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HTML Document

URL: http://www.designnu.com/counter.php
HTTP Status: 200 OK
MIME Type: text/html
Last Modified: Mon, 01 Jan 1601 00:00:00 GMT
Download Time: 3 seconds
Cookies: None
Size: 0 KB
Page Weight: 0 KB (total size of HTML, CSS, JavaScript and images)
Depth: 0 clicks from home page
Charset: iso-8859-1
Forms: 0 forms containing 0 controls
HTTP Headers: View Headers 6 headers
Links In: View Links 1 pages
Links Out: View Links 0 links
Images: View Images 0 images
CSS: View CSS Files 0 files
JavaScript: View JavaScript Files 0 files
Issue Issues: 10 issues found on 10 lines

Priority 1
Document must have a title.

For HTML pages add a TITLE tag. For Office documents and PDF documents produced from Office, fill in the Title in Document Properties before saving as PDF.

Priority 2
This page has no doctype which triggers quirks mode in IE, Firefox and most other browsers. This means pages may look different in different browsers.

Add a DOCTYPE statement to the top of the document.

Priority 1
This page is blank.
Line 1

Priority 2
This page has no privacy policy. If your web server logs visits, then every page reachable by a search engine should have a privacy policy explaining what is logged and how the logs are used.

Priority 3
No meta description tag found. Use a description tag that accurately describes the contents of a web page.

A well-written description tag attracts more clicks in search results than an irrelevant or missing description.

Priority 1
Google, Bing and Yahoo recommend that all pages have a TITLE tag.

Priority 2
Provide a search option on each page of content-rich web sites.

A search option should be provided on all pages where it may be useful - users should not have to return to the homepage to conduct a search. Search engines can be helpful on content-rich web sites, but do not add value on other types of sites.

Priority 2
Do not create or direct users into pages that have no navigational options. No links out of these pages found.

Many web pages contain links that open new browser windows. When these browser windows open, the Back button is disabled, and if the new window opens full-screen, users may not realize that a new window has appeared, and become frustrated because they cannot press Back. Popup windows should contain a prominent control that closes the window.

Priority 2
This page has no title. Each page should have a descriptive and meaningfully different title.

Title refers to the text shown in the browser title bar, and displayed in search engines results pages. If two or more pages have the same title, they cannot be differentiated by users or the Favorites capability of the browser.

Priority 1
End of document in prolog.
Line 1 HTML Validation