This page has no privacy policy. If your web server logs visits, then every page reachable by a search engine should have a privacy policy explaining what is logged and how the logs are used.
No meta description tag found. Use a description tag that accurately describes the contents of a web page.
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<!DOCTYPE html>
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Attribute 'b' not allowed on element.
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'&' did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
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* Theme Name: Robotic notes
* Theme URL:
* Description: Simple Anime blogger template
* Author: Johanes DJ
* Author URL:
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<a href='' rel='home' title='SMK Izzata'>SMK Izzata</a>
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The 'name' attribute on the 'a' element is obsolete. Consider putting an
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<a href='' rel='bookmark' title='Permanent Link to Sejarah Perkembangan Otomotif '>Sejarah Perkembangan Otomotif </a>
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<span class='author'>Posted by : SMK Izzata</span>
<span class='clock'>Senin, 11 Agustus 2014</span>
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<p><h3 class="post-title entry-title" itemprop="name">
Sejarah Perkembangan Otomotif
<div class="post-header">
<div style="text-align: left;">
<b>Sejarah dari <a href="" title="Mobil">mobil</a></b> dimulai pada awal 1769, yang sumber tenaganya <a href="" title="Mesin uap">bermesin uap,</a> mobil mampu digunakan sebagai transportasi manusia. Pada tahun 1806, mobil pertama didukung oleh <a href="" title="Mesin pembakaran internal">mesin pembakaran internal</a> yang ber<a href="" title="Gas alam">bahan bakar gas</a>
muncul, yang melopori adanya mobil pada tahun 1885 dari mesin modern
pembakaran internal berbahan bakar bensin atau berbahan solar. <span style="background-color: #e6ecf9;"> Mobil didukung oleh <a href="" title="Tenaga listrik">tenaga listrik</a> sempat tampil pada pergantian abad ke-20, namun sebagian besar menghilang dari penggunaan sampai pergantian abad ke-21.</span>
Sejarah awal mobil dapat dibagi menjadi beberapa era, berdasarkan
sarana umum propulsi. Kemudian periode yang ditentukan oleh tren gaya
eksterior, dan preferensi ukuran dan utilitas.</div>
<div style="text-align: left;">
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<div style="text-align: left;">
abad ke-1</div>
<h5 style="text-align: left;">
<a href="" title="Ferdinand Verbiest">Ferdinand Verbiest</a> , seorang anggota <a href="" title="Jesuit Cina misi">misi Yesuit di Cina</a> , menciptakan kendaraan tenaga uap bertenaga sekitar 1.672 sebagai mainan bagi Kaisar Cina.
Itu skala yang cukup kecil sehingga tidak bisa dinaiki 2 orang saat itu, kendaraan bertenaga uap pertama ('auto-mobile'). <a href=""><sup class="reference" id="cite_ref-Verbiest_2-0">[2]</sup></a> <sup class="reference" id="cite_ref-setright_3-0"><a href="">[3]</a></sup></h5>
<h5 style="text-align: left;">
abad ke-18</h5>
<div style="text-align: left;">
<sup class="reference" id="cite_ref-setright_3-0"
Duplicate ID 'cite_ref-setright_3-0'.
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This also causes problems in JavaScript methods like getElementById and querySelector, which behave inconsistently when duplicate IDs are present.
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> Kendaraan
>bertenaga uap self-propelled cukup besar untuk mengangkut orang dan kargo pertama kali dirancang pada abad ke-18.
<a href="" title="Nicolas-Joseph Cugnot"
>Nicolas-Joseph Cugnot
> menunjukkan nya
>fardier à vapeur
> ("steam
<a class="extiw" href="" title="wikt: dray"
> "), sebuah uap-driven eksperimental
<a href="" title="Artileri traktor"
>traktor artileri
, pada tahun 1770 dan 1771. Sebagai desain Cugnot terbukti menjadi
tidak praktis, penemuannya tidak dikembangkan dalam bukunya Perancis
asli. Pusat inovasi bergeser ke Inggris. Pada 1784, <a href="" title="William Murdoch">William Murdoch</a> telah membangun sebuah model kerja kereta uap di <a href="" title="Redruth">Redruth</a> , dan pada tahun 1801 <a href="" title="Richard Trevithick">Richard Trevithick</a> sedang menjalankan sebuah kendaraan berukuran penuh di jalan di <a href="" title="Camborne">Camborne</a> . <a href=""><sup class="reference" id="cite_ref-Buchanan_4-0">[4]</sup></a> kendaraan tersebut menjadi primadona untuk sementara waktu, dan selama dekade mendatang inovasi seperti tangan <a href="" title="Rem">rem</a> , multi-kecepatan <a href="" title="Transmisi (mekanik)">transmisi</a> , dan sistem <a href="" title="Pengemudian">kemudi yang lebih baik</a> dikembangkan. Beberapa diantaranya sukses secara komersial dalam menyediakan <a href="" title="Transportasi umum">angkutan massal</a> , sampai reaksi terhadap kendaraan ini sangat pesat mengakibatkan bagian dari <a class="mw-redirect" href="" title="Lokomotif Act">UU Lokomotif</a> (1865), yang diperlukan self-propelled kendaraan di <a href="" title="Jalan raya">jalan umum</a> di Inggris yang akan didahului oleh seorang pria berjalan kaki melambaikan <a href="" title="Red flag">bendera merah</a> dan meniup <a href="" title="Horn (akustik)">tanduk</a> .
Hal ini menyebabkan adanya pembangunan jalan auto di Inggris untuk
sebagian besar sisa abad ke-19, penemu dan insinyur bergeser upaya
mereka untuk perbaikan <a class="mw-redirect" href="" title="Jalan kereta api">kereta api</a> <a href="" title="Lokomotif">lokomotif</a> . (Hukum itu tidak dicabut sampai tahun 1896, meskipun kebutuhan untuk bendera merah telah dihapus pada tahun 1878.) </div>
<div style="text-align: left;">
Mobil pertama <a href="" title="Paten">paten</a> di Amerika Serikat diberikan kepada <a href="" title="Oliver Evans">Oliver Evans</a> pada 1789.</div>
<div style="text-align: left;">
<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;">
<a href="" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"
Each A tag must contain text or an IMG with an ALT attribute.
Add text to the link, or ALT text if the link contains an image. If there is no link text or the ALT tag is blank, screen readers have nothing to read, so read out the URL instead.
Link A elements labelled with a TITLE attribute, and only containing an image don't work in:
- WindowEyes 8.4 with IE11 (the link HREF is read instead)
- VoiceOver on OSX 10.9 (the image filename is read instead)
><img border="0" height="176" src="" width="320" /
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.
Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud.
Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.
The 'border' attribute on the 'img' element is obsolete.
Consider specifying 'img { border: 0; }' in CSS instead.
An 'img' element must have an
'alt' attribute, except under certain
conditions. For details, consult guidance on
providing text alternatives for images.
<h5 style="text-align: left;">
<span class="mw-headline" id="17th_century">abad ke-19</span></h5>
<h5 style="text-align: left;">
Di antara upaya lain, pada tahun 1815, seorang profesor di <a href="" title="Universitas Teknik Ceko di Praha">Praha Politeknik</a> , <a class="mw-redirect" href="" title="Josef Bozek">Josef Bozek</a> , membangun mobil uap berbahan bakar minyak. <a href=""><sup class="reference" id="cite_ref-georgano_5-0">[5]</sup></a> <sup class="reference" style="white-space: nowrap;">: hal.27</sup> <a href="" title="Walter Hancock">Walter Hancock</a> , pembangun dan operator London <a href="" title="Uap bus">bus uap</a> , pada tahun 1838 dibangun uap empat kursi <a href="" title="Phaeton (carriage)">Phaeton</a> . <sup class="reference" id="cite_ref-georgano_5-1"><a href="">[5]</a></sup> <sup class="reference" style="white-space: nowrap;">: p27</sup> </h5>
<div style="text-align: left;">
Pada tahun 1867, Kanada perhiasan <a class="new" href="" title="Henry Seth Taylor (halaman tidak ada)">Henry Seth Taylor</a> menunjukkan "kereta uap" dengan 4-roda nya di Fair Stanstead di Stanstead, Quebec, dan kemudian pada tahun berikutnya. <a href=""><sup class="reference" id="cite_ref-google3436_6-0">[6]</sup></a>
Dasar dari kereta, yang pertama ia bangun pada tahun 1865, adalah
tinggi-roda kereta dengan bracing untuk mendukung mesin dua silinder uap
dipasang di lantai. <a href=""><sup class="reference" id="cite_ref-7">[7]</sup></a> </div>
<div style="text-align: left;">
Apa beberapa orang mendefinisikannya sebagai yang pertama mobil ini diproduksi oleh Perancis <a href="" title="Amédée Bollee">Bollee Amédée</a> pada tahun 1873, yang membangun kendaraan uap self-propelled beroperasi untuk mengangkut kelompok penumpang. </div>
<div style="text-align: left;">
The American <a href="" title="George B. Selden">George B. Selden</a> mengajukan paten pada tanggal 8 Mei 1879. Aplikasinya mencakup tidak hanya mesin namun penggunaannya dalam mobil 4-roda.
Selden mengajukan serangkaian amandemen permohonannya yang
membentangkan proses hukum, mengakibatkan penundaan 16 tahun sebelum <a class="external text" href="" rel="nofollow"><span class="citation patent">AS 549.160</span></a> <a href=""><sup class="reference" id="cite_ref-8">[8]</sup></a> diberikan pada tanggal 5 November 1895. </div>
<div style="text-align: left;">
<a href="" title="Karl Benz">Karl Benz</a> , penemu banyak terkait dengan mobil teknologi, menerima paten Jerman pada tahun 1886. <a href=""><sup class="reference" id="cite_ref-9">[9]</sup></a> </div>
<div style="text-align: left;">
dengan <a href="" title="Empat-stroke engine">kendaraan 4-TAK bahan bakar</a> <a href="" title="Mesin bensin">bensin</a> (bensin) <a href="" title="Mesin pembakaran internal">mesin pembakaran internal yang</a> yang merupakan bentuk paling umum dari propulsi otomotif modern adalah ciptaan dari <a href="" title="Nikolaus Otto">Nikolaus Otto</a> . Empat-stroke yang sama <a href="" title="Diesel engine">mesin diesel</a> diciptakan oleh <a href="" title="Rudolf Diesel">Rudolf Diesel</a> . Hidrogen <a href="" title="Sel bahan bakar">fuel cell</a>
, salah satu teknologi yang dianggap sebagai pengganti bensin sebagai
sumber energi untuk mobil, ditemukan pada prinsipnya oleh <a href="" title="Christian Friedrich Schonbein">Christian Friedrich Schonbein</a> pada tahun 1838. baterai <a href="" title="Mobil listrik">mobil listrik</a> berutang awal untuk <a href="" title="Anyos Jedlik">Anyos Jedlik</a> , salah satu dari penemu <a href="" title="Motor listrik">motor listrik</a> , dan <a href="" title="Gaston Plante">Gaston Plante</a> , yang menemukan <a class="mw-redirect" href="" title="Timbal-asam baterai">baterai timbal-asam</a> pada tahun 1859,dan <a href="" target="_blank">Sir Wiliam Robert Grove</a> Penemu Hidrogen Fuel Cell.</div>
<div style="text-align: left;">
<div style="text-align: left;">
Mobil kereta berukuran pertama yang cocok untuk digunakan di jalan
wagon yang ada di Amerika Serikat adalah kendaraan bertenaga uap
ditemukan pada tahun 1871, oleh Dr JW Carhart, seorang pendeta dari
Gereja Episkopal Methodist, di Racine, Wisconsin.
Ini disebabkan Negara Wisconsin pada tahun 1875, untuk menawarkan
penghargaan $ 10.000 untuk yang pertama untuk menghasilkan pengganti
praktis untuk penggunaan kuda dan hewan lainnya. Mereka menetapkan
bahwa kendaraan harus mempertahankan kecepatan rata-rata lebih dari lima
mil per jam selama kursus 200 mil.
Tawaran menyebabkan kota pertama untuk balapan mobil kota di Amerika
Serikat, dimulai pada 16 Juli, 1878 di Green Bay, Wisconsin, dan
berakhir di Madison, melalui Appleton, Oshkosh, Oshkosh, Watertown, Fort
Atkinson, dan Janesville. Sementara tujuh kendaraan yang terdaftar,
hanya dua mulai bersaing: entri dari Green Bay dan Oshkosh. Kendaraan
dari Green Bay adalah lebih cepat, tapi rusak sebelum menyelesaikan
perlombaan. The Oshkosh selesai kursus mil 201 di 33 jam dan 27 menit,
dan mencatat kecepatan rata-rata dari enam mil per jam. Pada tahun
1879, badan legislatif diberikan setengah hadiah. <a href=""><sup class="reference" id="cite_ref-10">[10]</sup></a> </div>
<div style="text-align: left;">
Uap-mobil bertenaga melanjutkan pembangunan semua jalan ke awal abad
20, namun penyebaran mesin bensin sebagai kekuatan motif pilihan dalam
abad ke-19 akhir menandai akhir dari mobil uap kecuali sebagai
keingintahuan. Apakah mereka pernah akan terlahir kembali di era teknologi kemudian masih harus dilihat.
Tahun 1950-an melihat minat mobil turbinuap didukung oleh reaktor
nuklir kecil (ini juga berlaku untuk pesawat), tetapi bahaya yang melekat
dalam teknologi fisi nuklir segera menghentikan ide-ide ini. Kebutuhan perubahan global dalam sumber energi dan konsumsi yang <a href="" title="Keberlanjutan">keberlanjutan</a> dan <a href="" title="Pengembangan energi">kemandirian energi</a>
telah menyebabkan insinyur abad ke-21 untuk berpikir sekali lagi
tentang kemungkinan penggunaan steam, jika didukung oleh sumber energi
modern dikendalikan dengan kontrol terkomputerisasi, seperti baterai
listrik canggih, bahan bakar sel, photovoltaics, <a href="" title="Biofuel">biofuel</a> , atau orang lain.</div>
<div style="text-align: left;">
<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;">
<a href="" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"
Each A tag must contain text or an IMG with an ALT attribute.
Add text to the link, or ALT text if the link contains an image. If there is no link text or the ALT tag is blank, screen readers have nothing to read, so read out the URL instead.
Link A elements labelled with a TITLE attribute, and only containing an image don't work in:
- WindowEyes 8.4 with IE11 (the link HREF is read instead)
- VoiceOver on OSX 10.9 (the image filename is read instead)
><img border="0" height="320" src="" width="240" /
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.
Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud.
Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.
The 'border' attribute on the 'img' element is obsolete.
Consider specifying 'img { border: 0; }' in CSS instead.
An 'img' element must have an
'alt' attribute, except under certain
conditions. For details, consult guidance on
providing text alternatives for images.
<div style="text-align: left;">
<div style="text-align: left;">
<div style="text-align: left;">
<h4 style="text-align: left;">
<span class="mw-headline" id="Electric_automobiles">mobil listrik</span></h4>
<h4 style="text-align: left;">
Lihat juga: <a href="" title="Sejarah kendaraan listrik">Sejarah kendaraan listrik</a></h4>
<h4 style="text-align: left;">
Pada 1828, <a href="" title="Anyos Jedlik">Anyos Jedlik</a> , seorang Hungaria yang menemukan jenis awal <a href="" title="Motor listrik">motor listrik</a> , menciptakan model mobil kecil bertenaga oleh motor barunya. <a href=""><sup class="reference" id="cite_ref-factoidz_11-0">[11]</sup></a> Pada tahun 1834, <a href="" title="Vermont">Vermont</a> <a href="" title="Pandai besi">blacksmith</a> <a href="" title="Thomas Davenport (penemu)">Davenport Thomas</a> , penemu Amerika pertama <a href="" title="Arus searah">DC</a> motor listrik, dipasang nya motor dalam sebuah model mobil kecil, yang ia beroperasi di jalur listrik pendek melingkar. <a href=""><sup class="reference" id="cite_ref-12">[12]</sup></a> Pada tahun 1835, Profesor Sibrandus Stratingh of <a class="mw-redirect" href="" title="Groningen (kota)">Groningen</a> , yang <a href="" title="Belanda">Belanda</a> dan asistennya Christopher Becker menciptakan mobil listrik skala kecil, didukung oleh non-rechargeable <a href="" title="Primer sel">sel primer</a> . <a href=""><sup class="reference" id="cite_ref-13">[13]</sup></a> Pada tahun 1838, <a href="" title="Skotlandia">Skotlandia</a> <a href="" title="Robert Davidson (penemu)">Robert Davidson</a> membangun sebuah lokomotif listrik yang mencapai kecepatan 4 mil per jam (6 km / h). Di Inggris, sebuah <a href="" title="Paten">paten</a> diberikan pada tahun 1840 untuk penggunaan <a class="mw-redirect" href="" title="Rail trek">rel</a> sebagai <a href="" title="Listrik konduktor">konduktor</a> dari <a href="" title="Arus listrik">arus listrik</a>
, dan paten Amerika yang serupa yang dikeluarkan oleh Lilley dan Colten
pada tahun 1847. Antara 1832 dan 1839 (tahun belum diketahui dengan
pasti), <a href="" title="Robert Anderson (penemu)">Robert Anderson</a> dari Skotlandia menemukan kereta listrik pertama , didukung oleh non-isi ulang <a href="" title="Primer sel">sel primer</a> .</h4>
<div style="text-align: left;">
Upaya awal untuk membuat dan menggunakan <a href="" title="Mesin pembakaran internal">mesin pembakaran internal</a> terhambat oleh kurangnya kecocokan <a href="" title="Bahan bakar">bahan bakar</a> , terutama <a href="" title="Cair">cairan</a> , sehingga mesin awal campuran gas yang digunakan. </div>
<div style="text-align: left;">
Awal peneliti menggunakan gas. Pada tahun 1806, insinyur Swiss <a href="" title="François Isaac de Rivaz">François Isaac de Rivaz</a> yang membangun <a href="" title="De Rivaz engine">sebuah mesin</a> pembakaran internal didukung oleh suatu <a href="" title="Hidrogen">hidrogen</a> dan <a href="" title="Oksigen">oksigen</a> campuran. Pada tahun 1826, Inggris <a href="" title="Samuel Brown (engineer)">Samuel Brown</a> yang diuji berbahan bakar hidrogen mesin pembakaran internal dengan menggunakannya untuk mendorong kendaraan sampai <a href="" title="Penembak Bukit">Bukit Shooter ini</a> di selatan-timur London. Kelahiran Belgia <a class="mw-redirect" href="" title="Etienne Lenoir">Etienne Lenoir</a> 's <a class="mw-redirect" href="" title="Hippomobile (mobil)">Hippomobile</a> dengan <a href="" title="Hidrogen">hidrogen</a> -gas berbahan bakar <a class="mw-redirect" href="" title="Silinder tunggal mesin">satu silinder</a> mesin pembakaran internal yang dibuat test drive dari Paris ke <a href="" title="Joinville-le-Pont">Joinville-le-Pont</a> pada tahun 1860, yang mencakup sekitar sembilan kilometer dalam waktu sekitar tiga jam. <a href=""><sup class="reference" id="cite_ref-H2Mob_14-0">[14]</sup></a> kemudian Versi ini didorong oleh <a href="" title="Gas batubara">gas batubara</a> . Sebuah <a href="" title="Delamare-Deboutteville">Delamare-Deboutteville</a> kendaraan telah dipatenkan dan diuji coba pada tahun 1884. </div>
<div style="text-align: left;">
Sekitar tahun 1870, di <a href="" title="Wina">Wina</a> , Austria (maka <a href="" title="Austria-Hongaria">Kekaisaran Austro-Hungaria</a> ), penemu <a href="" title="Siegfried Marcus">Siegfried Marcus</a>
menempatkan mesin pembakaran internal yang berbahan bakar cair pada
gerobak sederhana yang membuatnya menjadi manusia pertama untuk
mendorong kendaraan dengan cara bensin. Saat ini, mobil ini dikenal
sebagai "mobil Marcus pertama". Pada tahun 1883, Marcus dijamin paten
di Jerman dengan tegangan rendah <a href="" title="Sistem pengapian">sistem pengapian</a> dari <a class="mw-redirect" href="" title="Magneto (listrik)">dinamo</a> , ini hanya otomotif nya <a href="" title="Paten">paten</a> . Desain ini digunakan untuk semua mesin yang terus berlanjut, dan empat <a href="" title="Kursi mobil">kursi</a> "mobil kedua Marcus" dari 1888-1889. Pengapian ini, dalam hubungannya dengan "berputar-sikat <a href="" title="Karburator">karburator</a> ", membuat desain mobil kedua yang sangat inovatif. </div>
<div style="text-align: left;">
Secara umum diakui bahwa mobil benar-benar praktis pertama dengan <a href="" title="Mesin bensin">bensin / bensin bertenaga</a>
mesin pembakaran internal diselesaikan hampir bersamaan oleh penemu
Jerman beberapa bekerja secara independen: Karl Benz membangun mobil
pertamanya pada tahun 1885 di <a href="" title="Mannheim">Mannheim</a> . Benz diberi paten untuk mobil nya pada tanggal 29 Januari 1886, dan mulai produksi pertama mobil pada 1888, setelah <a href="" title="Bertha Benz">Bertha Benz</a>
, istrinya, telah terbukti - dengan perjalanan jarak jauh pertama pada
bulan Agustus 1888, dari Mannheim ke Pforzheim dan kembali - bahwa
pelatih horseless benar-benar cocok untuk penggunaan sehari-hari. Sejak 2008 <a href="" title="Bertha Benz Memorial Route">Bertha Benz Memorial Route</a> memperingati acara ini. </div>
<div style="text-align: left;">
Segera setelah itu,
<a href="" title="Gottlieb Daimler"
>Gottlieb Daimler
> dan
<a href="" title="Wilhelm Maybach"
>Wilhelm Maybach
> di
<a href="http://translate.googleuserco
Use link text between 3 and 80 characters so it's long enough to be understood, but avoids line wrapping.
A single word text link may not give enough information about the link's destination. A link that is a full sentence is difficult to read quickly, particularly if it wraps to another line." title="Stuttgart"
> pada tahun 1889 dirancang kendaraan dari awal untuk menjadi sebuah mobil, bukan
<a class="mw-redirect" href="" title="Kereta kuda"
>kereta kuda
> dilengkapi dengan mesin. Mereka juga biasanya dikreditkan dengan penemuan sepeda motor pertama pada tahun 1886, namun Italia
<a href="" title="Enrico Bernardi"
>Enrico Bernardi
> dari
<a href="" title="University of Padua"
>University of Padua
> , pada tahun 1882, mematenkan 0.024
<a href="" title="Daya kuda"
>tenaga kuda
> (17,9 W) 122
<a href="" title="Cubic sentimeter"
> (7,4
<a href="" title="Kubik inci"
>cu in
> ) satu-silinder bermotor bensin, pas itu ke anaknya
<a href="" title="Roda tiga"
>roda tiga
> , sehingga setidaknya calon mobil pertama, dan sepeda motor pertama;.
<a href=""
><sup class="reference" id="cite_ref-georgano_5-2"
> <sup class="reference" style="white-space: nowrap;"
>: hal.26
> Bernardi diperbesar sepeda roda tiga pada tahun 1892 untuk membawa dua orang dewasa.
<sup class="reference" id="cite_ref-georgano_5-3"
><a href=""
> <sup class="reference" style="white-space: nowrap;"
>: hal.26
> </div
<div style="text-align: left;">
Salah satu dari empat roda pertama bensin-driven mobil di Inggris dibangun di <a href="" title="Birmingham">Birmingham</a> pada tahun 1895 oleh <a class="mw-redirect" href="" title="Frederick William Lanchester">Frederick William Lanchester</a> yang juga mematenkan <a href="" title="Disc brake">rem cakram</a> , dan yang pertama <a class="mw-redirect" href="" title="Automobile diri pemula">electric starter</a> dipasang pada <a href="" title="Arnold (mobil)">Arnold</a> , sebuah adaptasi dari <a href="" title="Benz Velo">Velo Benz</a> , dibangun . antara 1895 dan 1.898 <sup class="reference" id="cite_ref-georgano_5-4"><a href="">[5]</a></sup> <sup class="reference" style="white-space: nowrap;">: hal.25</sup> </div>
<div style="text-align: left;">
George F. Foss of <a href="" title="Sherbrooke">Sherbrooke</a>
, Quebec membangun satu mobil-silinder bensin pada tahun 1896 yang
berkembang selama 4 tahun, mengabaikan peringatan oleh pejabat kota 'penangkapan
karena " gila." <a href=""><sup class="reference" id="cite_ref-google3436_6-1">[6]</sup></a> </div>
<div style="text-align: left;">
Dalam semua kekacauan, perintis awal banyak hampir lupa. Pada tahun 1891, <a href="" title="John William Lambert">John William Lambert</a> membangun bajaj di Ohio City, Ohio, yang hancur dalam kebakaran pada tahun yang sama, sementara <a href="" title="America On Wheels">Henry Nadig</a> dibangun empat roda di <a href=",_Pennsylvania&usg=ALkJrhh30LmtJUEzEIoLPb0o5DOMWYrjuA" title="Allentown, Pennsylvania">Allentown, Pennsylvania</a> . Kemungkinan mereka bukan satu-satunya. <sup class="reference" id="cite_ref-georgano_5-5"><a href="">[5]</a></sup> <sup class="reference" style="white-space: nowrap;">: hal.25</sup></div>
<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;">
<a href="" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"
Each A tag must contain text or an IMG with an ALT attribute.
Add text to the link, or ALT text if the link contains an image. If there is no link text or the ALT tag is blank, screen readers have nothing to read, so read out the URL instead.
Link A elements labelled with a TITLE attribute, and only containing an image don't work in:
- WindowEyes 8.4 with IE11 (the link HREF is read instead)
- VoiceOver on OSX 10.9 (the image filename is read instead)
><img border="0" height="283" src="" width="320" /
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.
Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud.
Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.
The 'border' attribute on the 'img' element is obsolete.
Consider specifying 'img { border: 0; }' in CSS instead.
An 'img' element must have an
'alt' attribute, except under certain
conditions. For details, consult guidance on
providing text alternatives for images.
<div style="text-align: left;">
<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;">
<a href="" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"
Each A tag must contain text or an IMG with an ALT attribute.
Add text to the link, or ALT text if the link contains an image. If there is no link text or the ALT tag is blank, screen readers have nothing to read, so read out the URL instead.
Link A elements labelled with a TITLE attribute, and only containing an image don't work in:
- WindowEyes 8.4 with IE11 (the link HREF is read instead)
- VoiceOver on OSX 10.9 (the image filename is read instead)
><img border="0" src="" /
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.
Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud.
Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.
Omitting IMG WIDTH or HEIGHT attributes means page text jumps about as images load.
This makes the page very hard to read while it's loading, and the user may click on the wrong link if it moves as it's being clicked.
Add width and height attributes to the img tag matching the image dimensions. Authoring tools
like Dreamweaver can automate this process.
The 'border' attribute on the 'img' element is obsolete.
Consider specifying 'img { border: 0; }' in CSS instead.
An 'img' element must have an
'alt' attribute, except under certain
conditions. For details, consult guidance on
providing text alternatives for images.
<div style="text-align: left;">
<h3 style="text-align: left;">
<span class="mw-headline" id="Veteran_era">era Veteran</span></h3>
<div style="text-align: left;">
Produksi pertama mobil itu oleh Karl Benz pada 1888 di Jerman dan, di bawah lisensi dari Benz, di Perancis oleh
<a class="new" href="" title="Emile Roger (halaman tidak ada)"
>Emile Roger
> .Masih b
Use link text between 3 and 80 characters so it's long enough to be understood, but avoids line wrapping.
A single word text link may not give enough information about the link's destination. A link that is a full sentence is difficult to read quickly, particularly if it wraps to another line.
anyak lagi, termasuk
<a href="" title="Roda tiga"
>sepeda roda tiga
> Buantan
<a href="" title="Telur (mobil)"
>Rudolf Telur
> ,
<a href="" title="Edward Butler (penemu)"
>Edward Butler
> , dan
<a href="" title="Léon Bollee"
>Léon Bollee
> .
<a href=""
><sup class="reference" id="cite_ref-georgano_5-6"
> <sup class="reference" style="white-space: nowrap;"
>: hal. 20-23
> Bollee, menggunakan mesin bertenaga 650
<a href="" title="Cubic sentimeter"
> (40
<a href="" title="Kubik inci"
>cu in
) mesin didesain sendiri, memungkinkan dapat di naiki bersama
sopirnya, serta men Jamin berkecepatan rata-rata 45 kilometer per jam
(28,0 mph) di 1897 <a class="new" href="" title="Paris-Tourville (halaman tidak ada)">Paris-Tourville</a> reli. <sup class="reference" id="cite_ref-georgano_5-7"><a href="">[5]</a></sup> <sup class="reference" style="white-space: nowrap;">: hal.23</sup> Pada tahun 1900, <a href="" title="Massa-produksi">produksi massal</a> mobil telah dimulai di Perancis dan Amerika Serikat. Mobil pertama di Eropa Tengah <a href=""><sup class="reference" id="cite_ref-15">[15]</sup></a> dan merupakan salah satu mobil buatan pabrik pertama di dunia, diproduksi oleh <a href="" title="Czech tanah">Czech</a> perusahaan Nesselsdorfer Wagenbau (kemudian berganti nama menjadi <a href="" title="Tatra (perusahaan)">Tatra</a> ) pada tahun 1897, yang merupakan <a href="" title="Präsident">Präsident</a> automobil. Perusahaan pertama yang dibentuk secara eksklusif untuk membangun mobil adalah <a href="" title="Panhard">Panhard et Levassor</a> di Perancis, yang juga memperkenalkan <a href="" title="Inline-mesin empat">mesin empat silinder</a> untuk pertama kalinya . <sup class="reference" id="cite_ref-georgano_5-8"><a href="">[5]</a></sup> <sup class="reference" style="white-space: nowrap;">: p.22</sup> Dibentuk pada tahun 1889, Panhard segera diikuti oleh <a href="" title="Peugeot">Peugeot</a> dua tahun kemudian. Pada awal abad ke-20, <a class="mw-redirect" href="" title="Industri otomotif">industri otomotif</a>
mulai lepas landas di Eropa Barat, terutama di Perancis, di mana 30.204
diproduksi pada tahun 1903, yang mewakili 48,8% dari produksi dunia
mobil tahun itu. <a href=""><sup class="reference" id="cite_ref-16">[16]</sup></a></div>
<div style="text-align: left;">
<div style="text-align: left;">
Di Amerika Serikat, saudara <a href="" title="Charles Duryea">Charles</a> dan <a class="mw-redirect" href="" title="Frank Duryea">Frank Duryea</a> mendirikan <a href="" title="Duryea motor Wagon Perusahaan">Perusahaan Duryea motor Wagon</a> tahun 1893, menjadi perusahaan manufaktur mobil Amerika pertama. Namun, <a href="" title="Ransom E. Olds">Ransom E. Olds</a> dan <a class="mw-redirect" href="" title="Olds Kendaraan Bermotor Perusahaan">Olds Motor Company Kendaraan </a> nya (kemudian dikenal sebagai <a href="" title="Oldsmobile">Oldsmobile</a> ) yang akan mendominasi era produksi mobil. <a href="" title="Lini produksi">lini produksi</a> berjalan pada tahun 1902. <a href="" title="Thomas B. Jeffery Perusahaan">Thomas B. Perusahaan Jeffery</a> mengembangkan secara massal di dunia diproduksi mobil dan 1.500 <a href="" title="Rambler (mobil)">Ramblers</a> dibangun dan dijual pada tahun pertama, mewakili seperenam dari semua unit mobil yang ada di Amerika Serikat pada saat itu. <a href=""><sup class="reference" id="cite_ref-17">[17]</sup></a> Dalam setahun, <a class="mw-redirect" href="" title="Cadillac (mobil)">Cadillac</a> (dibentuk dari <a href="" title="Henry Ford Perusahaan">Perusahaan Ford Henry</a> ), <a class="mw-redirect" href="" title="Winton mobil">Winton</a> , dan <a href="" title="Ford Motor Company">Ford</a> juga memproduksi mobil dalam skala ribuan. </div>
<div style="text-align: left;">
Dalam beberapa tahun, bermacam-macam <a href="" title="Otomotif rekayasa">teknologi</a> yang memusingkan sedang diproduksi oleh ratusan produsen di seluruh dunia barat. <a href="" title="Uap mobil">Uap</a> , <a href="" title="Kendaraan listrik">listrik</a> , dan <a href="" title="Mesin bensin">bensin / bensin bertenaga</a> mobil bersaing untuk beberapa dekade, dengan bensin / bensin <a href="" title="Mesin pembakaran internal">mesin pembakaran internal</a> dalam meraih dominasi pada 1910-an . Dual-mobil dan bahkan quad-mesin yang dirancang, dan <a href="" title="Perpindahan mesin">perpindahan mesin</a> berkisar lebih dari selusin <a href="" title="Liter">liter</a> . Kemajuan modern, termasuk <a href="" title="Hibrida listrik kendaraan">hibrida gas / listrik</a> , <a href="" title="Multi-katup">multi-katup</a> mesin, <a href="" title="Overhead camshaft">overhead camshaft</a> , dan <a href="" title="Empat-wheel drive">empat-wheel drive</a> , di padukan, <a href="" title="Louis Renault (industrialis)">Louis Renault</a> memiliki <a href="" title="De Dion-Bouton">De Dion Bouton-</a> yang dimodifikasi, dengan <a href="" title="Berkendara poros">poros penggerak</a> tetap,dengan roda gigi <a class="new" href="" title="Cincin dan pinion (halaman tidak ada)">cincin dan pinion</a> , menjadikan itu mungkin yang pertama <a href="" title="Mobil balap">hot rod</a> dalam sejarah.dan membawa Renault dan saudara-saudaranya ke dalam industri mobil. <a href=""><sup class="reference" id="cite_ref-18">[18]</sup></a> Inovasi pun cepat dan merajalela, tanpa jelas <a href="" title="Standar teknis">standar</a> untuk arsitektur kendaraan dasar, <a class="mw-redirect" href="" title="Mobil gaya tubuh">gaya tubuh</a> , bahan pembuatan kendaraan , atau kontrol. Banyak <a class="mw-redirect" href="" title="Veteran mobil">mobil veteran</a> menggunakan <a href="" title="Petani">penggarap</a> , bukan roda untuk <a href="" title="Pengemudian">kemudi</a> . Selama 1903, Rambler standar pada roda kemudi <a href=""><sup class="reference" id="cite_ref-19">[19]</sup></a> dan pindah posisi pengemudi ke sisi kiri kendaraan. <a href=""><sup class="reference" id="cite_ref-20">[20]</sup></a> Kebanyakan mobil yang dioperasikan pada satu <a href="" title="Gigi rasio">kecepatan</a> . <a href="" title="Rantai drive">hard Rantai</a> dominan atas drive shaft, dan ditutup tubuh yang sangat langka. <a href="" title="Drum rem">Drum rem</a> diperkenalkan oleh Renault pada tahun 1902. <a href=""><sup class="reference" id="cite_ref-Csere1988p62_21-0">[21]</sup></a> Tahun berikutnya, Belanda desainer <a href="" title="Spyker">Jacobus Spijker</a> menciptakan mobil balap pertama dengan <a href="" title="Empat-wheel drive">four-wheel drive</a> , <a href=""><sup class="reference" id="cite_ref-22">[22] </sup></a> namun tidak pernah berkompetisi dan pada 1965 menjadi <a href="" title="Jensen FF">FF Jensen</a> sebelum empat-wheel drive yang digunakan pada mobil produksi. <a href=""><sup class="reference" id="cite_ref-23">[23]</sup></a> </div>
<div style="text-align: left;">
Inovasi tidak terbatas pada kendaraan itu sendiri, baik. Meningkatnya jumlah mobil mendorong pertumbuhan <a href="" title="Minyak Industri">industri perminyakan</a> , <a href=""><sup class="reference" id="cite_ref-Csere1988pp60-61_24-0">[24]</sup></a> serta pengembangan teknologi untuk memproduksi bensin (menggantikan <a href="" title="Minyak tanah">minyak tanah</a> dan <a href="" title="Batubara minyak">minyak batubara</a> ) dan <a href="" title="Pencahar">minyak mineral</a> <a href="" title="Minyak pelumas">pelumas</a> untuk mengurangi gesekan dan panas mesin (menggantikan <a class="mw-redirect" href="" title="Minyak dan lemak nabati">sayuran</a> dan <a href="" title="Lemak ikan paus">hewani</a> minyak). <a href=""><sup class="reference" id="cite_ref-Csere1988p60_25-0">[25]</sup></a> </div>
<div style="text-align: left;">
Ada dampak sosial, juga. Musik akan dibuat tentang mobil, seperti "Di
Oldsmobile Selamat My" (tradisi yang terus) sementara, pada tahun 1896, <a href="" title="William Jennings Bryan">William Jennings Bryan</a> menjadi kandidat <a class="mw-redirect" href="" title="Presiden Amerika Serikat">presiden</a> yang pertama untuk berkampanye di mobil (yang menyumbangkan <a class="new" href="" title="Mueller Manufacturing Company (halaman tidak ada)">Mueller</a> ), di <a href=",_Illinois&usg=ALkJrhjNUMSY5BAN9x2O3iIyWG11zdbaEQ" title="Decatur, Illinois">Decatur</a> , Illinois . <a href=""><sup class="reference" id="cite_ref-26">[26]</sup></a> Tiga tahun kemudian, Jacob Jerman akan memulai tradisi untuk New York City <a href="" title="Taksi">sopir taksi</a> ketika ia melaju <a class="mw-redirect" href="" title="Lexington Avenue (Manhattan)">Lexington Avenue</a> , pada kecepatan "kurangajar" dari 12 mph (19 km / jam). <a href=""><sup class="reference" id="cite_ref-Lewis.2C_p.92_27-0">[27]</sup></a> Juga pada tahun 1899, <a href=",_Ohio&usg=ALkJrhhQtWLc-GaML1WFLUcQabieVnbn7A" title="Akron, Ohio">Akron</a> , Ohio, mengadopsi self-propelled pertama <a href="" title="Mobil polisi">gerobak padi</a> . <sup class="reference" id="cite_ref-Lewis.2C_p.92_27-1"><a href="">[27]</a></sup></div>
<div style="text-align: left;">
Pada tahun 1900, itu mungkin untuk berbicara tentang industri otomotif nasional di banyak negara, termasuk Belgia (rumah untuk <a class="new" href="" title="Vincke (halaman tidak ada)">Vincke</a> , yang disalin Benz, <a class="new" href="" title="Germain (produsen mobil) (halaman tidak ada)">Germain</a> , sebuah pseudo-Panhard, dan <a class="new" href="" title="Linon (halaman tidak ada)">linon</a> dan <a href="" title="Nagant">Nagant</a> , baik berdasarkan <a href="" title="Gobron-Brillié">Gobron-Brillié</a> ), <a href=""><sup class="reference" id="cite_ref-georgano_5-9">[ 5]</sup></a> <sup class="reference" style="white-space: nowrap;">: p, 25</sup> Switzerland (dipimpin oleh <a class="new" href="" title="Fritz Henriod (halaman tidak ada)">Fritz Henriod</a> , Rudolf Telur, <a href="" title="Saurer">Saurer</a> , <a class="new" href="" title="Johann Weber (halaman tidak ada)">Johann Weber</a> , dan <a class="new" href="" title="Lorenz Popp (halaman tidak ada)">Lorenz Popp</a> ), <sup class="reference" id="cite_ref-georgano_5-10"><a href="">[5]</a></sup> <sup class="reference" style="white-space: nowrap;">: hal.25</sup> <a href="" title="Vabis">Vagnfabrik AB</a> di Swedia, <a href="" title="Hammel (mobil)">Hammel</a> (oleh AF Hammel dan HU Johansen di Kopenhagen, di Denmark, yang hanya dibangun satu mobil, ca 1886. <sup class="reference" id="cite_ref-georgano_5-11"><a href="">[5]</a></sup> <sup class="reference" style="white-space: nowrap;">: hal.25),</sup> <a class="new" href="" title="Paul Henningsen Irgens (halaman tidak ada)">Irgens</a> (mulai di Bergen, Norwegia, pada tahun 1883, tetapi tidak berhasil), <sup class="reference" id="cite_ref-georgano_5-12"><a href="">[5]</a></sup> <sup class="reference" style="white-space: nowrap;">: hal.25-26</sup> Italia (di mana <a href="" title="Persetujuan">FIAT</a> mulai tahun 1899), dan sejauh jauh seperti Australia (di mana <a class="new" href="" title="Pioneer (mobil Australia) (halaman tidak ada)">Pioneer</a> mendirikan toko pada tahun 1898, dengan yang sudah kuno <a href="" title="Tractor menguap minyak">parafin</a> wagon berbahan bakar pusat-poros-dikemudikan). <sup class="reference" id="cite_ref-georgano_5-13"><a href="">[5]</a></sup>
Sementara itu, perdagangan ekspor mulai menjadi global, dengan Koch
mengekspor mobil dan truk dari Paris ke Tunisia, Mesir, Iran, dan <a href="" title="Hindia Belanda">Hindia Belanda</a> . <sup class="reference" id="cite_ref-georgano_5-14"><a href="">[5]</a></sup> <sup class="reference" style="white-space: nowrap;">: P25</sup> </div>
<div style="text-align: left;">
Pada tanggal 5 November 1895, <a href="" title="George B. Selden">George B. Selden</a> diberikan sebuah paten Amerika Serikat untuk <a href="" title="Dua-stroke engine">dua-stroke</a> mesin mobil ( <a class="external text" href="" rel="nofollow">US Patent 549.160</a>
). Paten ini tidak lebih untuk menghambat daripada mendorong
perkembangan autos di Amerika Serikat. Selden lisensi paten untuk mobil
Amerika yang paling besar, mengumpulkan biaya pada setiap mobil yang
mereka hasilkan. The <a href="" title="Studebaker">Studebaker</a> saudara, telah menjadi produsen terkemuka di dunia dari <a href="" title="Kuda kendaraan">kuda kendaraan</a>
, membuat transisi ke mobil listrik pada tahun 1902, dan mesin bensin
pada tahun 1904, tetapi juga terus membangun kuda kendaraan sampai 1919.
<a href=""><sup class="reference" id="cite_ref-Longst_28-0">[28]</sup></a> <sup class="reference" style="white-space: nowrap;">: hal.90</sup> Pada tahun 1908, Selatan Amerika pertama mobil ini dibangun di Peru, <a href="" title="Bersedih"><i>Grieve</i></a> . <a href=""><sup class="reference" id="cite_ref-Peru_29-0">[29]</sup></a> motor mobil juga diekspor sangat dini untuk koloni Inggris dan kendaraan bermotor pertama diekspor ke India pada tahun 1897. </div>
<div style="text-align: left;">
Sepanjang era mobil veteran, namun, mobil dipandang sebagai lebih dari hal yang baru dari perangkat yang benar-benar berguna. <a href="" title="Breakdown (kendaraan)">Breakdowns</a> yang sering, <a href="" title="Bahan bakar">bahan bakar</a>
sulit diperoleh, jalan yang cocok untuk bepergian langka, dan inovasi
yang cepat berarti bahwa mobil tahun ini hampir tidak berharga.
Terobosan besar dalam membuktikan kegunaan mobil datang dengan drive
jarak jauh bersejarah <a href="" title="Bertha Benz">Bertha Benz</a> pada 1888, ketika dia bepergian lebih dari 80 kilometer (50 mil) dari <a href="" title="Mannheim">Mannheim</a> ke <a href="" title="Pforzheim">Pforzheim</a> , untuk membuat orang sadar akan potensi kendaraan nya suami, Karl Benz, diproduksi, dan setelah <a href="" title="Horatio Nelson Jackson">Horatio Nelson Jackson</a> drive 's benua yang sukses di seluruh Amerika Serikat pada tahun 1903. Para <a href="" title="1.908 New York ke Paris Ras">1.908 New York ke Paris Ras</a> adalah mengelilingi pertama dunia dengan mobil.
Tim Jerman, Perancis, Italia dan Amerika dimulai di New York City, 12
Februari 1908 dengan tiga pesaing akhirnya mencapai Paris. AS dibangun Thomas Flyer dengan <a href="" title="George Schuster (driver)">George Schuster (driver)</a> memenangkan perlombaan yang meliputi 22.000 mil dalam 169 hari. Sementara mobil lain yang disediakan pengendara dengan <a href="" title="Ban">ban</a> kit perbaikan, Rambler pertama kali pada tahun 1909 untuk melengkapi mobil dengan sebuah <a href="" title="Ban serap">ban serep</a> yang dipasang pada roda kelima. <a href=""><sup class="reference" id="cite_ref-30">[30]</sup></a></div>
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<h4 style="text-align: left;">
<span style="background-color: #e6ecf9;"><span class="mw-headline" id="Brass_or_Edwardian_era">Kuningan atau era Edwardian</span></span></h4>
<h4 style="text-align: left;">
Artikel utama: <a href="" title="Kuningan Era mobil">Kuningan mobil Era</a> </h4>
<div class="rellink boilerplate seealso" style="text-align: left;">
Lihat juga: <a href="" title="Antik mobil">mobil Antik</a> </div>
<div style="text-align: left;">
Dinamakan untuk digunakan secara luas dari <a href="" title="Kuningan">kuningan</a> di Amerika Serikat, <a class="mw-redirect" href="" title="Kuningan era mobil">Kuningan</a> (atau <a href="" title="Edwardian era">Edwardian</a> ) Era berlangsung dari sekitar 1905 hingga awal Perang Dunia I pada 1914. </div>
<div style="text-align: left;">
Dalam 15 tahun yang membentuk era ini, desain eksperimental berbagai
sistem tenaga alternatif akan terpinggirkan. Meskipun modern <a href="" title="Mobil wisata">mobil touring</a> telah ditemukan sebelumnya, hal itu tidak sampai <a href="" title="Panhard">Panhard et Levassor</a> 's <a class="mw-redirect" href="" title="Système Panhard"><i>Système Panhard</i></a> secara luas berlisensi dan diadopsi bahwa mobil dikenali dan standar diciptakan. Sistem ini ditentukan <a href="" title="Front-desain mesin">depan bermesin</a> , <a class="mw-redirect" href="" title="Rear-wheel drive">rear-wheel drive</a> <a href="" title="Mesin pembakaran internal">pembakaran internal bermesin</a> mobil dengan geser <a href="" title="Gigi">gigi</a> <a href="" title="Transmisi (mekanik)">transmisi</a> . Tradisional <a href="" title="Pelatih (carriage)">pelatih</a> gaya kendaraan dengan cepat ditinggalkan, dan Buckboard <a href="" title="Runabout (mobil)">runabouts</a> kehilangan nikmat dengan pengenalan <a href="" title="Tonneau">tonneaus</a> dan lainnya lebih murah badan touring.</div>
<div style="text-align: left;">
Pada 1906, <a href="" title="Uap mobil">mobil uap</a> pembangunan telah maju, dan mereka berada di antara kendaraan jalan tercepat pada periode itu. <a href=""><sup class="reference" id="cite_ref-31">[31]</sup></a> <sup class="noprint Inline-Template" style="white-space: nowrap;">[ <span title="Materi di sekitar tag ini gagal verifikasi kutipan sumbernya (s) dari Agustus 2010"><a href="" title="Wikipedia: pemastian"><i>tidak dalam kutipan yang diberikan</i></a></span> ]</sup> </div>
<div style="text-align: left;">
Sepanjang era ini, perkembangan <a href="" title="Otomotif rekayasa">teknologi otomotif</a>
sangat cepat, sebagian karena ratusan produsen kecil bersaing untuk
mendapatkan perhatian dunia. Perkembangan penting termasuk listrik <a href="" title="Sistem pengapian">sistem pengapian</a> (oleh <a class="mw-redirect" href="" title="Dynamotor">dynamotor</a> di <a class="new" href="" title="Arnold (mobil) (halaman tidak ada)">Arnold</a> pada tahun 1898, <a href=""><sup class="reference" id="cite_ref-Csere1988p61_32-0">[32]</sup></a> meskipun <a href="" title="Robert Bosch">Robert Bosch</a> , 1903, cenderung untuk mendapatkan kredit), <a href="" title="Suspensi independen">suspensi independen</a> (sebenarnya dipahami oleh Bollee tahun 1873), <sup class="reference" id="cite_ref-Csere1988p61_32-1"><a href="">[32]</a></sup> dan empat- <a href="" title="Roda">roda</a> <a href="" title="Rem">rem</a> (oleh <a href="" title="Arrol-Johnston">Arrol-Johnston</a> Perusahaan <a href="" title="Skotlandia">Skotlandia</a> pada tahun 1909). <sup class="reference" id="cite_ref-georgano_5-15"><a href="">[5]</a></sup> <sup class="reference" style="white-space: nowrap;">: p27</sup> <a href="" title="Pegas daun">mata Leaf</a> secara luas digunakan untuk <a href="" title="Suspensi (kendaraan)">suspensi</a> , meskipun sistem lain banyak yang masih digunakan, dengan sudut baja mengambil alih dari lapis baja <a href="" title="Kayu">kayu</a> sebagai <a href="" title="Frame (kendaraan)">bingkai</a> bahan pilihan . <a href="" title="Transmisi (mekanik)">Transmisi</a>
dan kontrol throttle secara luas diadopsi, yang memungkinkan berbagai
kecepatan jelajah, meskipun kendaraan umumnya masih memiliki pengaturan
kecepatan diskrit, daripada sistem tak terhingga variabel akrab di mobil
era selanjutnya. Kaca pengaman juga memulai debutnya, dipatenkan oleh <a class="new" href="" title="John Wood Crewe (halaman tidak ada)">John Wood</a> di Inggris pada tahun 1905. <a href=""><sup class="reference" id="cite_ref-Csere1988p62_21-1">[21]</sup></a> (Ini tidak akan menjadi perlengkapan standar sampai 1926, pada <a href="" title="Rickenbacker (mobil)">Rickenbacker</a> .) <sup class="reference" id="cite_ref-Csere1988p62_21-2"><a href="">[21]</a></sup> </div>
<div style="text-align: left;">
Antara 1907 dan 1912 di Amerika Serikat, yang <a href="" title="Tinggi wheeler">tinggi bermotor roda kereta</a> (menyerupai kereta kuda sebelum 1900) berada di masa jayanya, dengan lebih dari tujuh puluh lima pembuat termasuk <a href="" title="Holsman Automobile Perusahaan">Holsman</a> (Chicago), <a href="" title="International Harvester">IHC</a> (Chicago), dan <a href="" title="Lincoln Mobil Motor Works">Sears</a> (yang dijual <i>melalui</i> katalog), tinggi-roda akan dibunuh oleh Model T. <sup class="reference" id="cite_ref-georgano_5-16"><a href="">[5]</a></sup> <sup class="reference" style="white-space: nowrap;">: p.65</sup> Pada tahun 1912, <a href="" title="Hupmobile">Hupp</a> (di AS, yang disediakan oleh <a class="new" href="" title="Hale & Irwin (halaman tidak ada)">Hale Irwin &</a> ) dan <a href="" title="BSA mobil">BSA</a> (di Inggris) mempelopori penggunaan baja semua badan, <a href=""><sup class="reference" id="cite_ref-Csere1988p63_33-0">[33]</sup></a> bergabung pada tahun 1914 oleh <a href="" title="Menghindari">Dodge</a> (yang diproduksi tubuh Model T). <sup class="reference" id="cite_ref-Csere1988p62_21-3"><a href="">[21]</a></sup>
Meskipun akan dua dekade sebelum semua baja-badan akan menjadi standar,
perubahan berarti pasokan meningkat unggul berkualitas kayu untuk
pembuat mebel. <sup class="reference" id="cite_ref-georgano_5-17"><a href="">[5]</a></sup> </div>
<div style="text-align: left;">
Beberapa contoh mobil periode ini termasuk: </div>
<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;">
<a href="" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"
Each A tag must contain text or an IMG with an ALT attribute.
Add text to the link, or ALT text if the link contains an image. If there is no link text or the ALT tag is blank, screen readers have nothing to read, so read out the URL instead.
Link A elements labelled with a TITLE attribute, and only containing an image don't work in:
- WindowEyes 8.4 with IE11 (the link HREF is read instead)
- VoiceOver on OSX 10.9 (the image filename is read instead)
><img border="0" src="" /
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.
Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud.
Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.
Omitting IMG WIDTH or HEIGHT attributes means page text jumps about as images load.
This makes the page very hard to read while it's loading, and the user may click on the wrong link if it moves as it's being clicked.
Add width and height attributes to the img tag matching the image dimensions. Authoring tools
like Dreamweaver can automate this process.
The 'border' attribute on the 'img' element is obsolete.
Consider specifying 'img { border: 0; }' in CSS instead.
An 'img' element must have an
'alt' attribute, except under certain
conditions. For details, consult guidance on
providing text alternatives for images.
<div style="text-align: left;">
<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;">
<a href="" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"
Each A tag must contain text or an IMG with an ALT attribute.
Add text to the link, or ALT text if the link contains an image. If there is no link text or the ALT tag is blank, screen readers have nothing to read, so read out the URL instead.
Link A elements labelled with a TITLE attribute, and only containing an image don't work in:
- WindowEyes 8.4 with IE11 (the link HREF is read instead)
- VoiceOver on OSX 10.9 (the image filename is read instead)
><img border="0" src="" /
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.
Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud.
Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.
Omitting IMG WIDTH or HEIGHT attributes means page text jumps about as images load.
This makes the page very hard to read while it's loading, and the user may click on the wrong link if it moves as it's being clicked.
Add width and height attributes to the img tag matching the image dimensions. Authoring tools
like Dreamweaver can automate this process.
The 'border' attribute on the 'img' element is obsolete.
Consider specifying 'img { border: 0; }' in CSS instead.
An 'img' element must have an
'alt' attribute, except under certain
conditions. For details, consult guidance on
providing text alternatives for images.
<ul style="text-align: left;">
<li> 1908-1927 <a href="" title="Ford Model T">Ford Model T</a> - mobil 4-seater yang paling banyak diproduksi dan tersedia pada zaman tersebut. Itu menggunakan <a href="" title="Epicyclic gearing">transmisi planet</a>
, dan memiliki sistem kontrol pedal berbasis. Ford T diproklamasikan
sebagai mobil yang paling berpengaruh pada abad ke-20 di internasional <a href="" title="Mobil Abad Ini">Car of the Century</a> penghargaan. </li>
<li> 1909 Morgan Runabout - yang sangat populer <a href="" title="Cyclecar">cyclecar</a> , cyclecars dijual dalam jumlah jauh lebih besar dari 4-seater mobil dalam periode ini <a href=""><sup class="reference" id="cite_ref-34">[34]</sup></a> </li>
<li> 1910 <a class="mw-redirect" href="" title="Mercer Raceabout">Raceabout Mercer</a> - dianggap sebagai salah satu yang pertama <a href="" title="Mobil sport">mobil sport</a> , Raceabout itu mengungkapkan kegembiraan dari masyarakat mengemudi, seperti yang dilakukan sama dikandung <a href="" title="Amerika Underslung">Amerika Underslung</a> dan <a class="mw-redirect" href="" title="Hispano-Suiza Alphonso">Hispano-Suiza Alphonso</a> . </li>
<li> 1910-1920 <a href="" title="Bugatti Type 13">Bugatti Type 13</a> - yang terkenal <a href="" title="Auto racing">balap</a> dan model tur dengan canggih <a href="" title="Otomotif rekayasa">rekayasa</a> dan <a href="" title="Otomotif desain">desain</a> . Model yang sama adalah Tipe 15, 17, 22, dan 23. </li>
<div style="text-align: left;">
<h3 style="text-align: left;">
<span class="mw-headline" id="Vintage_era">Era Vintage</span></h3>
<h3 style="text-align: left;">
Artikel utama: <a href="" title="Vintage mobil">mobil Vintage</a> </h3>
<div class="rellink boilerplate seealso" style="text-align: left;">
Lihat juga: <a href="" title="Antik mobil">mobil Antik</a> </div>
<div style="text-align: left;">
Era Vintage berlangsung dari akhir Perang Dunia I (1919), melalui <a href="" title="Wall Street Kecelakaan tahun 1929">kecelakaan Wall Street</a> pada akhir tahun 1929. Selama periode ini, <a href="" title="Front-desain mesin">depan-bermesin</a> mobil mendominasi, dengan tertutup <a class="mw-redirect" href="" title="Mobil gaya tubuh">badan</a> dan kontrol standar menjadi norma. Pada tahun 1919, 90% dari mobil yang dijual terbuka, oleh 1929, 90% ditutup. <sup class="reference" id="cite_ref-georgano_5-18"><a href="">[5]</a></sup> <sup class="reference" style="white-space: nowrap;">: hal.7</sup> Pengembangan <a href="" title="Mesin pembakaran internal">mesin pembakaran internal</a> terus dengan pesat, dengan <a href="" title="Multi-katup">multi-katup</a> dan <a href="" title="Overhead camshaft">overhead camshaft</a> mesin yang diproduksi di tinggi end, dan <a href="" title="V8 engine">V8</a> , <a href="" title="Mesin V12">V12</a> , dan bahkan <a href="" title="V16 engine">mesin V16</a> dikandung untuk ultra-kaya. Juga pada tahun 1919, <a href="" title="Rem hidrolik">rem hidrolik</a> diciptakan oleh <a href="" title="Malcolm Loughead">Malcolm Loughead</a> (co-pendiri <a href="" title="Lockheed Korporasi">Lockheed</a> ), mereka diadopsi oleh <a href="" title="Duesenberg">Duesenberg</a> Model untuk tahun 1921 mereka A. <sup class="reference" id="cite_ref-Csere1988p62_21-4"><a href="">[21]</a></sup> Tiga tahun kemudian, <a class="new" href="" title="Hermann Rieseler (halaman tidak ada)">Hermann Rieseler</a> dari <a href="" title="Vulcan (kendaraan bermotor)">Vulcan motor</a> menemukan pertama <a href="" title="Persneling otomatis">transmisi otomatis</a> , yang memiliki dua-kecepatan <a href="" title="Epicyclic gearing">planet</a> gearbox, <a href="" title="Torque converter">konverter torsi</a> , dan pembatasan <a href="" title="Kopling">kopling</a> , tidak pernah memasuki produksi. <sup class="reference" id="cite_ref-Csere1988p62_21-5"><a href="">[21]</a></sup> (Its seperti hanya akan menjadi pilihan yang tersedia pada tahun 1940.) <sup class="reference" id="cite_ref-Csere1988p62_21-6"><a href="">[21]</a></sup> Hanya pada akhir era vintage, <a href="" title="Dikeraskan kaca">kaca tempered</a> (sekarang perlengkapan standar di sisi jendela) ditemukan di Perancis. <sup class="reference" id="cite_ref-Csere1988p62_21-7"><a href="">[21]</a></sup> Di era ini revolusioner <a href="" title="Ponton (mobil)">desain ponton</a> mobil tanpa sepenuhnya diartikulasikan <a href="" title="Fender (kendaraan)">fender</a> , <a href="" title="Injak-injak">berlari papan</a>
dan non-kompak unsur langkan diperkenalkan dalam seri kecil tapi
produksi massal mobil tersebut adalah mulai banyak kemudian (setelah
Perang Dunia II). </div>
<div style="text-align: left;">
Teladan antik kendaraan: </div>
<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;">
<a href="" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"
Each A tag must contain text or an IMG with an ALT attribute.
Add text to the link, or ALT text if the link contains an image. If there is no link text or the ALT tag is blank, screen readers have nothing to read, so read out the URL instead.
Link A elements labelled with a TITLE attribute, and only containing an image don't work in:
- WindowEyes 8.4 with IE11 (the link HREF is read instead)
- VoiceOver on OSX 10.9 (the image filename is read instead)
><img border="0" src="" /
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.
Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud.
Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.
Omitting IMG WIDTH or HEIGHT attributes means page text jumps about as images load.
This makes the page very hard to read while it's loading, and the user may click on the wrong link if it moves as it's being clicked.
Add width and height attributes to the img tag matching the image dimensions. Authoring tools
like Dreamweaver can automate this process.
The 'border' attribute on the 'img' element is obsolete.
Consider specifying 'img { border: 0; }' in CSS instead.
An 'img' element must have an
'alt' attribute, except under certain
conditions. For details, consult guidance on
providing text alternatives for images.
<ul style="text-align: left;">
<li> 1922-1939 <a href="" title="Austin 7">Austin 7</a>
- Tujuh Austin adalah salah satu kendaraan yang paling banyak disalin
pernah, melayani sebagai template untuk mobil di seluruh dunia, dari <a href="" title="BMW">BMW</a> ke <a class="mw-redirect" href="" title="Nissan">Nissan</a> . </li>
<li> 1922-1931 <a href="" title="Lancia Lambda">Lancia Lambda</a> - mobil yang sangat canggih untuk mobil, pertama kali untuk fitur beban <a href="" title="Monocoque">monocoque</a> -tipe tubuh dan <a href="" title="Suspensi independen">suspensi depan independen</a> . </li>
<li> 1924-1929 <a href="" title="Bugatti Type 35">Tipe Bugatti 35</a> - Tipe 35 adalah salah satu mobil balap paling sukses sepanjang masa, dengan lebih dari 1.000 kemenangan dalam lima tahun. </li>
<li> 1925-1928 <a class="mw-redirect" href="" title="Hanomag 2/10 PS">Hanomag 2/10 PS</a> - contoh awal dari <a href="" title="Ponton (mobil)">styling ponton</a> . </li>
<li> 1927-1931 <a class="mw-redirect" href="" title="Ford Model A (1927-1931)">Ford Model A (1927-1931)</a> - setelah menjaga kuningan era <a href="" title="Ford Model T">T Model</a> dalam produksi terlalu lama, Ford pecah dari masa lalu dengan me-restart seri model dengan <a class="mw-redirect" href="" title="1.927 Model A">Model 1927</a>
Lebih dari 4 juta diproduksi, membuatnya. model terlaris dari era.
Ford A adalah prototipe untuk awal mobil produksi massal Soviet ( <a class="new" href="" title="GAZ A (halaman tidak ada)">GAZ A</a> ). </li>
<li> 1.930 <a href="" title="Cadillac V-16">Cadillac V-16</a> - yang dikembangkan pada puncak era vintage, <a href="" title="V16 engine">V16</a> bertenaga <a class="mw-redirect" href="" title="Cadillac (mobil)">Cadillac</a> akan bergabung <a href="" title="Bugatti">Bugatti</a> 's <a href="" title="Bugatti Royale">Royale</a> sebagai ultra-mewah mobil paling legendaris era. </li>
<h3 style="text-align: left;">
<span class="mw-headline" id="Vintage_era"
Duplicate ID 'Vintage_era'.
This page has markup errors, causing screen readers to miss content.
Fix the errors listed on the Standards tab of this report. Markup errors like missing end tags mean screen readers may skip important content.
This page has duplicate IDs which cause problems in screen readers.
Two or more elements on this page share the same ID, which cause problems in screen readers which use IDs for labeling controls and table headings.
This also causes problems in JavaScript methods like getElementById and querySelector, which behave inconsistently when duplicate IDs are present.
Change the ID so it is unique for each element.
>Pra-Perang Dunia II era
<h3 style="text-align: left;">
Artikel utama: <a href="" title="Klasik mobil">mobil Klasik</a> </h3>
<div style="text-align: left;">
Bagian pra-perang era klasik dimulai dengan <a href="" title="Besar Depresi">Depresi Besar</a>
pada tahun 1930, dan berakhir dengan pemulihan setelah Perang Dunia II,
umumnya ditempatkan di tahun 1948. Saat itu di periode ini yang
terintegrasi <a href="" title="Fender (kendaraan)">fender</a> dan sepenuhnya menutup <a class="mw-redirect" href="" title="Mobil gaya tubuh">tubuh</a> mulai mendominasi penjualan, dengan baru <a href="" title="Sedan (mobil)">sedan / sedan</a> gaya tubuh bahkan memasukkan <a href="" title="Batang (mobil)">batang atau boot</a> di bagian belakang untuk penyimpanan. Yang terbuka atas tua <a href="" title="Runabout (mobil)">runabouts</a> , <a href="" title="Phaeton (carriage)">phaetons</a> , dan <a href="" title="Mobil wisata">mobil touring</a> dihilangkah pada akhir era klasik sebagai sayap, papan berjalan, dan <a href="" title="Headlamp">lampu</a> secara bertahap terintegrasi dengan bodi mobil. </div>
<div style="text-align: left;">
Pada 1930-an, sebagian besar teknologi mekanik yang digunakan dalam
mobil saat ini telah ditemukan, meskipun beberapa hal itu kemudian
"kembali diciptakan", dan dikreditkan ke orang lain. Misalnya, <a href="" title="Front-wheel drive">front-wheel drive</a> itu kembali diperkenalkan oleh André <a href="" title="Citroën">Citroën</a> dengan peluncuran <a href="" title="Citroën Traction Avant"><i>Traction Avant</i></a> pada 1934, meskipun sudah muncul beberapa tahun sebelumnya dalam mobil jalan yang dibuat oleh <a class="mw-redirect" href="" title="Alvis Mobil">Alvis</a> dan <a href="" title="Kabel Automobile">Cord</a>
, dan dalam mobil balap oleh Miller (dan mungkin memiliki muncul pada
awal 1897). Dalam nada yang sama, suspensi independen pada awalnya
dipahami oleh <a href="" title="Amédée Bollee">Amédée Bollee</a> pada tahun 1873, tetapi tidak dimasukkan ke dalam produksi sampai muncul pada volume rendah <a href="" title="Mercedes-Benz 380 (1933)">Mercedes-Benz 380</a> tahun 1933, yang didorong pembuat Amerika untuk menggunakannya lebih luas. <sup class="reference" id="cite_ref-Csere1988p61_32-2"><a href="">[32]</a></sup> Pada 1930 , jumlah <a href="" title="Industri otomotif">produsen mobil</a> menurun tajam sebagai industri konsolidasi dan matang, sebagian berkat efek dari <a href="" title="Besar Depresi">Depresi Besar</a> . </div>
<div style="text-align: left;">
Teladan pra-perang mobil: </div>
<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;">
<a href="" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"
Each A tag must contain text or an IMG with an ALT attribute.
Add text to the link, or ALT text if the link contains an image. If there is no link text or the ALT tag is blank, screen readers have nothing to read, so read out the URL instead.
Link A elements labelled with a TITLE attribute, and only containing an image don't work in:
- WindowEyes 8.4 with IE11 (the link HREF is read instead)
- VoiceOver on OSX 10.9 (the image filename is read instead)
><img border="0" src="" /
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.
Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud.
Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.
Omitting IMG WIDTH or HEIGHT attributes means page text jumps about as images load.
This makes the page very hard to read while it's loading, and the user may click on the wrong link if it moves as it's being clicked.
Add width and height attributes to the img tag matching the image dimensions. Authoring tools
like Dreamweaver can automate this process.
The 'border' attribute on the 'img' element is obsolete.
Consider specifying 'img { border: 0; }' in CSS instead.
An 'img' element must have an
'alt' attribute, except under certain
conditions. For details, consult guidance on
providing text alternatives for images.
<div style="text-align: left;">
<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;">
<a href="" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"
Each A tag must contain text or an IMG with an ALT attribute.
Add text to the link, or ALT text if the link contains an image. If there is no link text or the ALT tag is blank, screen readers have nothing to read, so read out the URL instead.
Link A elements labelled with a TITLE attribute, and only containing an image don't work in:
- WindowEyes 8.4 with IE11 (the link HREF is read instead)
- VoiceOver on OSX 10.9 (the image filename is read instead)
><img border="0" src="" /
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.
Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud.
Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.
Omitting IMG WIDTH or HEIGHT attributes means page text jumps about as images load.
This makes the page very hard to read while it's loading, and the user may click on the wrong link if it moves as it's being clicked.
Add width and height attributes to the img tag matching the image dimensions. Authoring tools
like Dreamweaver can automate this process.
The 'border' attribute on the 'img' element is obsolete.
Consider specifying 'img { border: 0; }' in CSS instead.
An 'img' element must have an
'alt' attribute, except under certain
conditions. For details, consult guidance on
providing text alternatives for images.
<ul style="text-align: left;">
<li> 1932-1939 <a href="" title="Alvis Kecepatan 20">Kecepatan Alvis 20</a> dan <a class="new" href="" title="Avis Kecepatan 25 (halaman tidak ada)">Kecepatan 25</a> - mobil pertama dengan semua- <a class="mw-redirect" href="" title="Synchromesh">gearbox synchromesh</a> . <sup class="Template-Fact" style="white-space: nowrap;">[ <span title="Klaim ini membutuhkan referensi ke sumber terpercaya dari November 2012"><a href="" title="Wikipedia: Kutipan diperlukan"><i>rujukan?</i></a></span> ]</sup> </li>
<li> 1932-1948 <a href="" title="Ford Model B (1932)">Ford V-8 (Model B)</a> - pengenalan kuat <a class="mw-redirect" href="" title="Ford Flathead engine">V8 flathead</a> dalam kendaraan utama, pengaturan kinerja baru dan standar efisiensi. </li>
<li> 1934-1940 <a href="" title="Bugatti Type 57">Bugatti Type 57</a> - sebuah mobil halus tunggal untuk orang kaya. </li>
<li> 1934-1956 <a href="" title="Citroën Traction Avant">Citroën Traction Avant</a> - massa-diproduksi pertama <a href="" title="Front-wheel drive">front-wheel drive</a> mobil, dibangun dengan <a href="" title="Monocoque">monocoque</a> sasis. </li>
<li> 1936-1955 <a href="" title="MG T-tipe">MG seri T</a> - mobil sport dengan daya tarik muda dengan harga yang terjangkau. </li>
<li> 1938-2003 <a href="" title="Volkswagen Beetle">Volkswagen Beetle</a>
- desain untuk efisiensi dan harga rendah, yang diproduksi selama lebih
dari 60 tahun dengan perubahan dasar minimal, tetapi memiliki produksi
terbesar dalam sejarah dengan lebih dari 20 juta unit yang diproduksi di
beberapa kabupaten. Mobil dianugerahi tempat keempat di pasar internasional <a href="" title="Mobil Abad Ini">Car of the 20th Century</a> kompetisi. Sebuah mobil baru menggemakan styling dari aslinya telah diproduksi di abad ke-21. </li>
<li> 1936-1939 <a href="" title="Rolls-Royce Phantom III">Rolls-Royce Phantom III</a> - <a href="" title="Mesin V12">V12 bermesin</a>
puncak pra-perang rekayasa, dengan kemajuan teknologi tidak terlihat di
produsen lain kebanyakan sampai 1960-an. Kinerja yang unggul dan
berkualitas. </li>
<h3 style="text-align: left;">
<span class="mw-headline" id="Post-war_era">Pasca-perang era</span></h3>
<h3 style="text-align: left;">
Artikel utama: <a href="" title="Klasik mobil">mobil Klasik</a> </h3>
<div style="text-align: left;">
Sejak Perang Dunia II <a href="" title="Otomotif desain">desain mobil</a> mengalami perubahan revolusi total <a href="" title="Ponton (mobil)">ponton</a> gaya (tanpa non-kompak unsur langkan), salah satu perwakilan massa pertama yang Soviet <a href="" title="GAZ-M20 Pobeda">GAZ-M20 Pobeda</a> (1946), British <a href="" title="Standar Vanguard">Standard Vanguard</a> (1947), AS <a href="" title="Studebaker Champion">Studebaker Champion</a> dan <a class="new" href="" title="Kaiser Khusus (halaman tidak ada)">Kaiser Khusus</a> (1947), dan kecil seri Ceko mewah <a href="" title="Tatra 600">Tatra T600 Tatraplan</a> (1946) dan Italia <a href="" title="Cisitalia">Cisitalia 220</a> sportcar (1947). </div>
<div style="text-align: left;">
Mobil desain dan produksi akhirnya muncul dari orientasi militer dan
bayangan lainnya perang pada tahun 1949, tahun yang di Amerika Serikat
melihat pengenalan tinggi <a href="" title="Rasio kompresi">kompresi</a> <a href="" title="V8 engine">mesin V8</a> dan badan modern dari <a class="mw-redirect" href="" title="General Motors Corporation">General Motors</a> ' <a href="" title="Oldsmobile">Oldsmobile</a> dan <a class="mw-redirect" href="" title="Cadillac (mobil)">Cadillac</a> merek. The <a class="mw-redirect" href="" title="Unibody">unibody</a> / <a href="" title="MacPherson strut">strut-ditangguhkan</a> 1.951 <a href="" title="Ford Konsul">Ford Konsul</a> bergabung tahun 1948 <a href="" title="Morris Minor">Morris Minor</a> dan 1949 <a href="" title="Rover P4">Rover P4</a> di bangun pasar mobil di Inggris. Di <a href="" title="Italia">Italia</a> , <a href="" title="Enzo Ferrari">Enzo Ferrari</a> mulai nya <a href="" title="Ferrari 250">250 series</a> , seperti <a href="" title="Lancia">Lancia</a> memperkenalkan revolusioner <a href="" title="V6 engine">V6</a> bertenaga <a href="" title="Lancia Aurelia">Aurelia</a> . </div>
<div style="text-align: left;">
Sepanjang tahun 1950-an, <a href="" title="Gaya gerak">mesin</a> <a href="" title="Power (fisika)">listrik</a> dan kecepatan kendaraan meningkat, desain menjadi lebih terpadu dan berseni, dan mobil yang tersebar di seluruh dunia. <a href="" title="Alec Issigonis">Alec Issigonis</a> ' <a href="" title="Mini">Mini</a> dan <a href="" title="Persetujuan">Fiat</a> 's <a href="" title="Fiat 500">500</a> mobil kecil menyapu Eropa, sementara mirip <a href="" title="Kei car">kei car</a> kelas menempatkan Jepang pada roda untuk pertama kalinya. Para legendaris <a href="" title="Volkswagen Beetle">Volkswagen Beetle</a> selamat <a href="" title="Adolf Hitler">Hitler</a> 's Jerman untuk menggoyang pasar mobil kecil di Amerika. Ultra mewah, dicontohkan di Amerika oleh <a href="" title="Cadillac Eldorado">Cadillac Eldorado Brougham</a> , muncul kembali setelah lama absen, dan <a href="" title="Grand tourer">tourers besar</a> (GT), seperti <a href="" title="Ferrari America">Amerika Ferrari</a> , menyapu seluruh Eropa. </div>
<div style="text-align: left;">
Pasar agak berubah pada tahun 1960, sebagai Detroit mulai khawatir
tentang persaingan asing, pembuat Eropa mengadopsi teknologi yang
semakin tinggi, dan Jepang muncul sebagai negara penghasil mobil yang
serius. <a href="" title="General Motors">General Motors</a> , <a class="mw-redirect" href="" title="Chrysler Corporation">Chrysler</a> , dan Ford mencoba mobil kecil radikal, seperti para <a href="" title="GM Sebuah platform">GM A-tubuh</a> , tetapi memiliki sedikit keberhasilan. <a href="" title="Captive impor">impor Captive</a> dan <a href="" title="Badge rekayasa">rekayasa lencana</a> menyapu AS dan Inggris seperti yang <a href="" title="Konsolidasi (bisnis)">digabung</a> kelompok seperti <a href="" title="British Motor Corporation">British Motor Corporation</a>
konsolidasi pasar. Revolusioner BMC hemat-ruang Mini, yang pertama
kali muncul pada tahun 1959, ditangkap penjualan besar di seluruh dunia.
Minis yang dipasarkan dengan <a href="" title="Austin Motor Company">Austin</a> dan <a href="" title="Morris Motors">Morris</a> nama, sampai Mini menjadi <a class="mw-redirect" href="" title="Marque">marque</a> dalam dirinya sendiri pada tahun 1969. <a href=""><sup class="reference" id="cite_ref-Sedgwick_35-0">[35]</sup></a> Kecenderungan untuk konsolidasi perusahaan mencapai Italia sebagai pembuat niche seperti <a href="" title="Maserati">Maserati</a> , <a href="" title="Ferrari">Ferrari</a> , dan <a href="" title="Lancia">Lancia</a> diakuisisi oleh perusahaan besar. Pada akhir dekade, jumlah marques mobil telah sangat berkurang. </div>
<div style="text-align: left;">
Di Amerika, kinerja menjadi fokus utama pemasaran, dicontohkan oleh <a href="" title="Pony car">mobil kuda</a> dan <a href="" title="Otot mobil">mobil otot</a> . Pada tahun 1964 yang populer <a href="" title="Ford Mustang">Ford Mustang</a> muncul. Pada tahun 1967, <a href="" title="Chevrolet">Chevrolet</a> merilis <a class="mw-redirect" href="" title="Camaro">Camaro</a> untuk bersaing dengan Mustang. Tapi semuanya berubah pada tahun 1970 sebagai <a href="" title="1.973 minyak Krisis">1973 minyak krisis</a> , <a class="mw-redirect" href="" title="Automobile kontrol emisi">mobil kontrol emisi</a>
aturan, impor Jepang dan Eropa, dan inovasi stagnan mendatangkan
malapetaka pada industri Amerika. Meskipun agak ironis, full-size sedan
menggelar comeback besar di tahun-tahun antara krisis energi, dengan
membuat seperti <a href="" title="Cadillac">Cadillac</a> dan <a class="mw-redirect" href="" title="Lincoln (mobil)">Lincoln</a> pementasan tahun terbaik yang pernah penjualan di akhir 70an. Kinerja mobil kecil dari <a href="" title="BMW">BMW</a> , <a href="" title="Toyota">Toyota</a> , dan <a class="mw-redirect" href="" title="Nissan">Nissan</a> mengambil tempat <a href="" title="Perpindahan mesin">besar bermesin</a> mobil dari Amerika dan Italia. </div>
<div style="text-align: left;">
Selain ukuran yang lebih kecil dan grand tour mobil kelas, antara tren
dalam desain mobil di akhir abad 20 adalah penggunaan luas <a href="" title="Station wagon">station wagon (estate, istirahat, kombi, universal)</a> dan non-komersial nyaman <a class="mw-redirect" href="" title="All-wheel drive">all-wheel drived</a> <a href="" title="Off-road kendaraan">kendaraan off-road</a> . </div>
<div style="text-align: left;">
Di depan teknologi, perkembangan terbesar dari era itu meluasnya penggunaan <a href="" title="Suspensi independen">suspensi independen</a> , aplikasi yang lebih luas dari <a href="" title="Injeksi bahan bakar">injeksi bahan bakar</a> , dan meningkatnya fokus pada <a href="" title="Keselamatan mobil">keselamatan</a> dalam <a href="" title="Otomotif desain">desain</a> mobil. Teknologi terpanas tahun 1960-an adalah <a class="mw-redirect" href="" title="NSU Motorenweke AG">NSU</a> 's " <a href="" title="Wankel engine">Wankel engine</a> ", yang <a href="" title="Gas turbin">turbin gas</a> , dan <a href="" title="Turbocharger">turbocharger</a> . Dari jumlah tersebut, hanya yang terakhir, dipelopori oleh <a class="mw-redirect" href="" title="General Motors Corporation">General Motors</a> tapi dipopulerkan oleh <a href="" title="BMW">BMW</a> dan <a href="" title="Saab Automobile">Saab</a> , adalah untuk melihat secara luas. <a href="" title="Mazda">Mazda</a> memiliki banyak keberhasilan dengan "nya <a href="" title="Mazda Wankel engine">Rotary</a> "mesin yang, bagaimanapun, memperoleh reputasi sebagai pemabuk gas-polusi. Lainnya Wankel pemegang lisensi, termasuk <a href="" title="Mercedes-Benz">Mercedes-Benz</a> dan <a class="mw-redirect" href="" title="General Motors Corporation">General Motors</a>
, tidak pernah menempatkan desain mereka ke dalam produksi setelah
krisis minyak tahun 1973. (Berbahan bakar hidrogen penerus Mazda
kemudian untuk menunjukkan potensi sebagai "ultimate eco-car". <a href=""><sup class="reference" id="cite_ref-rotary_36-0">[36]</sup></a> ) <a class="mw-redirect" href="" title="Rover (mobil)">Rover</a> dan <a class="mw-redirect" href="" title="Chrysler Corporation">Chrysler</a> kedua mobil yang diproduksi turbin gas eksperimental untuk efek tidak ada. </div>
<div style="text-align: left;">
Kuba terkenal untuk mempertahankan pra-1959 yang mobil, yang dikenal sebagai <a href="" title="Yank tangki">tank yank</a> atau Maquinas, yang telah disimpan sejak <a class="mw-redirect" href="" title="Kuba Revolusi">revolusi Kuba</a> ketika masuknya mobil baru melambat karena embargo perdagangan AS. </div>
<div style="text-align: left;">
Sampai akhir abad ke-20 dan kemudian, AS <a href="" title="Big Three (produsen mobil)">Big Three</a>
(GM, Ford, Chrysler) sebagian kehilangan posisi terdepan mereka, Jepang
menjadi untuk sementara pemimpin dunia produksi mobil dan mobil mulai
secara massal diproduksi di new Asia, Timur Eropa dan negara-negara
lainnya. </div>
<div style="text-align: left;">
Terkemuka teladan pasca-perang mobil: </div>
<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;">
<a href="" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"
Each A tag must contain text or an IMG with an ALT attribute.
Add text to the link, or ALT text if the link contains an image. If there is no link text or the ALT tag is blank, screen readers have nothing to read, so read out the URL instead.
Link A elements labelled with a TITLE attribute, and only containing an image don't work in:
- WindowEyes 8.4 with IE11 (the link HREF is read instead)
- VoiceOver on OSX 10.9 (the image filename is read instead)
><img border="0" src="" /
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.
Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud.
Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.
Omitting IMG WIDTH or HEIGHT attributes means page text jumps about as images load.
This makes the page very hard to read while it's loading, and the user may click on the wrong link if it moves as it's being clicked.
Add width and height attributes to the img tag matching the image dimensions. Authoring tools
like Dreamweaver can automate this process.
The 'border' attribute on the 'img' element is obsolete.
Consider specifying 'img { border: 0; }' in CSS instead.
An 'img' element must have an
'alt' attribute, except under certain
conditions. For details, consult guidance on
providing text alternatives for images.
<div style="text-align: left;">
<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;">
<a href="" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"
Each A tag must contain text or an IMG with an ALT attribute.
Add text to the link, or ALT text if the link contains an image. If there is no link text or the ALT tag is blank, screen readers have nothing to read, so read out the URL instead.
Link A elements labelled with a TITLE attribute, and only containing an image don't work in:
- WindowEyes 8.4 with IE11 (the link HREF is read instead)
- VoiceOver on OSX 10.9 (the image filename is read instead)
><img border="0" height="240" src="" width="320" /
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.
Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud.
Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.
The 'border' attribute on the 'img' element is obsolete.
Consider specifying 'img { border: 0; }' in CSS instead.
An 'img' element must have an
'alt' attribute, except under certain
conditions. For details, consult guidance on
providing text alternatives for images.
<ul style="text-align: left;">
<li> 1946-1958 <a href="" title="GAZ-M20 Pobeda">GAZ-M20 Pobeda</a> - massal mobil Soviet dengan desain ponton penuh. </li>
<li> 1947-1958 <a href="" title="Standar Vanguard">Standard Vanguard</a> - massal mobil Inggris dengan desain penuh ponton beberapa dan </li>
<li> 1948-1971 <a href="" title="Morris Minor">Morris Minor</a> - awal populer dan khas pasca-perang mobil diekspor seluruh dunia </li>
<li> 1953-1971 <a href="" title="Chevrolet Bel Air">Chevrolet Bel Air</a> dan 1953-2002 <a class="mw-redirect" href="" title="Cadillac Eldorado Brougham">Cadillac Eldorado Brougham</a> - dalam generasi pertama adalah perwakilan terang <a href="" title="Mobil tailfin">zaman keemasan desain mobil tailfin Amerika</a> </li>
<li> 1955-1976 <a href="" title="Citroën DS">Citroën DS</a>
- perwakilan cerah dan non-sering biasa (hydropneumatic) desain bogie и
(salah satu pikiran yang paling), karena apa yang menjadi bintang film,
mobil dianugerahi tempat ketiga di pasar internasional <a href="" title="Mobil Abad Ini">Car of the 20th Century</a> kompetisi . </li>
<li> 1959-2000 <a href="" title="Mini">Mini</a>
- ini mobil kecil klasik berlangsung selama empat dekade, dan merupakan
salah satu mobil paling terkenal sepanjang masa, mobil dianugerahi
tempat kedua pada internasional <a href="" title="Mobil Abad Ini">Car of the 20th Century</a> kompetisi, mobil memiliki versi re-gaya baru pada abad ke-21. </li>
<li> 1961-1975 <a class="mw-redirect" href="" title="Jaguar E-type">Jaguar E-type</a> - E-type disimpan Jaguar di trek dan di showroom. </li>
<li> 1963-1989 <a href="" title="Porsche 911">Porsche 911</a> - ingin mobil sport non-murah tapi massa, famoused <sup class="noprint Inline-Template" style="white-space: nowrap;">[ <span title="Teks di sekitar tag ini memerlukan klarifikasi atau penghapusan jargon dari November 2011"><a href="" title="Wikipedia: Silakan mengklarifikasi"><i>klarifikasi diperlukan</i></a></span> ]</sup> perusahaannya, mobil dianugerahi tempat kelima pada internasional <a href="" title="Mobil Abad Ini">Car of the 20th Century</a> kompetisi, mobil memiliki penerus dengan desain serupa. </li>
<li> 1964-sekarang <a href="" title="Ford Mustang">Ford Mustang</a> - yang <a href="" title="Pony car">pony car</a> yang menjadi salah satu mobil terlaris dan paling-dikumpulkan pada zaman tersebut. </li>
<li> 1.966-akhir abad ke-20 <a href="" title="Fiat 124">Fiat 124</a> - sebuah mobil Italia yang lisensi diproduksi di banyak negara lain termasuk <a href="" title="Uni Soviet">Uni Soviet</a> di mana sebagai <a href="" title="VAZ-2101">VAZ-2101</a> diluncurkan automobilisation massal. </li>
<li> 1.967 <a href="" title="NSU Ro 80">NSU Ro 80</a> - profil wedge dasar desain ini banyak ditiru dalam dekade berikutnya,. <a href=""><sup class="reference" id="cite_ref-37">[37]</sup></a> seperti bahwa inovasi teknis lainnya - mesin rotor. </li>
<li> 1967-2002 <a href="" title="Chevrolet Camaro">Chevrolet Camaro</a> - The pony car yang <a href="" title="General Motors">General Motors</a> diperkenalkan untuk bersaing dengan Ford mustang yang menampilkan relatif baru <a href="" title="Coke botol styling">styling Coke botol</a> . </li>
<li> 1.969 <a class="mw-redirect" href="" title="Datsun 240Z">Datsun 240Z</a>
- salah satu mobil sport Jepang pertama yang menjadi smash hit dengan
publik Amerika Utara, itu membuka jalan bagi dekade mendatang kekuatan
Jepang di <a href="" title="Industri otomotif">industri otomotif</a> . Itu terjangkau <sup class="Template-Fact" style="white-space: nowrap;">[ <span title="Klaim ini membutuhkan referensi ke sumber terpercaya dari Desember 2010"><a href="" title="Wikipedia: Kutipan diperlukan"><i>rujukan?</i></a></span> ]</sup> dan dibangun dengan baik, <sup class="Template-Fact" style="white-space: nowrap;">[ <span title="Klaim ini membutuhkan referensi ke sumber terpercaya dari Desember 2010"><a href="" title="Wikipedia: Kutipan diperlukan"><i>rujukan?</i></a></span> ]</sup> dan telah sukses besar baik di trek dan di showroom. </li>
<h3 style="text-align: left;"
Headings should not be empty.
Add text to the heading, or ALT text if the heading contains an image. Screen readers read out page headings, allowing users to quickly skip to a section, but some older screen readers do not ignore empty headings.
<span class="mw-headline" id="Post-war_era"
Duplicate ID 'Post-war_era'.
This page has markup errors, causing screen readers to miss content.
Fix the errors listed on the Standards tab of this report. Markup errors like missing end tags mean screen readers may skip important content.
This page has duplicate IDs which cause problems in screen readers.
Two or more elements on this page share the same ID, which cause problems in screen readers which use IDs for labeling controls and table headings.
This also causes problems in JavaScript methods like getElementById and querySelector, which behave inconsistently when duplicate IDs are present.
Change the ID so it is unique for each element.
<h3 style="text-align: left;">
<span class="mw-headline" id="Modern_era">Zaman Modern</span> </h3>
<div style="text-align: left;">
Era modern biasanya didefinisikan sebagai 25 tahun sebelum tahun
berjalan. Namun, ada beberapa aspek teknis dan desain yang membedakan
mobil modern dari barang-barang antik. Tanpa mempertimbangkan <a class="mw-redirect" href="" title="Masa Depan mobil">masa depan mobil</a> , era modern telah menjadi salah satu peningkatan <a href="" title="Standardisasi">standardisasi</a> , <a href="" title="Automobile Platform">platform berbagi</a> , dan <a href="" title="Computer-aided design">komputer-aided design</a> . </div>
<div style="text-align: left;">
Beberapa kemajuan yang sangat terkenal di zaman modern adalah luas <a href="" title="Front-wheel drive">front-wheel drive</a> dan <a class="mw-redirect" href="" title="All-wheel drive">all-wheel drive</a> , adopsi dari <a href="" title="Diesel engine">mesin diesel</a> , dan di mana-mana <a href="" title="Injeksi bahan bakar">injeksi bahan bakar</a> .
Sementara semua kemajuan ini pertama kali dicoba di era sebelumnya,
mereka begitu mendominasi pasar saat ini yang mudah untuk mengabaikan
signifikansi mereka. Hampir semua mobil penumpang modern front-wheel drive <a href="" title="Monocoque">monocoque</a> / <a class="mw-redirect" href="" title="Unibody">unibody</a> desain, dengan <a href="" title="Transverse mesin">mesin melintang dipasang</a> , tetapi desain ini dianggap radikal hingga akhir tahun 1960-an. </div>
<div style="text-align: left;">
<a class="mw-redirect" href="" title="Mobil gaya tubuh">Gaya tubuh</a> telah berubah juga di era modern. Tiga jenis, <a href="" title="Hatchback">hatchback</a> , <a href="" title="Sedan (mobil)">sedan</a> , dan <a href="" title="Sport utility vehicle">sport utility vehicle</a> , mendominasi pasar saat ini, <sup class="Template-Fact" style="white-space: nowrap;">[ <span title="Klaim ini membutuhkan referensi ke sumber terpercaya dari Juli 2009"><a href="" title="Wikipedia: Kutipan diperlukan"><i>rujukan?</i></a></span> ]</sup> namun yang relatif baru <a href="" title="Konsep">konsep</a> . Semua awalnya menekankan kepraktisan, namun telah bermutasi menjadi bertenaga tinggi mewah saat ini <a class="mw-redirect" href="" title="Crossover SUV">crossover SUV</a> , <a href="" title="Station wagon">olahraga wagon</a> , dua volume <a class="mw-redirect" href="" title="Large MPV">MPV besar</a> . Maraknya <a href="" title="Pickup truk">truk pickup</a>
di Amerika Serikat, dan SUV di seluruh dunia telah mengubah wajah
otomotif, dengan "truk" datang untuk memerintahkan lebih dari setengah
pasar mobil dunia <sup class="Template-Fact" style="white-space: nowrap;">[ <span title="Klaim ini membutuhkan referensi ke sumber terpercaya dari Oktober 2011"><a href="" title="Wikipedia: Kutipan diperlukan"><i>rujukan?</i></a></span> ].</sup> Ada juga penampilan baru satu-volume <a class="mw-redirect" href="" title="Large MPV">kelas MPV</a> (kecil non-komersial penumpang <a href="" title="Minivan">minivan</a> ), di antara yang pertama adalah Perancis <a href="" title="Renault Espace">Renault Espace</a> dan US <a href="" title="Pontiac Trans Sport">Pontiac Trans Sport</a> . </div>
<div style="text-align: left;">
Era modern juga terlihat meningkat pesat
<a href="
Use link text between 3 and 80 characters so it's long enough to be understood, but avoids line wrapping.
A single word text link may not give enough information about the link's destination. A link that is a full sentence is difficult to read quickly, particularly if it wraps to another line.
c?depth=1&ei=XbAFUa7bNIOyrAeA9YGIDQ&hl=id&langpair=en%7Cid&" title="Ekonomi bahan bakar di mobil"
>efisiensi bahan bakar
> dan output mesin. Setelah
<a class="mw-redirect" href="" title="Automobile kontrol emisi"
>emisi mobil
> keprihatinan dari tahun 1970-an ditaklukkan dengan komputerisasi
<a href="" title="Unit kontrol mesin"
>sistem manajemen mesin
> , listrik mulai meningkat pesat. Pada 1980-an, yang kuat
<a href="" title="Mobil sport"
>mobil sport
> mungkin telah menghasilkan 200
<a href="" title="Daya kuda"
>tenaga kuda
> (150
<a class="mw-redirect" href="" title="Kilowat"
) - hanya 20 tahun kemudian, mobil penumpang rata-rata memiliki mesin
yang kuat, dan beberapa model kinerja menawarkan tiga kali lebih banyak
daya. </div>
<div style="text-align: left;">
Sejak 2009 China menjadi mutlak mobil dunia baru pemimpin produsen dengan produksi lebih dari US, Jepang atau semua Eropa.
Selain pertumbuhan besar produksi mobil di negara-negara Asia dan
lainnya, persimpangan (dan istirahat) dari producents menjadi
transnasional <a href="" title="Perusahaan Kelompok">kelompok perusahaan</a> transnasional dan "platform" dari mobil becamed sebagai praktek yang luas. </div>
<div style="text-align: left;">
Sejak akhir abad ke-20, kompetisi penghargaan beberapa mobil dan truk telah dikenal secara luas, seperti <a href="" title="Eropa Car of the Year">Mobil Eropa of the Year</a> <a href="" title="Car of the Year Japan">Car of the Year Japan</a> , <a href="" title="Amerika Utara Car of the Year">Amerika Utara Car of the Year</a> , <a href="" title="Dunia Car of the Year">World Car of the Year</a> , <a class="mw-redirect" href="" title="Truck of the Year">Truck of the Year</a> , dan <a href="" title="Mobil Internasional of the Year">International Car of the Year</a> , sehingga kendaraan dari kelas yang berbeda, produsen, dan negara-negara menang secara bergantian. Juga, <a href="" title="Mobil Abad Ini">Car of the Century</a> penghargaan diadakan, di mana di AS <a href="" title="Ford Model T">Ford Model T</a> dinobatkan sebagai mobil paling berpengaruh dari abad ke-20. </div>
<div style="text-align: left;">
Teladan yang modern mobil: </div>
<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;">
<a href="" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"
Each A tag must contain text or an IMG with an ALT attribute.
Add text to the link, or ALT text if the link contains an image. If there is no link text or the ALT tag is blank, screen readers have nothing to read, so read out the URL instead.
Link A elements labelled with a TITLE attribute, and only containing an image don't work in:
- WindowEyes 8.4 with IE11 (the link HREF is read instead)
- VoiceOver on OSX 10.9 (the image filename is read instead)
><img border="0" height="239" src="" width="320" /
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.
Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud.
Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.
The 'border' attribute on the 'img' element is obsolete.
Consider specifying 'img { border: 0; }' in CSS instead.
An 'img' element must have an
'alt' attribute, except under certain
conditions. For details, consult guidance on
providing text alternatives for images.
<ul style="text-align: left;">
<li> 1966-sekarang <a href="" title="Toyota Corolla">Toyota Corolla</a> - sederhana kecil Jepang <a href="" title="Sedan (mobil)">sedan saloon /</a> yang telah datang untuk menjadi mobil terlaris sepanjang masa. </li>
<li> 1970-sekarang <a href="" title="Range Rover">Range Rover</a> - take pertama pada kombinasi <a href="" title="Luxury kendaraan">kemewahan</a> dan <a href="" title="Empat-wheel drive">empat-wheel drive</a> utilitas, asli ' <a href="" title="Sport utility vehicle">SUV</a> '. Begitulah popularitas asli <a href="" title="Range Rover Klasik">Range Rover Klasik</a> bahwa model baru tidak dibawa keluar sampai tahun 1994. <a href=""><sup class="reference" id="cite_ref-38">[38]</sup></a> </li>
<li> 1973-sekarang <a href="" title="Mercedes-Benz S-Class">Mercedes-Benz S-Class</a> - elektronik <a href="" title="Anti-lock sistem pengereman">Anti-lock Braking System</a> , menahan diri tambahan <a href="" title="Airbag">airbag</a> , <a href="" title="Sabuk pengaman">sabuk pengaman</a> pretensioners, dan elektronik <a href="" title="Traksi kontrol sistem">sistem kontrol traksi</a> semua membuat debut mereka pada S-Class. Fitur-fitur ini nantinya akan menjadi standar di seluruh industri mobil. </li>
<li> 1975-sekarang <a href="" title="BMW Seri 3">BMW 3 Series</a> - Seri 3 telah di Mobil dan Driver tahunan majalah Sepuluh daftar Terbaik 17 kali, sehingga entri terpanjang dalam daftar. </li>
<li> 1977-sekarang <a href="" title="Honda Accord">Honda Accord</a>
sedan / sedan - sedan Jepang menjadi mobil paling populer di Amerika
Serikat pada 1990-an, mendorong Ford Taurus samping, dan setting
panggung untuk sedan kelas atas saat ini Asia. </li>
<li> 1981-1989 <a class="mw-redirect" href="" title="Dodge Aries">Dodge Aries</a> dan <a href="" title="Reliant Plymouth">Plymouth Reliant</a> - "K-mobil" yang menyelamatkan Chrysler sebagai produsen utama. Model ini adalah beberapa sukses Amerika pertama <a href="" title="Front-wheel drive">front-wheel drive</a> , hemat bahan bakar <a href="" title="Mobil penumpang yg kecil">mobil kompak</a> . </li>
<li> 1983-sekarang <a href="" title="Dodge Caravan">Chrysler minivan</a> - dua-box <a href="" title="Minivan">minivan</a> desain hampir mendorong <a href="" title="Station wagon">station wagon</a> keluar dari pasar, dan hari ini presaged <a class="mw-redirect" href="" title="Crossover SUV">SUV crossover</a> . </li>
<li> 1984-sekarang <a href="" title="Renault Espace">Renault Espace</a> - massal mobil satu-jilid pertama non-komersial kelas MPV. </li>
<li> 1986-sekarang <a href="" title="Ford Taurus">Ford Taurus</a> - ini <a href="" title="Mid-size car">menengah</a>
front-wheel drive sedan dengan modern desain dengan bantuan komputer
mendominasi pasar Amerika pada akhir 1980-an, dan menciptakan sebuah
revolusi desain di Amerika Utara. </li>
<li> 1989-1999 <a href="" title="Pontiac Trans Sport">Pontiac Trans Sport</a> - adalah salah satu yang pertama dari satu mobil box. </li>
<li> 1997-sekarang <a href="" title="Toyota Prius">Toyota Prius</a>
- diluncurkan di pasar Jepang, pada bulan September 2010 mencapai
penjualan kumulatif seluruh dunia dari 2,0 juta unit, menjadi yang
paling dikenal <a href="" title="Hibrida listrik kendaraan">kendaraan listrik hibrida</a> di dunia. </li>
<li> 1998-sekarang <a class="mw-redirect" href="" title="Ford Focus (internasional)">Ford Focus</a> - salah satu yang paling populer <a href="" title="Hatchback">hatchback</a> di seluruh dunia, yang juga merupakan salah satu dari <a class="mw-redirect" href="" title="Mengarungi">Ford</a> menjual terbaik <a href="" title="Dunia mobil">mobil dunia</a> . </li>
<li> 2008-sekarang <a href="" title="Tata Nano">Tata Nano</a> - Nano Tata adalah murah ( <img alt="INR" height="10" src="" style="vertical-align: baseline;" width="7" /> 100.000 ~ $ 2200), rear-bermesin, empat penumpang mobil kota yang dibangun oleh perusahaan India <a href="" title="Tata Motors">Tata Motors</a> dan ditujukan terutama di pasar domestik India. </li>
<li> 2008-sekarang <a href="" title="Tesla Roadster">Roadster Tesla</a> - The Roadster Tesla adalah jalan raya-yang mampu pertama semua-listrik kendaraan di <a class="mw-redirect" href="" title="Serial produksi">produksi serial</a> untuk dijual di Amerika Serikat pada era modern. </li>
<li> 2010-sekarang, <a href="" title="Nissan Leaf">Nissan Leaf</a> dan <a href="" title="Chevrolet Volt">Chevrolet Volt</a> - sebuah <a class="mw-redirect" href="" title="All-mobil listrik">mobil semua-listrik</a> dan <a href="" title="Plug-in hybrid">plug-in hybrid</a> dengan demikian, telah diluncurkan di AS dan pasar Jepang pada bulan Desember 2010, menjadi yang pertama <a href="" title="Massa-produksi">produksi massal</a> kendaraan jenis mereka. </li>
<div style="text-align: left;">
<b>Masa Depan.</b></div>
<div class="rellink relarticle mainarticle" style="text-align: left;">
Artikel utama: <a href="" title="Masa Depan mobil teknologi">teknologi mobil Masa Depan</a><br />
<b>Mobil selam</b><br />
<b>JENEWA</b><br />
<br />
<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;">
<a href="" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"
Each A tag must contain text or an IMG with an ALT attribute.
Add text to the link, or ALT text if the link contains an image. If there is no link text or the ALT tag is blank, screen readers have nothing to read, so read out the URL instead.
Link A elements labelled with a TITLE attribute, and only containing an image don't work in:
- WindowEyes 8.4 with IE11 (the link HREF is read instead)
- VoiceOver on OSX 10.9 (the image filename is read instead)
><img border="0" height="234" src="" width="320" /
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.
Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud.
Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.
The 'border' attribute on the 'img' element is obsolete.
Consider specifying 'img { border: 0; }' in CSS instead.
An 'img' element must have an
'alt' attribute, except under certain
conditions. For details, consult guidance on
providing text alternatives for images.
mobil masa depan sudah mulai hadir di tahun 2012.Jenewa bisa menyelam sampai kedalaman 10 meter.<br />
<div align="center"
The 'align' attribute on the 'div' element is obsolete.
Use CSS instead.
<img alt="mobil1.jpg" src="" style="height: 212px; width: 310px;" /
IMG ALT text must not be the same as the image file name. ALT text: "mobil1.jpg"
Change the ALT text to a description of the image.
<div align="justify"
The 'align' attribute on the 'div' element is obsolete.
Use CSS instead.
- Mobil ini membangkitkan kenangan pada film James Bond, The Spy Who
Loved Me. Dalam film yang keluar 31 tahun lalu itu, Bond yang diperani
Roger Moore mengendarai mobil yang bisa menyelam di air. Fiksi itu kini
berhasil diwujudkan. Setidaknya begitulah kata Rinspeed, perusahaan
otomotif Swiss.</div>
<div align="justify"
The 'align' attribute on the 'div' element is obsolete.
Use CSS instead.
“Ini mobil selam pertama,”
kata Frank Rinderknecht, CEO Rinspeed, seperti diberitakan The Star
Banner kemarin (14/2). Konsep mobil revolusioner bernama sQuba itu sudah
dicoba dan bakal dipajang di Geneva Motor Show, Swiss, Maret mendatang.</div>
<div align="justify"
The 'align' attribute on the 'div' element is obsolete.
Use CSS instead.
dua tempat duduk dengan kabin terbuka itu bisa melaju di daratan,
berenang, serta menyelam sampai kedalaman 10 meter. Saat di dalam air,
pengendaranya bisa bernapas dari tabung udara, mirip yang dipakai
<div align="justify"
The 'align' attribute on the 'div' element is obsolete.
Use CSS instead.
Rinspeed memodifikasi sedan sport
dengan mengganti beberapa mesinnya dengan motor elektrik. Agar bisa kuat
melaju di dalam air, mesin mobil itu ada tiga, ditaruh di bagian
belakang. Yang satu digunakan ketika kendaraan melaju di daratan, dua
lagi untuk mendorong ketika sQuba di air.</div>
<img align="left" alt="mobil2.jpg" src="" style="height: 158px; width: 236px;" /
IMG ALT text must not be the same as the image file name. ALT text: "mobil1.jpg"
Change the ALT text to a description of the image.
The 'align' attribute on the 'img' element is obsolete.
Use CSS instead.
><br /
<div align="justify"
The 'align' attribute on the 'div' element is obsolete.
Use CSS instead.
lain, mobil sQuba itu diklaim pro-lingkungan, karena emisi karbonnya
nol. Kabinnya juga tahan terhadap air bergaram yang korosif.</div>
<div align="justify"
The 'align' attribute on the 'div' element is obsolete.
Use CSS instead.
sendiri merupakan penggemar James Bon fanatik. Adegan James Bond
menyelam dengan mobil Lotus Esprit dalam film pada 1977 itu begitu
membuatnya terobsesi. Mobil selam ala Bond tersebut memang hanya trik
film. Ketika obsesinya terwujud, Rinderknecht merasa bangga sekali.</div>
<div align="justify"
The 'align' attribute on the 'div' element is obsolete.
Use CSS instead.
tiga dasawarsa saya membayangkan apakah mungkin membangun mobil yang
bisa berjalan di bawah air. Kami sekarang menjadikan itu kenyataan,”
kata entrepreneur berusia 52 tahun itu.</div>
<div align="justify"
The 'align' attribute on the 'div' element is obsolete.
Use CSS instead.
mengakui memang sangat sulit mewujudkan mobil selam itu. Sebab, mobil
itu harus benar-benar kedap air. Selain itu harus bisa mengatasi tekanan
air yang besar, yang membuat mobil sulit bergerak bebas. “Tantangan
sesungguhnya adalah bagaimana membuat mobil di bawah air bisa lincah
seperti ikan,” katanya dikutip Press Association.</div>
<div align="justify"
The 'align' attribute on the 'div' element is obsolete.
Use CSS instead.
mobil selam itu diyakini aman, keselamatan dalam keadaan darurat tetap
dihitung. Karena itu, sQuba dibuat dengan kabin terbuka agar pengendara
bisa dengan mudah keluar dalam keadaan darurat. “Dengan kabin tertutup,
membuka pintu mobil (di dalam air) tidak memungkinkan,” kata
<img align="right" alt="mobil3.jpg" src="" style="height: 169px; width: 265px;" /
IMG ALT text must not be the same as the image file name. ALT text: "mobil1.jpg"
Change the ALT text to a description of the image.
The 'align' attribute on the 'img' element is obsolete.
Use CSS instead.
><br /
<div align="justify"
The 'align' attribute on the 'div' element is obsolete.
Use CSS instead.
selam ala Bond memang sudah jadi kenyataan. Bedanya dengan mobil selam
Bond, sQuba tidak bisa menyelam sangat dalam; juga tak dilengkapi
torpedo dan rudal dari permukaan ke udara, serta tidak dikendarai si
cantik yang menjadi spion Rusia, Barbara Bach.</div>
Meski mobil selam
sudah jadi kenyataan, mimpi berikutnya tetap menantang. Yakni, bagaimana
mobil bisa melaju di darat, di permukaan dan dalam air, serta terbang
ke udara.</div>
<div class="rellink relarticle mainarticle" style="text-align: left;">
<div class="rellink relarticle mainarticle" style="text-align: left;">
<div class="rellink relarticle mainarticle" style="text-align: left;">
<div class="rellink relarticle mainarticle" style="text-align: left;">
<b><br /></b>
<b>MObil TERBANG </b></div>
<div class="rellink relarticle mainarticle" style="text-align: left;">
<div class="rellink relarticle mainarticle" style="text-align: left;">
<div class="rellink relarticle mainarticle" style="text-align: left;">
<div class="rellink relarticle mainarticle" style="text-align: left;">
Jalanan yang makin padat dan macet membuat mobil yang bisa terbang jadi
impian banyak orang. Namun, di masa depan, mobil terbang bukanlah
khayalan dan akan segera jadi kenyataan.<br />
Sebab, banyak pihak yang
saat ini fokus untuk mengembangkan mobil yang mampu terbang ke angkasa,
salah satunya adalah Moller International.<br />
Perusahaan ini
mencoba mengembangkan mobil terbang yang mereka berinama Skycar. Mobil
ini dikatakan mampu mencapai kecepatan hingga 483 km/jam pada ketinggian
36.000 kaki.<br />
Menurut Moller, Skycar adalah mobil yang bisa
terbang, tapi bukan pesawat dan mereka pun tidak mau mobil empat
penumpangnya ini bersaing dengan perusahaan pesawat.<br />
begitu, Moller juga tidak mau kalau Skycar hanya dinikmati oleh kalangan
elit semata dan berharap banyak orang bisa memiliki dan menikmatinya.<br />
segera mewujudkan mobil yang dianggap banyak orang hanya ada di fiksi
ilmiah itulah, pendiri Moller International Dr Paul Moller menggandeng
perusahaan asal California Selatan, Athena Technologies, Inc. of Harbor
City California untuk membiayai penelitian mobil ini.<br />
awal yang dikucurkan sekitar US$ 80 juta. Namun diproyeksi kucuran akan
makin banyak dan mencapai angka US$ 480 juta agar Moller dapat
menciptakan mobil hybrid yang bisa terbang. Skucar sendiri diharapkan
akan segera bisa diuji di akhir tahun ini.<br />
"Perjanjian formal
diharapkan akan disetujui oleh kedua belah pihak dalam beberapa minggu,"
kata Dr Moller seperti detikOto kutip dari Daily Mail.<br />
Moller International, sebenarnya ada perusahaan lain yang fokus
mengembangkan mobil terbang yakni Terrafugia Inc. Bahkan
<a href=""
Use link text between 3 and 80 characters so it's long enough to be understood, but avoids line wrapping.
A single word text link may not give enough information about the link's destination. A link that is a full sentence is difficult to read quickly, particularly if it wraps to another line.
><span style="color: blue;"
>Terrafugia telah berhasil melakukan pengetesan pertama mobil terbang mereka, Transition dan sedang menuju produksi massal
<br /
terbang Terrafugia Transition memiliki kapasitas 2 penumpang dan
dirancang untuk terbang diantara airport lokal dan juga untuk melaju di
jalanan umum serta berharap mobil ini dapat menjadi mobil komersial
pertama yang bisa terbang.<br />
Untuk mengubahnya dari mobil menjadi
pesawat ringan, hanya membutuhkan waktu sekitar 30 detik saja. Tenaga
pendorongnya berasal dari mesin bensin biasa yang bisa diisi dari SPBU.
Sementara baling-balingnya ditempatkan di bagian belakang. Mobil pun
cukup kecil sehingga bisa masuk ke garasi rumah.<br />
Kecepatan mobil terbang ini paling tinggi mencapai 185 km/jam dengan konsumsi BBM 18,9 km per liter.<br />
sudah mengembangkan mobil ini sejak 2006 lalu. Namun hari peluncurannya
selalu mundur karena berbagai masalah. Namun bulan Juni tahun lalu,
Terrafugia mendapatkan izin dari National Highway Traffic Safety
Administration agar mobilnya bisa terbang di udara dan jalanan Amerika.<br />
sudah melakukan tes terbang perdana pada Maret 2009, dan menyebutnya
sebagai batu loncatan di industri penerbangan. Terrafugia sendiri
berasal dari bahasa latin yang artinya 'kabur dari daratan'.</div>
<div style="text-align: left;">
<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;">
<a href="" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"
Each A tag must contain text or an IMG with an ALT attribute.
Add text to the link, or ALT text if the link contains an image. If there is no link text or the ALT tag is blank, screen readers have nothing to read, so read out the URL instead.
Link A elements labelled with a TITLE attribute, and only containing an image don't work in:
- WindowEyes 8.4 with IE11 (the link HREF is read instead)
- VoiceOver on OSX 10.9 (the image filename is read instead)
><img border="0" height="185" src="" width="320" /
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.
Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud.
Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.
The 'border' attribute on the 'img' element is obsolete.
Consider specifying 'img { border: 0; }' in CSS instead.
An 'img' element must have an
'alt' attribute, except under certain
conditions. For details, consult guidance on
providing text alternatives for images.
No 'p' element in scope but a 'p' end tag seen.
This page has markup errors, causing screen readers to miss content.
Fix the errors listed on the Standards tab of this report. Markup errors like missing end tags mean screen readers may skip important content.
<div style='clear: both;'></div>
<div class='post-footer'>
<div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-1'>
<style type='text/css'>
#related-posts {
float: left;
width: 532px;
margin-top: 20px;
Use relative rather than absolute units in CSS property values.
Absolute units are CM, MM, IN, PC and PT. When used with fonts PX is also considered an absolute unit,
because it isn't relative the user's preferred font size.
Low-vision users often use the "large fonts" mode of Windows, which makes each pixel larger than usual.
This usually causes problems with pixel based layouts, which also perform badly on handheld
and widescreen displays. Percentage values "stretch" according to screen size and work on a large
range of display sizes.
margin-bottom: 10px;
padding: 9px;
min-height: 180px;
color: #222;
background: #fff;
border: 1px solid #ddd;
CSS property border-radius is not supported by IE8 or earlier.
No rounded corners will be displayed on old versions of Internet Explorer.
#related-posts .widget { list-style-type : none; margin : 5px 0 5px 0; padding : 0; }
#related-posts .widget h2, #related-posts h2 { font-size :
Use relative rather than absolute units in CSS property values.
Absolute units are CM, MM, IN, PC and PT. When used with fonts PX is also considered an absolute unit,
because it isn't relative the user's preferred font size.
Low-vision users often use the "large fonts" mode of Windows, which makes each pixel larger than usual.
This usually causes problems with pixel based layouts, which also perform badly on handheld
and widescreen displays. Percentage values "stretch" according to screen size and work on a large
range of display sizes.
20px; font-weight : normal; margin : 5px 7px 0; padding : 0 0 5px; } #related-posts a { text-decoration : none;color:#7776B2; }
#related-posts a:hover { text-decoration : none; }
#related-posts ul { border : medium none; margin:10px; padding : 0; }
#related-posts ul li {width: 500px;
float: left;
display: block;
margin: 0;
padding-top: 0;
padding-right: 0;
padding-bottom: 1px;
padding-left: 5px;
margin-bottom: 5px;
line-height: 2em;
border: 1px solid #ddd;
CSS property border-radius is not supported by IE8 or earlier.
No rounded corners will be displayed on old versions of Internet Explorer.
#mintshare_mini, #mintshare_mini ul {padding:0; margin:0; list-style:none; width:100px; font-family:arial, sans-serif; background:#fff;border:1px solid #ddd;}
#mintshare_mini {width:100px; height:35px;padding: 0 15px;
Property -o-border-radius is vendor specific.
Line 2282 CSS Validation
Properties prefixed by a dash or underscore are vendor specific and only work on one browser engine.
Property -moz-border-radius is vendor specific.
Line 2283 CSS Validation
Properties prefixed by a dash or underscore are vendor specific and only work on one browser engine.
Property -webkit-border-radius is vendor specific.
Line 2284 CSS Validation
Properties prefixed by a dash or underscore are vendor specific and only work on one browser engine.
CSS property border-radius is not supported by IE8 or earlier.
No rounded corners will be displayed on old versions of Internet Explorer.
#mintshare_mini a.sharetext {
display:block; width:100px; height:30px; text-align:center; line-height:35px; color:#000; text-decoration:none; font-size:
Use relative rather than absolute units in CSS property values.
Absolute units are CM, MM, IN, PC and PT. When used with fonts PX is also considered an absolute unit,
because it isn't relative the user's preferred font size.
Low-vision users often use the "large fonts" mode of Windows, which makes each pixel larger than usual.
This usually causes problems with pixel based layouts, which also perform badly on handheld
and widescreen displays. Percentage values "stretch" according to screen size and work on a large
range of display sizes.
13px; font-weight:bold;
#mintshare_mini a.sharetext img {
border: 0 none;
display: block;
margin-left: 10px;}
#mintshare_mini .flyout {
background: none repeat scroll 0 0 #AAAAAA;
height: 113px;
left: 40px;
position: relative;
top: -4px;
width: 0;
transition: width 1s ease-in-out;
Property -o-transition is vendor specific.
Line 2303 CSS Validation
Properties prefixed by a dash or underscore are vendor specific and only work on one browser engine.
width 1s ease-in-out;
Property -moz-transition is vendor specific.
Line 2304 CSS Validation
Properties prefixed by a dash or underscore are vendor specific and only work on one browser engine.
width 1s ease-in-out;
Property -webkit-transition is vendor specific.
Line 2305 CSS Validation
Properties prefixed by a dash or underscore are vendor specific and only work on one browser engine.
width 1s ease-in-out;}
#mintshare_mini .flyout ul {
border:1px solid #ddd;
z-index: 1;
overflow: hidden;
padding-left: 15px;
transition: 1s ease-in-out;
Property -o-transition is vendor specific.
Line 2321 CSS Validation
Properties prefixed by a dash or underscore are vendor specific and only work on one browser engine.
1s ease-in-out;
Property -moz-transition is vendor specific.
Line 2322 CSS Validation
Properties prefixed by a dash or underscore are vendor specific and only work on one browser engine.
1s ease-in-out;
Property -webkit-transition is vendor specific.
Line 2323 CSS Validation
Properties prefixed by a dash or underscore are vendor specific and only work on one browser engine.
all 1s ease-in-out;
Property -o-border-radius is vendor specific.
Line 2324 CSS Validation
Properties prefixed by a dash or underscore are vendor specific and only work on one browser engine.
0 5px 5px 0;
Property -icab-border-radius is vendor specific.
Line 2325 CSS Validation
Properties prefixed by a dash or underscore are vendor specific and only work on one browser engine.
0 5px 5px 0;
Property -khtml-border-radius is vendor specific.
Line 2326 CSS Validation
Properties prefixed by a dash or underscore are vendor specific and only work on one browser engine.
0 5px 5px 0;
Property -moz-border-radius is vendor specific.
Line 2327 CSS Validation
Properties prefixed by a dash or underscore are vendor specific and only work on one browser engine.
0 5px 5px 0;
Property -webkit-border-radius is vendor specific.
Line 2328 CSS Validation
Properties prefixed by a dash or underscore are vendor specific and only work on one browser engine.
0 5px 5px 0;
border-radius: 0
CSS property border-radius is not supported by IE8 or earlier.
No rounded corners will be displayed on old versions of Internet Explorer.
CSS property border-radius is not supported by IE8 or earlier.
No rounded corners will be displayed on old versions of Internet Explorer.
5px 0;}
#mintshare_mini .flyout ul li {float: left;}
#mintshare_mini .flyout ul li a{}
#mintshare_mini .flyout ul a img {}
#mintshare_mini .flyout ul li.drop-li {position:relative; width:35px; height:30px; float:left; z-index:100; margin-top: -2px;padding-left: 15px;}
#mintshare_mini .flyout ul li.drop-li a.drop-a {display:block; width:100px; float:left; text-decoration:none; line-height:16px;}
#mintshare_mini .flyout ul li.drop-li a.drop-a img {display:block; border:0; position:absolute; left:5px; top:5px; z-index:-1; opacity:1;
CSS Validation Error.
Line 2335 CSS Validation
filter: alpha(opacity=100);
transition: 0.4s ease-in-out;
-o-transition: 0.4s ease-in-out;
-moz-transition: 0.4s ease-in-out;
-webkit-transition: all 0.4s ease-in-out;}
#mintshare_mini .flyout ul li.drop-li a b {background:lightBlue; padding:2px 0; font-family:arial, sans-serif; display:block; width:100px; margin-top:58px; text-align:center; cursor:pointer; color:#000; font-size
Use relative rather than absolute units in CSS property values.
Absolute units are CM, MM, IN, PC and PT. When used with fonts PX is also considered an absolute unit,
because it isn't relative the user's preferred font size.
Low-vision users often use the "large fonts" mode of Windows, which makes each pixel larger than usual.
This usually causes problems with pixel based layouts, which also perform badly on handheld
and widescreen displays. Percentage values "stretch" according to screen size and work on a large
range of display sizes.
:14px; opacity
The opacity CSS3 property is not supported by IE8 or earlier.
CSS Validation Error.
Line 2340 CSS Validation
filter: alpha(opacity=0);
transition: 0.4s ease-in-out;
-o-transition: 0.4s ease-in-out;
-moz-transition: 0.4s ease-in-out;
-webkit-transition: all 0.4s ease-in-out;
#mintshare_mini .flyout ul li.drop-li:hover
> a img {opacity:
The opacity CSS3 property is not supported by IE8 or earlier.
CSS Validation Error.
Line 2349 CSS Validation
filter: alpha(opacity=50);}
#mintshare_mini .flyout ul li.drop-li:hover
> a b {opacity:1;
CSS Validation Error.
Line 2350 CSS Validation
filter: alpha(opacity=100);}
#mintshare_mini .flyout ul li.drop-li a:hover img {
CSS Validation Error.
Line 2351 CSS Validation
filter: alpha(opacity=50);}
#mintshare_mini .flyout ul li.drop-li a:hover b {
CSS Validation Error.
Line 2352 CSS Validation
filter: alpha(opacity=100);}
#mintshare_mini .get_mintshare {
Use relative rather than absolute units in CSS property values.
Absolute units are CM, MM, IN, PC and PT. When used with fonts PX is also considered an absolute unit,
because it isn't relative the user's preferred font size.
Low-vision users often use the "large fonts" mode of Windows, which makes each pixel larger than usual.
This usually causes problems with pixel based layouts, which also perform badly on handheld
and widescreen displays. Percentage values "stretch" according to screen size and work on a large
range of display sizes.
Use at least a 12-point font on all Web pages.
The following are all smaller than 12 point:
- <p style="font-size: 11pt;" >
- <p style="font-size: 11px;" >
- <p style="font-size: small;" >
- <font size="2" >
- <font size="-1" >
For users over age 65, it may be better to use at least fourteen-point fonts.
Never use less than nine-point font on a Web site.
margin-left: 5px;
position: relative;
top: 2px;}
background: #222;
CSS property border-radius is not supported by IE8 or earlier.
No rounded corners will be displayed on old versions of Internet Explorer.
padding: 5px;
border: 1px solid #ddd;
border-left: 8px ridge #88ECFB;
border-right: 8px ridge #88ECFB;}
.relbg h5{
color: #fafafa;
font-weight: normal;
The text-shadow CSS property is not supported by Internet Explorer 9, Firefox 3.0 and BlackBerry 5.
The text-shadow CSS property is not supported by Internet Explorer 9, Firefox 3.0 and BlackBerry 5.
The text-shadow CSS property is not supported by Internet Explorer 9, Firefox 3.0 and BlackBerry 5.
The text-shadow CSS property is not supported by Internet Explorer 9, Firefox 3.0 and BlackBerry 5.
<div id='mintshare_mini'>
<a class='sharetext'><b>Share This</b>
<div class='flyout'>
<ul class='icons'>
'&' did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
<li class='drop-li'
><a class='drop-a' href=' Perkembangan Otomotif '
Each A tag must contain text or an IMG with an ALT attribute.
Add text to the link, or ALT text if the link contains an image. If there is no link text or the ALT tag is blank, screen readers have nothing to read, so read out the URL instead.
Link A elements labelled with a TITLE attribute, and only containing an image don't work in:
- WindowEyes 8.4 with IE11 (the link HREF is read instead)
- VoiceOver on OSX 10.9 (the image filename is read instead)
><img alt='' src=''/
Omitting IMG WIDTH or HEIGHT attributes means page text jumps about as images load.
This makes the page very hard to read while it's loading, and the user may click on the wrong link if it moves as it's being clicked.
Add width and height attributes to the img tag matching the image dimensions. Authoring tools
like Dreamweaver can automate this process.
'&' did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
<li class='drop-li'
><a class='drop-a' href=' Perkembangan Otomotif '
Each A tag must contain text or an IMG with an ALT attribute.
Add text to the link, or ALT text if the link contains an image. If there is no link text or the ALT tag is blank, screen readers have nothing to read, so read out the URL instead.
Link A elements labelled with a TITLE attribute, and only containing an image don't work in:
- WindowEyes 8.4 with IE11 (the link HREF is read instead)
- VoiceOver on OSX 10.9 (the image filename is read instead)
><img alt='' src=''/
Omitting IMG WIDTH or HEIGHT attributes means page text jumps about as images load.
This makes the page very hard to read while it's loading, and the user may click on the wrong link if it moves as it's being clicked.
Add width and height attributes to the img tag matching the image dimensions. Authoring tools
like Dreamweaver can automate this process.
'&' did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
<li class='drop-li'
><a class='drop-a' href=' Perkembangan Otomotif '
Each A tag must contain text or an IMG with an ALT attribute.
Add text to the link, or ALT text if the link contains an image. If there is no link text or the ALT tag is blank, screen readers have nothing to read, so read out the URL instead.
Link A elements labelled with a TITLE attribute, and only containing an image don't work in:
- WindowEyes 8.4 with IE11 (the link HREF is read instead)
- VoiceOver on OSX 10.9 (the image filename is read instead)
><img alt='' src=''/
Omitting IMG WIDTH or HEIGHT attributes means page text jumps about as images load.
This makes the page very hard to read while it's loading, and the user may click on the wrong link if it moves as it's being clicked.
Add width and height attributes to the img tag matching the image dimensions. Authoring tools
like Dreamweaver can automate this process.
'&' did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
'&' did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
<li class='drop-li'
><a class='drop-a' href=' Perkembangan Otomotif '
Each A tag must contain text or an IMG with an ALT attribute.
Add text to the link, or ALT text if the link contains an image. If there is no link text or the ALT tag is blank, screen readers have nothing to read, so read out the URL instead.
Link A elements labelled with a TITLE attribute, and only containing an image don't work in:
- WindowEyes 8.4 with IE11 (the link HREF is read instead)
- VoiceOver on OSX 10.9 (the image filename is read instead)
><img alt='' src=''/
Omitting IMG WIDTH or HEIGHT attributes means page text jumps about as images load.
This makes the page very hard to read while it's loading, and the user may click on the wrong link if it moves as it's being clicked.
Add width and height attributes to the img tag matching the image dimensions. Authoring tools
like Dreamweaver can automate this process.
<li class='drop-li'
><a class='drop-a' href=''
Each A tag must contain text or an IMG with an ALT attribute.
Add text to the link, or ALT text if the link contains an image. If there is no link text or the ALT tag is blank, screen readers have nothing to read, so read out the URL instead.
Link A elements labelled with a TITLE attribute, and only containing an image don't work in:
- WindowEyes 8.4 with IE11 (the link HREF is read instead)
- VoiceOver on OSX 10.9 (the image filename is read instead)
><img alt='' src=''/
Omitting IMG WIDTH or HEIGHT attributes means page text jumps about as images load.
This makes the page very hard to read while it's loading, and the user may click on the wrong link if it moves as it's being clicked.
Add width and height attributes to the img tag matching the image dimensions. Authoring tools
like Dreamweaver can automate this process.
'&' did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
<li class='drop-li'
><a class='drop-a' href=' Perkembangan Otomotif '
Each A tag must contain text or an IMG with an ALT attribute.
Add text to the link, or ALT text if the link contains an image. If there is no link text or the ALT tag is blank, screen readers have nothing to read, so read out the URL instead.
Link A elements labelled with a TITLE attribute, and only containing an image don't work in:
- WindowEyes 8.4 with IE11 (the link HREF is read instead)
- VoiceOver on OSX 10.9 (the image filename is read instead)
><img alt='' src=''/
Omitting IMG WIDTH or HEIGHT attributes means page text jumps about as images load.
This makes the page very hard to read while it's loading, and the user may click on the wrong link if it moves as it's being clicked.
Add width and height attributes to the img tag matching the image dimensions. Authoring tools
like Dreamweaver can automate this process.
'&' did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
<li class='drop-li'
><a class='drop-a' href=' Perkembangan Otomotif '
Each A tag must contain text or an IMG with an ALT attribute.
Add text to the link, or ALT text if the link contains an image. If there is no link text or the ALT tag is blank, screen readers have nothing to read, so read out the URL instead.
Link A elements labelled with a TITLE attribute, and only containing an image don't work in:
- WindowEyes 8.4 with IE11 (the link HREF is read instead)
- VoiceOver on OSX 10.9 (the image filename is read instead)
><img alt='' src=''/
Omitting IMG WIDTH or HEIGHT attributes means page text jumps about as images load.
This makes the page very hard to read while it's loading, and the user may click on the wrong link if it moves as it's being clicked.
Add width and height attributes to the img tag matching the image dimensions. Authoring tools
like Dreamweaver can automate this process.
'&' did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
<li class='drop-li'
><a class='drop-a' href=' Perkembangan Otomotif '
Each A tag must contain text or an IMG with an ALT attribute.
Add text to the link, or ALT text if the link contains an image. If there is no link text or the ALT tag is blank, screen readers have nothing to read, so read out the URL instead.
Link A elements labelled with a TITLE attribute, and only containing an image don't work in:
- WindowEyes 8.4 with IE11 (the link HREF is read instead)
- VoiceOver on OSX 10.9 (the image filename is read instead)
><img alt='' src=''/
Omitting IMG WIDTH or HEIGHT attributes means page text jumps about as images load.
This makes the page very hard to read while it's loading, and the user may click on the wrong link if it moves as it's being clicked.
Add width and height attributes to the img tag matching the image dimensions. Authoring tools
like Dreamweaver can automate this process.
<div id='related-posts'>
<div class='relbg'><h5>Related Posts : </h5></div>Sejarah Perkembangan Otomotif
'&' did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
'&' did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
<script src='/feeds/posts/default/-/Sejarah Perkembangan Otomotif?alt=json-in-script&callback=related_results_labels&max-results=5' type='text/javascript'></script>
<script type='text/javascript'> removeRelatedDuplicates(); printRelatedLabels();
<div class='breadcrumb'><ul>
<li><a href='' rel='tag'>Back to Home</a> »</li><li>
<a href='' rel='tag'>Sejarah Perkembangan Otomotif</a>
Sejarah Perkembangan Otomotif </li></ul>
<span class='post-icons'>
<span class='item-action'>
'&' did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
<a href='' title='Posting Email'
Each A tag must contain text or an IMG with an ALT attribute.
Add text to the link, or ALT text if the link contains an image. If there is no link text or the ALT tag is blank, screen readers have nothing to read, so read out the URL instead.
Link A elements labelled with a TITLE attribute, and only containing an image don't work in:
- WindowEyes 8.4 with IE11 (the link HREF is read instead)
- VoiceOver on OSX 10.9 (the image filename is read instead)
<img alt='' class='icon-action' height='13' src='' width='18'/>
<span class='item-control blog-admin pid-50168207'>
'&' did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
'&' did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
<a href='' title='Edit Entri'
Each A tag must contain text or an IMG with an ALT attribute.
Add text to the link, or ALT text if the link contains an image. If there is no link text or the ALT tag is blank, screen readers have nothing to read, so read out the URL instead.
Link A elements labelled with a TITLE attribute, and only containing an image don't work in:
- WindowEyes 8.4 with IE11 (the link HREF is read instead)
- VoiceOver on OSX 10.9 (the image filename is read instead)
<img alt='' class='icon-action' height='18' src='' width='18'/>
<div class='clear'></div>
<div id='commentsbox'>
<a name='comments'
The 'name' attribute on the 'a' element is obsolete. Consider putting an
'id' attribute on the nearest container instead.
<ol class='commentlist'>
<p class='comment-footer'>
<div id='comment-form'>
<div id='respond'>
<a name='comment-form'
The 'name' attribute on the 'a' element is obsolete. Consider putting an
'id' attribute on the nearest container instead.
<h3>Leave a Reply</h3>
'&' did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
<a href='' id='comment-editor-src'
Each A tag must contain text or an IMG with an ALT attribute.
Add text to the link, or ALT text if the link contains an image. If there is no link text or the ALT tag is blank, screen readers have nothing to read, so read out the URL instead.
Link A elements labelled with a TITLE attribute, and only containing an image don't work in:
- WindowEyes 8.4 with IE11 (the link HREF is read instead)
- VoiceOver on OSX 10.9 (the image filename is read instead)
<iframe allowtransparency='true' class='blogger-iframe-colorize blogger-comment-from-post' frameborder='0' height='410' id='comment-editor' name='comment-editor' src='' width='100%'
IFRAME tags must have alternative content.
To cater for screen readers that don't support frames, place some text in the IFRAME tag.
For example:
<iframe src='file.htm'>Alternative content</iframe>
No TITLE attributes found for the frames on these pages.
Add a TITLE attribute to each FRAME and IFRAME element (e.g. TITLE="Main Content"). Screen readers read out the TITLE letting the user decide which frame to visit. The JAWS Frames List command reads out the URL of any FRAMEs or IFRAMEs without titles.
IFRAMEs with no title cause problems in:
- JAWS 14 with Firefox 29 (the frame SRC filename is read instead)
- VoiceOver on OSX 10.9 (a meaningless title like "Frame twelve" is read out)
This link is broken. The SRC or HREF is an empty string.
Line 2444 Broken Link
HREF="" or SRC="" can cause unexpected effects such as traffic spikes or cookie corruption.
The 'allowtransparency' attribute on the 'iframe' element is obsolete.
Use CSS instead.
The 'frameborder' attribute on the 'iframe' element is obsolete.
Use CSS instead.
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type='text/javascript'>
BLOG_CMT_createIframe('', '11835071473164625159');
<a href=''>Subscribe to Posts</a> | <a href=''>Subscribe to Comments</a>
No 'p' element in scope but a 'p' end tag seen.
<div id='backlinks-container'>
<div id='Blog1_backlinks-container'>
<a name='links'
The 'name' attribute on the 'a' element is obsolete. Consider putting an
'id' attribute on the nearest container instead.
Headings should not be empty.
Add text to the heading, or ALT text if the heading contains an image. Screen readers read out page headings, allowing users to quickly skip to a section, but some older screen readers do not ignore empty headings.
<p class='comment-footer'>
<a class='comment-link' href='' id='Blog1_backlinks-create-link' target='_blank'
Each A tag must contain text or an IMG with an ALT attribute.
Add text to the link, or ALT text if the link contains an image. If there is no link text or the ALT tag is blank, screen readers have nothing to read, so read out the URL instead.
Link A elements labelled with a TITLE attribute, and only containing an image don't work in:
- WindowEyes 8.4 with IE11 (the link HREF is read instead)
- VoiceOver on OSX 10.9 (the image filename is read instead)
This link is broken. The SRC or HREF is an empty string.
Line 2458 Broken Link
HREF="" or SRC="" can cause unexpected effects such as traffic spikes or cookie corruption.
<!-- google_ad_section_end -->
<div class='clear'></div>
<div class='blog-pager' id='blog-pager'>
<span id='blog-pager-newer-link'>
<a class='blog-pager-newer-link' href='' id='Blog1_blog-pager-newer-link' title='Posting Lebih Baru'>NEXT</a>
<span id='blog-pager-older-link'>
<a class='blog-pager-older-link' href='' id='Blog1_blog-pager-older-link' title='Posting Lama'>PREV</a>
<a class='home-link' href=''>HOME</a>
<div class='clear'></div>
<div class='selamatdatang'>Welcome to My Blog</div>
<form action='' id='search' method='get'>
<input name='q' placeholder='Search Somethings..' size='40' type='text'/
This form control has no associated LABEL element.
Add a LABEL tag with the FOR attribute set to the ID of this control, or enclose the control in a LABEL tag. This allows screen readers to tell the user what each control does.
<ul id='tbisose'>
><a class='icon facebook' href=''
Each A tag must contain text or an IMG with an ALT attribute.
Add text to the link, or ALT text if the link contains an image. If there is no link text or the ALT tag is blank, screen readers have nothing to read, so read out the URL instead.
Link A elements labelled with a TITLE attribute, and only containing an image don't work in:
- WindowEyes 8.4 with IE11 (the link HREF is read instead)
- VoiceOver on OSX 10.9 (the image filename is read instead)
><a class='icon twitter' href=''
Each A tag must contain text or an IMG with an ALT attribute.
Add text to the link, or ALT text if the link contains an image. If there is no link text or the ALT tag is blank, screen readers have nothing to read, so read out the URL instead.
Link A elements labelled with a TITLE attribute, and only containing an image don't work in:
- WindowEyes 8.4 with IE11 (the link HREF is read instead)
- VoiceOver on OSX 10.9 (the image filename is read instead)
><a class='icon googleplus' href=' profil google+/'
Each A tag must contain text or an IMG with an ALT attribute.
Add text to the link, or ALT text if the link contains an image. If there is no link text or the ALT tag is blank, screen readers have nothing to read, so read out the URL instead.
Link A elements labelled with a TITLE attribute, and only containing an image don't work in:
- WindowEyes 8.4 with IE11 (the link HREF is read instead)
- VoiceOver on OSX 10.9 (the image filename is read instead)
><a class='icon rss' href=''
Each A tag must contain text or an IMG with an ALT attribute.
Add text to the link, or ALT text if the link contains an image. If there is no link text or the ALT tag is blank, screen readers have nothing to read, so read out the URL instead.
Link A elements labelled with a TITLE attribute, and only containing an image don't work in:
- WindowEyes 8.4 with IE11 (the link HREF is read instead)
- VoiceOver on OSX 10.9 (the image filename is read instead)
<div class='main3 section' id='main3'><div class='widget HTML' id='HTML16'>
<h2 class='title'>Polling</h2>
<div class='widget-content'>
<!-- Start Poll Code -->
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<!-- End Poll Code -->
<div class='clear'></div>
<span class='widget-item-control'>
<span class='item-control blog-admin'>
'&' did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
'&' did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
'&' did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
'&' did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
<a class='quickedit' href='//§ionId=main3' onclick='return _WidgetManager._PopupConfig(document.getElementById("HTML16"));' target='configHTML16' title='Edit'
Each A tag must contain text or an IMG with an ALT attribute.
Add text to the link, or ALT text if the link contains an image. If there is no link text or the ALT tag is blank, screen readers have nothing to read, so read out the URL instead.
Link A elements labelled with a TITLE attribute, and only containing an image don't work in:
- WindowEyes 8.4 with IE11 (the link HREF is read instead)
- VoiceOver on OSX 10.9 (the image filename is read instead)
<img alt='' height='18' src='' width='18'/>
<div class='clear'></div>
</div><div class='widget HTML' id='HTML12'>
<h2 class='title'>Loker SMK Izzata</h2>
<div class='widget-content'>
<script language="JavaScript"
The 'language' attribute on the 'script' element is obsolete. You can safely omit it.
var text="Dibutuhkan Guru Produktif dan Normatif segera kirim lamaran dan CV ke SMK Depok!";
var delay=20;
var currentChar=1;
var destination="[none]";
function type()
//if (document.all)
var dest=document.getElementById(destination);
if (dest)// && dest.innerHTML)
dest.innerHTML=text.substr(0, currentChar)+"<blink>_</blink>";
if (currentChar>text.length)
setTimeout("type()", 5000);
setTimeout("type()", delay);
function startTyping(textParam, delayParam, destinationParam)
> <b
><div 0px="" 12px="" arial="" color:="" ff0000="" font:="" id="textDestination" margin:="" style="background-color: none;"
> <script language="JavaScript"
The 'language' attribute on the 'script' element is obsolete. You can safely omit it.
javascript:startTyping(text, 50, "textDestination");
<div class='clear'></div>
<span class='widget-item-control'>
<span class='item-control blog-admin'>
'&' did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
'&' did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
'&' did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
'&' did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
<a class='quickedit' href='//§ionId=main3' onclick='return _WidgetManager._PopupConfig(document.getElementById("HTML12"));' target='configHTML12' title='Edit'
Each A tag must contain text or an IMG with an ALT attribute.
Add text to the link, or ALT text if the link contains an image. If there is no link text or the ALT tag is blank, screen readers have nothing to read, so read out the URL instead.
Link A elements labelled with a TITLE attribute, and only containing an image don't work in:
- WindowEyes 8.4 with IE11 (the link HREF is read instead)
- VoiceOver on OSX 10.9 (the image filename is read instead)
<img alt='' height='18' src='' width='18'/>
<div class='clear'></div>
</div><div class='widget HTML' id='HTML14'>
<div class='widget-content'>
'&' did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
'&' did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
'&' did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
'&' did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
'&' did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
'&' did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
'&' did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
'&' did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
'&' did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
'&' did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
'&' did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
'&' did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
'&' did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
'&' did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
'&' did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
'&' did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
'&' did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
<a href=""
><img src="" alt="SEO Stats powered by MyPagerank.Net" border="0" /
A tracking graphic (web beacon) has been detected on this page but no obvious privacy policy was found. Companies in the EU using tracking graphics must comply with the Privacy and Electronic Communications (EC Directive) Regulations 2003 by providing a privacy or cookie policy.
The EC Privacy Regulations carry a maximum fine of £5,000 / €7,000 for failure to comply.
To comply, place a link on every page labeled "Privacy Policy" referring to a page describing how your site uses tracking graphics, and how to disable them.
Omitting IMG WIDTH or HEIGHT attributes means page text jumps about as images load.
This makes the page very hard to read while it's loading, and the user may click on the wrong link if it moves as it's being clicked.
Add width and height attributes to the img tag matching the image dimensions. Authoring tools
like Dreamweaver can automate this process.
The 'border' attribute on the 'img' element is obsolete.
Consider specifying 'img { border: 0; }' in CSS instead.
<div class='clear'></div>
<span class='widget-item-control'>
<span class='item-control blog-admin'>
'&' did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
'&' did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
'&' did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
'&' did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
<a class='quickedit' href='//§ionId=main3' onclick='return _WidgetManager._PopupConfig(document.getElementById("HTML14"));' target='configHTML14' title='Edit'
Each A tag must contain text or an IMG with an ALT attribute.
Add text to the link, or ALT text if the link contains an image. If there is no link text or the ALT tag is blank, screen readers have nothing to read, so read out the URL instead.
Link A elements labelled with a TITLE attribute, and only containing an image don't work in:
- WindowEyes 8.4 with IE11 (the link HREF is read instead)
- VoiceOver on OSX 10.9 (the image filename is read instead)
<img alt='' height='18' src='' width='18'/>
<div class='clear'></div>
</div><div class='widget HTML' id='HTML13'>
<div class='widget-content'>
<style type='text/css'>
#PopularPosts1 ul li a:hover{color:#fff;text-decoration:none}
#PopularPosts1 ul li a {-webkit-text-size-adjust:
Property -webkit-text-size-adjust is vendor specific.
Line 2576 CSS Validation
Properties prefixed by a dash or underscore are vendor specific and only work on one browser engine.
auto; -webkit-text-stroke-width:
Property -webkit-text-stroke-width is vendor specific.
Line 2576 CSS Validation
Properties prefixed by a dash or underscore are vendor specific and only work on one browser engine.
0px; color: #333333; display: block; font-family: Georgia, 'Times New Roman', Times, serif; font-siz
Use relative rather than absolute units in CSS property values.
Absolute units are CM, MM, IN, PC and PT. When used with fonts PX is also considered an absolute unit,
because it isn't relative the user's preferred font size.
Low-vision users often use the "large fonts" mode of Windows, which makes each pixel larger than usual.
This usually causes problems with pixel based layouts, which also perform badly on handheld
and widescreen displays. Percentage values "stretch" according to screen size and work on a large
range of display sizes.
e: 13px; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: normal; letter-spacing: normal; line-height: 18px; margin: 0px 40px 0px 0px; min-height: 30px; orphan
The orphans: CSS property is not implemented in IE7.
s: 2; padding: 0px; text-align: -webkit-auto; text-decoration: none !important; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: norm
The widows: CSS property is not implemented in IE7.
al; widows: 2; word-spacing: 0px;}
#PopularPosts1 ul li .item-thumbnail{float:left;border:0;margin-right:10px;background:transparent;padding:0;width:51px;height:51px}
#PopularPosts1 ul li:first-child:after,
#PopularPosts1 ul li:first-child + li:after,
#PopularPosts1 ul li:first-child + li + li:after,
#PopularPosts1 ul li:first-child + li + li + li:after,
#PopularPosts1 ul li:first-child + li + li + li + li:after,
#PopularPosts1 ul li:first-child + li + li + li + li + li:after,
#PopularPosts1 ul li:first-child + li + li + li + li + li + li:after,
#PopularPosts1 ul li:first-child + li + li + li + li + li + li + li:after,
#PopularPosts1 ul li:first-child + li + li + li + li + li + li + li + li:after,
#PopularPosts1 ul li:first-child + li + li + li + li + li + li + li + li + li:after{position:absolute;top:10px;right:5px;border-radius:
CSS property border-radius is not supported by IE8 or earlier.
No rounded corners will be displayed on old versions of Internet Explorer.
50%;border:2px solid #ccc;background:#353535;-webkit-box-shadow:
Property -webkit-box-shadow is vendor specific.
Line 2587 CSS Validation
Properties prefixed by a dash or underscore are vendor specific and only work on one browser engine.
0px 0px 5px #000;-moz-box-shadow:
Property -moz-box-shadow is vendor specific.
Line 2587 CSS Validation
Properties prefixed by a dash or underscore are vendor specific and only work on one browser engine.
0px 0px
The -moz-box-shadow CSS property is no longer supported in Firefox 13.
Use the CSS3 box-shadow property instead.
5px #000;width:30px;height:30px;line-height:1em;text-align:center;font-size:
Use relative rather than absolute units in CSS property values.
Absolute units are CM, MM, IN, PC and PT. When used with fonts PX is also considered an absolute unit,
because it isn't relative the user's preferred font size.
Low-vision users often use the "large fonts" mode of Windows, which makes each pixel larger than usual.
This usually causes problems with pixel based layouts, which also perform badly on handheld
and widescreen displays. Percentage values "stretch" according to screen size and work on a large
range of display sizes.
#PopularPosts1 ul li:first-child + li + li + li + li + li + li + li {background:#DF01D7;width:90%}
#PopularPosts1 ul li:first-child + li + li + li + li + li + li + li:after{content:
The content: CSS attribute is not supported by IE7 and earlier.
#PopularPosts1 ul li:first-child + li + li + li + li + li + li + li +li{background:#B041FF;width:90%}
#PopularPosts1 ul li:first-child + li + li + li + li + li + li + li + li:after{content:
The content: CSS attribute is not supported by IE7 and earlier.
#PopularPosts1 ul li:first-child + li + li + li + li + li + li + li +li +li{background:#F52887;width:90%}
#PopularPosts1 ul li:first-child + li + li + li + li + li + li + li + li + li:after{content:
The content: CSS attribute is not supported by IE7 and earlier.
#PopularPosts1 ul li:first-child + li + li + li + li +li{background:#7ee3c7;width:90%}
#PopularPosts1 ul li:first-child + li + li + li + li + li:after{content:
The content: CSS attribute is not supported by IE7 and earlier.
#PopularPosts1 ul li:first-child + li + li + li + li + li +li{background:#f6993d;width:90%}
#PopularPosts1 ul li:first-child + li + li + li + li + li + li:after{content:
The content: CSS attribute is not supported by IE7 and earlier.
#PopularPosts1 ul li:first-child + li + li + li + li{background:#33c9f7;width:90%}
#PopularPosts1 ul li:first-child + li + li + li + li:after{content:
The content: CSS attribute is not supported by IE7 and earlier.
#PopularPosts1 ul li:first-child + li + li + li{background:#c7f25f;width:90%}
#PopularPosts1 ul li:first-child + li + li + li:after{content:
The content: CSS attribute is not supported by IE7 and earlier.
#PopularPosts1 ul li:first-child + li + li{background:#ffde4c;width:90%}
#PopularPosts1 ul li:first-child + li + li:after{content:
The content: CSS attribute is not supported by IE7 and earlier.
#PopularPosts1 ul li:first-child + li{background:#ff764c; width:90%}
#PopularPosts1 ul li:first-child + li:after{content:
The content: CSS attribute is not supported by IE7 and earlier.
#PopularPosts1 ul li:first-child{background:#ff4c54 ;width:90%}
#PopularPosts1 ul li:first-child:after{content:
The content: CSS attribute is not supported by IE7 and earlier.
#PopularPosts1 ul{margin:0;padding:0px 0;list-style-type:none}
#PopularPosts1 ul li{position:relative;margin:6px 0;border-radius:
CSS property border-radius is not supported by IE8 or earlier.
No rounded corners will be displayed on old versions of Internet Explorer.
25px 0px
CSS property border-radius is not supported by IE8 or earlier.
No rounded corners will be displayed on old versions of Internet Explorer.
25px 0px;border:2px solid #f7f7f7;-webkit-box-shadow:
Property -webkit-box-shadow is vendor specific.
Line 2609 CSS Validation
Properties prefixed by a dash or underscore are vendor specific and only work on one browser engine.
3px 3px 3px #000;-moz-box-shadow:
The -moz-box-shadow CSS property is no longer supported in Firefox 13.
Use the CSS3 box-shadow property instead.
Property -moz-box-shadow is vendor specific.
Line 2609 CSS Validation
Properties prefixed by a dash or underscore are vendor specific and only work on one browser engine.
The -moz-box-shadow CSS property is no longer supported in Firefox 13.
Use the CSS3 box-shadow property instead.
The -moz-box-shadow CSS property is no longer supported in Firefox 13.
Use the CSS3 box-shadow property instead.
3px #000;padding:10px}
<small><a href="" target="_blank">Cara Membuat Popular Posts Warna-Warni Di Blog</a></small>
<div class='clear'></div>
<span class='widget-item-control'>
<span class='item-control blog-admin'>
'&' did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
'&' did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
'&' did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
'&' did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
<a class='quickedit' href='//§ionId=main3' onclick='return _WidgetManager._PopupConfig(document.getElementById("HTML13"));' target='configHTML13' title='Edit'
Each A tag must contain text or an IMG with an ALT attribute.
Add text to the link, or ALT text if the link contains an image. If there is no link text or the ALT tag is blank, screen readers have nothing to read, so read out the URL instead.
Link A elements labelled with a TITLE attribute, and only containing an image don't work in:
- WindowEyes 8.4 with IE11 (the link HREF is read instead)
- VoiceOver on OSX 10.9 (the image filename is read instead)
<img alt='' height='18' src='' width='18'/>
<div class='clear'></div>
</div><div class='widget HTML' id='HTML9'>
<div class='widget-content'>
<div style="display: scroll; left: 30px; position: fixed; top: 250px;">
<img border="0" src="" /
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.
Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud.
Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.
Omitting IMG WIDTH or HEIGHT attributes means page text jumps about as images load.
This makes the page very hard to read while it's loading, and the user may click on the wrong link if it moves as it's being clicked.
Add width and height attributes to the img tag matching the image dimensions. Authoring tools
like Dreamweaver can automate this process.
The 'border' attribute on the 'img' element is obsolete.
Consider specifying 'img { border: 0; }' in CSS instead.
An 'img' element must have an
'alt' attribute, except under certain
conditions. For details, consult guidance on
providing text alternatives for images.
> </div
<div class='clear'></div>
<span class='widget-item-control'>
<span class='item-control blog-admin'>
'&' did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
'&' did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
'&' did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
'&' did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
<a class='quickedit' href='//§ionId=main3' onclick='return _WidgetManager._PopupConfig(document.getElementById("HTML9"));' target='configHTML9' title='Edit'
Each A tag must contain text or an IMG with an ALT attribute.
Add text to the link, or ALT text if the link contains an image. If there is no link text or the ALT tag is blank, screen readers have nothing to read, so read out the URL instead.
Link A elements labelled with a TITLE attribute, and only containing an image don't work in:
- WindowEyes 8.4 with IE11 (the link HREF is read instead)
- VoiceOver on OSX 10.9 (the image filename is read instead)
<img alt='' height='18' src='' width='18'/>
<div class='clear'></div>
</div><div class='widget Gadget' id='Gadget1'>
<h2 class='title'>Daily Calendar</h2>
<div class='widget-content'>
<script type="text/javascript">
if (!window.gadgets || !gadgets.rpc) {
document.write('<script type="text/javascript"' +
'src="//\x3dblogger\x26nocache\x3d0\x26debug\x3d0\x26c\x3d1\x26v\x3dd30b8b5668c233bafcf12346b6771e3e\x26sv\x3d10">' +
'</scr' + 'ipt>');
<script type="text/javascript">
function registerGetBlogUrls() {
gadgets.rpc.register('getBlogUrls', function() {
var holder = {};
holder.currentPost = "";
holder.currentComments = "";
holder.currentPostUrl = "";
holder.currentPostId = 3961397564276473333
holder.postFeed = "";
holder.commentFeed = "";
holder.currentBlogUrl = "";
holder.currentBlogId = "4310905558617479573";
return holder;
<script type="text/javascript">
if (!window.registeredCommonBloggerCallbacks) {
window.registeredCommonBloggerCallbacks = true;
gadgets.rpc.register('resize_iframe', function(height) {
var el = document.getElementById(this['f']);
if (el) { = height + 'px';
gadgets.rpc.register('set_pref', function() {});
<iframe src="//" frameborder="0" style="width: 100%; display: block" height="220" id="sidebar-gadget1" name="sidebar-gadget1"
IFRAME tags must have alternative content.
To cater for screen readers that don't support frames, place some text in the IFRAME tag.
For example:
<iframe src='file.htm'>Alternative content</iframe>
No TITLE attributes found for the frames on these pages.
Add a TITLE attribute to each FRAME and IFRAME element (e.g. TITLE="Main Content"). Screen readers read out the TITLE letting the user decide which frame to visit. The JAWS Frames List command reads out the URL of any FRAMEs or IFRAMEs without titles.
IFRAMEs with no title cause problems in:
- JAWS 14 with Firefox 29 (the frame SRC filename is read instead)
- VoiceOver on OSX 10.9 (a meaningless title like "Frame twelve" is read out)
The 'frameborder' attribute on the 'iframe' element is obsolete.
Use CSS instead.
<script type="text/javascript">
gadgets.rpc.setRelayUrl("sidebar-gadget1", '//');
gadgets.rpc.setAuthToken("sidebar-gadget1", "3231699281377975201");
<div class='clear'></div>
<span class='widget-item-control'>
<span class='item-control blog-admin'>
'&' did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
'&' did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
'&' did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
'&' did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
<a class='quickedit' href='//§ionId=main3' onclick='return _WidgetManager._PopupConfig(document.getElementById("Gadget1"));' target='configGadget1' title='Edit'
Each A tag must contain text or an IMG with an ALT attribute.
Add text to the link, or ALT text if the link contains an image. If there is no link text or the ALT tag is blank, screen readers have nothing to read, so read out the URL instead.
Link A elements labelled with a TITLE attribute, and only containing an image don't work in:
- WindowEyes 8.4 with IE11 (the link HREF is read instead)
- VoiceOver on OSX 10.9 (the image filename is read instead)
<img alt='' height='18' src='' width='18'/>
<div class='clear'></div>
</div><div class='widget HTML' id='HTML7'>
<h2 class='title'>Jam</h2>
<div class='widget-content'>
OBJECT tags should contain alternative content.
Place alternative content inside the object tag, which is displayed when objects are disabled or unsupported. For example:
<object>Alternative text content</object>
><param name="movie" value="" /
><embed src="" width="150" height="150" wmode="transparent"
EMBED tags must have an associated NOEMBED tag.
Add a NOEMBED tag with alternative content inside the EMBED tag.
EMBED tags must have a non-blank ALT tag.
Add an ALT attribute with alternative content to the EMBED tag.
> </embed
This page has markup errors, causing screen readers to miss content.
Fix the errors listed on the Standards tab of this report. Markup errors like missing end tags mean screen readers may skip important content.
<div class='clear'></div>
<span class='widget-item-control'>
<span class='item-control blog-admin'>
'&' did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
'&' did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
'&' did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
'&' did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
<a class='quickedit' href='//§ionId=main3' onclick='return _WidgetManager._PopupConfig(document.getElementById("HTML7"));' target='configHTML7' title='Edit'
Each A tag must contain text or an IMG with an ALT attribute.
Add text to the link, or ALT text if the link contains an image. If there is no link text or the ALT tag is blank, screen readers have nothing to read, so read out the URL instead.
Link A elements labelled with a TITLE attribute, and only containing an image don't work in:
- WindowEyes 8.4 with IE11 (the link HREF is read instead)
- VoiceOver on OSX 10.9 (the image filename is read instead)
<img alt='' height='18' src='' width='18'/>
<div class='clear'></div>
</div><div class='widget HTML' id='HTML8'>
<h2 class='title'>Song For Gaza</h2>
<div class='widget-content'>
<iframe width="100%" height="200" scrolling="no" frameborder="no" src=""
IFRAME tags must have alternative content.
To cater for screen readers that don't support frames, place some text in the IFRAME tag.
For example:
<iframe src='file.htm'>Alternative content</iframe>
No TITLE attributes found for the frames on these pages.
Add a TITLE attribute to each FRAME and IFRAME element (e.g. TITLE="Main Content"). Screen readers read out the TITLE letting the user decide which frame to visit. The JAWS Frames List command reads out the URL of any FRAMEs or IFRAMEs without titles.
IFRAMEs with no title cause problems in:
- JAWS 14 with Firefox 29 (the frame SRC filename is read instead)
- VoiceOver on OSX 10.9 (a meaningless title like "Frame twelve" is read out)
The 'frameborder' attribute on the 'iframe' element is obsolete.
Use CSS instead.
The 'scrolling' attribute on the 'iframe' element is obsolete.
Use CSS instead.
<div class='clear'></div>
<span class='widget-item-control'>
<span class='item-control blog-admin'>
'&' did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
'&' did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
'&' did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
'&' did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
<a class='quickedit' href='//§ionId=main3' onclick='return _WidgetManager._PopupConfig(document.getElementById("HTML8"));' target='configHTML8' title='Edit'
Each A tag must contain text or an IMG with an ALT attribute.
Add text to the link, or ALT text if the link contains an image. If there is no link text or the ALT tag is blank, screen readers have nothing to read, so read out the URL instead.
Link A elements labelled with a TITLE attribute, and only containing an image don't work in:
- WindowEyes 8.4 with IE11 (the link HREF is read instead)
- VoiceOver on OSX 10.9 (the image filename is read instead)
<img alt='' height='18' src='' width='18'/>
<div class='clear'></div>
</div><div class='widget ContactForm' id='ContactForm1'>
<h2 class='title'>Formulir Kontak</h2>
<div class='contact-form-widget'>
<div class='form'>
<form name='contact-form'>
<input class='contact-form-name' id='ContactForm1_contact-form-name' name='name' size='30' type='text' value=''/
This form control has no associated LABEL element.
Add a LABEL tag with the FOR attribute set to the ID of this control, or enclose the control in a LABEL tag. This allows screen readers to tell the user what each control does.
<span style='font-weight: bolder;'>*</span>
<input class='contact-form-email' id='ContactForm1_contact-form-email' name='email' size='30' type='text' value=''/
This form control has no associated LABEL element.
Add a LABEL tag with the FOR attribute set to the ID of this control, or enclose the control in a LABEL tag. This allows screen readers to tell the user what each control does.
<span style='font-weight: bolder;'>*</span>
<textarea class='contact-form-email-message' cols='25' id='ContactForm1_contact-form-email-message' name='email-message' rows='5'
This form control has no associated LABEL element.
Add a LABEL tag with the FOR attribute set to the ID of this control, or enclose the control in a LABEL tag. This allows screen readers to tell the user what each control does.
This form has fields without LABEL elements or TITLE attributes.
Screen readers use LABEL elements or TITLE attributes to describe form fields to non-sighted users.
Without these, forms are very hard to use with a screen reader.
Forms designed to be completed online shall allow people using assistive technology to access the information, field elements, and functionality required for completion and submission of the form, including all directions and cues.
Use LABEL tags for each data entry field to show what data is expected.
Make sure each INPUT field has an associated LABEL tag describing the field.
<input class='contact-form-button contact-form-button-submit' id='ContactForm1_contact-form-submit' type='button' value='Kirim'/>
<div style='text-align: center; max-width: 222px; width: 100%'>
<p class='contact-form-error-message' id='ContactForm1_contact-form-error-message'></p>
<p class='contact-form-success-message' id='ContactForm1_contact-form-success-message'></p>
<div class='clear'></div>
<span class='widget-item-control'>
<span class='item-control blog-admin'>
'&' did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
'&' did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
'&' did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
'&' did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
<a class='quickedit' href='//§ionId=main3' onclick='return _WidgetManager._PopupConfig(document.getElementById("ContactForm1"));' target='configContactForm1' title='Edit'
Each A tag must contain text or an IMG with an ALT attribute.
Add text to the link, or ALT text if the link contains an image. If there is no link text or the ALT tag is blank, screen readers have nothing to read, so read out the URL instead.
Link A elements labelled with a TITLE attribute, and only containing an image don't work in:
- WindowEyes 8.4 with IE11 (the link HREF is read instead)
- VoiceOver on OSX 10.9 (the image filename is read instead)
<img alt='' height='18' src='' width='18'/>
<div class='clear'></div>
</div><div class='widget PopularPosts' id='PopularPosts1'>
<h2>Popular Post</h2>
<div class='widget-content popular-posts'>
<div class='item-content'>
<div class='item-title'><a href=''>Format Laporan SPJ Bos SMK 2013 dan Juknis BOS SMK 2013</a></div>
<div class='item-snippet'>Format Laporan SPJ Bos SMK 2013 unduh disini Juknis Bos SMK 2013 unduh disini</div>
<div style='clear: both;'></div>
<div class='item-content'>
<div class='item-thumbnail'>
<a href='' target='_blank'
Each A tag must contain text or an IMG with an ALT attribute.
Add text to the link, or ALT text if the link contains an image. If there is no link text or the ALT tag is blank, screen readers have nothing to read, so read out the URL instead.
Link A elements labelled with a TITLE attribute, and only containing an image don't work in:
- WindowEyes 8.4 with IE11 (the link HREF is read instead)
- VoiceOver on OSX 10.9 (the image filename is read instead)
<img alt='' border='0' height='72' src='' width='72'/
The 'border' attribute on the 'img' element is obsolete.
Consider specifying 'img { border: 0; }' in CSS instead.
<div class='item-title'><a href=''>KOMPETENSI INTI DAN KOMPETENSI DASAR KURIKULUM 2013 (SMK Otomotif)</a></div>
<div class='item-snippet'> KOMPETENSI INTI DAN KOMPETENSI DASAR KURIKULUM 2013 (SMK Otomotif) Kompetensi Dasar Kelompok Mata Pelajaran Dasar Program Keahlian Pada...</div>
<div style='clear: both;'></div>
<div class='item-content'>
<div class='item-thumbnail'>
<a href='' target='_blank'
Each A tag must contain text or an IMG with an ALT attribute.
Add text to the link, or ALT text if the link contains an image. If there is no link text or the ALT tag is blank, screen readers have nothing to read, so read out the URL instead.
Link A elements labelled with a TITLE attribute, and only containing an image don't work in:
- WindowEyes 8.4 with IE11 (the link HREF is read instead)
- VoiceOver on OSX 10.9 (the image filename is read instead)
<img alt='' border='0' height='72' src='' width='72'/
The 'border' attribute on the 'img' element is obsolete.
Consider specifying 'img { border: 0; }' in CSS instead.
<div class='item-title'><a href=''>Ujian Praktek Otomotif SMK Izzata</a></div>
<div class='item-snippet'>
<div style='clear: both;'></div>
<div class='item-content'>
<div class='item-thumbnail'>
<a href='' target='_blank'
Each A tag must contain text or an IMG with an ALT attribute.
Add text to the link, or ALT text if the link contains an image. If there is no link text or the ALT tag is blank, screen readers have nothing to read, so read out the URL instead.
Link A elements labelled with a TITLE attribute, and only containing an image don't work in:
- WindowEyes 8.4 with IE11 (the link HREF is read instead)
- VoiceOver on OSX 10.9 (the image filename is read instead)
<img alt='' border='0' height='72' src='' width='72'/
The 'border' attribute on the 'img' element is obsolete.
Consider specifying 'img { border: 0; }' in CSS instead.
<div class='item-title'><a href=''>Pembuatan Film Horror "oh ternyata" di SMK Izzata </a></div>
<div class='item-snippet'>
<div style='clear: both;'></div>
<div class='item-content'>
<div class='item-title'><a href=''>Profil Sekolah</a></div>
<div class='item-snippet'> Info Sekolah SMK IZZATA NPSN 20229210  NSS 32207701001  Nama SMK IZZATA  Alamat JL.RAYA PITARA NO. 18 JEMBA...</div>
<div style='clear: both;'></div>
<div class='item-content'>
<div class='item-thumbnail'>
<a href='' target='_blank'
Each A tag must contain text or an IMG with an ALT attribute.
Add text to the link, or ALT text if the link contains an image. If there is no link text or the ALT tag is blank, screen readers have nothing to read, so read out the URL instead.
Link A elements labelled with a TITLE attribute, and only containing an image don't work in:
- WindowEyes 8.4 with IE11 (the link HREF is read instead)
- VoiceOver on OSX 10.9 (the image filename is read instead)
<img alt='' border='0' height='72' src='' width='72'/
The 'border' attribute on the 'img' element is obsolete.
Consider specifying 'img { border: 0; }' in CSS instead.
<div class='item-title'><a href=''>Brosur PSB SMK Izzata Kota Depok</a></div>
<div class='item-snippet'>
<div style='clear: both;'></div>
<div class='item-content'>
<div class='item-title'><a href=''>Registrasi PSB Online SMK Izzata</a></div>
<div class='item-snippet'> Powered by EMF Online Form</div>
<div style='clear: both;'></div>
<div class='item-content'>
<div class='item-title'><a href=''>Stuktur Organisasi</a></div>
<div class='item-snippet'> STRUKTUR SORGANISASI SEKOLAH SMK IZZATA TAHUN PELAJARAN 2013 – 2014 Kepala Sekolah             : Budhi Santoso, SE Komite Sekolah...</div>
<div style='clear: both;'></div>
<div class='item-content'>
<div class='item-thumbnail'>
<a href='' target='_blank'
Each A tag must contain text or an IMG with an ALT attribute.
Add text to the link, or ALT text if the link contains an image. If there is no link text or the ALT tag is blank, screen readers have nothing to read, so read out the URL instead.
Link A elements labelled with a TITLE attribute, and only containing an image don't work in:
- WindowEyes 8.4 with IE11 (the link HREF is read instead)
- VoiceOver on OSX 10.9 (the image filename is read instead)
<img alt='' border='0' height='72' src='' width='72'/
The 'border' attribute on the 'img' element is obsolete.
Consider specifying 'img { border: 0; }' in CSS instead.
<div class='item-title'><a href=''>DOWNLOAD RPP DAN SILABUS SMK</a></div>
<div class='item-snippet'> Prinsip-Prinsip Pengembangan RPP  ( berdasarkan Permendikbud 81A lampiran IV ) Berbagai prinsip dalam mengembangkan atau menyusun RPP ad...</div>
<div style='clear: both;'></div>
<div class='item-content'>
<div class='item-thumbnail'>
<a href='' target='_blank'
Each A tag must contain text or an IMG with an ALT attribute.
Add text to the link, or ALT text if the link contains an image. If there is no link text or the ALT tag is blank, screen readers have nothing to read, so read out the URL instead.
Link A elements labelled with a TITLE attribute, and only containing an image don't work in:
- WindowEyes 8.4 with IE11 (the link HREF is read instead)
- VoiceOver on OSX 10.9 (the image filename is read instead)
<img alt='' border='0' height='72' src='' width='72'/
The 'border' attribute on the 'img' element is obsolete.
Consider specifying 'img { border: 0; }' in CSS instead.
<div class='item-title'><a href=''>SMK Izzata menggunakan absensi Finger Print dan SMS Gateway</a></div>
<div class='item-snippet'>SMK Izzata telah menggunakan absensi Finger Print dan SMS gateway untuk menertibkan dan menginformasikan kehadiran siswa kepada wali murid. ...</div>
<div style='clear: both;'></div>
<div class='clear'></div>
<span class='widget-item-control'>
<span class='item-control blog-admin'>
'&' did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
'&' did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
'&' did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
'&' did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
<a class='quickedit' href='//§ionId=main3' onclick='return _WidgetManager._PopupConfig(document.getElementById("PopularPosts1"));' target='configPopularPosts1' title='Edit'
Each A tag must contain text or an IMG with an ALT attribute.
Add text to the link, or ALT text if the link contains an image. If there is no link text or the ALT tag is blank, screen readers have nothing to read, so read out the URL instead.
Link A elements labelled with a TITLE attribute, and only containing an image don't work in:
- WindowEyes 8.4 with IE11 (the link HREF is read instead)
- VoiceOver on OSX 10.9 (the image filename is read instead)
<img alt='' height='18' src='' width='18'/>
<div class='clear'></div>
</div><div class='widget FollowByEmail' id='FollowByEmail1'>
<h2 class='title'>Follow by Email</h2>
<div class='widget-content'>
<div class='follow-by-email-inner'>
<form action='' method='post' onsubmit='"", "popupwindow", "scrollbars=yes,width=550,height=520"); return true' target='popupwindow'>
<table width='100%'
The 'width' attribute on the 'table' element is obsolete.
Use CSS instead.
<input class='follow-by-email-address' name='email' placeholder='Email address...' type='text'/
This form control has no associated LABEL element.
Add a LABEL tag with the FOR attribute set to the ID of this control, or enclose the control in a LABEL tag. This allows screen readers to tell the user what each control does.
<td width='64px'
The 'width' attribute on the 'td' element is obsolete.
Use CSS instead.
<input class='follow-by-email-submit' type='submit' value='Submit'/>
<input name='uri' type='hidden' value='SmkIzzata'/>
<input name='loc' type='hidden' value='en_US'/>
<span class='item-control blog-admin'>
<div class='clear'></div>
<span class='widget-item-control'>
<span class='item-control blog-admin'>
'&' did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
'&' did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
'&' did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
'&' did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
<a class='quickedit' href='//§ionId=main3' onclick='return _WidgetManager._PopupConfig(document.getElementById("FollowByEmail1"));' target='configFollowByEmail1' title='Edit'
Each A tag must contain text or an IMG with an ALT attribute.
Add text to the link, or ALT text if the link contains an image. If there is no link text or the ALT tag is blank, screen readers have nothing to read, so read out the URL instead.
Link A elements labelled with a TITLE attribute, and only containing an image don't work in:
- WindowEyes 8.4 with IE11 (the link HREF is read instead)
- VoiceOver on OSX 10.9 (the image filename is read instead)
<img alt='' height='18' src='' width='18'/>
<div class='clear'></div>
</div><div class='widget Wikipedia' id='Wikipedia1'>
<h2 class='title'>Wikipedia</h2>
<div class='wikipedia-search-main-container'>
<form class='wikipedia-search-form' id='Wikipedia1_wikipedia-search-form' name='wikipedia'>
<div class='wikipedia-searchtable'>
<a class='wikipedia-search-wiki-link' href='' target='_blank'
Each A tag must contain text or an IMG with an ALT attribute.
Add text to the link, or ALT text if the link contains an image. If there is no link text or the ALT tag is blank, screen readers have nothing to read, so read out the URL instead.
Link A elements labelled with a TITLE attribute, and only containing an image don't work in:
- WindowEyes 8.4 with IE11 (the link HREF is read instead)
- VoiceOver on OSX 10.9 (the image filename is read instead)
<img align='top' class='wikipedia-icon' src='//'/
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.
Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud.
Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.
Omitting IMG WIDTH or HEIGHT attributes means page text jumps about as images load.
This makes the page very hard to read while it's loading, and the user may click on the wrong link if it moves as it's being clicked.
Add width and height attributes to the img tag matching the image dimensions. Authoring tools
like Dreamweaver can automate this process.
The 'align' attribute on the 'img' element is obsolete.
Use CSS instead.
An 'img' element must have an
'alt' attribute, except under certain
conditions. For details, consult guidance on
providing text alternatives for images.
<span class='wikipedia-search-bar'>
<span class='wikipedia-input-box'>
<input class='wikipedia-search-input' id='Wikipedia1_wikipedia-search-input' type='text'/
This form control has no associated LABEL element.
Add a LABEL tag with the FOR attribute set to the ID of this control, or enclose the control in a LABEL tag. This allows screen readers to tell the user what each control does.
This form has fields without LABEL elements or TITLE attributes.
Screen readers use LABEL elements or TITLE attributes to describe form fields to non-sighted users.
Without these, forms are very hard to use with a screen reader.
Forms designed to be completed online shall allow people using assistive technology to access the information, field elements, and functionality required for completion and submission of the form, including all directions and cues.
Use LABEL tags for each data entry field to show what data is expected.
Make sure each INPUT field has an associated LABEL tag describing the field.
<input class='wikipedia-search-button' type='submit'/
Ensure that a pushbutton's label clearly indicates its action.
Make sure the button has a VALUE attribute indicating the action the pushbutton causes (e.g. Search, Cancel, etc.)
<div class='wikipedia-search-results-header' id='Wikipedia1_wikipedia-search-results-header'>Hasil penelusuran</div>
<div class='wikipedia-search-results' id='Wikipedia1_wikipedia-search-results'></div>
<div dir='ltr' id='Wikipedia1_wikipedia-search-more'></div>
<div class='clear'></div>
<span class='widget-item-control'>
<span class='item-control blog-admin'>
'&' did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
'&' did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
'&' did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
'&' did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
<a class='quickedit' href='//§ionId=main3' onclick='return _WidgetManager._PopupConfig(document.getElementById("Wikipedia1"));' target='configWikipedia1' title='Edit'
Each A tag must contain text or an IMG with an ALT attribute.
Add text to the link, or ALT text if the link contains an image. If there is no link text or the ALT tag is blank, screen readers have nothing to read, so read out the URL instead.
Link A elements labelled with a TITLE attribute, and only containing an image don't work in:
- WindowEyes 8.4 with IE11 (the link HREF is read instead)
- VoiceOver on OSX 10.9 (the image filename is read instead)
<img alt='' height='18' src='' width='18'/>
<div class='clear'></div>
</div><div class='widget Followers' id='Followers1'>
<h2 class='title'>Pengikut</h2>
<div class='widget-content'>
<div id='Followers1-wrapper'>
<div style='margin-right:2px;'>
<script type="text/javascript">
if (! || !google.friendconnect) {
document.write('<script type="text/javascript"' +
'src="//">' +
'</scr' + 'ipt>');
<script type="text/javascript">
if (!window.registeredBloggerCallbacks) {
window.registeredBloggerCallbacks = true;
gadgets.rpc.register('requestReload', function() {
gadgets.rpc.register('requestSignOut', function(siteId) {
google.friendconnect.container.openSocialSiteId = siteId;
<script type="text/javascript">
function registerGetBlogUrls() {
gadgets.rpc.register('getBlogUrls', function() {
var holder = {};
holder.currentPost = "";
holder.currentComments = "";
holder.currentPostUrl = "";
holder.currentPostId = 3961397564276473333
holder.postFeed = "";
holder.commentFeed = "";
holder.currentBlogUrl = "";
holder.currentBlogId = "4310905558617479573";
return holder;
<script type="text/javascript">
if (!window.registeredCommonBloggerCallbacks) {
window.registeredCommonBloggerCallbacks = true;
gadgets.rpc.register('resize_iframe', function(height) {
var el = document.getElementById(this['f']);
if (el) { = height + 'px';
gadgets.rpc.register('set_pref', function() {});
<div id="div-ce7fmtynlzwk" style="width: 100%; "></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
var skin = {};
skin['FACE_SIZE'] = '32';
skin['HEIGHT'] = "260";
skin['TITLE'] = "Pengikut";
skin['BORDER_COLOR'] = "transparent";
skin['ENDCAP_BG_COLOR'] = "transparent";
skin['ENDCAP_TEXT_COLOR'] = "#000000";
skin['ENDCAP_LINK_COLOR'] = "#000000";
skin['ALTERNATE_BG_COLOR'] = "transparent";
skin['CONTENT_BG_COLOR'] = "transparent";
skin['CONTENT_LINK_COLOR'] = "#000000";
skin['CONTENT_TEXT_COLOR'] = "#000000";
skin['CONTENT_HEADLINE_COLOR'] = "#000000";
skin['FONT_FACE'] = "Arial";
{id: "div-ce7fmtynlzwk",
height: 260,
site: "11835071473164625159",
locale: 'in' },
<div class='clear'></div>
<span class='widget-item-control'>
<span class='item-control blog-admin'>
'&' did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
'&' did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
'&' did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
'&' did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
<a class='quickedit' href='//§ionId=main3' onclick='return _WidgetManager._PopupConfig(document.getElementById("Followers1"));' target='configFollowers1' title='Edit'
Each A tag must contain text or an IMG with an ALT attribute.
Add text to the link, or ALT text if the link contains an image. If there is no link text or the ALT tag is blank, screen readers have nothing to read, so read out the URL instead.
Link A elements labelled with a TITLE attribute, and only containing an image don't work in:
- WindowEyes 8.4 with IE11 (the link HREF is read instead)
- VoiceOver on OSX 10.9 (the image filename is read instead)
<img alt='' height='18' src='' width='18'/>
<div class='clear'></div>
</div><div class='widget CustomSearch' id='CustomSearch1'>
<h2 class='title'>Cari Blog Ini</h2>
<div class='widget-content'>
<div id='CustomSearch1_form'>
<span class='cse-status'>Memuat...</span>
<style type='text/css'>
#uds-searchControl .gs-result .gs-title,
#uds-searchControl .gs-result .gs-title *,
#uds-searchControl .gsc-results .gsc-trailing-more-results,
#uds-searchControl .gsc-results .gsc-trailing-more-results * {
#uds-searchControl .gs-result .gs-title a:visited,
#uds-searchControl .gs-result .gs-title a:visited * {
#uds-searchControl .gs-relativePublishedDate,
#uds-searchControl .gs-publishedDate {
color: #6f6f6f;
#uds-searchControl .gs-result,
#uds-searchControl .gs-result .gs-visibleUrl {
color: #00c;
#uds-searchControl .gsc-results {
border-color: #6f6f6f;
background-color: #fff;
#uds-searchControl .gsc-tabhActive {
border-color: #6f6f6f;
border-top-color: #6f6f6f;
background-color: #fff;
color: #000;
#uds-searchControl .gsc-tabhInactive {
border-color: #6f6f6f;
background-color: transparent;
color: #00c;
#uds-searchClearResults {
border-color: #6f6f6f;
#uds-searchClearResults:hover {
border-color: #6f6f6f;
#uds-searchControl .gsc-cursor-page {
color: #00c;
#uds-searchControl .gsc-cursor-current-page {
color: #000;
<div class='clear'></div>
<span class='widget-item-control'>
<span class='item-control blog-admin'>
'&' did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
'&' did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
'&' did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
'&' did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
<a class='quickedit' href='//§ionId=main3' onclick='return _WidgetManager._PopupConfig(document.getElementById("CustomSearch1"));' target='configCustomSearch1' title='Edit'
Each A tag must contain text or an IMG with an ALT attribute.
Add text to the link, or ALT text if the link contains an image. If there is no link text or the ALT tag is blank, screen readers have nothing to read, so read out the URL instead.
Link A elements labelled with a TITLE attribute, and only containing an image don't work in:
- WindowEyes 8.4 with IE11 (the link HREF is read instead)
- VoiceOver on OSX 10.9 (the image filename is read instead)
<img alt='' height='18' src='' width='18'/>
<div class='clear'></div>
</div><div class='widget Stats' id='Stats1'>
<h2>Total Tayangan Laman</h2>
<div class='widget-content'>
<div id='Stats1_content' style='display: none;'>
<span class='counter-wrapper graph-counter-wrapper' id='Stats1_totalCount'></span>
<div class='clear'></div>
<span class='widget-item-control'>
<span class='item-control blog-admin'>
'&' did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
'&' did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
'&' did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
'&' did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
<a class='quickedit' href='//§ionId=main3' onclick='return _WidgetManager._PopupConfig(document.getElementById("Stats1"));' target='configStats1' title='Edit'
Each A tag must contain text or an IMG with an ALT attribute.
Add text to the link, or ALT text if the link contains an image. If there is no link text or the ALT tag is blank, screen readers have nothing to read, so read out the URL instead.
Link A elements labelled with a TITLE attribute, and only containing an image don't work in:
- WindowEyes 8.4 with IE11 (the link HREF is read instead)
- VoiceOver on OSX 10.9 (the image filename is read instead)
<img alt='' height='18' src='' width='18'/>
<div class='clear'></div>
</div><div class='widget Translate' id='Translate1'>
<h2 class='title'>Translate</h2>
<div id='google_translate_element'></div>
function googleTranslateElementInit() {
new google.translate.TranslateElement({
pageLanguage: 'in',
autoDisplay: 'true',
layout: google.translate.TranslateElement.InlineLayout.VERTICAL
}, 'google_translate_element');
<script src='//'></script>
<div class='clear'></div>
<span class='widget-item-control'>
<span class='item-control blog-admin'>
'&' did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
'&' did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
'&' did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
'&' did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
<a class='quickedit' href='//§ionId=main3' onclick='return _WidgetManager._PopupConfig(document.getElementById("Translate1"));' target='configTranslate1' title='Edit'
Each A tag must contain text or an IMG with an ALT attribute.
Add text to the link, or ALT text if the link contains an image. If there is no link text or the ALT tag is blank, screen readers have nothing to read, so read out the URL instead.
Link A elements labelled with a TITLE attribute, and only containing an image don't work in:
- WindowEyes 8.4 with IE11 (the link HREF is read instead)
- VoiceOver on OSX 10.9 (the image filename is read instead)
<img alt='' height='18' src='' width='18'/>
<div class='clear'></div>
</div><div class='widget PlusBadge' id='PlusBadge1'>
<script type='text/javascript'>
window.___gcfg = {
lang: 'in'
<h2 class='title'>Google+ Badge</h2>
<div class='g-person' data-href='' data-layout='portrait' data-rel='author' data-showcoverphoto='true' data-showtagline='true' data-theme='light' data-width='150'>
</div><div class='widget PlusFollowers' id='PlusFollowers1'>
<h2 class='title'>Google+ Followers</h2>
<div class='widget-content'>
<div class='g-plus' data-action='followers' data-height='300' data-href='' data-source='blogger:blog:followers' data-theme='DARK' data-width='150'></div>
<script type='text/javascript'>
window.___gcfg = {'lang': 'in'};
</div><div class='widget PlusOne' id='PlusOne1'>
<div class='widget-content'>
<g:plusone annotation='bubble' href='' size='standard' source='blogger:blog:plusone' width='250'></g:plusone>
<script type='text/javascript'>
window.___gcfg = {"lang": "in"};
</div><div class='widget HTML' id='HTML15'>
<div class='widget-content'>
<!-- SEO Monitor by MyPagerank.Net -->
<a href="" target="_blank"
><img src="" title="seo monitor google pagerank" border="0" /
A tracking graphic (web beacon) has been detected on this page but no obvious privacy policy was found. Companies in the EU using tracking graphics must comply with the Privacy and Electronic Communications (EC Directive) Regulations 2003 by providing a privacy or cookie policy.
The EC Privacy Regulations carry a maximum fine of £5,000 / €7,000 for failure to comply.
To comply, place a link on every page labeled "Privacy Policy" referring to a page describing how your site uses tracking graphics, and how to disable them.
Omitting IMG WIDTH or HEIGHT attributes means page text jumps about as images load.
This makes the page very hard to read while it's loading, and the user may click on the wrong link if it moves as it's being clicked.
Add width and height attributes to the img tag matching the image dimensions. Authoring tools
like Dreamweaver can automate this process.
The 'border' attribute on the 'img' element is obsolete.
Consider specifying 'img { border: 0; }' in CSS instead.
An 'img' element must have an
'alt' attribute, except under certain
conditions. For details, consult guidance on
providing text alternatives for images.
<!-- SEO Monitor by MyPagerank.Net -->
<div class='clear'></div>
<span class='widget-item-control'>
<span class='item-control blog-admin'>
'&' did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
'&' did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
'&' did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
'&' did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
<a class='quickedit' href='//§ionId=main3' onclick='return _WidgetManager._PopupConfig(document.getElementById("HTML15"));' target='configHTML15' title='Edit'
Each A tag must contain text or an IMG with an ALT attribute.
Add text to the link, or ALT text if the link contains an image. If there is no link text or the ALT tag is blank, screen readers have nothing to read, so read out the URL instead.
Link A elements labelled with a TITLE attribute, and only containing an image don't work in:
- WindowEyes 8.4 with IE11 (the link HREF is read instead)
- VoiceOver on OSX 10.9 (the image filename is read instead)
<img alt='' height='18' src='' width='18'/>
<div class='clear'></div>
</div><div class='widget Label' id='Label1'>
<div class='widget-content list-label-widget-content'>
<a dir='ltr' href=''>"oh ternyata"</a>
<span dir='ltr'>(1)</span>
<a dir='ltr' href=''>Agenda</a>
<span dir='ltr'>(1)</span>
<a dir='ltr' href=''>Akademik</a>
<span dir='ltr'>(1)</span>
<a dir='ltr' href=''>BACKDROP WISUDA & PENSI 2014</a>
<span dir='ltr'>(1)</span>
<a dir='ltr' href=''>Bagian-bagian mobil</a>
<span dir='ltr'>(1)</span>
<a dir='ltr' href=''>Brosur PSB</a>
<span dir='ltr'>(1)</span>
<a dir='ltr' href=''>Buku Manual dan Modul Otomotif</a>
<span dir='ltr'>(1)</span>
<a dir='ltr' href=''>dan Juknis BOS SMK 2013</a>
<span dir='ltr'>(1)</span>
<a dir='ltr' href=''>dan menggunakan absensi Finger Print</a>
<span dir='ltr'>(1)</span>
<a dir='ltr' href=''>di SMK Izzata</a>
<span dir='ltr'>(1)</span>
<a dir='ltr' href=''>DOWNLOAD RPP DAN SILABUS SMK</a>
<span dir='ltr'>(1)</span>
<a dir='ltr' href=''>Download Silabus dan KI KD Kurikulum 2013</a>
<span dir='ltr'>(1)</span>
<a dir='ltr' href=''>Ekstrakulikuler</a>
<span dir='ltr'>(1)</span>
<a dir='ltr' href=''>Fasilitas Sekolah</a>
<span dir='ltr'>(1)</span>
<a dir='ltr' href=''>Film Horror</a>
<span dir='ltr'>(1)</span>
<a dir='ltr' href=''>Film Indie</a>
<span dir='ltr'>(1)</span>
<a dir='ltr' href=''>Format</a>
<span dir='ltr'>(1)</span>
<a dir='ltr' href=''>Jadwal Pelajaran</a>
<span dir='ltr'>(1)</span>
<a dir='ltr' href=''>Kegiatan Sekolah</a>
<span dir='ltr'>(1)</span>
<a dir='ltr' href=''>Kelender Akademik</a>
<span dir='ltr'>(1)</span>
<a dir='ltr' href=''>KI KD Teknologi Dasar Otomotif</a>
<span dir='ltr'>(1)</span>
<a dir='ltr' href=''>KOMPETENSI INTI DAN KOMPETENSI DASAR KURIKULUM 2013 (SMK Otomotif)</a>
<span dir='ltr'>(1)</span>
<a dir='ltr' href=''>Laporan SPJ Bos SMK 2013</a>
<span dir='ltr'>(1)</span>
<a dir='ltr' href=''>Logo SMK Izzata</a>
<span dir='ltr'>(1)</span>
<a dir='ltr' href=''>Mata Pelajaran</a>
<span dir='ltr'>(1)</span>
<a dir='ltr' href=''>MODUL MEKANIK OTOMOTIF</a>
<span dir='ltr'>(1)</span>
<a dir='ltr' href=''>Otomotif</a>
<span dir='ltr'>(1)</span>
<a dir='ltr' href=''>Pembuatan</a>
<span dir='ltr'>(1)</span>
<a dir='ltr' href=''>Produksi</a>
<span dir='ltr'>(1)</span>
<a dir='ltr' href=''>Profil Sekolah</a>
<span dir='ltr'>(1)</span>
<a dir='ltr' href=''>PSB Online</a>
<span dir='ltr'>(1)</span>
<a dir='ltr' href=''>Registrasi</a>
<span dir='ltr'>(1)</span>
<a dir='ltr' href=''>Sambutan Kepala Sekolah</a>
<span dir='ltr'>(1)</span>
<a dir='ltr' href=''>Se-DKI Jakarta</a>
<span dir='ltr'>(1)</span>
<a dir='ltr' href=''>Sejarah Perkembangan Otomotif</a>
<span dir='ltr'>(1)</span>
<a dir='ltr' href=''>Seragam Olah Raga SMK Izzata</a>
<span dir='ltr'>(1)</span>
<a dir='ltr' href=''>SMK Izzata</a>
<span dir='ltr'>(3)</span>
<a dir='ltr' href=''>SMK Izzata Kota Depok</a>
<span dir='ltr'>(1)</span>
<a dir='ltr' href=''>SMS Gateway</a>
<span dir='ltr'>(1)</span>
<a dir='ltr' href=''>Stuktur Organisasi</a>
<span dir='ltr'>(1)</span>
<a dir='ltr' href=''>Tugas dan Fungsi Wali Kelas</a>
<span dir='ltr'>(1)</span>
<a dir='ltr' href=''>Tugas dan Tanggung jawab Guru Piket</a>
<span dir='ltr'>(1)</span>
<a dir='ltr' href=''>Ujian Praktek</a>
<span dir='ltr'>(1)</span>
<a dir='ltr' href=''>Undangan Pensi dan Wisuda 2014</a>
<span dir='ltr'>(1)</span>
<a dir='ltr' href=''>untuk Festifal Film Pelaja</a>
<span dir='ltr'>(1)</span>
<a dir='ltr' href=''>Video Profil SMK Izzata</a>
<span dir='ltr'>(1)</span>
<div class='clear'></div>
<span class='widget-item-control'>
<span class='item-control blog-admin'>
'&' did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
'&' did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
'&' did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
'&' did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
<a class='quickedit' href='//§ionId=main3' onclick='return _WidgetManager._PopupConfig(document.getElementById("Label1"));' target='configLabel1' title='Edit'
Each A tag must contain text or an IMG with an ALT attribute.
Add text to the link, or ALT text if the link contains an image. If there is no link text or the ALT tag is blank, screen readers have nothing to read, so read out the URL instead.
Link A elements labelled with a TITLE attribute, and only containing an image don't work in:
- WindowEyes 8.4 with IE11 (the link HREF is read instead)
- VoiceOver on OSX 10.9 (the image filename is read instead)
<img alt='' height='18' src='' width='18'/>
<div class='clear'></div>
<div class='clear'></div>
<div id='footer'>
<div class='footer'>
<div class='main4 section' id='main4'><div class='widget HTML' id='HTML11'>
<div class='widget-content'>
<a href="" target="_blank"
Each A tag must contain text or an IMG with an ALT attribute.
Add text to the link, or ALT text if the link contains an image. If there is no link text or the ALT tag is blank, screen readers have nothing to read, so read out the URL instead.
Link A elements labelled with a TITLE attribute, and only containing an image don't work in:
- WindowEyes 8.4 with IE11 (the link HREF is read instead)
- VoiceOver on OSX 10.9 (the image filename is read instead)
><img src="" border="0" /
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.
Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud.
Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.
Omitting IMG WIDTH or HEIGHT attributes means page text jumps about as images load.
This makes the page very hard to read while it's loading, and the user may click on the wrong link if it moves as it's being clicked.
Add width and height attributes to the img tag matching the image dimensions. Authoring tools
like Dreamweaver can automate this process.
The 'border' attribute on the 'img' element is obsolete.
Consider specifying 'img { border: 0; }' in CSS instead.
An 'img' element must have an
'alt' attribute, except under certain
conditions. For details, consult guidance on
providing text alternatives for images.
<div class='clear'></div>
<span class='widget-item-control'>
<span class='item-control blog-admin'>
'&' did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
'&' did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
'&' did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
'&' did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
<a class='quickedit' href='//§ionId=main4' onclick='return _WidgetManager._PopupConfig(document.getElementById("HTML11"));' target='configHTML11' title='Edit'
Each A tag must contain text or an IMG with an ALT attribute.
Add text to the link, or ALT text if the link contains an image. If there is no link text or the ALT tag is blank, screen readers have nothing to read, so read out the URL instead.
Link A elements labelled with a TITLE attribute, and only containing an image don't work in:
- WindowEyes 8.4 with IE11 (the link HREF is read instead)
- VoiceOver on OSX 10.9 (the image filename is read instead)
<img alt='' height='18' src='' width='18'/>
<div class='clear'></div>
</div><div class='widget HTML' id='HTML5'>
<div class='widget-content'>
Quote " in attribute name. Probable cause: Matching quote missing somewhere earlier.
A slash was not immediately followed by '>'.
A slash was not immediately followed by '>'.
A slash was not immediately followed by '>'.
A slash was not immediately followed by '>'.
A slash was not immediately followed by '>'.
This page has markup errors, causing screen readers to miss content.
Fix the errors listed on the Standards tab of this report. Markup errors like missing end tags mean screen readers may skip important content.
This page has malformed tags which IE8 and later treat differently from earlier versions of IE.
Fix the errors listed on the Standards tab of this report.
Markup errors like missing end tags means IE8 and IE9 may display different content from IE6 and IE7.
Google recommends using well-formed HTML code in your webpages. This page has mismatched tags.
Fix the critical errors listed on the Standards tab of this report. Markup errors like unclosed comments or unclosed title tags mean search engine may miss important content.
<div style="position: fixed; bottom: 0px; left: 10px;width:110px;height:160px;"
><a href="" target="_blank"
><img border="0" src="" title="Click to get more." /
Omitting IMG WIDTH or HEIGHT attributes means page text jumps about as images load.
This makes the page very hard to read while it's loading, and the user may click on the wrong link if it moves as it's being clicked.
Add width and height attributes to the img tag matching the image dimensions. Authoring tools
like Dreamweaver can automate this process.
The 'border' attribute on the 'img' element is obsolete.
Consider specifying 'img { border: 0; }' in CSS instead.
An 'img' element must have an
'alt' attribute, except under certain
conditions. For details, consult guidance on
providing text alternatives for images.
The 'center' element is obsolete.
Use CSS instead.
><a" target="_blank" title="cara memasang widget animasi"
>Andri Yunatra, S.Pd
<div class='clear'></div>
<span class='widget-item-control'>
<span class='item-control blog-admin'>
'&' did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
'&' did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
'&' did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
'&' did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
<a class='quickedit' href='//§ionId=main4' onclick='return _WidgetManager._PopupConfig(document.getElementById("HTML5"));' target='configHTML5' title='Edit'
Each A tag must contain text or an IMG with an ALT attribute.
Add text to the link, or ALT text if the link contains an image. If there is no link text or the ALT tag is blank, screen readers have nothing to read, so read out the URL instead.
Link A elements labelled with a TITLE attribute, and only containing an image don't work in:
- WindowEyes 8.4 with IE11 (the link HREF is read instead)
- VoiceOver on OSX 10.9 (the image filename is read instead)
<img alt='' height='18' src='' width='18'/>
<div class='clear'></div>
</div><div class='widget HTML' id='HTML3'>
<h2 class='title'>geo</h2>
<div class='widget-content'>
<!--************CODE GEOTOOLBAR************-->
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<a href="" target="_blank"
><img src="" border="0" alt="technology" /
Using ALT text which duplicates link text in the same link or the following link results in screen readers stuttering as the same text is read out twice.
Use ALT='' when the image is part of a link containing text, or change the redundant ALT text if the links are separate.
A tracking graphic (web beacon) has been detected on this page but no obvious privacy policy was found. Companies in the EU using tracking graphics must comply with the Privacy and Electronic Communications (EC Directive) Regulations 2003 by providing a privacy or cookie policy.
The EC Privacy Regulations carry a maximum fine of £5,000 / €7,000 for failure to comply.
To comply, place a link on every page labeled "Privacy Policy" referring to a page describing how your site uses tracking graphics, and how to disable them.
Omitting IMG WIDTH or HEIGHT attributes means page text jumps about as images load.
This makes the page very hard to read while it's loading, and the user may click on the wrong link if it moves as it's being clicked.
Add width and height attributes to the img tag matching the image dimensions. Authoring tools
like Dreamweaver can automate this process.
The 'border' attribute on the 'img' element is obsolete.
Consider specifying 'img { border: 0; }' in CSS instead.
<br />Please do not change this code for a perfect fonctionality of your counter
<a href="">technology</a>
<br /><a href="">web counter</a>
<!--************END CODE GEOTOOLBAR************-->
<div class='clear'></div>
<span class='widget-item-control'>
<span class='item-control blog-admin'>
'&' did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
'&' did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
'&' did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
'&' did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
<a class='quickedit' href='//§ionId=main4' onclick='return _WidgetManager._PopupConfig(document.getElementById("HTML3"));' target='configHTML3' title='Edit'
Each A tag must contain text or an IMG with an ALT attribute.
Add text to the link, or ALT text if the link contains an image. If there is no link text or the ALT tag is blank, screen readers have nothing to read, so read out the URL instead.
Link A elements labelled with a TITLE attribute, and only containing an image don't work in:
- WindowEyes 8.4 with IE11 (the link HREF is read instead)
- VoiceOver on OSX 10.9 (the image filename is read instead)
<img alt='' height='18' src='' width='18'/>
<div class='clear'></div>
<div class='main5 section' id='main5'><div class='widget HTML' id='HTML6'>
<div class='widget-content'>
<script language="JavaScript" src="" type="text/javascript"
The 'language' attribute on the 'script' element is obsolete. You can safely omit it.
> </script
> <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"
The 'language' attribute on the 'script' element is obsolete. You can safely omit it.
> cot("")
<div class='clear'></div>
<span class='widget-item-control'>
<span class='item-control blog-admin'>
'&' did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
'&' did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
'&' did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
'&' did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
<a class='quickedit' href='//§ionId=main5' onclick='return _WidgetManager._PopupConfig(document.getElementById("HTML6"));' target='configHTML6' title='Edit'
Each A tag must contain text or an IMG with an ALT attribute.
Add text to the link, or ALT text if the link contains an image. If there is no link text or the ALT tag is blank, screen readers have nothing to read, so read out the URL instead.
Link A elements labelled with a TITLE attribute, and only containing an image don't work in:
- WindowEyes 8.4 with IE11 (the link HREF is read instead)
- VoiceOver on OSX 10.9 (the image filename is read instead)
<img alt='' height='18' src='' width='18'/>
<div class='clear'></div>
</div><div class='widget HTML' id='HTML2'>
<h2 class='title'>Blogroll</h2>
<div class='widget-content'>
'&' did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
'&' did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
'&' did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
'&' did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
'&' did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
'&' did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
'&' did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
'&' did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
'&' did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
'&' did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
<div class="widget_iframe" style="display:inline-block;width:100%;height:104px;margin:0;padding:0;border:0;"
><iframe class="widget_iframe" src="[design]=default&pwc[background_color]=%23333333&pwc[included_songs]=0&pwc[song_ids]=18087252&pwc[photo]=0%2C1&pwc[size]=fit" width="100%" height="70%" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"
IFRAME tags must have alternative content.
To cater for screen readers that don't support frames, place some text in the IFRAME tag.
For example:
<iframe src='file.htm'>Alternative content</iframe>
No TITLE attributes found for the frames on these pages.
Add a TITLE attribute to each FRAME and IFRAME element (e.g. TITLE="Main Content"). Screen readers read out the TITLE letting the user decide which frame to visit. The JAWS Frames List command reads out the URL of any FRAMEs or IFRAMEs without titles.
IFRAMEs with no title cause problems in:
- JAWS 14 with Firefox 29 (the frame SRC filename is read instead)
- VoiceOver on OSX 10.9 (a meaningless title like "Frame twelve" is read out)
The 'frameborder' attribute on the 'iframe' element is obsolete.
Use CSS instead.
The 'scrolling' attribute on the 'iframe' element is obsolete.
Use CSS instead.
><div class="footer_branding" style="margin-top:-5px;font-size:10px;font-family:Arial;"
The 'center' element is obsolete.
Use CSS instead.
><a href=" how to get a song on itunes at" target="_blank" style="text-decoration:none;color:#444;"
>Learn how to get a song on itunes at
<div class='clear'></div>
<span class='widget-item-control'>
<span class='item-control blog-admin'>
'&' did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
'&' did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
'&' did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
'&' did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
<a class='quickedit' href='//§ionId=main5' onclick='return _WidgetManager._PopupConfig(document.getElementById("HTML2"));' target='configHTML2' title='Edit'
Each A tag must contain text or an IMG with an ALT attribute.
Add text to the link, or ALT text if the link contains an image. If there is no link text or the ALT tag is blank, screen readers have nothing to read, so read out the URL instead.
Link A elements labelled with a TITLE attribute, and only containing an image don't work in:
- WindowEyes 8.4 with IE11 (the link HREF is read instead)
- VoiceOver on OSX 10.9 (the image filename is read instead)
<img alt='' height='18' src='' width='18'/>
<div class='clear'></div>
<div class='main6 section' id='main6'><div class='widget HTML' id='HTML10'>
<div class='widget-content'>
<a href="" target="_blank"
Each A tag must contain text or an IMG with an ALT attribute.
Add text to the link, or ALT text if the link contains an image. If there is no link text or the ALT tag is blank, screen readers have nothing to read, so read out the URL instead.
Link A elements labelled with a TITLE attribute, and only containing an image don't work in:
- WindowEyes 8.4 with IE11 (the link HREF is read instead)
- VoiceOver on OSX 10.9 (the image filename is read instead)
><img src="" border="0" /
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.
Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud.
Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.
Omitting IMG WIDTH or HEIGHT attributes means page text jumps about as images load.
This makes the page very hard to read while it's loading, and the user may click on the wrong link if it moves as it's being clicked.
Add width and height attributes to the img tag matching the image dimensions. Authoring tools
like Dreamweaver can automate this process.
The 'border' attribute on the 'img' element is obsolete.
Consider specifying 'img { border: 0; }' in CSS instead.
An 'img' element must have an
'alt' attribute, except under certain
conditions. For details, consult guidance on
providing text alternatives for images.
<div class='clear'></div>
<span class='widget-item-control'>
<span class='item-control blog-admin'>
'&' did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
'&' did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
'&' did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
'&' did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
<a class='quickedit' href='//§ionId=main6' onclick='return _WidgetManager._PopupConfig(document.getElementById("HTML10"));' target='configHTML10' title='Edit'
Each A tag must contain text or an IMG with an ALT attribute.
Add text to the link, or ALT text if the link contains an image. If there is no link text or the ALT tag is blank, screen readers have nothing to read, so read out the URL instead.
Link A elements labelled with a TITLE attribute, and only containing an image don't work in:
- WindowEyes 8.4 with IE11 (the link HREF is read instead)
- VoiceOver on OSX 10.9 (the image filename is read instead)
<img alt='' height='18' src='' width='18'/>
<div class='clear'></div>
</div><div class='widget HTML' id='HTML4'>
<div class='widget-content'>
<div style="position: fixed; bottom: 0px; right: 2px;"
><br /
><embed pluginspage="" width="160" height="600" title="grab this widget @ widgetindex.blogspot" src="" wmode="transparent" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" quality="high"
EMBED tags must have an associated NOEMBED tag.
Add a NOEMBED tag with alternative content inside the EMBED tag.
EMBED tags must have a non-blank ALT tag.
Add an ALT attribute with alternative content to the EMBED tag.
<div class='clear'></div>
<span class='widget-item-control'>
<span class='item-control blog-admin'>
'&' did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
'&' did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
'&' did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
'&' did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
<a class='quickedit' href='//§ionId=main6' onclick='return _WidgetManager._PopupConfig(document.getElementById("HTML4"));' target='configHTML4' title='Edit'
Each A tag must contain text or an IMG with an ALT attribute.
Add text to the link, or ALT text if the link contains an image. If there is no link text or the ALT tag is blank, screen readers have nothing to read, so read out the URL instead.
Link A elements labelled with a TITLE attribute, and only containing an image don't work in:
- WindowEyes 8.4 with IE11 (the link HREF is read instead)
- VoiceOver on OSX 10.9 (the image filename is read instead)
<img alt='' height='18' src='' width='18'/>
<div class='clear'></div>
</div><div class='widget HTML' id='HTML1'>
<h2 class='title'>About</h2>
<div class='widget-content'>
<a title="Back to Top" href="#" style="position: fixed; bottom: 5px; right: 5px;"
Each A tag must contain text or an IMG with an ALT attribute.
Add text to the link, or ALT text if the link contains an image. If there is no link text or the ALT tag is blank, screen readers have nothing to read, so read out the URL instead.
Link A elements labelled with a TITLE attribute, and only containing an image don't work in:
- WindowEyes 8.4 with IE11 (the link HREF is read instead)
- VoiceOver on OSX 10.9 (the image filename is read instead)
><img src="" /
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.
Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud.
Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.
Omitting IMG WIDTH or HEIGHT attributes means page text jumps about as images load.
This makes the page very hard to read while it's loading, and the user may click on the wrong link if it moves as it's being clicked.
Add width and height attributes to the img tag matching the image dimensions. Authoring tools
like Dreamweaver can automate this process.
An 'img' element must have an
'alt' attribute, except under certain
conditions. For details, consult guidance on
providing text alternatives for images.
<div class='clear'></div>
<span class='widget-item-control'>
<span class='item-control blog-admin'>
'&' did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
'&' did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
'&' did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
'&' did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
<a class='quickedit' href='//§ionId=main6' onclick='return _WidgetManager._PopupConfig(document.getElementById("HTML1"));' target='configHTML1' title='Edit'
Each A tag must contain text or an IMG with an ALT attribute.
Add text to the link, or ALT text if the link contains an image. If there is no link text or the ALT tag is blank, screen readers have nothing to read, so read out the URL instead.
Link A elements labelled with a TITLE attribute, and only containing an image don't work in:
- WindowEyes 8.4 with IE11 (the link HREF is read instead)
- VoiceOver on OSX 10.9 (the image filename is read instead)
<img alt='' height='18' src='' width='18'/>
<div class='clear'></div>
</div><div class='clear'></div></div></div>
<div class='fleft'>
<p>- Copyright © <script type='text/javascript'>var creditsyear = new Date();document.write(creditsyear.getFullYear());</script>
SMK Izzata -<a href='' target='_blank'>Robotic Notes</a>- Powered by <a href=''>Blogger</a> - Designed by <a href='' title='johanes djogan'>Andri Yunatra, S.Pd</a> -</p></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
if (window.jstiming) window.jstiming.load.tick('widgetJsBefore');
</script><script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type='text/javascript'>
if (typeof(BLOG_attachCsiOnload) != 'undefined' && BLOG_attachCsiOnload != null) { window['blogger_templates_experiment_id'] = "templatesV1";window['blogger_blog_id'] = '4310905558617479573';BLOG_attachCsiOnload('item_'); }_WidgetManager._Init('//\x3d4310905558617479573','//','4310905558617479573');
_WidgetManager._SetDataContext([{'name': 'blog', 'data': {'blogId': '4310905558617479573', 'bloggerUrl': '', 'title': 'SMK Izzata', 'pageType': 'item', 'postId': '3961397564276473333', 'url': '', 'canonicalUrl': '', 'canonicalHomepageUrl': '', 'homepageUrl': '', 'blogspotFaviconUrl': '', 'enabledCommentProfileImages': true, 'adultContent': false, 'disableAdSenseWidget': false, 'analyticsAccountNumber': '', 'searchLabel': '', 'searchQuery': '', 'pageName': 'Sejarah Perkembangan Otomotif ', 'pageTitle': 'SMK Izzata: Sejarah Perkembangan Otomotif ', 'encoding': 'UTF-8', 'locale': 'id', 'localeUnderscoreDelimited': 'id', 'isPrivate': false, 'isMobile': false, 'isMobileRequest': false, 'mobileClass': '', 'isPrivateBlog': false, 'languageDirection': 'ltr', 'feedLinks': '\74link rel\75\42alternate\42 type\75\42application/atom+xml\42 title\75\42SMK Izzata - Atom\42 href\75\42\42 /\76\n\74link rel\75\42alternate\42 type\75\42application/rss+xml\42 title\75\42SMK Izzata - RSS\42 href\75\42\75rss\42 /\76\n\74link rel\75\\42 type\75\42application/atom+xml\42 title\75\42SMK Izzata - Atom\42 href\75\42\42 /\76\n\n\74link rel\75\42alternate\42 type\75\42application/atom+xml\42 title\75\42SMK Izzata - Atom\42 href\75\42\42 /\76\n', 'meTag': '', 'openIdOpTag': '', 'postImageThumbnailUrl': '', 'postImageUrl': '', 'latencyHeadScript': '\74script type\75\42text/javascript\42\76(function() { var b\75window,f\75\42chrome\42,g\75\42tick\42,k\75\42jstiming\42;(function(){function d(a){this.t\75{};this.tick\75function(a,d,c){var e\75void 0!\75c?c:(new Date).getTime();this.t[a]\75[e,d];if(void 0\75\75c)try{b.console.timeStamp(\42CSI/\42+a)}catch(h){}};this[g](\42start\42,null,a)}var a;b.performance\46\46(a\75b.performance.timing);var n\75a?new d(a.responseStart):new d;b.jstiming\75{Timer:d,load:n};if(a){var c\75a.navigationStart,h\75a.responseStart;0\74c\46\46h\76\75c\46\46(b[k].srt\75h-c)}if(a){var e\75b[k].load;0\74c\46\46h\76\75c\46\46(e[g](\42_wtsrt\42,void 0,c),e[g](\42wtsrt_\42,\42_wtsrt\42,h),e[g](\42tbsd_\42,\42wtsrt_\42))}try{a\75null,\nb[f]\46\46b[f].csi\46\46(a\75Math.floor(b[f].csi().pageT),e\46\0460\74c\46\46(e[g](\42_tbnd\42,void 0,b[f].csi().startE),e[g](\42tbnd_\42,\42_tbnd\42,c))),null\75\75a\46\46b.gtbExternal\46\46(a\75b.gtbExternal.pageT()),null\75\75a\46\46b.external\46\46(a\75b.external.pageT,e\46\0460\74c\46\46(e[g](\42_tbnd\42,void 0,b.external.startE),e[g](\42tbnd_\42,\42_tbnd\42,c))),a\46\46(b[k].pt\75a)}catch(p){}})();b.tickAboveFold\75function(d){var a\0750;if(d.offsetParent){do a+\75d.offsetTop;while(d\75d.offsetParent)}d\75a;750\76\75d\46\46b[k].load[g](\42aft\42)};var l\75!1;function m(){l||(l\75!0,b[k].load[g](\42firstScrollTime\42))}b.addEventListener?b.addEventListener(\42scroll\42,m,!1):b.attachEvent(\42onscroll\42,m);\n })();\74/script\076', 'mobileHeadScript': '', 'view': '', 'dynamicViewsCommentsSrc': '//', 'dynamicViewsScriptSrc': '//', 'plusOneApiSrc': '', 'sf': 'n', 'tf': ''}}, {'name': 'skin', 'data': {'vars': {}, 'override': ''}}, {'name': 'view', 'data': {'classic': {'name': 'classic', 'url': '?view\75classic'}, 'flipcard': {'name': 'flipcard', 'url': '?view\75flipcard'}, 'magazine': {'name': 'magazine', 'url': '?view\75magazine'}, 'mosaic': {'name': 'mosaic', 'url': '?view\75mosaic'}, 'sidebar': {'name': 'sidebar', 'url': '?view\75sidebar'}, 'snapshot': {'name': 'snapshot', 'url': '?view\75snapshot'}, 'timeslide': {'name': 'timeslide', 'url': '?view\75timeslide'}}}]);
_WidgetManager._RegisterWidget('_HTMLView', new _WidgetInfo('HTML10', 'main6', null, document.getElementById('HTML10'), {}, 'displayModeFull'));
_WidgetManager._RegisterWidget('_HTMLView', new _WidgetInfo('HTML4', 'main6', null, document.getElementById('HTML4'), {}, 'displayModeFull'));
_WidgetManager._RegisterWidget('_HTMLView', new _WidgetInfo('HTML1', 'main6', null, document.getElementById('HTML1'), {}, 'displayModeFull'));
_WidgetManager._RegisterWidget('_HTMLView', new _WidgetInfo('HTML6', 'main5', null, document.getElementById('HTML6'), {}, 'displayModeFull'));
_WidgetManager._RegisterWidget('_HTMLView', new _WidgetInfo('HTML2', 'main5', null, document.getElementById('HTML2'), {}, 'displayModeFull'));
_WidgetManager._RegisterWidget('_HTMLView', new _WidgetInfo('HTML11', 'main4', null, document.getElementById('HTML11'), {}, 'displayModeFull'));
_WidgetManager._RegisterWidget('_HTMLView', new _WidgetInfo('HTML5', 'main4', null, document.getElementById('HTML5'), {}, 'displayModeFull'));
_WidgetManager._RegisterWidget('_HTMLView', new _WidgetInfo('HTML3', 'main4', null, document.getElementById('HTML3'), {}, 'displayModeFull'));
_WidgetManager._RegisterWidget('_HTMLView', new _WidgetInfo('HTML16', 'main3', null, document.getElementById('HTML16'), {}, 'displayModeFull'));
_WidgetManager._RegisterWidget('_HTMLView', new _WidgetInfo('HTML12', 'main3', null, document.getElementById('HTML12'), {}, 'displayModeFull'));
_WidgetManager._RegisterWidget('_HTMLView', new _WidgetInfo('HTML14', 'main3', null, document.getElementById('HTML14'), {}, 'displayModeFull'));
_WidgetManager._RegisterWidget('_HTMLView', new _WidgetInfo('HTML13', 'main3', null, document.getElementById('HTML13'), {}, 'displayModeFull'));
_WidgetManager._RegisterWidget('_HTMLView', new _WidgetInfo('HTML9', 'main3', null, document.getElementById('HTML9'), {}, 'displayModeFull'));
_WidgetManager._RegisterWidget('_GadgetView', new _WidgetInfo('Gadget1', 'main3', null, document.getElementById('Gadget1'), {}, 'displayModeFull'));
_WidgetManager._RegisterWidget('_HTMLView', new _WidgetInfo('HTML7', 'main3', null, document.getElementById('HTML7'), {}, 'displayModeFull'));
_WidgetManager._RegisterWidget('_HTMLView', new _WidgetInfo('HTML8', 'main3', null, document.getElementById('HTML8'), {}, 'displayModeFull'));
_WidgetManager._RegisterWidget('_ContactFormView', new _WidgetInfo('ContactForm1', 'main3', null, document.getElementById('ContactForm1'), {'contactFormMessageSendingMsg': 'Mengirim...', 'contactFormMessageSentMsg': 'Pesan sudah dikirim.', 'contactFormMessageNotSentMsg': 'Pesan tidak dapat dikirim. Coba lagi nanti.', 'contactFormInvalidEmailMsg': 'Alamat email harus valid.', 'contactFormEmptyMessageMsg': 'Bidang pesan harus diisi.', 'title': 'Formulir Kontak', 'blogId': '4310905558617479573', 'contactFormNameMsg': 'Nama', 'contactFormEmailMsg': 'Email', 'contactFormMessageMsg': 'Pesan', 'contactFormSendMsg': 'Kirim', 'submitUrl': ''}, 'displayModeFull'));
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