography as <cite>Panoramic photography is a technique of photography, using specialized equipment or software, that captures images with horizontally elongated fields of view.</cite> To me it is the technique of stitching multiple photos together to create photos with either a larger field of view, a higher resolution or both at the same time. It can be 360 degrees horizontal, but it can also be 360 degrees vertically. Combined it is a sphere like panorama allowing the viewer to look in all direction and feeling like a fly hoovering in the air.A number of these panoramic spheres connected allows for a virtual visit to a location. <br>

97 Processing large numbers of photo's and creating one or more panorama's not only takes a computer with lot's of memory and storage space, it also takes having the right software and knowing how to operate it.<br>


99 <!-- InstanceEndEditable --></article>

100 <article class="col-sm-4 text-justify"><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="EditRegionThree" --><h2>Tip :</h2> if you have a DSLR and a tripod already I advice you to get a so called panorama-bracket, like the ones <a href="http://shop.nodalninja.com" target="new">Nodal Ninja</a> is selling. A <a href="http://shop.nodalninja.com/collections/nodal-ninja-4" target="new">Nodal Ninja 4 with a rotator</a> with enough steps is all you need. In case you want to use longer lenses you can go for the Nodal Ninja 6 but not for full 360 degrees panoramas with a lot of vertical degrees (over 60). In that case you might wanna go for a automatic head and make sure you have a large enough computer for processing. <br>You can <a href="http://alsofjeerbent.nl/panoramas/Tobacco/" target="new">see a full-screen-version here</a><br>


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104 <aside class="col-sm-4 text-justify"><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="EditRegionTwo" --><h2>Making a panorama.</h2> Making a panoramic photo used to require special camera's. Thanks to clever software those days you can now use almost any camera's. Even smartphones can be used but the result is often disappointing to. And if you accept some artifacts you can even create panoramas on your mobile fine. <br> If you want your panoramas to be of the same quality as the rest of your photos you need to invest in gear, software and a learning curve. <br> That's where I can be of help. I can advice you on the gear and I already have the software and went through the learning curve stitching and correcting hundreds of panoramas for myself and others. Therefore I can process you photo's quickly into high quality panoramas. I can even make a panoramic tour out of them that you can show online. For examples see <a href="http://showyourlocation.com" title="Show your location" target="new">showyourlocation.com</a> for whom I did all their stitching.

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120 <h2>Virtual panorama tours</h2>

121 <p>You make the photo's, I stitch the panorama's and create a tour for you!</p>

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124 <div class="item"><a href="gigamap.html"><img width="600" height="476" src="../../images/giganticAerialPhotoFromDroneFootage.png" alt="3D model from Drone photos" class="center-block"></a>

125 <div class="carousel-caption">

126 <h2>Gigantic Aerial Photo map from Drone Photo's</h2>

127 <p>You do the flying, I make you a gigantic photo with incredible detail.</p>

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132 <h2>3D models from Drone Photo's</h2>

133 <p>You do the flying, I make the 3D model.</p>

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