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URL: https://www.healthcare.gov/marketplace/individual
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Last Modified: Sun, 27 Oct 2013 04:28:31 GMT
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Cookies: None
Size: 103 KB
Page Weight: 107 KB (total size of HTML, CSS, JavaScript and images)
Depth: 1 clicks from home page
Charset: UTF-8
Forms: 5 forms containing 40 controls
HTTP Headers: View Headers 6 headers
Links In: View Links 1 pages
Links Out: View Links 66 links
Images: View Images 1 images
CSS: View CSS Files 0 files
JavaScript: View JavaScript Files 0 files
Issue Issues: 43 issues found on 109 lines

Priority 1
Have a link labeled 'Home' on every page on the site, except for the home page.

Many sites place the organization's logo on the top of every page and link it to the homepage. While many users expect logos are clickable, around 25% will not realize that links to the homepage. Therefore, include a link labeled 'Home' near the top of the page to help those users.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang='en'>
<meta charset='UTF-8' />
<title>Health Insurance Marketplace for Individuals | HealthCare.gov</title>
<meta name='viewport' content='initial-scale=1, minimum-scale=1, maximum-scale=1, user-scalable=no'/>
<meta name='msvalidate.01' content='598A98B6EDF7624D92A421A892DC3A45'/>
<meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge,chrome=1'
Priority 1
Bad value 'X-UA-Compatible' for attribute 'http-equiv'.
Line 9 HTML5

<link rel='shortcut icon' href='/images/favicon.ico' type='image/x-icon' />
<link href="https://plus.google.com/112755994883163074657" rel="publisher" /
Priority 1
Bad value 'publisher' for attribute 'rel'. The string 'publisher' is not a registered keyword or absolute URL.
Line 12 HTML5

<link rel='stylesheet' href='/css/all.css' type='text/css' />
<link rel='stylesheet' media='(max-width: 767px)' href='/css/style-mobile.css' type='text/css' />
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<script src='//assets.healthcare.gov/global/js/lib/jquery-1.8.2.js'></script>
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<script>var userHistory = [],
page = {
url: '/marketplace/individual',
data: {
// tags: [],
topics: [],
audience: []
// status: [],
// state: [],
// condition: []
repeatVisit = false;
if ($.cookie('history') !== undefined) {
userHistory = JSON.parse($.cookie('history'));
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if ('/marketplace/individual' === h.url ||
'/marketplace/individual' === '/es' + h.url ||
'/es/marketplace/individual' === h.url)
repeatVisit = true;
if (!repeatVisit) {
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app.history = userHistory;
$.cookie.json = true;
$.cookie('history', userHistory, { expires: 30, path: '/' });
if ($.cookie('quickAnswers') !== undefined) {
app.quickAnswers = $.cookie('quickAnswers');
<script src="//cdn.optimizely.com/js/166688199.js"></script>
var _prum = [['id', '51acbb94abe53d0435000000'],
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<script type="text/javascript">var _sf_startpt=(new Date()).getTime()</script>
<meta name='search-title' content="Welcome to the Marketplace" /
Priority 3
Bad value 'search-title' for attribute 'name'. Meta name 'search-title' is not registered.
Line 75 HTML5

<meta name='content-type' content='index' /
Priority 3
Bad value 'content-type' for attribute 'name'. Meta name 'content-type' is not registered.
Line 76 HTML5

<meta name='description' content="See your individual health care rights at Healthcare.gov. Get high-quality, low-cost coverage under Obamacare at the Health Insurance Marketplace" />
<link rel="P3Pv1" href="/w3c/p3p.xml">
<meta property="og:title" content="Health Insurance Marketplace for Individuals "/>
<meta property="og:type" content='index' />
<meta property="og:image" content=""/>
<meta property="og:site_name" content="HealthCare.gov"/>
<meta property="og:description" content="See your individual health care rights at Healthcare.gov. Get high-quality, low-cost coverage under Obamacare at the Health Insurance Marketplace"/>
<meta name="twitter:card" content="See your individual health care rights at Healthcare.gov. Get high-quality, low-cost coverage under Obamacare at the Health Insurance Marketplace"/>
<meta name="twitter:url" ontent="HealthCare.gov"/
Priority 1
Attribute 'ontent' not allowed on element.
Line 89 HTML5

Priority 1
Element 'meta' is missing one or more required attributes. Missing 'content' 'property'
Line 89 HTML5

Priority 1
This page has markup errors, causing screen readers to miss content.
Line 89 WCAG2 A F70

Fix the errors listed on the Standards tab of this report. Markup errors like missing end tags mean screen readers may skip important content.

<meta name="twitter:title" content="Health Insurance Marketplace for Individuals "/>
<body class='no-touch marketplace' >
<!-- Google Tag Manager -->
<noscript><iframe title='googletagmanager' src="//www.googletagmanager.com/ns.html?id=GTM-FQFC"
height="0" width="0" style="display:none;visibility:hidden"
Priority 1
IFRAME tags must have alternative content.

To cater for screen readers that don't support frames, place some text in the IFRAME tag. For example: <iframe src='file.htm'>Alternative content</iframe>

<script>setTimeout(function() {(function(w,d,s,l,i){w[l]=w[l]||[];w[l].push(
{'gtm.start': new Date().getTime(),event:'gtm.js'}
);var f=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0],
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<a href='/marketplace/individual' class='topnav-mobile marketplace'><span class='header4'>Get Insurance</span></a>
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<input id='mobile-search' name='q' class='mobile-search' placeholder='Search' title='Enter text to search' type='search' autocomplete='off'/
Priority 3
The INPUT TYPE="SEARCH" attribute is not supported in IE9 and iOS4 or earlier.

<!--googleoff: all-->
<button type='image' class='btn btn-blue btn-search' value='search' src='/images/invisible.png'
Priority 1
Attribute 'src' not allowed on element.
Line 125 HTML5

Priority 1
Bad value 'image' for attribute 'type'.
Line 125 HTML5

Priority 1
This page has markup errors, causing screen readers to miss content.
Line 125 WCAG2 A F70

Fix the errors listed on the Standards tab of this report. Markup errors like missing end tags mean screen readers may skip important content.

<input type='hidden' name='output' value='xml_no_dtd'>
<input type='hidden' name='site' value='help'>
<input type='hidden' name='proxystylesheet' value='json'>
<input type='hidden' name='client' value='json'>
<input type='hidden' name='lr' value='lang_en'>
<input type='hidden' name='ie' value='UTF-8'>
<input type='hidden' name='oe' value='UTF-8'>
<input type='hidden' name='access' value='p'>
<input type='hidden' name='sort' value='date:D:L:d1'>
<input type='hidden' name='start' value='0'>
<input type='hidden' name='num' value='6'>
<input type='hidden' name='getfields' value='search-title.content-type.topics'>
<input type='hidden' name='rc' value='1'>
<input type='hidden' name='filter' value='0'>
<!--googleon: all-->
$(function() {
// Autocomplete for site search
source: function(query, process) {
var self = this.$menu,
element = this.$element[0];
return $.ajax({
cache: true,
data: {query: query},
dataType: 'jsonp',
url: 'https://search.healthcare.gov' + '/suggest?q=' + query + '&max=8&site=help&client=json&access=p&format=os',
success: function(d) {
return process(d[1]);
$('ul.typeahead').mousedown(function(e) {
var parent = $(this).attr('data-search');
setTimeout(function() {
<ul class='clearfix'>
<li><a href='/families'>Individuals &amp; Families</a></li>
<li><a href='/small-businesses'>Small Businesses</a></li>
<li><a href='/all-topics'>All Topics</a></li>
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The page could not be loaded. The Healthcare.gov website currently does not fully support browsers with 'JavaScript' disabled. Please note that if you choose to continue without enabling 'JavaScript' certain functionality on this website may not be available.
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<a href='#content-start' id='skip-nav' class='accessibility'>Skip Navigation</a>

Priority 1
Duplicate attribute 'alt'.
Line 265 HTML5

Priority 1
This page has markup errors, causing screen readers to miss content.
Line 265 WCAG2 A F70

Fix the errors listed on the Standards tab of this report. Markup errors like missing end tags mean screen readers may skip important content.

<img alt='Healthcare.gov' class='print-only logo' src='/images/logo.png' alt='Healthcare.gov'/
Priority 2
Omitting IMG WIDTH or HEIGHT attributes means page text jumps about as images load.

This makes the page very hard to read while it's loading, and the user may click on the wrong link if it moves as it's being clicked. Add width and height attributes to the img tag matching the image dimensions. Authoring tools like Dreamweaver can automate this process.

<!--googleon: all-->
<div class='container-whole'>
<!--googleoff: all-->
<div id='header' role='banner'>
<div class='container'>
<div class='visible-phone mobile-main-top' id='mobile-nav'>
<div class='mobile-nav-left'>
<a href='#' class='mobile-drop-btn pull-left'
Priority 1
Each A tag must contain text or an IMG with an ALT tag.
Line 281 WCAG2 A F89

Add text to the link, or ALT text if the link contains an image. If there is no link text or the ALT tag is blank, screen readers have nothing to read, so read out the URL instead.


Priority 1
Duplicate attribute 'href'.
Line 282 HTML5

Priority 1
This page has markup errors, causing screen readers to miss content.
Line 282 WCAG2 A F70

Fix the errors listed on the Standards tab of this report. Markup errors like missing end tags mean screen readers may skip important content.

<a href='/' title='Healthcare.gov' class='icon mobile-logo ' href='/'>Healthcare.gov</a>
<div class='mobile-nav-right'>
<a class='pull-right lang es mobile-right-top' data-lang='es' href='/es/marketplace/individual'>En Español</a>
<div class='limiter hidden-phone desktop-nav' id='desktop-nav'>
<div class='row-fluid'>
<div class='span4'>
<a href='/'><img class='logo' src='/images/logo.png' alt='Healthcare.gov' /
Priority 2
Omitting IMG WIDTH or HEIGHT attributes means page text jumps about as images load.

This makes the page very hard to read while it's loading, and the user may click on the wrong link if it moves as it's being clicked. Add width and height attributes to the img tag matching the image dimensions. Authoring tools like Dreamweaver can automate this process.

<div class='span7 middle'>
<a href='/' class='topnav inactive'>Learn <span class='accessibility'>Inactive tab</span></a>
<a href='/marketplace/individual' class='topnav active'>Get Insurance <span class='accessibility'>Active tab</span></a>
<div class='span1'>
<a class='btn-mini btn-lang nodisplay' data-lang='es' href='/es/marketplace/individual'>Español</a>
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if (checkAuth()) {
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catch(e) { */
if ('en' === 'en') {
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// }
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<li class='dropdown clearfix'
Priority 1
Element 'li' not allowed as child element in this context.
Line 376 HTML5

<a class='help clearfix' data-toggle='' style='width: 84px' href=''
Priority 1
This link is broken. The SRC or HREF is an empty string.
Line 377 Broken Link

HREF="" or SRC="" can cause unexpected effects such as traffic spikes or cookie corruption.

<span class='accessibility'>To navigate the help menu, press Tab</span>
<span class='icon icon-inline questionmark pull-right'></span>
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<label for='nav-search' class='accessibility'>Site Search</label>
<input id='nav-search' title='Enter text to search' class='nav-search span5' name='q' type='search' placeholder='Search' autocomplete='off'
Priority 3
The INPUT TYPE="SEARCH" attribute is not supported in IE9 and iOS4 or earlier.

<!--googleoff: all-->
<button type='image' class='btn btn-blue btn-search' value='search' src='/images/invisible.png'>Search
<input type='hidden' name='output' value='xml_no_dtd'>
<input type='hidden' name='site' value='help'>
<input type='hidden' name='proxystylesheet' value='json'>
<input type='hidden' name='client' value='json'>
<input type='hidden' name='lr' value='lang_en'>
<input type='hidden' name='ie' value='UTF-8'>
<input type='hidden' name='oe' value='UTF-8'>
<input type='hidden' name='access' value='p'>
<input type='hidden' name='sort' value='date:D:L:d1'>
<input type='hidden' name='start' value='0'>
<input type='hidden' name='num' value='6'>
<input type='hidden' name='getfields' value='search-title.content-type.topics'>
<input type='hidden' name='rc' value='1'>
<input type='hidden' name='filter' value='0'>
<!--googleon: all-->
$(function() {
// Autocomplete for site search
source: function(query, process) {
var self = this.$menu,
element = this.$element[0];
return $.ajax({
cache: true,
data: {query: query},
dataType: 'jsonp',
url: 'https://search.healthcare.gov' + '/suggest?q=' + query + '&max=8&site=help&client=json&access=p&format=os',
success: function(d) {
return process(d[1]);
$('ul.typeahead').mousedown(function(e) {
var parent = $(this).attr('data-search');
setTimeout(function() {
var chatWindow = null;
var windowFeatures = "width=465,height=452,menubar=0,location=0,resizable=0,scrollbars=0,status=0";
function windowToggle(){
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} else {
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<!--googleon: all-->
<a id="content-start" href="#">Beginning of content</a>
<div id='content'>
<div class='temp-content'><ul>
<li>Enroll now in a plan that covers essential benefits, pre-existing conditions, and more. Open enrollment continues until March 31, 2014.</li>
<h2>Why should I use the Marketplace?</h2>
<h3>High-quality coverage</h3>
<p>All Marketplace plans offer the same set of comprehensive benefits. They cover things like pre-existing conditions, pregnancy, hospitalizations, prescriptions, doctor’s visits, and more.</p>
<p><a href="/what-does-marketplace-health-insurance-cover">See a full list of benefits</a></p>
<h3>Lower insurance costs</h3>
<p>Most people will get some help with costs. You may qualify for lower costs on your monthly premiums and out-of-pocket costs. You may be able to get free or low-cost coverage from Medicaid or CHIP.</p>
<p>Learn more about <a href="/how-can-i-save-money-on-marketplace-coverage">cost savings on health insurance</a> or <a href="/do-i-qualify-for-medicaid">Medicaid</a></p>
<h3>Coverage in all states</h3>
<p>No matter where you live, you can use the Marketplace to compare plans and enroll in coverage.</p>
<p>See what your state is doing:</p>
<h2>How the Marketplace works</h2>
<h3>Create an account</h3>
<p>First provide some basic information. Then choose a user name, password, and security questions for added protection.</p>
<p>Next you’ll enter information about you and your family, including your income, household size, other coverage you're eligible for, and more.</p>
<p><a href="/downloads/MarketplaceApp_Checklist_Generic.pdf"
Priority 1
This page has links to a PDF file, but does not provide a link to download Acrobat Reader.

You should include a link to download Acrobat Reader. When a web page requires that an applet, plug-in or other application be present on the client system to interpret page content, the page must provide a link to a plug-in or applet that complies with S1194.21(a) through (l).

>Use this checklist</a> now to help you gather the information you’ll need.</p>
<h3>Pick a plan</h3>
<p>Next you’ll see all the plans and programs you’re eligible for and compare them side-by-side.</p>
<p>You’ll also find out if you can get <a href="/how-can-i-save-money-on-marketplace-coverage">lower costs</a> on monthly premiums and out-of-pocket costs.</p>
<p>Choose a plan that meets your needs and enroll!</p>
<p>Coverage starts as soon as January 1, 2014.</p>
<h2>Learn more about the Marketplace</h2>
<div role='main'>
<div class="hero ">
<div class='container'>
<div class='limiter'>
<div class="btn-group pull-right" data-toggle="buttons-radio">
<button type="button" class="btn btn-primary left active" data-view='individual'>Individuals & Families</button>
<button type="button" class="btn btn-primary right " data-view='shop'>Small Business Owners</button>
<div class='intro'>
<h1>Welcome to the Marketplace</h1>
<!-- BEGIN - State Selection Banner -->
<div class="state-select">
<div class="state-select-inner one row-fluid">
<div class="state-selectMessage one span6">
<h2 class="state-selectHeader one">Choose your state and we'll tell you your next steps</h2><br />
<!-- END | .state-select -->
<div class='why' style='display:none;'>
<div class='row-fluid'>
<!--googleoff: all-->
<div class='state-dropdown span6' role='complementary'>
<label for='state-dropdown' class='accessibility'>Select Your State</label>
<select id='state-dropdown' name='select' class='state-selector'
Priority 3
Use option groups when a drop down list has more than 10 items.

Group related options using OPTGROUP tags.

<option disabled selected>Select Your State</option>
<option value='alabama'>Alabama</option>
<option value='alaska'>Alaska</option>
<option value='american-samoa'>American Samoa</option>
<option value='arizona'>Arizona</option>
<option value='arkansas'>Arkansas</option>
<option value='california'>California</option>
<option value='colorado'>Colorado</option>
<option value='connecticut'>Connecticut</option>
<option value='delaware'>Delaware</option>
<option value='district-of-columbia'>District of Columbia</option>
<option value='florida'>Florida</option>
<option value='georgia'>Georgia</option>
<option value='guam'>Guam</option>
<option value='hawaii'>Hawaii</option>
<option value='idaho'>Idaho</option>
<option value='illinois'>Illinois</option>
<option value='indiana'>Indiana</option>
<option value='iowa'>Iowa</option>
<option value='kansas'>Kansas</option>
<option value='kentucky'>Kentucky</option>
<option value='louisiana'>Louisiana</option>
<option value='maine'>Maine</option>
<option value='maryland'>Maryland</option>
<option value='massachusetts'>Massachusetts</option>
<option value='michigan'>Michigan</option>
<option value='minnesota'>Minnesota</option>
<option value='mississippi'>Mississippi</option>
<option value='missouri'>Missouri</option>
<option value='montana'>Montana</option>
<option value='nebraska'>Nebraska</option>
<option value='nevada'>Nevada</option>
<option value='new-hampshire'>New Hampshire</option>
<option value='new-jersey'>New Jersey</option>
<option value='new-mexico'>New Mexico</option>
<option value='new-york'>New York</option>
<option value='north-carolina'>North Carolina</option>
<option value='north-dakota'>North Dakota</option>
<option value='northern-mariana-islands'>Northern Mariana Islands</option>
<option value='ohio'>Ohio</option>
<option value='oklahoma'>Oklahoma</option>
<option value='oregon'>Oregon</option>
<option value='pennsylvania'>Pennsylvania</option>
<option value='puerto-rico'>Puerto Rico</option>
<option value='rhode-island'>Rhode Island</option>
<option value='south-carolina'>South Carolina</option>
<option value='south-dakota'>South Dakota</option>
<option value='tennessee'>Tennessee</option>
<option value='texas'>Texas</option>
<option value='utah'>Utah</option>
<option value='vermont'>Vermont</option>
<option value='virginia'>Virginia</option>
<option value='virgin-islands'>Virgin Islands</option>
<option value='washington'>Washington</option>
<option value='west-virginia'>West Virginia</option>
<option value='wisconsin'>Wisconsin</option>
<option value='wyoming'>Wyoming</option>
<!--googleon: all-->
<div class='span12 marketplace-state'>
<div class='answer'>
<!--googleoff: all-->
<div class='state-dropdown2 span6' role='complementary' id="state-dropdown2">
<label for='state-dropdown' class='accessibility state-selector2-label'>Select Your State</label>
<select id='state-dropdown' name='select' class='state-selector2'
Priority 3
Use option groups when a drop down list has more than 10 items.

Group related options using OPTGROUP tags.

Priority 1
Duplicate ID 'state-dropdown'.
Line 794 HTML5

Priority 1
This page has markup errors, causing screen readers to miss content.
Line 794 WCAG2 A F70

Fix the errors listed on the Standards tab of this report. Markup errors like missing end tags mean screen readers may skip important content.

Priority 1
This page has duplicate IDs which cause problems in screen readers.
Line 794 WCAG2 A F77

Two or more tags on this page share the same ID. Change the ID so it is unique for each tag.

<option disabled selected>Select Your State</option>
<option value='alabama'>Alabama</option>
<option value='alaska'>Alaska</option>
<option value='american-samoa'>American Samoa</option>
<option value='arizona'>Arizona</option>
<option value='arkansas'>Arkansas</option>
<option value='california'>California</option>
<option value='colorado'>Colorado</option>
<option value='connecticut'>Connecticut</option>
<option value='delaware'>Delaware</option>
<option value='district-of-columbia'>District of Columbia</option>
<option value='florida'>Florida</option>
<option value='georgia'>Georgia</option>
<option value='guam'>Guam</option>
<option value='hawaii'>Hawaii</option>
<option value='idaho'>Idaho</option>
<option value='illinois'>Illinois</option>
<option value='indiana'>Indiana</option>
<option value='iowa'>Iowa</option>
<option value='kansas'>Kansas</option>
<option value='kentucky'>Kentucky</option>
<option value='louisiana'>Louisiana</option>
<option value='maine'>Maine</option>
<option value='maryland'>Maryland</option>
<option value='massachusetts'>Massachusetts</option>
<option value='michigan'>Michigan</option>
<option value='minnesota'>Minnesota</option>
<option value='mississippi'>Mississippi</option>
<option value='missouri'>Missouri</option>
<option value='montana'>Montana</option>
<option value='nebraska'>Nebraska</option>
<option value='nevada'>Nevada</option>
<option value='new-hampshire'>New Hampshire</option>
<option value='new-jersey'>New Jersey</option>
<option value='new-mexico'>New Mexico</option>
<option value='new-york'>New York</option>
<option value='north-carolina'>North Carolina</option>
<option value='north-dakota'>North Dakota</option>
<option value='northern-mariana-islands'>Northern Mariana Islands</option>
<option value='ohio'>Ohio</option>
<option value='oklahoma'>Oklahoma</option>
<option value='oregon'>Oregon</option>
<option value='pennsylvania'>Pennsylvania</option>
<option value='puerto-rico'>Puerto Rico</option>
<option value='rhode-island'>Rhode Island</option>
<option value='south-carolina'>South Carolina</option>
<option value='south-dakota'>South Dakota</option>
<option value='tennessee'>Tennessee</option>
<option value='texas'>Texas</option>
<option value='utah'>Utah</option>
<option value='vermont'>Vermont</option>
<option value='virginia'>Virginia</option>
<option value='virgin-islands'>Virgin Islands</option>
<option value='washington'>Washington</option>
<option value='west-virginia'>West Virginia</option>
<option value='wisconsin'>Wisconsin</option>
<option value='wyoming'>Wyoming</option>
<!--googleon: all-->
<div class='span12 marketplace-state2'>
<div class="blue-bg-divider span1 state-selector2-separator"></div>
<div class="state-selectDropdown two span7 state-selector2-answer" role='complementary'>
<!-- <p class="state-select-infotext">If you live in [state-name], you'll use this website, HealthCare.gov, to apply for coverage, compare plans, and enroll. <a href="#">Pre-register now</a>, and you'll be one step closer to applying for coverage as soon as October 1, 2013.</p>
<a class="btn-main green-register" href="#">Pre-register Now</a> -->
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var stateCap = $('option:selected', this).text(),
state = $(this).val(),
stateMatch = {
"Alabama": "AL",
"Alaska": "AK",
"American Samoa": "AS",
"Arizona": "AZ",
"Arkansas": "AR",
"California": "CA",
"Colorado": "CO",
"Connecticut": "CT",
"Delaware": "DE",
"District of Columbia": "DC",
"Florida": "FL",
"Georgia": "GA",
"Guam": "GU",
"Hawaii": "HI",
"Idaho": "ID",
"Illinois": "IL",
"Indiana": "IN",
"Iowa": "IA",
"Kansas": "KS",
"Kentucky": "KY",
"Louisiana": "LA",
"Maine": "ME",
"Maryland": "MD",
"Massachusetts": "MA",
"Michigan": "MI",
"Minnesota": "MN",
"Mississippi": "MS",
"Missouri": "MO",
"Montana": "MT",
"Nebraska": "NE",
"Nevada": "NV",
"New Hampshire": "NH",
"New Jersey": "NJ",
"New Mexico": "NM",
"New York": "NY",
"North Carolina": "NC",
"North Dakota": "ND",
"Northern Mariana Islands": "MP",
"Ohio": "OH",
"Oklahoma": "OK",
"Oregon": "OR",
"Pennsylvania": "PA",
"Puerto Rico": "PR",
"Rhode Island": "RI",
"South Carolina": "SC",
"South Dakota": "SD",
"Tennessee": "TN",
"Texas": "TX",
"Utah": "UT",
"Vermont": "VT",
"Virginia": "VA",
"Virgin Islands": "VI",
"Washington": "WA",
"West Virginia": "WV",
"Wisconsin": "WI",
"Wyoming": "WY"
if ($("select.state-selector2").val() != state) { $('select.state-selector2').val(state); }
if (state != '') {
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var requestedType = 'Health Insurance Marketplace in' + ' ' + stateCap;
$.getJSON('/' + state + '.json', function(d){
var url = d.stateurl;
//alert("URL is " + url);
//alert("after initial show");
$('.state-selector2-answer p').addClass('state-select-infotext')
$('.answer h3').each(function(){
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} else {
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btnClass = 'class=\"btn-main green-register\"';
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} else {
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if (( state != 'american-samoa') && ( state != 'guam') && ( state != 'northern-mariana-islands') && ( state != 'puerto-rico') && ( state != 'virgin-islands')){
//SBM state
if (url !== "none") {
switch (state) {
case 'idaho':
case 'new-mexico':
//Treat as an FFE state
//$('.marketplace-state').append('<a class="btn btn-large btn-green span4" href="/pre-registration.html">Apply Now</a>');
$('.marketplace-state').append('<a class="btn btn-large btn-green span4" href="/pre-registration.html">Apply Online</a> <a class="btn-main green-register" href="/contact-us/">APPLY BY PHONE</a>');
$('.marketplace-state').append('<p class="state-select-infotext"><a href="http://www.hhs.gov/digitalstrategy/doing-better-making-improvements-healthcaregov.html" target="_blank">Learn what we\'re doing to improve HealthCare.gov</a></p>');
case 'utah':
//$('.marketplace-state').append('<a class="btn btn-large btn-green span4" href="/pre-registration.html"> Apply Now</a>');
$('.marketplace-state').append('<a class="btn btn-large btn-green span4" href="/pre-registration.html">Apply Online</a> <a class="btn-main green-register" href="/contact-us/">APPLY BY PHONE</a>');
$('.marketplace-state').append('<p class="state-select-infotext"><a href="http://www.hhs.gov/digitalstrategy/doing-better-making-improvements-healthcaregov.html" target="_blank">Learn what we\'re doing to improve HealthCare.gov</a></p>');
//Standard SBM state
} else {
//FFE state
$('.marketplace-state').append('<a class="btn btn-large btn-green span4" href="/pre-registration.html">Apply Online</a> <a class="btn-main green-register" href="/contact-us/">APPLY BY PHONE</a>');
$('.marketplace-state').append('<p class="state-select-infotext"><a href="http://www.hhs.gov/digitalstrategy/doing-better-making-improvements-healthcaregov.html" target="_blank">Learn what we\'re doing to improve HealthCare.gov</a></p>');
if (url !== "none") {
//SBM state
switch (state) {
case 'idaho':
case 'new-mexico':
//Treat as an FFE state
//$('.state-selector2-answer').append('<a class="btn-main green-register" href="/pre-registration.html">Apply Now</a>');
$('.state-selector2-answer').append('<a class="btn-main green-register" href="/pre-registration.html">Apply Online</a> <a class="btn-main green-register" href="/contact-us/">APPLY BY PHONE</a>');
$('.state-selector2-answer').append('<p class="state-select-infotext"><a href="http://www.hhs.gov/digitalstrategy/doing-better-making-improvements-healthcaregov.html" target="_blank">Learn what we\'re doing to improve HealthCare.gov</a></p>');
case 'utah':
//$('.state-selector2-answer').append('<a class="btn-main green-register" href="/pre-registration.html">Apply Now</a>');
$('.state-selector2-answer').append('<a class="btn-main green-register" href="/pre-registration.html">Apply Online</a> <a class="btn-main green-register" href="/contact-us/">APPLY BY PHONE</a>');
$('.state-selector2-answer').append('<p class="state-select-infotext"><a href="http://www.hhs.gov/digitalstrategy/doing-better-making-improvements-healthcaregov.html" target="_blank">Learn what we\'re doing to improve HealthCare.gov</a></p>');
//Standard SBM state
} else {
//FFE state
//$('.state-selector2-answer').append('<a class="btn-main green-register" href="/pre-registration.html">Apply Now</a>');
$('.state-selector2-answer').append('<a class="btn-main green-register" href="/pre-registration.html">Apply Online</a> <a class="btn-main green-register" href="/contact-us/">APPLY BY PHONE</a>');
$('.state-selector2-answer').append('<p class="state-select-infotext"><a href="http://www.hhs.gov/digitalstrategy/doing-better-making-improvements-healthcaregov.html" target="_blank">Learn what we\'re doing to improve HealthCare.gov</a></p>');
// Set cookie
app.quickAnswers = app.quickAnswers || {};
app.quickAnswers.state = stateCap;
$.cookie('quickAnswers', app.quickAnswers, { expires: 30, path: '/' });
// Set route
app.router.set('state', state);
$('select.state-selector2').change(function(e) {
var btnText2 = '';
$('.marketplace-state a').remove();
var stateCap = $('option:selected', this).text(),
state = $(this).val(),
stateMatch = {
"Alabama": "AL",
"Alaska": "AK",
"American Samoa": "AS",
"Arizona": "AZ",
"Arkansas": "AR",
"California": "CA",
"Colorado": "CO",
"Connecticut": "CT",
"Delaware": "DE",
"District of Columbia": "DC",
"Florida": "FL",
"Georgia": "GA",
"Guam": "GU",
"Hawaii": "HI",
"Idaho": "ID",
"Illinois": "IL",
"Indiana": "IN",
"Iowa": "IA",
"Kansas": "KS",
"Kentucky": "KY",
"Louisiana": "LA",
"Maine": "ME",
"Maryland": "MD",
"Massachusetts": "MA",
"Michigan": "MI",
"Minnesota": "MN",
"Mississippi": "MS",
"Missouri": "MO",
"Montana": "MT",
"Nebraska": "NE",
"Nevada": "NV",
"New Hampshire": "NH",
"New Jersey": "NJ",
"New Mexico": "NM",
"New York": "NY",
"North Carolina": "NC",
"North Dakota": "ND",
"Northern Mariana Islands": "MP",
"Ohio": "OH",
"Oklahoma": "OK",
"Oregon": "OR",
"Pennsylvania": "PA",
"Puerto Rico": "PR",
"Rhode Island": "RI",
"South Carolina": "SC",
"South Dakota": "SD",
"Tennessee": "TN",
"Texas": "TX",
"Utah": "UT",
"Vermont": "VT",
"Virginia": "VA",
"Virgin Islands": "VI",
"Washington": "WA",
"West Virginia": "WV",
"Wisconsin": "WI",
"Wyoming": "WY"
if ($("select.state-selector").val() != state) { $('select.state-selector').val(state); }
if (state != '') {
$('.state-selectMessage').removeClass('span6 one');
$('.state-selectMessage').addClass('span4 two');
$('.state-selectMessage').css( "text-align", "right" )
$('.state-selectHeader').css( "text-align", "right" )
$('.state-selector2-label').css( "color", "#045072" )
var requestedType = 'Health Insurance Marketplace in' + ' ' + stateCap;
$.getJSON('/' + state + '.json', function(d){
var url = d.stateurl;
$('.state-selector2-answer p').addClass('state-select-infotext')
$('.answer h3').each(function(){
var h3 = $(this).text();
if( requestedType == h3){
btnClass = 'class=\"btn btn-large btn-green span4\"';
btnText = getButtonText($(this).one().next('p').html(), url, btnClass);
} else {
$('.state-selector2-answer h3').each(function(){
var h3 = $(this).text();
if( requestedType == h3){
btnClass = 'class=\"btn-main green-register\"';
btnText2 = getButtonText($(this).one().next('p').html(), url, btnClass);
} else {
$('.marketplace-state .answer h3').addClass('header4');
$('.marketplace-state .answer').addClass('span7')
$('.state-selector2-answer h3').hide();
if (( state != 'american-samoa') && ( state != 'guam') && ( state != 'northern-mariana-islands') && ( state != 'puerto-rico') && ( state != 'virgin-islands')){
if (url !== "none") {
//SBM state
switch (state) {
case 'idaho':
case 'new-mexico':
//Treat as an FFE state
//$('.marketplace-state').append('<a class="btn btn-large btn-green span4" href="/pre-registration.html">Apply Now</a>');
$('.marketplace-state').append('<a class="btn btn-large btn-green span4" href="/pre-registration.html">Apply Online</a> <a class="btn-main green-register" href="/contact-us/">APPLY BY PHONE</a>');
$('.marketplace-state').append('<p class="state-select-infotext"><a href="http://www.hhs.gov/digitalstrategy/doing-better-making-improvements-healthcaregov.html" target="_blank">Learn what we\'re doing to improve HealthCare.gov</a></p>');
case 'utah':
//$('.marketplace-state').append('<a class="btn btn-large btn-green span4" href="/pre-registration.html"> Apply Now</a>');
$('.marketplace-state').append('<a class="btn btn-large btn-green span4" href="/pre-registration.html">Apply Online</a> <a class="btn-main green-register" href="/contact-us/">APPLY BY PHONE</a>');
$('.marketplace-state').append('<p class="state-select-infotext"><a href="http://www.hhs.gov/digitalstrategy/doing-better-making-improvements-healthcaregov.html" target="_blank">Learn what we\'re doing to improve HealthCare.gov</a></p>');
//Standard SBM state
} else {
//FFE state
//$('.marketplace-state').append('<a class="btn btn-large btn-green span4" href="/pre-registration.html">Apply Now</a>');
$('.marketplace-state').append('<a class="btn btn-large btn-green span4" href="/pre-registration.html">Apply Online</a> <a class="btn-main green-register" href="/contact-us/">APPLY BY PHONE</a>');
$('.marketplace-state').append('<p class="state-select-infotext"><a href="http://www.hhs.gov/digitalstrategy/doing-better-making-improvements-healthcaregov.html" target="_blank">Learn what we\'re doing to improve HealthCare.gov</a></p>');
if (url !== "none") {
//SBM state
switch (state) {
case 'idaho':
case 'new-mexico':
//Treat as an FFE state
//$('.state-selector2-answer').append('<a class="btn-main green-register" href="/pre-registration.html">Apply Now</a>s');
$('.state-selector2-answer').append('<a class="btn-main green-register" href="/pre-registration.html">Apply Online</a> <a class="btn-main green-register" href="/contact-us/">APPLY BY PHONE</a>');
$('.state-selector2-answer').append('<p class="state-select-infotext"><a href="http://www.hhs.gov/digitalstrategy/doing-better-making-improvements-healthcaregov.html" target="_blank">Learn what we\'re doing to improve HealthCare.gov</a></p>');
case 'utah':
//$('.state-selector2-answer').append('<a class="btn-main green-register" href="/pre-registration.html">Apply Now</a>');
$('.state-selector2-answer').append('<a class="btn-main green-register" href="/pre-registration.html">Apply Online</a> <a class="btn-main green-register" href="/contact-us/">APPLY BY PHONE</a>');
$('.state-selector2-answer').append('<p class="state-select-infotext"><a href="http://www.hhs.gov/digitalstrategy/doing-better-making-improvements-healthcaregov.html" target="_blank">Learn what we\'re doing to improve HealthCare.gov</a></p>');
//Standard SBM state
} else {
//FFE state
//$('.state-selector2-answer').append('<a class="btn-main green-register" href="/pre-registration.html">Apply Now</a>s');
$('.state-selector2-answer').append('<a class="btn-main green-register" href="/pre-registration.html">Apply Online</a> <a class="btn-main green-register" href="/contact-us/">APPLY BY PHONE</a>');
$('.state-selector2-answer').append('<p class="state-select-infotext"><a href="http://www.hhs.gov/digitalstrategy/doing-better-making-improvements-healthcaregov.html" target="_blank">Learn what we\'re doing to improve HealthCare.gov</a></p>');
// Set cookie
app.quickAnswers = app.quickAnswers || {};
app.quickAnswers.state = stateCap;
$.cookie('quickAnswers', app.quickAnswers, { expires: 30, path: '/' });
// Set route
app.router.set('state', state);
<div class='how'>
<div class='container'>
<div class='row-fluid'>
<hr class='dark pad hidden-phone'>
<div class='marketplace-article'>
<div class='equal-height clearfix'>
<div class='span4 card transition'>
<a href='/how-can-i-get-an-estimate-of-costs-and-savings-on-marketplace-health-insurance' title='New: How can I get an estimate of costs and savings on Marketplace health insurance?'
Priority 3
Use link text between 3 and 80 characters so it's long enough to be understood, but avoids line wrapping.

A single word text link may not give enough information about the link's destination. A link that is a full sentence is difficult to read quickly, particularly if it wraps to another line.

<span class='new active '></span>
<h2 class='header3'>How can I get an estimate of costs and savings on Marketplace health insurance?</h2>
<div class='topic-content hidden-phone'>Until you fill out a Marketplace application, you can use the Kaiser Family Foundation calculator for a rough estimate of how much coverage may cost you...</div>
<div data-title='How can I get an estimate of costs and savings on Marketplace health insurance?' data-url='/how-can-i-get-an-estimate-of-costs-and-savings-on-marketplace-health-insurance'>
<!--googleoff: all-->
<div class='social-share clearfix'>
<iframe class='twframe' allowtransparency='true' frameborder='0' scrolling='no' src='' via='HealthCareGov' style='height:20px;' title='Tweet this page'
Priority 1
IFRAME tags must have alternative content.

To cater for screen readers that don't support frames, place some text in the IFRAME tag. For example: <iframe src='file.htm'>Alternative content</iframe>

Priority 1
Internet Explorer, Chrome and Firefox display a security warning when a secure https:// web page includes http:// content.

In IE8 and Firefox 23 onwards, the default option is not to display the http:// content. To fix this: use relative URL paths (../images/file.png); or full URL paths (/images/file.png); or absolute https URLs (https://example.com/images/file.png).

Priority 1
This link is broken. The SRC or HREF is an empty string.
Line 1564 Broken Link

HREF="" or SRC="" can cause unexpected effects such as traffic spikes or cookie corruption.

Priority 1
The 'allowtransparency' attribute on the 'iframe' element is obsolete. Use CSS instead.
Line 1564 HTML5

Priority 1
The 'frameborder' attribute on the 'iframe' element is obsolete. Use CSS instead.
Line 1564 HTML5

Priority 1
The 'scrolling' attribute on the 'iframe' element is obsolete. Use CSS instead.
Line 1564 HTML5

<iframe src='' class='fbframe' frameborder='0' style='border:none; overflow:hidden; height:25px;' allowTransparency='true' title='Like this page on Facebook'
Priority 1
IFRAME tags must have alternative content.

To cater for screen readers that don't support frames, place some text in the IFRAME tag. For example: <iframe src='file.htm'>Alternative content</iframe>

Priority 1
Internet Explorer, Chrome and Firefox display a security warning when a secure https:// web page includes http:// content.

In IE8 and Firefox 23 onwards, the default option is not to display the http:// content. To fix this: use relative URL paths (../images/file.png); or full URL paths (/images/file.png); or absolute https URLs (https://example.com/images/file.png).

Priority 1
This link is broken. The SRC or HREF is an empty string.
Line 1567 Broken Link

HREF="" or SRC="" can cause unexpected effects such as traffic spikes or cookie corruption.

Priority 1
The 'allowtransparency' attribute on the 'iframe' element is obsolete. Use CSS instead.
Line 1567 HTML5

Priority 1
The 'frameborder' attribute on the 'iframe' element is obsolete. Use CSS instead.
Line 1567 HTML5


Priority 1
'&' did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &amp;.)
Line 1570 HTML5

<a href='mailto:?subject=Welcome to the Marketplace - HealthCare.gov&body=I would like to share this link with you: https://www.healthcare.gov/marketplace/individual' class='mailto' title='Email this page'><span class='icon-envelope icon-white'></span>Email</a>
<!--googleon: all-->
$(window).load(function() {
$('.social-share').each(function() {
if ($(this).parent().attr('data-url')) {
var url = $(this).parent().attr('data-url');
var title = $(this).parent().attr('data-title');
$(this).find('.fbframe').attr('src','//www.facebook.com/plugins/like.php?href=https://www.healthcare.gov' + url + '&layout=button_count&show_faces=false&width=450&action=like&font&amp;colorscheme=light&amp;height=25&amp;xfbml=true;');
$(this).find('.twframe').attr('src','//platform.twitter.com/widgets/tweet_button.html?text=' + title + '&url=https://www.healthcare.gov' + url + '&via=HealthCareGov&counturl=https://www.healthcare.gov'+ url);
$(this).find('.mailto').attr('href','mailto:?subject=' + title + ' - HealthCare.gov&body=I would like to share this link with you: https://www.healthcare.gov'+ url);
} else {
<div class='span4 card transition'>
<a href='/get-covered-a-1-page-guide-to-the-health-insurance-marketplace' title=' Get Covered: A one-page guide to the Health Insurance Marketplace '
Priority 3
Use link text between 3 and 80 characters so it's long enough to be understood, but avoids line wrapping.

A single word text link may not give enough information about the link's destination. A link that is a full sentence is difficult to read quickly, particularly if it wraps to another line.

<h2 class='header3'>Get Covered: A one-page guide to the Health Insurance Marketplace </h2>
<div class='topic-content hidden-phone'>Here’s a quick rundown on the most important things to know about the Health Insurance Marketplace, sometimes known as the health insurance “exchange.”</div>
<div data-title='Get Covered: A one-page guide to the Health Insurance Marketplace ' data-url='/get-covered-a-1-page-guide-to-the-health-insurance-marketplace'>
<!--googleoff: all-->
<div class='social-share clearfix'>
<iframe class='twframe' allowtransparency='true' frameborder='0' scrolling='no' src='' via='HealthCareGov' style='height:20px;' title='Tweet this page'
Priority 1
IFRAME tags must have alternative content.

To cater for screen readers that don't support frames, place some text in the IFRAME tag. For example: <iframe src='file.htm'>Alternative content</iframe>

Priority 1
Internet Explorer, Chrome and Firefox display a security warning when a secure https:// web page includes http:// content.

In IE8 and Firefox 23 onwards, the default option is not to display the http:// content. To fix this: use relative URL paths (../images/file.png); or full URL paths (/images/file.png); or absolute https URLs (https://example.com/images/file.png).

Priority 1
This link is broken. The SRC or HREF is an empty string.
Line 1629 Broken Link

HREF="" or SRC="" can cause unexpected effects such as traffic spikes or cookie corruption.

Priority 1
The 'allowtransparency' attribute on the 'iframe' element is obsolete. Use CSS instead.
Line 1629 HTML5

Priority 1
The 'frameborder' attribute on the 'iframe' element is obsolete. Use CSS instead.
Line 1629 HTML5

Priority 1
The 'scrolling' attribute on the 'iframe' element is obsolete. Use CSS instead.
Line 1629 HTML5

<iframe src='' class='fbframe' frameborder='0' style='border:none; overflow:hidden; height:25px;' allowTransparency='true' title='Like this page on Facebook'
Priority 1
IFRAME tags must have alternative content.

To cater for screen readers that don't support frames, place some text in the IFRAME tag. For example: <iframe src='file.htm'>Alternative content</iframe>

Priority 1
Internet Explorer, Chrome and Firefox display a security warning when a secure https:// web page includes http:// content.

In IE8 and Firefox 23 onwards, the default option is not to display the http:// content. To fix this: use relative URL paths (../images/file.png); or full URL paths (/images/file.png); or absolute https URLs (https://example.com/images/file.png).

Priority 1
This link is broken. The SRC or HREF is an empty string.
Line 1632 Broken Link

HREF="" or SRC="" can cause unexpected effects such as traffic spikes or cookie corruption.

Priority 1
The 'allowtransparency' attribute on the 'iframe' element is obsolete. Use CSS instead.
Line 1632 HTML5

Priority 1
The 'frameborder' attribute on the 'iframe' element is obsolete. Use CSS instead.
Line 1632 HTML5


Priority 1
'&' did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &amp;.)
Line 1635 HTML5

<a href='mailto:?subject=Welcome to the Marketplace - HealthCare.gov&body=I would like to share this link with you: https://www.healthcare.gov/marketplace/individual' class='mailto' title='Email this page'><span class='icon-envelope icon-white'></span>Email</a>
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var title = $(this).parent().attr('data-title');
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<div class='span4 card transition'>
<a href='/how-much-will-marketplace-insurance-cost' title=' How can I see Marketplace health plans and prices before I fill out an application?'
Priority 3
Use link text between 3 and 80 characters so it's long enough to be understood, but avoids line wrapping.

A single word text link may not give enough information about the link's destination. A link that is a full sentence is difficult to read quickly, particularly if it wraps to another line.

<h2 class='header3'>How can I see Marketplace health plans and prices before I fill out an application?</h2>
<div class='topic-content hidden-phone'>You can preview Marketplace health plans and prices available in your area. But to find out the actual costs for your personal situation, you need to...</div>
<div data-title='How can I see Marketplace health plans and prices before I fill out an application?' data-url='/how-much-will-marketplace-insurance-cost'>
<!--googleoff: all-->
<div class='social-share clearfix'>
<iframe class='twframe' allowtransparency='true' frameborder='0' scrolling='no' src='' via='HealthCareGov' style='height:20px;' title='Tweet this page'
Priority 1
IFRAME tags must have alternative content.

To cater for screen readers that don't support frames, place some text in the IFRAME tag. For example: <iframe src='file.htm'>Alternative content</iframe>

Priority 1
Internet Explorer, Chrome and Firefox display a security warning when a secure https:// web page includes http:// content.

In IE8 and Firefox 23 onwards, the default option is not to display the http:// content. To fix this: use relative URL paths (../images/file.png); or full URL paths (/images/file.png); or absolute https URLs (https://example.com/images/file.png).

Priority 1
This link is broken. The SRC or HREF is an empty string.
Line 1694 Broken Link

HREF="" or SRC="" can cause unexpected effects such as traffic spikes or cookie corruption.

Priority 1
The 'allowtransparency' attribute on the 'iframe' element is obsolete. Use CSS instead.
Line 1694 HTML5

Priority 1
The 'frameborder' attribute on the 'iframe' element is obsolete. Use CSS instead.
Line 1694 HTML5

Priority 1
The 'scrolling' attribute on the 'iframe' element is obsolete. Use CSS instead.
Line 1694 HTML5

<iframe src='' class='fbframe' frameborder='0' style='border:none; overflow:hidden; height:25px;' allowTransparency='true' title='Like this page on Facebook'
Priority 1
IFRAME tags must have alternative content.

To cater for screen readers that don't support frames, place some text in the IFRAME tag. For example: <iframe src='file.htm'>Alternative content</iframe>

Priority 1
Internet Explorer, Chrome and Firefox display a security warning when a secure https:// web page includes http:// content.

In IE8 and Firefox 23 onwards, the default option is not to display the http:// content. To fix this: use relative URL paths (../images/file.png); or full URL paths (/images/file.png); or absolute https URLs (https://example.com/images/file.png).

Priority 1
This link is broken. The SRC or HREF is an empty string.
Line 1697 Broken Link

HREF="" or SRC="" can cause unexpected effects such as traffic spikes or cookie corruption.

Priority 1
The 'allowtransparency' attribute on the 'iframe' element is obsolete. Use CSS instead.
Line 1697 HTML5

Priority 1
The 'frameborder' attribute on the 'iframe' element is obsolete. Use CSS instead.
Line 1697 HTML5


Priority 1
'&' did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &amp;.)
Line 1700 HTML5

<a href='mailto:?subject=Welcome to the Marketplace - HealthCare.gov&body=I would like to share this link with you: https://www.healthcare.gov/marketplace/individual' class='mailto' title='Email this page'><span class='icon-envelope icon-white'></span>Email</a>
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var url = $(this).parent().attr('data-url');
var title = $(this).parent().attr('data-title');
$(this).find('.fbframe').attr('src','//www.facebook.com/plugins/like.php?href=https://www.healthcare.gov' + url + '&layout=button_count&show_faces=false&width=450&action=like&font&amp;colorscheme=light&amp;height=25&amp;xfbml=true;');
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$(this).find('.mailto').attr('href','mailto:?subject=' + title + ' - HealthCare.gov&body=I would like to share this link with you: https://www.healthcare.gov'+ url);
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<span class="top"><abbr title="October"
Priority 3
The ABBR element is not supported in IE7 or earlier.

No tooltip will appear for the abbreviation in older versions of Internet Explorer.

<span class="bottom">1</span>
<p class='calendar-text span3'>Open Enrollment Began</p>
<a href='/what-key-dates-do-i-need-to-know/#part=1' class="span2 calendar">
<div class="calendar-box">
<span class="top"><abbr title="January"
Priority 3
The ABBR element is not supported in IE7 or earlier.

No tooltip will appear for the abbreviation in older versions of Internet Explorer.

<span class="bottom">1</span>
<p class='calendar-text span3'>Coverage Can Begin</p>
<a href='/what-key-dates-do-i-need-to-know/#part=1' class="span2 calendar">
<div class="calendar-box">
<span class="top"><abbr title="March"
Priority 3
The ABBR element is not supported in IE7 or earlier.

No tooltip will appear for the abbreviation in older versions of Internet Explorer.

<span class="bottom">31</span>
<p class='calendar-text span3'>Open Enrollment Closes</p>
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<h3 class='header5'><a href="/blog">Health Insurance Blog</a><a title='RSS feed' href='/blog/blog.rss' class='glyphicons rss'
Priority 1
Each A tag must contain text or an IMG with an ALT tag.
Line 1934 WCAG2 A F89

Add text to the link, or ALT text if the link contains an image. If there is no link text or the ALT tag is blank, screen readers have nothing to read, so read out the URL instead.

<ul title='Most recent blog posts'>
<a title='21 October We’re listening — and improving every day' class='row-fluid equal-height clearfix' href='/blog/we-re-listening-and-improving-every-day'>
<div class='span2'>
<div class='date'>
<div class='post-day'>21</div>
<div class='post-month'><abbr title='October'
Priority 3
The ABBR element is not supported in IE7 or earlier.

No tooltip will appear for the abbreviation in older versions of Internet Explorer.

<div class='span10'>
We’re listening — and improving every day
<a title='21 October 4 ways to apply for coverage in the Health Insurance Marketplace' class='row-fluid equal-height clearfix' href='/blog/4-ways-to-apply-for-coverage-in-the-health-insurance-marketplace'>
<div class='span2'>
<div class='date'>
<div class='post-day'>21</div>
<div class='post-month'><abbr title='October'
Priority 3
The ABBR element is not supported in IE7 or earlier.

No tooltip will appear for the abbreviation in older versions of Internet Explorer.

<div class='span10'>
4 ways to apply for coverage in the Health Insurance Marketplace
<a title='01 October Open enrollment in the Health Insurance Marketplace is here!' class='row-fluid equal-height clearfix' href='/blog/open-enrollment-in-the-health-insurance-marketplace-is-here'>
<div class='span2'>
<div class='date'>
<div class='post-day'>01</div>
<div class='post-month'><abbr title='October'
Priority 3
The ABBR element is not supported in IE7 or earlier.

No tooltip will appear for the abbreviation in older versions of Internet Explorer.

<div class='span10'>
Open enrollment in the Health Insurance Marketplace is here!
<h3>Top Content</h3>
<li><a href="https://healthcare.gov/how-do-i-apply-for-marketplace-coverage/">4 ways to apply for coverage</a></li>
<li><a href="https://healthcare.gov/how-can-i-get-an-estimate-of-costs-and-savings-on-marketplace-health-insurance/">Get an estimate of costs and savings</a></li>
<li><a href="https://healthcare.gov/find-premium-estimates/">Preview plans and prices</a></li>
<h3><a href="https://healthcare.gov/connect">Connect With Us</a></h3>
<li><a href="https://healthcare.gov/connect/#twitter"><img src="" alt="share" /
Priority 1
This link is broken. The SRC or HREF is an empty string.
Line 2010 Broken Link

HREF="" or SRC="" can cause unexpected effects such as traffic spikes or cookie corruption.

Priority 2
Omitting IMG WIDTH or HEIGHT attributes means page text jumps about as images load.

This makes the page very hard to read while it's loading, and the user may click on the wrong link if it moves as it's being clicked. Add width and height attributes to the img tag matching the image dimensions. Authoring tools like Dreamweaver can automate this process.

>Share Your Story</a></li>
<li><a href="https://healthcare.gov/connect/#youtube"><img src="" alt="flag" /
Priority 1
This link is broken. The SRC or HREF is an empty string.
Line 2011 Broken Link

HREF="" or SRC="" can cause unexpected effects such as traffic spikes or cookie corruption.

Priority 2
Omitting IMG WIDTH or HEIGHT attributes means page text jumps about as images load.

This makes the page very hard to read while it's loading, and the user may click on the wrong link if it moves as it's being clicked. Add width and height attributes to the img tag matching the image dimensions. Authoring tools like Dreamweaver can automate this process.

>Watch Videos</a></li>
<li><strong><a href="https://healthcare.gov/contact-us"><img src="" alt="share" /
Priority 1
This link is broken. The SRC or HREF is an empty string.
Line 2012 Broken Link

HREF="" or SRC="" can cause unexpected effects such as traffic spikes or cookie corruption.

Priority 2
Omitting IMG WIDTH or HEIGHT attributes means page text jumps about as images load.

This makes the page very hard to read while it's loading, and the user may click on the wrong link if it moves as it's being clicked. Add width and height attributes to the img tag matching the image dimensions. Authoring tools like Dreamweaver can automate this process.

>Questions? Call 1-800-318-2596</a></strong></li>
<h3>Quick Information</h3>
<li><a href="http://marketplace.cms.gov/">For Partners</a></li>
<li><a href="http://www.cms.gov/cciio/index.html">Regulatory and Policy Information</a></li>
<li><a href="http://www.hhs.gov/news/">For the Media</a></li>
<li><a href="http://www.hhs.gov/healthcare/facts/timeline/index.html">About the Affordable Care Act</a></li>
<li><a href="http://www.cms.gov/CCIIO/Programs-and-Initiatives/Health-Insurance-Marketplaces/State-Marketplace-Resources.html">For States</a></li>
<li><a href="https://healthcare.gov/what-do-large-business-owners-need-to-know/">For Businesses</a>
<li class="full">Plan information for Individuals and Families:<br/>
<a href="https://healthcare.gov/health-plan-information/">Health Plans</a> | <a href="https://healthcare.gov/dental-plan-information/">Dental Plans</a></li>
<li class="full">Plan information for Small Businesses:<br/>
<a href="https://healthcare.gov/shop-health-plan-information/">Health Plans</a> | <a href="https://healthcare.gov/shop-dental-plan-information/">Dental Plans</a></li></li
Priority 1
No 'li' element in scope but a 'li' end tag seen.
Line 2028 HTML5

Priority 1
This page has markup errors, causing screen readers to miss content.
Line 2028 WCAG2 A F70

Fix the errors listed on the Standards tab of this report. Markup errors like missing end tags mean screen readers may skip important content.

<h3><a href="https://healthcare.gov/language-resource">Resources in Other Languages</a></h3>
<li><a href='https://healthcare.gov/language-resource/#chinese'>中文 (Chinese) <span class='accessibility'>Chinese</span></a></li>
<li><a href='https://healthcare.gov/language-resource/#french creole'>Kreyòl (French Creole) <span class='accessibility'>French Creole</span></a></li>
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<li><a href='https://healthcare.gov/language-resource/#polish'>Polski (Polish) <span class='accessibility'>Polish</span></a></li>
<li><a href='https://healthcare.gov/language-resource/#portuguese'>Português (Portuguese) <span class='accessibility'>Portuguese</span></a></li>
<li><a href="https://www.cuidadodesalud.gov/es/">Español (Spanish)</a></li>
Priority 5
Capitalize the first letter of the first word in lists.

Only the first letter of the first word should be capitalized unless the item contains another word that would normally be capitalized.

><a href='https://healthcare.gov/language-resource/#vietnamese'>tiếng việt (Vietnamese) <span class='accessibility'>Vietnamese</span></a></li>
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Priority 2
This page may contain a newsletter sign-up. Companies in the EU sending emails, faxes and SMS must comply with the Privacy and Electronic Communications (EC Directive) Regulations 2003. Companies in the US must comply with the CAN-SPAM Act 2003.

The EC Privacy Regulations carry a maximum fine of £5,000 / €7,000 for failure to comply.

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<div class="span2 calendar">
<div class="calendar-box">
<span class="top">Oct</span>
<span class="bottom">1</span>
<p class='calendar-text span3'>Open Enrollment Began</p>
<div class="span2 calendar">
<div class="calendar-box">
<span class="top">Jan</span>
<span class="bottom">1</span>
<p class='calendar-text span3'>Coverage Can Begin</p>
<div class="span2 calendar">
<div class="calendar-box">
<span class="top">Mar</span>
<span class="bottom">31</span>
<p class='calendar-text span3'>Open Enrollment Closes</p>
<a href="#" class='timespan pull-right'>
<span class='pull-left countdown'></span>DAYS LEFT TO<br> ENROLL
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<div class='row-fluid sections'>
<h3><a href="/blog">Health Insurance Blog</a></h3>
<a class='row-fluid equal-height' href='/blog/we-re-listening-and-improving-every-day'>
<div class='span2'>
<div class='date'>
<div class='post-day'>21</div>
<div class='post-month'>Oct</div>
<div class='span10'>
We’re listening — and improving every day
<a class='row-fluid equal-height' href='/blog/4-ways-to-apply-for-coverage-in-the-health-insurance-marketplace'>
<div class='span2'>
<div class='date'>
<div class='post-day'>21</div>
<div class='post-month'>Oct</div>
<div class='span10'>
4 ways to apply for coverage in the Health Insurance Marketplace
<a class='row-fluid equal-height' href='/blog/open-enrollment-in-the-health-insurance-marketplace-is-here'>
<div class='span2'>
<div class='date'>
<div class='post-day'>01</div>
<div class='post-month'>Oct</div>
<div class='span10'>
Open enrollment in the Health Insurance Marketplace is here!
<h3>Top Content</h3>
<li><a href="https://healthcare.gov/how-do-i-apply-for-marketplace-coverage/">4 ways to apply for coverage</a></li>
<li><a href="https://healthcare.gov/how-can-i-get-an-estimate-of-costs-and-savings-on-marketplace-health-insurance/">Get an estimate of costs and savings</a></li>
<li><a href="https://healthcare.gov/find-premium-estimates/">Preview plans and prices</a></li>
<h3><a href="https://healthcare.gov/connect">Connect With Us</a></h3>
<li><a href="https://healthcare.gov/connect/#twitter"><img src="" alt="share" /
Priority 1
This link is broken. The SRC or HREF is an empty string.
Line 2237 Broken Link

HREF="" or SRC="" can cause unexpected effects such as traffic spikes or cookie corruption.

Priority 2
Omitting IMG WIDTH or HEIGHT attributes means page text jumps about as images load.

This makes the page very hard to read while it's loading, and the user may click on the wrong link if it moves as it's being clicked. Add width and height attributes to the img tag matching the image dimensions. Authoring tools like Dreamweaver can automate this process.

>Share Your Story</a></li>
<li><a href="https://healthcare.gov/connect/#youtube"><img src="" alt="flag" /
Priority 1
This link is broken. The SRC or HREF is an empty string.
Line 2238 Broken Link

HREF="" or SRC="" can cause unexpected effects such as traffic spikes or cookie corruption.

Priority 2
Omitting IMG WIDTH or HEIGHT attributes means page text jumps about as images load.

This makes the page very hard to read while it's loading, and the user may click on the wrong link if it moves as it's being clicked. Add width and height attributes to the img tag matching the image dimensions. Authoring tools like Dreamweaver can automate this process.

>Watch Videos</a></li>
<li><strong><a href="https://healthcare.gov/contact-us"><img src="" alt="share" /
Priority 1
This link is broken. The SRC or HREF is an empty string.
Line 2239 Broken Link

HREF="" or SRC="" can cause unexpected effects such as traffic spikes or cookie corruption.

Priority 2
Omitting IMG WIDTH or HEIGHT attributes means page text jumps about as images load.

This makes the page very hard to read while it's loading, and the user may click on the wrong link if it moves as it's being clicked. Add width and height attributes to the img tag matching the image dimensions. Authoring tools like Dreamweaver can automate this process.

>Questions? Call 1-800-318-2596</a></strong></li>
<h3>Quick Information</h3>
<li><a href="http://marketplace.cms.gov/">For Partners</a></li>
<li><a href="http://www.cms.gov/cciio/index.html">Regulatory and Policy Information</a></li>
<li><a href="http://www.hhs.gov/news/">For the Media</a></li>
<li><a href="http://www.hhs.gov/healthcare/facts/timeline/index.html">About the Affordable Care Act</a></li>
<li><a href="http://www.cms.gov/CCIIO/Programs-and-Initiatives/Health-Insurance-Marketplaces/State-Marketplace-Resources.html">For States</a></li>
<li><a href="https://healthcare.gov/what-do-large-business-owners-need-to-know/">For Businesses</a>
<li class="full">Plan information for Individuals and Families:<br/>
<a href="https://healthcare.gov/health-plan-information/">Health Plans</a> | <a href="https://healthcare.gov/dental-plan-information/">Dental Plans</a></li>
<li class="full">Plan information for Small Businesses:<br/>
<a href="https://healthcare.gov/shop-health-plan-information/">Health Plans</a> | <a href="https://healthcare.gov/shop-dental-plan-information/">Dental Plans</a></li></li
Priority 1
No 'li' element in scope but a 'li' end tag seen.
Line 2255 HTML5

<h3><a href="https://healthcare.gov/language-resource">Resources in Other Languages</a></h3>
<li><a href='https://healthcare.gov/language-resource/#chinese'>中文 (Chinese) <span class='accessibility'>Chinese</span></a></li>
<li><a href='https://healthcare.gov/language-resource/#french creole'>Kreyòl (French Creole) <span class='accessibility'>French Creole</span></a></li>
<li><a href='https://healthcare.gov/language-resource/#korean'>한국어 (Korean)<span class='accessibility'>Korean</span></a></li>
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<li><a href='https://healthcare.gov/language-resource/#portuguese'>Português (Portuguese) <span class='accessibility'>Portuguese</span></a></li>
<li><a href="https://www.cuidadodesalud.gov/es/">Español (Spanish)</a></li>
Priority 5
Capitalize the first letter of the first word in lists.

Only the first letter of the first word should be capitalized unless the item contains another word that would normally be capitalized.

><a href='https://healthcare.gov/language-resource/#vietnamese'>tiếng việt (Vietnamese) <span class='accessibility'>Vietnamese</span></a></li>
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Priority 2
This page may contain a newsletter sign-up. Companies in the EU sending emails, faxes and SMS must comply with the Privacy and Electronic Communications (EC Directive) Regulations 2003. Companies in the US must comply with the CAN-SPAM Act 2003.

The EC Privacy Regulations carry a maximum fine of £5,000 / €7,000 for failure to comply.

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Priority 2
This page may contain a newsletter sign-up. Companies in the EU sending emails, faxes and SMS must comply with the Privacy and Electronic Communications (EC Directive) Regulations 2003. Companies in the US must comply with the CAN-SPAM Act 2003.

The EC Privacy Regulations carry a maximum fine of £5,000 / €7,000 for failure to comply.

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Priority 1
Duplicate attribute 'target'.
Line 2359 HTML5

Priority 1
This page has markup errors, causing screen readers to miss content.
Line 2359 WCAG2 A F70

Fix the errors listed on the Standards tab of this report. Markup errors like missing end tags mean screen readers may skip important content.

<a class='icon whitehouse' target='_blank' href='http://www.whitehouse.gov/' target="_blank">Whitehouse.gov</a>

Priority 1
Duplicate attribute 'target'.
Line 2361 HTML5

<a class='icon usagov pull-right' target='_blank' href='http://www.usa.gov/' target="_blank">USA.gov</a>
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<h3 class='header4'>Email Address</h3>
<label for='address' class='accessibility'>Enter Email Address (required)</label>
<input placeholder='Email Address' id='address' name='e' type='email' value=''/
Priority 3
The INPUT TYPE="EMAIL" attribute is not supported in Internet Explorer 9 and earlier.

><span class='help-inline'>Required</span>
<h3 class='header4'>Select a State</h3>
<label for='modal-state-dropdown' class='accessibility'>Select a State (required)</label>
<select id='modal-state-dropdown' name='q_23536' class='state'
Priority 3
Use option groups when a drop down list has more than 10 items.

Group related options using OPTGROUP tags.

<option disabled selected value='state'>Select a State</option>
<option value="58659">Alabama</option>
<option value="58660">Alaska</option>
<option value="58661">Arizona</option>
<option value="58662">Arkansas</option>
<option value="58663">California</option>
<option value="58664">Colorado</option>
<option value="58665">Connecticut</option>
<option value="58666">Delaware</option>
<option value="58667">District of Columbia</option>
<option value="58668">Florida</option>
<option value="58669">Georgia</option>
<option value="58670">Hawaii</option>
<option value="58671">Idaho</option>
<option value="58672">Illinois</option>
<option value="58673">Indiana</option>
<option value="58674">Iowa</option>
<option value="58675">Kansas</option>
<option value="58676">Kentucky</option>
<option value="58677">Louisiana</option>
<option value="58678">Maine</option>
<option value="58679">Maryland</option>
<option value="58680">Massachusetts</option>
<option value="58681">Michigan</option>
<option value="58682">Minnesota</option>
<option value="58683">Mississippi</option>
<option value="58684">Missouri</option>
<option value="58685">Montana</option>
<option value="58686">Nebraska</option>
<option value="58687">Nevada</option>
<option value="58688">New Hampshire</option>
<option value="58689">New Jersey</option>
<option value="58690">New Mexico</option>
<option value="58691">New York</option>
<option value="58692">North Carolina</option>
<option value="58693">North Dakota</option>
<option value="58694">Ohio</option>
<option value="58695">Oklahoma</option>
<option value="58696">Oregon</option>
<option value="58697">Pennsylvania</option>
<option value="58698">Rhode Island</option>
<option value="58699">South Carolina</option>
<option value="58700">South Dakota</option>
<option value="58701">Tennessee</option>
<option value="58702">Texas</option>
<option value="58703">Utah</option>
<option value="58704">Vermont</option>
<option value="58705">Virginia</option>
<option value="58706">Washington</option>
<option value="58707">West Virginia</option>
<option value="58708">Wisconsin</option>
<option value="58709">Wyoming</option>
<option value="58710">American Samoa</option>
<option value="58711">Guam</option>
<option value="58712">Northern Mariana Islands</option>
<option value="58713">Puerto Rico</option>
<option value="58714">Virgin Islands</option>
</select><span class='help-inline'>Required</span>
<h3 class='header4'>For Text Messages</h3>
<label for='number' class='accessibility'>Provide Phone Number for text messages (optional)</label>
<input title='Phone Number' placeholder='For Text Messages' id='number' name='w' type='tel'/
Priority 3
The INPUT TYPE="TEL" attribute is not supported in Internet Explorer 9 and earlier.

><span class='help-inline number-help'>Optional</span>
<p class='header5'><a class='privacy' href='/privacy'>Privacy Policy</a></p>
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<p>Now that you've signed up for email or text message updates about the Health Insurance Marketplace, you're one step closer to getting the health coverage you need. We'll send you tips and alerts that will help you stay on track to get health insurance that fits your budget and meets your needs. <br><br>The 6-month open enrollment period begins October 1, 2013 and ends March 31, 2014. Coverage starts as early as January 1, 2014. Don't wait until it's too late to apply.<br><strong>Take the next step and create your Marketplace account today!</strong></p>
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var number = $('#number').val();
var regexObj = /^\(?([0-9]{3})\)?[-. ]?([0-9]{3})[-. ]?([0-9]{4})$/;
if (regexObj.test(number)||number=='') {
number.replace(regexObj, '($1) $2-$3');
$('.number-help').html('Number is Valid');
} else {
$('.number-help').html('Number is invalid');
$('select.state').change(function() {
var stateStr = $('option:selected', this).text();
//Set state cookie
app.quickAnswers = app.quickAnswers || {};
app.quickAnswers.state = stateStr;
$.cookie('quickAnswers', app.quickAnswers, { expires: 30, path: '/' });
var submitForm = function(e) {
var email = $('#address', this).val();
var state = $('select.state', this).val();
var number = $('#number', this).val();
var regexObj = /^\(?([0-9]{3})\)?[-. ]?([0-9]{3})[-. ]?([0-9]{4})$/;
var languageNum = 'USCMSHIM_19';
if (regexObj.test(number) || number == '') {
number.replace(regexObj, '($1) $2-$3');
if (state !== 'state') {
if (IsEmail(email)) {
var url = 'https://api-dc2.govdelivery.com/api/add_script_subscription';
var values = {};
$.each($(this).serializeArray(), function(i, field) {
if (field.value.length > 0) {
values[field.name] = field.value;
switch(values["a"]) {
case "1":
values["k"] = key1;
case "2":
values["k"] = key2;
$('input[type=submit]', this).attr('disabled', 'disabled');
url: url,
data: values,
complete: function(d) {
$('[id*=subscribe-form] a.valid').show();
$('[id*=subscribe-form] input.valid').hide();
dataType: 'jsonp'
} else { alert('E-Mail is invalid'); }
} else { alert('Select a State'); }
} else { alert('Number is invalid'); }
$('#subscribe-modal .modal-header').focus();
return false;
$('input[data-email]').keyup(function() {
var value = $(this).val();
$(function() {
$('#subscribe-modal').on('shown', function(e) {
$('.modal-header', this).focus();
//Set state based on cookie if it exists
if (app.quickAnswers && app.quickAnswers.state) {
var cookieState = app.quickAnswers.state;
function selectState(state) {
$('select.state option').filter(function () {
return $(this).text() === state;
}).attr('selected', true);
#webchat {
Priority 2
The position:fixed CSS property is not supported by IE6 and iOS 4.

padding:0 25px;
Priority 3
Property -webkit-border-top-left-radius is vendor specific.
Line 2769 CSS Validation

Properties prefixed by a dash or underscore are vendor specific and only work on one browser engine.

Priority 3
Property -webkit-border-top-right-radius is vendor specific.
Line 2770 CSS Validation

Properties prefixed by a dash or underscore are vendor specific and only work on one browser engine.

Priority 3
Property -moz-border-radius-topleft is vendor specific.
Line 2771 CSS Validation

Properties prefixed by a dash or underscore are vendor specific and only work on one browser engine.

Priority 3
Property -moz-border-radius-topright is vendor specific.
Line 2772 CSS Validation

Properties prefixed by a dash or underscore are vendor specific and only work on one browser engine.

border-top-left-radius: 10px;
border-top-right-radius: 10px;

Priority 2
The :focus CSS pseudo selector is not supported by IE7 and earlier.

#webchat:focus {
#webchat.es {
#webchat h1 {
Priority 2
Use relative rather than absolute units in CSS property values.
Line 2783 WCAG2 AA 1.4.4

Absolute units are CM, MM, IN, PC and PT. When used with fonts PX is also considered an absolute unit, because it isn't relative the user's preferred font size. Low-vision users often use the "large fonts" mode of Windows, which makes each pixel larger than usual. This usually causes problems with pixel based layouts, which also perform badly on handheld and widescreen displays. Percentage values "stretch" according to screen size and work on a large range of display sizes.

#webchat .icon {
Priority 1
Absolute CSS positioning can make pages unreadable when style sheets are turned off.

Low vision users often switch off style sheets to make text easier to read. Absolute positioning can result in pages that display text out-of-order when style sheets are turned off.

.icon.chat-window {
background-position:-15px -102px;
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<a id='webchat' href='#' class='hidden-phone ' role='complementary'>
<h2 class='header4'>Live Chat</h2>
<span class='icon icon-large chat-window' href='#' role='link'>Open chat in new window</span>
<!--googleon: all-->
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var windowFeatures = "width=465,height=452,menubar=0,location=0,resizable=0,scrollbars=0,status=0";
function windowToggle(){
if (!chatWindow) {
} else {
function startChat(el){
chatWindow = window.open('/chat','WebChat',windowFeatures);
if (!isMobileDevice.any()){windowToggle()}
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// Add lang button if it exist
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/* Needs to support x-domain requests */
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success: function(){
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error: function(){}
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