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URL: http://www.bukukita.com/
HTTP Status: 200 OK
MIME Type: text/html
Last Modified: Mon, 01 Jan 1601 00:00:00 GMT
Download Time: 10 seconds
Cookies: PHPSESSID=d46f7f9be209e73f2bc
Size: 128 KB
Page Weight: 128 KB (total size of HTML, CSS, JavaScript and images)
Depth: 0 clicks from home page
Charset: ISO-8859-1
Forms: 2 forms containing 8 controls
HTTP Headers: View Headers 9 headers
Links In: View Links 0 pages
Links Out: View Links 165 links
Images: View Images 95 images
CSS: View CSS Files 0 files
JavaScript: View JavaScript Files 0 files
Issue Issues: 71 issues found on 1620 lines

Priority 3
Each section of content should begin with a heading tag (H1, H2, H3), but this page has no heading tags.

Divide the content with headings so that the top level heading is H1, sub-headings are H2 and so on. Use CSS style rules to change heading font styles if needed.

Priority 2
This page has no privacy policy. If your web server logs visits, then every page reachable by a search engine should have a privacy policy explaining what is logged and how the logs are used.

Priority 1
This page uses cookies and has no obvious privacy policy. Companies in the EU using cookies must comply with the Privacy and Electronic Communications (EC Directive) Regulations 2003 by providing a privacy policy. Cookies: PHPSESSID=d46f7f9be209e73f2bc

The EC Privacy Regulations carry a maximum fine of £5,000 / €7,000 for failure to comply. To comply, place a link on every page labeled "Privacy Policy" referring to a page describing how your site uses cookies, and how to disable them.

Priority 2
Minimize the time required to download a Web site's pages. This page or file took 10 seconds to load.

Users rate download times up to five seconds as 'good' and over ten seconds as 'poor'. Reduce the download time to 5 seconds or less by reducing the size of the page.

Priority 1
No document type declaration; will parse without validation.
Line 1 HTML Validation

Priority 2
No DOCTYPE found! Checking with default HTML or XHTML document type.
Line 1 HTML Validation

No DOCTYPE Declaration could be found or recognized in this document. This generally means that the document is not declaring its Document Type at the top. It can also mean that the DOCTYPE declaration contains a spelling error, or that it is not using the correct syntax.

Priority 2
The doctype of this page triggers quirks mode in IE, Firefox and most other browsers. This means pages may look different in different browsers.

Change the DOCTYPE statement to one that does not trigger quirks mode.

if (screen.width<=320)

Priority 1
JavaScript redirects are sometimes penalized by search engines.
Line 3 Google

window.location = "http://www.bukukita.com/m";
Priority 1
"DOCTYPE" declaration not allowed in instance.
Line 6 HTML Validation

!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" >

Priority 1
Use the LANG attribute to identify the language of the page.

In HTML add a LANG attribute to the HTML tag, and in PDF set the language using Document Properties in Acrobat. This allows screen readers to pronounce words correctly.

Priority 1
Document type does not allow element "HTML" here.
Line 7 HTML Validation

<title>Toko Buku Online BukuKita.COM - Komunitas Buku Indonesia</title>
JavaScript added element:
<link REL="SHORTCUT ICON" HREF="images/favicon.ico">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
<meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="EN" />
<meta name="Keywords" content="toko buku online murah, buku diskon, hadiah buku, buku kita,buku,TOKO,BUKU,bacaan,novel,cerpen,best seller,beli buku, jual buku,toko buku,buku sekolah,buku baru,buku komputer,jual,belanja,belanja online,katalog,katalog buku,buku sekolah,pustaka,resensi,pustaka,pengarang,penulis,judul,kitab suci,kitab,suci,tafsir,al quran,qur'an,buku islam,alkitab,kamus,aksara,orang tua, anak, remaja,bahasa,sd,slta,sltp,ekonomi,filsafat,hukum,kedokteran,psikologi,komputer,gramedia,gunung agung,budaya,penerbit,kompas,pustaka,pelajar,mahasiswa,majalah,komik,cerita lucu,sepakbola,bulletin,tabloid,editor,online,tafsir,mizan,kaifa,agromedia,andi offset, bip, dinastindo,e plus, elex media, escaeva,metafor,mizan,nafiri,matahati,serambi,habibie center,zahra,prabowo,habibie,editorial,news" />
<meta name="Description" content="Toko Buku Online BukuKita.COM - Komunitas Buku Indonesia. Cara cepat, mudah, murah membeli buku-buku lokal dan buku-buku import. Banjir diskon dan hadiah." />
<meta name="Abstract" content="Toko Buku Online BukuKita.COM - Komunitas Buku Indonesia - Toko Buku Murah Diskon dan Berhadiah - Beli Buku Murah, Buku Diskon, Undian Buku Gratis dan Undian Berhadiah Buku" />
<meta name="distribution" content="Global" />
<meta name="resource-type" content="document" />
<meta name="ROBOTS" content="INDEX,FOLLOW" />
<meta name="Designer" content="webmaster@bukukita.com" />
<meta name="Owner" content="admin@bukukita.com">
<meta name="Author" content="bukukita.com">
<meta name="revisit-after" content="1 days">
<link type="text/css" href="js/ui.tabs.css" rel="stylesheet">
<link type="text/css" href="js/demos.css" rel="stylesheet">
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function loadChatterBox(){
var load = window.open("Chatter_box.php",'','scrollbars=yes,menubar=no,height=600,width=300,resizable=no,toolbar=no,location=no,status=no');

Priority 3
The SCRIPT LANGUAGE attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.

Replace the language attribute with type="text/javascript"

<Script Language="JavaScript">
<!--Script courtesy of http://www.web-source.net - Your Guide to Professional Web Site Design and Development //-->
function loadintro() {
var load = window.open('images/intro.swf','','scrollbars=no,menubar=no,height=576,width=720,resizable=no,toolbar=no,location=no,status=no');
Priority 1
End tag for element "SCRIPT" which is not open.
Line 42 HTML Validation

Priority 1
This page has markup errors, causing screen readers to miss content.
Line 42 WCAG2 A F70

Fix the errors listed on the Standards tab of this report. Markup errors like missing end tags mean screen readers may skip important content.

Priority 3
This page has malformed tags which IE8 and later treat differently from earlier versions of IE.

Fix the errors listed on the Standards tab of this report. Markup errors like missing end tags means IE8 and IE9 may display different content from IE6 and IE7.

Priority 3
Google recommends using well-formed HTML code in your webpages. This page has mismatched tags.
Line 42 Google

Fix the critical errors listed on the Standards tab of this report. Markup errors like missing end tags or unclosed comments mean search engine web crawlers may skip important content.

<style type="text/css">
body,td,th {
font-family: Verdana, Arial, sans-serif;
font-size: 11px;
color: #333333;
body {
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text-decoration: none;
color: #0085CF /*F69739*/;
a:active {
text-decoration: none;
<link href="bukukita.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

Priority 3
The SCRIPT LANGUAGE attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.

Replace the language attribute with type="text/javascript"

<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript1.2" src="stm31.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var _gaq = _gaq || [];
_gaq.push(['_setAccount', 'UA-24092805-1']);
_gaq.push(['_setDomainName', '.bukukita.com']);
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ga.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? 'https://ssl' : 'http://www') + '.google-analytics.com/ga.js';
var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(ga, s);
Priority 1
End tag for element "SCRIPT" which is not open.
Line 86 HTML Validation

JavaScript added element:
<script src="js/effects.slide.js"></script>
JavaScript added element:
<script src="js/effects.core.js"></script>
JavaScript added element:
<script src="js/ui.carousel.js"></script>
JavaScript added element:
<script src="js/ui.tabs.js"></script>
JavaScript added element:
<script src="js/ui.core.js"></script>
JavaScript added element:
<script src="js/jquery-1.3.2.min.js"></script>
JavaScript added element:
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="js/demos.css">
JavaScript added element:
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JavaScript added element:
<meta name="revisit-after" content="1 days">
JavaScript added element:
<meta name="Author" content="bukukita.com">
JavaScript added element:
<meta name="Owner" content="admin@bukukita.com">
JavaScript added element:
<meta name="Designer" content="webmaster@bukukita.com">
JavaScript added element:
<meta name="ROBOTS" content="INDEX,FOLLOW">
JavaScript added element:
<meta name="resource-type" content="document">
JavaScript added element:
<meta name="distribution" content="Global">
JavaScript added element:
<meta name="Abstract" content="Toko Buku Online BukuKita.COM - Komunitas Buku Indonesia - Toko Buku Murah Diskon dan Berhadiah - Beli Buku Murah, Buku Diskon, Undian Buku Gratis dan Undian Berhadiah Buku">
JavaScript added element:
<meta name="Description" content="Toko Buku Online BukuKita.COM - Komunitas Buku Indonesia. Cara cepat, mudah, murah membeli buku-buku lokal dan buku-buku import. Banjir diskon dan hadiah.">
JavaScript added element:
<meta name="Keywords" content="toko buku online murah, buku diskon, hadiah buku, buku kita,buku,TOKO,BUKU,bacaan,novel,cerpen,best seller,beli buku, jual buku,toko buku,buku sekolah,buku baru,buku komputer,jual,belanja,belanja online,katalog,katalog buku,buku sekolah,pustaka,resensi,pustaka,pengarang,penulis,judul,kitab suci,kitab,suci,tafsir,al quran,qur'an,buku islam,alkitab,kamus,aksara,orang tua, anak, remaja,bahasa,sd,slta,sltp,ekonomi,filsafat,hukum,kedokteran,psikologi,komputer,gramedia,gunung agung,budaya,penerbit,kompas,pustaka,pelajar,mahasiswa,majalah,komik,cerita lucu,sepakbola,bulletin,tabloid,editor,online,tafsir,mizan,kaifa,agromedia,andi offset, bip, dinastindo,e plus, elex media, escaeva,metafor,mizan,nafiri,matahati,serambi,habibie center,zahra,prabowo,habibie,editorial,news">
JavaScript added element:
<meta content="EN" http-equiv="Content-Language">
JavaScript added element:
<meta content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" http-equiv="Content-Type">

Priority 2
The BODY LEFTMARGIN attribute is an Internet Explorer specific extension.

Replace this with a CSS rule: body { margin: 4px; }

Priority 2
The BODY TOPMARGIN attribute is an Internet Explorer specific extension.

Replace this with a CSS rule: body { margin: 4px; }

Priority 1
This page has no H1 tag, which violates Bing webmaster guidelines.
Line 88 Bing

Add an H1 tag just before the main content describing the page.

<body leftmargin="0" topmargin="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0">
<table width="1002" align="center" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1">
<td align="center" valign="top"><table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<td width="1024" height="109" background="images/header_newlogo1.jpg"><div style="width:54%; margin-left:350px; margin-top:33px"><table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2" style="margin-left:-80px;">
<Script LANGUAGE="JavaScript">
function showpagesearch(form)
var item = form.id.selectedIndex;
choice = form.id.options[item].value;
if (choice!="") top.location.href=(choice);
function loadhelp()
var load = window.open('help_cari.htm','','scrollbars=yes,menubar=no,height=300,width=400,resizable=yes,toolbar=no,location=no,status=no');
function cekId(form)
alert("Silahkan pilih kategori pencarian terlebih dahulu.");
return 0;
<form action="searchresult.php" method="post" name="isi_cari">
<td align="left" width="1%" valign="top"><img src="images/cari_berdasarkan.gif"></td>
<td align="left" width="1%" valign="top">
<select size="1" name="id" class="field_input" onchange="showpagesearch(this.form);" accesskey="c">
<option value='index.php?id=1'>Judul</option><option value='index.php?id=2'>Penulis</option><option value='index.php?id=3'>Penerbit</option><option value='index.php?id=4'>Kategori</option><option value='index.php?id=5'>No. ISBN</option> </select>
<td align="left" width="2%" valign="top">
<input type="text" name="key" size="30" class="field_input" onmousedown="cekId(this.form)">
<img src="images/icon_over.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle">
<select size="1" name="match" class="field_input_2">
<option value="2" selecte
Priority 1
"SELECTED" is not a member of a group specified for any attribute.
Line 125 HTML Validation

d>Per Kata (Cari Bebas)</option>
<option value="1">Per Kalimat (Cari Tepat)</option>
<option value="">Dalam Kata (Cari Bebas)</option>
<div style="position:absolute;z-index:1;left:700px;top:75px;"><a href="javascript:loadhelp()"><img src="images/help3.gif" border="0" hspace="0px" align="absmiddle" title="Panduan Mencari Judul"></a></div>
<input name="page" type="hidden" value="1" />
<td align="left" width="1%" valign="top"><input type="image" src="images/cari.gif" name="Submit3" value="Submit" title='Cari Buku berdasarkan '></td>
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

<td align="center" valign="top"><STYLE>
.menu .options {
BACKGROUND-COLOR: #006DB8 /*323232*/; COLOR: #000000; FONT-FAMILY: verdana, arial, sans-serif; FONT-SIZE: 11px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 1px; MARGIN-RIGHT: 1px
.menu A {
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BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent; COLOR: #ED217D;/*AADC29*/
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#carousel li img { height: 100%; width: 100%; }
<SCRIPT language="javascript" src="menus.js"></SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language="javascript">new dropMenu('anggota', 'down', 63, 151, 210, 200)</SCRIPT>
<DIV id="anggotaContainer">
<DIV class="menu" id="anggotaContent">
<DIV class="options" align="left">
<A href="daftar.php" >Pendaftaran</A>
<A href="index.php?lo=2" >Aktivasi Keanggotaan</A>
<A href="password_reset.php" >Lupa Password</A>
<A href="datamember.php" >Lihat / Ubah Profil</A>
<SCRIPT language="javascript">new dropMenu('lihatBuku', 'down', 98, 151, 232, 200)</SCRIPT>
<DIV id="lihatBukuContainer">
<DIV class="menu" id="lihatBukuContent">
<DIV class="options" align="left">
<A href="katalogbukuatribut.php?atrId=2
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1" >Buku Baru</A>
<A href="katalogbukuatribut.php?atrId=1&pag
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1" >Buku Terlaris</A>
<A href="katalogbukuatribut.php?atrId=3&pag
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1" >Buku Populer</A>
<A href="katalogbukuatribut.php?atrId=4&pag
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1" >Buku Rekomendasi</A>
<A href="katalogbukuatribut.php?atrId=5&pag
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1" >Buku Promosi</A>
<SCRIPT language="javascript">new dropMenu('undian', 'down', 140, 151, 340, 200)</SCRIPT>
<DIV id="undianContainer">
<DIV class="menu" id="undianContent">
<DIV class="options" align="left">
<A href="info_undian.php" >Info Undian</A>
<A href="nomorundian.php?all=1" >Daftar Nomor Undian Bulan Ini</A>
<A href="pemenang.php" >Daftar Pemenang Undian</A>
<A href="nomorundian.php" >Nomor Undian Anda</A>
<SCRIPT language="javascript">new dropMenu('point', 'down', 201, 151, 340, 200)</SCRIPT>
<DIV id="pointContainer">
<DIV class="menu" id="pointContent">
<DIV class="options" align="left">
<A href="point.php?info=1" >Info Point Rewards</A>
<A href="point.php" >Point Rewards Anda</A>
<SCRIPT language="javascript">new dropMenu('transaksi', 'down', 252, 151, 412, 200)</SCRIPT>
<DIV id="transaksiContainer">
<DIV class="menu" id="transaksiContent">
<DIV class="options" align="left">
<A href="memberwishlist.php" >Daftar Keinginan</A>
<A href="membercartlist.php" >Keranjang Belanja</A>
<A href="historytransaksi.php" >Histori Belanja</A>
<A href="historytransaksi.php" >Konfirmasi Pembayaran</A>
<SCRIPT language="javascript">new dropMenu('cekst', 'down', 292, 151, 428, 200)</SCRIPT>
<DIV id="cekstContainer">
<DIV class="menu" id="cekstContent">
<DIV class="options" align="left">
<A href="historytransaksi.php" >Status Pembayaran</A>
<A href="historytransaksi.php" >Status Pengiriman</A>
<SCRIPT language="javascript">new dropMenu('berita', 'down', 335, 151, 444, 200)</SCRIPT>
<DIV id="beritaContainer">
<DIV class="menu" id="beritaContent">
<DIV class="options" align="left">
<A href="berita/info-bukukita/" >Info BukuKITA</A>
<A href="testimonial.php" >Testimonial</A>
<A href="berita/acara/" >Acara</A>
<A href="berita/buku/" >Buku</A>
<A href="berita/promosi/" >Promosi</A>
<!--<SCRIPT language="javascript">new dropMenu('galeri', 'down', 304, 151, 418, 200)</SCRIPT>
<DIV id="galeriContainer">
<DIV class="menu" id="galeriContent">
<DIV class="options" align="left">
<A href="intro.php" >Intro BukuKITA</A>
<A href="stuff.php?page=wallpaper" >Wallpaper</A>
<A href="stuff.php?page=ecard" >E-Card</A>
<SCRIPT language="javascript">new dropMenu('komunitas', 'down', 398, 151, 517, 200)</SCRIPT>
<DIV id="komunitasContainer">
<DIV class="menu" id="komunitasContent">
<DIV class="options" align="left">
<A href="http://blog.bukukita.com" target="_blank">BLOG BukuKITA</A>
<A href="komunitas.php#milis" >Milis BukuKITA</A>
<A href="komunitas.php#facebook">Facebook</A>
<A href="komunitas.php#fs" >Friendster</A>
<table id="Table_01" width="100%" height="96" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<td width="21" height="96"><img src="images/menu_01.gif" width="21" height="96" alt=""></td>
<td background="images/menu_02a.gif">
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<td width="90%" height="60" valign="top">
<SCRIPT language="JavaScript">
document.write("<table width='100%' style='padding-top:12px;' border='0' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0'><tr><td width='112'>");
document.write("<a href='http://www.bukukita.com/' target='_self' class='itemmenu'>Halaman Depan</a>");
document.write("</td><td width='70'>");
document.write("<a href='daftar.php' class='itemmenu' onmouseover
Priority 1
An attribute value must be a literal unless it contains only name characters.
Line 266 HTML Validation

=\"dropMenu.showMenu('anggota');\" onmouseout
Priority 1
An attribute value must be a literal unless it contains only name characters.
Line 266 HTML Validation

document.write("</td><td width='83'>");
document.write("<a href='katalogbuku.php' class='itemmenu' onmouseover
Priority 1
An attribute value must be a literal unless it contains only name characters.
Line 268 HTML Validation

=\"dropMenu.showMenu('lihatBuku');\" onmouseout
Priority 1
An attribute value must be a literal unless it contains only name characters.
Line 268 HTML Validation

=\"dropMenu.hideMenu('lihatBuku')\">Lihat Buku</a>");
document.write("</td><td width='122'>");
document.write("<a href='nomorundian.php?all=1' class='itemmenu' onmouseover
Priority 1
An attribute value must be a literal unless it contains only name characters.
Line 270 HTML Validation

=\"dropMenu.showMenu('undian');\" onmouseout
Priority 1
An attribute value must be a literal unless it contains only name characters.
Line 270 HTML Validation

=\"dropMenu.hideMenu('undian')\">Undian Berhadiah</a>");
document.write("</td><td width='102'>");
document.write("<a href='point.php?info=1' class='itemmenu' onmouseover
Priority 1
An attribute value must be a literal unless it contains only name characters.
Line 272 HTML Validation

=\"dropMenu.showMenu('point');\" onmouseout
Priority 1
An attribute value must be a literal unless it contains only name characters.
Line 272 HTML Validation

=\"dropMenu.hideMenu('point')\">Point Rewards</a>");
document.write("</td><td width='80'>");
document.write("<a href='historytransaksi.php' class='itemmenu' onmouseover
Priority 1
An attribute value must be a literal unless it contains only name characters.
Line 274 HTML Validation

=\"dropMenu.showMenu('transaksi');\" onmouseout
Priority 1
An attribute value must be a literal unless it contains only name characters.
Line 274 HTML Validation

document.write("</td><td width='86'>");
document.write("<a href='historytransaksi.php' class='itemmenu' onmouseover
Priority 1
An attribute value must be a literal unless it contains only name characters.
Line 276 HTML Validation

=\"dropMenu.showMenu('cekst');\" onmouseout
Priority 1
An attribute value must be a literal unless it contains only name characters.
Line 276 HTML Validation

=\"dropMenu.hideMenu('cekst')\">Cek Status</a>");
document.write("</td><td width='59'>");
document.write("<a href='berita/' class='itemmenu' onmouseover
Priority 1
An attribute value must be a literal unless it contains only name characters.
Line 278 HTML Validation

=\"dropMenu.showMenu('berita');\" onmouseout
Priority 1
An attribute value must be a literal unless it contains only name characters.
Line 278 HTML Validation

document.write("</td><td width='67'>");
document.write("<a href='resensi-review-buku/semua/' target='_self' class='itemmenu'>Resensi</a>");
document.write("</td><td width='84'>");
document.write("<a href='komunitas.php' class='itemmenu' onmouseover
Priority 1
An attribute value must be a literal unless it contains only name characters.
Line 282 HTML Validation

=\"dropMenu.showMenu('komunitas');\" onmouseout
Priority 1
An attribute value must be a literal unless it contains only name characters.
Line 282 HTML Validation

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

</SCRIPT> <br>
<div align=center style="padding-top:2px;">
<a name="imenuutama"></a><a href='http://twitter.com/bukukita' target='_blank'>Follow twitter @bukukita dan facebook untuk hadiah dan info terbaru setiap hari</a> &nbs
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

p;<span align='center' style='color:#999999;font-size:9px;font-family:arial'>Tayang: 109 hari lagi</span> </div>
<td width="10%" height="60" valign="bottom" style="padding-bottom:3px">
<!--<script type="text/javascript">var addthis_pub="cybernice";</script>
<a href="http://www.addthis.com/bookmark.php?v=20" onmouseover="return addthis_open(this, '', '[URL]', '[TITLE]')" onmouseout="addthis_close()" onclick="return addthis_sendto()"><img src="http://s7.addthis.com/static/btn/lg-bookmark-en.gif" width="125" height="16" alt="Bookmark and Share" style="border:0"/></a>
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://s7.addthis.com/js/200/addthis_widget.js"></script>-->
<div id="divBookImg" style="position:absolute;left:0;top:0;visibility:hidden;" onMouseOver="resizePic(event)" onMouseOut="resizePic(event)"></div>
<td height="26">
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<td width="182">
Minggu, 22 September 2013 </td>
<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<td align="center" class="bonus02 menuatas"><a href='http://www.bukukita.com/Biografi-dan-Memoar/Memoar/70785-Palestina-Dalam-Cengkraman-Ariel-Sharon.html'>Palestina Dalam Cengkraman Ariel Sharon</a> <!--<marquee scrolldelay="150">
Silahkan anda Registrasi atau Login Anggota terlebih dahulu.
<td width="20%" align="right">&nbs
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

<td width="21" height="56"><img src="images/menu_03.gif" width="21" height="96" alt=""></td>
<!-- End ImageReady Slices -->
Priority 1
End tag for element "TD" which is not open.
Line 326 HTML Validation

Priority 1
This page has markup errors, causing screen readers to miss content.
Line 326 WCAG2 A F70

Fix the errors listed on the Standards tab of this report. Markup errors like missing end tags mean screen readers may skip important content.

Priority 3
This page has malformed tags which IE8 and later treat differently from earlier versions of IE.

Fix the errors listed on the Standards tab of this report. Markup errors like missing end tags means IE8 and IE9 may display different content from IE6 and IE7.

Priority 3
Google recommends using well-formed HTML code in your webpages. This page has mismatched tags.
Line 326 Google

Fix the critical errors listed on the Standards tab of this report. Markup errors like missing end tags or unclosed comments mean search engine web crawlers may skip important content.

Priority 1
End tag for element "TR" which is not open.
Line 327 HTML Validation

Priority 1
This page has markup errors, causing screen readers to miss content.
Line 327 WCAG2 A F70

Fix the errors listed on the Standards tab of this report. Markup errors like missing end tags mean screen readers may skip important content.

Priority 3
This page has malformed tags which IE8 and later treat differently from earlier versions of IE.

Fix the errors listed on the Standards tab of this report. Markup errors like missing end tags means IE8 and IE9 may display different content from IE6 and IE7.

Priority 3
Google recommends using well-formed HTML code in your webpages. This page has mismatched tags.
Line 327 Google

Fix the critical errors listed on the Standards tab of this report. Markup errors like missing end tags or unclosed comments mean search engine web crawlers may skip important content.

Priority 1
Document type does not allow element "TR" here.
Line 328 HTML Validation

<td align="center" valign="top" class="content">
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">

Priority 3
The TD WIDTH attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.

Replace width attributes with CSS rules. For example: td.two-column { width: 50%; }

<td width="182" align="left" valign="top"><table width="182" border="0" cellspacing="0">
<td valign="top" class="jarak_kategori">
<table width="182" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">

Priority 3
The TD HEIGHT attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.

Replace the HEIGHT attribute with a CSS height: td { height: 14pt; }

Priority 3
The TD WIDTH attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.

Replace width attributes with CSS rules. For example: td.two-column { width: 50%; }

<td width="128" height="15"><img src="images/login_01.gif" width="182" height="15" alt="" /></td>
<td valign="top" class="borderlogin">
<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<form action="index.php?lo=1" method="post" name="isi_login">

Priority 3
The TD HEIGHT attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.

Replace the HEIGHT attribute with a CSS height: td { height: 14pt; }

Priority 3
The TD WIDTH attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.

Replace width attributes with CSS rules. For example: td.two-column { width: 50%; }

<td width="45%" class="user_name" height="20">User Name </td>

Priority 3
The TD WIDTH attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.

Replace width attributes with CSS rules. For example: td.two-column { width: 50%; }

<td width="55%">
Priority 1
This form control has no associated LABEL element.

Add a LABEL tag with the FOR attribute set to the ID of this control. This allows screen readers to tell the user what each control does. Do not wrap LABEL tags around input controls (implicit labels) since this is very unreliable in older screen readers.

Priority 1
This form has fields without LABEL elements or TITLE attributes.

Screen readers use LABEL elements or TITLE attributes to describe form fields to non-sighted users. Without these, forms are very hard to use with a screen reader. Forms designed to be completed online shall allow people using assistive technology to access the information, field elements, and functionality required for completion and submission of the form, including all directions and cues.

Priority 2
Use LABEL tags for each data entry field to show what data is expected.

Make sure each INPUT field has an associated LABEL tag describing the field.

<input name="username" type="text" class="text_field" size="14" value="" accesskey="u" autocomplete="off"></td>
<td><span class="user_name">Password</span></td>
Priority 1
This form control has no associated LABEL element.

Add a LABEL tag with the FOR attribute set to the ID of this control. This allows screen readers to tell the user what each control does. Do not wrap LABEL tags around input controls (implicit labels) since this is very unreliable in older screen readers.

Priority 1
This form has fields without LABEL elements or TITLE attributes.

Screen readers use LABEL elements or TITLE attributes to describe form fields to non-sighted users. Without these, forms are very hard to use with a screen reader. Forms designed to be completed online shall allow people using assistive technology to access the information, field elements, and functionality required for completion and submission of the form, including all directions and cues.

Priority 6
Search engines cannot index areas of sites that require a log in.
Line 349 Google Blogs

Priority 2
Use LABEL tags for each data entry field to show what data is expected.

Make sure each INPUT field has an associated LABEL tag describing the field.

<input name="password" type="password" class="text_field" size="14">
<input type="hidden" name="lokasi" value="http://www.bukukita.com/"></td>
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

<td align="right"><label>
Priority 1
INPUT TYPE=IMAGE tags must have an ALT attribute.

Add an ALT attribute describing the button action, which screen readers read aloud.

<input type="image" src="images/go.gif" title="Login Anggota BukuKita.com" name="Submit2" value="Submit" /></label></td>
<td colspan="2" class="user_name"><a href="password_reset.php">Lupa Password </a></td>
<td colspan="2" class="user_name"><a href="daftar.php">Registrasi Anggota Baru </a></td>

Priority 3
The TD HEIGHT attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.

Replace the HEIGHT attribute with a CSS height: td { height: 14pt; }

Priority 3
The TD WIDTH attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.

Replace width attributes with CSS rules. For example: td.two-column { width: 50%; }

<td width="128" height="0"><img src="images/login_03.gif" width="182" height="6" alt="" /></td>

Priority 3
The TD WIDTH attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.

Replace width attributes with CSS rules. For example: td.two-column { width: 50%; }

<td width="12" valign="middle" class=jarak_kategori>
<table width="182" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">

Priority 3
The TD HEIGHT attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.

Replace the HEIGHT attribute with a CSS height: td { height: 14pt; }

Priority 3
The TD WIDTH attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.

Replace width attributes with CSS rules. For example: td.two-column { width: 50%; }

<td width="128" height="6">
Priority 1
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.

Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud. Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.

Priority 2
Omitting IMG WIDTH or HEIGHT attributes means page text jumps about as images load.

This makes the page very hard to read while it's loading, and the user may click on the wrong link if it moves as it's being clicked. Add width and height attributes to the img tag matching the image dimensions. Authoring tools like Dreamweaver can automate this process.

<img src="images/new_member_01.gif"></td>
<td valign="top" class="borderlogin">
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">

Priority 3
The TD WIDTH attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.

Replace width attributes with CSS rules. For example: td.two-column { width: 50%; }

<td width='8%' align='center'>
Priority 1
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.

Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud. Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.

<img src='images/icon_over.gif' width='5' height='10' /></td>

Priority 3
The TD WIDTH attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.

Replace width attributes with CSS rules. For example: td.two-column { width: 50%; }

<td width='92%' class='user_name'>kekuatan </td>

Priority 3
The TD WIDTH attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.

Replace width attributes with CSS rules. For example: td.two-column { width: 50%; }

<td width='8%' align='center'>
Priority 1
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.

Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud. Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.

<img src='images/icon_over.gif' width='5' height='10' /></td>

Priority 3
The TD WIDTH attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.

Replace width attributes with CSS rules. For example: td.two-column { width: 50%; }

<td width='92%' class='user_name'>wuci </td>

Priority 3
The TD WIDTH attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.

Replace width attributes with CSS rules. For example: td.two-column { width: 50%; }

<td width='8%' align='center'>
Priority 1
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.

Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud. Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.

<img src='images/icon_over.gif' width='5' height='10' /></td>

Priority 3
The TD WIDTH attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.

Replace width attributes with CSS rules. For example: td.two-column { width: 50%; }

<td width='92%' class='user_name'>eddydomo </td>
</tr> </table>

Priority 3
The TD HEIGHT attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.

Replace the HEIGHT attribute with a CSS height: td { height: 14pt; }

<td class="borderlogin2" height="1">
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<td colspan="2" class="contetkatalok user_name">&nbs
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

p;Jumlah Anggota : 183269</td>
<td colspan="2"></td>

Priority 3
The TD HEIGHT attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.

Replace the HEIGHT attribute with a CSS height: td { height: 14pt; }

Priority 3
The TD WIDTH attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.

Replace width attributes with CSS rules. For example: td.two-column { width: 50%; }

<td width="128" height="6"><img src="images/new_member_03.gif" width="182" height="6" alt="" /></td>
<td valign="top" class="jarak_kategori">
<table width="182" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">

Priority 3
The TD HEIGHT attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.

Replace the HEIGHT attribute with a CSS height: td { height: 14pt; }

Priority 3
The TD WIDTH attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.

Replace width attributes with CSS rules. For example: td.two-column { width: 50%; }

<td width="128" height="38"><img src="images/kategori_01.gif" width="182" height="38" alt="" /></td>
<td valign="top" class="borderkategori">
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0">

Priority 3
The TD HEIGHT attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.

Replace the HEIGHT attribute with a CSS height: td { height: 14pt; }

Priority 3
The TD WIDTH attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.

Replace width attributes with CSS rules. For example: td.two-column { width: 50%; }

<td width='80%' colspan='2' height='15' valign='middle' class='garis_kategoribuku'><a href='index.php?allCat=on
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=index.php' class='katLink' onClick='showHideAll(this);this.href="javascript://";'>[+] Buka Semua Kategori</a></td>
</tr> <tr id='tr0'>
<td valign='middle' class='garis_kategoribuku' colspan='2'>
Priority 1
All ONCLICK handlers should have an equivalent ONKEYPRESS handler.

Some users are unable to use a mouse, so use the keyboard instead. Add an equivalent keyboard event handler to help these users.

<span class='katLink' onClick='showHide(0,"tr0")' style='font-family:Arial;padding:2px;color:#567300;font-size:11px;font-weight:bold;cursor:pointer'>+</span><a href='katalogbuku.php?masId=15' class='katLink' onClick='showHide(0,"tr0");return false;'>Agama</a></td>
</tr> <tr id='tr1'>
<td valign='middle' class='garis_kategoribuku' colspan='2'>
Priority 1
All ONCLICK handlers should have an equivalent ONKEYPRESS handler.

Some users are unable to use a mouse, so use the keyboard instead. Add an equivalent keyboard event handler to help these users.

<span class='katLink' onClick='showHide(1,"tr1")' style='font-family:Arial;padding:2px;color:#567300;font-size:11px;font-weight:bold;cursor:pointer'>+</span><a href='katalogbuku.php?masId=35' class='katLink' onClick='showHide(1,"tr1");return false;'>Aksesoris Kado & Parcel</a></td>
</tr> <tr id='tr2'>
<td valign='middle' class='garis_kategoribuku' colspan='2'>
Priority 1
All ONCLICK handlers should have an equivalent ONKEYPRESS handler.

Some users are unable to use a mouse, so use the keyboard instead. Add an equivalent keyboard event handler to help these users.

<span class='katLink' onClick='showHide(2,"tr2")' style='font-family:Arial;padding:2px;color:#567300;font-size:11px;font-weight:bold;cursor:pointer'>+</span><a href='katalogbuku.php?masId=3' class='katLink' onClick='showHide(2,"tr2");return false;'>Anak-Anak</a></td>
</tr> <tr id='tr3'>
<td valign='middle' class='garis_kategoribuku' colspan='2'>
Priority 1
All ONCLICK handlers should have an equivalent ONKEYPRESS handler.

Some users are unable to use a mouse, so use the keyboard instead. Add an equivalent keyboard event handler to help these users.

<span class='katLink' onClick='showHide(3,"tr3")' style='font-family:Arial;padding:2px;color:#567300;font-size:11px;font-weight:bold;cursor:pointer'>+</span><a href='katalogbuku.php?masId=19' class='katLink' onClick='showHide(3,"tr3");return false;'>Bahasa dan Kamus</a></td>
</tr> <tr id='tr4'>
<td valign='middle' class='garis_kategoribuku' colspan='2'>
Priority 1
All ONCLICK handlers should have an equivalent ONKEYPRESS handler.

Some users are unable to use a mouse, so use the keyboard instead. Add an equivalent keyboard event handler to help these users.

<span class='katLink' onClick='showHide(4,"tr4")' style='font-family:Arial;padding:2px;color:#567300;font-size:11px;font-weight:bold;cursor:pointer'>+</span><a href='katalogbuku.php?masId=22' class='katLink' onClick='showHide(4,"tr4");return false;'>Biografi dan Memoar</a></td>
</tr> <tr id='tr5'>
<td valign='middle' class='garis_kategoribuku' colspan='2'>
Priority 1
All ONCLICK handlers should have an equivalent ONKEYPRESS handler.

Some users are unable to use a mouse, so use the keyboard instead. Add an equivalent keyboard event handler to help these users.

<span class='katLink' onClick='showHide(5,"tr5")' style='font-family:Arial;padding:2px;color:#567300;font-size:11px;font-weight:bold;cursor:pointer'>+</span><a href='katalogbuku.php?masId=42' class='katLink' onClick='showHide(5,"tr5");return false;'>Buku Akan Datang</a></td>
</tr> <tr id='tr6'>
<td valign='middle' class='garis_kategoribuku' colspan='2'>
Priority 1
All ONCLICK handlers should have an equivalent ONKEYPRESS handler.

Some users are unable to use a mouse, so use the keyboard instead. Add an equivalent keyboard event handler to help these users.

<span class='katLink' onClick='showHide(6,"tr6")' style='font-family:Arial;padding:2px;color:#567300;font-size:11px;font-weight:bold;cursor:pointer'>+</span><a href='katalogbuku.php?masId=32
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

a=2' class='katLink' onClick='showHide(6,"tr6");return false;'>Buku Import</a></td>
</tr> <tr id='tr7'>
<td valign='middle' class='garis_kategoribuku' colspan='2'>
Priority 1
All ONCLICK handlers should have an equivalent ONKEYPRESS handler.

Some users are unable to use a mouse, so use the keyboard instead. Add an equivalent keyboard event handler to help these users.

<span class='katLink' onClick='showHide(7,"tr7")' style='font-family:Arial;padding:2px;color:#567300;font-size:11px;font-weight:bold;cursor:pointer'>+</span><a href='katalogbuku.php?masId=39&are
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

a=2' class='katLink' onClick='showHide(7,"tr7");return false;'>Buku Import Spesial</a></td>
</tr> <tr id='tr8'>
<td valign='middle' class='garis_kategoribuku' colspan='2'>
Priority 1
All ONCLICK handlers should have an equivalent ONKEYPRESS handler.

Some users are unable to use a mouse, so use the keyboard instead. Add an equivalent keyboard event handler to help these users.

<span class='katLink' onClick='showHide(8,"tr8")' style='font-family:Arial;padding:2px;color:#567300;font-size:11px;font-weight:bold;cursor:pointer'>+</span><a href='katalogbuku.php?masId=43&are
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

a=2' class='katLink' onClick='showHide(8,"tr8");return false;'>Buku Import Teknik dan Design</a></td>
</tr> <tr id='tr9'>
<td valign='middle' class='garis_kategoribuku' colspan='2'>
Priority 1
All ONCLICK handlers should have an equivalent ONKEYPRESS handler.

Some users are unable to use a mouse, so use the keyboard instead. Add an equivalent keyboard event handler to help these users.

<span class='katLink' onClick='showHide(9,"tr9")' style='font-family:Arial;padding:2px;color:#567300;font-size:11px;font-weight:bold;cursor:pointer'>+</span><a href='katalogbuku.php?masId=40' class='katLink' onClick='showHide(9,"tr9");return false;'>Buku Murah dan Promo 2013</a></td>
</tr> <tr id='tr10'>
<td valign='middle' class='garis_kategoribuku' colspan='2'>
Priority 1
All ONCLICK handlers should have an equivalent ONKEYPRESS handler.

Some users are unable to use a mouse, so use the keyboard instead. Add an equivalent keyboard event handler to help these users.

<span class='katLink' onClick='showHide(10,"tr10")' style='font-family:Arial;padding:2px;color:#567300;font-size:11px;font-weight:bold;cursor:pointer'>+</span><a href='katalogbuku.php?masId=1' class='katLink' onClick='showHide(10,"tr10");return false;'>Buku Novel</a></td>
</tr> <tr id='tr11'>
<td valign='middle' class='garis_kategoribuku' colspan='2'>
Priority 1
All ONCLICK handlers should have an equivalent ONKEYPRESS handler.

Some users are unable to use a mouse, so use the keyboard instead. Add an equivalent keyboard event handler to help these users.

<span class='katLink' onClick='showHide(11,"tr11")' style='font-family:Arial;padding:2px;color:#567300;font-size:11px;font-weight:bold;cursor:pointer'>+</span><a href='katalogbuku.php?masId=34' class='katLink' onClick='showHide(11,"tr11");return false;'>Buku Sekolah</a></td>
</tr> <tr id='tr12'>
<td valign='middle' class='garis_kategoribuku' colspan='2'>
Priority 1
All ONCLICK handlers should have an equivalent ONKEYPRESS handler.

Some users are unable to use a mouse, so use the keyboard instead. Add an equivalent keyboard event handler to help these users.

<span class='katLink' onClick='showHide(12,"tr12")' style='font-family:Arial;padding:2px;color:#567300;font-size:11px;font-weight:bold;cursor:pointer'>+</span><a href='katalogbuku.php?masId=28' class='katLink' onClick='showHide(12,"tr12");return false;'>Buku Teks</a></td>
</tr> <tr id='tr13'>
<td valign='middle' class='garis_kategoribuku' colspan='2'>
Priority 1
All ONCLICK handlers should have an equivalent ONKEYPRESS handler.

Some users are unable to use a mouse, so use the keyboard instead. Add an equivalent keyboard event handler to help these users.

<span class='katLink' onClick='showHide(13,"tr13")' style='font-family:Arial;padding:2px;color:#567300;font-size:11px;font-weight:bold;cursor:pointer'>+</span><a href='katalogbuku.php?masId=6' class='katLink' onClick='showHide(13,"tr13");return false;'>Busana dan Kecantikan</a></td>
</tr> <tr id='tr14'>
<td valign='middle' class='garis_kategoribuku' colspan='2'>
Priority 1
All ONCLICK handlers should have an equivalent ONKEYPRESS handler.

Some users are unable to use a mouse, so use the keyboard instead. Add an equivalent keyboard event handler to help these users.

<span class='katLink' onClick='showHide(14,"tr14")' style='font-family:Arial;padding:2px;color:#567300;font-size:11px;font-weight:bold;cursor:pointer'>+</span><a href='katalogbuku.php?masId=41' class='katLink' onClick='showHide(14,"tr14");return false;'>CD Pembelajaran Interaktif</a></td>
</tr> <tr id='tr15'>
<td valign='middle' class='garis_kategoribuku' colspan='2'>
Priority 1
All ONCLICK handlers should have an equivalent ONKEYPRESS handler.

Some users are unable to use a mouse, so use the keyboard instead. Add an equivalent keyboard event handler to help these users.

<span class='katLink' onClick='showHide(15,"tr15")' style='font-family:Arial;padding:2px;color:#567300;font-size:11px;font-weight:bold;cursor:pointer'>+</span><a href='katalogbuku.php?masId=38' class='katLink' onClick='showHide(15,"tr15");return false;'>EBook</a></td>
</tr> <tr id='tr16'>
<td valign='middle' class='garis_kategoribuku' colspan='2'>
Priority 1
All ONCLICK handlers should have an equivalent ONKEYPRESS handler.

Some users are unable to use a mouse, so use the keyboard instead. Add an equivalent keyboard event handler to help these users.

<span class='katLink' onClick='showHide(16,"tr16")' style='font-family:Arial;padding:2px;color:#567300;font-size:11px;font-weight:bold;cursor:pointer'>+</span><a href='katalogbuku.php?masId=7' class='katLink' onClick='showHide(16,"tr16");return false;'>Ekonomi dan Manajemen</a></td>
</tr> <tr id='tr17'>
<td valign='middle' class='garis_kategoribuku' colspan='2'>
Priority 1
All ONCLICK handlers should have an equivalent ONKEYPRESS handler.

Some users are unable to use a mouse, so use the keyboard instead. Add an equivalent keyboard event handler to help these users.

<span class='katLink' onClick='showHide(17,"tr17")' style='font-family:Arial;padding:2px;color:#567300;font-size:11px;font-weight:bold;cursor:pointer'>+</span><a href='katalogbuku.php?masId=11' class='katLink' onClick='showHide(17,"tr17");return false;'>Hobi dan Usaha</a></td>
</tr> <tr id='tr18'>
<td valign='middle' class='garis_kategoribuku' colspan='2'>
Priority 1
All ONCLICK handlers should have an equivalent ONKEYPRESS handler.

Some users are unable to use a mouse, so use the keyboard instead. Add an equivalent keyboard event handler to help these users.

<span class='katLink' onClick='showHide(18,"tr18")' style='font-family:Arial;padding:2px;color:#567300;font-size:11px;font-weight:bold;cursor:pointer'>+</span><a href='katalogbuku.php?masId=9' class='katLink' onClick='showHide(18,"tr18");return false;'>Hukum dan Undang-undang</a></td>
</tr> <tr id='tr19'>
<td valign='middle' class='garis_kategoribuku' colspan='2'>
Priority 1
All ONCLICK handlers should have an equivalent ONKEYPRESS handler.

Some users are unable to use a mouse, so use the keyboard instead. Add an equivalent keyboard event handler to help these users.

<span class='katLink' onClick='showHide(19,"tr19")' style='font-family:Arial;padding:2px;color:#567300;font-size:11px;font-weight:bold;cursor:pointer'>+</span><a href='katalogbuku.php?masId=25' class='katLink' onClick='showHide(19,"tr19");return false;'>Humor</a></td>
</tr> <tr id='tr20'>
<td valign='middle' class='garis_kategoribuku' colspan='2'>
Priority 1
All ONCLICK handlers should have an equivalent ONKEYPRESS handler.

Some users are unable to use a mouse, so use the keyboard instead. Add an equivalent keyboard event handler to help these users.

<span class='katLink' onClick='showHide(20,"tr20")' style='font-family:Arial;padding:2px;color:#567300;font-size:11px;font-weight:bold;cursor:pointer'>+</span><a href='katalogbuku.php?masId=16' class='katLink' onClick='showHide(20,"tr20");return false;'>Inspirasi dan Spiritual</a></td>
</tr> <tr id='tr21'>
<td valign='middle' class='garis_kategoribuku' colspan='2'>
Priority 1
All ONCLICK handlers should have an equivalent ONKEYPRESS handler.

Some users are unable to use a mouse, so use the keyboard instead. Add an equivalent keyboard event handler to help these users.

<span class='katLink' onClick='showHide(21,"tr21")' style='font-family:Arial;padding:2px;color:#567300;font-size:11px;font-weight:bold;cursor:pointer'>+</span><a href='katalogbuku.php?masId=13' class='katLink' onClick='showHide(21,"tr21");return false;'>Kesehatan dan Lingkungan</a></td>
</tr> <tr id='tr22'>
<td valign='middle' class='garis_kategoribuku' colspan='2'>
Priority 1
All ONCLICK handlers should have an equivalent ONKEYPRESS handler.

Some users are unable to use a mouse, so use the keyboard instead. Add an equivalent keyboard event handler to help these users.

<span class='katLink' onClick='showHide(22,"tr22")' style='font-family:Arial;padding:2px;color:#567300;font-size:11px;font-weight:bold;cursor:pointer'>+</span><a href='katalogbuku.php?masId=2' class='katLink' onClick='showHide(22,"tr22");return false;'>Komik</a></td>
</tr> <tr id='tr23'>
<td valign='middle' class='garis_kategoribuku' colspan='2'>
Priority 1
All ONCLICK handlers should have an equivalent ONKEYPRESS handler.

Some users are unable to use a mouse, so use the keyboard instead. Add an equivalent keyboard event handler to help these users.

<span class='katLink' onClick='showHide(23,"tr23")' style='font-family:Arial;padding:2px;color:#567300;font-size:11px;font-weight:bold;cursor:pointer'>+</span><a href='katalogbuku.php?masId=10' class='katLink' onClick='showHide(23,"tr23");return false;'>Komputer dan Internet</a></td>
</tr> <tr id='tr24'>
<td valign='middle' class='garis_kategoribuku' colspan='2'>
Priority 1
All ONCLICK handlers should have an equivalent ONKEYPRESS handler.

Some users are unable to use a mouse, so use the keyboard instead. Add an equivalent keyboard event handler to help these users.

<span class='katLink' onClick='showHide(24,"tr24")' style='font-family:Arial;padding:2px;color:#567300;font-size:11px;font-weight:bold;cursor:pointer'>+</span><a href='katalogbuku.php?masId=21' class='katLink' onClick='showHide(24,"tr24");return false;'>Majalah</a></td>
</tr> <tr id='tr25'>
<td valign='middle' class='garis_kategoribuku' colspan='2'>
Priority 1
All ONCLICK handlers should have an equivalent ONKEYPRESS handler.

Some users are unable to use a mouse, so use the keyboard instead. Add an equivalent keyboard event handler to help these users.

<span class='katLink' onClick='showHide(25,"tr25")' style='font-family:Arial;padding:2px;color:#567300;font-size:11px;font-weight:bold;cursor:pointer'>+</span><a href='katalogbuku.php?masId=17' class='katLink' onClick='showHide(25,"tr25");return false;'>Masakan dan Makanan</a></td>
</tr> <tr id='tr26'>
<td valign='middle' class='garis_kategoribuku' colspan='2'>
Priority 1
All ONCLICK handlers should have an equivalent ONKEYPRESS handler.

Some users are unable to use a mouse, so use the keyboard instead. Add an equivalent keyboard event handler to help these users.

<span class='katLink' onClick='showHide(26,"tr26")' style='font-family:Arial;padding:2px;color:#567300;font-size:11px;font-weight:bold;cursor:pointer'>+</span><a href='katalogbuku.php?masId=23' class='katLink' onClick='showHide(26,"tr26");return false;'>Non-Fiksi Lainnya</a></td>
</tr> <tr id='tr27'>
<td valign='middle' class='garis_kategoribuku' colspan='2'>
Priority 1
All ONCLICK handlers should have an equivalent ONKEYPRESS handler.

Some users are unable to use a mouse, so use the keyboard instead. Add an equivalent keyboard event handler to help these users.

<span class='katLink' onClick='showHide(27,"tr27")' style='font-family:Arial;padding:2px;color:#567300;font-size:11px;font-weight:bold;cursor:pointer'>+</span><a href='katalogbuku.php?masId=4' class='katLink' onClick='showHide(27,"tr27");return false;'>Orang Tua dan Keluarga</a></td>
</tr> <tr id='tr28'>
<td valign='middle' class='garis_kategoribuku' colspan='2'>
Priority 1
All ONCLICK handlers should have an equivalent ONKEYPRESS handler.

Some users are unable to use a mouse, so use the keyboard instead. Add an equivalent keyboard event handler to help these users.

<span class='katLink' onClick='showHide(28,"tr28")' style='font-family:Arial;padding:2px;color:#567300;font-size:11px;font-weight:bold;cursor:pointer'>+</span><a href='katalogbuku.php?masId=14' class='katLink' onClick='showHide(28,"tr28");return false;'>Perhotelan dan Pariwisata</a></td>
</tr> <tr id='tr29'>
<td valign='middle' class='garis_kategoribuku' colspan='2'>
Priority 1
All ONCLICK handlers should have an equivalent ONKEYPRESS handler.

Some users are unable to use a mouse, so use the keyboard instead. Add an equivalent keyboard event handler to help these users.

<span class='katLink' onClick='showHide(29,"tr29")' style='font-family:Arial;padding:2px;color:#567300;font-size:11px;font-weight:bold;cursor:pointer'>+</span><a href='katalogbuku.php?masId=44' class='katLink' onClick='showHide(29,"tr29");return false;'>Produk lainnya</a></td>
</tr> <tr id='tr30'>
<td valign='middle' class='garis_kategoribuku' colspan='2'>
Priority 1
All ONCLICK handlers should have an equivalent ONKEYPRESS handler.

Some users are unable to use a mouse, so use the keyboard instead. Add an equivalent keyboard event handler to help these users.

<span class='katLink' onClick='showHide(30,"tr30")' style='font-family:Arial;padding:2px;color:#567300;font-size:11px;font-weight:bold;cursor:pointer'>+</span><a href='katalogbuku.php?masId=5' class='katLink' onClick='showHide(30,"tr30");return false;'>Psikologi dan Pengembangan Diri</a></td>
</tr> <tr id='tr31'>
<td valign='middle' class='garis_kategoribuku' colspan='2'>
Priority 1
All ONCLICK handlers should have an equivalent ONKEYPRESS handler.

Some users are unable to use a mouse, so use the keyboard instead. Add an equivalent keyboard event handler to help these users.

<span class='katLink' onClick='showHide(31,"tr31")' style='font-family:Arial;padding:2px;color:#567300;font-size:11px;font-weight:bold;cursor:pointer'>+</span><a href='katalogbuku.php?masId=20' class='katLink' onClick='showHide(31,"tr31");return false;'>Referensi</a></td>
</tr> <tr id='tr32'>
<td valign='middle' class='garis_kategoribuku' colspan='2'>
Priority 1
All ONCLICK handlers should have an equivalent ONKEYPRESS handler.

Some users are unable to use a mouse, so use the keyboard instead. Add an equivalent keyboard event handler to help these users.

<span class='katLink' onClick='showHide(32,"tr32")' style='font-family:Arial;padding:2px;color:#567300;font-size:11px;font-weight:bold;cursor:pointer'>+</span><a href='katalogbuku.php?masId=24' class='katLink' onClick='showHide(32,"tr32");return false;'>Remaja</a></td>
</tr> <tr id='tr33'>
<td valign='middle' class='garis_kategoribuku' colspan='2'>
Priority 1
All ONCLICK handlers should have an equivalent ONKEYPRESS handler.

Some users are unable to use a mouse, so use the keyboard instead. Add an equivalent keyboard event handler to help these users.

<span class='katLink' onClick='showHide(33,"tr33")' style='font-family:Arial;padding:2px;color:#567300;font-size:11px;font-weight:bold;cursor:pointer'>+</span><a href='katalogbuku.php?masId=12' class='katLink' onClick='showHide(33,"tr33");return false;'>Sains dan Teknologi</a></td>
</tr> <tr id='tr34'>
<td valign='middle' class='garis_kategoribuku' colspan='2'>
Priority 1
All ONCLICK handlers should have an equivalent ONKEYPRESS handler.

Some users are unable to use a mouse, so use the keyboard instead. Add an equivalent keyboard event handler to help these users.

<span class='katLink' onClick='showHide(34,"tr34")' style='font-family:Arial;padding:2px;color:#567300;font-size:11px;font-weight:bold;cursor:pointer'>+</span><a href='katalogbuku.php?masId=18' class='katLink' onClick='showHide(34,"tr34");return false;'>Sastra dan Filsafat</a></td>
</tr> <tr id='tr35'>
<td valign='middle' class='garis_kategoribuku' colspan='2'>
Priority 1
All ONCLICK handlers should have an equivalent ONKEYPRESS handler.

Some users are unable to use a mouse, so use the keyboard instead. Add an equivalent keyboard event handler to help these users.

<span class='katLink' onClick='showHide(35,"tr35")' style='font-family:Arial;padding:2px;color:#567300;font-size:11px;font-weight:bold;cursor:pointer'>+</span><a href='katalogbuku.php?masId=8' class='katLink' onClick='showHide(35,"tr35");return false;'>Sejarah dan Budaya</a></td>
</tr> <tr id='tr36'>
<td valign='middle' class='garis_kategoribuku' colspan='2'>
Priority 1
All ONCLICK handlers should have an equivalent ONKEYPRESS handler.

Some users are unable to use a mouse, so use the keyboard instead. Add an equivalent keyboard event handler to help these users.

<span class='katLink' onClick='showHide(36,"tr36")' style='font-family:Arial;padding:2px;color:#567300;font-size:11px;font-weight:bold;cursor:pointer'>+</span><a href='katalogbuku.php?masId=27' class='katLink' onClick='showHide(36,"tr36");return false;'>Teknik</a></td>
</tr> <tr id='tr37'>
<td valign='middle' class='garis_kategoribuku' colspan='2'>
Priority 1
All ONCLICK handlers should have an equivalent ONKEYPRESS handler.

Some users are unable to use a mouse, so use the keyboard instead. Add an equivalent keyboard event handler to help these users.

<span class='katLink' onClick='showHide(37,"tr37")' style='font-family:Arial;padding:2px;color:#567300;font-size:11px;font-weight:bold;cursor:pointer'>+</span><a href='katalogbuku.php?masId=30' class='katLink' onClick='showHide(37,"tr37");return false;'>Tjersil-Buku Cerita Silat</a></td>
arr=new Array(new Array(new Array('Al-Quran','katalogbuku.php?masId=15
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Al-Quran Digital','katalogbuku.php?masId=15&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Buddha','katalogbuku.php?masId=15&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Hindu','katalogbuku.php?masId=15&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Islam','katalogbuku.php?masId=15&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Katolik','katalogbuku.php?masId=15&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Kepercayaan Lainnya','katalogbuku.php?masId=15&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Kristen','katalogbuku.php?masId=15&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Pelayanan','katalogbuku.php?masId=15&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Teologi','katalogbuku.php?masId=15&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1')),new Array(new Array('Kartu Ucapan','katalogbuku.php?masId=35&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Kertas Kado','katalogbuku.php?masId=35&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Parcel Buku','katalogbuku.php?masId=35&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Pita Kado','katalogbuku.php?masId=35&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1')),new Array(new Array('Belajar dengan Komputer','katalogbuku.php?masId=3&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Buddha','katalogbuku.php?masId=3&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Cerita Anak','katalogbuku.php?masId=3&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Cerita Balita','katalogbuku.php?masId=3&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Dunia Binatang','katalogbuku.php?masId=3&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Islam','katalogbuku.php?masId=3&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Keterampilan','katalogbuku.php?masId=3&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Kristen','katalogbuku.php?masId=3&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Membaca & Menulis','katalogbuku.php?masId=3&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Pelajaran Sekolah','katalogbuku.php?masId=3&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Pendidikan Anak','katalogbuku.php?masId=3&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1')),new Array(new Array('Belajar Bahasa','katalogbuku.php?masId=19&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Kamus Translasi','katalogbuku.php?masId=19&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Kamus Umum','katalogbuku.php?masId=19&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Pengkajian Bahasa','katalogbuku.php?masId=19&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1')),new Array(new Array('Biografi','katalogbuku.php?masId=22&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Memoar','katalogbuku.php?masId=22&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1')),new Array(new Array('Bulan Agustus 2013','katalogbuku.php?masId=42&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Bulan Oktober 2013','katalogbuku.php?masId=42&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Bulan September 2013','katalogbuku.php?masId=42&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1')),new Array(new Array('Animals','katalogbuku.php?masId=32&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Anthropology-sociology','katalogbuku.php?masId=32&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Archaeology-History','katalogbuku.php?masId=32&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Architecture','katalogbuku.php?masId=32&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Art Design','katalogbuku.php?masId=32&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Art-Craft & Fashion','katalogbuku.php?masId=32&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Automotive-Hobby & Lifestyle','katalogbuku.php?masId=32&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Business','katalogbuku.php?masId=32&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Children','katalogbuku.php?masId=32&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Computer','katalogbuku.php?masId=32&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Cooking','katalogbuku.php?masId=32&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Dictionary','katalogbuku.php?masId=32&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Drawing & Painting','katalogbuku.php?masId=32&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Electro','katalogbuku.php?masId=32&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Fiction & Non Fiction','katalogbuku.php?masId=32&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('General','katalogbuku.php?masId=32&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Language & Linguistics','katalogbuku.php?masId=32&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Law & Crime','katalogbuku.php?masId=32&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Literature & Journal','katalogbuku.php?masId=32&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Management','katalogbuku.php?masId=32&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Parenting-Health & Sex','katalogbuku.php?masId=32&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Photography','katalogbuku.php?masId=32&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Psychology & Gender','katalogbuku.php?masId=32&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Public Relation & Advertising','katalogbuku.php?masId=32&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Religion','katalogbuku.php?masId=32&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1')),new Array(new Array('Autobiography','katalogbuku.php?masId=39&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Branding & Advertising','katalogbuku.php?masId=39&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Business & Management','katalogbuku.php?masId=39&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Children Books','katalogbuku.php?masId=39&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Comic','katalogbuku.php?masId=39&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Cook Book','katalogbuku.php?masId=39&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Current Affairs','katalogbuku.php?masId=39&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Fiction - Teenager','katalogbuku.php?masId=39&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Inspirational','katalogbuku.php?masId=39&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Interior Architecture','katalogbuku.php?masId=39&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Latest Lifestyle','katalogbuku.php?masId=39&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('MUSIC','katalogbuku.php?masId=39&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Non Fiction','katalogbuku.php?masId=39&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Parenting','katalogbuku.php?masId=39&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Popular Fiction','katalogbuku.php?masId=39&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Promo Valentine','katalogbuku.php?masId=39&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Religion & Christianity','katalogbuku.php?masId=39&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Self Improvement','katalogbuku.php?masId=39&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Wimpy Kids Sale','katalogbuku.php?masId=39&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Young Adult','katalogbuku.php?masId=39&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1')),new Array(new Array('Art Design','katalogbuku.php?masId=43&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Business Books','katalogbuku.php?masId=43&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Computer Books','katalogbuku.php?masId=43&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('General Reading Books','katalogbuku.php?masId=43&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Photography books','katalogbuku.php?masId=43&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1')),new Array(new Array('Buku Edisi Tanda Tangan Penulis','katalogbuku.php?masId=40&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Buku Murah Agro Group','katalogbuku.php?masId=40&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Buku Murah Ufuk Publishing','katalogbuku.php?masId=40&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Diskon 25 Persen','katalogbuku.php?masId=40&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Diskon 30 persen','katalogbuku.php?masId=40&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Diskon 35 Persen','katalogbuku.php?masId=40&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Diskon 40 Persen','katalogbuku.php?masId=40&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Diskon 50 Persen','katalogbuku.php?masId=40&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Diskon 60 Persen','katalogbuku.php?masId=40&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Penerbit Pustaka Hidayah','katalogbuku.php?masId=40&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Promo Al Mahira','katalogbuku.php?masId=40&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Promo Al Mawardi','katalogbuku.php?masId=40&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Promo Pustaka HIdayah','katalogbuku.php?masId=40&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Ramadhan Online Bookfair 2013','katalogbuku.php?masId=40&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1')),new Array(new Array('Anak-Anak','katalogbuku.php?masId=1&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Chicklit','katalogbuku.php?masId=1&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Drama','katalogbuku.php?masId=1&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Fantasi','katalogbuku.php?masId=1&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Fiksi','katalogbuku.php?masId=1&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Filosofi','katalogbuku.php?masId=1&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Horor','katalogbuku.php?masId=1&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Komedi','katalogbuku.php?masId=1&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Lifestyle','katalogbuku.php?masId=1&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Metropop','katalogbuku.php?masId=1&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Mistery-Thriller','katalogbuku.php?masId=1&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Perang','katalogbuku.php?masId=1&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Petualangan','katalogbuku.php?masId=1&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Politik-Hukum','katalogbuku.php?masId=1&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Psikologi','katalogbuku.php?masId=1&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Remaja','katalogbuku.php?masId=1&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Roman Harlequin','katalogbuku.php?masId=1&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Romance','katalogbuku.php?masId=1&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Samurai','katalogbuku.php?masId=1&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Sastra','katalogbuku.php?masId=1&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Science Fiction','katalogbuku.php?masId=1&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Sejarah Fiksi','katalogbuku.php?masId=1&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Sosial-Budaya','katalogbuku.php?masId=1&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Spiritualitas','katalogbuku.php?masId=1&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Suspense','katalogbuku.php?masId=1&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Teenlit','katalogbuku.php?masId=1&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1')),new Array(new Array('Sekolah Dasar','katalogbuku.php?masId=34&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Sekolah Menengah Atas','katalogbuku.php?masId=34&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Sekolah Menengah Pertama','katalogbuku.php?masId=34&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Taman Kanak-Kanak','katalogbuku.php?masId=34&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1')),new Array(new Array('Akuntansi','katalogbuku.php?masId=28&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Bahasa-Sastra','katalogbuku.php?masId=28&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Biologi','katalogbuku.php?masId=28&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Ekonomi','katalogbuku.php?masId=28&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Eksakta','katalogbuku.php?masId=28&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Hukum','katalogbuku.php?masId=28&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Ilmu Sosial','katalogbuku.php?masId=28&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Investasi','katalogbuku.php?masId=28&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Kedokteran','katalogbuku.php?masId=28&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Keperawatan','katalogbuku.php?masId=28&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Keuangan','katalogbuku.php?masId=28&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Kewirausahaan','katalogbuku.php?masId=28&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Kimia','katalogbuku.php?masId=28&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Manajemen','katalogbuku.php?masId=28&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Matematika','katalogbuku.php?masId=28&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Pemasaran','katalogbuku.php?masId=28&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Perpajakan','katalogbuku.php?masId=28&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Statistik','katalogbuku.php?masId=28&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Teknik Arsitektur','katalogbuku.php?masId=28&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Teknik Elektro','katalogbuku.php?masId=28&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Teknik Mesin','katalogbuku.php?masId=28&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Teknologi Informasi','katalogbuku.php?masId=28&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1')),new Array(new Array('Aksesoris','katalogbuku.php?masId=6&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Busana Muslim','katalogbuku.php?masId=6&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Busana Pengantin','katalogbuku.php?masId=6&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Busana Tradisional','katalogbuku.php?masId=6&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Busana Umum','katalogbuku.php?masId=6&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Hijab Tutorial','katalogbuku.php?masId=6&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Tata Rias','katalogbuku.php?masId=6&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1')),new Array(new Array('Bahasa Inggris','katalogbuku.php?masId=41&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('BIOLOGI - IPA (Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam)','katalogbuku.php?masId=41&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Geografi Indonesia','katalogbuku.php?masId=41&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('ICT (Information and Communication Technology)','katalogbuku.php?masId=41&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Keterampilan Mengolah','katalogbuku.php?masId=41&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Matematika','katalogbuku.php?masId=41&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan (PKn)','katalogbuku.php?masId=41&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Physics (Fisika)','katalogbuku.php?masId=41&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Program','katalogbuku.php?masId=41&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi (TIK)','katalogbuku.php?masId=41&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1')),new Array(new Array('BSE SD-MI eBook Gratis','katalogbuku.php?masId=38&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('BSE SMA-MA eBook Gratis','katalogbuku.php?masId=38&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('BSE SMK eBook Gratis','katalogbuku.php?masId=38&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('BSE SMP-Mts eBook Gratis','katalogbuku.php?masId=38&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1')),new Array(new Array('Administrasi','katalogbuku.php?masId=7&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Bisnis-Investasi','katalogbuku.php?masId=7&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Ekonomi','katalogbuku.php?masId=7&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Ekonomi Syariah','katalogbuku.php?masId=7&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Keuangan','katalogbuku.php?masId=7&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Manajemen','katalogbuku.php?masId=7&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Marketing','katalogbuku.php?masId=7&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Pemasaran','katalogbuku.php?masId=7&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1')),new Array(new Array('Agrobisnis','katalogbuku.php?masId=11&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Arsitektur & Desain Interior','katalogbuku.php?masId=11&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Fotografi','katalogbuku.php?masId=11&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Jasa Boga','katalogbuku.php?masId=11&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Jurnalis','katalogbuku.php?masId=11&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Keterampilan & Desain','katalogbuku.php?masId=11&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Menulis','katalogbuku.php?masId=11&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Musik','katalogbuku.php?masId=11&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Olah Raga','katalogbuku.php?masId=11&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Peluang Usaha','katalogbuku.php?masId=11&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Perkebunan-Pertanian-Perikanan','katalogbuku.php?masId=11&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Permainan','katalogbuku.php?masId=11&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Peternakan','katalogbuku.php?masId=11&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Tanaman & Taman','katalogbuku.php?masId=11&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1')),new Array(new Array('Buku Pemerintahan','katalogbuku.php?masId=9&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Compact Disc','katalogbuku.php?masId=9&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Lainnya','katalogbuku.php?masId=9&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Peraturan Menteri','katalogbuku.php?masId=9&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Peraturan Pemerintah','katalogbuku.php?masId=9&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Peraturan Presiden','katalogbuku.php?masId=9&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Sosial-Politik','katalogbuku.php?masId=9&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Surat Edaran','katalogbuku.php?masId=9&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Undang-undang','katalogbuku.php?masId=9&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1')),new Array(new Array('SMS','katalogbuku.php?masId=25&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Umum','katalogbuku.php?masId=25&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1')),new Array(new Array('Entrepreneurship','katalogbuku.php?masId=16&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Inspirasional','katalogbuku.php?masId=16&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Kebangsaan','katalogbuku.php?masId=16&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Kepemimpinan','katalogbuku.php?masId=16&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Kiat Sukses','katalogbuku.php?masId=16&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Meditasi','katalogbuku.php?masId=16&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Pendidikan & Pengajar','katalogbuku.php?masId=16&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Spiritualitas','katalogbuku.php?masId=16&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1')),new Array(new Array('Kedokteran','katalogbuku.php?masId=13&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Lingkungan Hidup','katalogbuku.php?masId=13&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Pendidikan Seks','katalogbuku.php?masId=13&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Pengetahuan Kesehatan','katalogbuku.php?masId=13&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Penyembuhan Alternatif','katalogbuku.php?masId=13&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Perawatan Anak','katalogbuku.php?masId=13&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Ramuan Tradisional','katalogbuku.php?masId=13&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1')),new Array(new Array('Comic','katalogbuku.php?masId=2&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Indonesia','katalogbuku.php?masId=2&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Komedi','katalogbuku.php?masId=2&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1')),new Array(new Array('2D Animation & Drawing','katalogbuku.php?masId=10&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('3D Animation & Modeling','katalogbuku.php?masId=10&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Aplikasi Mobile','katalogbuku.php?masId=10&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Arsitektur Komputer','katalogbuku.php?masId=10&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('CD Program','katalogbuku.php?masId=10&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Database & Sisfo','katalogbuku.php?masId=10&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Desain Grafis','katalogbuku.php?masId=10&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Fotografi','katalogbuku.php?masId=10&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Grafis & Ilustrasi','katalogbuku.php?masId=10&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Hardware','katalogbuku.php?masId=10&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Internet','katalogbuku.php?masId=10&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Jaringan','katalogbuku.php?masId=10&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Komputasi Numerik','katalogbuku.php?masId=10&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Multimedia','katalogbuku.php?masId=10&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Office','katalogbuku.php?masId=10&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Open Source','katalogbuku.php?masId=10&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Pemrograman','katalogbuku.php?masId=10&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Pengenalan Komputer','katalogbuku.php?masId=10&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Sekuriti','katalogbuku.php?masId=10&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Sistem Operasi','katalogbuku.php?masId=10&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Software','katalogbuku.php?masId=10&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Tools & Utiliti','katalogbuku.php?masId=10&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Video Editing','katalogbuku.php?masId=10&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Web Design','katalogbuku.php?masId=10&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Web Programming','katalogbuku.php?masId=10&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1')),new Array(new Array('Anak-Anak','katalogbuku.php?masId=21&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Animasi & Komik','katalogbuku.php?masId=21&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Bisnis','katalogbuku.php?masId=21&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Busana & Kecantikan','katalogbuku.php?masId=21&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Dekorasi','katalogbuku.php?masId=21&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Desain Grafis','katalogbuku.php?masId=21&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Dokter & Profesi Medis Lain','katalogbuku.php?masId=21&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Entrepreneurship','katalogbuku.php?masId=21&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Film & Musik','katalogbuku.php?masId=21&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Games','katalogbuku.php?masId=21&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Ibu & Anak','katalogbuku.php?masId=21&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Katering & Banquet','katalogbuku.php?masId=21&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Kesehatan','katalogbuku.php?masId=21&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Listrik & Energi','katalogbuku.php?masId=21&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Marketing','katalogbuku.php?masId=21&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Motivasi','katalogbuku.php?masId=21&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Olah Raga','katalogbuku.php?masId=21&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Otomotif','katalogbuku.php?masId=21&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Pria Dewasa','katalogbuku.php?masId=21&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Property','katalogbuku.php?masId=21&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Remaja (Cewek)','katalogbuku.php?masId=21&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Remaja Umum','katalogbuku.php?masId=21&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Teknologi & Lifestyle','katalogbuku.php?masId=21&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Travel-Wisata','katalogbuku.php?masId=21&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Wanita','katalogbuku.php?masId=21&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Wedding','katalogbuku.php?masId=21&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1')),new Array(new Array('Kue','katalogbuku.php?masId=17&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Makanan','katalogbuku.php?masId=17&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Menu Anak','katalogbuku.php?masId=17&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Menu Ibu Hamil','katalogbuku.php?masId=17&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Menu Sehat','katalogbuku.php?masId=17&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Mie & Pasta','katalogbuku.php?masId=17&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Minuman','katalogbuku.php?masId=17&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Resep Masakan','katalogbuku.php?masId=17&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Roti','katalogbuku.php?masId=17&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Steak','katalogbuku.php?masId=17&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1')),new Array(new Array('Audiobooks','katalogbuku.php?masId=23&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Kisah Nyata','katalogbuku.php?masId=23&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Komunikasi','katalogbuku.php?masId=23&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Lifestyle','katalogbuku.php?masId=23&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Non-Fiksi Umum','katalogbuku.php?masId=23&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Personal Literature','katalogbuku.php?masId=23&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('SMS','katalogbuku.php?masId=23&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1')),new Array(new Array('Orang Tua dan Anak','katalogbuku.php?masId=4&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Psikologi & Pendidikan Anak','katalogbuku.php?masId=4&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1')),new Array(new Array('Pariwisata','katalogbuku.php?masId=14&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Perhotelan','katalogbuku.php?masId=14&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1')),new Array(new Array('Agenda','katalogbuku.php?masId=44&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Aksesoris','katalogbuku.php?masId=44&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Alat Peraga','katalogbuku.php?masId=44&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('CD Musik','katalogbuku.php?masId=44&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('FlashDisk','katalogbuku.php?masId=44&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Kalender','katalogbuku.php?masId=44&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Kartu Edukatif','katalogbuku.php?masId=44&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Kereta Kayu','katalogbuku.php?masId=44&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Melatih Tangan','katalogbuku.php?masId=44&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Permainan Kayu dan Angka','katalogbuku.php?masId=44&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Poster','katalogbuku.php?masId=44&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Puzzle','katalogbuku.php?masId=44&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Tshirt','katalogbuku.php?masId=44&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1')),new Array(new Array('Motivasi','katalogbuku.php?masId=5&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Pengembangan Diri','katalogbuku.php?masId=5&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Psikologi','katalogbuku.php?masId=5&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1')),new Array(new Array('Atlas Bergambar Anak-anak','katalogbuku.php?masId=20&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Ensiklopedia','katalogbuku.php?masId=20&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Ensiklopedia Islam','katalogbuku.php?masId=20&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Handbook','katalogbuku.php?masId=20&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Referensi Umum','katalogbuku.php?masId=20&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1')),new Array(new Array('Cewek','katalogbuku.php?masId=24&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Cowok','katalogbuku.php?masId=24&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Pengembangan Diri','katalogbuku.php?masId=24&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Remaja Umum','katalogbuku.php?masId=24&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1')),new Array(new Array('Astronomi','katalogbuku.php?masId=12&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Biologi','katalogbuku.php?masId=12&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Ekologi','katalogbuku.php?masId=12&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Fisika','katalogbuku.php?masId=12&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Kimia','katalogbuku.php?masId=12&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Pertanian','katalogbuku.php?masId=12&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Sains Spiritualitas','katalogbuku.php?masId=12&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Sains Umum','katalogbuku.php?masId=12&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1')),new Array(new Array('Cerpen','katalogbuku.php?masId=18&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Esai','katalogbuku.php?masId=18&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Filsafat','katalogbuku.php?masId=18&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Jurnal Sastra','katalogbuku.php?masId=18&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Kumpulan Puisi','katalogbuku.php?masId=18&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Sajak','katalogbuku.php?masId=18&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1')),new Array(new Array('Kebudayaan','katalogbuku.php?masId=8&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Sejarah Agama','katalogbuku.php?masId=8&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Sejarah Dunia','katalogbuku.php?masId=8&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Sejarah Indonesia','katalogbuku.php?masId=8&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1')),new Array(new Array('Arsitektur','katalogbuku.php?masId=27&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Elektro','katalogbuku.php?masId=27&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Mesin','katalogbuku.php?masId=27&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1')),new Array(new Array('Karya Indonesia','katalogbuku.php?masId=30&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'), new Array('Saduran','katalogbuku.php?masId=30&catI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

expand=new Array();
function showHide(idx,trID)
var trs=document.getElementsByTagName('tr');
Priority 1
Character ";" not allowed in attribute specification list.
Line 509 HTML Validation

if(expand[idx]=='' || !expand[idx])
trs[i].parentNode.insertBefore(createTR('<a href="'+arr[idx][j][1]+'">'+arr[idx][j][0]+'</a>'), trs[i].nextSibling);
var opn;
function showHideAll(aObj)
if(!opn || opn=='')
aObj.innerHTML='[-] Tutup Semua Kategori';
aObj.innerHTML='[+] Buka Semua Kategori';
var trs=document.getElementsByTagName('tr');
Priority 1
Character ";" not allowed in attribute specification list.
Line 557 HTML Validation

if(expand[counter]=='' || !expand[counter])
trs[i].parentNode.insertBefore(createTR('<a href="'+arr[counter][j][1]+'">'+arr[counter][j][0]+'</a>'), trs[i].nextSibling);
Priority 1
Character "[" not allowed in attribute specification list.
Line 580 HTML Validation

function createTR(str)
var tr=document.createElement('tr');
var td1=document.createElement('td');
var td2=document.createElement('td');
return tr;
</script> </table>

Priority 3
The TD HEIGHT attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.

Replace the HEIGHT attribute with a CSS height: td { height: 14pt; }

Priority 3
The TD WIDTH attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.

Replace width attributes with CSS rules. For example: td.two-column { width: 50%; }

<td width="128" height="12"><img src="images/kategori_03.gif" width="182" height="12" alt="" /></td>
<td valign="top" class="jarak_kategori">
<table width="182" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">

Priority 3
The TD HEIGHT attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.

Replace the HEIGHT attribute with a CSS height: td { height: 14pt; }

Priority 3
The TD WIDTH attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.

Replace width attributes with CSS rules. For example: td.two-column { width: 50%; }

<td width="128" height="38"><img src="images/alat_tulis.gif" width="182" height="38" alt="" /></td>
<td valign="top" class="borderkategori">
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0">
expandATK=new Array();
function showHideATK(idx,trID)
var trsATK=document.getElementsByTagName('tr');
Priority 1
Character ";" not allowed in attribute specification list.
Line 637 HTML Validation

if(expandATK[idx]=='' || !expandATK[idx])
trsATK[i].parentNode.insertBefore(createTR('<a href="'+arrATK[idx][j][1]+'">'+arrATK[idx][j][0]+'</a>'), trsATK[i].nextSibling);
var opnATK;
function showHideAllATK(aObj)
if(!opnATK || opnATK=='')
aObj.innerHTML='[-] Tutup Semua Kategori';
aObj.innerHTML='[+] Buka Semua Kategori';
var trsATK=document.getElementsByTagName('tr');
Priority 1
Character ";" not allowed in attribute specification list.
Line 685 HTML Validation

if(expandATK[counterATK]=='' || !expandATK[counterATK])
trsATK[i].parentNode.insertBefore(createTR('<a href="'+arrATK[counterATK][j][1]+'">'+arrATK[counterATK][j][0]+'</a>'), trsATK[i].nextSibling);
Priority 1
Character "[" not allowed in attribute specification list.
Line 708 HTML Validation

function createTR(str)
var trATK=document.createElement('tr');
var td1ATK=document.createElement('td');
var td2ATK=document.createElement('td');
return trATK;
</script> </table>

Priority 3
The TD HEIGHT attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.

Replace the HEIGHT attribute with a CSS height: td { height: 14pt; }

Priority 3
The TD WIDTH attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.

Replace width attributes with CSS rules. For example: td.two-column { width: 50%; }

<td width="128" height="12"><img src="images/kategori_03.gif" width="182" height="12" alt="" /></td>
<td class="jarak_kategori" align="center"><a name="ibawahkiri"></a>
Priority 1
Each A tag must contain text or an IMG with an ALT tag.
Line 750 WCAG2 A F89

Add text to the link, or ALT text if the link contains an image. If there is no link text or the ALT tag is blank, screen readers have nothing to read, so read out the URL instead.

<a href='http://www.bukukita.com/Biografi-dan-Memoar/Biografi/116954-Buku-Noah-Eksklusif-Limited-edition-,-6.903-Mil:-Cerita-di-Balik-Konser-2-Benua-5-Negara.html'>
Priority 1
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.

Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud. Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.

Priority 3
The IMG BORDER attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.

Replace the border attribute with a CSS rule. For example: img { border: 1px solid red; } img { border: none; }

<img src='images/banner/418' width='182' height='150' border='0' title='Paket Buku Noah Eksklusif Bersertifikat'></a><br><span align='center' style='color:#999999;font-size:9px;font-family:arial'>Tayang: 30 hari lagi</span></td>
<td class="jarak_kategori" align="center">
Priority 3
Avoid specifying a new window as the target of a link with target="_blank".
Line 753 WCAG2 AAA F22

Displaying new windows without warning is very confusing to non-sighted users because some screen readers do not give any indication when new windows appear. If you cannot avoid displaying a new window, insert a warning into the link text like the following: "opens in a new window".

Priority 1
Each A tag must contain text or an IMG with an ALT tag.
Line 753 WCAG2 A F89

Add text to the link, or ALT text if the link contains an image. If there is no link text or the ALT tag is blank, screen readers have nothing to read, so read out the URL instead.

<a href='http://www.bukukita.com/berita/promo/622-gunakan-xl-tunai-dan-dapatkan-potongan-rp-25-000.html' target='_blank'>
Priority 1
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.

Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud. Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.

Priority 3
The IMG BORDER attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.

Replace the border attribute with a CSS rule. For example: img { border: 1px solid red; } img { border: none; }

<img src='images/banner/427' width='182' height='150' border='0' title='Pakai XL TUNAI dan Dapatkan Potongan Rp 25.000'></a><br><span align='center' style='color:#999999;font-size:9px;font-family:arial'>Tayang: 17 hari lagi</span></td>
<td class="jarak_kategori" align="center">
Priority 3
Avoid specifying a new window as the target of a link with target="_blank".
Line 756 WCAG2 AAA F22

Displaying new windows without warning is very confusing to non-sighted users because some screen readers do not give any indication when new windows appear. If you cannot avoid displaying a new window, insert a warning into the link text like the following: "opens in a new window".

Priority 1
Each A tag must contain text or an IMG with an ALT tag.
Line 756 WCAG2 A F89

Add text to the link, or ALT text if the link contains an image. If there is no link text or the ALT tag is blank, screen readers have nothing to read, so read out the URL instead.

<a href='http://m.bukukita.com' target='_blank'>
Priority 1
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.

Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud. Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.

Priority 3
The IMG BORDER attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.

Replace the border attribute with a CSS rule. For example: img { border: 1px solid red; } img { border: none; }

<img src='images/banner/422' width='182' height='75' border='0' title='Akses Cepat via Mobile >> m.bukukita.com'></a><br><span align='center' style='color:#999999;font-size:9px;font-family:arial'>Tayang: 82 hari lagi</span></td>
<td class="jarak_kategori" align="center">
Priority 1
Each A tag must contain text or an IMG with an ALT tag.
Line 759 WCAG2 A F89

Add text to the link, or ALT text if the link contains an image. If there is no link text or the ALT tag is blank, screen readers have nothing to read, so read out the URL instead.

<a href='http://www.bukukita.com/katalogbuku.php?masId=21'>
Priority 1
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.

Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud. Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.

Priority 3
The IMG BORDER attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.

Replace the border attribute with a CSS rule. For example: img { border: 1px solid red; } img { border: none; }

<img src='images/banner/178' width='182' height='75' border='0' title='Majalah Murah, Majalah Online, Majalah Lengkap Tersedia di Bukukita'></a><br><span align='center' style='color:#999999;font-size:9px;font-family:arial'>Tayang: 9 hari lagi</span></td>
<td class="jarak_kategori" align="center">
<script type="text/javascript"><!--
google_ad_client = "ca-pub-7440868299486030";
/* 160x600bk */
google_ad_slot = "8541848549";
google_ad_width = 160;
google_ad_height = 600;
<script type="text/javascript"
<td align="left" valign="top" class="jarak_teks_menu">
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<td align="center" valign="top" class="jarak_kanan2">
<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">

Priority 3
The TD HEIGHT attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.

Replace the HEIGHT attribute with a CSS height: td { height: 14pt; }

Priority 3
The TD WIDTH attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.

Replace width attributes with CSS rules. For example: td.two-column { width: 50%; }

<td width="7" height="7"><img src="images/border_content_01.gif" width="7" height="7" alt="" /></td>

Priority 2
Use background images sparingly and make sure they are simple, especially behind text.

Background images can make it difficult for users to read foreground text. A single, large, complex background image (including a picture) can substantially slow page download rates.

Priority 3
The TD WIDTH attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.

Replace width attributes with CSS rules. For example: td.two-column { width: 50%; }

<td width="100%" background="images/border_content_02.gif"><img src="images/border_content_02.gif" width="390" height="7" alt="" /></td>

Priority 3
The TD HEIGHT attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.

Replace the HEIGHT attribute with a CSS height: td { height: 14pt; }

Priority 3
The TD WIDTH attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.

Replace width attributes with CSS rules. For example: td.two-column { width: 50%; }

<td width="7" height="7"><img src="images/border_content_03.gif" width="7" height="7" alt="" /></td>
<td colspan="3" valign="top" class="border_content"><link type="text/css" href="js/ui.tabs.css" rel="stylesheet">
<link type="text/css" href="js/demos.css" rel="stylesheet">
<script src="js/ui.carousel.js"></script>
$(document).ready(function ()
//$("div[class='demo']").each(function (){$("#carousel",this).carousel({tilt:100});});
$("#tabs").each(function ()
$("a",this).each(function (i)
$(this).click(function ()
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">

Priority 3
The TD WIDTH attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.

Replace width attributes with CSS rules. For example: td.two-column { width: 50%; }

<td width="2%">
Priority 1
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.

Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud. Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.

<img src="images/arow.gif" width="16" height="16" /></td>

Priority 3
The TD WIDTH attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.

Replace width attributes with CSS rules. For example: td.two-column { width: 50%; }

<td width="48%" class="header_registrasi">
Priority 1
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.

Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud. Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.

Priority 2
Omitting IMG WIDTH or HEIGHT attributes means page text jumps about as images load.

This makes the page very hard to read while it's loading, and the user may click on the wrong link if it moves as it's being clicked. Add width and height attributes to the img tag matching the image dimensions. Authoring tools like Dreamweaver can automate this process.

<img src="images/berita.gif"></td>

Priority 3
The TD WIDTH attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.

Replace width attributes with CSS rules. For example: td.two-column { width: 50%; }

<td width="2%">
Priority 1
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.

Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud. Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.

<img src="images/arow.gif" width="16" height="16" /></td>

Priority 3
The TD WIDTH attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.

Replace width attributes with CSS rules. For example: td.two-column { width: 50%; }

<td width="48%" class="header_registrasi">
Priority 1
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.

Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud. Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.

Priority 2
Omitting IMG WIDTH or HEIGHT attributes means page text jumps about as images load.

This makes the page very hard to read while it's loading, and the user may click on the wrong link if it moves as it's being clicked. Add width and height attributes to the img tag matching the image dimensions. Authoring tools like Dreamweaver can automate this process.

<img src="images/resensi_terbaru.gif"></td>
<table width="100%" style="border-bottom:1px dotted #CCCCCC;" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">

Priority 3
The TD WIDTH attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.

Replace width attributes with CSS rules. For example: td.two-column { width: 50%; }

<td width="50%" valign="top">
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1">

Priority 3
The TD WIDTH attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.

Replace width attributes with CSS rules. For example: td.two-column { width: 50%; }

<td width="18" align="right" valign="top">
Priority 1
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.

Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud. Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.

<img src="images/icon02.gif" width="6" height="11" /></td>
<td class="isi_komentar">
Priority 3
Use bold text sparingly - for one or two words or a short phrase.

Keep runs of bold text to less than 70 characters.

<strong><a href='berita/info-bukukita/623-selamat-untuk-pemenang-buku-gratis-periode-bulan-agustus---september-2013.html'>Selamat untuk Pemenang Buku Gratis Periode bulan Agustus - September 2013</a></strong></td>

Priority 3
The TD HEIGHT attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.

Replace the HEIGHT attribute with a CSS height: td { height: 14pt; }

Priority 3
The TD WIDTH attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.

Replace width attributes with CSS rules. For example: td.two-column { width: 50%; }

<td width="18" height="22">&nbs
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

<td align="left" class="tgl_news" valign="top">Selasa, 17 September 2013, 16:10:20</td>

Priority 3
The TD WIDTH attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.

Replace width attributes with CSS rules. For example: td.two-column { width: 50%; }

<td width="18" align="right" valign="top">
Priority 1
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.

Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud. Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.

<img src="images/icon02.gif" width="6" height="11" /></td>
<td class="isi_komentar"><strong><a href='berita/promo/622-gunakan-xl-tunai-dan-dapatkan-potongan-rp-25-000.html'>Gunakan XL Tunai dan dapatkan potongan Rp 25.000</a></strong></td>

Priority 3
The TD HEIGHT attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.

Replace the HEIGHT attribute with a CSS height: td { height: 14pt; }

Priority 3
The TD WIDTH attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.

Replace width attributes with CSS rules. For example: td.two-column { width: 50%; }

<td width="18" height="22">&nbs
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

<td align="left" class="tgl_news" valign="top">Senin, 09 September 2013, 08:21:33</td>
<td colspan="2" align="left">&nbs
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

p;<a href="berita/">Berita Lainnya
Priority 1
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.

Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud. Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.

Priority 3
The IMG ALIGN attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.

Replace the ALIGN attribute with a CSS text-align attribute.

Priority 3
The IMG BORDER attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.

Replace the border attribute with a CSS rule. For example: img { border: 1px solid red; } img { border: none; }

<img src="images/more.gif" width="35" height="15" border=0 align="absmiddle"></a></td>

Priority 3
The TD WIDTH attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.

Replace width attributes with CSS rules. For example: td.two-column { width: 50%; }

<td width="50%" valign="top">
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1">

Priority 3
The TD WIDTH attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.

Replace width attributes with CSS rules. For example: td.two-column { width: 50%; }

<td width="18" align="right" valign="top">
Priority 1
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.

Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud. Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.

<img src="images/icon02.gif" width="6" height="11" /></td>
<td class="isi_komentar"><strong><a href='bacareview.php?idBook=57788
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

o=1071'>The Child Thief</strong></
Priority 1
End tag for element "A" which is not open.
Line 856 HTML Validation

Priority 1
This page has markup errors, causing screen readers to miss content.
Line 856 WCAG2 A F70

Fix the errors listed on the Standards tab of this report. Markup errors like missing end tags mean screen readers may skip important content.

Priority 3
This page has malformed tags which IE8 and later treat differently from earlier versions of IE.

Fix the errors listed on the Standards tab of this report. Markup errors like missing end tags means IE8 and IE9 may display different content from IE6 and IE7.

Priority 3
Google recommends using well-formed HTML code in your webpages. This page has mismatched tags.
Line 856 Google

Fix the critical errors listed on the Standards tab of this report. Markup errors like missing end tags or unclosed comments mean search engine web crawlers may skip important content.

Priority 1
End tag for element "STRONG" which is not open.
Line 856 HTML Validation

Priority 1
This page has markup errors, causing screen readers to miss content.
Line 856 WCAG2 A F70

Fix the errors listed on the Standards tab of this report. Markup errors like missing end tags mean screen readers may skip important content.

Priority 3
This page has malformed tags which IE8 and later treat differently from earlier versions of IE.

Fix the errors listed on the Standards tab of this report. Markup errors like missing end tags means IE8 and IE9 may display different content from IE6 and IE7.

Priority 3
Google recommends using well-formed HTML code in your webpages. This page has mismatched tags.
Line 856 Google

Fix the critical errors listed on the Standards tab of this report. Markup errors like missing end tags or unclosed comments mean search engine web crawlers may skip important content.


Priority 3
The TD HEIGHT attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.

Replace the HEIGHT attribute with a CSS height: td { height: 14pt; }

Priority 3
The TD WIDTH attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.

Replace width attributes with CSS rules. For example: td.two-column { width: 50%; }

<td width="18" height="22">&nbs
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

<td valign="top">

Priority 2
Omitting IMG WIDTH or HEIGHT attributes means page text jumps about as images load.

This makes the page very hard to read while it's loading, and the user may click on the wrong link if it moves as it's being clicked. Add width and height attributes to the img tag matching the image dimensions. Authoring tools like Dreamweaver can automate this process.

Priority 3
The IMG BORDER attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.

Replace the border attribute with a CSS rule. For example: img { border: 1px solid red; } img { border: none; }

<img src="images/bintang_full.gif" alt="" border="0">
Priority 2
Omitting IMG WIDTH or HEIGHT attributes means page text jumps about as images load.

This makes the page very hard to read while it's loading, and the user may click on the wrong link if it moves as it's being clicked. Add width and height attributes to the img tag matching the image dimensions. Authoring tools like Dreamweaver can automate this process.

Priority 3
The IMG BORDER attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.

Replace the border attribute with a CSS rule. For example: img { border: 1px solid red; } img { border: none; }

<img src="images/bintang_full.gif" alt="" border="0">
Priority 2
Omitting IMG WIDTH or HEIGHT attributes means page text jumps about as images load.

This makes the page very hard to read while it's loading, and the user may click on the wrong link if it moves as it's being clicked. Add width and height attributes to the img tag matching the image dimensions. Authoring tools like Dreamweaver can automate this process.

Priority 3
The IMG BORDER attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.

Replace the border attribute with a CSS rule. For example: img { border: 1px solid red; } img { border: none; }

<img src="images/bintang_full.gif" alt="" border="0">
Priority 2
Omitting IMG WIDTH or HEIGHT attributes means page text jumps about as images load.

This makes the page very hard to read while it's loading, and the user may click on the wrong link if it moves as it's being clicked. Add width and height attributes to the img tag matching the image dimensions. Authoring tools like Dreamweaver can automate this process.

Priority 3
The IMG BORDER attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.

Replace the border attribute with a CSS rule. For example: img { border: 1px solid red; } img { border: none; }

<img src="images/bintang_full.gif" alt="" border="0">
Priority 2
Omitting IMG WIDTH or HEIGHT attributes means page text jumps about as images load.

This makes the page very hard to read while it's loading, and the user may click on the wrong link if it moves as it's being clicked. Add width and height attributes to the img tag matching the image dimensions. Authoring tools like Dreamweaver can automate this process.

Priority 3
The IMG BORDER attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.

Replace the border attribute with a CSS rule. For example: img { border: 1px solid red; } img { border: none; }

<img src="images/bintang_full.gif" alt="" border="0"> <span class="recommended">Oleh: Siska_46</span>, <span class="tgl_news">05 Sep 2013</span>

Priority 3
The TD WIDTH attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.

Replace width attributes with CSS rules. For example: td.two-column { width: 50%; }

<td width="18" align="right" valign="top">
Priority 1
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.

Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud. Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.

<img src="images/icon02.gif" width="6" height="11" /></td>
<td class="isi_komentar"><strong><a href='bacareview.php?idBook=63720&revN
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

o=1070'>Review Bangkok : The Journal - Moemoe Rizal</strong></
Priority 1
End tag for element "A" which is not open.
Line 866 HTML Validation

Priority 1
End tag for element "STRONG" which is not open.
Line 866 HTML Validation


Priority 3
The TD HEIGHT attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.

Replace the HEIGHT attribute with a CSS height: td { height: 14pt; }

Priority 3
The TD WIDTH attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.

Replace width attributes with CSS rules. For example: td.two-column { width: 50%; }

<td width="18" height="22">&nbs
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

<td valign="top">

Priority 2
Omitting IMG WIDTH or HEIGHT attributes means page text jumps about as images load.

This makes the page very hard to read while it's loading, and the user may click on the wrong link if it moves as it's being clicked. Add width and height attributes to the img tag matching the image dimensions. Authoring tools like Dreamweaver can automate this process.

Priority 3
The IMG BORDER attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.

Replace the border attribute with a CSS rule. For example: img { border: 1px solid red; } img { border: none; }

<img src="images/bintang_full.gif" alt="" border="0">
Priority 2
Omitting IMG WIDTH or HEIGHT attributes means page text jumps about as images load.

This makes the page very hard to read while it's loading, and the user may click on the wrong link if it moves as it's being clicked. Add width and height attributes to the img tag matching the image dimensions. Authoring tools like Dreamweaver can automate this process.

Priority 3
The IMG BORDER attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.

Replace the border attribute with a CSS rule. For example: img { border: 1px solid red; } img { border: none; }

<img src="images/bintang_full.gif" alt="" border="0">
Priority 2
Omitting IMG WIDTH or HEIGHT attributes means page text jumps about as images load.

This makes the page very hard to read while it's loading, and the user may click on the wrong link if it moves as it's being clicked. Add width and height attributes to the img tag matching the image dimensions. Authoring tools like Dreamweaver can automate this process.

Priority 3
The IMG BORDER attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.

Replace the border attribute with a CSS rule. For example: img { border: 1px solid red; } img { border: none; }

<img src="images/bintang_full.gif" alt="" border="0">
Priority 2
Omitting IMG WIDTH or HEIGHT attributes means page text jumps about as images load.

This makes the page very hard to read while it's loading, and the user may click on the wrong link if it moves as it's being clicked. Add width and height attributes to the img tag matching the image dimensions. Authoring tools like Dreamweaver can automate this process.

Priority 3
The IMG BORDER attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.

Replace the border attribute with a CSS rule. For example: img { border: 1px solid red; } img { border: none; }

<img src="images/bintang_full.gif" alt="" border="0">
Priority 2
Omitting IMG WIDTH or HEIGHT attributes means page text jumps about as images load.

This makes the page very hard to read while it's loading, and the user may click on the wrong link if it moves as it's being clicked. Add width and height attributes to the img tag matching the image dimensions. Authoring tools like Dreamweaver can automate this process.

Priority 3
The IMG BORDER attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.

Replace the border attribute with a CSS rule. For example: img { border: 1px solid red; } img { border: none; }

<img src="images/bintang_empty.gif" alt="" border="0"> <span class="recommended">Oleh: hanivadien</span>, <span class="tgl_news">05 Sep 2013</span>
<td colspan="2" align="left">&nbs
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

p;<a href="resensi-review-buku/semua/">Resensi Lainnya
Priority 1
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.

Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud. Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.

Priority 3
The IMG ALIGN attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.

Replace the ALIGN attribute with a CSS text-align attribute.

Priority 3
The IMG BORDER attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.

Replace the border attribute with a CSS rule. For example: img { border: 1px solid red; } img { border: none; }

<img src="images/more.gif" width="35" height="15" border=0 align="absmiddle"></a></td>
<table width="100%" style="border-bottom:1px dotted #CCCCCC;" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5">

Priority 3
The TD WIDTH attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.

Replace width attributes with CSS rules. For example: td.two-column { width: 50%; }

<td width="50%" align="center"><a name="idepanatas"></a>
Priority 1
Each A tag must contain text or an IMG with an ALT tag.
Line 884 WCAG2 A F89

Add text to the link, or ALT text if the link contains an image. If there is no link text or the ALT tag is blank, screen readers have nothing to read, so read out the URL instead.

<a href='http://www.bukukita.com/searchresult.php?page=2
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 1
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.

Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud. Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.

Priority 3
The IMG BORDER attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.

Replace the border attribute with a CSS rule. For example: img { border: 1px solid red; } img { border: none; }

<img src='images/banner/423' width='280' height='60' border='0' title='Promo Murah Kompas Diskon 40%'></a><br><span align='center' style='color:#999999;font-size:9px;font-family:arial'>Tayang: 1 hari lagi</span></td>

Priority 3
The TD WIDTH attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.

Replace width attributes with CSS rules. For example: td.two-column { width: 50%; }

<td width="50%" align="center" valign="top">
Priority 1
Each A tag must contain text or an IMG with an ALT tag.
Line 885 WCAG2 A F89

Add text to the link, or ALT text if the link contains an image. If there is no link text or the ALT tag is blank, screen readers have nothing to read, so read out the URL instead.

<a href='http://www.bukukita.com/searchresult.php?id=3&ke
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 1
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.

Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud. Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.

Priority 3
The IMG BORDER attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.

Replace the border attribute with a CSS rule. For example: img { border: 1px solid red; } img { border: none; }

<img src='images/banner/417' width='280' height='60' border='0' title='Penerbit Stiletto Book'></a><br><span align='center' style='color:#999999;font-size:9px;font-family:arial'>Tayang: 2 hari lagi</span></td>
<table width="100%" style="border-bottom:1px dotted #CCCCCC;" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<td valign="top">
<div id="tabs" style="display:none">
<li><a href="#fragment-1"><span>Buku Rekomendasi</span></a></li>
<li><a href="#fragment-2"><span>Buku Promo</span></a></li>
<li><a href="#fragment-3"><span>Buku Baru</span></a></li>
<div id="fragment-1">
<div class="demo" style="left:480;top:570;position:absolute;">

Priority 3
The UL TYPE attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.

Replace the TYPE attribute with CSS list-style-type: ul { list-style-type: square; } ol { list-style-type: lower-alpha; } li { list-style-type: decimal; }

<ul type="none" id="carousel">

Priority 3
The LI TYPE attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.

Replace the TYPE attribute with CSS list-style-type: ul { list-style-type: square; } ol { list-style-type: lower-alpha; } li { list-style-type: decimal; }

<li type="none"><a href="http://www.bukukita.com/Buku-Novel/Komedi/117561-Anak-Kos-Dodol-Returns.html">
Priority 1
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.

Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud. Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.

Priority 3
The IMG BORDER attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.

Replace the border attribute with a CSS rule. For example: img { border: 1px solid red; } img { border: none; }

<img src="babacms/displaybuku/67561.jpg" border="0" height="100" width="75" /></a></li>

Priority 3
The LI TYPE attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.

Replace the TYPE attribute with CSS list-style-type: ul { list-style-type: square; } ol { list-style-type: lower-alpha; } li { list-style-type: decimal; }

<li type="none"><a href="http://www.bukukita.com/Biografi-dan-Memoar/Memoar/117987-NOAH-6.903-Mil-Versi-REGULER-.html">
Priority 1
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.

Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud. Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.

Priority 3
The IMG BORDER attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.

Replace the border attribute with a CSS rule. For example: img { border: 1px solid red; } img { border: none; }

<img src="babacms/displaybuku/67987.jpg" border="0" height="100" width="75" /></a></li>

Priority 3
The LI TYPE attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.

Replace the TYPE attribute with CSS list-style-type: ul { list-style-type: square; } ol { list-style-type: lower-alpha; } li { list-style-type: decimal; }

<li type="none"><a href="http://www.bukukita.com/Buku-Novel/Mistery-Thriller/117547-INFERNO---Neraka.html">
Priority 1
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.

Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud. Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.

Priority 3
The IMG BORDER attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.

Replace the border attribute with a CSS rule. For example: img { border: 1px solid red; } img { border: none; }

<img src="babacms/displaybuku/67547.jpg" border="0" height="100" width="75" /></a></li>

Priority 3
The LI TYPE attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.

Replace the TYPE attribute with CSS list-style-type: ul { list-style-type: square; } ol { list-style-type: lower-alpha; } li { list-style-type: decimal; }

<li type="none"><a href="http://www.bukukita.com/Biografi-dan-Memoar/Biografi/116954-Buku-Noah-Eksklusif-Limited-edition-,-6.903-Mil:-Cerita-di-Balik-Konser-2-Benua-5-Negara.html">
Priority 1
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.

Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud. Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.

Priority 3
The IMG BORDER attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.

Replace the border attribute with a CSS rule. For example: img { border: 1px solid red; } img { border: none; }

<img src="babacms/displaybuku/66954.jpg" border="0" height="100" width="75" /></a></li>

Priority 3
The LI TYPE attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.

Replace the TYPE attribute with CSS list-style-type: ul { list-style-type: square; } ol { list-style-type: lower-alpha; } li { list-style-type: decimal; }

<li type="none"><a href="http://www.bukukita.com/Buku-Novel/Fiksi/113720-Bangkok---The-Journal.html">
Priority 1
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.

Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud. Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.

Priority 3
The IMG BORDER attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.

Replace the border attribute with a CSS rule. For example: img { border: 1px solid red; } img { border: none; }

<img src="babacms/displaybuku/63720.jpg" border="0" height="100" width="75" /></a></li>

Priority 3
The LI TYPE attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.

Replace the TYPE attribute with CSS list-style-type: ul { list-style-type: square; } ol { list-style-type: lower-alpha; } li { list-style-type: decimal; }

<li type="none"><a href="http://www.bukukita.com/Buku-Novel/Romance/116120-Pilihan-Cinta-Jo-:-Love-Affair.html">
Priority 1
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.

Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud. Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.

Priority 3
The IMG BORDER attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.

Replace the border attribute with a CSS rule. For example: img { border: 1px solid red; } img { border: none; }

<img src="babacms/displaybuku/66120.jpg" border="0" height="100" width="75" /></a></li>

Priority 3
The LI TYPE attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.

Replace the TYPE attribute with CSS list-style-type: ul { list-style-type: square; } ol { list-style-type: lower-alpha; } li { list-style-type: decimal; }

<li type="none"><a href="http://www.bukukita.com/Inspirasi-dan-Spiritual/Kiat-Sukses/111925-TES-CPNS-2013-(Edisi-Lengkap).html">
Priority 1
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.

Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud. Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.

Priority 3
The IMG BORDER attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.

Replace the border attribute with a CSS rule. For example: img { border: 1px solid red; } img { border: none; }

<img src="babacms/displaybuku/61925.jpg" border="0" height="100" width="75" /></a></li>

Priority 3
The LI TYPE attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.

Replace the TYPE attribute with CSS list-style-type: ul { list-style-type: square; } ol { list-style-type: lower-alpha; } li { list-style-type: decimal; }

<li type="none"><a href="http://www.bukukita.com/Agama/Islam/117857-TARBIYATUL-AULAD---Pendidikan-Anak-Dalam-Islam-(Edisi-Lengkap).html">
Priority 1
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.

Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud. Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.

Priority 3
The IMG BORDER attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.

Replace the border attribute with a CSS rule. For example: img { border: 1px solid red; } img { border: none; }

<img src="babacms/displaybuku/67857.jpg" border="0" height="100" width="75" /></a></li>

Priority 3
The LI TYPE attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.

Replace the TYPE attribute with CSS list-style-type: ul { list-style-type: square; } ol { list-style-type: lower-alpha; } li { list-style-type: decimal; }

<li type="none"><a href="http://www.bukukita.com/Majalah/Otomotif/117454-Majalah-PC-Media-Ekonomis-Edisi-07---2013-(Ekstra-2-DVD).html">
Priority 1
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.

Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud. Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.

Priority 3
The IMG BORDER attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.

Replace the border attribute with a CSS rule. For example: img { border: 1px solid red; } img { border: none; }

<img src="babacms/displaybuku/67454.jpg" border="0" height="100" width="75" /></a></li>

Priority 3
The LI TYPE attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.

Replace the TYPE attribute with CSS list-style-type: ul { list-style-type: square; } ol { list-style-type: lower-alpha; } li { list-style-type: decimal; }

<li type="none"><a href="http://www.bukukita.com/Majalah/Film-&-Musik/117541-Majalah-Cinemags-Edisi-170---September-2013.html">
Priority 1
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.

Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud. Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.

Priority 3
The IMG BORDER attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.

Replace the border attribute with a CSS rule. For example: img { border: 1px solid red; } img { border: none; }

<img src="babacms/displaybuku/67541.jpg" border="0" height="100" width="75" /></a></li>
<div id="fragment-2">
<div class="demo" style="left:480;top:570;position:absolute;">

Priority 3
The UL TYPE attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.

Replace the TYPE attribute with CSS list-style-type: ul { list-style-type: square; } ol { list-style-type: lower-alpha; } li { list-style-type: decimal; }

<ul type="none" id="carousel">

Priority 3
The LI TYPE attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.

Replace the TYPE attribute with CSS list-style-type: ul { list-style-type: square; } ol { list-style-type: lower-alpha; } li { list-style-type: decimal; }

<li type="none"><a href="http://www.bukukita.com/Majalah/Bisnis/117540-Majalah-Animonster-Edisi-174---September-2013.html">
Priority 1
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.

Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud. Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.

Priority 3
The IMG BORDER attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.

Replace the border attribute with a CSS rule. For example: img { border: 1px solid red; } img { border: none; }

<img src="babacms/displaybuku/67540.jpg" border="0" height="100" width="75" /></a></li>

Priority 3
The LI TYPE attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.

Replace the TYPE attribute with CSS list-style-type: ul { list-style-type: square; } ol { list-style-type: lower-alpha; } li { list-style-type: decimal; }

<li type="none"><a href="http://www.bukukita.com/Kesehatan-dan-Lingkungan/Pengetahuan-Kesehatan/118197-Makanan-Sehat-Atasi-Berbagai-Penyakit.html">
Priority 1
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.

Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud. Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.

Priority 3
The IMG BORDER attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.

Replace the border attribute with a CSS rule. For example: img { border: 1px solid red; } img { border: none; }

<img src="babacms/displaybuku/68197.jpg" border="0" height="100" width="75" /></a></li>

Priority 3
The LI TYPE attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.

Replace the TYPE attribute with CSS list-style-type: ul { list-style-type: square; } ol { list-style-type: lower-alpha; } li { list-style-type: decimal; }

<li type="none"><a href="http://www.bukukita.com/Komputer-dan-Internet/Komputasi-Numerik/118196-Panduan-Praktis-Menghitung-Anggaran-Membangun-Rumah.html">
Priority 1
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.

Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud. Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.

Priority 3
The IMG BORDER attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.

Replace the border attribute with a CSS rule. For example: img { border: 1px solid red; } img { border: none; }

<img src="babacms/displaybuku/68196.jpg" border="0" height="100" width="75" /></a></li>

Priority 3
The LI TYPE attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.

Replace the TYPE attribute with CSS list-style-type: ul { list-style-type: square; } ol { list-style-type: lower-alpha; } li { list-style-type: decimal; }

<li type="none"><a href="http://www.bukukita.com/Buku-Novel/Romance/118231-Good-Memories.html">
Priority 1
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.

Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud. Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.

Priority 3
The IMG BORDER attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.

Replace the border attribute with a CSS rule. For example: img { border: 1px solid red; } img { border: none; }

<img src="babacms/displaybuku/68231.jpg" border="0" height="100" width="75" /></a></li>

Priority 3
The LI TYPE attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.

Replace the TYPE attribute with CSS list-style-type: ul { list-style-type: square; } ol { list-style-type: lower-alpha; } li { list-style-type: decimal; }

<li type="none"><a href="http://www.bukukita.com/Teknik/Arsitektur/118199-110-Denah-Rumah-Pilihan.html">
Priority 1
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.

Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud. Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.

Priority 3
The IMG BORDER attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.

Replace the border attribute with a CSS rule. For example: img { border: 1px solid red; } img { border: none; }

<img src="babacms/displaybuku/68199.jpg" border="0" height="100" width="75" /></a></li>

Priority 3
The LI TYPE attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.

Replace the TYPE attribute with CSS list-style-type: ul { list-style-type: square; } ol { list-style-type: lower-alpha; } li { list-style-type: decimal; }

<li type="none"><a href="http://www.bukukita.com/Buku-Teks/Keperawatan/118240-Asuhan-Keperawatan-Bayi-Dan-Anak-(Untuk-Perawat-dan-Bidan),-E2.html">
Priority 1
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.

Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud. Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.

Priority 3
The IMG BORDER attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.

Replace the border attribute with a CSS rule. For example: img { border: 1px solid red; } img { border: none; }

<img src="babacms/displaybuku/68240.jpg" border="0" height="100" width="75" /></a></li>

Priority 3
The LI TYPE attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.

Replace the TYPE attribute with CSS list-style-type: ul { list-style-type: square; } ol { list-style-type: lower-alpha; } li { list-style-type: decimal; }

<li type="none"><a href="http://www.bukukita.com/Buku-Teks/Keperawatan/118241-Metode-Penelitian-Ilmu-Keperawatan-(Pendekatan-Praktis),-E3.html">
Priority 1
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.

Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud. Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.

Priority 3
The IMG BORDER attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.

Replace the border attribute with a CSS rule. For example: img { border: 1px solid red; } img { border: none; }

<img src="babacms/displaybuku/68241.jpg" border="0" height="100" width="75" /></a></li>

Priority 3
The LI TYPE attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.

Replace the TYPE attribute with CSS list-style-type: ul { list-style-type: square; } ol { list-style-type: lower-alpha; } li { list-style-type: decimal; }

<li type="none"><a href="http://www.bukukita.com/Anak-Anak/Keterampilan/118171-Mewarnai-Alat-Transportasi.html">
Priority 1
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.

Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud. Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.

Priority 3
The IMG BORDER attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.

Replace the border attribute with a CSS rule. For example: img { border: 1px solid red; } img { border: none; }

<img src="babacms/displaybuku/68171.jpg" border="0" height="100" width="75" /></a></li>

Priority 3
The LI TYPE attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.

Replace the TYPE attribute with CSS list-style-type: ul { list-style-type: square; } ol { list-style-type: lower-alpha; } li { list-style-type: decimal; }

<li type="none"><a href="http://www.bukukita.com/Hobi-dan-Usaha/Arsitektur-&-Desain-Interior/118195-24-Desain-Rumah-Kos-Di-Lahan-100-200m2.html">
Priority 1
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.

Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud. Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.

Priority 3
The IMG BORDER attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.

Replace the border attribute with a CSS rule. For example: img { border: 1px solid red; } img { border: none; }

<img src="babacms/displaybuku/68195.jpg" border="0" height="100" width="75" /></a></li>

Priority 3
The LI TYPE attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.

Replace the TYPE attribute with CSS list-style-type: ul { list-style-type: square; } ol { list-style-type: lower-alpha; } li { list-style-type: decimal; }

<li type="none"><a href="http://www.bukukita.com/Buku-Teks/Keuangan/118233-New-Innovation-Mart-(A-Manual-Accounting-Practice-Set)-IFRS-Based.html">
Priority 1
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.

Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud. Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.

Priority 3
The IMG BORDER attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.

Replace the border attribute with a CSS rule. For example: img { border: 1px solid red; } img { border: none; }

<img src="babacms/displaybuku/68233.jpg" border="0" height="100" width="75" /></a></li>
<div id="fragment-3">
<div class="demo" style="left:480;top:570;position:absolute;">

Priority 3
The UL TYPE attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.

Replace the TYPE attribute with CSS list-style-type: ul { list-style-type: square; } ol { list-style-type: lower-alpha; } li { list-style-type: decimal; }

<ul type="none" id="carousel">

Priority 3
The LI TYPE attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.

Replace the TYPE attribute with CSS list-style-type: ul { list-style-type: square; } ol { list-style-type: lower-alpha; } li { list-style-type: decimal; }

<li type="none"><a href="http://www.bukukita.com/Hobi-dan-Usaha/Keterampilan-&-Desain/118194-Animals-Felt.html">
Priority 1
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.

Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud. Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.

Priority 3
The IMG BORDER attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.

Replace the border attribute with a CSS rule. For example: img { border: 1px solid red; } img { border: none; }

<img src="babacms/displaybuku/68194.jpg" border="0" height="100" width="75" /></a></li>

Priority 3
The TD WIDTH attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.

Replace width attributes with CSS rules. For example: td.two-column { width: 50%; }

<td width="50%">
Priority 1
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.

Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud. Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.

Priority 2
Omitting IMG WIDTH or HEIGHT attributes means page text jumps about as images load.

This makes the page very hard to read while it's loading, and the user may click on the wrong link if it moves as it's being clicked. Add width and height attributes to the img tag matching the image dimensions. Authoring tools like Dreamweaver can automate this process.

<img src="images/new_book2.gif"></td>
<tr valign="top">
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<tr valign="top">

Priority 3
The TD WIDTH attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.

Replace width attributes with CSS rules. For example: td.two-column { width: 50%; }

<td width="33%" >
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">

Priority 3
The TD WIDTH attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.

Replace width attributes with CSS rules. For example: td.two-column { width: 50%; }

<td width="33%" align="center" valign="top">
<table width="1%">

Priority 1
Each A tag must contain text or an IMG with an ALT tag.
Line 953 WCAG2 A F89

Add text to the link, or ALT text if the link contains an image. If there is no link text or the ALT tag is blank, screen readers have nothing to read, so read out the URL instead.

<a href='Komputer-dan-Internet/Software/117708-CD-Bebi---Pesta-Kostum.html' class='linkgambar'>
Priority 1
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.

Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud. Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.

Priority 3
The IMG BORDER attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.

Replace the border attribute with a CSS rule. For example: img { border: 1px solid red; } img { border: none; }

<img src='babacms/displaybuku/67708.jpg' width='75' height='100' border='0' title='Lihat Detail Buku'></a> </td>
<td align="center" valign="top" class="isi_komentar judul_buku"><b><a href='Komputer-dan-Internet/Software/117708-CD-Bebi---Pesta-Kostum.html'>CD Bebi - Pesta Kostum</a></b></td>
<td align="center"><span class="hargadiscount">Rp 75.500</span></td>
<td align="center" class="harga"><span class='disc'> Hemat Rp 11.325</span><br>Rp 64.175</td>
<td align="center" valign="top">

Priority 1
Each A tag must contain text or an IMG with an ALT tag.
Line 969 WCAG2 A F89

Add text to the link, or ALT text if the link contains an image. If there is no link text or the ALT tag is blank, screen readers have nothing to read, so read out the URL instead.

<a href='membercartlist.php?po=1
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 1
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.

Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud. Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.

Priority 3
The IMG BORDER attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.

Replace the border attribute with a CSS rule. For example: img { border: 1px solid red; } img { border: none; }

<img src="images/beli.gif" width="53" height="22" title="beli buku ini" border="0"></a> </td>

Priority 3
The TD WIDTH attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.

Replace width attributes with CSS rules. For example: td.two-column { width: 50%; }

<td width="33%" >
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">

Priority 3
The TD WIDTH attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.

Replace width attributes with CSS rules. For example: td.two-column { width: 50%; }

<td width="33%" align="center" valign="top">
<table width="1%">

Priority 1
Each A tag must contain text or an IMG with an ALT tag.
Line 980 WCAG2 A F89

Add text to the link, or ALT text if the link contains an image. If there is no link text or the ALT tag is blank, screen readers have nothing to read, so read out the URL instead.

<a href='Sastra-dan-Filsafat/Cerpen/117822-The-Nick-Adams-Stories.html' class='linkgambar'>
Priority 1
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.

Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud. Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.

Priority 3
The IMG BORDER attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.

Replace the border attribute with a CSS rule. For example: img { border: 1px solid red; } img { border: none; }

<img src='babacms/displaybuku/67822.jpg' width='75' height='100' border='0' title='Lihat Detail Buku'></a> </td>
<td align="center" valign="top" class="isi_komentar judul_buku"><b><a href='Sastra-dan-Filsafat/Cerpen/117822-The-Nick-Adams-Stories.html'>The Nick Adams Stories</a></b></td>
<td align="center"><span class="hargadiscount">Rp 48.000</span></td>
<td align="center" class="harga"><span class='disc'> Hemat Rp 14.400</span><br>Rp 33.600</td>
<td align="center" valign="top">

Priority 1
Each A tag must contain text or an IMG with an ALT tag.
Line 996 WCAG2 A F89

Add text to the link, or ALT text if the link contains an image. If there is no link text or the ALT tag is blank, screen readers have nothing to read, so read out the URL instead.

<a href='membercartlist.php?po=1&bookI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 1
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.

Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud. Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.

Priority 3
The IMG BORDER attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.

Replace the border attribute with a CSS rule. For example: img { border: 1px solid red; } img { border: none; }

<img src="images/beli.gif" width="53" height="22" title="beli buku ini" border="0"></a> </td>

Priority 3
The TD WIDTH attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1000 W3C Deprecated

Replace width attributes with CSS rules. For example: td.two-column { width: 50%; }

<td width="33%" >
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">

Priority 3
The TD WIDTH attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1003 W3C Deprecated

Replace width attributes with CSS rules. For example: td.two-column { width: 50%; }

<td width="33%" align="center" valign="top">
<table width="1%">

Priority 1
Each A tag must contain text or an IMG with an ALT tag.
Line 1007 WCAG2 A F89

Add text to the link, or ALT text if the link contains an image. If there is no link text or the ALT tag is blank, screen readers have nothing to read, so read out the URL instead.

<a href='Buku-Novel/Fiksi/117898-Sinila.html' class='linkgambar'>
Priority 1
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.

Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud. Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.

Priority 3
The IMG BORDER attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1007 W3C Deprecated

Replace the border attribute with a CSS rule. For example: img { border: 1px solid red; } img { border: none; }

<img src='babacms/displaybuku/67898.jpg' width='75' height='100' border='0' title='Lihat Detail Buku'></a> </td>
<td align="center" valign="top" class="isi_komentar judul_buku"><b><a href='Buku-Novel/Fiksi/117898-Sinila.html'>Sinila</a></b></td>
<td align="center"><span class="hargadiscount">Rp 29.800</span></td>
<td align="center" class="harga"><span class='disc'> Hemat Rp 4.470</span><br>Rp 25.330</td>
<td align="center" valign="top">

Priority 1
Each A tag must contain text or an IMG with an ALT tag.
Line 1023 WCAG2 A F89

Add text to the link, or ALT text if the link contains an image. If there is no link text or the ALT tag is blank, screen readers have nothing to read, so read out the URL instead.

<a href='membercartlist.php?po=1&bookI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 1
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.

Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud. Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.

Priority 3
The IMG BORDER attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1023 W3C Deprecated

Replace the border attribute with a CSS rule. For example: img { border: 1px solid red; } img { border: none; }

<img src="images/beli.gif" width="53" height="22" title="beli buku ini" border="0"></a> </td>
Priority 3
The TD WIDTH attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1027 W3C Deprecated

Replace width attributes with CSS rules. For example: td.two-column { width: 50%; }

<td width="33%" >
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">

Priority 3
The TD WIDTH attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1030 W3C Deprecated

Replace width attributes with CSS rules. For example: td.two-column { width: 50%; }

<td width="33%" align="center" valign="top">
<table width="1%">

Priority 1
Each A tag must contain text or an IMG with an ALT tag.
Line 1034 WCAG2 A F89

Add text to the link, or ALT text if the link contains an image. If there is no link text or the ALT tag is blank, screen readers have nothing to read, so read out the URL instead.

<a href='Psikologi-dan-Pengembangan-Diri/Motivasi/118073-I-Survive-This-Cancer.html' class='linkgambar'>
Priority 1
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.

Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud. Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.

Priority 3
The IMG BORDER attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1034 W3C Deprecated

Replace the border attribute with a CSS rule. For example: img { border: 1px solid red; } img { border: none; }

<img src='babacms/displaybuku/68073.jpg' width='75' height='100' border='0' title='Lihat Detail Buku'></a> </td>
<td align="center" valign="top" class="isi_komentar judul_buku"><b><a href='Psikologi-dan-Pengembangan-Diri/Motivasi/118073-I-Survive-This-Cancer.html'>I Survive This Cancer</a></b></td>
<td align="center"><span class="hargadiscount">Rp 47.500</span></td>
<td align="center" class="harga"><span class='disc'> Hemat Rp 11.875</span><br>Rp 35.625</td>
<td align="center" valign="top">

Priority 1
Each A tag must contain text or an IMG with an ALT tag.
Line 1050 WCAG2 A F89

Add text to the link, or ALT text if the link contains an image. If there is no link text or the ALT tag is blank, screen readers have nothing to read, so read out the URL instead.

<a href='membercartlist.php?po=1&bookI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 1
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.

Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud. Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.

Priority 3
The IMG BORDER attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1050 W3C Deprecated

Replace the border attribute with a CSS rule. For example: img { border: 1px solid red; } img { border: none; }

<img src="images/beli.gif" width="53" height="22" title="beli buku ini" border="0"></a> </td>

Priority 3
The TD WIDTH attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1054 W3C Deprecated

Replace width attributes with CSS rules. For example: td.two-column { width: 50%; }

<td width="33%" >
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">

Priority 3
The TD WIDTH attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1057 W3C Deprecated

Replace width attributes with CSS rules. For example: td.two-column { width: 50%; }

<td width="33%" align="center" valign="top">
<table width="1%">

Priority 1
Each A tag must contain text or an IMG with an ALT tag.
Line 1061 WCAG2 A F89

Add text to the link, or ALT text if the link contains an image. If there is no link text or the ALT tag is blank, screen readers have nothing to read, so read out the URL instead.

<a href='Komik/Comic/117677-Beelzebub-05.html' class='linkgambar'>
Priority 1
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.

Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud. Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.

Priority 3
The IMG BORDER attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1061 W3C Deprecated

Replace the border attribute with a CSS rule. For example: img { border: 1px solid red; } img { border: none; }

<img src='babacms/displaybuku/67677.jpg' width='75' height='100' border='0' title='Lihat Detail Buku'></a> </td>
<td align="center" valign="top" class="isi_komentar judul_buku"><b><a href='Komik/Comic/117677-Beelzebub-05.html'>Beelzebub 05</a></b></td>
<td align="center"><span class="hargadiscount">Rp 17.500</span></td>
<td align="center" class="harga"><span class='disc'> Hemat Rp 2.625</span><br>Rp 14.875</td>
<td align="center" valign="top">

Priority 1
Each A tag must contain text or an IMG with an ALT tag.
Line 1077 WCAG2 A F89

Add text to the link, or ALT text if the link contains an image. If there is no link text or the ALT tag is blank, screen readers have nothing to read, so read out the URL instead.

<a href='membercartlist.php?po=1&bookI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 1
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.

Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud. Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.

Priority 3
The IMG BORDER attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1077 W3C Deprecated

Replace the border attribute with a CSS rule. For example: img { border: 1px solid red; } img { border: none; }

<img src="images/beli.gif" width="53" height="22" title="beli buku ini" border="0"></a> </td>

Priority 3
The TD WIDTH attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1081 W3C Deprecated

Replace width attributes with CSS rules. For example: td.two-column { width: 50%; }

<td width="33%" >
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">

Priority 3
The TD WIDTH attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1084 W3C Deprecated

Replace width attributes with CSS rules. For example: td.two-column { width: 50%; }

<td width="33%" align="center" valign="top">
<table width="1%">

Priority 1
Each A tag must contain text or an IMG with an ALT tag.
Line 1088 WCAG2 A F89

Add text to the link, or ALT text if the link contains an image. If there is no link text or the ALT tag is blank, screen readers have nothing to read, so read out the URL instead.

<a href='Buku-Novel/Romance/117831-Safir-Cinta-(Dwilogi-Perempuan-Meniti-Cahaya).html' class='linkgambar'>
Priority 1
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.

Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud. Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.

Priority 3
The IMG BORDER attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1088 W3C Deprecated

Replace the border attribute with a CSS rule. For example: img { border: 1px solid red; } img { border: none; }

<img src='babacms/displaybuku/67831.jpg' width='75' height='100' border='0' title='Lihat Detail Buku'></a> </td>
<td align="center" valign="top" class="isi_komentar judul_buku"><b><a href='Buku-Novel/Romance/117831-Safir-Cinta-(Dwilogi-Perempuan-Meniti-Cahaya).html'>Safir Cinta (Dwilogi Perempuan Meniti Cahaya)</a></b></td>
<td align="center"><span class="hargadiscount">Rp 45.000</span></td>
<td align="center" class="harga"><span class='disc'> Hemat Rp 13.500</span><br>Rp 31.500</td>
<td align="center" valign="top">

Priority 1
Each A tag must contain text or an IMG with an ALT tag.
Line 1104 WCAG2 A F89

Add text to the link, or ALT text if the link contains an image. If there is no link text or the ALT tag is blank, screen readers have nothing to read, so read out the URL instead.

<a href='membercartlist.php?po=1&bookI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 1
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.

Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud. Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.

Priority 3
The IMG BORDER attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1104 W3C Deprecated

Replace the border attribute with a CSS rule. For example: img { border: 1px solid red; } img { border: none; }

<img src="images/beli.gif" width="53" height="22" title="beli buku ini" border="0"></a> </td>
<td colspan="4" align="right" valign="top" class="isi_komentar">
<a href="katalogbukuatribut.php?atrId=2&pag
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1">Judul Selanjutnya

Priority 1
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.

Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud. Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.

Priority 3
The IMG ALIGN attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1112 W3C Deprecated

Replace the ALIGN attribute with a CSS text-align attribute.

Priority 3
The IMG BORDER attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1112 W3C Deprecated

Replace the border attribute with a CSS rule. For example: img { border: 1px solid red; } img { border: none; }

<img src="images/more.gif" width="35" height="15" border=0 align="absmiddle"></a>
<table width="100%" style="border-bottom:1px dotted #CCCCCC;" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5">

Priority 3
The TD WIDTH attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1122 W3C Deprecated

Replace width attributes with CSS rules. For example: td.two-column { width: 50%; }

<td width="50%" align="center"><a name="idepantengah"></a>
Priority 1
Each A tag must contain text or an IMG with an ALT tag.
Line 1122 WCAG2 A F89

Add text to the link, or ALT text if the link contains an image. If there is no link text or the ALT tag is blank, screen readers have nothing to read, so read out the URL instead.

<a href='http://www.bukukita.com/Buku-Akan-Datang/Bulan-Mei-2013/113484-Uje---Untaian-Hikmah-Untukku.html'>
Priority 1
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.

Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud. Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.

Priority 3
The IMG BORDER attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1122 W3C Deprecated

Replace the border attribute with a CSS rule. For example: img { border: 1px solid red; } img { border: none; }

<img src='images/banner/400' width='280' height='60' border='0' title='Buku Uje - Untaian Hikmah Untukku'></a><br><span align='center' style='color:#999999;font-size:9px;font-family:arial'>Tayang: 14 hari lagi</span></td>

Priority 3
The TD WIDTH attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1123 W3C Deprecated

Replace width attributes with CSS rules. For example: td.two-column { width: 50%; }

<td width="50%" align="center" valign="top">
Priority 1
Each A tag must contain text or an IMG with an ALT tag.
Line 1123 WCAG2 A F89

Add text to the link, or ALT text if the link contains an image. If there is no link text or the ALT tag is blank, screen readers have nothing to read, so read out the URL instead.

<a href='http://www.bukukita.com/Inspirasi-dan-Spiritual/Inspirasional/118108-No-One-to-Someone.html'>
Priority 1
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.

Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud. Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.

Priority 3
The IMG BORDER attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1123 W3C Deprecated

Replace the border attribute with a CSS rule. For example: img { border: 1px solid red; } img { border: none; }

<img src='images/banner/429' width='280' height='60' border='0' title='Pre Order No One To Someone'></a><br><span align='center' style='color:#999999;font-size:9px;font-family:arial'>Tayang: 7 hari lagi</span></td>
<table width="100%" style="border-bottom:1px dotted #CCCCCC;" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">

Priority 3
The TD WIDTH attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1129 W3C Deprecated

Replace width attributes with CSS rules. For example: td.two-column { width: 50%; }

<td width="50%">
Priority 1
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.

Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud. Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.

Priority 2
Omitting IMG WIDTH or HEIGHT attributes means page text jumps about as images load.

This makes the page very hard to read while it's loading, and the user may click on the wrong link if it moves as it's being clicked. Add width and height attributes to the img tag matching the image dimensions. Authoring tools like Dreamweaver can automate this process.

<img src="images/best_seller.gif" /></td>
<tr valign="top">
<td class="paging">
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<tr valign="top">

Priority 3
The TD WIDTH attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1135 W3C Deprecated

Replace width attributes with CSS rules. For example: td.two-column { width: 50%; }

<td width="25%">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">

Priority 3
The TD WIDTH attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1138 W3C Deprecated

Replace width attributes with CSS rules. For example: td.two-column { width: 50%; }

<td width="25%" align="center" valign="top">
<table width="1%">

Priority 1
Each A tag must contain text or an IMG with an ALT tag.
Line 1142 WCAG2 A F89

Add text to the link, or ALT text if the link contains an image. If there is no link text or the ALT tag is blank, screen readers have nothing to read, so read out the URL instead.

<a href='Buku-Novel/Mistery-Thriller/117547-INFERNO---Neraka.html' class='linkgambar'>
Priority 1
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.

Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud. Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.

Priority 3
The IMG BORDER attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1142 W3C Deprecated

Replace the border attribute with a CSS rule. For example: img { border: 1px solid red; } img { border: none; }

<img src='babacms/displaybuku/67547.jpg' width='75' height='100' border='0' title='Lihat Detail Buku'></a> </td>
<td align="center" valign="top">
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<td align="center" valign="top" class="isi_komentar judul_buku"><b><a href='Buku-Novel/Mistery-Thriller/117547-INFERNO---Neraka.html'>INFERNO - Neraka</a></b></td>
<td align="center" valign="top">
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<td align="center" class="hargadiscount">Rp 149.000</td>
<td align="center" class="disc">Hemat Rp 22.350</td>
<td align="center" class="harga">Rp 126.650</td>
<td align="center" valign="top">

Priority 1
Each A tag must contain text or an IMG with an ALT tag.
Line 1173 WCAG2 A F89

Add text to the link, or ALT text if the link contains an image. If there is no link text or the ALT tag is blank, screen readers have nothing to read, so read out the URL instead.

<a href='membercartlist.php?po=1&bookI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 1
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.

Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud. Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.

Priority 3
The IMG BORDER attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1173 W3C Deprecated

Replace the border attribute with a CSS rule. For example: img { border: 1px solid red; } img { border: none; }

<img src="images/beli.gif" width="53" height="22" title="beli buku ini" border="0"></a> </td>

Priority 3
The TD WIDTH attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1177 W3C Deprecated

Replace width attributes with CSS rules. For example: td.two-column { width: 50%; }

<td width="25%">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">

Priority 3
The TD WIDTH attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1180 W3C Deprecated

Replace width attributes with CSS rules. For example: td.two-column { width: 50%; }

<td width="25%" align="center" valign="top">
<table width="1%">

Priority 1
Each A tag must contain text or an IMG with an ALT tag.
Line 1184 WCAG2 A F89

Add text to the link, or ALT text if the link contains an image. If there is no link text or the ALT tag is blank, screen readers have nothing to read, so read out the URL instead.

<a href='Anak-Anak/Pendidikan-Anak/73723-abacaga;-Cara-Praktis-Belajar-Membaca-untuk-Anak-(4-6-Tahun).html' class='linkgambar'>
Priority 1
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.

Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud. Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.

Priority 3
The IMG BORDER attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1184 W3C Deprecated

Replace the border attribute with a CSS rule. For example: img { border: 1px solid red; } img { border: none; }

<img src='babacms/displaybuku/23723.jpg' width='75' height='100' border='0' title='Lihat Detail Buku'></a> </td>
<td align="center" valign="top">
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<td align="center" valign="top" class="isi_komentar judul_buku"><b><a href='Anak-Anak/Pendidikan-Anak/73723-abacaga;-Cara-Praktis-Belajar-Membaca-untuk-Anak-(4-6-Tahun).html'>abacaga; Cara Praktis Belajar Membaca untuk Anak (4-6 Tahun)</a></b></td>
<td align="center" valign="top">
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<td align="center" class="hargadiscount">Rp 35.000</td>
<td align="center" class="disc">Hemat Rp 5.250</td>
<td align="center" class="harga">Rp 29.750</td>
<td align="center" valign="top">

Priority 1
Each A tag must contain text or an IMG with an ALT tag.
Line 1215 WCAG2 A F89

Add text to the link, or ALT text if the link contains an image. If there is no link text or the ALT tag is blank, screen readers have nothing to read, so read out the URL instead.

<a href='membercartlist.php?po=1&bookI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 1
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.

Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud. Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.

Priority 3
The IMG BORDER attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1215 W3C Deprecated

Replace the border attribute with a CSS rule. For example: img { border: 1px solid red; } img { border: none; }

<img src="images/beli.gif" width="53" height="22" title="beli buku ini" border="0"></a> </td>

Priority 3
The TD WIDTH attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1219 W3C Deprecated

Replace width attributes with CSS rules. For example: td.two-column { width: 50%; }

<td width="25%">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">

Priority 3
The TD WIDTH attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1222 W3C Deprecated

Replace width attributes with CSS rules. For example: td.two-column { width: 50%; }

<td width="25%" align="center" valign="top">
<table width="1%">

Priority 1
Each A tag must contain text or an IMG with an ALT tag.
Line 1226 WCAG2 A F89

Add text to the link, or ALT text if the link contains an image. If there is no link text or the ALT tag is blank, screen readers have nothing to read, so read out the URL instead.

<a href='Buku-Novel/Fantasi/77119-Book--1-:-City-of-Bones---The-Mortal-Instruments.html' class='linkgambar'>
Priority 1
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.

Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud. Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.

Priority 3
The IMG BORDER attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1226 W3C Deprecated

Replace the border attribute with a CSS rule. For example: img { border: 1px solid red; } img { border: none; }

<img src='babacms/displaybuku/27119.jpg' width='75' height='100' border='0' title='Lihat Detail Buku'></a> </td>
<td align="center" valign="top">
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<td align="center" valign="top" class="isi_komentar judul_buku"><b><a href='Buku-Novel/Fantasi/77119-Book--1-:-City-of-Bones---The-Mortal-Instruments.html'>Book #1 : City of Bones - The Mortal Instruments</a></b></td>
<td align="center" valign="top">
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<td align="center" class="hargadiscount">Rp 89.900</td>
<td align="center" class="disc">Hemat Rp 13.485</td>
<td align="center" class="harga">Rp 76.415</td>
<td align="center" valign="top">

Priority 1
Each A tag must contain text or an IMG with an ALT tag.
Line 1257 WCAG2 A F89

Add text to the link, or ALT text if the link contains an image. If there is no link text or the ALT tag is blank, screen readers have nothing to read, so read out the URL instead.

<a href='membercartlist.php?po=1&bookI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 1
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.

Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud. Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.

Priority 3
The IMG BORDER attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1257 W3C Deprecated

Replace the border attribute with a CSS rule. For example: img { border: 1px solid red; } img { border: none; }

<img src="images/beli.gif" width="53" height="22" title="beli buku ini" border="0"></a> </td>

Priority 3
The TD WIDTH attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1261 W3C Deprecated

Replace width attributes with CSS rules. For example: td.two-column { width: 50%; }

<td width="25%">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">

Priority 3
The TD WIDTH attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1264 W3C Deprecated

Replace width attributes with CSS rules. For example: td.two-column { width: 50%; }

<td width="25%" align="center" valign="top">
<table width="1%">

Priority 1
Each A tag must contain text or an IMG with an ALT tag.
Line 1268 WCAG2 A F89

Add text to the link, or ALT text if the link contains an image. If there is no link text or the ALT tag is blank, screen readers have nothing to read, so read out the URL instead.

<a href='Inspirasi-dan-Spiritual/Kiat-Sukses/111925-TES-CPNS-2013-(Edisi-Lengkap).html' class='linkgambar'>
Priority 1
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.

Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud. Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.

Priority 3
The IMG BORDER attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1268 W3C Deprecated

Replace the border attribute with a CSS rule. For example: img { border: 1px solid red; } img { border: none; }

<img src='babacms/displaybuku/61925.jpg' width='75' height='100' border='0' title='Lihat Detail Buku'></a> </td>
<td align="center" valign="top">
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<td align="center" valign="top" class="isi_komentar judul_buku"><b><a href='Inspirasi-dan-Spiritual/Kiat-Sukses/111925-TES-CPNS-2013-(Edisi-Lengkap).html'>TES CPNS 2013 (Edisi Lengkap)</a></b></td>
<td align="center" valign="top">
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<td align="center" class="hargadiscount">Rp 99.000</td>
<td align="center" class="disc">Hemat Rp 14.850</td>
<td align="center" class="harga">Rp 84.150</td>
<td align="center" valign="top">

Priority 1
Each A tag must contain text or an IMG with an ALT tag.
Line 1299 WCAG2 A F89

Add text to the link, or ALT text if the link contains an image. If there is no link text or the ALT tag is blank, screen readers have nothing to read, so read out the URL instead.

<a href='membercartlist.php?po=1&bookI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 1
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.

Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud. Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.

Priority 3
The IMG BORDER attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1299 W3C Deprecated

Replace the border attribute with a CSS rule. For example: img { border: 1px solid red; } img { border: none; }

<img src="images/beli.gif" width="53" height="22" title="beli buku ini" border="0"></a> </td>
<td colspan="4" align="right" valign="top" class="isi_komentar">
<a href="katalogbukuatribut.php?atrId=1&pag
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1">Judul Selanjutnya

Priority 1
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.

Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud. Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.

Priority 3
The IMG ALIGN attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1307 W3C Deprecated

Replace the ALIGN attribute with a CSS text-align attribute.

Priority 3
The IMG BORDER attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1307 W3C Deprecated

Replace the border attribute with a CSS rule. For example: img { border: 1px solid red; } img { border: none; }

<img src="images/more.gif" width="35" height="15" border="0" align="absmiddle"></a>
<table width="100%" style="border-bottom:1px dotted #CCCCCC;" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">

Priority 3
The TD WIDTH attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1317 W3C Deprecated

Replace width attributes with CSS rules. For example: td.two-column { width: 50%; }

<td width="50%">
Priority 1
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.

Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud. Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.

Priority 2
Omitting IMG WIDTH or HEIGHT attributes means page text jumps about as images load.

This makes the page very hard to read while it's loading, and the user may click on the wrong link if it moves as it's being clicked. Add width and height attributes to the img tag matching the image dimensions. Authoring tools like Dreamweaver can automate this process.

<img src="images/buku_rekomendasi.gif" /></td>
<tr valign="top">
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<tr valign="top">

Priority 3
The TD WIDTH attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1323 W3C Deprecated

Replace width attributes with CSS rules. For example: td.two-column { width: 50%; }

<td width="25%">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">

Priority 3
The TD WIDTH attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1326 W3C Deprecated

Replace width attributes with CSS rules. For example: td.two-column { width: 50%; }

<td width="25%" align="center" valign="top">
<table width="1%">

Priority 1
Each A tag must contain text or an IMG with an ALT tag.
Line 1330 WCAG2 A F89

Add text to the link, or ALT text if the link contains an image. If there is no link text or the ALT tag is blank, screen readers have nothing to read, so read out the URL instead.

<a href='Inspirasi-dan-Spiritual/Kiat-Sukses/111925-TES-CPNS-2013-(Edisi-Lengkap).html' class='linkgambar'>
Priority 1
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.

Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud. Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.

Priority 3
The IMG BORDER attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1330 W3C Deprecated

Replace the border attribute with a CSS rule. For example: img { border: 1px solid red; } img { border: none; }

<img src='babacms/displaybuku/61925.jpg' width='75' height='100' border='0' title='Lihat Detail Buku'></a> </td>
<td align="center" valign="top" class="isi_komentar judul_buku"><b><a href='Inspirasi-dan-Spiritual/Kiat-Sukses/111925-TES-CPNS-2013-(Edisi-Lengkap).html'>TES CPNS 2013 (Edisi Lengkap)</a></b></td>
<td align="center" valign="top">
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<td align="center" class="hargadiscount">Rp 99.000</td>
<td align="center" class="disc">Hemat Rp 14.850</td>
<td align="center" class="harga">Rp 84.150</td>
<td align="center" valign="top">

Priority 1
Each A tag must contain text or an IMG with an ALT tag.
Line 1355 WCAG2 A F89

Add text to the link, or ALT text if the link contains an image. If there is no link text or the ALT tag is blank, screen readers have nothing to read, so read out the URL instead.

<a href='membercartlist.php?po=1&bookI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 1
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.

Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud. Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.

Priority 3
The IMG BORDER attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1355 W3C Deprecated

Replace the border attribute with a CSS rule. For example: img { border: 1px solid red; } img { border: none; }

<img src="images/beli.gif" width="53" height="22" title="beli buku ini" border="0"></a> </td>

Priority 3
The TD WIDTH attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1359 W3C Deprecated

Replace width attributes with CSS rules. For example: td.two-column { width: 50%; }

<td width="25%">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">

Priority 3
The TD WIDTH attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1362 W3C Deprecated

Replace width attributes with CSS rules. For example: td.two-column { width: 50%; }

<td width="25%" align="center" valign="top">
<table width="1%">

Priority 1
Each A tag must contain text or an IMG with an ALT tag.
Line 1366 WCAG2 A F89

Add text to the link, or ALT text if the link contains an image. If there is no link text or the ALT tag is blank, screen readers have nothing to read, so read out the URL instead.

<a href='Biografi-dan-Memoar/Biografi/116954-Buku-Noah-Eksklusif-Limited-edition-,-6.903-Mil:-Cerita-di-Balik-Konser-2-Benua-5-Negara.html' class='linkgambar'>
Priority 1
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.

Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud. Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.

Priority 3
The IMG BORDER attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1366 W3C Deprecated

Replace the border attribute with a CSS rule. For example: img { border: 1px solid red; } img { border: none; }

<img src='babacms/displaybuku/66954.jpg' width='75' height='100' border='0' title='Lihat Detail Buku'></a> </td>
<td align="center" valign="top" class="isi_komentar judul_buku">
Priority 3
Use bold text sparingly - for one or two words or a short phrase.

Keep runs of bold text to less than 70 characters.

Priority 3
Use link text between 3 and 80 characters so it's long enough to be understood, but avoids line wrapping.

A single word text link may not give enough information about the link's destination. A link that is a full sentence is difficult to read quickly, particularly if it wraps to another line.

<a href='Biografi-dan-Memoar/Biografi/116954-Buku-Noah-Eksklusif-Limited-edition-,-6.903-Mil:-Cerita-di-Balik-Konser-2-Benua-5-Negara.html'>Buku Noah Eksklusif Limited edition , 6.903 Mil: Cerita di Balik Konser 2 Benua 5 Negara</a></b></td>
<td align="center" valign="top">
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<td align="center" class="hargadiscount">Rp 1.000.000</td>
<td align="center" class="disc">Hemat Rp 0</td>
<td align="center" class="harga">Rp 1.000.000</td>
<td align="center" valign="top">

Priority 1
Each A tag must contain text or an IMG with an ALT tag.
Line 1391 WCAG2 A F89

Add text to the link, or ALT text if the link contains an image. If there is no link text or the ALT tag is blank, screen readers have nothing to read, so read out the URL instead.

<a href='membercartlist.php?po=1&bookI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 1
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.

Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud. Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.

Priority 3
The IMG BORDER attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1391 W3C Deprecated

Replace the border attribute with a CSS rule. For example: img { border: 1px solid red; } img { border: none; }

<img src="images/beli.gif" width="53" height="22" title="beli buku ini" border="0"></a> </td>

Priority 3
The TD WIDTH attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1395 W3C Deprecated

Replace width attributes with CSS rules. For example: td.two-column { width: 50%; }

<td width="25%">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">

Priority 3
The TD WIDTH attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1398 W3C Deprecated

Replace width attributes with CSS rules. For example: td.two-column { width: 50%; }

<td width="25%" align="center" valign="top">
<table width="1%">

Priority 1
Each A tag must contain text or an IMG with an ALT tag.
Line 1402 WCAG2 A F89

Add text to the link, or ALT text if the link contains an image. If there is no link text or the ALT tag is blank, screen readers have nothing to read, so read out the URL instead.

<a href='Biografi-dan-Memoar/Memoar/117987-NOAH-6.903-Mil-Versi-REGULER-.html' class='linkgambar'>
Priority 1
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.

Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud. Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.

Priority 3
The IMG BORDER attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1402 W3C Deprecated

Replace the border attribute with a CSS rule. For example: img { border: 1px solid red; } img { border: none; }

<img src='babacms/displaybuku/67987.jpg' width='75' height='100' border='0' title='Lihat Detail Buku'></a> </td>
<td align="center" valign="top" class="isi_komentar judul_buku"><b><a href='Biografi-dan-Memoar/Memoar/117987-NOAH-6.903-Mil-Versi-REGULER-.html'>NOAH 6.903 Mil Versi REGULER </a></b></td>
<td align="center" valign="top">
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<td align="center" class="hargadiscount">Rp 180.000</td>
<td align="center" class="disc">Hemat Rp 27.000</td>
<td align="center" class="harga">Rp 153.000</td>
<td align="center" valign="top">

Priority 1
Each A tag must contain text or an IMG with an ALT tag.
Line 1427 WCAG2 A F89

Add text to the link, or ALT text if the link contains an image. If there is no link text or the ALT tag is blank, screen readers have nothing to read, so read out the URL instead.

<a href='membercartlist.php?po=1&bookI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 1
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.

Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud. Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.

Priority 3
The IMG BORDER attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1427 W3C Deprecated

Replace the border attribute with a CSS rule. For example: img { border: 1px solid red; } img { border: none; }

<img src="images/beli.gif" width="53" height="22" title="beli buku ini" border="0"></a> </td>

Priority 3
The TD WIDTH attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1431 W3C Deprecated

Replace width attributes with CSS rules. For example: td.two-column { width: 50%; }

<td width="25%">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">

Priority 3
The TD WIDTH attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1434 W3C Deprecated

Replace width attributes with CSS rules. For example: td.two-column { width: 50%; }

<td width="25%" align="center" valign="top">
<table width="1%">

Priority 1
Each A tag must contain text or an IMG with an ALT tag.
Line 1438 WCAG2 A F89

Add text to the link, or ALT text if the link contains an image. If there is no link text or the ALT tag is blank, screen readers have nothing to read, so read out the URL instead.

<a href='Agama/Islam/117857-TARBIYATUL-AULAD---Pendidikan-Anak-Dalam-Islam-(Edisi-Lengkap).html' class='linkgambar'>
Priority 1
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.

Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud. Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.

Priority 3
The IMG BORDER attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1438 W3C Deprecated

Replace the border attribute with a CSS rule. For example: img { border: 1px solid red; } img { border: none; }

<img src='babacms/displaybuku/67857.jpg' width='75' height='100' border='0' title='Lihat Detail Buku'></a> </td>
<td align="center" valign="top" class="isi_komentar judul_buku"><b><a href='Agama/Islam/117857-TARBIYATUL-AULAD---Pendidikan-Anak-Dalam-Islam-(Edisi-Lengkap).html'>TARBIYATUL AULAD - Pendidikan Anak Dalam Islam (Edisi Lengkap)</a></b></td>
<td align="center" valign="top">
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<td align="center" class="hargadiscount">Rp 149.000</td>
<td align="center" class="disc">Hemat Rp 22.350</td>
<td align="center" class="harga">Rp 126.650</td>
<td align="center" valign="top">

Priority 1
Each A tag must contain text or an IMG with an ALT tag.
Line 1463 WCAG2 A F89

Add text to the link, or ALT text if the link contains an image. If there is no link text or the ALT tag is blank, screen readers have nothing to read, so read out the URL instead.

<a href='membercartlist.php?po=1&bookI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 1
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.

Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud. Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.

Priority 3
The IMG BORDER attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1463 W3C Deprecated

Replace the border attribute with a CSS rule. For example: img { border: 1px solid red; } img { border: none; }

<img src="images/beli.gif" width="53" height="22" title="beli buku ini" border="0"></a> </td>
<td colspan="4" align="right" valign="top" class="isi_komentar">
<a href="katalogbukuatribut.php?atrId=4&pag
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1">Judul Selanjutnya

Priority 1
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.

Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud. Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.

Priority 3
The IMG ALIGN attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1471 W3C Deprecated

Replace the ALIGN attribute with a CSS text-align attribute.

Priority 3
The IMG BORDER attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1471 W3C Deprecated

Replace the border attribute with a CSS rule. For example: img { border: 1px solid red; } img { border: none; }

<img src="images/more.gif" width="35" height="15" border="0" align="absmiddle"></a>
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<td valign="top" bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">

Priority 3
The TD WIDTH attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1484 W3C Deprecated

Replace width attributes with CSS rules. For example: td.two-column { width: 50%; }

<td width="50%" class="judul_buku">
Priority 1
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.

Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud. Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.

Priority 2
Omitting IMG WIDTH or HEIGHT attributes means page text jumps about as images load.

This makes the page very hard to read while it's loading, and the user may click on the wrong link if it moves as it's being clicked. Add width and height attributes to the img tag matching the image dimensions. Authoring tools like Dreamweaver can automate this process.

<img src="images/buku_penerbit.gif" /></td>
<tr valign="top">
<td class="paging">
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<tr valign="top">

Priority 3
The TD WIDTH attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1490 W3C Deprecated

Replace width attributes with CSS rules. For example: td.two-column { width: 50%; }

<td width="25%">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<tr valign="top">

Priority 3
The TD WIDTH attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1493 W3C Deprecated

Replace width attributes with CSS rules. For example: td.two-column { width: 50%; }

<td width="25%" align="center" valign="top">
<table width="1%">

Priority 1
Each A tag must contain text or an IMG with an ALT tag.
Line 1497 WCAG2 A F89

Add text to the link, or ALT text if the link contains an image. If there is no link text or the ALT tag is blank, screen readers have nothing to read, so read out the URL instead.

<a href='Majalah/Bisnis/117455-Majalah-REQuisitoire-Indonesia-Volume-32---2013.html' class='linkgambar'>
Priority 1
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.

Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud. Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.

Priority 3
The IMG BORDER attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1497 W3C Deprecated

Replace the border attribute with a CSS rule. For example: img { border: 1px solid red; } img { border: none; }

<img src='babacms/displaybuku/67455.jpg' width='75' height='100' border='0' title='Lihat Detail Buku'></a> </td>
<td align="center" valign="top">
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<td align="center" valign="top" class="isi_komentar judul_buku"><b><a href='Majalah/Bisnis/117455-Majalah-REQuisitoire-Indonesia-Volume-32---2013.html'>Majalah REQuisitoire Indonesia Volume 32 - 2013</a></b></td>
<td align="center" class="hargadiscount">Rp 48.000</td>
<td align="center" class="disc">Hemat Rp 7.200</td>
<td align="center" class="harga">Rp 40.800</td>
<td align="center" valign="top">

Priority 1
Each A tag must contain text or an IMG with an ALT tag.
Line 1522 WCAG2 A F89

Add text to the link, or ALT text if the link contains an image. If there is no link text or the ALT tag is blank, screen readers have nothing to read, so read out the URL instead.

<a href='membercartlist.php?po=1&bookI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 1
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.

Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud. Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.

Priority 3
The IMG BORDER attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1522 W3C Deprecated

Replace the border attribute with a CSS rule. For example: img { border: 1px solid red; } img { border: none; }

<img src="images/beli.gif" width="53" height="22" title="beli buku ini" border="0"></a> </td>

Priority 3
The TD WIDTH attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1528 W3C Deprecated

Replace width attributes with CSS rules. For example: td.two-column { width: 50%; }

<td width="75%" colspan="3" class="judul_buku">Penerbit : Requisitoire</td>
<td colspan="1" align="right" valign="top" class="isi_komentar">
<a href='searchresult.php?id=3&ke
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

y=1297'>Judul Selanjutnya
Priority 1
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.

Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud. Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.

Priority 3
The IMG ALIGN attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1530 W3C Deprecated

Replace the ALIGN attribute with a CSS text-align attribute.

Priority 3
The IMG BORDER attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1530 W3C Deprecated

Replace the border attribute with a CSS rule. For example: img { border: 1px solid red; } img { border: none; }

<img src="images/more.gif" width="35" height="15" border="0" align="absmiddle"></a>
<td valign="top" bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">

Priority 3
The TD WIDTH attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1543 W3C Deprecated

Replace width attributes with CSS rules. For example: td.two-column { width: 50%; }

<td width="50%" class="judul_buku">&nbs
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

<tr valign="top">
<td class="paging">
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<tr valign="top">

Priority 3
The TD WIDTH attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1549 W3C Deprecated

Replace width attributes with CSS rules. For example: td.two-column { width: 50%; }

<td width="25%">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<tr valign="top">

Priority 3
The TD WIDTH attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1552 W3C Deprecated

Replace width attributes with CSS rules. For example: td.two-column { width: 50%; }

<td width="25%" align="center" valign="top">
<table width="1%">

Priority 1
Each A tag must contain text or an IMG with an ALT tag.
Line 1556 WCAG2 A F89

Add text to the link, or ALT text if the link contains an image. If there is no link text or the ALT tag is blank, screen readers have nothing to read, so read out the URL instead.

<a href='Majalah/Bisnis/117455-Majalah-REQuisitoire-Indonesia-Volume-32---2013.html' class='linkgambar'>
Priority 1
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.

Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud. Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.

Priority 3
The IMG BORDER attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1556 W3C Deprecated

Replace the border attribute with a CSS rule. For example: img { border: 1px solid red; } img { border: none; }

<img src='babacms/displaybuku/67455.jpg' width='75' height='100' border='0' title='Lihat Detail Buku'></a> </td>
<td align="center" valign="top">
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<td align="center" valign="top" class="isi_komentar judul_buku"><b><a href='Majalah/Bisnis/117455-Majalah-REQuisitoire-Indonesia-Volume-32---2013.html'>Majalah REQuisitoire Indonesia Volume 32 - 2013</a></b></td>
<td align="center" class="hargadiscount">Rp 48.000</td>
<td align="center" class="disc">Hemat Rp 7.200</td>
<td align="center" class="harga">Rp 40.800</td>
<td align="center" valign="top">

Priority 1
Each A tag must contain text or an IMG with an ALT tag.
Line 1581 WCAG2 A F89

Add text to the link, or ALT text if the link contains an image. If there is no link text or the ALT tag is blank, screen readers have nothing to read, so read out the URL instead.

<a href='membercartlist.php?po=1&bookI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 1
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.

Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud. Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.

Priority 3
The IMG BORDER attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1581 W3C Deprecated

Replace the border attribute with a CSS rule. For example: img { border: 1px solid red; } img { border: none; }

<img src="images/beli.gif" width="53" height="22" title="beli buku ini" border="0"></a> </td>

Priority 3
The TD WIDTH attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1587 W3C Deprecated

Replace width attributes with CSS rules. For example: td.two-column { width: 50%; }

<td width="75%" colspan="3" class="judul_buku">Penerbit : Requisitoire</td>
<td colspan="1" align="right" valign="top" class="isi_komentar">
<a href='searchresult.php?id=3&ke
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

y=1297'>Judul Selanjutnya
Priority 1
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.

Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud. Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.

Priority 3
The IMG ALIGN attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1589 W3C Deprecated

Replace the ALIGN attribute with a CSS text-align attribute.

Priority 3
The IMG BORDER attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1589 W3C Deprecated

Replace the border attribute with a CSS rule. For example: img { border: 1px solid red; } img { border: none; }

<img src="images/more.gif" width="35" height="15" border="0" align="absmiddle"></a>

Priority 3
The TD HEIGHT attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1601 W3C Deprecated

Replace the HEIGHT attribute with a CSS height: td { height: 14pt; }

Priority 3
The TD WIDTH attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1601 W3C Deprecated

Replace width attributes with CSS rules. For example: td.two-column { width: 50%; }

<td width="7" height="7"><img src="images/border_content_05.gif" width="7" height="7" alt="" /></td>

Priority 2
Use background images sparingly and make sure they are simple, especially behind text.

Background images can make it difficult for users to read foreground text. A single, large, complex background image (including a picture) can substantially slow page download rates.

Priority 3
The TD WIDTH attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1602 W3C Deprecated

Replace width attributes with CSS rules. For example: td.two-column { width: 50%; }

<td width="100%" background="images/border_content_06.gif"><img src="images/border_content_06.gif" width="88" height="7" alt="" /></td>

Priority 3
The TD HEIGHT attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1603 W3C Deprecated

Replace the HEIGHT attribute with a CSS height: td { height: 14pt; }

Priority 3
The TD WIDTH attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1603 W3C Deprecated

Replace width attributes with CSS rules. For example: td.two-column { width: 50%; }

<td width="7" height="7"><img src="images/border_content_07.gif" width="7" height="7" alt="" /></td>

Priority 3
The TD WIDTH attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1610 W3C Deprecated

Replace width attributes with CSS rules. For example: td.two-column { width: 50%; }

<td width="160" align="left" valign="top">
<table width="182" border="0" cellspacing="0">
<td valign="top" class="jarak_kanan2">
<table width="182" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">

Priority 3
The TD HEIGHT attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1616 W3C Deprecated

Replace the HEIGHT attribute with a CSS height: td { height: 14pt; }

Priority 3
The TD WIDTH attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1616 W3C Deprecated

Replace width attributes with CSS rules. For example: td.two-column { width: 50%; }

<td width="128" height="38"><img src="images/cart_basket_empty.gif" width="182" height="38" alt="" /></td>

Priority 3
The TD HEIGHT attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1619 W3C Deprecated

Replace the HEIGHT attribute with a CSS height: td { height: 14pt; }

<td align="center" bgcolor="#F4F4F4" valign="middle" height="32" class="info_buku" style="border-left:1px solid #F08CAF;border-right:1px solid #F08CAF;padding:10px;">
<!--<img src="images/keranjang_empty.gif">--> Kosong </td>

Priority 3
The TD HEIGHT attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1623 W3C Deprecated

Replace the HEIGHT attribute with a CSS height: td { height: 14pt; }

Priority 3
The TD WIDTH attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1623 W3C Deprecated

Replace width attributes with CSS rules. For example: td.two-column { width: 50%; }

<td width="128" height="0"><img src="images/info_03.gif" width="182" height="12" alt="" /></td>
<table width="160" border="0" cellspacing="0">

Priority 3
The TD WIDTH attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1631 W3C Deprecated

Replace width attributes with CSS rules. For example: td.two-column { width: 50%; }

<td width="165" class="jarak_kanan2">
<table width="160" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">

Priority 3
The TD HEIGHT attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1634 W3C Deprecated

Replace the HEIGHT attribute with a CSS height: td { height: 14pt; }

Priority 3
The TD WIDTH attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1634 W3C Deprecated

Replace width attributes with CSS rules. For example: td.two-column { width: 50%; }

<td width="7" height="7">
Priority 1
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.

Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud. Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.

Priority 2
Omitting IMG WIDTH or HEIGHT attributes means page text jumps about as images load.

This makes the page very hard to read while it's loading, and the user may click on the wrong link if it moves as it's being clicked. Add width and height attributes to the img tag matching the image dimensions. Authoring tools like Dreamweaver can automate this process.

<img src="images/info_01.gif"></td>
<td valign="top" class="border_informasi">

Priority 3
The TABLE ALIGN attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1638 W3C Deprecated

Replace the ALIGN attribute with a CSS text-align attribute.

<table width="100%" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">

Priority 3
The TD HEIGHT attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1640 W3C Deprecated

Replace the HEIGHT attribute with a CSS height: td { height: 14pt; }

<td height="20">
Priority 1
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.

Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud. Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.

Priority 2
Omitting IMG WIDTH or HEIGHT attributes means page text jumps about as images load.

This makes the page very hard to read while it's loading, and the user may click on the wrong link if it moves as it's being clicked. Add width and height attributes to the img tag matching the image dimensions. Authoring tools like Dreamweaver can automate this process.

<img src="images/titik2.gif"><a class="border_informasi" href="carabemember.php"><b>Cara Jadi Anggota</b></a></td>

Priority 3
The TD HEIGHT attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1643 W3C Deprecated

Replace the HEIGHT attribute with a CSS height: td { height: 14pt; }

<td height="20">
Priority 1
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.

Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud. Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.

Priority 2
Omitting IMG WIDTH or HEIGHT attributes means page text jumps about as images load.

This makes the page very hard to read while it's loading, and the user may click on the wrong link if it moves as it's being clicked. Add width and height attributes to the img tag matching the image dimensions. Authoring tools like Dreamweaver can automate this process.

<img src="images/titik2.gif"><a class="border_informasi" href="keuntunganmember.php"><b>Keuntungan Anggota</b></a></td>

Priority 3
The TD HEIGHT attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1646 W3C Deprecated

Replace the HEIGHT attribute with a CSS height: td { height: 14pt; }

<td height="20">
Priority 1
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.

Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud. Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.

Priority 2
Omitting IMG WIDTH or HEIGHT attributes means page text jumps about as images load.

This makes the page very hard to read while it's loading, and the user may click on the wrong link if it moves as it's being clicked. Add width and height attributes to the img tag matching the image dimensions. Authoring tools like Dreamweaver can automate this process.

<img src="images/titik2.gif"><a class="border_informasi" href="carabelanja.php"><b>Cara Belanja</b></a></td>

Priority 3
The TD HEIGHT attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1649 W3C Deprecated

Replace the HEIGHT attribute with a CSS height: td { height: 14pt; }

<td height="20">
Priority 1
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.

Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud. Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.

Priority 2
Omitting IMG WIDTH or HEIGHT attributes means page text jumps about as images load.

This makes the page very hard to read while it's loading, and the user may click on the wrong link if it moves as it's being clicked. Add width and height attributes to the img tag matching the image dimensions. Authoring tools like Dreamweaver can automate this process.

<img src="images/titik2.gif"><a class="border_informasi" href="carapembayaran.php"><b>Cara Pembayaran</b></a></td>

Priority 3
The TD HEIGHT attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1652 W3C Deprecated

Replace the HEIGHT attribute with a CSS height: td { height: 14pt; }

<td height="20">
Priority 1
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.

Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud. Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.

Priority 2
Omitting IMG WIDTH or HEIGHT attributes means page text jumps about as images load.

This makes the page very hard to read while it's loading, and the user may click on the wrong link if it moves as it's being clicked. Add width and height attributes to the img tag matching the image dimensions. Authoring tools like Dreamweaver can automate this process.

<img src="images/titik2.gif"><a class="border_informasi" href="cakupan_pengiriman.php"><b>Cakupan Pengiriman</b></a></td>

Priority 3
The TD HEIGHT attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1655 W3C Deprecated

Replace the HEIGHT attribute with a CSS height: td { height: 14pt; }

<td height="20">
Priority 1
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.

Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud. Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.

Priority 2
Omitting IMG WIDTH or HEIGHT attributes means page text jumps about as images load.

This makes the page very hard to read while it's loading, and the user may click on the wrong link if it moves as it's being clicked. Add width and height attributes to the img tag matching the image dimensions. Authoring tools like Dreamweaver can automate this process.

<img src="images/titik2.gif"><a class="border_informasi" href="cakupan_pengiriman.php#ongKir"><b>Biaya Pengiriman</b></a></td>

Priority 3
The TD HEIGHT attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1658 W3C Deprecated

Replace the HEIGHT attribute with a CSS height: td { height: 14pt; }

<td height="20">
Priority 1
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.

Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud. Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.

Priority 2
Omitting IMG WIDTH or HEIGHT attributes means page text jumps about as images load.

This makes the page very hard to read while it's loading, and the user may click on the wrong link if it moves as it's being clicked. Add width and height attributes to the img tag matching the image dimensions. Authoring tools like Dreamweaver can automate this process.

<img src="images/titik2.gif"><a class="border_informasi" href="proses_pengiriman.php"><b>Proses Pengiriman</b></a></td>

Priority 3
The TD HEIGHT attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1661 W3C Deprecated

Replace the HEIGHT attribute with a CSS height: td { height: 14pt; }

<td height="20">
Priority 1
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.

Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud. Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.

Priority 2
Omitting IMG WIDTH or HEIGHT attributes means page text jumps about as images load.

This makes the page very hard to read while it's loading, and the user may click on the wrong link if it moves as it's being clicked. Add width and height attributes to the img tag matching the image dimensions. Authoring tools like Dreamweaver can automate this process.

<img src="images/titik2.gif"><a class="border_informasi" href="hubungikami.php"><b>Hubungi Kami</b></a></td>

Priority 3
The TD HEIGHT attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1667 W3C Deprecated

Replace the HEIGHT attribute with a CSS height: td { height: 14pt; }

Priority 3
The TD WIDTH attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1667 W3C Deprecated

Replace width attributes with CSS rules. For example: td.two-column { width: 50%; }

<td width="7" height="7">
Priority 1
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.

Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud. Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.

Priority 2
Omitting IMG WIDTH or HEIGHT attributes means page text jumps about as images load.

This makes the page very hard to read while it's loading, and the user may click on the wrong link if it moves as it's being clicked. Add width and height attributes to the img tag matching the image dimensions. Authoring tools like Dreamweaver can automate this process.

<img src="images/info_04.gif"></td>
<td class="jarak_kanan2" align="center"><a name="iataskanan"></a>
Priority 3
Avoid specifying a new window as the target of a link with target="_blank".
Line 1675 WCAG2 AAA F22

Displaying new windows without warning is very confusing to non-sighted users because some screen readers do not give any indication when new windows appear. If you cannot avoid displaying a new window, insert a warning into the link text like the following: "opens in a new window".

Priority 1
Each A tag must contain text or an IMG with an ALT tag.
Line 1675 WCAG2 A F89

Add text to the link, or ALT text if the link contains an image. If there is no link text or the ALT tag is blank, screen readers have nothing to read, so read out the URL instead.

<a href='http://twitter.com/bukukita' target='_blank'>
Priority 1
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.

Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud. Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.

Priority 3
The IMG BORDER attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1675 W3C Deprecated

Replace the border attribute with a CSS rule. For example: img { border: 1px solid red; } img { border: none; }

<img src='images/banner/162' width='182' height='60' border='0' title='Follow us on Twitter Bukukita'></a><br><span align='center' style='color:#999999;font-size:9px;font-family:arial'>Tayang: 96 hari lagi</span></td>
<td class="jarak_kanan2" align="center">
Priority 3
Avoid specifying a new window as the target of a link with target="_blank".
Line 1678 WCAG2 AAA F22

Displaying new windows without warning is very confusing to non-sighted users because some screen readers do not give any indication when new windows appear. If you cannot avoid displaying a new window, insert a warning into the link text like the following: "opens in a new window".

Priority 1
Each A tag must contain text or an IMG with an ALT tag.
Line 1678 WCAG2 A F89

Add text to the link, or ALT text if the link contains an image. If there is no link text or the ALT tag is blank, screen readers have nothing to read, so read out the URL instead.

<a href="http://www.facebook.com/pages/BukuKitacom/69023153583" target="_blank">
Priority 1
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.

Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud. Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.

Priority 2
Omitting IMG WIDTH or HEIGHT attributes means page text jumps about as images load.

This makes the page very hard to read while it's loading, and the user may click on the wrong link if it moves as it's being clicked. Add width and height attributes to the img tag matching the image dimensions. Authoring tools like Dreamweaver can automate this process.

Priority 3
The IMG BORDER attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1678 W3C Deprecated

Replace the border attribute with a CSS rule. For example: img { border: 1px solid red; } img { border: none; }

<img src="images/facebook.gif" border="0"></a></td>
<td class="jarak_kanan2">
<table width="160" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">

Priority 3
The TD HEIGHT attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1685 W3C Deprecated

Replace the HEIGHT attribute with a CSS height: td { height: 14pt; }

Priority 3
The TD WIDTH attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1685 W3C Deprecated

Replace width attributes with CSS rules. For example: td.two-column { width: 50%; }

<td width="7" height="7">
Priority 1
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.

Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud. Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.

Priority 2
Omitting IMG WIDTH or HEIGHT attributes means page text jumps about as images load.

This makes the page very hard to read while it's loading, and the user may click on the wrong link if it moves as it's being clicked. Add width and height attributes to the img tag matching the image dimensions. Authoring tools like Dreamweaver can automate this process.

<img src="images/promo_01.gif"></td>
<td colspan="3" valign="top" class="border_promo">
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<td colspan="1" align="center">

Priority 3
The TABLE ALIGN attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1692 W3C Deprecated

Replace the ALIGN attribute with a CSS text-align attribute.

<table width="1%" align="center" border="0">

Priority 1
Each A tag must contain text or an IMG with an ALT tag.
Line 1693 WCAG2 A F89

Add text to the link, or ALT text if the link contains an image. If there is no link text or the ALT tag is blank, screen readers have nothing to read, so read out the URL instead.

<a href='Majalah/Bisnis/117540-Majalah-Animonster-Edisi-174---September-2013.html' class='linkgambar'>
Priority 1
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.

Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud. Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.

Priority 3
The IMG BORDER attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1693 W3C Deprecated

Replace the border attribute with a CSS rule. For example: img { border: 1px solid red; } img { border: none; }

<img src='babacms/displaybuku/67540.jpg' width='75' height='100' border='0' title='Lihat Detail Buku'></a> </table>
<td align="center" valign="middle" colspan="2">
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0">
<td align="center" class="hargadiscount">Rp 37.500</td>
<td align="center" class="disc">Hemat Rp 5.625</td>
<td align="center" class="harga">Rp 31.875</td>
<td align="center" valign="top">
<a href='membercartlist.php?po=1&bookI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 1
An attribute specification must start with a name or name token.
Line 1708 HTML Validation

Priority 1
This page has markup errors, causing screen readers to miss content.
Line 1708 WCAG2 A F70

Fix the errors listed on the Standards tab of this report. Markup errors like missing end tags mean screen readers may skip important content.

Priority 3
This page has malformed tags which IE8 and later treat differently from earlier versions of IE.

Fix the errors listed on the Standards tab of this report. Markup errors like missing end tags means IE8 and IE9 may display different content from IE6 and IE7.

Priority 3
Google recommends using well-formed HTML code in your webpages. This page has mismatched tags.
Line 1708 Google

Fix the critical errors listed on the Standards tab of this report. Markup errors like missing end tags or unclosed comments mean search engine web crawlers may skip important content.

Priority 1
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.

Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud. Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.

Priority 3
The IMG BORDER attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1708 W3C Deprecated

Replace the border attribute with a CSS rule. For example: img { border: 1px solid red; } img { border: none; }

<img src="images/beli.gif" width="53" height="22" title="beli buku ini" border="0"></a> </td>
<td align="center" class="judul_buku" valign="top" colspan="3" style="border-bottom:1px dashed #A5A5A5; padding-bottom:5px;">
<a href='Majalah/Bisnis/117540-Majalah-Animonster-Edisi-174---September-2013.html'><b>Majalah Animonster Edisi 174 - September 2013</b></a> </td>
<td align="right" colspan="3" style="padding-top:5px;">
<a href='katalogbukuatribut.php?atrId=5&pag
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'>Buku Promo Lainnya
Priority 1
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.

Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud. Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.

Priority 3
The IMG ALIGN attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1719 W3C Deprecated

Replace the ALIGN attribute with a CSS text-align attribute.

Priority 3
The IMG BORDER attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1719 W3C Deprecated

Replace the border attribute with a CSS rule. For example: img { border: 1px solid red; } img { border: none; }

<img src='images/more2.gif' align='absmiddle' border='0' height='15' width='35'></a> </td>

Priority 3
The TD HEIGHT attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1725 W3C Deprecated

Replace the HEIGHT attribute with a CSS height: td { height: 14pt; }

Priority 3
The TD WIDTH attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1725 W3C Deprecated

Replace width attributes with CSS rules. For example: td.two-column { width: 50%; }

<td width="7" height="7">
Priority 1
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.

Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud. Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.

Priority 2
Omitting IMG WIDTH or HEIGHT attributes means page text jumps about as images load.

This makes the page very hard to read while it's loading, and the user may click on the wrong link if it moves as it's being clicked. Add width and height attributes to the img tag matching the image dimensions. Authoring tools like Dreamweaver can automate this process.

<img src="images/promo_03.gif"></td>
<td class="jarak_kanan2">
<table width="160" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">

Priority 3
The TD HEIGHT attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1735 W3C Deprecated

Replace the HEIGHT attribute with a CSS height: td { height: 14pt; }

Priority 3
The TD WIDTH attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1735 W3C Deprecated

Replace width attributes with CSS rules. For example: td.two-column { width: 50%; }

<td width="7" height="7">
Priority 1
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.

Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud. Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.

Priority 2
Omitting IMG WIDTH or HEIGHT attributes means page text jumps about as images load.

This makes the page very hard to read while it's loading, and the user may click on the wrong link if it moves as it's being clicked. Add width and height attributes to the img tag matching the image dimensions. Authoring tools like Dreamweaver can automate this process.

<img src="images/terlaris_01.gif"></td>
<td colspan="3" valign="top" class="border_terlaris">
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">

Priority 3
The TD HEIGHT attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1741 W3C Deprecated

Replace the HEIGHT attribute with a CSS height: td { height: 14pt; }

<td height="22" valign="top" align="center" class="info_bukularis" colspan="3">Agu - Sep 2013</td>
<td colspan="1" align="center">

Priority 3
The TABLE ALIGN attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1746 W3C Deprecated

Replace the ALIGN attribute with a CSS text-align attribute.

<table width="1%" align="center" border="0">

Priority 1
Each A tag must contain text or an IMG with an ALT tag.
Line 1747 WCAG2 A F89

Add text to the link, or ALT text if the link contains an image. If there is no link text or the ALT tag is blank, screen readers have nothing to read, so read out the URL instead.

<a href='Anak-Anak/Pendidikan-Anak/73723-abacaga;-Cara-Praktis-Belajar-Membaca-untuk-Anak-(4-6-Tahun).html' class='linkgambar'>
Priority 1
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.

Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud. Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.

Priority 3
The IMG BORDER attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1747 W3C Deprecated

Replace the border attribute with a CSS rule. For example: img { border: 1px solid red; } img { border: none; }

<img src='babacms/displaybuku/23723.jpg' width='75' height='100' border='0' title='Lihat Detail Buku'></a> </table>
<td align="center" valign="top" colspan="2">
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0">
<td align="center" class="hargadiscount">Rp 35.000</td>
<td align="center" class="disc">Hemat Rp 5.250</td>
<td align="center" class="harga">Rp 29.750</td>
<td align="center" valign="top">

Priority 1
Each A tag must contain text or an IMG with an ALT tag.
Line 1762 WCAG2 A F89

Add text to the link, or ALT text if the link contains an image. If there is no link text or the ALT tag is blank, screen readers have nothing to read, so read out the URL instead.

<a href='membercartlist.php?po=1&bookI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 1
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.

Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud. Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.

Priority 3
The IMG BORDER attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1762 W3C Deprecated

Replace the border attribute with a CSS rule. For example: img { border: 1px solid red; } img { border: none; }

<img src="images/beli.gif" width="53" height="22" title="beli buku ini" border="0"></a> </td>
<td align="center" class="judul_buku" valign="top" colspan="3" style="border-bottom:1px dashed #A5A5A5; padding-bottom:5px;">
<a href='Anak-Anak/Pendidikan-Anak/73723-abacaga;-Cara-Praktis-Belajar-Membaca-untuk-Anak-(4-6-Tahun).html'><b>abacaga; Cara Praktis Belajar Membaca untuk Anak (4-6 Tahun)</b></a> </td>
<td align="right" colspan="3" style="padding-top:5px;">
<a href='katalogbukuatribut.php?atrId=1&pag
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1'>Terlaris Lainnya
Priority 1
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.

Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud. Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.

Priority 3
The IMG ALIGN attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1773 W3C Deprecated

Replace the ALIGN attribute with a CSS text-align attribute.

Priority 3
The IMG BORDER attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1773 W3C Deprecated

Replace the border attribute with a CSS rule. For example: img { border: 1px solid red; } img { border: none; }

<img src='images/more2.gif' align='absmiddle' border='0' height='15' width='35'></a> </td>

Priority 3
The TD HEIGHT attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1779 W3C Deprecated

Replace the HEIGHT attribute with a CSS height: td { height: 14pt; }

Priority 3
The TD WIDTH attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1779 W3C Deprecated

Replace width attributes with CSS rules. For example: td.two-column { width: 50%; }

<td width="7" height="7">
Priority 1
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.

Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud. Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.

Priority 2
Omitting IMG WIDTH or HEIGHT attributes means page text jumps about as images load.

This makes the page very hard to read while it's loading, and the user may click on the wrong link if it moves as it's being clicked. Add width and height attributes to the img tag matching the image dimensions. Authoring tools like Dreamweaver can automate this process.

<img src="images/terlaris_03.gif"></td>
<td class="jarak_kanan2">
<table width="160" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">

Priority 3
The TD HEIGHT attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1789 W3C Deprecated

Replace the HEIGHT attribute with a CSS height: td { height: 14pt; }

Priority 3
The TD WIDTH attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1789 W3C Deprecated

Replace width attributes with CSS rules. For example: td.two-column { width: 50%; }

<td width="7" height="7">
Priority 3
The IMG BORDER attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1789 W3C Deprecated

Replace the border attribute with a CSS rule. For example: img { border: 1px solid red; } img { border: none; }

<img src="images/testimonial.gif" width="182" height="38" border="0" alt="Buku Populer" title="Buku Populer"></td>
<td colspan="3" valign="top" class="border_testimoni">
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<td align="center" valign="middle" colspan="2">
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0">
<td class="judul_news">
Priority 1
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.

Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud. Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.

Priority 3
The IMG BORDER attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1798 W3C Deprecated

Replace the border attribute with a CSS rule. For example: img { border: 1px solid red; } img { border: none; }

<img src="images/icon02.gif" height="11" width="6" border="0"> Maria Tunggal</td>
<td class="disc"><a href="testimonial.php">alhamdulillah transaksi berjalan lancar, seneng bi...</a></td>
<td class="judul_news">
Priority 1
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.

Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud. Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.

Priority 3
The IMG BORDER attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1804 W3C Deprecated

Replace the border attribute with a CSS rule. For example: img { border: 1px solid red; } img { border: none; }

<img src="images/icon02.gif" height="11" width="6" border="0"> Abdul Rohman Jaelani</td>
<td class="disc"><a href="testimonial.php">alhamdulillah,, dapet juga tempat buku online yang...</a></td>
<td class="judul_news">
Priority 1
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.

Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud. Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.

Priority 3
The IMG BORDER attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1810 W3C Deprecated

Replace the border attribute with a CSS rule. For example: img { border: 1px solid red; } img { border: none; }

<img src="images/icon02.gif" height="11" width="6" border="0"> Ika Herawati</td>
<td class="disc"><a href="testimonial.php">Bukunya sudah saya terima...terima kasih buku kita...</a></td>
<td align="center" class="judul_buku" valign="top" colspan="3" style="border-bottom:1px dashed #A5A5A5; padding-bottom:5px;">&nbs
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

<td align="right" colspan="3" style="padding-top:5px;">
<a href='testimonial.php?po=1' style='padding-right:20px'>Tambah</a> <a href='testimonial.php'>Lainnya
Priority 1
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.

Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud. Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.

Priority 3
The IMG ALIGN attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1823 W3C Deprecated

Replace the ALIGN attribute with a CSS text-align attribute.

Priority 3
The IMG BORDER attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1823 W3C Deprecated

Replace the border attribute with a CSS rule. For example: img { border: 1px solid red; } img { border: none; }

<img src='images/more2.gif' align='absmiddle' border='0' height='15' width='35'></a> </td>

Priority 3
The TD HEIGHT attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1829 W3C Deprecated

Replace the HEIGHT attribute with a CSS height: td { height: 14pt; }

Priority 3
The TD WIDTH attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1829 W3C Deprecated

Replace width attributes with CSS rules. For example: td.two-column { width: 50%; }

<td width="7" height="7">
Priority 1
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.

Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud. Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.

Priority 2
Omitting IMG WIDTH or HEIGHT attributes means page text jumps about as images load.

This makes the page very hard to read while it's loading, and the user may click on the wrong link if it moves as it's being clicked. Add width and height attributes to the img tag matching the image dimensions. Authoring tools like Dreamweaver can automate this process.

<img src="images/testimonial_03.gif"></td>
<td class="jarak_kanan2" align="center">
Priority 3
Avoid specifying a new window as the target of a link with target="_blank".
Line 1836 WCAG2 AAA F22

Displaying new windows without warning is very confusing to non-sighted users because some screen readers do not give any indication when new windows appear. If you cannot avoid displaying a new window, insert a warning into the link text like the following: "opens in a new window".

Priority 1
Each A tag must contain text or an IMG with an ALT tag.
Line 1836 WCAG2 A F89

Add text to the link, or ALT text if the link contains an image. If there is no link text or the ALT tag is blank, screen readers have nothing to read, so read out the URL instead.

<a href="http://www.dm-idholland.com/newsletter" target="_blank">
Priority 1
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.

Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud. Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.

Priority 2
Omitting IMG WIDTH or HEIGHT attributes means page text jumps about as images load.

This makes the page very hard to read while it's loading, and the user may click on the wrong link if it moves as it's being clicked. Add width and height attributes to the img tag matching the image dimensions. Authoring tools like Dreamweaver can automate this process.

Priority 3
The IMG BORDER attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1836 W3C Deprecated

Replace the border attribute with a CSS rule. For example: img { border: 1px solid red; } img { border: none; }

<img src="images/banner_dmID.jpg" border="0"></a></td>
<!--Pemenang Undian start-->
<td class="jarak_kanan2">
<table bgcolor="#1B449D" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="160">

Priority 3
The TD HEIGHT attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1844 W3C Deprecated

Replace the HEIGHT attribute with a CSS height: td { height: 14pt; }

Priority 3
The TD WIDTH attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1844 W3C Deprecated

Replace width attributes with CSS rules. For example: td.two-column { width: 50%; }

<td width="7" height="7">
Priority 1
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.

Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud. Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.

Priority 2
Omitting IMG WIDTH or HEIGHT attributes means page text jumps about as images load.

This makes the page very hard to read while it's loading, and the user may click on the wrong link if it moves as it's being clicked. Add width and height attributes to the img tag matching the image dimensions. Authoring tools like Dreamweaver can automate this process.

<img src="images/pemenang_01.gif"></td>
<td bgcolor="#1B449D" colspan="3" class="border_pemenang" valign="top">
<table bgcolor="#1B449D" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%">

Priority 3
The TD HEIGHT attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1850 W3C Deprecated

Replace the HEIGHT attribute with a CSS height: td { height: 14pt; }

<td height="22" class="info_pemenang" valign="top" align="center">Periode Agustus 2013</td>
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0">

Priority 3
The TD WIDTH attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1856 W3C Deprecated

Replace width attributes with CSS rules. For example: td.two-column { width: 50%; }

<td width="6" valign="top">
Priority 1
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.

Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud. Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.

<img src="images/icon02.gif" width="6" height="11" /></td>
<td class="nomor_undian">No Undian :</td>

Priority 3
The TD WIDTH attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1860 W3C Deprecated

Replace width attributes with CSS rules. For example: td.two-column { width: 50%; }

<td width="6" valign="top">&nbs
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

<td class="no_pemenang">137895705203</td>

Priority 3
The TD WIDTH attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1864 W3C Deprecated

Replace width attributes with CSS rules. For example: td.two-column { width: 50%; }

<td width="6" valign="top">
Priority 1
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.

Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud. Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.

<img src="images/icon02.gif" width="6" height="11" /></td>
<td class="nomor_undian">Anggota :</td>

Priority 3
The TD WIDTH attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1868 W3C Deprecated

Replace width attributes with CSS rules. For example: td.two-column { width: 50%; }

<td width="6" valign="top">&nbs
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

<td class="no_pemenang">arief_med</td>

Priority 3
The TD WIDTH attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1872 W3C Deprecated

Replace width attributes with CSS rules. For example: td.two-column { width: 50%; }

<td width="6" valign="top">
Priority 1
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.

Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud. Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.

<img src="images/icon02.gif" width="6" height="11" /></td>
<td class="nomor_undian">Hadiah Buku yang dipilih:</td>

Priority 3
The TD WIDTH attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1876 W3C Deprecated

Replace width attributes with CSS rules. For example: td.two-column { width: 50%; }

<td width="6" valign="top">&nbs
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

<td class="no_pemenang" align="center">

Priority 1
Each A tag must contain text or an IMG with an ALT tag.
Line 1878 WCAG2 A F89

Add text to the link, or ALT text if the link contains an image. If there is no link text or the ALT tag is blank, screen readers have nothing to read, so read out the URL instead.

<a href='Kesehatan-dan-Lingkungan/Pengetahuan-Kesehatan/115279-KEAJAIBAN-ENZIM-AWET-MUDA.html' class='linkgambarpem'>
Priority 1
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.

Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud. Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.

Priority 3
The IMG BORDER attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1878 W3C Deprecated

Replace the border attribute with a CSS rule. For example: img { border: 1px solid red; } img { border: none; }

<img src='babacms/displaybuku/65279.jpg' width='75' height='100' border='0' title='Lihat Detail Buku'></a><a href='Kesehatan-dan-Lingkungan/Pengetahuan-Kesehatan/115279-KEAJAIBAN-ENZIM-AWET-MUDA.html'><b>KEAJAIBAN ENZIM AWET MUDA</b></a> </td>

Priority 3
The TD HEIGHT attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1887 W3C Deprecated

Replace the HEIGHT attribute with a CSS height: td { height: 14pt; }

<td height="1px" class="border_content2"></td>
<td colspan="3" valign="top" class="border_pemenang2">
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<td height="22" class="info_buku" valign="top" align="center">Periode Agustus 2013</td>
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0">

Priority 3
The TD WIDTH attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1899 W3C Deprecated

Replace width attributes with CSS rules. For example: td.two-column { width: 50%; }

<td width="6" valign="top">
Priority 1
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.

Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud. Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.

<img src="images/icon02.gif" width="6" height="11" /></td>
<td class="nomor_undian">No Undian :</td>

Priority 3
The TD WIDTH attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1903 W3C Deprecated

Replace width attributes with CSS rules. For example: td.two-column { width: 50%; }

<td width="6" valign="top">&nbs
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

<td class="no_pemenang">137809866765</td>

Priority 3
The TD WIDTH attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1907 W3C Deprecated

Replace width attributes with CSS rules. For example: td.two-column { width: 50%; }

<td width="6" valign="top">
Priority 1
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.

Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud. Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.

<img src="images/icon02.gif" width="6" height="11" /></td>
<td class="nomor_undian">Anggota :</td>

Priority 3
The TD WIDTH attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1911 W3C Deprecated

Replace width attributes with CSS rules. For example: td.two-column { width: 50%; }

<td width="6" valign="top">&nbs
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

<td class="no_pemenang">Firda10</td>

Priority 3
The TD WIDTH attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1915 W3C Deprecated

Replace width attributes with CSS rules. For example: td.two-column { width: 50%; }

<td width="6" valign="top">
Priority 1
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.

Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud. Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.

<img src="images/icon02.gif" width="6" height="11" /></td>
<td class="nomor_undian">Hadiah Buku yang dipilih:</td>

Priority 3
The TD WIDTH attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1919 W3C Deprecated

Replace width attributes with CSS rules. For example: td.two-column { width: 50%; }

<td width="6" valign="top">&nbs
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

<td class="no_pemenang" align="center">

Priority 1
Each A tag must contain text or an IMG with an ALT tag.
Line 1921 WCAG2 A F89

Add text to the link, or ALT text if the link contains an image. If there is no link text or the ALT tag is blank, screen readers have nothing to read, so read out the URL instead.

<a href='Agama/Islam/110064-Menikah-untuk-Bahagia-:-Formula-Cinta-Membangun-Surga-di-Rumah.html' class='linkgambarpem'>
Priority 1
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.

Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud. Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.

Priority 3
The IMG BORDER attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1921 W3C Deprecated

Replace the border attribute with a CSS rule. For example: img { border: 1px solid red; } img { border: none; }

<img src='babacms/displaybuku/60064.jpg' width='75' height='100' border='0' title='Lihat Detail Buku'></a><a href='Agama/Islam/110064-Menikah-untuk-Bahagia-:-Formula-Cinta-Membangun-Surga-di-Rumah.html'><b>Menikah untuk Bahagia : Formula Cinta Membangun Surga di Rumah</b></a> </td>
Priority 1
End tag for element "TBODY" which is not open.
Line 1926 HTML Validation

Priority 1
This page has markup errors, causing screen readers to miss content.
Line 1926 WCAG2 A F70

Fix the errors listed on the Standards tab of this report. Markup errors like missing end tags mean screen readers may skip important content.

Priority 3
This page has malformed tags which IE8 and later treat differently from earlier versions of IE.

Fix the errors listed on the Standards tab of this report. Markup errors like missing end tags means IE8 and IE9 may display different content from IE6 and IE7.

Priority 3
Google recommends using well-formed HTML code in your webpages. This page has mismatched tags.
Line 1926 Google

Fix the critical errors listed on the Standards tab of this report. Markup errors like missing end tags or unclosed comments mean search engine web crawlers may skip important content.


Priority 3
The TD HEIGHT attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1930 W3C Deprecated

Replace the HEIGHT attribute with a CSS height: td { height: 14pt; }

Priority 3
The TD WIDTH attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1930 W3C Deprecated

Replace width attributes with CSS rules. For example: td.two-column { width: 50%; }

<td width="7" height="7">
Priority 1
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.

Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud. Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.

Priority 2
Omitting IMG WIDTH or HEIGHT attributes means page text jumps about as images load.

This makes the page very hard to read while it's loading, and the user may click on the wrong link if it moves as it's being clicked. Add width and height attributes to the img tag matching the image dimensions. Authoring tools like Dreamweaver can automate this process.

<img src="images/pemenang_03.gif"></td>
Priority 1
End tag for element "TBODY" which is not open.
Line 1932 HTML Validation

<!--Pemenang Undian End-->
Priority 1
Document type does not allow element "TR" here.
Line 1938 HTML Validation


Priority 3
The TD WIDTH attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1939 W3C Deprecated

Replace width attributes with CSS rules. For example: td.two-column { width: 50%; }

<td width="165" class="jarak_kanan2">
<table width="160" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">

Priority 3
The TD HEIGHT attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1942 W3C Deprecated

Replace the HEIGHT attribute with a CSS height: td { height: 14pt; }

Priority 3
The TD WIDTH attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1942 W3C Deprecated

Replace width attributes with CSS rules. For example: td.two-column { width: 50%; }

<td width="7" height="7">
Priority 1
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.

Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud. Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.

Priority 2
Omitting IMG WIDTH or HEIGHT attributes means page text jumps about as images load.

This makes the page very hard to read while it's loading, and the user may click on the wrong link if it moves as it's being clicked. Add width and height attributes to the img tag matching the image dimensions. Authoring tools like Dreamweaver can automate this process.

<img src="images/new-post-blog.gif"></td>
<td valign="top" class="border_testimoni">

Priority 3
The TABLE ALIGN attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1946 W3C Deprecated

Replace the ALIGN attribute with a CSS text-align attribute.

<table width="100%" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="" cellspacing="0">
Priority 3
The TD WIDTH attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1947 W3C Deprecated

Replace width attributes with CSS rules. For example: td.two-column { width: 50%; }

<td width='1%' valign='top'>
Priority 3
Avoid specifying a new window as the target of a link with target="_blank".
Line 1947 WCAG2 AAA F22

Displaying new windows without warning is very confusing to non-sighted users because some screen readers do not give any indication when new windows appear. If you cannot avoid displaying a new window, insert a warning into the link text like the following: "opens in a new window".

Priority 1
Each A tag must contain text or an IMG with an ALT tag.
Line 1947 WCAG2 A F89

Add text to the link, or ALT text if the link contains an image. If there is no link text or the ALT tag is blank, screen readers have nothing to read, so read out the URL instead.

<a href='http://blog.bukukita.com/users/dulsun/?nav=about' target='_blank'>
Priority 1
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.

Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud. Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.

Priority 3
The IMG ALIGN attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1947 W3C Deprecated

Replace the ALIGN attribute with a CSS text-align attribute.

Priority 3
The IMG BORDER attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1947 W3C Deprecated

Replace the border attribute with a CSS rule. For example: img { border: 1px solid red; } img { border: none; }

Priority 3
The IMG VSPACE attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1947 W3C Deprecated

Replace the VSPACE attribute with a CSS margin. For example: img { margin-top: 10px; margin-bottom: 10px; }

<img src='images/empty_cow.gif' border='0' vspace='2' width='30' height='30' align='left' style='padding-right:2px;'></a></td>
<td style="padding-left:0px;">
Priority 3
Avoid specifying a new window as the target of a link with target="_blank".
Line 1948 WCAG2 AAA F22

Displaying new windows without warning is very confusing to non-sighted users because some screen readers do not give any indication when new windows appear. If you cannot avoid displaying a new window, insert a warning into the link text like the following: "opens in a new window".

<a href="http://blog.bukukita.com/users/dulsun/?postId=25980" title="Dawson : Jermain Adalah Pencetak Gol" target="_blank">Dawson : Jermain A..</a>
Priority 3
Avoid specifying a new window as the target of a link with target="_blank".
Line 1949 WCAG2 AAA F22

Displaying new windows without warning is very confusing to non-sighted users because some screen readers do not give any indication when new windows appear. If you cannot avoid displaying a new window, insert a warning into the link text like the following: "opens in a new window".

<a href='http://blog.bukukita.com/?catId=6#newpost' target='_blank'>Berita</a>
Priority 3
The TD WIDTH attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1950 W3C Deprecated

Replace width attributes with CSS rules. For example: td.two-column { width: 50%; }

<td width='1%' valign='top'>
Priority 3
Avoid specifying a new window as the target of a link with target="_blank".
Line 1950 WCAG2 AAA F22

Displaying new windows without warning is very confusing to non-sighted users because some screen readers do not give any indication when new windows appear. If you cannot avoid displaying a new window, insert a warning into the link text like the following: "opens in a new window".

Priority 1
Each A tag must contain text or an IMG with an ALT tag.
Line 1950 WCAG2 A F89

Add text to the link, or ALT text if the link contains an image. If there is no link text or the ALT tag is blank, screen readers have nothing to read, so read out the URL instead.

<a href='http://blog.bukukita.com/users/eduntenan/?nav=about' target='_blank'>
Priority 1
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.

Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud. Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.

Priority 3
The IMG ALIGN attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1950 W3C Deprecated

Replace the ALIGN attribute with a CSS text-align attribute.

Priority 3
The IMG BORDER attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1950 W3C Deprecated

Replace the border attribute with a CSS rule. For example: img { border: 1px solid red; } img { border: none; }

Priority 3
The IMG VSPACE attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1950 W3C Deprecated

Replace the VSPACE attribute with a CSS margin. For example: img { margin-top: 10px; margin-bottom: 10px; }

<img src='images/empty_cow.gif' border='0' vspace='2' width='30' height='30' align='left' style='padding-right:2px;'></a></td>
<td style="padding-left:0px;">
Priority 3
Avoid specifying a new window as the target of a link with target="_blank".
Line 1951 WCAG2 AAA F22

Displaying new windows without warning is very confusing to non-sighted users because some screen readers do not give any indication when new windows appear. If you cannot avoid displaying a new window, insert a warning into the link text like the following: "opens in a new window".

<a href="http://blog.bukukita.com/users/eduntenan/?postId=25979" title="Tidur Siang 30 Menit Bisa Picu Diabetes" target="_blank">Tidur Siang 30 Men..</a>
Priority 3
Avoid specifying a new window as the target of a link with target="_blank".
Line 1952 WCAG2 AAA F22

Displaying new windows without warning is very confusing to non-sighted users because some screen readers do not give any indication when new windows appear. If you cannot avoid displaying a new window, insert a warning into the link text like the following: "opens in a new window".

<a href='http://blog.bukukita.com/?catId=6#newpost' target='_blank'>Berita</a>
Priority 3
The TD WIDTH attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1953 W3C Deprecated

Replace width attributes with CSS rules. For example: td.two-column { width: 50%; }

<td width='1%' valign='top'>
Priority 3
Avoid specifying a new window as the target of a link with target="_blank".
Line 1953 WCAG2 AAA F22

Displaying new windows without warning is very confusing to non-sighted users because some screen readers do not give any indication when new windows appear. If you cannot avoid displaying a new window, insert a warning into the link text like the following: "opens in a new window".

Priority 1
Each A tag must contain text or an IMG with an ALT tag.
Line 1953 WCAG2 A F89

Add text to the link, or ALT text if the link contains an image. If there is no link text or the ALT tag is blank, screen readers have nothing to read, so read out the URL instead.

<a href='http://blog.bukukita.com/users/pulautidung1/?nav=about' target='_blank'>
Priority 1
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.

Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud. Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.

Priority 3
The IMG ALIGN attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1953 W3C Deprecated

Replace the ALIGN attribute with a CSS text-align attribute.

Priority 3
The IMG BORDER attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1953 W3C Deprecated

Replace the border attribute with a CSS rule. For example: img { border: 1px solid red; } img { border: none; }

Priority 3
The IMG VSPACE attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1953 W3C Deprecated

Replace the VSPACE attribute with a CSS margin. For example: img { margin-top: 10px; margin-bottom: 10px; }

<img src='images/empty_cow.gif' border='0' vspace='2' width='30' height='30' align='left' style='padding-right:2px;'></a></td>
<td style="padding-left:0px;">
Priority 3
Avoid specifying a new window as the target of a link with target="_blank".
Line 1954 WCAG2 AAA F22

Displaying new windows without warning is very confusing to non-sighted users because some screen readers do not give any indication when new windows appear. If you cannot avoid displaying a new window, insert a warning into the link text like the following: "opens in a new window".

<a href="http://blog.bukukita.com/users/pulautidung1/?postId=25978" title="Solusi tepat Hemat listrik dengan alat ukur dan instrumentasi tridinamika" target="_blank">Solusi tepat Hemat..</a>
Priority 3
Avoid specifying a new window as the target of a link with target="_blank".
Line 1955 WCAG2 AAA F22

Displaying new windows without warning is very confusing to non-sighted users because some screen readers do not give any indication when new windows appear. If you cannot avoid displaying a new window, insert a warning into the link text like the following: "opens in a new window".

<a href='http://blog.bukukita.com/?catId=5#newpost' target='_blank'>Umum</a>
Priority 3
The TD WIDTH attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1956 W3C Deprecated

Replace width attributes with CSS rules. For example: td.two-column { width: 50%; }

<td width='1%' valign='top'>
Priority 3
Avoid specifying a new window as the target of a link with target="_blank".
Line 1956 WCAG2 AAA F22

Displaying new windows without warning is very confusing to non-sighted users because some screen readers do not give any indication when new windows appear. If you cannot avoid displaying a new window, insert a warning into the link text like the following: "opens in a new window".

Priority 1
Each A tag must contain text or an IMG with an ALT tag.
Line 1956 WCAG2 A F89

Add text to the link, or ALT text if the link contains an image. If there is no link text or the ALT tag is blank, screen readers have nothing to read, so read out the URL instead.

<a href='http://blog.bukukita.com/users/fokusbet/?nav=about' target='_blank'>
Priority 1
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.

Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud. Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.

Priority 3
The IMG ALIGN attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1956 W3C Deprecated

Replace the ALIGN attribute with a CSS text-align attribute.

Priority 3
The IMG BORDER attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1956 W3C Deprecated

Replace the border attribute with a CSS rule. For example: img { border: 1px solid red; } img { border: none; }

Priority 3
The IMG VSPACE attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1956 W3C Deprecated

Replace the VSPACE attribute with a CSS margin. For example: img { margin-top: 10px; margin-bottom: 10px; }

<img src='images/empty_cow.gif' border='0' vspace='2' width='30' height='30' align='left' style='padding-right:2px;'></a></td>
<td style="padding-left:0px;">
Priority 3
Avoid specifying a new window as the target of a link with target="_blank".
Line 1957 WCAG2 AAA F22

Displaying new windows without warning is very confusing to non-sighted users because some screen readers do not give any indication when new windows appear. If you cannot avoid displaying a new window, insert a warning into the link text like the following: "opens in a new window".

<a href="http://blog.bukukita.com/users/fokusbet/?postId=25977" title="Fokusbet.com - Prediksi Skor Serie A AC Milan vs Napoli 24 Sep 2013 " target="_blank">Fokusbet.com - Pre..</a>
Priority 3
Avoid specifying a new window as the target of a link with target="_blank".
Line 1958 WCAG2 AAA F22

Displaying new windows without warning is very confusing to non-sighted users because some screen readers do not give any indication when new windows appear. If you cannot avoid displaying a new window, insert a warning into the link text like the following: "opens in a new window".

<a href='http://blog.bukukita.com/?catId=6#newpost' target='_blank'>Berita</a>
Priority 3
The TD WIDTH attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1959 W3C Deprecated

Replace width attributes with CSS rules. For example: td.two-column { width: 50%; }

<td width='1%' valign='top'>
Priority 3
Avoid specifying a new window as the target of a link with target="_blank".
Line 1959 WCAG2 AAA F22

Displaying new windows without warning is very confusing to non-sighted users because some screen readers do not give any indication when new windows appear. If you cannot avoid displaying a new window, insert a warning into the link text like the following: "opens in a new window".

Priority 1
Each A tag must contain text or an IMG with an ALT tag.
Line 1959 WCAG2 A F89

Add text to the link, or ALT text if the link contains an image. If there is no link text or the ALT tag is blank, screen readers have nothing to read, so read out the URL instead.

<a href='http://blog.bukukita.com/users/eduntenan/?nav=about' target='_blank'>
Priority 1
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.

Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud. Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.

Priority 3
The IMG ALIGN attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1959 W3C Deprecated

Replace the ALIGN attribute with a CSS text-align attribute.

Priority 3
The IMG BORDER attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1959 W3C Deprecated

Replace the border attribute with a CSS rule. For example: img { border: 1px solid red; } img { border: none; }

Priority 3
The IMG VSPACE attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1959 W3C Deprecated

Replace the VSPACE attribute with a CSS margin. For example: img { margin-top: 10px; margin-bottom: 10px; }

<img src='images/empty_cow.gif' border='0' vspace='2' width='30' height='30' align='left' style='padding-right:2px;'></a></td>
<td style="padding-left:0px;">
Priority 3
Avoid specifying a new window as the target of a link with target="_blank".
Line 1960 WCAG2 AAA F22

Displaying new windows without warning is very confusing to non-sighted users because some screen readers do not give any indication when new windows appear. If you cannot avoid displaying a new window, insert a warning into the link text like the following: "opens in a new window".

<a href="http://blog.bukukita.com/users/eduntenan/?postId=25976" title="Espanyol vs Athletic Bilbao" target="_blank">Espanyol vs Athlet..</a>
Priority 3
Avoid specifying a new window as the target of a link with target="_blank".
Line 1961 WCAG2 AAA F22

Displaying new windows without warning is very confusing to non-sighted users because some screen readers do not give any indication when new windows appear. If you cannot avoid displaying a new window, insert a warning into the link text like the following: "opens in a new window".

<a href='http://blog.bukukita.com/?catId=6#newpost' target='_blank'>Berita</a>
</td></tr> </table>

Priority 3
The TD HEIGHT attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1966 W3C Deprecated

Replace the HEIGHT attribute with a CSS height: td { height: 14pt; }

Priority 3
The TD WIDTH attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1966 W3C Deprecated

Replace width attributes with CSS rules. For example: td.two-column { width: 50%; }

<td width="7" height="7">
Priority 1
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.

Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud. Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.

Priority 2
Omitting IMG WIDTH or HEIGHT attributes means page text jumps about as images load.

This makes the page very hard to read while it's loading, and the user may click on the wrong link if it moves as it's being clicked. Add width and height attributes to the img tag matching the image dimensions. Authoring tools like Dreamweaver can automate this process.

<img src="images/blog_03.gif"></td>
<td class="jarak_kanan2"><a href="http://www.varnion.com" target="_blank"><img src="images/varnion.png" border="0"/></td>
</tr> -->
<td class="jarak_kanan2"></td>
</tr> -->
Priority 1
End tag for element "TABLE" which is not open.
Line 1977 HTML Validation

Priority 1
This page has markup errors, causing screen readers to miss content.
Line 1977 WCAG2 A F70

Fix the errors listed on the Standards tab of this report. Markup errors like missing end tags mean screen readers may skip important content.

Priority 3
This page has malformed tags which IE8 and later treat differently from earlier versions of IE.

Fix the errors listed on the Standards tab of this report. Markup errors like missing end tags means IE8 and IE9 may display different content from IE6 and IE7.

Priority 3
Google recommends using well-formed HTML code in your webpages. This page has mismatched tags.
Line 1977 Google

Fix the critical errors listed on the Standards tab of this report. Markup errors like missing end tags or unclosed comments mean search engine web crawlers may skip important content.

Priority 1
End tag for element "TD" which is not open.
Line 1978 HTML Validation

Priority 1
End tag for element "TR" which is not open.
Line 1979 HTML Validation

Priority 1
End tag for element "TABLE" which is not open.
Line 1980 HTML Validation

Priority 1
End tag for element "TD" which is not open.
Line 1981 HTML Validation

Priority 1
End tag for element "TR" which is not open.
Line 1982 HTML Validation

Priority 1
Document type does not allow element "TR" here.
Line 1983 HTML Validation


Priority 2
Use background images sparingly and make sure they are simple, especially behind text.

Background images can make it difficult for users to read foreground text. A single, large, complex background image (including a picture) can substantially slow page download rates.

<td align="center" valign="top" background="images/content_05a.gif" class="bawah">
Priority 1
Identify row and column headers in data tables using TH elements.

If the table has headers marked up using TD, then change these to TH. If the table has no headers, add TH elements describing each row and/or column.

<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<td align="center">
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3


Priority 3
The TD HEIGHT attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 1995 W3C Deprecated

Replace the HEIGHT attribute with a CSS height: td { height: 14pt; }

<td height="24" align="center">
<a href="index.php">Halaman Depan</a> |
<a href="tentangkami.php">Tentang Kami</a> |
<a href="penerbit.php">Kerjasama Penerbit</a> |
<a href="katalogbukuatribut.php?atrId=2&pag
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1">Buku Baru</a> |
<a href="katalogbukuatribut.php?atrId=1&pag
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1">Buku Terlaris</a> |
<a href="katalogbukuatribut.php?atrId=3&pag
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1">Buku Populer</a> |
<a href="katalogbukuatribut.php?atrId=4&pag
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1">Buku Rekomendasi</a> |
<!--<a href="#">Sisi Penulis</a> |-->
<a href="katalogbukuatribut.php?atrId=5&pag
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

e=1">Buku Promo</a> |

Priority 3
Avoid specifying a new window as the target of a link with target="_blank".
Line 2005 WCAG2 AAA F22

Displaying new windows without warning is very confusing to non-sighted users because some screen readers do not give any indication when new windows appear. If you cannot avoid displaying a new window, insert a warning into the link text like the following: "opens in a new window".

<a href="http://blog.bukukita.com" target="_blank">Blog</a>
<div id="divTab"><table><tr><td>
Priority 1
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.

Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud. Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.

Priority 2
Omitting IMG WIDTH or HEIGHT attributes means page text jumps about as images load.

This makes the page very hard to read while it's loading, and the user may click on the wrong link if it moves as it's being clicked. Add width and height attributes to the img tag matching the image dimensions. Authoring tools like Dreamweaver can automate this process.

Priority 3
The IMG BORDER attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 2009 W3C Deprecated

Replace the border attribute with a CSS rule. For example: img { border: 1px solid red; } img { border: none; }

<img src="images/run.gif" border="0"></td><td>&nbs
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 3
FONT element is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 2009 W3C Deprecated

HTML font tags should be replaced by equivalent CSS rules. For example, you can set the font on every paragraph by the following CSS rule: p { font-family: Arial; font-size: 14pt; }

<font color=white>Cari Cepat </font></b></td></tr></table></div>
<div id="divCont">
<div id="divBanner">
<table width="100%" style="border-bottom:1px dotted #CCCCCC;" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<tr valign="top">
<td class="paging">
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<tr valign="top">

Priority 3
The TD WIDTH attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 2018 W3C Deprecated

Replace width attributes with CSS rules. For example: td.two-column { width: 50%; }

<td width="25%">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">

Priority 3
The TD WIDTH attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 2021 W3C Deprecated

Replace width attributes with CSS rules. For example: td.two-column { width: 50%; }

<td width="25%" align="center" valign="top">
<table width="1%">

Priority 1
Each A tag must contain text or an IMG with an ALT tag.
Line 2025 WCAG2 A F89

Add text to the link, or ALT text if the link contains an image. If there is no link text or the ALT tag is blank, screen readers have nothing to read, so read out the URL instead.

<a href='http://www.bukukita.com/Komputer-dan-Internet/Internet/90263-iPad-:-Wi-Fi-&-3G-(Full-Color).html' class='linkgambar'>
Priority 1
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.

Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud. Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.

Priority 3
The IMG BORDER attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 2025 W3C Deprecated

Replace the border attribute with a CSS rule. For example: img { border: 1px solid red; } img { border: none; }

<img src='http://www.bukukita.com/babacms/displaybuku/40263.jpg' width='75' height='100' border='0' title='Lihat Detail Buku'></a> </td>
<td align="center" valign="top">
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<td align="center" valign="top" class="isi_komentar judul_buku"><b><a href='http://www.bukukita.com/Komputer-dan-Internet/Internet/90263-iPad-:-Wi-Fi-&-3G-(Full-Color).html'>
iPad : Wi-Fi & 3G (Full Color)</a></b></td>
<td align="center" valign="top">
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<td align="center" class="hargadiscount">
Priority 3
STRIKE element is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 2044 W3C Deprecated

Replace with the CSS text-decoration attribute: .strike { text-decoration: line-through; }

<strike>Rp 59.000</strike></td>
<td align="center" class="disc">Hemat Rp 7.080</td>
<td align="center" class="harga">Rp 51.920</td>
<td align="center" valign="top">

Priority 1
Each A tag must contain text or an IMG with an ALT tag.
Line 2057 WCAG2 A F89

Add text to the link, or ALT text if the link contains an image. If there is no link text or the ALT tag is blank, screen readers have nothing to read, so read out the URL instead.

<a href='http://www.bukukita.com/membercartlist.php?po=1&bookI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 1
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.

Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud. Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.

Priority 3
The IMG BORDER attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 2057 W3C Deprecated

Replace the border attribute with a CSS rule. For example: img { border: 1px solid red; } img { border: none; }

<img src="http://www.bukukita.com/images/beli.gif" width="53" height="22" title="beli buku ini" border="0"></a> </td>

Priority 3
The TD WIDTH attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 2061 W3C Deprecated

Replace width attributes with CSS rules. For example: td.two-column { width: 50%; }

<td width="25%">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">

Priority 3
The TD WIDTH attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 2064 W3C Deprecated

Replace width attributes with CSS rules. For example: td.two-column { width: 50%; }

<td width="25%" align="center" valign="top">
<table width="1%">

Priority 1
Each A tag must contain text or an IMG with an ALT tag.
Line 2068 WCAG2 A F89

Add text to the link, or ALT text if the link contains an image. If there is no link text or the ALT tag is blank, screen readers have nothing to read, so read out the URL instead.

<a href='http://www.bukukita.com/Komputer-dan-Internet/Pemrograman/90262-CEH-(Certified-Ethical-Hacker)-400%-Illegal.html' class='linkgambar'>
Priority 1
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.

Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud. Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.

Priority 3
The IMG BORDER attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 2068 W3C Deprecated

Replace the border attribute with a CSS rule. For example: img { border: 1px solid red; } img { border: none; }

<img src='http://www.bukukita.com/babacms/displaybuku/40262.jpg' width='75' height='100' border='0' title='Lihat Detail Buku'></a> </td>
<td align="center" valign="top">
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<td align="center" valign="top" class="isi_komentar judul_buku"><b><a href='http://www.bukukita.com/Komputer-dan-Internet/Pemrograman/90262-CEH-(Certified-Ethical-Hacker)-400%-Illegal.html'>
CEH (Certified Ethical Hacker) 400% Illegal</a></b></td>
<td align="center" valign="top">
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<td align="center" class="hargadiscount">
Priority 3
STRIKE element is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 2087 W3C Deprecated

Replace with the CSS text-decoration attribute: .strike { text-decoration: line-through; }

<strike>Rp 59.000</strike></td>
<td align="center" class="disc">Hemat Rp 7.080</td>
<td align="center" class="harga">Rp 51.920</td>
<td align="center" valign="top">

Priority 1
Each A tag must contain text or an IMG with an ALT tag.
Line 2100 WCAG2 A F89

Add text to the link, or ALT text if the link contains an image. If there is no link text or the ALT tag is blank, screen readers have nothing to read, so read out the URL instead.

<a href='http://www.bukukita.com/membercartlist.php?po=1&bookI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 1
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.

Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud. Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.

Priority 3
The IMG BORDER attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 2100 W3C Deprecated

Replace the border attribute with a CSS rule. For example: img { border: 1px solid red; } img { border: none; }

<img src="http://www.bukukita.com/images/beli.gif" width="53" height="22" title="beli buku ini" border="0"></a> </td>

Priority 3
The TD WIDTH attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 2104 W3C Deprecated

Replace width attributes with CSS rules. For example: td.two-column { width: 50%; }

<td width="25%">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">

Priority 3
The TD WIDTH attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 2107 W3C Deprecated

Replace width attributes with CSS rules. For example: td.two-column { width: 50%; }

<td width="25%" align="center" valign="top">
<table width="1%">

Priority 1
Each A tag must contain text or an IMG with an ALT tag.
Line 2111 WCAG2 A F89

Add text to the link, or ALT text if the link contains an image. If there is no link text or the ALT tag is blank, screen readers have nothing to read, so read out the URL instead.

<a href='http://www.bukukita.com/Komputer-dan-Internet/Pemrograman/90261-Masuki-Dunia-Hacker-Dengan-C++.html' class='linkgambar'>
Priority 1
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.

Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud. Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.

Priority 3
The IMG BORDER attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 2111 W3C Deprecated

Replace the border attribute with a CSS rule. For example: img { border: 1px solid red; } img { border: none; }

<img src='http://www.bukukita.com/babacms/displaybuku/40261.jpg' width='75' height='100' border='0' title='Lihat Detail Buku'></a> </td>
<td align="center" valign="top">
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<td align="center" valign="top" class="isi_komentar judul_buku"><b><a href='http://www.bukukita.com/Komputer-dan-Internet/Pemrograman/90261-Masuki-Dunia-Hacker-Dengan-C++.html'>
Masuki Dunia Hacker Dengan C++</a></b></td>
<td align="center" valign="top">
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<td align="center" class="hargadiscount">
Priority 3
STRIKE element is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 2130 W3C Deprecated

Replace with the CSS text-decoration attribute: .strike { text-decoration: line-through; }

<strike>Rp 59.000</strike></td>
<td align="center" class="disc">Hemat Rp 8.850</td>
<td align="center" class="harga">Rp 50.150</td>
<td align="center" valign="top">

Priority 1
Each A tag must contain text or an IMG with an ALT tag.
Line 2143 WCAG2 A F89

Add text to the link, or ALT text if the link contains an image. If there is no link text or the ALT tag is blank, screen readers have nothing to read, so read out the URL instead.

<a href='http://www.bukukita.com/membercartlist.php?po=1&bookI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 1
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.

Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud. Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.

Priority 3
The IMG BORDER attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 2143 W3C Deprecated

Replace the border attribute with a CSS rule. For example: img { border: 1px solid red; } img { border: none; }

<img src="http://www.bukukita.com/images/beli.gif" width="53" height="22" title="beli buku ini" border="0"></a> </td>

Priority 3
The TD WIDTH attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 2147 W3C Deprecated

Replace width attributes with CSS rules. For example: td.two-column { width: 50%; }

<td width="25%">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">

Priority 3
The TD WIDTH attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 2150 W3C Deprecated

Replace width attributes with CSS rules. For example: td.two-column { width: 50%; }

<td width="25%" align="center" valign="top">
<table width="1%">

Priority 1
Each A tag must contain text or an IMG with an ALT tag.
Line 2154 WCAG2 A F89

Add text to the link, or ALT text if the link contains an image. If there is no link text or the ALT tag is blank, screen readers have nothing to read, so read out the URL instead.

<a href='http://www.bukukita.com/Komputer-dan-Internet/Sistem-Operasi/90260-Ubuntu-From-Zero--2.html' class='linkgambar'>
Priority 1
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.

Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud. Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.

Priority 3
The IMG BORDER attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 2154 W3C Deprecated

Replace the border attribute with a CSS rule. For example: img { border: 1px solid red; } img { border: none; }

<img src='http://www.bukukita.com/babacms/displaybuku/40260.jpg' width='75' height='100' border='0' title='Lihat Detail Buku'></a> </td>
<td align="center" valign="top">
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<td align="center" valign="top" class="isi_komentar judul_buku"><b><a href='http://www.bukukita.com/Komputer-dan-Internet/Sistem-Operasi/90260-Ubuntu-From-Zero--2.html'>
Ubuntu From Zero #2</a></b></td>
<td align="center" valign="top">
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<td align="center" class="hargadiscount">
Priority 3
STRIKE element is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 2173 W3C Deprecated

Replace with the CSS text-decoration attribute: .strike { text-decoration: line-through; }

<strike>Rp 59.000</strike></td>
<td align="center" class="disc">Hemat Rp 7.080</td>
<td align="center" class="harga">Rp 51.920</td>
<td align="center" valign="top">

Priority 1
Each A tag must contain text or an IMG with an ALT tag.
Line 2186 WCAG2 A F89

Add text to the link, or ALT text if the link contains an image. If there is no link text or the ALT tag is blank, screen readers have nothing to read, so read out the URL instead.

<a href='http://www.bukukita.com/membercartlist.php?po=1&bookI
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 1
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.

Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud. Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.

Priority 3
The IMG BORDER attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 2186 W3C Deprecated

Replace the border attribute with a CSS rule. For example: img { border: 1px solid red; } img { border: none; }

<img src="http://www.bukukita.com/images/beli.gif" width="53" height="22" title="beli buku ini" border="0"></a> </td>
<td colspan="4" align="right" valign="top" class="isi_komentar">
<a href="http://www.bukukita.com/searchresult.php?id=3&ke
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3


Priority 1
IMG tags must have an ALT attribute.

Add an ALT attribute describing each image, which screen readers read aloud. Spacer images and purely decorative images should use ALT=''.

Priority 3
The IMG ALIGN attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 2195 W3C Deprecated

Replace the ALIGN attribute with a CSS text-align attribute.

Priority 3
The IMG BORDER attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 2195 W3C Deprecated

Replace the border attribute with a CSS rule. For example: img { border: 1px solid red; } img { border: none; }

<img src="http://www.bukukita.com/images/more.gif" width="35" height="15" border="0" align="absmiddle"></a>
</table> </div>
<div id="divSearch">

Priority 3
Forms that force users to shift back and forth between keyboard and mouse substantially slow their entry speed. This form contains text boxes requiring keyboard input, and other controls requiring mouse input.

Replace the dropdown list with a control that allows keyboard input, so the whole form can be completed using the keyboard.

<form action="searchresult.php" method="post" name="frmBttmSearch" style="display:inline">
Cari Berdasarkan: <br>

Priority 1
This form control has no associated LABEL element.

Add a LABEL tag with the FOR attribute set to the ID of this control. This allows screen readers to tell the user what each control does. Do not wrap LABEL tags around input controls (implicit labels) since this is very unreliable in older screen readers.

Priority 1
This form has fields without LABEL elements or TITLE attributes.

Screen readers use LABEL elements or TITLE attributes to describe form fields to non-sighted users. Without these, forms are very hard to use with a screen reader. Forms designed to be completed online shall allow people using assistive technology to access the information, field elements, and functionality required for completion and submission of the form, including all directions and cues.

Priority 3
Display default values whenever a likely default choice can be defined. Provide a default selection for SELECT lists.

When likely default values are known, offer those values to speed data entry. The initial or default item could be the most frequently selected item or the last item selected by that user.

Priority 2
Use LABEL tags for each data entry field to show what data is expected.

Make sure each INPUT field has an associated LABEL tag describing the field.

Priority 3
Radio buttons are easier to use than drop-downs when there are 6 choices or less.

One usability study showed radio buttons give reliably better performance than drop-down lists for mutually exclusive selections. If screen space allows use radio buttons instead of lists/dropdowns with fewer than 7 items.

<select size="1" name="id" class="field_input" onchange="showField(this.options[this.selectedIndex].text)">
<option value='index.php?id=1'>Judul</option><option value='index.php?id=2'>Penulis</option><option value='index.php?id=5'>No. ISBN</option> </select><div id="divSearchBy" style="display:inline">&nbs
Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 1
This form control has no associated LABEL element.

Add a LABEL tag with the FOR attribute set to the ID of this control. This allows screen readers to tell the user what each control does. Do not wrap LABEL tags around input controls (implicit labels) since this is very unreliable in older screen readers.

Priority 1
This form has fields without LABEL elements or TITLE attributes.

Screen readers use LABEL elements or TITLE attributes to describe form fields to non-sighted users. Without these, forms are very hard to use with a screen reader. Forms designed to be completed online shall allow people using assistive technology to access the information, field elements, and functionality required for completion and submission of the form, including all directions and cues.

Priority 2
Use LABEL tags for each data entry field to show what data is expected.

Make sure each INPUT field has an associated LABEL tag describing the field.

<input type="text" name="key" size="30" class="field_input"></div>
Priority 3
The P ALIGN attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
Line 2206 W3C Deprecated

Replace the ALIGN attribute with a CSS rule. For example: p { text-align: right; }

<p align="right" style="padding-right:12px;margin-top:0px;">
Priority 1
INPUT TYPE=IMAGE tags must have an ALT attribute.

Add an ALT attribute describing the button action, which screen readers read aloud.

<input type="image" src="images/cari.gif" id="Submit4" name="Submit4" value="Submit" title="Cari Buku berdasarkan"></p>
<input type="hidden" name="match" value="2"/>
<a href="http://www.bukukita.com/Agama/Kristen/75651-Surga-Itu-Nyata!-
Priority 1
Invalid comment declaration: found name character outside comment but inside comment declaration.
Line 2211 HTML Validation

--Heaven-Is-So-Real!.html"> Surga Itu Nyata! - Heaven Is So Real!</
Priority 1
End tag for element "A" which is not open.
Line 2211 HTML Validation

<!--CrawlerProcess (http://www.PowerMapper.com) /5.3.640.0,>-->Kantor Pusat: JL. Topaz Raya C2 No.12 Permata Puri Media, Jakarta Barat.<br />
Layanan Bantuan: 021-33088877, 021-91977730 Fax: 021-58350075 | <a href="hubungikami.php">Hubungi Kami</a><br />
Jam Layanan: Senin - Jumat: 09.00 WIB - 16.00 WIB | Sabtu: 09.00 WIB - 12.00 WIB (Hari Kerja)<br />

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

Priority 2
An unknown entity has been used. This often happens when &param=value is used instead of &amp;param=value in URL query strings.

In HTML the ampersand character (&) is reserved for marking character entities so you should never use raw ampersands in HTML - including ampersands inside URLs. For example, any URL that needs an ampersand should look like: http://www.example.com/file.html?var1=val1&amp;var2=val2&amp;var3=val3

y; 2006 - 2012 BukuKita.com - PT.Mitra Online Perkasa<br>
<script type="text/javascript"><!--
google_ad_client = "pub-7440868299486030";
/* 728x90, created 6/18/11 */
google_ad_slot = "8705582197";
google_ad_width = 728;
google_ad_height = 90;
<script type="text/javascript"
<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br></td>
Priority 1
End tag for element "TABLE" which is not open.
Line 2236 HTML Validation

Priority 1
End tag for element "BODY" which is not open.
Line 2237 HTML Validation

Priority 1
This page has markup errors, causing screen readers to miss content.
Line 2237 WCAG2 A F70

Fix the errors listed on the Standards tab of this report. Markup errors like missing end tags mean screen readers may skip important content.

Priority 3
This page has malformed tags which IE8 and later treat differently from earlier versions of IE.

Fix the errors listed on the Standards tab of this report. Markup errors like missing end tags means IE8 and IE9 may display different content from IE6 and IE7.

Priority 3
Google recommends using well-formed HTML code in your webpages. This page has mismatched tags.
Line 2237 Google

Fix the critical errors listed on the Standards tab of this report. Markup errors like missing end tags or unclosed comments mean search engine web crawlers may skip important content.

Priority 1
End tag for element "HTML" which is not open.
Line 2238 HTML Validation

Priority 1
This page has markup errors, causing screen readers to miss content.
Line 2238 WCAG2 A F70

Fix the errors listed on the Standards tab of this report. Markup errors like missing end tags mean screen readers may skip important content.

Priority 3
This page has malformed tags which IE8 and later treat differently from earlier versions of IE.

Fix the errors listed on the Standards tab of this report. Markup errors like missing end tags means IE8 and IE9 may display different content from IE6 and IE7.

Priority 3
Google recommends using well-formed HTML code in your webpages. This page has mismatched tags.
Line 2238 Google

Fix the critical errors listed on the Standards tab of this report. Markup errors like missing end tags or unclosed comments mean search engine web crawlers may skip important content.


Priority 1
CSS Validation Error.
Line 144 CSS Validation