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55 <li><a href="pages/vechtloop2016.html">Vechtloop 2016</a></li>

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91 <div class="col-md-6 col-md-offset-3"><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="NewsContent" -->There is news everyday but not enough time to report all of it.<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

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95 <article class="text-justify col-sm-4"><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="EditRegionOne" --><h2>More storage</h2> For years I have been juggling and struggling with bigger and bigger external hard-drives trying to keep an good archive. As almost a tradition I used to buy two new hard-disks at the end of a each year, starting the year new fresh on new disks. The result of a 10 years working like this : about 20 drives that were just gathering dust waiting for the day to be used again and a lot of unused space here and there.<br> At the same time, having only two drives for each year did not feel safe, something had to change.<br>

96 <img width="277" height="59" src="../images/manageStorageSpaces.png" alt="Menu to start managing Storage Spaces in Windows 10"/><br> A solution was needed and found in Storage Spaces that comes with Microsoft Windows (8+). It allowed me to take all the drives I had and Storage Space presented them to me as one big storage space. In this storage space I can create drives as big as I want ever bigger then the actual space I have. And I can tell windows to store each piece of data on two or even three different drives so when one drives crashes I can continue without a worry. No more worries about loosing data or waisting space. <br>

97 <img width="535" height="343" src="../images/storagePool.png" alt="Startwindow for Storages Spaces."/> <br> There is one downside however, I find myself buying even more drives. Fortunately I now just have to plug them in and tell Storage Spaces to use that drive and I am done.<br>Great feeling to have a safe place for all the files that come in and get processed to new files.<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></article>

98 <article class="col-sm-4 text-justify"><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="EditRegionThree" --><h2>New Website</h2>As you might have noticed, I have a new website. Totally build by myself to better present the services I offer photographers. It is also part of a training on webdesign and front-end programming and will function both as testbed and as a show-case.<br>That does not mean this website will became very colorful and dynamic. I want this website todo well went it comes to accessibility and usability, so it can be used by many, regardles of their (dis)abilities and devices they see it on. Do let me know if you have troubles with my website in that regard. <!-- InstanceEndEditable --></article>

99 <article class="col-sm-4 text-justify"><!-- InstanceBeginRepeat name="RepeatRegion1" --><!-- InstanceBeginRepeatEntry --><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="EditRegion8" -->

100 <h2>Working with Drones</h2>

101 <p>One of the photographers I make panoramas for, bought himself a drone. He uses it to make photo's and video's on weddings and other occasions that he cannot make with his regular camera's. As he is creative and in contact with his clients and always on the look-out for new ideas, he got the idea to <a href="pages/drones.html">make 3D-models from the photo's made by his drone.</a></p>

102 <!-- InstanceEndEditable --><!-- InstanceEndRepeatEntry --><!-- InstanceEndRepeat --></article>

103 <aside class="col-sm-4 text-justify"><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="EditRegionTwo" --><h2>No more Vechtloop</h2>2016 was the last year we made photo's at the Vechtloop. The Vechtloop is a running event very dear to me because it had everything one could wish for on a sunny summer-day. <a href="pages/vechtloop2016.html">Read more (in dutch)</a>.<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></aside>

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<img width="600" height="476" src="../images/alsofjeerbent.nl.png" alt="Virtual Panorama Tours for alsofjeerbent.nl" class="center-block"></a>

118 <div class="carousel-caption">

119 <h2>Virtual panorama tours</h2>

120 <p>You make the photo's, I stitch the panorama's and create a tour for you!</p>

121 </div>

122 </div>

123 <div class="item"><a href="../producten/pages/gigamap.html">

Priority 2
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<img width="600" height="476" src="../images/giganticAerialPhotoFromDroneFootage.png" alt="3D model from Drone photos" class="center-block"></a>

124 <div class="carousel-caption">

125 <h2>Gigantic Aerial Photo map from Drone Photo's</h2>

126 <p>You do the flying, I make you a gigantic photo with incredible detail.</p>

127 </div>

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129 <div class="item"><a href="../producten/pages/3dmodels.html"><img width="600" height="476" src="../images/3DmodelFromDrone.png" alt="3D model from Drone photos" class="center-block"></a>

130 <div class="carousel-caption">

131 <h2>3D models from Drone Photo's</h2>

132 <p>You do the flying, I make the 3D model.</p>

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