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4<meta charset="UTF-8">

Priority 4
This page has more than one meta description tag. Only the first description will be displayed in search results.
Line 5 Best Practice

5<meta name="Description" content="Hans Keesom provides services to photographers who want to make panoramas virtual tours and 3D models">

6<meta name="Keywords" content="Photography panoramas virtual tour 3d models">

7<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">

8<meta name="robots" content="all" />

Priority 4
This page has more than one meta description tag. Only the first description will be displayed in search results.
Line 9 Best Practice

9<meta name="description" content="Your DSLR and drone photo's stitched into virtual tours, gigapixels maps and 3d models." />

10<meta name="copyright" content="Hans" />

11<meta name="author" content="Hans Keesom" />

12<meta property="og:url" content="http://hanskeesom.com" />

13<meta property="og:type" content="website" />

14<meta property="og:title" content="Hans Keesom Photographic Services" />

15<meta property="og:description" content="Your DSLR and drone photo's stitched into virtual tours, gigapixels maps and 3d models" />

16<meta property="og:image" content="http://hanskeesom.com/images/3DmodelFromDrone.png" />

17<meta property="og:site_name" content="Hans Keesom" />

18<meta property="og:updated_time" content="2017-01-18 15:17:40" />

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21<title>Hans Keesom Photographic services Contact</title>

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80 <li><a href="../index.html">Home</a></li>

81 <li class="active">Contact</li>


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86 <div class="col-md-6 col-md-offset-3">

87 <h1 class="text-center">Hans Keesom Photographic Services</h1>

88 </div>

89 </div>

90 <hr>


92<div role="main" class="container">

93 <div class="row text-center">

94 <div class="col-md-6 col-md-offset-3">Helping photographers selling new products to their customers </div>

95 </div>

96 <hr>


98 <div class="row">

99 <div class="text-center col-md-12">

100 <div class="row">

101 <article class="text-justify col-sm-4">

102 <h2>Contacting me</h2>

103 <p> Hans Keesom<br>

104 Leusdenhof 191<br>

105 1108DG Amsterdam<br>

106 The Netherlands<br>

107 Tel : +31 6 300 18 5 19 <br>

108 <a href="mailto:hans@hanskeesom.com?Subject=Hans%20Keesom%20Photographic%20Services" target="_top">Send an email</a> to hans@hanskeesom.com</p>

109 </article>

110 <article class="col-sm-4 text-justify">

111 <h2>About me</h2>

112 Back in 1984 I was studying at the University of Leiden. I studied computer science. During my study I felt attracted to interaction and computer graphics, partly because other direction felt so boring and nerdy..... . The problem in those days was most computers had a graphical card that had two colors : a black background and green foreground. Some had 16 colors but at a resolution that was so bad one was not sure this would be the way to go. <br>

113 Then came the Commodore Amiga with 4096 colors in 1024 by 1024 resolution, all kinds of video-modes, dual-buffers, sprites and animation-objects.<br>

114 As a project I programmed a library of functions in the C-language called Amiga-GKS. And for my final work to became a Master, I programmed a set of animation functions called Amiga-ANI which allowed you to quickly create all kind of animations<br>

115 During that project I got information about some art-students in Utrecht that were also doing computer-animation with the Amiga. I called them and made and appointment. We met and I experienced for the first time what creative people and IT-people can do when they work together. That was a win-win situation that I since am always looking out for, the synergy of working with people with totally different talents then mine.<br>

116 Despite the above I ended up in traditional ICT and tried and tried to find my place there. That worked well but seldom with the passion I had experienced earlier.<br>

117 Thanks to digital-photography I moved back to computer graphics, first as a part-time photographer, later more and more as an IT-guy that knows how to deal with graphics files on a computer and processing them for others into panorama's, virtual tours and 3D models.</article>

118 <aside class="col-sm-4 text-justify">

119 <h2>New Website</h2>

120 As you might have noticed, I have a new website. Totally build by myself to better present the services I offer photographers. It is also part of a training on webdesign and front-end programming and will function both as testbed and as a show-case.<br>

121 That does not mean this website will became very colorful and dynamic. I want this website todo well went it comes to accessibility and usability, so it can be used by many, regardles of their (dis)abilities and devices they see it on. Do let me know if you have troubles with my website in that regard. </aside>

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129 <div class="carousel-inner" role="listbox">

130 <div class="item active"><a href="../producten/pages/panoramatours.html">

Priority 2
Use text links rather than image links. In general, text links are more easily recognized as clickable.
Text links usually download faster, are preferred by users, and should change colors after being selected. It is usually easier to convey a link's destination in text, rather than with the use of an image. Users often find it hard to tell which images are clickable without moving the cursor over them ('minesweeping'). Another benefit to using text links is that users with text-only and deactivated graphical browsers can see the navigation options.

<img width="600" height="476" src="../images/alsofjeerbent.nl.png" alt="Virtual Panorama Tours for alsofjeerbent.nl" class="center-block"></a>

131 <div class="carousel-caption">

132 <h2>Virtual panorama tours</h2>

133 <p>You make the photo's, I stitch the panorama's and create a tour for you!</p>

134 </div>

135 </div>

136 <div class="item"><a href="../producten/pages/gigamap.html">

Priority 2
Use text links rather than image links. In general, text links are more easily recognized as clickable.
Text links usually download faster, are preferred by users, and should change colors after being selected. It is usually easier to convey a link's destination in text, rather than with the use of an image. Users often find it hard to tell which images are clickable without moving the cursor over them ('minesweeping'). Another benefit to using text links is that users with text-only and deactivated graphical browsers can see the navigation options.

<img width="600" height="476" src="../images/giganticAerialPhotoFromDroneFootage.png" alt="3D model from Drone photos" class="center-block"></a>

137 <div class="carousel-caption">

138 <h2>Gigantic Aerial Photo map from Drone Photo's</h2>

139 <p>You do the flying, I make you a gigantic photo with incredible detail.</p>

140 </div>

141 </div>

142 <div class="item"><a href="../producten/pages/3dmodels.html"><img width="600" height="476" src="../images/3DmodelFromDrone.png" alt="3D model from Drone photos" class="center-block"></a>

143 <div class="carousel-caption">

144 <h2>3D models from Drone Photo's</h2>

145 <p>You do the flying, I make the 3D model.</p>

146 </div>

147 </div>

148 </div>

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158 <h2>Have a nice day. Make it good one. </h2>

159 <p>Copyright &copy; 2017 &middot; All Rights Reserved &middot; <a href="http://hanskeesom.com/" >Hanskeesom.com</a></p>

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