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HTML Document

URL: https://www.healthcare.gov/marketplace/global/en_US/registration
HTTP Status: 200 OK
MIME Type: text/html
Last Modified: Mon, 01 Jan 1601 00:00:00 GMT
Download Time: Less than a second
Cookies: akawr=3c111cb89f08000029b56d5
Size: 20 KB
Page Weight: 24 KB (total size of HTML, CSS, JavaScript and images)
Depth: 1 clicks from home page
Charset: UTF-8
Forms: 0 forms containing 0 controls
HTTP Headers: View Headers 8 headers
Links In: View Links 1 pages
Links Out: View Links 17 links
Images: View Images 1 images
CSS: View CSS Files 0 files
JavaScript: View JavaScript Files 0 files
Issue Issues: 35 issues found on 71 lines

Priority 2
This page has no doctype which triggers quirks mode in IE, Firefox and most other browsers. This means pages may look different in different browsers.

Add a DOCTYPE statement to the top of the document.

Priority 1
Google recommends separating keywords in URLs by dashes instead of underscores.
Line 1 Google

Dashes perform better than underscores in Google as keyword separators, and underscores perform better than no separators.

Priority 1
Use the LANG attribute to identify the language of the page.

In HTML add a LANG attribute to the HTML tag, and in PDF set the language using Document Properties in Acrobat. This allows screen readers to pronounce words correctly.

Priority 1
No document type declaration; implying "<!DOCTYPE HTML SYSTEM>".
Line 6 HTML Validation

Priority 2
No DOCTYPE found! Checking with default HTML or XHTML document type.
Line 6 HTML Validation

No DOCTYPE Declaration could be found or recognized in this document. This generally means that the document is not declaring its Document Type at the top. It can also mean that the DOCTYPE declaration contains a spelling error, or that it is not using the correct syntax.

<meta charset
Priority 2
There is no attribute "CHARSET".
Line 10 HTML Validation

This happens when the version of HTML used on this page doesn't support an attribute with this name. This can happen if the attribute is misspelled, is uppercase or mixed case in XHTML, or isn't supported by some HTML versions. For example, HTML 4 DOCTYPEs don't allow HTML 5 attributes and Strict DOCTYPEs don't allow stylistic attributes which were present in earlier versions of HTML.

Priority 1
Required attribute "CONTENT" not specified.
Line 10 HTML Validation

Priority 1
Character data is not allowed here.
Line 10 HTML Validation

<title>Health Insurance Marketplace: Please wait</title>
<meta name='viewport' content='initial-scale=1, minimum-scale=1, maximum-scale=1, user-scalable=no'/>
<meta name='msvalidate.01' content='598A98B6EDF7624D92A421A892DC3A45
Priority 1
Document type does not allow element "META" here.
Line 13 HTML Validation

<meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge,chrome=1
Priority 1
Document type does not allow element "META" here.
Line 14 HTML Validation

<link rel='shortcut icon' href='/images/favicon.ico' type='image/x-icon'
Priority 1
Document type does not allow element "LINK" here.
Line 15 HTML Validation

<link href="https://plus.google.com/112755994883163074657" rel="publisher"
Priority 1
Document type does not allow element "LINK" here.
Line 17 HTML Validation

<link rel='stylesheet' href='/css/all.css' type='text/css'
Priority 1
Document type does not allow element "LINK" here.
Line 18 HTML Validation

<link rel='stylesheet' media='(max-width: 767px)' href='/css/style-mobile.css' type='text/css'
Priority 1
Document type does not allow element "LINK" here.
Line 19 HTML Validation

<link rel='stylesheet' href='/css/print.css' type='text/css' media='print'
Priority 1
Document type does not allow element "LINK" here.
Line 20 HTML Validation


Priority 3
Support for conditional comments has been removed from IE10 and later.

Fix by specifying which versions of Internet Explorer the comment applies to using a comment like [if lte IE 9].

<!--[if IE]><link rel='stylesheet' href='/css/ie.css' type='text/css' /><![endif]-->
<!--[if lt IE 9]><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/css/ie-lt-9.css" /><![endif]-->
<!--[if IE 8]><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/css/ie-8.css" /><![endif]-->
<!--[if IE 7]><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/css/ie-7.css" /><![endif]-->
Priority 1
Required attribute "TYPE" not specified.
Line 26 HTML Validation

Priority 1
Document type does not allow element "STYLE" here.
Line 26 HTML Validation

.subnav {
position: relative;
height: 0px;
padding-top: 0px;
background: #FFF;
.waitingRoomIcon {
margin:40px 0px 60px 0px;
<script src='//assets.healthcare.gov/global/js/lib/jquery-1.8.2.js
Priority 1
Required attribute "TYPE" not specified.
Line 40 HTML Validation

<script src='/js/all.js
Priority 1
Required attribute "TYPE" not specified.
Line 41 HTML Validation

<meta name='content-type' content='index'
Priority 1
Document type does not allow element "META" here.
Line 42 HTML Validation

<link rel="P3Pv1" href="/w3c/p3p.xml"
Priority 1
Document type does not allow element "LINK" here.
Line 45 HTML Validation

<meta property
Priority 2
There is no attribute "PROPERTY".
Line 47 HTML Validation

This happens when the version of HTML used on this page doesn't support an attribute with this name. This can happen if the attribute is misspelled, is uppercase or mixed case in XHTML, or isn't supported by some HTML versions. For example, HTML 4 DOCTYPEs don't allow HTML 5 attributes and Strict DOCTYPEs don't allow stylistic attributes which were present in earlier versions of HTML.

="og:title" content="Sorry, we can't find that page
Priority 1
Document type does not allow element "META" here.
Line 47 HTML Validation

<meta property="og:type" content='index'
Priority 1
Document type does not allow element "META" here.
Line 48 HTML Validation

<meta property="og:image" content="
Priority 1
Document type does not allow element "META" here.
Line 49 HTML Validation

<meta property="og:site_name" content="HealthCare.gov
Priority 1
Document type does not allow element "META" here.
Line 50 HTML Validation

<meta property="og:description" content="
Priority 1
Document type does not allow element "META" here.
Line 51 HTML Validation

<meta name="twitter:card" content="
Priority 1
Document type does not allow element "META" here.
Line 52 HTML Validation

<meta name="twitter:url" ontent
Priority 2
There is no attribute "ONTENT".
Line 53 HTML Validation

This happens when the version of HTML used on this page doesn't support an attribute with this name. This can happen if the attribute is misspelled, is uppercase or mixed case in XHTML, or isn't supported by some HTML versions. For example, HTML 4 DOCTYPEs don't allow HTML 5 attributes and Strict DOCTYPEs don't allow stylistic attributes which were present in earlier versions of HTML.

Priority 1
Required attribute "CONTENT" not specified.
Line 53 HTML Validation

Priority 1
Document type does not allow element "META" here.
Line 53 HTML Validation

<meta name="twitter:title" content="Sorry, we can't find that page
Priority 1
Document type does not allow element "META" here.
Line 54 HTML Validation


Priority 1
Do not use META REFRESH with a non-zero timeout to automatically refresh the page, since it causes an unexpected interruption for screen reader users.

If you cannot avoid using META REFRESH, change the refresh time to zero, since the redirect is instant and will not be perceived as a change of context.

Priority 1
Meta refresh tags that redirect to another page can be penalized by search engines.
Line 58 Bing

Priority 1
Document type does not allow element "META" here.
Line 58 HTML Validation


Priority 1
Do not use META REFRESH with a non-zero timeout to automatically refresh the page, since it causes an unexpected interruption for screen reader users.

If you cannot avoid using META REFRESH, change the refresh time to zero, since the redirect is instant and will not be perceived as a change of context.

Priority 1
Meta refresh tags that redirect to another page can be penalized by search engines.
Line 67 Bing

Priority 1
Document type does not allow element "META" here.
Line 67 HTML Validation

Priority 1
End tag for element "HEAD" which is not open.
Line 70 HTML Validation

Priority 3
This page has malformed tags which IE8 and later treat differently from earlier versions of IE.

Fix the errors listed on the Standards tab of this report. Markup errors like missing end tags means IE8 and IE9 may display different content from IE6 and IE7.

Priority 3
Google recommends using well-formed HTML code in your webpages. This page has mismatched tags.
Line 70 Google

Fix the critical errors listed on the Standards tab of this report. Markup errors like missing end tags or unclosed comments mean search engine web crawlers may skip important content.

Priority 1
Document type does not allow element "BODY" here.
Line 71 HTML Validation

<!-- Google Tag Manager -->
<noscript><iframe title='googletagmanager' src="//www.googletagmanager.com/ns.html?id=GTM-FQFC"
height="0" width="0" style="display:none;visibility:hidden"></iframe></noscript>
Priority 1
Required attribute "TYPE" not specified.
Line 95 HTML Validation

t>setTimeout(function() {(function(w,d,s,l,i){w[l]=w[l]||[];w[l].push(
{'gtm.start': new Date().getTime(),event:'gtm.js'}
);var f=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0],
<!-- End Google Tag Manager -->
<div id='wrapper'>
<!-- mobile -->
<div class='container'>
<div class='limiter'>
<div class='alert alert-error'>
The page could not be loaded. The Healthcare.gov website currently does not fully support browsers with 'JavaScript' disabled. Please note that if you choose to continue without enabling 'JavaScript' certain functionality on this website may not be available.
<!--googleon: all-->
<!-- desktop -->
<!--googleoff: all-->
<a href='#content-start' id='skip-nav' class='accessibility'>Skip Navigation</a>
<img alt='Healthcare.gov' class='print-only logo' src='/images/logo.png' alt
Priority 1
Duplicate specification of attribute "ALT".
Line 122 HTML Validation

<!--googleon: all-->
<div class='container-whole'>
<!--googleoff: all-->
<div id='header' role
Priority 2
There is no attribute "ROLE".
Line 129 HTML Validation

This happens when the version of HTML used on this page doesn't support an attribute with this name. This can happen if the attribute is misspelled, is uppercase or mixed case in XHTML, or isn't supported by some HTML versions. For example, HTML 4 DOCTYPEs don't allow HTML 5 attributes and Strict DOCTYPEs don't allow stylistic attributes which were present in earlier versions of HTML.

<div class='container'>
<div class='visible-phone mobile-main-top' id='mobile-nav'>
<div class='mobile-nav-left'>
<a href='/' title='Healthcare.gov' class='icon mobile-logo ' href
Priority 1
Duplicate specification of attribute "HREF".
Line 135 HTML Validation

<!-- <div class='mobile-nav-right'>
<a class='pull-right lang es mobile-right-top' data-lang='es' href='/es/apology/404.html'>En Español</a>
<div class='limiter hidden-phone desktop-nav' id='desktop-nav'>
<div class='row-fluid'>
<div class='span4'>
<a href='/'><img class='logo' src='/images/logo.png' alt='Healthcare.gov' /></a>
<div class='span7 middle'>&nbsp;
<div class='span1'>
<!-- <a class='btn-mini btn-lang nodisplay' data-lang='es' href='/es/apology/404.html'>Español</a> -->
<div id='learn-nav' class='subnav hidden-phone' role='navigation'>
<div class='container'>
<div class='limiter'>
<div class='row-fluid'>
<!--googleon: all-->
<a id="content-start" href="#">Beginning of content</a>
<div id='content'>
<div class='container'>
<div class='basic-container fourofour'>
<div class='center'>

Priority 2
Headings should not be empty.
Line 180 WCAG2 AA G130

Add text to the heading, or ALT text if the heading contains an image. Screen readers read out page headings, allowing users to quickly skip to a section, but some older screen readers do not ignore empty headings.

<h1 class='header2'></h1>
<h2>The system is down at the moment.
<p>We are experiencing technical difficulties and hope to have them resolved soon. Please try again later.</p>
<p>In a hurry? You might be able to apply faster at our Marketplace call center. Call 1-800-318-2596 to talk with one of our trained representatives about applying over the phone.</p>
<hr class='dark pad'>
<!--googleoff: all-->
<div id='footer' role='complementary'>
<h2 class='accessibility'>Footer</h2>
<div class='container'>
<div class='limiter hidden-phone'>
<div class='footer-bottom row-fluid' role='navigation'>
<div class='span5 pull-left links'>
<a href='/sitemap'>Sitemap</a>
<a href='/glossary'>Glossary</a>
<a href='/contact-us'>Contact Us</a>
<a href='/archive'>Archive</a>
<div class='span7 text-right links'>
<a href='/accessibility'>Accessibility</a>
<a href='/privacy'>Privacy Policy</a>
<a href='/links-to-other-sites'>Links to Other Sites</a>
<a target='_blank' href='http://www.hhs.gov/open/recordsandreports/plainwritingact/index.html'>Plain Writing</a>
<a target='_blank' href='http://www.cms.gov/About-CMS/Agency-Information/Aboutwebsite/Help.html'>Viewers & Players</a>
<hr class='dark remove'>
<div class='span4 bottom-text pull-left'>
<a title='HHS.gov' class='span4 icon eagle' href='http://www.hhs.gov/' target="_blank">HHS.gov</a>
A federal government website managed by the U.S. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. 7500 Security Boulevard, Baltimore, MD 21244
<div class='footer-icons pull-right'>
<a title='Whitehouse.gov' class='icon whitehouse pull-left' href='http://www.whitehouse.gov/' target="_blank">Whitehouse.gov</a>
<a title='USA.gov' class='icon usagov pull-right' href='http://www.usa.gov/' target="_blank">USA.gov</a>
<div class='limiter visible-phone'>
<div class='footer-bottom row-fluid' role='navigation'>
<div class='span5 pull-left links'>
<a href='/sitemap'>Sitemap</a>
<a href='/glossary'>Glossary</a>
<a href='/contact-us'>Contact Us</a>
<a href='/archive'>Archive</a>
<div class='span7 text-right links'>
<a href='/accessibility'>Accessibility</a>
<a href='/privacy'>Privacy Policy</a>
<a href='/links-to-other-sites'>Links to Other Sites</a>
<a target='_blank' href='http://www.hhs.gov/open/recordsandreports/plainwritingact/index.html'>Plain Writing</a>
<a target='_blank' href='http://www.cms.gov/About-CMS/Agency-Information/Aboutwebsite/Help.html'>Viewers & Players</a>
<hr class='dark remove'>
<div class='span4 bottom-text pull-left'>
<a class='span4 icon eagle' href='http://www.hhs.gov/' target="_blank">HHS.gov</a>
A federal government website managed by the U.S. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. 7500 Security Boulevard, Baltimore, MD 21244
<div class='footer-icons pull-right'>
<a class='icon whitehouse' target='_blank' href='http://www.whitehouse.gov/' target
Priority 1
Duplicate specification of attribute "TARGET".
Line 260 HTML Validation

<a class='icon usagov pull-right' target='_blank' href='http://www.usa.gov/' target
Priority 1
Duplicate specification of attribute "TARGET".
Line 261 HTML Validation

<!--googleon: all-->
<script type='text/javascript'>
$('#footer .visible-phone .sections ul').each(function(i,d) {
$(d).wrap("<div id='collapse"+i+"' class='accordion-body collapse'><div class='accordion-inner'></di
Priority 1
End tag for "SCRIPT" omitted, but its declaration does not permit this.
Line 271 HTML Validation

Priority 3
This page has malformed tags which IE8 and later treat differently from earlier versions of IE.

Fix the errors listed on the Standards tab of this report. Markup errors like missing end tags means IE8 and IE9 may display different content from IE6 and IE7.

Priority 3
Google recommends using well-formed HTML code in your webpages. This page has mismatched tags.
Line 271 Google

Fix the critical errors listed on the Standards tab of this report. Markup errors like missing end tags or unclosed comments mean search engine web crawlers may skip important content.

//None Mobile
$('#footer .hidden-phone .sections h3').each(function(i,d) {
if (i === 5) return;
var section = document.createElement('div'),
list = $(d).next();
if (i < 3) {
section.setAttribute('class', 'span4 feed');
$('a',list).addClass('row-fluid clearfix');//$('a',list).addClass('row-fluid,equal-height');
if (i !== 0) {
$('a',list).each(function(j,item) {
if (i === 1) {
} else {
$(item).wrapInner('<div class="span10"></div>');
if ($('img',item).length) {
var iconType = $('img',item).attr('alt'),
icon = document.createElement('span'),
left = document.createElement('div');
left.setAttribute('class', 'span2');
icon.setAttribute('class', 'icon icon-large icon-inline ' + iconType);
} else {
if (i !== 1) {
$(item).prepend('<div class="span2"></div>');
} else if (i === 4) {
section.setAttribute('class', 'span4 quicklinks languages');
} else {
section.setAttribute('class', 'span4 quicklinks');
section.setAttribute('role', 'complementary');
$('#footer .hidden-phone .sections').append(section);
$('#footer .visible-phone .sections h3').each(function(i,d) {
if (i === 5) return;
var section = document.createElement('div'),
list = $(d).next();
$(d).wrapInner("<div class='accordion' id='accordion2'><div class='accordion-group'><div class='accordion-heading'><a class='accordion-toggle' data-toggle
Priority 2
There is no attribute "DATA-TOGGLE".
Line 330 HTML Validation

This happens when the version of HTML used on this page doesn't support an attribute with this name. This can happen if the attribute is misspelled, is uppercase or mixed case in XHTML, or isn't supported by some HTML versions. For example, HTML 4 DOCTYPEs don't allow HTML 5 attributes and Strict DOCTYPEs don't allow stylistic attributes which were present in earlier versions of HTML.

='collapse' data-parent
Priority 2
There is no attribute "DATA-PARENT".
Line 330 HTML Validation

This happens when the version of HTML used on this page doesn't support an attribute with this name. This can happen if the attribute is misspelled, is uppercase or mixed case in XHTML, or isn't supported by some HTML versions. For example, HTML 4 DOCTYPEs don't allow HTML 5 attributes and Strict DOCTYPEs don't allow stylistic attributes which were present in earlier versions of HTML.

='#accordion2' href='#collapse"+i+"'><div class='pull-right
Priority 1
Document type does not allow element "DIV" here; missing one of "APPLET", "OBJECT", "MAP", "IFRAME", "BUTTON" start-tag.
Line 330 HTML Validation

'><i class='icon-chevron-down'></
Priority 1
End tag for "DIV" omitted, but its declaration does not permit this.
Line 330 HTML Validation

Priority 1
End tag for "I" omitted, but its declaration does not permit this.
Line 330 HTML Validation

Priority 3
This page has malformed tags which IE8 and later treat differently from earlier versions of IE.

Fix the errors listed on the Standards tab of this report. Markup errors like missing end tags means IE8 and IE9 may display different content from IE6 and IE7.

Priority 3
Google recommends using well-formed HTML code in your webpages. This page has mismatched tags.
Line 330 Google

Fix the critical errors listed on the Standards tab of this report. Markup errors like missing end tags or unclosed comments mean search engine web crawlers may skip important content.

if (i < 3) {
section.setAttribute('class', 'span4 feed');
section.setAttribute('role', 'complementary');
if (i !== 0) {
$('a',list).each(function(j,item) {
$(item).wrapInner('<div class="span10"></div>');
if ($('img',item).length) {
var iconType = $('img',item).attr('alt'),
icon = document.createElement('span'),
left = document.createElement('div');
left.setAttribute('class', 'span2');
icon.setAttribute('class', 'icon icon-large icon-inline ' + iconType);
} else {
$(item).prepend('<div class="span2"></div>');
} else {
section.setAttribute('class', 'span4 feed');
section.setAttribute('role', 'complementary');
$('#footer .visible-phone .sections').append(section);
var signup = $('.visible-phone .span4.sign-up');
$('#footer .visible-phone .span4.feed:last-child').after(signup);
var signupOne = $('.hidden-phone .span4.sign-up');
$('#footer .hidden-phone .quicklinks:last-child').after(signupOne);
var topContent = $('#footer .visible-phone .sections .span4:nth-child(2)');
$('#footer .visible-phone .sections .span4:first').before(topContent);
$('#footer .visible-phone .sections .span4:nth-child(41)').remove();
function showRemaining() {
var _second = 1000,
_minute = _second * 60,
_hour = _minute * 60,
_day = _hour * 24;
var end = new Date('3/31/2014 12:00 AM'),
now = new Date(),
distance = end - now;
if (distance < 0) {
} else {
var days = Math.ceil(distance / _day);
$('#footer .hidden-phone .feed.span4:nth-child(2) ul').append(content);
$('#footer .hidden-phone .feed.span4:nth-child(2) ul li:gt(2)').remove();
$('#footer .visible-phone .sections .span4:nth-child(1) ul').append(content);
$('#footer .visible-phone .sections .span4:nth-child(1) ul li:gt(2)').remove();
$(window).on('resize',function() {
$('.hidden-phone .equal-height .span4').attr('style','height:');//Resets equal-height
$('.hidden-phone .equal-height').equalHeights();
$('#footer .hidden-phone .feed:last ul').append("<li class='social-icon
Priority 1
Document type does not allow element "LI" here; missing one of "UL", "OL", "DIR", "MENU" start-tag.
Line 409 HTML Validation

'><a class='icon icon-large twitter' href='https://twitter.com/HealthCareGov'>Twitter</a><a class='icon icon-large facebook' href='https://www.facebook.com/Healthcare.gov'>Facebook</a><a class='icon icon-large youtube' href='http://www.youtube.com/HealthCareGov'>Youtube</a></li>");
$('#footer .visible-phone .feed #collapse2 ul').append("<li class='social-icon
Priority 1
Document type does not allow element "LI" here; missing one of "UL", "OL", "DIR", "MENU" start-tag.
Line 410 HTML Validation

'><span class='icon icon-large twitter'><a href='https://twitter.com/HealthCareGov'>Twitter</a></span><span class='icon icon-large facebook'><a href='https://www.facebook.com/Healthcare.gov'>Facebook</a></span><span class='icon icon-large youtube'><a href='http://www.youtube.com/HealthCareGov'>Youtube</a></span></li>");
$('#footer .hidden-phone .sections .feed:nth-child(2) .span2').remove();
$('#footer .hidden-phone .sections .feed:nth-child(2) .span10').css({ width: '100%', margin: '0' });
Priority 1
End tag for element "SCRIPT" which is not open.
Line 417 HTML Validation

Priority 3
This page has malformed tags which IE8 and later treat differently from earlier versions of IE.

Fix the errors listed on the Standards tab of this report. Markup errors like missing end tags means IE8 and IE9 may display different content from IE6 and IE7.

Priority 3
Google recommends using well-formed HTML code in your webpages. This page has mismatched tags.
Line 417 Google

Fix the critical errors listed on the Standards tab of this report. Markup errors like missing end tags or unclosed comments mean search engine web crawlers may skip important content.

Priority 1
Required attribute "TYPE" not specified.
Line 421 HTML Validation

Priority 1
Document type does not allow element "STYLE" here.
Line 421 HTML Validation

#webchat {
padding:0 25px;
-webkit-border-top-left-radius: 10px;
-webkit-border-top-right-radius: 10px;
-moz-border-radius-topleft: 10px;
-moz-border-radius-topright: 10px;
border-top-left-radius: 10px;
border-top-right-radius: 10px;
#webchat:focus {
#webchat.es {
#webchat h1 {
#webchat .icon {
.icon.chat-window {
background-position:-15px -102px;
<!--googleoff: all-->
<a id='webchat' href='#' class='hidden-phone ' role='complementary'>
<h2 class='header4'>Live Chat</h2>
<span class='icon icon-large chat-window' href='#' role='link'>Open chat in new window</span>
<!--googleon: all-->
Priority 1
Required attribute "TYPE" not specified.
Line 469 HTML Validation

var chatWindow = null;
var windowFeatures = "width=465,height=452,menubar=0,location=0,resizable=0,scrollbars=0,status=0";
function windowToggle(){
if (!chatWindow) {
} else {
function startChat(el){
chatWindow = window.open('/chat','WebChat',windowFeatures);
if (!isMobileDevice.any()){windowToggle()}
Priority 1
End tag for element "DIV" which is not open.
Line 497 HTML Validation

Priority 3
This page has malformed tags which IE8 and later treat differently from earlier versions of IE.

Fix the errors listed on the Standards tab of this report. Markup errors like missing end tags means IE8 and IE9 may display different content from IE6 and IE7.

Priority 3
Google recommends using well-formed HTML code in your webpages. This page has mismatched tags.
Line 497 Google

Fix the critical errors listed on the Standards tab of this report. Markup errors like missing end tags or unclosed comments mean search engine web crawlers may skip important content.

v><!-- wrapper -->
<script type='text/javascript'>
$(function() {
var langCode;
// Add lang button if it exist
if ('en' == 'es') {
langCode = 'es_MX';
var url = window.location.href.replace('cuidadodesalud.gov','healthcare.gov').replace('/es/','/');
$('.span1 a.btn-mini.btn-lang, #header .lang').removeClass('nodisplay').attr('href', url);
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$('.span1 a.btn-mini.btn-lang, #header .lang').removeClass('nodisplay').attr('href', url);
// $.cookie('language', {lang:langCode}, { expires: 90, path: '/' });
/* Needs to support x-domain requests */
$(function() {
//Fallback for IE
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// Add lang button if it exist
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var url = window.location.href.replace('cuidadodesalud.gov','healthcare.gov').replace('/es/','/');
url: url,
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success: function(){
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var url = window.location.href.replace('','/es');
} else {
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url: url,
type: 'HEAD',
success: function(){
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error: function(){}
// Set language cookie whenever user manually switches
$('.btn-mini.btn-lang').click(function(e) {
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$.cookie('language', {lang:newLang}, { expires: 90, path: '/' });
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$('#learn-nav .dropdown').removeClass('hover open');
// for help menu dropdown
$('#wrapper a, #wrapper button, #wrapper input').focus(function(e) {
if (!$(this).closest('.dropdown').length) {
$('.nav.help-menu .dropdown').removeClass('hover open');
} else if ($(this).is($('#content-start a'))) {
$('.nav.help-menu .dropdown').removeClass('hover open');
if(isMobileDevice.any()) {
$('#learn-nav .dropdown-menu').css('display','none');