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740 */

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780 */

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1035 * UPDATE :: 2015.06.26

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1340 <script src="//" async></script> <!-- masw_org_single_top -->

1341 <ins class="adsbygoogle" style="display: block;" data-ad-format="auto" data-ad-slot="7981365479" data-ad-client="ca-pub-6016652774123776"></ins>

1342 <script>


1344 (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});

1345 </script>

1346 <br>

1347 <h1 class="entry-title">

1348 How to remove Porn sites pop-up ads [Chrome, Firefox, IE, Edge]

1349 </h1>

1350 <p class="metadata clearfix">

1351 <span class="vcard author hidden"><span class="fn">Patrik (Myantispyware admin)</span></span>

<time class="updated metadata-date" datetime="2017-07-08 03:56:49"> July 7, 2017</time>

1352 <span class="metadata-divider">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</span>

<a class="metadata-comment" href=

1353 ""> 2 Comments</a> <span class="metadata-divider">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</span>

1354 </p>

1355 <div class="entry-content clearfix">

1356 <div class="wpcmsdev-columns">

1357 <div class="column column-width-two-thirds">

1358 <p>

1359 Have you become that your web browser randomly displays <strong id="whatis">Porn sites</strong>, instead of the one you want to see? It is a sign that you have an installed adware (also

1360 known as ‘ad-supported’ software) on your computer. The ad-supported software is a part of harmful software that designed to show lots of unwanted ads. You need to follow the

1361 instructions below ASAP. It will clear your computer from adware that generates a lot of pop-up advertisements in the web browser and thereby remove the reroute to Porn sites.

1362 </p>

1363 <p>

1364 Technically, the ad supported software is not a virus, but it does bad things, it generates a lot of ads. It may download and install on to your PC system other malicious and unwanted

1365 programs without your permission, force you to visit misleading or harmful web-pages. Moreover, the ad supported software can install web-browser hijacker. Once installed, it will

1366 replace your browser setting such as homepage, new tab page and default search engine with an unwanted site.

1367 </p>

1368 <p>

1369 Most often, the adware affects the most common web browsers like the Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, MS Edge and Internet Explorer. But such the harmful software as well may infect another

1370 internet browsers by changing its shortcuts (adding an argument like ‘http://site.address’ into Target field of a browser’s shortcut). So every time you run the internet browser, it’ll

1371 reroute to the annoying Porn sites. Even if you setup a new home page, an unwanted site will be the first thing you see when you launch the Google Chrome, IE, Mozilla Firefox and

1372 Microsoft Edge.

1373 </p>

1374 </div>

1375 <div class="column column-width-one-third">

1376 <p>

1377 <b>Table of contents</b>

1378 </p>

1379 <ol style="line-height: 20px; padding-left: 10px; font-size: 95%;">

1380 <li>


<a href="#howtoremove">How to get rid of porn ads on my computer</a>

1382 <ul style="line-height: 20px; padding-left: 10px; font-size: 95%;">

1383 <li>


<a href="#manually">Remove Porn sites pop up ads without any utilities</a>

1385 <ul style="line-height: 20px; padding-left: 10px; font-size: 95%;">

1386 <li>


<a href="#muninstall">Delete suspicious software using Control Panel</a>

1388 </li>

1389 <li>


<a href="#mdisinfect">Fix browser shortcuts</a>

1391 </li>

1392 <li>


<a href="#mie">Get rid of Porn sites pop up ads from Internet Explorer</a>

1394 </li>

1395 <li>


<a href="#mchrome">Remove Porn sites ads from Chrome</a>

1397 </li>

1398 <li>


<a href="#mfirefox">Delete Porn sites pop ups from Firefox</a>

1400 </li>

1401 <li>


<a href="#mts">Remove unwanted Scheduled Tasks</a>

1403 </li>

1404 </ul>

1405 </li>

1406 <li>


<a href="#automatically">Remove Porn ads with free tools</a>

1408 <ul style="line-height: 20px; padding-left: 10px; font-size: 95%;">

1409 <li>


<a href="#zemana">How to remove Porn ads with Zemana</a>

1411 </li>

1412 <li>


<a href="#mbam">Run Malwarebytes to remove Porn ads</a>

1414 </li>

1415 <li>


<a href="#adwcleaner">Scan and clean your system of adware with AdwCleaner</a>

1417 </li>

1418 </ul>

1419 </li>

1420 </ul>

1421 </li>

1422 <li>


<a href="#adguard">Stop Porn sites pop up ads</a>

1424 </li>

1425 <li>


<a href="#ginst">How can you prevent your system from the attack of Porn sites popup ads</a>

1427 </li>

1428 <li>


<a href="#finish">Finish words</a>

1430 </li>

1431 </ol>

1432 </div>

1433 </div>

1434 <p>

1435 We suggest to remove the adware that causes tons of undesired Porn sites pop-up advertisements, as soon as you found this problem, as it can direct you to web-resources that may load other

1436 harmful software on your computer.

1437 </p>

1438 <h2 id="howtoremove">

1439 How to get rid of porn ads on my computer

1440 </h2>

1441 <p>

1442 There exist several free ad-supported software removal tools. Also it is possible to remove Porn sites pop ups manually. But we suggest to combine all these solutions below into the one

1443 removal algorithm. Follow the steps of the instructions. Certain of the steps below will require you to exit the web site. So, please read the instructions carefully, after that bookmark

1444 or print it for later reference.

1445 </p>

1446 <p>

1447 <script src="//" async></script>

1448 <br>

1449 <!-- in-text -->

1450 <br>

1451 <ins class="adsbygoogle" style="display: block;" data-ad-format="auto" data-ad-slot="2269897076" data-ad-client="ca-pub-6016652774123776"></ins>

1452 <br>

1453 <script>


1455 (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});

1456 </script>

1457 </p>

1458 <div class="wpcmsdev-alert color-green has-icon">

1459 <p></p>

1460 <div class="alert-content">

1461 <p>

1462 If you are using an Apple computer running Mac OS, then use the following guide

<a href=

1463 "">How to remove browser hijacker, pop-ups, advertisements from Mac</a>

1464 </p>

1465 </div>

1466 </div>

1467 <h3 id="manually">

1468 Remove Porn sites pop up ads without any utilities

1469 </h3>

1470 <p>

1471 The useful removal steps for the Porn sites pop-ups. The detailed procedure can be followed by anyone as it really does take you step-by-step. If you follow this process to remove Porn

1472 sites redirect let us know how you managed by sending us your comments please.

1473 </p>

1474 <h4 id="muninstall">

1475 Delete suspicious software using Control Panel

1476 </h4>

1477 <p>

1478 First of all, check the list of installed software on your personal computer and remove all unknown and recently installed applications. If you see an unknown program with incorrect

1479 spelling or varying capital letters, it have most likely been installed by malicious software and you should clean it off first with malware removal tool such as

<a href="#zemana">Zemana

1480 Anti-malware</a>.

1481 </p>

1482 <p>

1483 Press Windows button <img width="39" height="21" class=" size-full wp-image-9051 alignnone" alt="windows key" src=

1484 "">, then click Search <img width="41" height="32" class=" size-full wp-image-9052 alignnone" alt="windows search"

1485 src="">. Type “Control panel”and press Enter. If you using Windows XP or Windows 7, then press “Start” and select

1486 “Control Panel”. It will display the Windows Control Panel like below.

1487 <br>


<img width="500" height="375" class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-8456" alt="windows control panel.jpg" src=

1489 "" sizes="(max-width: 500px) 100vw, 500px" srcset=

1490 " 500w, 300w, 796w">

1491 </p>

1492 <p>

1493 Further, press “Uninstall a program” <img width="175" height="44" class=" size-full wp-image-8494 alignnone" alt="ControlPanel Uninstall" src=

1494 "">

1495 <br>

1496 It will show a list of all software installed on your machine. Scroll through the all list, and uninstall any suspicious and unknown applications.

1497 </p>

1498 <h4 id="mdisinfect">

1499 Fix browser shortcuts

1500 </h4>

1501 <p>

1502 After the ad supported software is started, it can also modify the internet browser’s shortcuts, adding an argument like “http://site.address” into the Target field. Due to this, every

1503 time you start the web browser, it will show an undesired page.

1504 </p>

1505 <p>

1506 Right click to a desktop shortcut for your internet browser. Choose the “Properties” option. It will open the Properties window. Select the “Shortcut” tab here, after that, look at the

1507 “Target” field. The ad-supported software can rewrite it. If you are seeing something similar “…exe http://site.address” then you need to remove “http…” and leave only, depending on the

1508 internet browser you are using:

1509 </p>

1510 <ul>

1511 <li>Google Chrome: chrome.exe

1512 </li>

1513 <li>Opera: opera.exe

1514 </li>

1515 <li>Firefox: firefox.exe

1516 </li>

1517 <li>Internet Explorer: iexplore.exe

1518 </li>

1519 </ul>

1520 <p>

1521 Look at the example as shown below.

1522 </p>

1523 <p>

1524 <img width="755" height="255" class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-14423" alt="clean a internet browser shorcut" src=

1525 "">

1526 </p>

1527 <p>

1528 Once is done, press the “OK” button to save the changes. Please repeat this step for internet browser shortcuts which redirects to an undesired pages. When you have completed, go to next

1529 step.

1530 </p>

1531 <h4 id="mie">

1532 Get rid of Porn sites pop up ads from Internet Explorer

1533 </h4>

1534 <p>

1535 The Internet Explorer reset is great if your web browser is hijacked or you have unwanted addo-ons or toolbars on your web-browser, that installed by an malware.

1536 </p>

1537 <p>

1538 First, launch the IE, click <img width="22" height="21" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-9999" alt="IE tools menu icon" src=

1539 "">) button. Next, click “Internet Options” as shown below.

1540 </p>

1541 <p>

1542 <img width="1007" height="535" class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-10000" alt="reset Internet Explorer tools menu" src=

1543 "" sizes="(max-width: 1007px) 100vw, 1007px" srcset=

1544 " 1007w, 300w, 768w, 500w, 960w">

1545 </p>

1546 <p>

1547 In the “Internet Options” screen select the Advanced tab. Next, press Reset button. The Internet Explorer will show the Reset Internet Explorer settings dialog box. Select the “Delete

1548 personal settings” check box and press Reset button.

1549 </p>

1550 <p>

1551 <img width="1015" height="570" class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-10002" alt="reset Internet Explorer settings" src=

1552 "" sizes="(max-width: 1015px) 100vw, 1015px" srcset=

1553 " 1015w, 300w, 768w, 500w, 960w">

1554 </p>

1555 <p>

1556 You will now need to restart your machine for the changes to take effect. It will delete Porn sites redirect, disable malicious and ad-supported web browser’s extensions and restore the

1557 IE’s settings such as homepage, new tab and search engine by default to default state.

1558 </p>

1559 <h4 id="mchrome">

1560 Remove Porn sites ads from Chrome

1561 </h4>

1562 <p>

1563 Use the Reset internet browser utility of the Google Chrome to reset all its settings such as startpage, newtab and search engine by default to original defaults. This is a very useful

1564 utility to use, in the case of browser redirects to annoying Porn sites.

1565 </p>

1566 <p>

1567 First start the Google Chrome. Next, click the button in the form of three horizontal stripes (<img width="26" height="20" class="size-full wp-image-9969 alignnone" alt=

1568 "Google Chrome menu button" src="">). It will open the main menu. Further, click the option named

1569 “Settings”. Another way to open the Google Chrome’s settings – type <b>chrome://settings</b> in the internet browser adress bar and press Enter.

1570 </p>

1571 <p>

1572 <img width="942" height="562" class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-9970" alt="Chrome drop-down menu" src=

1573 "" sizes="(max-width: 942px) 100vw, 942px" srcset=

1574 " 942w, 300w, 768w, 500w">

1575 </p>

1576 <p>

1577 The browser will open the settings screen. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and press the “Show advanced settings” link. Now scroll down until the “Reset settings” section is visible,

1578 like below and click the “Reset settings” button.

1579 </p>

1580 <p>

1581 <img width="939" height="566" class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-9972" alt="Chrome advanced settings" src=

1582 "" sizes="(max-width: 939px) 100vw, 939px" srcset=

1583 " 939w, 300w, 768w, 500w">

1584 </p>

1585 <p>

1586 The Google Chrome will display the confirmation dialog box. You need to confirm your action, click the “Reset” button. The browser will start the task of cleaning. When it’s done, the web

1587 browser’s settings including homepage, new tab page and default search provider back to the values that have been when the Google Chrome was first installed on your system.

1588 </p>

1589 <h4 id="mfirefox">

1590 Delete Porn sites pop ups from Firefox

1591 </h4>

1592 <p>

1593 If the Mozilla Firefox browser application is hijacked, then resetting its settings can help. The Reset feature is available on all modern version of Firefox. A reset can fix many issues

1594 by restoring FF settings like new tab page, startpage and search provider by default to its default state. It will save your personal information like saved passwords, bookmarks, and open

1595 tabs.

1596 </p>

1597 <p>

1598 First, open the Firefox and press <img width="26" height="20" class="size-full wp-image-9969 alignnone" alt="FF menu button" src=

1599 ""> button. It will open the drop-down menu on the right-part of the web-browser. Further, click the

1600 Help button (<img width="35" height="28" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-9986" alt="Mozilla Firefox help button" src=

1601 "">) as shown in the figure below

1602 </p>

1603 <p>

1604 .

1605 <br>

1606 <img width="994" height="586" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-9987" alt="Firefox settings menu" src=""

1607 sizes="(max-width: 994px) 100vw, 994px" srcset=

1608 " 994w, 300w, 768w, 500w, 960w">

1609 </p>

1610 <p>

1611 In the Help menu, select the “Troubleshooting Information” option. Another way to open the “Troubleshooting Information” screen – type “about:support” in the internet browser adress bar

1612 and press Enter. It will open the “Troubleshooting Information” page as shown on the screen below. In the upper-right corner of this screen, click the “Refresh Firefox” button.

1613 <br>

1614 <img width="997" height="560" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-9988" alt="Firefox troubleshooting info window" src=

1615 "" sizes="(max-width: 997px) 100vw, 997px" srcset=

1616 " 997w, 300w, 768w, 500w, 960w">

1617 </p>

1618 <p>

1619 It will show the confirmation prompt. Further, press the “Refresh Firefox” button. The Firefox will start a task to fix your problems that caused by the adware that causes undesired Porn

1620 sites popup advertisements. When, it’s finished, click the “Finish” button.

1621 </p>

1622 <h4 id="mts">

1623 Remove unwanted Scheduled Tasks

1624 </h4>

1625 <p>

1626 Once installed, the adware can add a task in to the Windows Task Scheduler Library. Due to this, every time when you start your PC, it will open unwanted Porn sites. So, you need to check

1627 the Task Scheduler Library and get rid of all harmful tasks that have been created by unwanted applications.

1628 </p>

1629 <p>

1630 Press Windows and R keys on the keyboard together. This displays a dialog box that called Run. In the text field, type “taskschd.msc” (without the quotes) and click OK. Task Scheduler

1631 window opens. In the left-hand side, click “Task Scheduler Library”, as shown in the figure below.

1632 </p>

1633 <div class="wp-caption aligncenter" id="attachment_18425" style="width: 891px;">

1634 <img width="881" height="414" class="size-full wp-image-18425" aria-describedby="caption-attachment-18425" alt="Task scheduler" src=

1635 "">

1636 <p class="wp-caption-text" id="caption-attachment-18425">

1637 Task scheduler

1638 </p>

1639 </div>

1640 <p>

1641 In the middle part you will see a list of installed tasks. Please select the first task, its properties will be show just below automatically. Next, press the Actions tab. Pay attention to

1642 that it launches on your computer. Found something like “explorer.exe http://site.address” or “chrome.exe http://site.address”, then get rid of this malicious task. If you are not sure

1643 that executes the task, check it through a search engine. If it is a component of the malicious applications, then this task also should be removed.

1644 </p>

1645 <p>

1646 Having defined the task that you want to remove, then click on it with the right mouse button and choose Delete as shown on the image below.

1647 </p>

1648 <div class="wp-caption aligncenter" id="attachment_18426" style="width: 835px;">

1649 <img width="825" height="189" class="size-full wp-image-18426" aria-describedby="caption-attachment-18426" alt="Delete a task" src=

1650 "">

1651 <p class="wp-caption-text" id="caption-attachment-18426">

1652 Delete a task

1653 </p>

1654 </div>

1655 <p>

1656 Repeat this step, if you have found a few tasks that have been created by malicious program. Once is finished, close the Task Scheduler window.

1657 </p>

1658 <h3 id="automatically">

1659 Remove Porn ads with free tools

1660 </h3>

1661 <p>

1662 After completing the manual removal steps above all unwanted software and web-browser’s extensions which causes web-browser redirects to the Porn sites should be removed. If the problem

1663 with Porn sites advertisements is still remained, then we recommend to scan your PC for any remaining malicious components. Run recommended free adware removal software below.

1664 </p>

1665 <p>

1666 <script src="//" async></script>

1667 <br>

1668 <!-- in-text -->

1669 <br>

1670 <ins class="adsbygoogle" style="display: block;" data-ad-format="auto" data-ad-slot="2269897076" data-ad-client="ca-pub-6016652774123776"></ins>

1671 <br>

1672 <script>


1674 (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});

1675 </script>

1676 </p>

1677 <h4 id="zemana">

1678 How to remove Porn ads with Zemana

1679 </h4>

1680 <p>

1681 We advise you to use the Zemana Anti-malware which are completely clean your system of Porn sites advertisements. Moreover, the tool will allow you to delete PUPs, malicious software,

1682 toolbars and hijacker infections that your personal computer can be infected too.

1683 </p>

1684 <p>

1685 Download Zemana Anti Malware from the link below.

1686 </p>

1687 <div class="wpfilebase-file-default">

1688 <div class="icon">

1689 <a title="Zemana AntiMalware" href="/download/zemana-antimalware" download="">

<img align="middle" alt="Zemana AntiMalware" src=

1690 ";name=thumb_Zemana_AntiMalware_th-120x91.jpg"></a>

1691 </div>

1692 <div class="filetitle">


<a title="Zemana AntiMalware download" id="wpfb-file-link-1" href="/download/zemana-antimalware">Zemana AntiMalware</a>

1694 <br>

1695 62216 downloads

1696 <br>

1697 Author: Zemana Ltd

1698 <br>

1699 Category: Security tools

1700 <br>

1701 Update: February 14, 2019

1702 <br>

1703 </div>

1704 <div style="clear: both;"></div>

1705 </div>

1706 <p>

1707 When the downloading process is finished, close all software and windows on your computer. Open a directory in which you saved it. Double-click on the icon that’s called

1708 Zemana.AntiMalware.Setup as shown on the screen below.

1709 </p>

1710 <p>

1711 <img width="125" height="130" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-21873" alt="Zemana AntiMalware icon" src=

1712 "">

1713 </p>

1714 <p>

1715 When the install begins, you will see the “Setup wizard” which will help you install Zemana Anti Malware on your PC system.

1716 </p>

1717 <p>

1718 <img width="915" height="431" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-21874" alt="Zemana AntiMalware SetupWizard" src=

1719 "">

1720 </p>

1721 <p>

1722 Once installation is finished, you will see window as shown on the screen below.

1723 </p>

1724 <p>

1725 <img width="917" height="563" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-21865" alt="" src="">

1726 </p>

1727 <p>

1728 Now click the “Scan” button to perform a system scan for the adware which redirects your browser to unwanted Porn sites. This process can take some time, so please be patient. While the

1729 utility is checking, you can see how many objects and files has already scanned.

1730 </p>

1731 <p>

1732 <img width="923" height="583" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-21866" alt="Zemana AntiMalware find ad-supported software that causes a lot of undesired Porn sites pop up advertisements"

1733 src="">

1734 </p>

1735 <p>

1736 After it completes the scan, you may check all items found on your PC. All detected threats will be marked. You can delete them all by simply click “Next” button.

1737 </p>

1738 <p>

1739 <img width="902" height="593" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-21872" alt="Zemana AntiMalware scan is finished" src=

1740 "">

1741 </p>

1742 <p>

1743 The Zemana Anti-malware will remove adware that causes multiple intrusive ads and pop-ups and move items to the program’s quarantine.

1744 </p>

1745 <h4 id="mbam">

1746 Run Malwarebytes to remove Porn ads

1747 </h4>

1748 <p>

1749 Manual Porn sites redirect removal requires some computer skills. Some files and registry entries that created by the ad-supported software can be not completely removed. We suggest that

1750 use the Malwarebytes Free that are completely clean your system of ‘ad supported’ software. Moreover, the free application will help you to get rid of malicious software, potentially

1751 unwanted software, browser hijacker infections and toolbars that your personal computer can be infected too.

1752 </p>

1753 <p>

1754 <img width="888" height="615" class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-18607" alt=

1755 "malwarebytes Microsoft Windows 10 get rid of adware that causes web-browsers to show unwanted Porn sites popups" src=

1756 "">

1757 </p>

1758 <ol>

1759 <li>Please download Malwarebytes to your desktop by clicking on the following link.

1760 <br>

1761 <div class="wpfilebase-file-default">

1762 <div class="icon">

1763 <a title="Malwarebytes Anti-malware" href="/download/malwarebytes-anti-malware" download="">

<img align="middle" alt="Malwarebytes Anti-malware" src=

1764 ";name=thumb_malwarebytes_3_icon-120x83.jpg"></a>

1765 </div>

1766 <div class="filetitle">


<a title="Malwarebytes Anti-malware download" id="wpfb-file-link-2" href="/download/malwarebytes-anti-malware">Malwarebytes Anti-malware</a>

1768 <br>

1769 277097 downloads

1770 <br>

1771 Author: Malwarebytes

1772 <br>

1773 Category: Security tools

1774 <br>

1775 Update: February 5, 2019

1776 <br>

1777 </div>

1778 <div style="clear: both;"></div>

1779 </div>

1780 </li>

1781 <li>At the download page, click on the Download button. Your browser will display the “Save as” dialog box. Please save it onto your Windows desktop.

1782 </li>

1783 <li>When downloading is done, please close all applications and open windows on your computer. Double-click on the icon that’s called mb3-setup.

1784 </li>

1785 <li>This will run the “Setup wizard” of Malwarebytes onto your machine. Follow the prompts and don’t make any changes to default settings.

1786 </li>

1787 <li>When the Setup wizard has finished installing, the Malwarebytes will open and open the main window.

1788 </li>

1789 <li>Further, click the “Scan Now” button . This will start scanning the whole computer to find out adware that causes web-browsers to show annoying Porn sites advertisements. While the

1790 utility is checking, you may see count of objects it has identified either as being malware.

1791 </li>

1792 <li>Once it has completed scanning your PC system, you can check all items detected on your computer.

1793 </li>

1794 <li>You may move items to Quarantine (all selected by default) by simply press the “Quarantine Selected” button. Once that process is complete, you may be prompted to reboot the PC system.

1795 </li>

1796 <li>Close the Anti-Malware and continue with the next step.

1797 </li>

1798 </ol>

1799 <p>

1800 Video instruction, which reveals in detail the steps above.

1801 </p>

1802 <p></p>

1803 <div class="fluid-width-video-wrapper" style="padding-top: 56.25%;">


<iframe id="fitvid430352" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe>

1805 </div>

1806 <p></p>

1807 <h4 id="adwcleaner">

1808 Scan and clean your system of adware with AdwCleaner

1809 </h4>

1810 <p>

1811 AdwCleaner is a free portable program that scans your computer for adware which redirects your browser to undesired Porn sites, potentially unwanted software and browser hijacker

1812 infections and allows delete them easily. Moreover, it will also help you remove any harmful browser extensions and add-ons.

1813 </p>

1814 <p>

1815 Download AdwCleaner utility from the link below. Save it to your Desktop so that you can access the file easily.

1816 </p>

1817 <div class="wpfilebase-file-default">

1818 <div class="icon">

1819 <a title="AdwCleaner" href="/download/adwcleaner" download="">

<img align="middle" alt="AdwCleaner" src=

1820 ";"></a>

1821 </div>

1822 <div class="filetitle">


<a title="AdwCleaner download" id="wpfb-file-link-3" href="/download/adwcleaner">AdwCleaner download</a>

1824 <br>

1825 171281 downloads

1826 <br>

1827 Version: 7.3

1828 <br>

1829 Author: Xplode, MalwareBytes

1830 <br>

1831 Category: Security tools

1832 <br>

1833 Update: April 4, 2019

1834 <br>

1835 </div>

1836 <div style="clear: both;"></div>

1837 </div>

1838 <p>

1839 When downloading is done, open the folder in which you saved it and double-click the AdwCleaner icon. It will start the AdwCleaner tool and you will see a screen as on the image below. If

1840 the User Account Control dialog box will ask you want to open the application, press Yes button to continue.

1841 </p>

1842 <p>

1843 <img width="910" height="315" class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-18588" alt="adwcleaner uac" src="">

1844 </p>

1845 <p>

1846 Next, click “Scan” to begin checking your computer for the ad-supported software that designed to redirect your internet browser to various ad web sites such as Porn sites. A system scan

1847 may take anywhere from 5 to 30 minutes, depending on your computer. While the program is checking, you can see how many objects it has identified as threat.

1848 </p>

1849 <p>

1850 <img width="877" height="354" class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-18589" alt=

1851 "adwcleaner Windows 10 detect 'ad supported' software that causes internet browsers to show unwanted Porn sites popups" src=

1852 "">

1853 </p>

1854 <p>

1855 Once finished is finished, it will show a scan report like below.

1856 </p>

1857 <p>

1858 <img width="860" height="617" class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-18592" alt="adwcleaner Microsoft Windows10 scan done " src=

1859 "">

1860 </p>

1861 <p>

1862 Review the scan results and then press “Clean” button. It will show a dialog box. Click “OK” button. The AdwCleaner will start to remove adware which redirects your browser to unwanted

1863 Porn sites. When finished, the utility may ask you to restart your system. After reboot, the AdwCleaner will display the log file.

1864 </p>

1865 <p>

1866 All the above steps are shown in detail in the following video instructions.

1867 </p>

1868 <p></p>

1869 <div class="fluid-width-video-wrapper" style="padding-top: 56.25%;">


<iframe id="fitvid789290" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe>

1871 </div>

1872 <p></p>

1873 <h2 id="adguard">

1874 Stop Porn sites pop up ads

1875 </h2>

1876 <p>

1877 It’s important to use adblocker programs like AdGuard to protect your PC system from malicious web-sites. Most security experts says that it’s okay to stop advertisements. You should do so

1878 just to stay safe! And, of course, the AdGuard can to stop Porn sites and other undesired pages.

1879 </p>

1880 <p>

1881 Installing the AdGuard ad blocker application is simple. First you’ll need to download AdGuard by clicking on the following link.

1882 </p>

1883 <div class="wpfilebase-file-default">

1884 <div class="icon">

1885 <a title="Adguard" href="/download/adguard" download="">

<img align="middle" alt="Adguard" src=

1886 ";name=thumb_adguard_t-120x90.jpg"></a>

1887 </div>

1888 <div class="filetitle">


<a title="Adguard download" id="wpfb-file-link-4" href="/download/adguard">Adguard download</a>

1890 <br>

1891 18578 downloads

1892 <br>

1893 Version: 6.4

1894 <br>

1895 Author: © Adguard

1896 <br>

1897 Category: Security tools

1898 <br>

1899 Update: November 15, 2018

1900 <br>

1901 </div>

1902 <div style="clear: both;"></div>

1903 </div>

1904 <p>

1905 After downloading is finished, double-click the downloaded file to run it. The “Setup Wizard” window will show up on the computer screen as shown on the image below.

1906 </p>

1907 <p>

1908 <img width="853" height="519" class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-14424" alt="adguard adblocker installer" src=

1909 "">

1910 </p>

1911 <p>

1912 Follow the prompts. AdGuard will then be installed and an icon will be placed on your desktop. A window will show up asking you to confirm that you want to see a quick guide as shown on

1913 the image below.

1914 </p>

1915 <p>

1916 <img width="916" height="470" class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-14425" alt="adguard installation is competed" src=

1917 "">

1918 </p>

1919 <p>

1920 Click “Skip” button to close the window and use the default settings, or click “Get Started” to see an quick instructions that will allow you get to know AdGuard better.

1921 </p>

1922 <p>

1923 Each time, when you launch your PC system, AdGuard will launch automatically and stop pop up advertisements, Porn sites ads, as well as other harmful or misleading web-pages. For an

1924 overview of all the features of the program, or to change its settings you can simply double-click on the AdGuard icon, which can be found on your desktop.

1925 </p>

1926 <h2 id="ginst">

1927 How can you prevent your system from the attack of Porn sites popup ads

1928 </h2>

1929 <p>

1930 The adware actively distributed with free programs, as a part of the setup file of these programs. Therefore, it is very important, when installing an unknown program even downloaded from

1931 known or big hosting web page, read the Terms of use and the Software license, as well as to choose the Manual, Advanced or Custom installation mode. In this mode, you can disable the

1932 install of unneeded modules and programs and protect your machine from the ad supported software that causes internet browsers to display annoying Porn sites pop-ups. Do not repeat the

1933 mistakes of most users when installing unknown programs, simply click the Next button, and don’t read any information that the free software display them during its installation. In most

1934 cases this leads to one – the browser begins displaying a ton of undesired advertisements like Porn sites ads.

1935 </p>

1936 <h2 id="finish">

1937 Finish words

1938 </h2>

1939 <p>

1940 Now your computer should be clean of the adware that causes a ton of unwanted Porn sites ads. Uninstall AdwCleaner. We suggest that you keep AdGuard (to help you stop unwanted pop up

1941 advertisements and intrusive harmful web sites) and Zemana Anti-malware (to periodically scan your PC for new browser hijackers, malware and adware). Probably you are running an older

1942 version of Java or Adobe Flash Player. This can be a security risk, so download and install the latest version right now.

1943 </p>

1944 <p>

1945 If you are still having problems while trying to delete Porn sites redirect from the Firefox, Google Chrome, Internet Explorer and MS Edge, then ask for help in our

<a href=

1946 "">Spyware/Malware removal forum</a>.

1947 </p>

1948 <p>

1949 &nbsp;

1950 </p><span class="post-ratings" id="post-ratings-25120" itemtype="" itemscope data-nonce="f0c743de91">

<img title="1 Star" id="rating_25120_1" style=

1951 "border: 0px currentColor; cursor: pointer;" onmouseover="current_rating(25120, 1, '1 Star');" onmouseout="ratings_off(3.8, 4, 0);" onkeypress="rate_post();" onclick="rate_post();" alt=

1952 "1 Star" src="">

<img title="2 Stars" id="rating_25120_2" style=

1953 "border: 0px currentColor; cursor: pointer;" onmouseover="current_rating(25120, 2, '2 Stars');" onmouseout="ratings_off(3.8, 4, 0);" onkeypress="rate_post();" onclick="rate_post();" alt=

1954 "2 Stars" src="">

<img title="3 Stars" id="rating_25120_3" style=

1955 "border: 0px currentColor; cursor: pointer;" onmouseover="current_rating(25120, 3, '3 Stars');" onmouseout="ratings_off(3.8, 4, 0);" onkeypress="rate_post();" onclick="rate_post();" alt=

1956 "3 Stars" src="">

<img title="4 Stars" id="rating_25120_4" style=

1957 "border: 0px currentColor; cursor: pointer;" onmouseover="current_rating(25120, 4, '4 Stars');" onmouseout="ratings_off(3.8, 4, 0);" onkeypress="rate_post();" onclick="rate_post();" alt=

1958 "4 Stars" src="">

<img title="5 Stars" id="rating_25120_5" style=

1959 "border: 0px currentColor; cursor: pointer;" onmouseover="current_rating(25120, 5, '5 Stars');" onmouseout="ratings_off(3.8, 4, 0);" onkeypress="rate_post();" onclick="rate_post();" alt=

1960 "5 Stars" src=""> (<strong>4</strong> votes, average: <strong>3.75</strong> out of 5)

1961 <br>

1962 <span class="post-ratings-text" id="ratings_25120_text"></span>

1963 <meta content="How to remove Porn sites pop-up ads [Chrome, Firefox, IE, Edge]" itemprop="headline">

1964 <meta content="


1966We suggest to remove the adware that causes tons of undesired Porn sites pop-up advertisements, as soon as you found this problem, as it can direct you to web-resources that may load other harmful..."

1967 itemprop="description">

1968 <meta content="2017-07-07T22:56:49+00:00" itemprop="datePublished">

1969 <meta content="2017-09-10T20:35:07+00:00" itemprop="dateModified">

1970 <meta content="" itemprop="url">

1971 <meta content="Patrik (Myantispyware admin)" itemprop="author">

1972 <meta content="" itemprop="mainEntityOfPage"></span>

1973 <div style="display: none;" itemtype="" itemscope itemprop="image">

1974 <meta content="" itemprop="url">

1975 <meta content="300" itemprop="width">

1976 <meta content="150" itemprop="height">

1977 </div>

1978 <div style="display: none;" itemtype="" itemscope itemprop="publisher">

1979 <meta content="My AntiSpyware" itemprop="name">

1980 <div itemtype="" itemscope itemprop="logo">

1981 <meta content="" itemprop="url">

1982 </div>

1983 </div>

1984 <div style="display: none;" itemtype="" itemscope itemprop="aggregateRating">

1985 <meta content="5" itemprop="bestRating">

1986 <meta content="1" itemprop="worstRating">

1987 <meta content="3.75" itemprop="ratingValue">

1988 <meta content="4" itemprop="ratingCount">

1989 </div><span class="post-ratings-loading" id="post-ratings-25120-loading">

<img width="16" height="16" class="post-ratings-image" src=

1990 "">Loading...</span>

1991 <div style="clear: both;"></div>

1992 </div>

1993 </article>

1994 <div class="entry-category clearfix" id="origamiez-post-category">

1995 <a href="" rel="category tag">Adware</a>

1996 </div>

1997 <div id="origamiez-post-author">

1998 <div class="origamiez-author-info clearfix">


<a class="origamiez-author-avatar" href=""></a>

2000 <div class="origamiez-author-detail">

2001 <p class="origamiez-author-name">

2002 Author:&nbsp;

<a href="">Patrik (Myantispyware admin)</a>

2003 </p>

2004 <p class="origamiez-author-bio"></p>

2005 </div>

2006 </div>

2007 </div>

2008 <script src="//" async></script> <!-- masw_single_bottom -->

2009 <ins class="adsbygoogle" style="display: block;" data-ad-format="auto" data-ad-slot="9458098676" data-ad-client="ca-pub-6016652774123776"></ins>

2010 <script>


2012 (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});

2013 </script>

2014 <div class="comments-area widget" id="comments">

2015 <h2 class="widget-title comments-title clearfix">

2016 2 Comments

2017 </h2>

2018 <div class="origamiez-widget-content clearfix">

2019 <ol class="comment-list">

2020 <li class="comment even thread-even depth-1" id="comment-4899191">


<article class="comment-body clearfix" id="div-comment-23">

2022 <footer class="comment-meta">

2023 <div class="comment-author vcard">

2024 <span class="fn">Michelle</span>

2025 </div><!-- .comment-author -->

2026 <div class="comment-metadata">

2027 <span class="metadata-divider">―</span> <a href="#">December 25, 2017 - 12:52 am</a>

2028 </div><!-- .comment-metadata -->

2029 </footer><!-- .comment-meta -->

2030 <div class="comment-content">

2031 <p>

2032 Thank you for your simple instructions!

2033 <br>

2034 You guys are great! THANK YOU SO MUCH!

2035 </p>

2036 </div><!-- .comment-content -->

2037 </article><!-- .comment-body -->

2038 </li><!-- #comment-## -->

2039 <li class="comment odd alt thread-odd thread-alt depth-1" id="comment-4942896">


<article class="comment-body clearfix" id="div-comment-23">

2041 <footer class="comment-meta">

2042 <div class="comment-author vcard">

2043 <span class="fn">Rahimy</span>

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2051 Thank you very much !!! seriously … I had about 5 months dealing with chrome opening every 34 minutes with advertising until I found this blog; by the way, I did the task of reviewing

2052 the task manager … there was the scheduled task that called chrome.

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